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Absolutism Enlightenment French Revolution Vocab Misc I Misc. II

Final Question

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Define Divine Right

A 100

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The idea that the right of a person to rule came from god

A 100

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I am the Sun King of France, a shining example of the

ultimate Absolute Ruler… who am I?

A 200

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Louis XIV

A 200

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I grew tired of the Absolute Ruler in my nation so I lead

the Roundheads and Parliament in a successful

revolt. My rules for behavior weren’t exactly appreciated

by my country men.

A 300

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Oliver Cromwell

A 300

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What are 2 conditions that tend to destroy the power of a nation

under an absolute ruler?

A 400

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Unproductive and expensive wars

Weak heirs

Overspending and lavish lifestyles

A 400

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What does this quote mean and who said it?

“During the time when men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition

which is called war… in such condition, there is no place for

industry… no arts; no letters; no society; and, which is worst of all,

continual fear and danger of violent death. And the life of man is solitary,

poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” A 500

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Thomas Hobbes

Without an absolute ruler human beings will fight each other and

society will fall apart

A 500

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Which philosopher believed Every man is born with

natural rights and has the right to overthrow their

government if they feel it is unjust

B 100

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-John Locke

B 100

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Which philosopher believed individuals should serve the General Will and suppress

their own desires also that as a society we create a social contract to maintain order

B 200

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B 200

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Which philosopher believed information and education should be spread to the average person

B 300

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Denis Diderot

B 300

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Which philosopher believed Everyone should have the power

of free speech and religion?

B 400

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B 400


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Which philosopher believed that powers in government

should be separated?

B 500

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Baron de Montesquie

B 500

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Which 3 groups made up the estates general and why would someone argue

representation was unfair?

C 100

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Nobles, Clergy, Everyone Else

3rd estate was 97% of the population but could be overruled by the other 2


C 100

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What was the basis of the French diet for the average

person and how did it contribute to the FR?

C 200

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- Bread, shortage (winter and bad harvests) lead to starvation and high prices driving the people to desperation.

- They saw the monarchy continuing to live extravagantly.

C 200

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This legislative group was created by the 3rd estate when

they took the Tennis Court Oath, they then force Louis

XVI to share power with them.

C 300

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National Assembly

C 300

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What was the reign of terror?

C 400

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A period of time during the revolution where the committee on public safety

took over control of FranceAnd thousands of people were executed if

it was thought they didn’t support the revolution

C 400

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This document claimed that all people in France are equal

and class distinctions no longer exist

C 500

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- Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen

C 500

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Define Assembly

D 100

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A group that makes laws; or a gathering of a political social


D 100

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Define “Directory”

D 200

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The backlash against the reign of terror

D 200

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Congress of Vienna

D 300

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Attempted to restore unity to Europe after banishing Napoleon

D 300

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Napoleonic Code

D 400

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A law code that ensured equality before the law, religious toleration, and

advancement based on merit but also reduce women’s

rights as it valued order and authority over individual


D 400

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What are the 3 essential elements of Absolutism?

D 500

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D 500

Divine right, no checks and balances, one ruler with

control over all aspects of government

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Define The Enlightenment

E 100

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Movement where scientists and philosophers studied human behavior and attempted to solve the problems in society using reason

E 100

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Why did both France and Spain regret forcing minority groups out of their country?

E 200

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These minority groups were the generatorsOf wealth

E 200

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What was the Levee?

E 300

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Elaborate ritual performed by French nobility at Versailles to gain

favor with the King

E 300

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What was the Edict of Nantes?

E 400

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- Gave protestants the right to practice their religion in

France even through France was Catholic

E 400

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Why was Robespierre’s leadership during the reign of

terror ironic?

E 500

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He had previously argued that the death penalty should not exist

E 500

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Who was Marat?

F 100

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Professional malcontent who called for the executions of thousands of French people

he believed didn’t support the revolution

F 100

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Why did the French people storm the Bastille?

F 200

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They need gunpowder and it is a symbol of the abuses of

the monarchy

F 200

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How did Napoleon change France?

F 300

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He essentially undermines the revolution and crowns

himself emperorHe expands their boarders and

takes over many new territories

F 300

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How did Napoleon affect the US?

F 400

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He sold the US the Louisiana purchase greatly expanding our territory

F 400

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What happens at Waterloo?

F 500

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Napoleon is defeated and exiled a 2nd time, he does not


F 500

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