Page 1: 1? · dence, JBlohim conveys the general ide^of Providence makes use of oertaia agents,t

20 T H E ISR AE L I T E . _ •_ TOf«f fm j ttT TCI "D \1?1 T^l? I mont of the world, by a pie-meditated and videnco. If this is admitted as true, the (downright pantheism,)with the light of thoJ_ Jl Jii lOliil Hi LI 1 Ili • pre-ordinated plan , agreeable to the justice, question rises, Why did all.tho nations of an- fringes; which also amounts, to 61.3. And a*

np»biiiihirirv B^boH <To wisdom

andgraco of

the Deity, and resulting tiquity rpU away in tho current of ages, and well as I do cover myself with this garment,

ao'aOT&i^feionp/stree't, Corner orsycamo™ - invariably in the progres^ and prosperity of Israel alone remains an indestructable edi- so will I have the pleasure to wear, hi the *

M^^mf S S S S i L wise. mankind. If this definition iscorrect, It is fice of grey antiquity, inscribed with tho future world, tho shirVor t^e . RabbiSj ftS^da "—- '-¦r'"™-""'":'"v''': j ^y:ai''' 188*1 evident, that Heathefiisin.cpuld riot arid'vtiid enigmatical oharaoters of'tlie aistarit history the beautiful garment. By the powerypf-¦ *< - *?"',"" ""'•""'¦'""¦"- ;

not;pfomuigate thiB j (o6trine df Providence, of , primitive ages, arid notwithstanding- the this .opmmand of thp^^ ^fring j may

my'.lifo,,'Vkj^^SN iflJD • nay, even the phiioapp^ my spirit, iny soul , and ,my^prfiyer b.e.sfty^

/*» -tart :>wwnii'ii'h^&n p-uityv were ignorl^ Fate, "the, su- combined power of" princes, churches and froia , the .foroe, \$y{l $0p An&i&at^;P7" * I v '11 / f^ iPlv?*1 prcme power qflie^ gMme^^ay^prtadiiiB wings;-pYe^th;em„Di

* S ^ 1 *?&p ¦- by

^°^leyeI^ tion with

cither ju sl^^

by an internal

arid marvelous power?

The" the «aglo . stirrflth ,up_ hpr nest/ hovering'Sll ^^SSrJ^S^Sal

which it isihe^reci antithosis, excluding Christian Theologian says, the Jews arcpro- over her young ' Amon/' , . ;

;. ,,ti anYitaidajB; a!»ofor ffonuJtaA, P«rim, ttio otb, both pre meditation and pre-ordination.— served as the witnesses of the truth of the It would be a vain- attempt to ma^e.thi?

fey of Ab ;aUo prayew at the grave, for mourners, <md Whatever transpired in the world, was the Goapel ; but this is evidently not true, for prayer jntelligiblo to any one, not iqitiated£^P!KXrtSS.!S,l"S result of stern necessity, for which the gods ihe Jews are a living testimony tp the di- U*> the nysterics, superstitions and peon-routy by tho beginning of AneuBt next . themselves were not accountable, or it was rectly contrary effect ; they contradict the Uar reveries of the cabalists, How many¦ The three Babbi»Koii«oh,Both«nheinj ana.Wi»etran»- the consequence of this or that god's whim , authority of the Gospel Our theory is the superstitious potions and fictitious ideas areS J^JSSi^a^. "T' ^

etC- etC' ^5- noither only one, which explains satisfactory the connected with this short passage! Rpy,for private devotion . Tho Editor of Tho Israelite tram - wisdomjusticc, nor grace discernable in the historical phenomenon, and to understand Isaac Leeser appears to

