Page 1: 11 – 13 October, 2007 Basel, Switzerland...Come to Basel in 2007 to make yourself heard for Europe. WELCOME TO ECToH 07! From left to right: Volker Beck German Cancer Society Cora

11 – 13 October, 2007Basel, Switzerland

Preliminary Program




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Page 2: 11 – 13 October, 2007 Basel, Switzerland...Come to Basel in 2007 to make yourself heard for Europe. WELCOME TO ECToH 07! From left to right: Volker Beck German Cancer Society Cora

Tobacco is the cause of some five million deaths worldwide every year, with some six-hundred and fifty thousand deaths

in Europe alone. Tobacco use will be the cause of death of about ten per cent of all the people alive today. These harsh figures are the cornerstones of a global tragedy whose true dimensions cannot be imagined.

Tobacco consumption is the greatest single health risk of our time. It is the cause of thousands of premature deaths. It can and must be reduced. Because the global tobacco epidemic presents both challenges and opportunities, many countries – including several in Europe – have been taking steps to tighten tobacco control.

The 2007 conference in Basel will present an overview of what has been achieved and what still needs to be done, an overview of successes and failures en route to a tobacco-free Europe. Where do we stand? What do we want to achieve? What does the situation with tobacco control in Europe look like at this point in time? Progressive and effective tobacco control requires high-level implementation in all European countries. This is particularly true in view of the expansion of the European Union and increasing economic and social cohesion among its member states.

Among the focal points of the conference will be the presentation of new results on Health and Tobacco, Passive Smoking and Health, the state of implementation of the WHO Framework Convention (FCTC), and the relevance of products with reduced toxic effects. National programmes on Tobacco Prevention will be presented. Other issues will be Smoking

and Youth, Smoking and Sports, as well as the tobacco industry’s strategies and impact on society. The goal is to transform knowledge into action and promote discourse between the worlds of science, public health, politics and the general public.

Stemming the global tobacco epidemic is a primordial political and social challenge. This conference will send out a resounding call to politicians: Europe must become tobacco-free!

Together we will shoulder this responsibility. We therefore call on decision-makers of all European countries to push for Tobacco Control at home and throughout Europe. You are cordially invited to join us in your commitment to reach this goal. Come to Basel in 2007 to make yourself heard for Europe.


From left to right:

Volker BeckGerman Cancer Society

Cora Honing ECL Chairman

Thomas CernySwiss Cancer League

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Basel is the venue of the 4th European Conference Tobacco or Health. It is a pleasure and an honour for Switzerland to organise this important event for the first time and to welcome you – tobacco prevention and control experts from over 40 European countries – on the bend of the river Rhine on the borders with France and Germany.

From the 11th to the13th of October, 2007, you will have the opportunity to share knowledge and experience from research and practice, establish and renew personal contacts and, hopefully, to be able to enjoy the beautiful region around Basel.

The fight against health damages caused by the use of tobacco is high on the list of priorities in most European countries. In Switzerland, the political process to design stricter measures has been stimulated by the signature of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

The authorities’ and the population’s acceptance to create new legal measures has increased tremendously. The ECToH 07 is therefore a timely and opportune occasion to share your knowledge and experience in the efforts to decrease the impact on public health caused by tobacco.

Pascal CouchepinSwiss Federal Councillor, Minister of Health


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Editors: Swiss Cancer League – Abhinay Agarwal & Murielle Mérinat. Contact Info: Effingerstr. 40, P.O. Box 8219, CH-3001 Bern.Design: Oliver Weiss Design ( Photo Credits: Basel Tourismus (1(2), 20(5), 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 36(3)), Congress Center Basel (1, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 36(2)), istockphoto (1 Triponez, Sumners, 18 Cudic, 19 Borkowski, 20 Cervo, Hutchinson, 27 Coburn, 28 Saad, 29 Booth, 30 Valdez), Photocase (7 Pie:foto). Disclaimer: No warranty can be given that the information contained in this brochure is correct. The logos contained herein are licensed by the respective copyright holders. All rights reserved.


07:00 – 09:30 REGISTRATION

09:30 – 12:30 OPENING SESSION

10:45 – 11:15 COFFEE BREAK

12:30 – 13:30 LUNCH BREAK

13:30 – 17:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 1

15:00 – 15:30 BREAK

15:30 – 17:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 2



09:00 – 10:30 PLENARY SESSION 1

10:30 – 11:00 BREAK

11:00 – 12:30 PLENARY SESSION 2

12:30 – 13:30 LUNCH BREAK

13:30 – 15:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 3

15:00 – 15:30 BREAK

15:30 – 17:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 4



09:00 – 10:30 PLENARY SESSION 3

10:30 – 11:00 BREAK

11:00 – 12:30 PLENARY SESSION 4

12:30 – 13:00 SHORT LUNCH BREAK


Welcome Address 2Welcome to the ECToH 07

Conference Program Details 5At a Glance . Committees . Plenary Session Program

Call for Abstracts 14Submission Information

General Information 16About the Conference . Venue & Map

Registration 18Address . Fees . Cancellation Policies

Host City 20Basel Facts . Leisure . Transport . Visa . Gastronomy . Emergencies . Money Matters . Shopping . Things to know

Hotels / Accommodation 27Where to Stay . Recommended Hotels


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Deborah Arnott (Action on Smoking and Health, UK) Norma Cronin (Irish Cancer Society, Ireland) Gérard Dubois (Alliance pour la Santé, France) Anna Fernandez (Spanish Association Against Cancer, Spain) Fiona Godfrey (European Respiratory Society, Belgium) Margaretha Haglund (Swedish National Institute of Public Health, Sweden) Albert Hirsch (Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer, France) Cora Honing (ECL Vice President, Netherlands) Sinead Jones (UICC, Switzerland) Jean King (Cancer Research UK) Susanne Logstrup (European Heart Network) John McCormack (Irish Cancer Society) Yumiko Mochizuki (World Health Organisation, Switzerland) Manfred Neuberger (Institut für Umwelthygiene, Austria) Hans Storm (Danish Cancer Society, Denmark) Stelios Sycallides (Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society, Cyprus) Elisabeth M. Tamang (Centro di riferimento per Prevenzione, Italy) Tanja Tomson (Stockholm Centre for Public Health, Sweden) Archie Turnbull (European Respiratory Society, Switzerland) Harri Vertio (Cancer Society of Finland, Finland) Stefan Wigger (Dutch Cancer Society, Netherlands) Witold Zatonski (Polish Cancer Society, Poland)


