Page 1: 1.2. Handout Arana Amezaga Azpillaga

Commenting a readingMass media in Basque Language

E. Arana, J. Amezaga, P. Azpillaga (2009)

1.2. handout

We will work on the reading Mass media in Basque Language of E. Arana, J. Amezaga, P. Azpillaga (2009) . In peers :

Read the sections 2.3., 2.4. and 3.2. of Arana eta al’s work and summarize in few lines the place the Basque language has in the media of the Basque Country.The Basque language has an importan place in the media of the Basque Country as it is the main language in the Basque Country. The influence that the media has had in the Basque Country it has been quite a big influence. For example with the television, it has been a big change because first there was only a channel in Basque ETB1 in which you could only see some kind of programms, and later it become bigger because the added two new channels. It also happens the same with the radio, because it has got a los of different radio channels in the Basque Country. There are a few which can be said that are the main radio channels, but the are a lot of different channels that can be separated in people´s interests or depending of the are you are in.

Relate Arana, J. Amezaga, P. Azpillaga’s data about Basque media with the data about Basque Community published in the V. Sociolinguistic Survey of the Basque Government (2012). Write 2/3 conclusions from that comparison.According to studies of the population aged sixteen or over of the Basque Country, 58,4% of Basques don´t speak the Basque, the territory where most spoken is in Iparralde and and according to the 2011 data the number and percentage of young bilinguals has risen there, on the other hand the percentage of non-Basque speakers has declined in the BAC and Navarre.

Page 2: 1.2. Handout Arana Amezaga Azpillaga