^have telt tlie loroa

utod it in English, and carcfoiiy omitted the mAtakos unconnected facta, on which the doctrines the biblical passages- in relation to Israel's of tnis argument, for in translating thisofhta predecessors, in this kind of *«*¦. . 0f Heathenism were based ; hence the sys- future. We say with tie prophet, " I have passage he wrote something quite different -• The Revised Pra yer Book will bo found adequate to the . - ' v i i«*»»«. <* i !»«»j nwu .i.o i«upu»»| «. *n».o i •* . . >jteMe^ndsofaB oniiBUtoned commm.ity. and Amori- tem was hostile to the conception of a dr- formed me this people, thatj hey promulgate from the original. We have translated it

ii WtUiens,withaco;nBcicntio'iisadhoTcncototiiciawsand vine providen ce. Man arid iuankind do- my praise." Israel's mission istheredemp- ^^raUy- ,•istoms of iBraei. The irauBiations may bo wiled ox- pendj ng on the whims and passioris of the tion of mankirid^ froni the yoke of fiction Turning oyer some pages we meet this^SSrbd ^m^Beut to auy ' ^t of ti.0 gOds, arid all of them submittmg injustice and , despotismV As long as this passage, tfrom page 6:) ' ; ,United States, free of j oBtBge. iit the following price : }?afce , there was one. arbitrary despotism mission is riot completed: Israel stands under "Blessed art , then, 0 Lord , our God !. K^grim iu\ .w ":.:-~ u.auH iL.>h.v;. . . —.So 7r. throughout-th e world; the gijTcrnors &ria the ¦ the special proteutivn. of God. History is o? ine /universe,,who huat formed man,in

do -with EngHeh translation , .8125 gpVerned n0t Btandihg to each other in p, fixed our evidence. - .wisdom ; and created in Wm. openings anddo -Iith totTtTan So^!°'!r'r$2 oo reiation, % justice, wisdom and grace^^^ ' To be Continued. tubes of various kinds. ' It is i-tvealod, and

yinor bindings are famiabod at a proportionate price.- could be but masters and slaves, in heaven ?* ^ known before the throne of thy glory/ that

A liberal discount mil be allowed'to pchools and agents flnd 0Q eartb' Jn tfae tempJ^ gtatg and house Necewlty ot Revising tlie Prayer-Book. jf but one pf tnem ^e opetteA, or stopped,- BLOCH ^Q o . PabUsber,.

Judaism, acknowledging Ihb Precise time when the presentj form it'would W impossible for any to exist, or

t • x. t> • - i - - a TinWhM the Deitv as the source and auintessencc of of Paily Players was compiled, has hitherto to abide before thee* Blessed art thou, 0Jewish Principles and Doctrines. the JJeity as the source and quintessence ot been Meertained notwithstanding the' Lord ! r Thou he'alest ill flesh and 'workestTvT perfection, taught a just, wise and gracious ,., ..., , . ' ,., ,, ., ° „ ^ora iy xnou neaiest an uesn , ana worKeeS

» ^ - ' '

. God, with whom arbitmry despotism is an C«tica labors and mgemous hypotheses of ^aerful ^hirfgs."bH *) Ur yp V impossibility, because it steads in contradic-

*™ *t 7'

^^ T* i !*'« true, "to the pure everything soundst in« mnnrn^K TO tion to His perfectio^ hence theworld must

Du^' La?da^ Steul8«ttneide5 ftnd .pure ," but" it strikes us, this passage,prigi-

-'Heae, Israel, God is our Lord, God is governed by laws corresponding to His ST"* f! JT^*V SJtW ,, ?¦ n»Uy intended for other purposes---,

One." '.These words contain, according to justice, wisdom and grace God is all-wise ^rtnguese^ and^ Gerin^ri-PihBh collection, wHich produces an%lya asoc4iation of ideas,W views, the second part of the'first great and omniscient, hence Helnust have known ev*? a* *e eiSb^n