Thomas Cerny (Krebsliga Schweiz) Bruno Meili (Krebsliga Schweiz) Brigitte Baschung (Krebsliga Schweiz) Abhinay Agarwal (Krebsliga Schweiz) Verena El Fehri (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tabakprävention) Volker Beck (Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft) Reto Wiesli (Fachstelle Gesundheitspolitik) Luk Joossens (European Cancer Leagues) Urs Brütsch (Krebsliga beider Basel) Jacques Cornuz (CHUV)


to be announced


Franco Cavalli (UICC) Michel Graf (SFA) Reto Guetg (Santésuisse) Felix Gutzwiller (Nationalrat / ISPM Zürich) Jürg Hurter (Pro Aere)Therese Junker (Schweizerische Herzstiftung) Markus Kaufmann (Public Health) Reto Obrist (Oncosuisse) Christoph Ramseier (SSO) Jörg Spieldenner (BAG) Barbara Weil (FMH)

Walter Ackermann (Krebsgesellschaft Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.) Anil Batra (Deutsche Krebshilfe) Elisabeth Bertram (Netzwerkbüro Berlin) Peter Drings Sibylle Fleitmann Raphael Gassmann (Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.V.) Reiner Hanewinkel (IFT-Nord) Peter Lindinger (St. Peter) Martina Poetschke-Langer (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum) Gerhard Siemon (Deutsche Lungenstiftung e.V.) Friedrich Wiebel (Ärztlicher Arbeitskreis Rauchen und Gesundheit) Birgit Wohland-Braun (Krebsverband Baden Württemberg) Jürgen Wuthe (Ministerium für Arbeit und Soziales)

Plenary Session

A main session with presentations by invited speakers on a theme which has been defi ned as one of the main conference topics.

Parallel Session

A parallel session consists of oral presentations of the issue or topic by submitters of abstracts The aim is to build a body of evidence on a topic by drawing on the research or experience of the accepted presentators (from the Call for Abstracts) and invited speakers.

Poster Session

In addition to oral presentations, abstract submitters have the opportunity to present their submissions as posters.

These sessions feature poster presentations of abstracts, facilitating one-on-one interaction between the presenter and the audience.

Authors will be expected to be with their posters during the scheduled time to answer questions.


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Page 5: 11 – 13 October, 2007 Basel, Switzerland...Come to Basel in 2007 to make yourself heard for Europe. WELCOME TO ECToH 07! From left to right: Volker Beck German Cancer Society Cora Moving Forward – Committed to Results


07:00 – 09:30 REGISTRATION

The registration desk opens at 7.00 a.m. Please take along your confi rmation letter, on which you can fi nd the sticker badge with your imprinted personalized barcode. The barcode will need to be scanned at one of our registration desks.

09:30 – 10:45 OPENING SESSION (PART 1)

Join the Opening Session to start the conference off with the inspiring speeches of your hosts and experts in the fi eld of tobacco control.

Welcome Address • Cora Honing, President of ECL, Netherlands• Thomas Cerny, President of the Swiss Cancer League• Thomas Zeltner, Director of the Federal Offi ce of Public Health, Switzerland• Markos Kyprianou (invited), EU Health Minister, Cyprus

10:45 – 11:15 COFFEE BREAK

11:15 – 12:30 OPENING SESSION (PART 2)

The tobacco control scale. The measurement of tobacco control policies in 30 European countries in 2007. The latest survey exclusively published at the ECToH 07 presented by Luk Joossens, European tobacco control expert, Leuven, Belgium, in collaboration with ENSP

Passive Smoking. Health Ministers Round Table.

Chair: Witold Zatonski, Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention Warsaw, Poland

Given the fast pace of developments today, European countries that do not provide protection for their citizens against passive smoking in public places will soon form the exception. The tenacious battle has paid off. Since the publication of the fi rst studies that showed the correlation between passive smoking and its damage to health, decades had passed before Ireland became the fi rst European state to declare all workplaces smoke free. What were the key factors that caused governments to take action? Why did it take so long for the fi rst governments to enact a law that provided all-round protection from passive smoking in public areas? What lessons can be learnt from previous experiences? How can the process be accelerated in the countries that are lagging behind? During the Round Table, Health Ministers will look back on the successful policies of their own countries and discuss these and further questions.

12:30 – 13:30 LUNCH BREAK

13:30 – 17:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 1

The content of parallel sessions will be based on the Abstract Submission Categories and the Submitted Abstracts. Please refer to page 14 to get more information regarding the Call for Abstracts.

15:00 – 15:30 BREAK


09:00 – 10:30 PLENARY SESSION 1


Organiser: Luk Joossens, European tobacco control expert, Leuven, Belgium

Chair: Yumiko Mochizuki, Director of the Tobacco Free Initiative, Geneva, Switzerland

Speakers:• Head of Secretariat WHO-FCTC• Laurent Huber, Director of the Framework

Convention Alliance, Washington D.C., USA• Gerard Hastings, Director of the Institute for

Social Marketing, Stirling, United Kingdom• Austin Rowan (invited), Directorate of

Operations and Investigations, European Anti-Fraud Offi ce (OLAF), Brussels, Belgium

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is a legally binding treaty which was negotiated by the 192 member states of the World Health Organization (WHO). 140 countries had already ratifi ed the FCTC by October 2006, representing more than three quarters of the world’s population. During this session the most recent information on the FCTC will be revealed by the newly appointed head of the secretariat of the FCTC, the Framework Convention Alliance, and highly respected experts involved in the elaboration of a template of protocols on cross border advertising and illicit tobacco trade.

Product Regulation / Harm Reduction

Organisers:• Fiona Godfrey, EU Policy Adviser, Brussels,

Belgium• Ann McNeill, Senior Research Fellow,

University College London, United Kingdom

Chair:• Ann Mc Neil, Honorary Senior Research

Fellow, University College London, United Kingdom

Debate:• Jonathan Foulds, Director of the Tobacco

Dependence Program, New Jersey, USA• Paul Nordgen (invited), Commissioner

Swedish National Institute of Public Health, Stockholm

15:30 – 17:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 2

The content of parallel sessions will be based on the Abstract Submission Categories and the Submitted Abstracts. Please refer to page 14 to get more information regarding the Call for Abstracts.


