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1 Integrated spatial assessments of land, water and biodiversity issues EIONET SEIS implementation project 2008-2009 Slide 2 2 Monitoring Europes changing landscape causes & effects Slide 3 3 Concept of EEA integrated spatial assessment platform Regional DPSIR indicators Slide 4 4 Data Centres support integrated assessment integrated spatial assessment platform:The assessments are carried out through integrated spatial assessment platform: thematic data geospatial reference data analytical tools Land use Water Biodiversity Slide 5 5 Aspects of integration Methodology integration: Combine methods for data integration, better analytical methods, DPSIR linkages and allow for country benchmarking Thematic integration: Integrate variety of sources - data, information and models on land use, water and biodiversity Multi-scale integration: Do so at several spatial scales inter alia river catchments at national and EU level Slide 6 6 Operational objectives Produce integrated assessment inputs for the EEA SOER2010 report Implement spatial analysis methods Slide 7 7 Main tasks Adopting catchments approach as spatial reference basis for the project, identify pilot catchments for data collection. Additional data collection (starting with 6 volunteering MS) Consolidate project methodology and validate it with EIONET partners. Identify projects complements to WISE Based on consultation on pilots results organise for large-scale assessment Run a prototype of interactive spatial analysis tools Slide 8 8 Focus: land use intensification /abandonment, water quality/quantity, sediment balances, river fragmentation, fish status Catchments with regulated rivers in France (by 1900 and by 2000) 1900 2000 Source: Eurosion Land use, water, sediments, fish Slide 9 9 CORINE Land Cover data 44 classes, 23 countries with 1990-2000 change data, Free access, 100 m grid or polygons (min 25 ha) Slide 10 10 Land cover is a key driver at catchment levelalso very useful for stratification purposes Slide 11 11 Slide 12 12 Suggested refinements for river and catchment references 1.1 Rivers Slide 13 13 Hydrological basins/River Basin Districts Slide 14 14 Refining existing River networks data Patchy River WB River stretch length (km) Loire: 12129/22171 (54.7%) Elbe: (DE part) 32045/43992 (73%) Slide 15 15 New variables and outputs (e.g. pressures) 2.2 Diffuse sources Slide 16 16 Diffuse sources Can be addressed by information on nutrient surplus preferably apportioned by source (following revised Estat / OECD methodology) Watershed apportionment is the approach using CLC - reporting by NUTS possible Loire (and Brittany) surpluses, no limitation to animal feeding Elbe surpluses, no limitation on animal feeding Slide 17 17 Land use and Annex 1s agriculturally- related habitats Land abandonment many habitats depend entirely on traditional extensive grazing and mowing Agricultural intensification/eutrophication many habitats are potentially affected by water abstraction and intensive nutrient input in the area Land use change analysis Slide 18 18 Natura 2000 sites with habitats vulnerable to decrease of agricultural land management (abandonment) Natura 2000 sites with habitats vulnerable to decrease of agricultural land management (abandonment) 53 Annex 1 habitats selected for this map Slide 19 19 Adding information on relevant land use change land abandonment (blue cells) Slide 20 20 57 Annex 1 habitats selected for this map; these are listed in the discussion document. Natura 2000 sites with habitats vulnerable to eutrophication and water abstraction (agricultural land use intensification) Slide 21 21 Adding information on agricultural land management: Adding information on agricultural land management: intensification (yellow cells) Slide 22 22 New variables and outputs (state and impacts) 3.1.3 Inland fishes 3.1.3 Inland Fishes Slide 23 23 to obstacles to migration routes 3.3.4 River fragmentation Slide 24 24 River fragmentation: the Loire example Simulated historic migration of adult salmon 1700-2005 Lessons: Modelling of different issues is possible Fine data is essential ( ~ 4800 dams) Long time series is key issue Slide 25 25 Benefits for Member states Making use of data and methods already invested from EU reporting and priority data flows for assessments Spatial data integration that is relevant to policy requirements Benchmarking trends at regional scales (i.e. in relation to WFD) Multilingual outcome Slide 26 26 Required inputs from MS 1.Providing complementary data (tbd) - in addition to standard reporting flows 2.Validate methodology and results in comparison with national assessments and discussion of final assessments Slide 27 27 Some conclusions Terrestrial / territorial systems (land, ecosystem issues, etc.) should be linked to water related issues River catchments as addressed by current WISE application can serve as basis for integrating and refining spatial data Recently developed methodologies, available reference data and new collections of thematic data offer operational perspectives