^f"? , ° should h"ave fou nd no Pflac? in our Prfl^principle of Judaiam. The differenpe be- the,end and aim of all things, ere they were ^ctions before and after tbe^Ama (rin- book< Shaksperian^hraseology- will not do

|ween,the efir8t Tart of this verse and the created, ami must iiave established 'the laws doubtediy^e most ancient passages,) and ih our dayk The- R(JV. laaac L> e8er ^one of our last week's caption, of the same fc0<govern the-physical anbTtfie^o'Sl wn^ld'

am the Bglf

mg simila"ty"

ot Doti.coU?c' Jilso, ori this occasion , attempted to embel-

article, is the' possessive' pronoun "our," at- for all times, past, present and future, aid ^'? W^T ^H^TTT^ M *he orii5inal ^, tellor fun ding term9,'teched h^re to the term* JtoM», Lord, by this is Providence. ' . ?"? tW° JOToftmw .u-1. Ihat both col- whioh are less ostensible.,which the word reads our Lord. * . Justice, wisdom and grace,

"acknowledged ^^ons are

based upon fc

more ancient one, Going-over minor things without notice,' We remarked somewhere else that the to exist in heaven and on earth, as the chief wh010"'"

^l08fe' ?™? "" • •

We come to tbe ei$t9Ba bMedioUpns, and,term Elohim, as1 ther name of- God, signifies, mansions' of the Deity-Opposed, and f , .

Rt *6 pr0B'n .°L

Pm °f W**** jrigi- looting oi tho toxtj we askj what AtaoricaiiJ .The creator, the' source arid essence of &n,0ng Israel, also, abolished the reign of »ated » » J™8 aft fr *he authority of the cit;zen can honestly pray to God, « 0, -look'

•aU creative powers, the first' cause of crea- arbitrary despotism in temple!' state and <f U(!om"1 had "P^i »r af }<> *& as upon our afflictions, we beseech thee, andtion ; 2. Tho central and moving.power of house; the law, the expression of divine *°8e ?ead"

Je ^W6 mamta,ned plead our cause , redeem us speedily, for

41 powers, forces and laws of nature, both ju ^ioe was adopted' in place of violence, th* Um°n °f. *be fj Tf &T' ,T! V?

1* the 8ake °f *hy ^ame'" &C-' 0r " 6 nd ^ha

nnimate and inanimate, rational and irra-«. and t8b law was headed with- the words of ot ^P°Wlllfcy» taa* »9 l«aeiitrt jaf bpain lgreat oornet a8 a signal ioT our ' freedom|tional; 3. Providence, who governs the uni- our caption, I 'God am thy Lord," thv ruler, and Po'tugal should have other forms of and lift up the banner to collect th^oap-yerseby the established and firm laws of governor, king, judge, law-giver, protector ' f i . brethren on the other tives amTgather us together from the foursupreme justice, wisdom and grace.,'God, and guardian. Therefore, Moses said: "Hear, 81<

9f,"ie peninsulp,. corners of the earth. , Blessed art thou,,q'

aa ^Providence , is also called Adonai , ' but IBrael, God is our Lord ;'» we are not subject D V^t ' Si' • •? I ' %* totd l who gatheredst together tho o^Asy&ip -term conveys more the sense of govern- to iron Pate, to whimsical and 'pa«ioda^ f t^T 0™ 1**™


™W* J

6' of thy people Israel," or what Am'erioan oitvmeat than of prc-ordintuipu. j ^od, jib. the goda 'in rioaven, despotic klng arid vioMttP WW PJ'J'P"™' «

^u *¦$ in_ 7i4n can Jionestly pray to^God", that He re-rrwerverrura-ls-o callel Shaddai ; but this ruiers on earth j but our sole Lord in heaven

nor*. - i?uroP^-]iaTe *im08t entirely establish the monarchical throne of David?term ' "conveys more the .idea of bestowing andpn earth'is GojL himself, and "He is all T^f*6 fo«n of

daily prayett as the Jew* Markjnall these passages there is no two^goodness on man and .heast, ,than^)£ Provi- just, all wifle*nd most gracious. " , v *J™W it becomes evident that the Vf a spirituar Tedemption , or the finaj tri-dence, JBlohim conveys the general ide^of Providence makes use of oertaia agents,t<i ^"Pr^^n was,furnished pnpr .to the cru- usnp]l of truth j "the approaoi, of fche Mfl 'Providence of which Adonai znA-gkaddM. execute its decrees in the moral province. „ ' T1™™ 1©™81 Jews emigrated

