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10 Circle Time Games By Carolyn Ross Tomlin

It’s no wonder the games used during “circle time” often become a special and favorite part of our preschoolers’ day. Children love to suggest favorite games and take turns being the leader. The familiar routine and comforting aspects of circle time lend themselves to terrific opportunities for movement, quality social interactions and enthusiastic learning.  Circle time is also a wonderful way to transition children from one part of the day to another, including the “wait time” at the end of the day when children are passing time until their parents arrive to collect them.  Here are ten sure-fire circle time games - some old favorites and some new ones - to enrich your child care program. Children may either stand or sit in a circle to participate.  

1.       Name That Tune. Play a familiar song and choose a child to provide the title. The preschooler giving the correct answer becomes the chooser for the next tune.

 2.       Doggy, Doggy Where's My Bone? A child leaves the room and a child in the circle

places the paper bone behind his/her back. Bring the seeker back into the room and have them deduce which child is holding the bone.

 3.       Quiet Mouse, Still Mouse. Children sit in a circle as the leader announces which child

(eventually, you hope, all of them) has become a mouse by being very quiet and still.  4.      Alphabet Shopping. Using the first letter, match the child’s name with something to buy

that begins with that letter. For example, “My name is Connor and I will buy a coat.” This facilitates teaching categories and organizational skills by using alphabet animals, foods and places.

 5.      Beginning Sounds and Rhyming Words. Children sit in a circle and someone says a

beginning sound or rhyme-able word. They choose the person to provide the answer by rolling a large ball to that person.

 6.       I Spy. “I spy something with my little eye, and the thing I see is (green).” Use colors or

shapes to complete the sentence. The child who is “It” calls another person’s name and if they answer correctly, they become “It.”

 7.      Hot, Warm & Cold. One person leaves the group while someone is appointed to be “It.”

The seeker returns and walks around the circle while the others call out hot, warm and cold as the child get closer or further away from the child secretly “It.”

 8.      Simon Says. “Simon says stand up. Simon Says touch your nose. Sit down!” If a child

follows the command without hearing, “Simon Says,” they have to sit down. Use some of the following: Wiggle your fingers, stand on one foot, hop one step, etc. You can draw stick figures for the hearing impaired.

 9.       Hot Potato. Children sit in a circle and pass a potato as music plays. Pass it fast; pass it

slow as the musical selection indicates. When the music stops, the person holding the potato is out.

 10.    Listen and Clap. Say the child’s name. Clap out the syllables.

 Recognize that most children react badly to being “out,” and may feel ostracized. An easy way to handle this is to have the children, as they are sent out of the game, move to a book area for quite reading time or a simple craft.

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 Circle games reinforce listening skills, socialization and working together as a group, and physical activity helps to reduce discipline problems. Modify and adapt games to accommodate children with special needs.  Carolyn Ross Tomlin has taught kindergarten and served as assistant professor of education at Union University, Jackson. She contributes to numerous education publications.


rsday, June 30, 2011

Rainy Day Active Play Ideas

No shoes, no problem! It’s summertime. It’s wet and warm outside and water play comes naturally to young children. And don’t hesitate to join in too. As long as there is no lightning or thunder, being outside is a joyful experience! “Get your feet wet” with some of these rainy day active play ideas.

1. Splash and jump in puddles. Ask the children, “How many puddles did you find to jump in?

2. Blow bubbles in the rain. Challenge the children to pop them using sand blocks or to catch them with a chopstick.

3. Run and find a rainbow. If it’s a sunny rainy day, chances are that you just might spot a rainbow or two. Encourage the children to run to it and try to find the legendary “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow. If no rainbow in sight, let children run with their own Rainbow Dancing Wrist Band in hand.

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4. Colorful rain dance. Allow children to paint an arm or leg with Colorations® Simply Washable Tempera paint or even draw a silly face on their stomach. Now it’s time to get out in the rain and “dance, dance, dance” until the color washes away.

5. Nature walk and insect and crawly critter hunt. Some bugs become active when it rains. Bring along a magnifying glass to look along sidewalks, in the grasses, or under rocks and pieces of wood to find worms, beetles, slugs, snails, roly-polies, ants.

6. Wet and Wild Obstacle Course. Kick a ball around cones, walk the river logs (Step-A-Logs Balance Beam), jump the river (two jump ropes laid on the ground in a V-shape), toss soggy foam balls into a bucket, and go mountain climbing in the rain (Cones and Poles -- thread a pole horizontally through medium or high level holes in two cones to make a crossbar (mountain) for climbing (stepping over).

Jump, run, walk, kick, dance, toss, throw are all active verbs that encourage active play.

