
Happy Map 11

Revision 140428.1a

Happy Map 22

Revision 140428.1a

Which way should the Flurb

step to get to the fruit?

Which way should the Flurb

step to get to the fruit?

Happy Map 33

Revision 140428.1a

Happy Map 44

Revision 140428.1a

Which way should the Flurb

step to get to the fruit?

Which way should the Flurb

step to get to the fruit?

Cut out an arrow for each member of your team.

Place your arrow next to the map to vote for which way the Flurb should step.

If not all arrows are pointing the same way, talk to each other and decide as a group which way the arrow should point.

When your whole group agrees on a direction, your team can move on to the next map.

Happy MapsSingle-Step Adventure Activity Pieces

Revision 140428.1a

Name: Date:


