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He is holding a sword at his side as if he was about to use it to attack someone or something. He is also wearing a suit of armour and looks like he is able to defend himself with a sword.

This lady looks like she is important and is presented as a prize for the hero for doing what he has done. Her clothing suggests that she is of higher class. She is also presented as beautiful to draw attention from male customers.

Gollum is staring intently at the golden glowing ring in Frodo's hand as if he was planning to steal it. He is hiding on top of a rock looking up to it. Gollum is dirty and doesn't look ‘clean’ this suggests that he has had to adventure or fight to get to the ring.

The title Is gold and looks like it is valuable. It relates to the colour scheme of the rest of the poster. The font is sharp and formal/royal sort of style.

The poster contains the date of release and a small caption saying ‘the journey ends’. This could imply that in this movie there is a climax in the series

Gandalf is wearing white which symbolises cleanness and purity. This could mean that he is a god like figure in the movie.

The back ground of the poster looks old and weathered this could show that the movie is set in an older time and is preserved because it is treasured.

Frodo is holding the ring above his head which symbolises that the ring has great power or is special to the story.

Frodo's face is dirty and his hair is messy, this shows that he has been on an adventure or in a fight. We know that he has been through trouble to get the ring because of his appearance. His clothes are dirty and torn, this also shows that he has had to do dangerous things to get to where he is now. Frodo is looking up past the ring as if there is something bigger and more and better than the ring. He looks like he is worried or scared like there is something above the ring that is more powerful. But we cant see it so this brings an element of suspense and mystery.

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The actors names are positioned at the top in a row to show the audience who is in it and draw attention

All of the hero's look ready for anything that comes towards them. They are battle ready and aware.

The city around them is destroyed and dangerous but they are looking beyond the camera suggesting that they have bigger troubles than explosions from a building.

The avengers title is positioned just below centre and reaches to both sides of the page.

All of the male hero’s look masculine and strong. They are presented as big strong and independent hero’s who can take down any size foe.

The heroine is in a black suit and has belts for guns and anything else dangerous that she can handle. She is supposed to be appealing to the male audience. She is holding a pistol in each hand which shows she can handle a weapon and is dangerous.

Iron mans suit looks futuristic and advanced. This keeps the audience interested in what the rest of the avengers can do.

The background is all one colour and boring but brings out the avengers colours more.

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The ’22 Jump Street’ poster is a typical comedy poster, possessing a tagline, stars names and a unique colour scheme. It is generally well structured allowing the audience to see all of the films key features. Both actors appear in the shot, with both their names above the corresponding star. This allows the viewer to be able to quickly identify the stars in the film, and make a quicker decision to whether or not they would be interested in watching it. The tagline used is the reference to the previous movie, suggesting it would be similar in style and attracting viewers of the first film to watch this one too. Finally towards the bottom of the credit block is the release date. All of this combined creates a complete persona for the film and allows the viewers to either be enticed to watch it or decide not to. The main colour scheme used is a red on white back ground allowing main features to stand out. This colour connotes an emotive semantic field (such as love, or anger), showing the film will be lively, when compared to a poster with a greyscale colour scheme which would usually be more dramatic. The main title on the poster is interesting since it only entitles ‘22’ which is not the full title of the film itself. Popular culture means the viewer of the poster would know that it is a reference to ’22 jump street’ but this is not mentioned in the poster itself. The visual ‘22’ in the poster has been sprayed onto the wall, making it the focal point of the poster itself. The fact the poster does not present any ratings from critics or reviews, shows that the ratings may be poor which could be a problem for the audience of the poster. The poster is a photographic representation, where both stars are side by side in a symmetric posture; with a focused facial expression. This shows the viewer that they are partners and work together as a co-dependent force. The fact they are wearing complementary glasses and holding identical firearms further enhancing this kinship. This face on camera angle shows both men to be in a position of power, making it safe to assume they are the protagonists. The fact they are armed, American and straight men in a position of power is stereotypically appealing to young

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• males and men in general. Channing Tatum filling one of these roles is interesting due to the fact him complimentary of this persona. A young audience would be aspiring to be like him since in the film and poster he is portrayed to be heroic in nature.

• This film is a comedy / action film of normal running length free of any ‘deeper meaning’. For this reason the conventions are very easy to spot. One is the golden guns both characters are wielding. This connotes action and danger, allowing the audience to know what the film will entail and the young males the film is aimed at to become interested in it further. As previously mentioned Channing Tatum has the role of being a masculine figure in the film, however he also attracts a female audience to watch the film, therefore attracting more viewers. He is sexually attractive and allows a unique selling point for the film. Jonah Hill has appeared in multiple comedies and so the viewer would expect the film to be of a comedic approach. He also compliments his co-star, since the contrast in their sexual appeal enhances Tatum’s. The moderately comedic objects surrounding the stars, such as inexpensive glasses and extravagant guns allows for a physical ‘gag’ since it contrasts their expressions completely.

• Overall the poster is fit for purpose, in a sense to advertise the film to its intended audience. However some parts of the poster could be deemed offensive . The firearms depicted in such a public sense could offend some people, especially those who are against firearms. This glorification of firearms in an open way could cause slight offence. The way in which Jonah Hill is sued to contrast Tatum in a comedic approach, although funny, could also be assumed offensive in a sense of ‘fat shaming’. Where overweight people are used to provoke comedy. In conclusion 22 jump street has a solid movie poster and would attract the desired audience to watch it.