Head outside and have some rainy day fun! Posted by Sharron Krull at 2:19 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels: active play, activities for young children, Discount School Supply, Get Outdoors, obstacle course, summer play, Summertime outside play

Page 4: 10 Circle Time Games by Carolyn Ross Tomlin

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Round, Round, Round, Round...I Run Around

A ball is round and invites play with a partner or a group of friends. Let’s go outside, and play an active game that combines kicking a ball, as in soccer, and running around bases, as in baseball. No wonder kickball is sometimes called soccer-baseball.

Kickball for Little KidsThere are no outs or fouls in this preschool friendly game, just a lot of kicking and running.

Materials Needed:Rubber playground ball3 Bases and 1 Home Plate10 Colored Cones

Set Up:• Playing field - grass, dirt, asphalt or cement • Place bases and home plate in the same general arrangement as you would a baseball diamond but make the base paths much closer to each other (i.e., 20 feet apart)• 2 or more adults/play leadersLet’s Get Started:1. Gather children and have them watch and listen as directions of how to play are demonstrated.2. An adult/play leader places the ball on home plate.3. One child stands or approaches and kicks the ball as hard as he/she can.4. Children who are not “kickers” can position themselves near the basesto catch the ball that is kicked into the playing field,5. The “kicker” runs around the bases and returns to home plate.6. The game continues until every child has had a turn or “runs out of breath.”7. Every child is a winner when they cross home plate! Be assured that they will want to kick the ball and run the bases again and again. This is play with a purpose and promotes coordination and lots of vigorous physical activity!

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Furthermore:• As children become more skillful, the adult/play leader can roll the ball to the child at home plate and the child stands and kicks the ball that is rolled at them.

Recommended Products:SETC - Colored ConesBASES - Indoor/Outdoor BasesPGSET - Playground BallsKICKBALL - Kickball for all AgesBALLKIT - Ultimate Ball Kit Posted by Sharron Krull at 9:33 AM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels: active play, activities for young children, building basic skills, cones, coordination, Discount School Supply, games, Get Outdoors, gross motor development, outdoor play, summer play

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fruit Family Exercise Game

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month! Being physically fit encompasses muscular strength and endurance (increases bone growth and fortifies bone density), cardiovascular endurance (exercises the heart) and flexibility (moving joints and muscles through their full range of motion). Spring into action with this cooperative group game that highlights healthy eating, produces endorphins, promotes physical fitness as well as moderate to vigorous physical activity. Be Fit, Be Happy, Be Healthy!

Fruit Family ExerciseMaterials Needed: Available indoor or outdoor spaceMusic: CD player and CD

Let’s Get Started:1. Children sit in a circle. Have children count off as an “apple,” “orange,“ and “banana.”

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2. “Apples” stand up, leave the circle and scatter in the available space.3. “Oranges” go and stand toe to toe with an “apple.”4. “Bananas” go join an “apple/orange” pair to create a “Fruit Family” consisting of an “apple, orange and banana.”5. When the music starts, apples will do an exercise of their choice (jumping jacks, jog in place, touch toes, etc.). 6. “Oranges” will count the number of completed exercises the “apples” do.7. “Bananas” will be the “cheerleaders” and encourage the “apples” with actions and words to motivate and inspire by jumping up and down, arms in the air shouting “You can do it!” “You have the power!” “You have the energy!” “You GO!”8. When the music stops, “oranges” tell the “apples” how many exercises they did, and “bananas” will give the “apples” a high five, pat on the back, round of applause or any other affirmation of their choice.9. The game continues with the “oranges” exercising, “bananas” counting, and the “apples” cheerleading. When the music stops, the “bananas” tell the “oranges” the total amount of exercises completed, and the “apples” share in the celebrating with the oranges. 10. The game ends after the “bananas” exercise, “apples” count, and “oranges” cheer encouragement. Posted by Sharron Krull at 10:28 AM 1 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels: active play, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, physical activity

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Scrambled Eggs and Icebergs

Have a few minutes and don’t know “what to do next???” Here’s an “egg"-ceptionally active game for the whole group. It promotes moderate to vigorous physical activity and an opportunity to practice gross motor skills and even some creative movement. Let the “egg"-citement begin!

Materials:Indoor or outdoor space with boundaries -- Colored Cones or Hop Around Steps

Let’s Get Started:1. Children standing or sitting as they listen and watch as the directions are given and demonstrated.

2. When children hear the command, “scrambled eggs,” they are to jog (running at a slow pace) in the play space without bumping into each other.

3. When the command “icebergs,” is given, children are to freeze (children cease all activity) in place without falling down.

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4. Other commands of locomotor transport skills/traveling actions will be given, such as jumping, marching, hopping, galloping, tiptoe, etc. When children hear that command they must switch to the new movement.