^from si,mic kingdom of Justice, truth and frater-designate partioularjdeas. The above defini- Israel was chosen an agent of Providence, Another proof for this hypothe- qity; but of the restoration of political liberty,tion shows why MoMm has the plural'oon- to promulgate tbe divine truth , the basis of W8 1B faot' tbat *e prayerB which a political king, a political nationality.Action which be have already written, and acceler- haT* r

/ffence *<J the Persecutions in the Those who wish to live on this free soil areHeathenism, in its various formVpromul- ate the progress of mankind toward perfec- , ° the cJ"Bade8> especially the addition- grftnt'ed every liberty imaginable, and dare ,gated the doctrine, that the supreme and tiop in truth, justice and fraternity. ^ This a pray€/8 the Sabbaths between the not pray for this restoration of a kingdom,primitive God was not the creator of the a, 8epamed I„rael from all other na-. l aSBahtfea»t and the Feast of Weeks and or rather, in fact, would not do it ; and thoseuniverse ; however different the myths a tions, and placed it ma hostile juxtaposition t G

.gieS , tbe 9th day°f Ab-aro deoid- whb wish to return to Jerusalem can do soon this subject , they all, even down to Zor- to all existing conceptions of religion, mor- e% dlfferent fr°m each other. n0W quit0 convenientlyoaste'r, agree, that God created a creator, or ai8j political government, and social rela- W%are' $herefore> warranted, in saying, We ask, -furthermore, does it correspondeven several creator* The Jewish dispen- tions. "The enmity and active hostilities of that &e Presen{ fom of dail7 Payers for with the sentiments of the present genera-sittion opposed this doctrine in the -words, the nations against Israel were inevitable, a . h? .Gei'mari-Polish Jews was edited some tion to say, " Blessed art thoUj O Lord , who¦ "God is the. Elohim," or "I , God, am your. ipecial protection was necessary for them ;

between the, tenth, and twelfth cen- bealest thp sfck of thy people Israel ;" doesElohim," or al86,"God ifl o.ur Elohim," as f ^

w^re j&t

^all natipni; :Tharefore XnneB' ¦' ¦ Thl8 1B abodt as close K: the time He not also heal the sick of other nations ?in tbe verse of^^ our caption. Gpd promised them, '' LGod am xHv L6rd,u ;as;: .9 ;- cW . apP^^ _.*itno uf-. nnying any X)r docs it correspond with our sentimen t?The supreme and primitive God, accord- thy Special protector, as long aslsrael works da^r«^«ing to the

fact. to pray to

God thus : "Let the slanderenring to Heathen conceptions, was not at all in the 'vineyard of the LprdVas iong as it is ^

may, therefore^ justly say, our prayers have no hops, : rind let all who act wickedlyppricerned in the government: of the rini- tMa\ tp -its divinef mission, Shearing thp ^cre ?°™P;1ei

in a timo

of oppression, per- perish ata moment ; and let all thy oriemiesverse; it was entrusted to several gods, banrier of tfu,th frpni land to la

and arii- be cut off speedily, and let thp presumptu-each of them had his respectiye department pble to pole. This^ is'the lastrpjirtof the de- madversiGn- - Therefore, the. compilers of ous speedily be reprobated, dashed in piecesof government. While Jupiterieigned sur finiti0n, necessary to a correc^understand- oar ?W*™> influenced by the misforturies and thrown down , arid humble them speed-preiae iri heaven, 5fep.tune governed the' jng 0f tne verse of our caption. Moses of tneir days»^ere justifiable in breathing ily in our days. Blessed art thou, O'Lord,great' deep and Pluto ruled in the nether $a|d) ''Hear, Israel God is-que Lord," onr such a_8Pirit as tbey did > hutit ifl unjustifi- who breaketh down the enemies and huntWprid. Countries; cities, nations and indi- spec\al protector,anil! guardian, as long as able^"*ri?h UB to do B? now- bleth: thve presumptuous."; This sounds toy^duals.were under the protection .of tuelar we stand in hostile relation to the 'eonoep- 2' T-ej wwe. compiled in the dark days us like rank' blasphemy. It "appeared alsogods, who were frequently hostile to each tioris oPo&^riationsluiid until these'doc- of ^flonaT,3hM .despptiBm, which made it to the Rev. Isaa^eeser a little too strong;other. Heathenism, with its loose and uri- trinee'of truth 'vvili have been adopted by '^

