
8/10/2019 1202 Web Intelligence in Mobile BI the Wahoo Effect How to Best Design Web Intelligence Reports for the Mobile BI App 1/32

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Mobile BI layout & categories


Card Layout > [Mobile]

Page Layout > [MobileDesigned]

Different behavior

Card specific behavior

Page specific behavior

Tips & Tricks

Online vs Offline capabilities

Future plan

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Mobile BI layout & categories

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Mobile BI layout & categories


Three different types of categories

A category = a logical classification of BI documents

(Category names are configured in the “” file on the Mobile BI webapp)

1. Category to allows mobile consumption: the BI document can be displayed and


By default, this category is named "Mobile".

2. Category that ensures fine control of the report layout on the device screen:

By default, this category is named "MobileDesigned".

3. Category to “secure” the document: documents cannot be downloaded and saved

on the device, and can only be accessed online (connected to the server):By default, this category is named "Confidential".

Note: a BI document can be assigned to multiple categories at the same


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Mobile BI layout & categories

Card layout > [Mobile]

To display the BI documents based on the "Card layout" model :

Assign the document to the [Mobile] category only

[Mobile] category can be (select one of them) :




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Mobile BI layout & categories

Card layout > [Mobile]

Specificities regarding the Card layout :

When the report parts of a Web Intelligence Report can not be accommodated

completely on a single screen of the device, they are rendered in successive screens.

Maximum four report parts / a single device screen.

If more : they are moved to the next/successive screen.

It is not possible to make accurate predictions for all possible layouts, if the number of

report parts is more than four.

Advantage of Card layout is that any Web Intelligence document can be viewed in the

application without having to re-design its reports

If a Web Intelligence report has more than two report parts on a single horizontal line,

the report parts after the first two report parts are moved to the next line on the

device screen.

If a Web Intelligence report has more than two report parts on a single (vertical) line,

the report parts after the first two report parts are moved to the next screen of the


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Mobile BI layout & categories

Page layout > [MobileDesigned]

To display the BI documents based on the “Page layout" model :

Assign the document to the [Mobile] and [MobileDesigned] categories

[Mobile] category can be (select one of them) :



[MobileDesigned] category is always corporate



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Mobile BI layout & categories

Page layout > [MobileDesigned]

Specificities regarding the Page layout :

All report parts (charts, tables, blank cells) on one page of a WebI = a single device

screen. Automatic scaling of the report part for an optimal fit on the device screen.

Report parts in subsequent pages are displayed in the next device screens (dots)

If a report part spans multiple pages in the WebI document, the part belongs to the

page where it originates.

If a TABLE height/width on a single page does not fit the device screen:

SCROLLING is activated (vertically/horizontally). The records of the table are not


Mobile BI 4.4 app supports reports designed in portrait/landscape format in the page

mode of Web Intelligence.

“Page layout” model is not supported on iPhones: if assigned to [MobileDesigned]

category, on an iPhone, the Card layout prevails.

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Different behavior

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Different behavior

Card layout

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Different behavior

Card layout

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Different behavior

Page layout

Multi Page Web Intelligence report (scenario 1)

Only the origin (i.e: x) of the report parts is important

to determine the layout onto the device screen !

x  x 

x  x 

x x 

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Different behavior

Page layout

Multi Page Web Intelligence report (scenario 2)

x x 

x x 

x x 

x x 

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Different behavior

Page layout

Column based rendering

This layout has 5


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Different behavior

Page layout

Preferred height for the table: Tables can be stretched horizontally only!

This layout has 3


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Different behavior

Page layout

Shifting and stretching of report parts with charts : Charts can be stretched

horizontally & vertically.

This layout has 3


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Different behavior

Page layout

Web Intelligence reports with all report parts inside the section

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Different behavior

Page layout

Web Intelligence report with all report parts inside sections and sub-sections

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Different behavior

Page layout

Web Intelligence report with section, sub section and non-section report


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Tips & Tricks

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Tips & tricks

Recommendations to better build WebI vs Mobile BI layout

Use the WebI Rich Internet Application or WebI Rich Client, it allows you

to use:

The « Grid »

The « Snap to Grid »

Use Relative Position to freeze the layout Relative position of a report part based on

« left/right edge » & « bottom edge »

previous report part

Set the layout to A4 portrait or landscape

Use the PAGE Mode to design your layout:

it allows you a to create a WebI layout which will better correspond to theMobile BI layout

Fix equally the size of your report parts (height and width)

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Online vs Offline capabilities

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Online vs Offline capabilities

SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence: partial offline support

= Available


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Future Plan

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Future plan

(i.e.: subject to change without notice)

Web Intelligence preview mode in post BI4.1:

Preview Mode in the WebI clients ?

Matrix assignment of the report parts in the WebI Design Mode ?


[2x3] = [2x3]

Additionnal off-line capabilities in the Mobile BI app :

What would be your use-cases?

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Mobile BI4.4 Administrator guide :


Layout - How To for Web Intelligence :


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