• Thomas Steffen, Director of the Health Promotion and Prevention Dept., Basel-Stadt, Switzerland• Monika Stolz (invited), Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Meet the conference attendees in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the cocktail party with a variety of drinks and live music right after the Welcome Reception. Snacks and beverages will be provided.



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Page 6: 11 – 13 October, 2007 Basel, Switzerland...Come to Basel in 2007 to make yourself heard for Europe. WELCOME TO ECToH 07! From left to right: Volker Beck German Cancer Society Cora Moving Forward – Committed to Results

10:30 – 11:00 BREAK

11:00 – 12:30 PLENARY SESSION 2

Smoking & Youth:The smoke free class competition?

Organiser:Reiner Hanewinkel, Head of the Institute for Therapy and Health Research, Kiel, Germany

Chair:Elisabeth Tamang, President of European Net-work on Smoking Prevention (ENSP), Venice, Italy

Speakers:• Gudrun Wiborg (invited), Head of the

Department of Prevention and Health Promotion, Kiel, Germany

• Erkki Vartiainen (invited), Director of the Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion, Helsinki, Finland

• Jean-François Etter, Project Director Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland

• Holger Schmid, Director of Research, Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and drug problems, Lausanne, Switzerland

The Smoke free Class Competition is a school-based smoking prevention campaign targeting pupils aged 11 to 14. The programme is co-funded by the European Community, and 19 EU member states currently run the programme in their countries. Although the competition has some fl exibility regarding the national rules so that details can be developed to suit the needs and circumstances of individual countries, the general rules are the same in each country: classes decide to be non-smoking for up to six months. Classes that refrain from smoking can win a number of attractive prizes, the main prize being a trip to another European country. The concept of the Smoke free Class Competition has also attracted other countries in Europe and worldwide, such as Switzerland and Canada. The objective of the session is to discuss the strengths and limitations of the competition, as well as possibilities for further improvements to the programme.

Future of Smoking Cessation

Organiser:Jacques Cornuz, Deputy Director PMU, Department of Medicine, CHUV Lausanne, Switzerland

Chair:Jacques Cornuz, Deputy Director PMU, Department of Medicine, CHUV Lausanne, Switzerland

Speakers: • Martin F. Bachmann, Executive Vice

President and Chief Scientifi c Offi cer Cytos Biotechnology AG, Schlieren, Switzerland

• Anil Batra, Deputy of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Tübingen, GermanyTopic: “Non-pharmalogical interventions for smoking”

• Nancy Rigotti, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Director of the MGH Tobacco Research and Treatment Center, Boston, USA

Clinical research has recently yielded substantial fi ndings relating to the treatment of tobacco dependence, such as combination-drug therapies and longer-term pharmacotherapy. New drugs have been approved for smoking cessation (e.g., varenicline). Furthermore, new molecules are under development for clinical application. This session is aimed at providing an overview of the current state-of-the-art smoking-cessation interventions. Both non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions will be discussed, as well as new innovative approaches, such as active immunization against nicotine by conjugate vaccines. This session will also provide an opportunity to discuss the challenges that are emerging, especially with respect to the methods used by professionals, both medical and non-medical, in the smoking-cessation fi eld.


09:00 – 10:30 PLENARY SESSION 3

Smoking in Movies: A worldwide public health problem

Organiser:Reiner Hanewinkel, Head of the Institute for Therapy and Health Research, Kiel, Germany

Chair:Ewa Florek (invited), University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland

Speakers:• James Sargent, Director of the Cancer

Prevention Research Program at Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, USA.Topic: “Movie Smoking and Adolescent Smoking: Making a Causal Argument”

• Anbumani Ramadoss (invited), Health Minister, India

• Reiner Hanewinkel, Head of the Institute for Therapy and Health Research, Kiel, GermanyTopic: “Exposure to smoking in popular contemporary movies and youth smoking in Germany”

Infl uence of Tobacco Industry

Organiser:Pascal Diethelm, President, OxyRomandie, Geneva, Switzerland

Chair: Pascal Diethelm, President, OxyRomandie, Geneva, Switzerland

Speakers:• Anna Gilmore, European Centre on Health

of Societies in Transition, London, United Kingdom.Topic: “World Leader or also-ran, paragon or pariah? The future of BAT”

• Guido Palazzo, Assistant Professor Haute Études Commerciales, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.Topic: “Looking behind the facade of tobacco industry’s corporate responsibility strategies”

• David Sweanor, Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, Canada.Topic: “Strategies of the Tobacco Industry in the year 2015”

• Tibor Szilágyi (invited), CEO Health 21 Hungarian Foundation, Érd, Hungary


12:30 – 13:30 LUNCH BREAK

13:30 – 15:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 3

The content of parallel sessions will be based on the Abstract Submission Categories and the Submitted Abstracts. Please refer to page 14 to get more information regarding the Call for Abstracts.

15:00 – 15:30 BREAK

15:30 – 17:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 4

The content of parallel sessions will be based on the Abstract Submission Categories and the Submitted Abstracts. Please refer to page 14 to get more information regarding the Call for Abstracts.



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Page 7: 11 – 13 October, 2007 Basel, Switzerland...Come to Basel in 2007 to make yourself heard for Europe. WELCOME TO ECToH 07! From left to right: Volker Beck German Cancer Society Cora Moving Forward – Committed to Results

Tobacco marketing is linked to youth smoking, and this serves as the basis for controls on tobacco marketing contained in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Article 13 of the FCTC recognizes that a comprehensive ban on tobacco marketing would reduce consumption.

However, a comprehensive ban on tobacco marketing would not limit movies and other entertainment venues from projecting glamorous images of smoking. Smoking contained in motion pictures is increasingly recognized as an important contributor to the smoking epidemic.

Longitudinal studies indicate that exposure to smoking in movies may explain as much as half of youth smoking in the United States. These movies are distributed internationally, and this raises the question of how much movies contribute to smoking in other countries.

In this plenary session, we will review the evidence that supports smoking in movies as a causal social infl uence, present new data from a survey of German adolescents, and discuss a novel policy initiative – a ban on smoking in Bollywood movies being deployed by the Indian Health Ministry.

