Page 1: 1 Web 2.0 and Government September 12 2007. 2 /Translates to… Why care? IBM 2006 Global CEO Study identifies the key problems that Web 2.0 can help with


Web 2.0 and Government

September 12 2007

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Why care? IBM 2006 Global CEO Study identifies the key problems that Web 2.0 can help with

Public sector organizations will need to enhance existing organizational capabilities and business models to manage anticipated size of change

For maximum impact it is imperative, though challenging, for public sector to integrate business and technology

Public sector needs to increase depth and scope of collaboration with others (i.e. citizens and constituents) to gain flexibility and drive innovation

Power shift: need to proactively adapt our reach and engagement strategies to get to and understand our communities

Adaptable technology models offering potential for rapid new service deployments and lower infrastructure cost

Enable internal and external collaboration and attract and maintain the new workforce

By 2008 most Global 1000 companies will have adopted several technology aspects of Web 2.0

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Web 2.0 is “just” the evolution of the Web

Web 2.0 is about connecting people, and making technology efficient for


Web 1.0 was about connecting computersand making technology more efficient

for computers.

Web 2.0 changes the way in which businesses interact with its customers:

it’s aboutcommunities and social networks

contextual relationships knowledge sharing

people and the way they collaborate

Web 1.0Get it online

Connecting computersPersonal websites

Britannica OnlineDomain speculation

Screen scrapingContent management


Web 2.0Make it workConnecting peopleBlogs, Facebook, MySpaceWikipediaSearch Engine OptimisationWeb servicesWikisTagging

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Web 2.0 characteristics affect front end function and infrastructure architecture

The web as platform Harnessing collective

intelligence Data is the next “Intel

inside” End of the software

release cycle Lightweight

programming model Software above the

level of a single device

Rich user experience

But although there is technology involved, the social and participatory aspects of the business models are what is important

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What might government do?

Externally Syndicate news with feeds Share public data via

lightweight interfaces Reach people where (and

when) they live with rich media and mobile

Foster online communities

Internally Open the firewall to

relevant external social tools (it will happen somehow anyway)

Give everyone open access to internal social tools

Spend more time on policies, less on policing

Support people in their activity

Collaborate internally with the appropriate tools – and encourage early adopters

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Intellipedia: Capture, share and analyze with the wisdom of crowds

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UK government communicating through popular media

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Law enforcement using YouTube to reach more potential witnesses

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Government exposing data for greater impact

Declan Butler (a reporter for Nature) is mapping H5N1 news reports onto Google Earth and posting them on his blog

Declan Butler (a reporter for Nature) is mapping H5N1 news reports onto Google Earth and posting them on his blog

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Jams conduct electronic brainstorming sessions with a large audience

Jams conduct electronic brainstorming sessions with a large audience

Leveraging the wisdom of crowds - collecting and refine ideas in real time

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– events

– changes

– 50 latest

/Interacting virtually…

Built in two days by two people – became a huge geo-database for rescue and welfare personnel

Built in two days by two people – became a huge geo-database for rescue and welfare personnel

Letting people help themselves (Scipionus, after Katrina)

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Early entry into the blogosphere – sharing useful information

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YouTube competition for public information video – hope to go viral and reach millions

YouTube competition for public information video – hope to go viral and reach millions

Letting people help themselves (and reduce the cost of doing it)

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Texas HHSC - rapid deployment of new processes in response to emergency

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IBM products to enable Web 2.0 in the enterprise – and who else is trying

Quickr Connections Expeditor Portal QEDWiki and others at alphaworks

Significant open source tools Microsoft and Adobe promoting competitive


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Actions and people

See Lotus Connections in action:

See QEDWiki in action:

Try QEDWiki on Alphaworks:

Participate by blogging:

Or by contributing to a wiki:

Talk to your software sales colleagues Talk to IBM early adopters - and read their blogs

and wikis Become an early adopter

Talk to your customers, demonstrate what we have, maybe run a workshop to identify new opportunities around Web 2.0