5. Example of how game would flow: “scrambled eggs” (jog), “icebergs” (freeze), “jump” (blasting off with two feet and landing on two feet), “scrambled eggs” (jog), “hop” (blasting off on one foot and landing on the same foot), “icebergs” (freeze), “marching” (a precise type of walk, accompanied by lifted knees and swing arms), “icebergs” (freeze).

Furthermore:1. Try to trick children by repeating a command twice in a row.

2. Encourage creative movement by asking the children to “fly like an airplane,” “gallop like a horse,” “move like a train,” etc.

3. Ask the children give the movement commands or let one child be the game leader and give all the commands.

Goals:1. Physical activity: any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure.

2. Locomotor transport skills or traveling actions: body propels, projects, or moves from one location to another by jumping (with both feet), hopping (with one foot), galloping (step-hop with one foot leading forward), tiptoe (balance on balls of feet and toes with heels raised), skipping (series of step-hops done with alternate feet), among others.

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3. Gross motor skills: using the large muscles of the arms, legs and trunk(to perform traveling actions).

4. Space awareness: knowing where the body can and should move in relationship to other people in the play space.

5. Shared space: all of the designated play space that can be used by everyone.

6. Cooperative play: games and activities that the participants play together rather than against one another.

7. Listening skills: ability to follow verbal directions. Posted by Sharron Krull at 9:16 AM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels: active play, activities for young children, gross motor skills, learning locomotor skills, make it fun, physical activity, spatial awareness

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More Parachute Play!

Never been introduced to the parachute? It’s time you finally used this outstanding “loose material” that you can successfully play with indoors or out. In my blog post of March 11, 2010, I shared some “Parachute Play” ideas with you. Recently, at a Kindergarten conference in California, I brought out the parachute to the delight of the participants. One teacher commented, “This is the first time I’ve played with the parachute...very fun, exciting and educational! Thanks for the experience!”

Here are some more ideas to use with toddlers to kindergartners...

Come Under My Umbrella (Tune: “Did You Ever See a Lassie?”)Have the children hold the parachute at their waist (belly button), then the teacher says, “Touch toes, ready, lift,” while singing...(and keep touching toes and lifting)

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Come under my um-brel-la, um-brel-la, um-brel-la.Come under my um-brel-la, it’s rain-ing today.

Hold parachute at waist and shake up and down, while singing...

With thunder and lightning,With thunder and lightning!

Touch toes, ready, lift, repeat - while singing...

Come under my um-brel-la,It’s rain-ing today!

After a few verses, let the children sit under the parachute and enjoy the visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation with adults shaking the parachute above their heads while continuing to sing...with thunder and lightning, with thunder and lightning...

VolcanoHave the children hold the parachute at their waist (belly button), then say, “Touch toes, ready, lift.” The parachute is inflated and the children take three steps forward on your command of “Volcano.” They quickly bring the parachute down and kneel on the outside edge (the air that is trapped inside of the parachute makes it look like the shape of a volcano). On the command, “Volcano Erupt,” the children creep on hands and knees or crawl on their bellies to the center of the parachute which deflates the parachute making the “volcano erupt.” The children love this activity which has them working cooperatively as well as using their imaginations. it again and again!

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Motor BoatSit one child on top of the mesh hole in the center of the parachute or two children sitting back to back on top of the mesh middle. Everyone else holds the parachute with one hand and steps backward so the parachute is very taut and up off the floor, except for the children sitting in the middle on the floor. All those holding the parachute walk in a circle going left (everyone should be walking forward--looking at the back of the person in front of them). As we walk, we chant--

Motor boat, motor boat go so slow,

Walk faster or jog the next time we go around, chanting--

Motor boat, motor boat go so fast,

The last time around the circle pick up more speed and all run, saying --

Motor boat, motor boat, step on the gas!

Continue playing Motor Boat until everyone who wants a turn gets a ride on top of the parachute.

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A parachute (plus lots of other really great equipment to use for physical activity) and a DVD with me actually conducting parachute activities can be found in Sharron’s Play Power Motor Skills Set. You can’t go wrong with this teacher-friendly resource kit to get kids up and moving. Any questions or need more info just contact me at 925-980-8353 or [email protected].

Posted by Sharron Krull at 9:27 AM 2 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels: indoor play, outdoor play, parachute

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Driving with Hoops!

I never tire of sharing games and activities using the very versatile Activity Hoop. In a blog I posted in May of 2010, I gave directions on how to play a non-competitive version of musical chairs using the hoop. This time, we’re going to use our imaginations as we pretend that our Activity Hoop is a steering wheel. Get ready to start your engines!