This session aims at projecting into the future of the tobacco industry. When analysing the behaviour of the tobacco industry, we have a natural tendency to be past-looking. This is probably largely due to our intensive use of internal tobacco industry documents, which date back decades, and which constitute a formidable instrument of analysis, without counterparts in other fi elds of investigation. This session will attempt to break away from this inclination and will aim at analyzing the future of the tobacco industry. How can we extrapolate this future from what we learn from our investigations into the past and current conduct of the industry? Are there underlying trends in their past conduct that we may use to make predictions on how the tobacco industry is likely to adapt and evolve in the future? Are there ontological invariants in this industry which may limit the range of the changes it is capable of undergoing as long as it remains itself, i.e. a group of profi t-seeking enterprises? The social and political context in which the tobacco industry operates is evolving rapidly – the FCTC is now becoming a universally accepted instrument; some people already advocate going beyond the FCTC and regulating the tobacco industry to the point that it would be taken out of the free market economy. Given these developments, the authors, each from a different angle, will attempt to make predictions on the strategies the industry is likely to develop to counter this trend, delay the process or even try to turn it to its advantage.

10:30 – 11:00 BREAK

11:00 – 12:30 PLENARY SESSION 4

Smoke-free Sports

Organisers:• Verena El Fehri, Head of Arbeitsgemeinschaft

Tabakprävention, Bern, Switzerland• Reto Wiesli, Head of Fachstelle

Gesundheitspolitik, Bern, Switzerland

Ethics and health are key values in today’s world of sports. Tobacco is one of the touchstones. Sport has to focus on health. Smoking and sport are not compatible with one another, as tobacco consumption curbs one’s ability to perform well in sports.

Women & Tobacco

Organisers:• Martina Pötschke-Langer, Head of the WHO

Collaborating Centre on Tobacco Control at DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

• Margaretha Haglund, President/Head of the Tobacco Control, Swedish National Institute of Public Health, Stockholm, Sweden

Chair:Martina Pötschke-Langer, Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre on Tobacco Control at DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

Athletes that smoke are a bad example to young people and in a smoke-fi lled sport stadium, both the athletes and spectators suffer. Smoke-free sporting events, however, have still to become a matter of course. Despite the obvious repercussions, sporting events will continue to be used for the promotion of tobacco products.

Focusing on tobacco, in this session sports physicians, sports association offi cials and athletes will discuss the ethical and health-related challenges in sport.

Speakers: • Amanda Amos, Reader in Health Promotion

University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Topic: “Developing gender sensitive approaches- opportunities and challenges?”

• Sara Sanchez, Health Professionals Against Tobacco, Stockholm, Sweden

• Margaretha Haglund, National Institute of Public Health, Stockholm, Sweden

The session will provide an overview of the tobacco use prevalence trends among women, current activities being conducted in European countries to address tobacco use related to the status of women, and gender-baised policy in tobacco control.

In general, prevalence is decreasing among women in western Europe, yet increasing among those in Eastern Europe countries. In Western countries, the effects of high prevalence some years ago demonstrate an increase in tobacco-related disease onset and continued tobacco use by the poorest of the population. In light of this, countries and the European region have implemented initiatives to combat these problems. For example, INWAT-Europe formed to analyse and develop recommendations for countries to implement initiatives targeted by gender. Policy development at the European level has not always taken gender into account. Yet, there exist several steps to incorporate gender-based analysis into policy. Today, the FCTC acts as a tool for those countries that have ratifi ed it to develop gender provisions in every article.

Objectives: To provide the audience with:a) An overview of prevalence rates among women in Europeb) Examples of tobacco control initiatives which take into account gender and the status of womend) Incorporating gender-based analysis into tobacco control policy

12:30 – 13:00 SHORT LUNCH BREAK


to be announced



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The ECL 4th European Conference Tobacco or Health 2007 invites authors to submit abstracts for presentations in all areas related to tobacco prevention and control.

Submission Categories

The conference planners have organized content into several themes and their supporting sub-themes (see table on the right hand side). Abstracts will be accepted from these areas of interest.

Passive Smoking

Health effects

Economic effects


Interventions in settings

Tobacco industry and partners


Framework Convention

Monitoring of the implementation of the WHO-FCTC

Protocols on advertising and illegal tobacco trade

Guidelines on smoke free legislation and product regulation

Campaigning for the ratifi cation of the WHO-FCTC

Experiences with other treaties


Tobacco and Health – New fi ndings

Cardiovascular diseases


Respiratory diseases

Oral health


Smoking Cessation

Training programs

Cessation programmes (pre-treatment, relapse-treatment, medication, behavior-therapeutic approach, internet based programs, new media)

Programs for specifi c groups (women, youths, etc.)

Quit lines

Costs of cessation treatment


Youth Interventions at schools and leisure time institutions

Programmes and interventions for girls

Teenagers as a target group of the tobacco industry


Future of Tobacco Control in Europe

Tobacco control in the European Union

Tobacco control in South-East Europe

Tobacco control in the former Soviet-Union countries

Socio-Economical Aspects of Smoking

National Tobacco Control Action Plans

Health Promotion

Accepted Formats

The following presentation formats will be accepted:

• Oral presentations at one of the Parallel Sessions (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes discussion time)

• Poster presentation


Abstracts will be accepted until 28th February, 2007. Accepted presentators will be notifi ed in May of 2007.

Submission Guidelines

1. All submitters who are accepted must register and pay the conference registration fee.

2. No more than 2 abstracts will be accepted per primary author.

3. The maximum size of an abstract is limited to 2,200 characters (including spaces).

4. Abstracts must be submitted in English.

5. All abstracts must be submitted via the website established for the Call for Abstracts:

All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and evaluated by members of the Scientifi c Committee. The fi nal decision of acceptance will be made by the Scientifi c and Executive Committee.

By submitting your abstract you allow the conference organizers to publish your abstract in electronic and paper format, once your abstract has been accepted. Abstract submission is only possible via the conference website.

Please note that the organizers and editors reserve the right to reject any abstracts that do not meet the requirements of the conference. There is no right of your submitted abstract being accepted or published by the organizers. Those lacking Internet access should contact the Project Offi ce, phone +41 (0)31 389 91 63, for details on how to submit their abstract.

Further conditions are available online:


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Exhibition Program

You are welcome to participate at the exhibition during the ECToH 07. It will be located on the fi rst fl oor of the Congress Center, Basel, therefore easily accessible for all conference participants.