atwal, that^passages- were introduced:, for he changed the text without giving usci.i .;.-c{e.l . facts; r .resqltjng from a partial the Gentiles, and7 so the government of jus- ^hich have no meaning arid no significatipri any other authority, except his own sentU( investigation of nature, cpuld not aecribe all- ticei wisdom^ari'd grace will be acknowledged m 0«f

:daye. ^nd ftre no* the sentiments of

ments. '' effects to one primitive cause.; for the effects 8uprenie- and mankind :wUl be united iri American pitizens. We shall say npthing about passages likearp apparently heterogeneous. The supreme truth, justice, arid fraternity. But in order 3. They were compiled in a time previous these,. "0 our Rock ! forsake ua not ; nei-and primitive God, or according to o-Greek that the different manifestations ofthe same to the researches of the Spanish Jewish phi- ther be thou far from us, 0 Lord/ our God!phrase, " the unknown God," was consid- Soie^oo||e,not uridpratoo* as ta enigriiaj;e gophers, 9uph as Rabbi Judah Halevy, Abn for our soul -is oppressed 'because of. theered ML bV too great¦I arid""cxalted^to ;'take from du^eht spurcesror tha^ eword, captivity, pestilence, plague' arid' allcognizance of the government of the uni. the special Providence promised to "Israel, fore> frequently directly, contrary to the manner of troiible and sbr'row ;' or, " 0 lookverse, ^dr the doings of ' man ; therefore, there^ is a speoial'of na,tiqnal godj the'vorse re8^lts °l Fationa? instigation in Judaism, down from heaven, arid see how we havethere were riot even sacrifices brought Unto' concludes, " God is One ;',' however manifold 4' BesideS: this, many cabalisfio notions become a -mocking arid derision amonghim. No temple was erected , no altar and various the manifestations of the Deity and P188


^erp, added in course of time, the nations, anct5 accounted as sheep ledbuilt and no priests appointed to tbe su- are) they .proceed from; one and the game and rinneoessary repetitions were intro- . to the slaughter, to be slain and de-preme God . ,Thc Jewish dispensation op- source! the one and the same God : for there auced on cabalistic grounds, which wo ap- - stroyed ; to be beaten and reproached ;" forpqs|d (Vis doctrine inVthe .M ia but one Gpd. preciate no longer. ' they speak for themselves, they have nomleniipned before; God is thb Elohim, the _ _ —- Let us before we prooeed , go over the meaning and no applioation for us. WaLord of the universe, its governor and pre- Before dismissing this part ofthe series of pages of our prayer-book in order , and see pass on to the passage from the Pentateuchserver; its first cause and centre of all its articles of which this is tho second , we must how much truth there is in the above. recited when the ark is opened and thepowers, forces and laws, which power is again call the at'terition of the reader to this We open Rev. Isaac Leeser's edition and scroll of the Law taken out "And it cameinseparable from His^

essence. So Judaism faofc.^

A man can not believe in the wisdom translation of the daily prayers, according to pass, when th#ark set forward that Mo-levelled the precipice between God and and justice of Providence and maintain at to the custom of German-Polish Jews, and ses said, Rise up, O Lord, and scatter thyman, brought him nearer to, and under the the same time, that there is one animalcu- on the very first page we meet this passage: enemies, and let those that hatp thee, fleedirect influence and guidance of the Su- lum in physical nature, one atom of matter "I do now envelope my body with the before thy face." This passage would dopreme Being. ^ or one aetive man on earth , useless, to no garment of fringes ; and bo will I envelope for the people passing through the desertProvidence aurmfies the divine govern- definite purpose , or against the will of Pro- my 'out , her 248 limbs and her 365 veins , among hostile tribes ; wha't memm^ has it

