
10 Foods to Eat to Burn More Calories

There are many foods that you can eat each day to burn calories and lose weight. The great news is that these foods are super delicious and they boast amazing health benefits. Try adding several of these foods into your daily or weekly diet and dont forget to exercise regularly. This way, you will burn mega calories and improve your health. Without further ado, here are 10 foods to eat to burn more calories.1. Grapefruit

Grapefruitsspeed up your metabolism and help burn a lot of calories. This fruit will help you feel full faster and longer with fewer calories. Moreover, grapefruit is rich in fiber that may help stabilize your blood glucose levels. You can add grapefruit to your fruit salad, smoothies or drink a grapefruit juice.

2. Celery

The secret ofceleryis very simple: it contains less calories and helps burn more than you eat. Celery mostly consists of water thats why it is good as a part of a balanced diet. However, this food is not suitable for celery diet only as your body wont get the necessary minerals and nutrients. So the best decision will be to combine it with some other foods.

3. Whole grains

Studies show thatwhole grainsare healthier than refined grains, it lowers the risk of getting a chronic disease. This type of grains is also a good part of a diet as it takes more time to digest and you wont get hungry for a longer period of time. Whole grains are rich in various vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates but low in fat.

4. Green tea

If you havent discovered green tea as a good metabolism booster than it is high time to do it! This exotic Asian hot drink has become something ordinary in our life but we cant forget about its healthy properties. Rich in antioxidants, green tea boosts your metabolism and helps lose weight, which is just fantastic, ladies, isnt it? Simply enjoy a cup of hot fragrant green tea and do a great favor to your body.

5. Omega-3

It has been scientifically proved thatomega-3acts as a metabolism regulator. Omega-3 is a fatty acid that affects hormone leptin level, which controls how fast fat is burned. As omega-3 is not produced by our bodies we can only get it by eating fish (tuna, herring, salmon in the first place) or through special additives and omega-3 supplements.

6. Coffee

I think nobody can imagine their life without a cup of deliciouscoffeeto wake up and start a nice cheerful morning. We all know that it is because caffeine that helps us feel lively and alert. As a dose of caffeine gets into the system the heart rate increases, blood takes more oxygen and more calories burn down. Unfortunately, the effect is spoilt by all kinds of creams and sugar added into the cup. Think of a decent replacement for it, for example, you may try cinnamon instead.

7. Avocado

Avocadois a triple-fat burner. It contains monounsaturated fat that speeds up your metabolism and protects the energy-producing part of the cells from free radical damage. Moreover, avocado has a lot of wonderful health benefits. It reduces cholesterol levels, heals wounds, reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke and is good for your eyes and hair. You can eat half an avocado with tomatoes and sea salt for a healthy on-the-go breakfast, add sliced avocado to a green bean and spinach salad, or make a tasty avocado smoothie with cinnamon and coconut milk.

8. Spicy foods

Any spicy thing belongs to the group of foods that help burn calories faster. They are not rich in calories and they may be a great addition to your meals. These may be cayenne pepper or some hot sauces, just make sure that you read the list of content before you put it into your plate.

9. Chia seeds

Chia seedsare rich in protein, fiber, and omega-3 fats and help boost the metabolism, suppress the appetite, and turn on glucagon, our big fat burning hormone. Just soak some chia seeds for about 15 minutes so that they swell up to ten times their size. Chia seeds will keep you fuller longer and prevent you from overeating. You can add them to your smoothies, salads, yogurt or oatmeal.

10. Brazil nuts

One of the most delicious foods to eat to burn more calories isBrazil nuts. These nuts help speed up your metabolism by converting the basic thyroid hormone into T3, the active form of thyroid hormone. Brazil nuts can also help fight cellulite and boost the immune system. Drink Brazil nut milk with cardamom and vanilla, snack on Brazil nuts, or sprinkle some Brazil nuts on a papaya, mango, and citrus fruit salad.If you are aware of all the positive characteristics of the foods you eat it may become a powerful tool when fighting extra weight. These foods boost metabolism so that calories burn faster. In combination with physical exercises the effect wont make you wait for a long time. Please share your secrets of healthy eating that helps losing weight, lets share our experience!

Soulfood alarm: Zato treba to pre da ponete da konzumirate chia seme

TweetSharefoto: ThinkstockChia seme je najnovija superfood hrana o kojoj svi praaju! Ovo lekovito seme mnogi definiu kao maginu semenku, namirnicu koja ini mala udesa unutar naeg organizma. U emu je tajna, otkriva Elle specijalno za vas...

ta je chia seme?Verujemo da veliki broj vas nikada nije uo za ovo seme, iako ono postoji ve nekoliko hiljada godina. Asteci prvi spominju chia seme kao osnovnu hranu koju su koristili u sklopu religijskih obreda ali i medicinske svrhe.Koje su osnovne beneficije chia semena?Chia je biljka najbogatija s Omega 3 masnim kiselinama, proteinom i vlaknima, a takoe sadri znaajan broj vitamina, minerala i antioksidansa. Chia seme je odlino za regeneraciju koe, ali i sagorevanje masti, jaa organizam i pozitivno utie na organe za varenje. Nutricionisti se slau da je chia seme jedno od najboljih koje moete da konzumirate ukoliko se oseate slabo, bez energije jer utue na rad miia, i oslobaa energiju u vaem telu pa ga esto koriste sportisti. Ovo seme sadri i 37 % prehrambrenih vlakana koji podstiu rad creva. Dijete, odnosno striktna ishrana bazirana na konzumiranju ovog semena se pokazala sjajnom kao prevencija od raka debelog creva.Zbog ega je chia seme dobro za kou, kosu i nokte?Chia seme sadri i Omega 6 masne kiseline, antioksidante (samo jedan gram Chia semena bogatiji je antioksidantima ak etiri puta vie od sveih borovnica) i proteine koji su i te kako bitni za zdravlje koe. Studije su pokazale da konzumiranje chia semena takoe utie na zdravlje kose i noktiju shodno injenici da je chia veliki izvor proteina (20%) koje telo mora konstantno da ima ne bi li odraavao i titio koren dlake, odnosno noktiju koji su i napravljeni od proteina keratina. Da li moe da pomogne u gubitku kilograma?Konzumiranje chia semenki utie na smanjenje apetita, ubrzava rad metabolizma, i aktivira glukogen koji je i te kako bitan za sagorevanje masti.Koliko semenki je potrebno pojesti da bismo videli dejstvo?Kaika chia semenki na dan se preporuuje, i ne vie od toga jer chia sadri dosta vlakna koji mogu da preopterete sve koji imaju senzitivan stomak.Kako moemo da konzumiramo chiu?Chia seme je vrlo blagog i prijatnog ukusa, a najjednostavniji nain je da semenke izblendujete za neki smoothie, ili da ih stavite u neku vitaminsku, laganu salatu, a moete ih jesti i same. Trik je potopiti ih na 15 minuta u vodu, taman da narastu do veliine koja je 10 puta vea od njihove uobiajne. Kao i sa ovsenom kaom, to je seme vee, pre e va stomak osloboditi hormone koji e vas "obavestiti" da ste puni. Ovo seme kada se potopi u kokosovo mleko i izblenduje sa bademom, ananasom postaje jedna vrlo ukusna a pritom zdrava poslastica.