The exhibition hall is an ideal place for networking and refreshments. It is the ideal place to visit between conference sessions and / or during breaks.

For additional information on exhibiting at the ECToH 07 (fl oor plan, opening times, charges) please visit the conference website Information will be provided on the website by December 2006.

Ancillary meetings

If you are interested in holding a meeting of your organization or group during the conference, please visit to download the Ancillary Meeting request form (.pdf fi le).

We would be pleased to make a request at nearby hotels regarding your mentioned date and time. If space is available, groups will be responsible for any direct costs, such as meeting room rates, refreshments, audio-visual equipment etc. You will be contacted within a few days of your request regarding the availability of meeting space for your requested date and time.


Become a corporate or organizational sponsor and enhance the success of the conference.

Companies and groups are invited to help the conference achieve its goals by making a commitment to providing sponsorship of conference programs, events and activities.

For more information please contact the ECToH 07 Project Offi ce Tel: +41 (0)31 389 92 16, email: offi [email protected].

Media Relations

Please refer to the conference website for news and media informations.

For information regarding media relations and inquiries about accreditations please visit the conference website or contact us by email: [email protected].


Congress Center BaselMesseplatz 21CH-4021 BaselPhone : :+41 58 206 28 28Fax: +41 58 206 21 86Email : [email protected]:


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Application to participate in the 2007 European Conference on Tobacco or Health should be made online at

No registration will be processed without payment. If you are unable to register prior to 30.9.07, you will need to register and make full payment on-site, beginning Thursday, 11 October, 2007. Once payment is received, you will receive immediate confi rmation of your registration by email.

If you do not receive a confi rmation email, please contact:

Phone +41 61 836 98 76Fax: +41 61 836 98 77Email: [email protected]

Conference Participant Rates

Early birduntil 30.6.07

Regularuntil 31.08.07

Onsiteafter 31.08.07

Regular Congress Package CHF 480.– CHF 550.– CHF 650.–

Students Package* CHF 350.– CHF 400.– CHF 480.–

One Day Ticket CHF 240.– CHF 275.– CHF 325.–

*Special conditions applyIn order to receive the student fee you have to be under 30 years old and be enrolled in a pregraduate university program. While registering online, please send us a copy of your valid student ID by fax (+41 61 836 98 77) or by email ([email protected]). Confi rmation will be sent after receiving your fax / mail.

Accompanying Guests

1st day (11th October, 2007) CHF 100.– (includes acess to Opening Session, Coffee Breaks, lunch, Welcome Reception)

Registration for accompanying guests can be done exclusively by conference participants during their own registration process. Please note that accompanying guests are not entitled to visit the Parallel Sessions in the afternoon of October 11, 2007.

Cancellation Policy

In case of cancellation, the fees minus handling charges (25%) will be refunded, provided the cancellation is made in writing by October 1, 2007.

After this date no refund can be made for cancellations. For any name changes a fee of CHF 50.– will be charged.

The participant acknowledges that he / she has no right to lodge damage claims against the organisers should the holding of the congress be hindered or prevented by unexpected political or economic events or generally by force majeure, or should the non-appearance of speakers or other reasons necessitate programme changes. By registering, the attendee accepts this proviso.

Conference DinnerFriday evening, 12th October, 2007 Spend a pleasant evening together with other attendees. Since availability is restricted, please make sure to reserve your table as soon as possible. Accompanying guests are also very welcome. You will fi nd more information on the conference website.

For further information please contact:

Administrative Secretary Offi ceOrganizers Switzerland Ltd.c/o ECToH 07 ConferenceObere Egg 2CH-4312 Magden / BaselPhone +41 (0)61 836 98 76Fax +41 (0)61 836 98 77Email [email protected]


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Page 11: 11 – 13 October, 2007 Basel, Switzerland...Come to Basel in 2007 to make yourself heard for Europe. WELCOME TO ECToH 07! From left to right: Volker Beck German Cancer Society Cora

Description of the city

Basel, the third largest city in Switzerland with roughly 190,000 inhabitants and a 2,000-year history, is located on the bend of the Rhine, bordering France and Germany.

Basel is the main city of Switzerland’s northwestern region and forms the bridgehead from German-speaking Switzerland to the European Union. The city offers a unique range of culture and art, and possesses one of Europe’s most attractive and best-preserved old towns.

The city covers an area of 37 square kilometres. Even the beautiful nearby regions can be reached in next to no time: The Jura, the Vosges and the Black Forest are all conveniently close by.

fHistoryIn the canton of Basel-Stadt, separated from its adjacent rural half-canton since 1833, the same legislative and executive authorities are the government of both the canton and the cantonal capital. The two rural municipalities Riehen and Bettingen have their own municipal authorities. Basel’s foundation goes back to the first century BC, when the earliest fortified settlements were built on the Minster Mount. But a settlement had existed even earlier, in Celtic times, on the Rhine

bend where the northern districts of Greater Basel now extend. Basel Basilea first received a mention in Roman history in 374 AD. In about 450 the Alemanni arrived. At the end of the 5th century Basel came into Frankish possession, then in 912 it passed to Burgundy, and in 1032 went with the latter to become part of the German Empire.

Basel is a traditional traffic junction. The city lies at the crossroads of the north-south and east-west rail systems; its EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg provides connections to the European and international airline networks.

fClimateIts position in the Rhine valley gives Basel an exceptionally mild climate, influenced as it is by Mediterranean air currents that flow up from the Rhone valley through the Belfort Gap. As a result, compared with the Swiss midlands, Basel enjoys an above-average amount of sunshine and only rarely disappears in autumn fog.

Weather in October in Basel can be humid and rather nippy (~10° Celsius).


BaselHost City


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Page 12: 11 – 13 October, 2007 Basel, Switzerland...Come to Basel in 2007 to make yourself heard for Europe. WELCOME TO ECToH 07! From left to right: Volker Beck German Cancer Society Cora Moving Forward – Committed to Results

Leisure activities

For accompanying guests, a tourist programme will be organised for the conference days. More information will soon be provided on the website

The city on the bend of the Rhine offers a big variety of sights and places of interest. Whether you are interested in museums, modern architecture, historical churches or art in public places, the best way to discover Basel is by walking through the city.

