European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Priority EIONET data Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference flows and EEA reference centre centre Manfred Ritter Manfred Ritter 10 May 2001

Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

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Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre. Manfred Ritter. 10 May 2001. Outline of the presentation. EIONET basics Actual flow and European products Challenges and recommendations. Basics, EIONET - dream or reality?. Council Regulation 1210/90 (933/99) establishes EEA and EIONET - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Priority EIONET data Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference flows and EEA reference

centre centre

Manfred RitterManfred Ritter

10 May 2001

Page 2: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Outline of the presentationOutline of the presentation

EIONET basics

Actual flow and European products

Challenges and recommendations

Page 3: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Basics, EIONET - dream or reality? Basics, EIONET - dream or reality?

Council Regulation 1210/90 (933/99) establishes EEA and EIONET defines aims and structure

Information to support/change policy making on a European level in a European approach

The European approach - EIONET define National / European work balance exchange of information (networking) transparent avoid duplication and add value


Page 4: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Basics (2) Basics (2)

Players (layers) National Reference Centres (NRC)

regular collectors and suppliers of data

National Focal Points (NFP) national co-ordination

European Topic Centres (ETC) consortia assisting EEA on certain topics ETC/ACC database

European Environment Reference Centre (E2RC)

European data access


Page 5: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

13 European Environment Agency

Data Flows in EIONET

National Layer

EEA Warehouse

European Layer

Reference Centre Concept


Retrieval S

ystemData access and visualisation



Basics (3) - E2RCBasics (3) - E2RC

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European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

5 European Environment Agency

ENVISION – The Agency’s three instrumental pillars















Timely and targeted informationto support policy action


Basics (4) - EIONET and E2RC Basics (4) - EIONET and E2RC

Page 7: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Basics (5) Basics (5)

Telematics network EEA web page and reference centre

www.eionet.eu.int The national servers

password protected link to EIONET Circle software

interest groups


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European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

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European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Basics (6) - Basics (6) - exampleexample http://eea.eionet.eu.int:8980/Members/irc/eionet-circle/nfp-eionet/home


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European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Page 11: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

EIONET - actual flow EIONET - actual flow

Products for Europe CC products

Inventory and trend assessment legal framework: UNFCCC, Monitoring Mechanism data: CRF from countries

AP products Inventory and trend assessment

legal framework: CLRTAP, NEC, LCP, EPER data: NFR from countries

Integrated products integrated ETC database (CC + AP) Indicator based reports E2RC


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European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Page 13: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Page 14: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Actual flow (2) Actual flow (2)

Priority flows for European products focus on regular reporting system for AP + CC avoid duplication

consolidate existing flows base all European products on MS submission

copy from national EIONET server or e-mail use for convention (LRTAP, FCCC), and also for EEA

and other (EUROSTAT) indicator-based reports scientific data - inventory (submission) - indicator

enhance quality validate within EIONET (NFP, NRC) ensure transparency from national to European



Page 15: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Actual flow (3) - Actual flow (3) - CC (red) and AP (blue) for CC (red) and AP (blue) for EU15EU15


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European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Actual flow (4)Actual flow (4)

Why is CC so successful? Well defined European and international system

Monitoring Mechanism as legal basis well-balanced involvement of

Scientists: IPCC Countries inventory experts: NRCs Policy makers: EU (MM Committe) and FCCC (COP/SBSTA)

defined National / European work balance WG1 and WG2 guidelines EEA-ETC/ACC responsible for EU inventory more involvement of stakeholders (industry) needed to

enhance broad acceptance of one common data system


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European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

EIONET - challenges EIONET - challenges

European CC reports maintain/improve timeliness and

completeness deadline 31 December 2001 CRF and F-gases consistency of primary data (fuel statistics)

adapt to new requirements Inventory Report National System for Art. 5.1 of the Kyoto Protocol Good Inventory practice (QA/QC) possible changes of CRF and Kyoto Protocol


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European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Challenges (2)Challenges (2)

European AP reports set-up/improve timeliness and completeness

European totals, by sectors, for non-GHG needed new pollutants: HM, POPs

adapt to new requirements PM10 new format, consistent with CRF point sources: bottom up consistency, link to

EPER/LCP, link to PRTR/Aarhus gridding: link to urban inventories IAM: additional data needs new targets (Gothenburg Protocol, proposed NEC)


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European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Challenges (3)Challenges (3)

Integrated ETC database, reports and services (E2RC)

adapt to changing policy needs improve policy-change effectiveness

indicators link with international development

improved intra- and inter-national co-ordination

involve NRC more in preparation


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European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

EIONET improvements, EIONET improvements, recommendations (1)recommendations (1)

National Inventory System enhanced cooperation

National Institutes and stakeholders Statistical, agriculture, ... industry

profide copies to ETC/ACC posting on the national EIONET server or e-mail

FCCC, CLRTAP and EU (LCP/EPER/NEC) data in the corresponding format (CRF, NFR,...)

adapt to new requirements NFR, Kyoto Protocol, EPER, proposed NEC

liase with NFPs and other organisations on indicator discussion/development


Page 21: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

EIONET improvements, EIONET improvements, recommendations (2)recommendations (2) European Inventory System

consolidate existing data flow on European level use CC as a model for AP learn from national experience

adapt to new requirements at European level adjust Country / European work balance cooperate with EUROSTAT, JRC, CLRTAP/EMEP

improve data exchange at European level aim at involvment of sectoral stakeholders

(industry) to enhance broad acceptance ensure that (newly) reported data is used

policy relevant indicators further involve NRCs in preparation of EEA/ETC indicator

based reports through NFP


Page 22: Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

EIONET improvements, EIONET improvements, recommendations (3)recommendations (3) Support to intern. reporting development

Commission negotiations on new KP inventory requirements participation in IPCC workshops implementation through the Monitoring Mechanism

working groups implementation of LCP and EPER, development of NEC reporting guidelines, emission data in CAFE

UNECE Guidebook and ensure harmonisation with NEC development of NFR development of common software tools