Page 2: 1? · dence, JBlohim conveys the general ide^of Providence makes use of oertaia agents,t


for us, why should wo pray bo? None pan He appointeth the winds to His messengers « AD

JPK^^r»r .. « groat many of our Hebrew fathers andtell why, but every one must feel that it is and flaming*, to His . minhtat He fix- -^^KJS^^^^ brothers ; has been


arid fertilisedimproper. ej th the earth on its foundation, it will Albany, N. ¥. July, it 1857. b? their sweat and labor, cherished andNext comes the 4Ze7M, which we consider never fluctuate. B.6 oovereth the deep as _ lovedby their hearts, protected and defendedhighly Mproper. This prayer was unskil- with a garment, the . water standeth upon My dear brethren , tho book which I open by their blood, supported and reared bVfully abridgediri the German-Polish prayer- the mountains ; it fleeth ttt thy rehuke, it to-day for ou;r instruction and edification is their readiness arid willingness to obeybook In; the Portuguese prayer-book.j t hasteneth aWay at the voice of thy thunder; riotj as usual, the Bible—thei holy record 'of faithfully the law, to promote the nationidstands in full , and the firs t part of it reads it riseth mountain high, fnlleth down into Divine inspiration. We open this morning welfare, and to bring their share of saon-thus : ^It.:W jpeculiariy> pur du| whipirthptf; the book of history, the record of human Sees upon the altar of patriotism as'm'anj¦&e^'rd;of rilli to -aWpritie eatuess to'j liim^ st^a^Ji^hed'ioV'it:;Thou haifrsetiini&r thoughts arid' events, to dwell' witt a joyful original documents written by the blessed

wlib; fofnied) tfio world in tHe; poginriiri|; to it vvhich .it pari not overstep, that it cover' herirt pii one of ife noblestpagesYthe most hand Of Washington himself prove to thesincei he has riotma;deu^^ ^ Hie sendeth forth weils glorious-that ever has been written .arid friend of truth . We, too, are deeply inter-the different countries, nor placed us like in rivulets, winding th eir course through handed down to a happy and thankful estpd in tho prosperity and. honor and gloryfiie different families of the earth ; neither the mountains ; they give drink to all the posterity. Are we right to do so in this of this our dear sweet home, of our belovedhaahe apppinted our portion like theirs, nor beasts of the field , the wild asses even sacred place, dedicated to the glorification people of the United States ; and, althoughour lot like their multitude , who worship quench their thirst. Above them the bird of God and Divine Providence ? Yes,' we we arc assembled here as a congregation ofvain and empty objects, and make supjdica- of the sky buildeth his nest; they utter their are ; because God and Divine Providence Israel, as a community of Jeshurun , we dotion to a god that can not save." This was song from " between the branches. Rain manifest themselves in the course of human not consider ourselves any more a distinctall .right as long as the tsraclites lived from his palace rofresheth the mountains, events ; because God and Divine Providence people than other religious denominations !among heathens, and idolaters; but it is the earth enjoyoth iri superabundance the have kindly manifested themselves in the having as we have onr peculiar worship andhighly improper in our prayer ;books. fruits of' His work. He cauaeth grass to course of those events which brought forth religious ideas, for all we are, wcowe to Godt We conclude this part Of &ur remarks grow for tho cattle and plants for man's uPon tne stage of history the noble picture and are in our conscience responsible towith the simple question to the intelligent labor, that he produce bread from ,tbe eaith. of the American revolution. Since the mys- ' God alone ; we are another people pr rather 1reader, Should , not , thesp and similar passa- Wine gladdeneth the heart of man, that the terious time when people first began to a community, haying our divine law o£ges be oinitted in our prayers? We' think countenance radiate with oil, and bread write do.wn ,' their ideas and experiences, Moses, our confession, our ideas in religioustheyBhotild, andj therefore,-a revision is no- sustain' the heart of man. ; He sustained through aH the ages of progressing, civilisa- matters, our manner of worshipping1, ourcessaly. We have as muchb right to do> so, as the trees, our God, the cedars of Lebanon tionr history gives us a faithful account of signs and symbols to manifestW devotionwe shall p^ove hereafter, as the R'ev. Isaac which He planted.. Where the fowls build nations struggling hard arid :manfully for and piety, towards- God, our attachment to