• Architectural tours• Historical city sightseeing tours• Historical tours• Archaeological ground research• Tower at Exhibition Square• Basel City Hall• Cruises on the Rhine or Guided Tours

of the Basel Rhine port• Public records• St.-Jakob-Park• Basel University Library• Museums• Churches• Forest• Basel Zoo (Opened in 1874, the Balois lovingly

refer to their zoo by the diminutive “Zolli.” Some six thousand animals, about six hundred species, live in this park of around 11 hectares (about 28 acres). About a million people visit the Zolli every year. In numbers of visitors, this puts it second only to Switzerland’s most popular attraction, the Rhine Fall in Schaffhausen.)

• or

• fCinemas of the movies are shown in their original language with French and German subtitles. Please check the website for more details.- Central, Gerbergasse 16, 4001 Basel- Capitol, Steinenvorstadt 36, 4051 Basel- Plaza, Steinentorstr. 8, 4051 Basel BS- Rex 1 + 2, Steinenvorstadt 29, 4051 Basel- Royal, Schwarzwaldallee 179, 4055 Basel

- Stadtkino Basel, Klostergasse 5, 4051 Basel

- Kino Royal, Schwarzwaldallee 179, 4055 Basel

• fBars / Discos / Casino- Bar Rouge, Messeplatz 10, 4058 Basel,

Phone 061 361 30 31,Email: [email protected]

- Fame Club, Clarastr. 2, 4058 Basel- Europe-Bar, Clarastr. 43, 4058 Basel- Club 59 Disco-Pub, Steinenvorstadt 33,

4051 Basel- Allegra-Club, Aeschengraben 31

(at the Hotel Hilton), 4051 Basel- Babalabar, Gerbergasse 76, 4001 Basel- MAD MAX, Steinentorstr. 35, 4051 Basel- Grand Casino Basel, Flughafenstr. 225,

4056 Basel, Phone 061 327 20

For further information, please contact the Basel Tourist Offi ce, Phone 061 268 68 68,


fPublic transport Basel has a public transport network provided by the public transportation BVB with excellent connections. Tickets are available at every station at ticket vending machines. Please note that all hotels booked through the offi cial congress website offer free access to the public transportation system (trams & buses) of the BVB throughout the city of Basel. For the day of arrival, please keep your booking confi rmation ready for possible ticket inspections throughout the journey. Please contact your hotel for additional information.

The canton of Basel has three international train stations: The Swiss station Basel SBB, the French station Basel SNCF (both in same building) and the Badischer Bahnhof DB, which is operated by the German railway company Deutsche Bahn. Travellers having to change from one international station to another will have to cross the border and go through customs.

fDirections to the Congress CenterFrom the train stations to the venue:

• From Basel SBB: Tram No 2, to the “Messeplatz” (direct connection)

• From Badischer Bahnhof: Trams No 2 and 6 to the “Messeplatz” (direct connection)

fAutomobile, parking management systemThe well-developed road network keeps traffi c moving smoothly. A ring-road channels motor traffi c around the city centre. A parking management system and a network of 13 car parks with a total of 6,000 parking spaces situated around the edge of the city centre helps drivers in quickly fi nding a space to park.

fParking near the Conference venue• Messe Basel, Messeplatz 1–3, 4058 Basel• Europe, Hammerstrasse 68, 4058 Basel• Räbgass, Rebgasse 20, 4058 Basel• Claramatte, Klingentalstrasse 25, 4057 Basel• Basel-Stadt, Auberg 2a, 4051

fTaxis & car rentalA large fl eet of taxis provides personal transport services around the clock.Taxi phone numbers:

• Taxi Centre: 061 222 22 22• Taxi 33: 061 333 33 33• Blitztaxi: 061 692 77 77• Sterntaxi: 061 691 44 44

fCar rental addresses• National Rent a Car, Messeplatz 25 (in the

Swissôtel), 4058 Basel, Phone 061 683 18 73• Europcar, Airport Basel, 4056 Basel,

Phone 061 325 29 03• Frey Emil AG, Brüglingerstr. 2, 4053 Basel,

Phone 061 335 61 00• Hertz AG, Nauenstr. 33, 4052 Basel,

Phone 061 205 92 22• Avis AG, Aeschengraben 31, 4051 Basel,

Phone 061 206 95 45


Clockwise from far left: Ferry boat and cathedral; the picturesque Old Town; City Hall; a stroll through the historic city; the Fondation Beyeler.

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fAir travelSituated entirely on French territory, the airport has a Swiss customs sector connected to Basel via a customs road.

Several airlines offer over 60 direct fl ights to regional European cities.

Euro-Airport Basel-MulhousePostfach 1424030 BaselPhone 061 325 31 11Fax 061 325 25 77

fOther international airports in SwitzerlandZurich Airport +www.fl ughafen-zuerich.chGeneva Airport

Both airports (Zurich and Geneva) have an integrated railway station which provide direct connections to Basel. It will take you approximately 2 h 40 min from Geneva and approximately 1 h 15 min from Zurich Airport to Basel.

Immigration / Visa

EU Citizens need a valid, recognised national ID or passport for entering Switzerland. Citizens of other countries are kindly requested to consult the following website of the Federal Offi ce for Migration

Dress Guidelines

“Business casual” or “smart casual” dress is encouraged for all day meetings. Since Basel can

be rather cool in October, bringing a sweater or jacket may make you more comfortable. Business attire is recommended for the welcome reception on Thursday evening of 11th October, 2007, and at the conference dinner on Friday evening of 12th October, 2007.


Enjoy the rich variety of international cuisine which originates from the cultural melting pot of the city! There is a wide choice of different specialty restaurants: Italian, Anatolian, Portuguese, Cantonese, Thai, Mexican, Indian, Greek, American, etc. There are also a great number of coffee houses and tea rooms. Most restaurants accept payment by credit card.

