Page 1: 10 reasons for high customer churn in your small business


SMALL BUSINESS By Samuel Muriithi

Blogger at

PS: For tips about how to attract and keep your customers read this:

Page 2: 10 reasons for high customer churn in your small business

1. Inconsistency

You are probably losing customers because you are a chameleon. Customers don’t know what to expect of you tomorrow. Running a business isn’t a guessing game; customers need to see consistency in everything your business claims to provide.

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2. Operating incognito

Customers could simply have forgotten about you; there are so many options to choose from nowadays. Your small business needs to stand out from the crowd in order to grab prospects and customers attention. If you opt to be “just like the rest” chances are that you’ll soon become history.

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3. You are too pushy

Customers could be leaving because they feel that you are out to make a killing whenever they come to your store. Upselling is okay but there’s an intelligent way to do it. Being pushy makes you look desperate - and that is not a good thing.

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4. You don’t reward loyalty

Customers could be departing because they think you are a scrooge. Clients, especially regular ones, love to feel appreciated. A simple “thank you” and regular discounts or other incentives will do more good than harm for your business.

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5. Solely competing on the lowest price

Customers love a good bargain – not the lowest price. The cheapest price typically leads to questions about the source, genuineness and quality of a product. Nasty rumors and doubts will badly hurt your business.

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6. High turnover of key employees

Key employees tend to have strong relationships with prospects and customers . They also tend to move with their contacts. Losing too many of these employees in quick succession can therefore hurt your business.

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7. Ignoring customers feedback

You are probably losing customers because you don’t care about what they have to say. Comments and criticism are the norm in business – use these to improve your small business.

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8. Ineffective problem resolution

Customers are probably trooping away because they hate your approach to problem solving. Perhaps issues are taking too long to get resolved, even when the solution is really so obvious. This must improve.

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9. Inflexibiity

You could be losing customers because your operations are seemingly only convenient for you but not for them. Never forget that customers can always find another place where their interests will be better looked after.

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10. Inefficiency and excuses

Customers could be running away because they are realizing that you cannot live up to their expectations. Delays, inconveniences, excuses and outright lies are what they will remember you for after they are long gone.

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11. This could be your fate…

If things continue as they are you may soon be forced to close shop. Fact: 71% of consumers have ended their relationship with a company due to poor customer service.

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There’s hope though…

It’s possible to revive the waning fortunes of your business. Learning the art of how to woo and keep customers is where you need to start. Perfecting this art may be just what your small business needs to rise from the ashes like the proverbial phoenix.