! Le'e3<Mv had to alter their, freedom -and earthly welfare ; but the religion of our; fathers; but in all that'¦ duce this: passage, (pagei 109,) <' May the on firtrees. He made mountains high for reading with deep earnest and emotion all we are responsible to man in social, moralSupreme , kin£ pf:; th

e ^ild-goa^arid roCk8>;to.^elter conies, thp pain^and afflictions ,arid agonies: they and ,; political life,. we, as Israelites, arenite;merby, incl^ have suffered for their dearest hopes, we rieither a people,,nor a nation, nor a societyaentpBd-o^er; officers taxipusly^pu, their whateverj respecting no, other constitution,'go^sr

nment;) and.the^e^rts of their:^c6un- ^p

'if|pp th^arid ;it^p;riig^^;under::ite;cc^er iiope^fulfiUepl;their's¥ug^^^ed with , nor any other- law^uVthatPo'f the Unitedsellers' i oflicer£^i ^ all ¦ the ' lj east^ of 'the. ^arfe^panV.. ,, The' sU$?38-v Seldom if evervictory stood' at th6 States,arid the -State wherein ,we live," an<llenpe^as^L?'* i y^g'ifoj siib^Hibtr^r- Herp^iu ';Isi r * ;if&is1i9^^ j Qf^fojud jj ^ 'Divitie;Pj^ ¦ as .good. .citizens,; as;any otherj rpiigipus,de^mr&'reprib^ stobjrdpwfil iri; theiftderi^ ft'Hew^ ©fB^ r- <>f things :f' nlp^yrannyj' 'but ' nomination. ' ¦ -Before; ^eja^


what to' eall-it.' -;^, '¦;, ¦': " 7 .. < - •« ¦" •' ;'¦ ^ii- th fMth^to his'Woi*, to ;his labor ^^#'ai riile its pTes]SBy r ! t :%' opr (^d^^e ar^: ^e. old^bej i^yjerei i?! ':tlie;: .;ql«i:Xr:V::j y :;(To b'e ;cbniinned;) . - tUl/el!&fo&^^ ^

- - ¦ ^^' ' %^^"w ' :'-V-^ ¦ ¦ ^0W:wa^mficentrarej tny ;work ;0\$p a^d^ct; riot^ ¦

:^^0f j M^k M^^^&^ ^\: . '.y : Thott1m*t'ma^^

( 'l!^ SJ!^^^'tM^^ }0 ¦¦t^m^^^eWicsMa^a^^ ¦ civflisatibn*b1f arts arid;:scienc ;mOTai;ian£ disciples ofihe:pldJpropKets,<the :de|perid]:WS B^ W !? ^&:;' &m-v^*Mi^Mtf ^ti&^ }& wligiouy and|blitical ideasjhas'ruii through ants .of- ati^n^mettb>^^t^el|l%¦ ^ ^ ^Mk :

^^°h - .:ate: omUto ¦allleneratibns ot,nian;;frdm\"Eas^ to West^ his-hnlyname and ^prea^Wlitejrajure.^8^D^w^^al:Pf0Pl8>5 h« abih

?* ,v.. ..:, -.:.• . .; . ..¦¦ • v t j ^ ' J.'- . -:¦, .. ;¦,:" ;¦ ¦ ' ' Thon givestj theri^^


;:: '- '^-:v^-^;^ ^- ^sW^^- ;: ' ¦¦¦¦¦' •;• esliv:thy harid gbddneBs arid independence^ of witK the pe^A ^iCHTH^ pp yjp. ^r| uniimited5hw