Basel also offers a wide choice of bars, from sophisticated piano and cocktail bars to comfortable pubs, trendy bars, discos, and old-type taverns. The city’s closing-hour law is liberal, and many places stay open until late. In many places one can still get a hot meal late at night, and many music bars and discos stay open until the small hours.

fRestaurants near the conference building: Brasserie L’Escale (French cuisine)Messeplatz 14058 BaselPhone 061 686 38 20

Filou (light, fresh cuisine)Messeplatz 124058 BaselPhone 061 560 43 01

Le Provence(Asian specialities & typical Swiss dishes)Messeplatz 254058 BaselPhone 061 555 38 60


Emergency telephone numbers• Police: 117• Fire brigade: 118• Ambulance: 144• Automobile breakdown service: 140

fHospitalsUniversity Hospital Basel +www.universitaetsspital-basel.chHebelstrasse 324031 BaselPhone 061 265 25 25

Citizens Hospital +www.buespi.chFeierabendstrasse 444003 BaselPhone 061 279 84 10

Emergency pharmacy +www.notfallapothekebasel.chPetersgraben 3 (vis-à-vis University Hospital Basel)4051 BaselPhone 061 263 75 75Open Mon–Fri 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 a.m. andSat 4:00 p.m. – Mon 8:00 a.m. (non-stop)Open on holidays

Safety Suggestions

Switzerland is said to be a very safe place. We advise general safety precautions.


Small appliances of non-Swiss manufacture such as shavers and hairdryers often require a converter and plug adapter. However, many hotels provide a hairdryer. The standard domestic voltage is 220 volts.

Currency / Means of payment / Banks / Tipping

fCurrencyThe national currency is the Swiss franc (1 CHF = 100 centimes). Banknotes come in the denominations 1,000.–, 200.–, 100.–, 50.–, 20.– and 10.–, while the coins in circulation are 5.–, 2.–, 1.–, –.50, –.20, –.10 as well as –.05. (Conversion: 1 CHF = approx. 0.63 €- as of 10/06).

fMeans of paymentEveryday consumer goods and minor purchases are usually paid in cash. In addition to the Swiss franc, some stores also accept the Euro.

Other means of payment such as credit cards, EC cards or post offi ce cards are also widely used. Cash can be withdrawn from automatic tellers at banks or post offi ce branches.


Left: Tinguely Fountain. Top: Nightlife in Basel Middle Bridge in downtown Basel

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Congress Center Basel

Main Train Station Basel SBB

Basel Bad. Bhf DB (German Railway Station of Basel)

ECToH 07 Hotels in Basel

(with distance to Congress Center Basel)


Conference Hotels

The conference organizers have reserved rooms at 13 hotels in Basel for the conference attendees. These hotels provide a wide variety of rates and amenities, all within close proximity to the Congress Center.

The offi cial conference hotel for the 4th European Conference Tobacco or Health is the Swissôtel Le Plaza Basel located at Messeplatz 25, 4005 Basel. The hotel is directly connected inhouse with the conference venue, the Basel Congress Center.

Every hotel is conveniently served by the public transportation system (please see the map.) Please use the conference website to secure your accommodation.

Reservation policies

Please note, that by registering for your hotel in Basel you are committing yourself to a confi rmed reservation at the respective hotel for the request-ed period and room category.

In case of cancellation or any reservation changes, the cancellation policy of the respective hotel is applicable (please visit the conference website to view the cancellation details of each hotel).

Please notify us well in advance should your travel plans change. The conference organiser offers the hotel reservation as a service to its participants and can in no way be made liable for any hotel service and cancellation costs.

fBanksCoop-BankAeschenplatz 3 Open Mon–Fri 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.Güterstrasse 190 Open Mon–Fri 9 a.m. – 12:15 a.m.

Basler KantonalbankCentralbahnstr. 16 Open Mon–Fri 9 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.Messeplatz 21 Open Mon–Fri 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Crédit SuisseRebgasse 7 Open Mon–Fri 8:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.St. Alban-Graben 1 Open Mon–Fri 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

UBSCentralbahnpl. 6 Open Mon–Fri 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.Aeschenvorstadt 1 Open Mon–Fri 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.Marktplatz 17 Open Mon–Fri 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.Claraplatz 2 Open Mon–Fri 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Migros-BankAeschenvorstadt 72 Open Mon–Fri 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Sat 8:30 a.m. – 12 a.m.Claraplatz Open Mon–Fri 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

fTippingAll prices in restaurants, bars, taxis as well as for other services are service-included; you are free to give a modest tip (5 – 10 %).


The people of Basel have a great deal of savoir-vivre and lifestyle. The lively inner city and the romantic Old Town form a vast shopping paradise and offer a big variety of different priced goods.

The most attractive shopping areas of the city are:• Aeschenvorstadt / Freie Strasse / Gerber-

gasse / Marktplatz (town centre)• Spalenberg / Schneidergasse /

Heuberg (Old Town)• Claraplatz / Greifengasse (Kleinbasel)• Shopping Center St. Jakob-Park

(by the football stadium)

Opening hours for stores in the city are usually Monday to Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Some grocery stores remain open until 10 p.m. There’s evening shopping in the city centre Thurs-days and Fridays, when stores stay open until 8 p.m. Many petrol stations also have forecourt stores, and some of these remain open until mid-night. On Saturdays, stores in outlying districts close at noon. Only a very few stores are open on Sundays.


Switzerland is in the Central European Time Zone (CET), which is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


Left: Campari Bar; Below: Cathedral arcades


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Page 15: 11 – 13 October, 2007 Basel, Switzerland...Come to Basel in 2007 to make yourself heard for Europe. WELCOME TO ECToH 07! From left to right: Volker Beck German Cancer Society Cora Moving Forward – Committed to Results

1. Swissôtel Le Plaza Basel *****Swissôtel Le Plaza Basel is the largest and most con-temporary 5* hotel in the city and the greater Basel area. The property is con-nected to the Convention Center Basel and within few minutes walking distance from the Musical Theatre. Sauna & Amrita Fitness free of charge.

Swissôtel Le Plaza Basel Phone +41 61 555 3333Messeplatz 25 Fax: +41 61 555 37354005 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 285Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 315

2. Hotel Hilton Basel *****The Hilton Basel is located in the middle of Basel. Main Railway Station and City Air Terminal as well as downtown are in walking distance. In the comfort-able ambiance of the Wettstein Restaurant and the City Bar with piano music, business and pleasure becomes one.

Hotel Hilton Basel Phone +41 61 275 6600Aeschengraben 31 Fax: +41 61 275 66504002 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 315Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 345

3. Hotel Radisson SAS ****First-class hotel – right in the heart of Basel, next to the theatre and the station. The hotel has 205 individually furnished comfortable rooms, two restaurants, hotel bar, indoor swimming pool (20x8m) and a totally renovated congress and banqueting area equipped with state-of-the art conference facilities.