Car and Driver

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Materials and Set Up:One hoop per childAvailable indoor or outdoor space

Let’s Get Started:1. Children watch and listen as directions of how to play are demonstrated.2. Each child, standing up, holds the hoop in front of their body. Tell them to imagine that the hoop is the steering wheel of a car and that they are the driver.3. When children hear the following commands they are to do the corresponding movements as directed:Green Light = GO (walk and turn hoop like driving)Yellow Light = MOVE SLOWLY (getting ready to stop)Red Light = STOP (freeze in place as if at a stop light or stop sign)School Zone = SKIPHighway = RUNUphill = MARCHFlat Tire = HOPTunnel = DUCK DOWN (bend knees and lower level of body)Pot Hole = LEAPWoo-Woo-Woo = MOVE TO THE SIDE AND STOP (emergency vehicle coming)

Furthermore:• With younger children only use 3 – 4 commands/movements.• Vary the length of time between the commands.• Try to “trick” children by repeating commands twice in a row.• Children may devise other commands and movements.

On the Road AgainMaterials and Set Up:One hoop per childAvailable indoor or outdoor spaceMusic player and music (i.e., Song: Little Deuce Coupe by The Beach Boys or On the Road Again by Willie Nelson)

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Let’s Get Started:1. Instruct the children to put their hoop on the ground and stand inside it.2. Tell them that the hoop is their steering wheel. When the music starts, they are to lift the hoop up to waist level and use both hands to turn it right and left as if driving while they walk around in the open space.3. When the music stops, the children stop and drop their hoops to the ground as if they’ve reached a stop sign or stop light.4. When the music starts again, they bend down and pick up their hoops and continue to drive.5. Fun ensues when you start and stop the music for short intervals or keep it on for long stretches. Add some dialogue to the game by mentioning that they may be caught speeding if going to fast.6. The game lasts the length of one song.

Furthermore:Challenge children with this variation of the game. When the music stops ask the children to pair up. One partner steps inside the hoop and holds it at waist level. The second player steps in front of his partner in the hoop and holds his hoop in front of his body like a steering wheel. Children are to work together and move using both hoops when the music starts. When the music stops, they switch places and get to play opposite roles. This game teaches the children to work together and make cooperative decisions about moving in the same direction. Encourage the partners to come up with other ways to move together using both hoops.

Both of these hoop games promote and develop the following goals or learning outcomes:

• Locomotor transport skills: body moves from one place to another by walking, leaping, hopping, skipping, etc.• Gross motor development: using the large muscles of the arms, legs and trunk to perform movements such as walking, running, marching• Directionality: the inner sense and knowledge of where things are in relation to the body• Spatial awareness: coordinated movement in relationship to other objects in the environment• Bilateral coordination: using both sides of the body in unison

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• Midline: the invisible line running from the head to the toes and dividing the body into right and left halves• Crossing the midline: means that one hand spontaneously moves to the other side of the body to work there (i.e., turning the hoop like a steering wheel in a large arc)• Listening skills: ability to follow verbal directions• Cooperation: two or more people playing together rather than against one another, just or the fun of it• Agility: quick, easy, lively movements• Imagery: formation of mental images by memory, imagination or fancy

Posted by Sharron Krull at 8:48 AM 1 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels: active play, coordination, Discount School Supply, Get Outdoors, gross motor development, gross motor skills, musical activities for young children, physical activity

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Am Moving, I Am Learning!

This month I attended the “I Am Moving, I Am Learning” (IMIL) Facilitator Training in San Jose, CA. As a play and physical activity specialist, I totally embrace the IMIL program. It is a proactive approach for addressing childhood obesity in Head Start children and one of the BEST models I’ve seen for implementing a literal “call to action” on a very serious issue impacting our country. The program is also consistent with the objectives of the First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative. While at the training, I thought, “I am learning (and moving!) so much!” and I wanted to share a few of my ah-has with you:

• Our children inherit more than our genes. They inherit our lifestyles. We need to be healthy and consistent role models for physical activity and nutrition. We have the first generation of children who will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.

• “Approximately one in five children are overweight or obese by the time they reach their sixth birthday...” (White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity report to the President, May 2010.)

• As little as 10 minutes of physical activity (short bursts of moderate to vigorous physical activity) is beneficial to children and adults. It yields improvements in blood pressure, waist circumference, mood and attention span.

• Many children can be the “boss of their body” and “tell their muscles what to do.” In other words, they can self-regulate their movement behaviors and motor activity. We just need to provide the space, time and opportunities!

• There are many motor milestones (i.e., hopping, skipping, throwing, catching) in early childhood. We should make a career of celebrating early childhood milestones with children.

• We need to be intentional about how children play; we need to provide quality experiences facilitated by informed adults.

• Make physical activity FUN and children and adults will COME! (Plan and participate in the activities or games that you are facilitating.)