Radisson SAS Hotel Phone +41 61 227 2727Steinentorstrasse 25 Fax: +41 61 227 28284001 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 295

4. Mercure Hotel Europe Basel ****The Mercure Hotel Europe Basel offers 158 renovat-ed rooms equipped with modern technology. The gourmet-restaurant “Les Quatre Saisons” and the uncomplicated atmosphere of the “Bajazzo” round off the services. The banquet center with seven rooms all with daylight offers the perfect setting for every occasion.

Mercure Hotel Europe Basel Phone : +41 61 690 8080Clarastrasse 43 Fax : +41 61 690 88 804005 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 250Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 280

5. Hotel Euler ****All 33 single, 22 twin and 9 suites are newly reno-vated. The traditional hotel Euler provides all modern comfort. It has been one of the leading hotels in Switzerland for over 130 years.

Hotel Euler Phone +41 61 275 8000Centralbahnplatz 14 Fax : +41 61 275 80504002 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 290Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 390

6. Hotel Ramada Plaza ****Experience one of the most modern hotels in Europe and enjoy the breathtaking view from the tallest building in Switzerland. Functionality and quality of design awaits you in 224 rooms spread over 14 fl oors – from the reception to the sophisticated lighting in the luxurious bathrooms.

Ramada Plaza Basel Phone +41 61 560 4000Messeplatz 12 Fax: +41 61 560 55554058 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 270Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 300

7. Hotel Victoria ****The hotel Victoria is situ-ated at the Swiss railway station and offers 107 comfortable spacious rooms. The banquet lounge “Universum” on the 6th fl oor and fl exible meeting rooms offer the perfect setting for every occasion. The “Le Train Bleu” is a unique combination of bar, bistro and restaurant.

Hotel Victoria Phone +41 61 270 7070Centralbahnplatz 3-4 Fax: +41 61 270 70774002 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 250Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 280

8. Hotel Bildungszentrum 21 ***Seminary-hotel in Basel’s largest private park. Quiet and comfortable rooms, 20 modern school and seminaries rooms. Relax-ation in the big garden. Central position, a few steps from the old city.

hotel bildungszentrum 21 Phone +41 61 260 2121Missionsstrasse 21 Fax: +41 61 260 21224003 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 145Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 220



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9. Hotel du Commerce ***Comfortable 3 stars city hotel, bed and breakfast, in the middle of the town, directly at the Fair and Convention Centre and the Musical Theatre, 800 m from the old city. Modernised and enlarged with a patio and a garage.

Hotel du Commerce Phone +41 61 690 2323Riehenring 91 Fax: +41 61 690 23334058 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 200Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 250

10. Hotel Münchnerhof ***The Hotel Münchnerhof is located in Kleinbasel, only 45 steps from the Messe Schweiz exhibition center. The hotel is only a few minutes from the city center. All 32 rooms are comfortable and offer a pleasant and relaxing ambience.

Hotel Münchnerhof Phone +41 61 691 7780Riehenring 75 Fax: +41 61 691 14904058 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 170Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 250

11. Novotel Basel ***In direct neighbourhood of the exhibition grounds, congess hall and music theatre. 171 bright guest rooms offer all amenities of a modern city hotel. From air-conditioning to ISDN dataline.

Novotel Basel (former Dorint) Phone +41 61 695 7000Schönaustrasse 10 Fax: +41 61 695 71004058 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 220Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 283

12. Hotel Schweizerhof ***Enjoy this charming hotel of the 19th century with large rooms and modern comfort. Ideal situation at the main railway station. The airport shuttle and the main tramlines in front of the hotel are free of charge. The highway in all directions is 0.5 km away.

Hotel Schweizerhof Phone +41 61 560 8585Centralbahnplatz 1 Fax: +41 61 560 85864002 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 185Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 225

13. Hotel Spalentor ***Spalentor hotel – your pleasant city hotel with modern seminar rooms in the University of Basel. 40 stylish and spacious rooms (30 m2) – near the old city, the university and the hospital, in few minutes by bus to the railway station, the fair and the airport.

Hotel Spalentor Phone +41 61 262 2626Schönbeinstrasse 1 Fax: +41 61 262 26294056 Basel

Single room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 145Double room with bathroom / shower, WC, incl. breakfast CHF 190


























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Moving Forward – Committed to Results

11 – 13 October, 2007Basel, Switzerland

n Administrative Secretary Office Organizers Switzerland Ltd. c/o ECToH 07 Conference Obere Egg 24312 MagdenSwitzerlandPhone: +41 (0)61 836 98 76Fax: +41 (0)61 836 98 77Email: [email protected]

n Local Organizing CommitteeProject Office ECToH 07Swiss Cancer LeagueEffingerstrasse 40P.O. Box 82193001 BernSwitzerlandPhone +41 (0)31 389 91 63 / +41 (0)31 389 92 16 Fax: +41 (0)31 389 91 60Email: [email protected]

We would like to thank the following organisations and funds for their fi nancial support:


ECToH07 supporting organisations:

Swiss Tobacco Control

Swiss Cancer


November, 2006 Distribution Preliminary ProgramCall for Abstracts

February, 2007 Closing Call for Abstracts

July, 2007 Publishing Final Program

September, 2007 Closing Online Registration

11 – 13th October, 2007 4th European Conference ECToH 07


German Cancer

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Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tabakprävention Schweiz

Ministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (Baden-Württemberg)

Cancer Research UK

The Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society

Cancer Society of Finland

Centro di riferimento per Prevenzione (CRP)

Danish Cancer Society

Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum

Deutsche Krebshilfe

European Network for Smoking Prevention

European Heart Network

European Respiratory Society

FMH Swiss Medical Association

Irish Cancer Society

Krebsliga beider Basel

La Ligue contre le cancer

Medical University of Vienna, Institute of Environmental Health

pro aere

Public Health Schweiz

Schweizerische Fachstelle für Alkohol- und andere Drogenprobleme (SFA)

Swedish National Institute of Public Health

Schweizerische Zahnärzte Gesellschaft


World Health Organization


Page 19: 11 – 13 October, 2007 Basel, Switzerland...Come to Basel in 2007 to make yourself heard for Europe. WELCOME TO ECToH 07! From left to right: Volker Beck German Cancer Society Cora