'ind^¦ W^^^^^f b^e;' w^^^Wes^^ett'-'-MMito^ iriOTipton^requali^ri^rig^^^ aU;tbe ,dutieS pf pitizenship, and'iontrihu^: ^!?^#^^:I^ ^M^^CT they/pish d feturn^to^irdust; Thou ^ftiufib^gus^^

ing all we; can to .promote ;^e- wedlare an^ness, noting ,; exce^ thee^ j fh^lpreas^ serid'eBMbmivn^iit^ea^^

:frommest^East.::v^ prosperiiyVi of ihis: 'couritry, I which;is 5ourrtnwr^ atmc^nB; : wJip^ has

ten a^to^ther, '^&'gu^^8^gron-iidiK:r

,e^^4' ^ ^iU of G^d^theBbuiroe of^ our ,pationol pros- , hope,flrir pride^ipprJipnprj purgtory, Wiutt;

1 ' :- ^^^:P^

a^pPi ' - :^d! 'Goir:ejoi6e ^iri-Hw! ^ ;peoPie^^^^w,^^#nwij i.;io^;- .stood!our:cradle. ' .

^ayfe yott: ,ever :;he;ard^ofi


men:gOing :;bacl£ Htb:i^:^r^^' ' WpJ^^S^I^^k?^^^^' w^^^M j ao&B-:. LwiU' sinpto ' cut 'dow^isSunfbutfa themcradle.?; f ^Humnity^^^i^^^ S^ f ^^ od:'pipng|sii; ve^le^^ ^ -and so dOstroy;; its 'far spreadingf roots\ and ^iierJ>;Gbd Js fe^Sand^^. dpeu

^is mymneritanoe. . . I.


: actv^;; .also:in ;dar.k there ' .ie ,;Qur\ iipm^; ^lnsteupto^ mp:bj :n ; cpnsc^:p: held.

May. sinfulness vanish, from the earth , that save^a;prpviden^alway|yp betore .n>y.eyps^ ana exclaiming, "Tips. right hand,;! cannot totte^; Therefore ,'my-8pni: V ¦ ; "/ : ' .- ? . . . * : oi, ^& greatest : :menJ ^that: evor endeared^ day the Lord has created , let us fehappyCheart rajpweth,,and imyglpr^ ; ^elujah, ;¦ _ , :J . - ' themselves ttf the hear t and m ' .

¦ V;JOy^fP^y fleshrw^^ ¦ ^¦¦

^^ . XS&yf l.- -: jnankindyuuiMh^^^I^^^W ^"Ife^ ^^^sthpu There by the- riyers: # Babel we. sat.^nd aa,ad mirablelgeniuS oC patriotism, ^perse- and joymust m* pass away, as this day will, ,sufferest not thy pious ones to see annihila- wepf on remembering Ziori. We hung our Terande and enthusiasti c love pf freedom , without inspiring our' souls th^oblsldeas,rS

D' t rT P0'11 8*^^^ m^*he Path of


on her,willows ; for there' our;captors wathV affirm' rehance' oh the prptection;of: withousi filling our hearto/with^ noble pur-Si • t ST.

S °f

at th7 P'eaence, the asked of ua the sounds of song, our tormenfr DMi*' Pioyiderice, the sway of despotism • poses. This day must-n'ot disappear without .delight winch is forever at thy r ight hand. -ors desir^ iis^to rejoice/ "Sing ris some of that threatencd -their existence. These men , leaving a; blesBing ^pon ; our life, a deepPSALM XXIX. Zion's P6n|s:" Hpw^ could we sing the the beloved Fathers of our grand Sepublic, impressiori .of what ive;arejDibligedto be andOffer to God,, ye-'sons-of the nobles, offer to hymns of 0bd upon foreign soil ? If I for- " choseri in the hour of trial, when only the must .endeavor to dp^ that we may be worthw• God, ^lory, arid majeaty, offer to God the' Set th^i "0*Jerusalem, may my right hand great are to be, seen," haye. devoutly per-, of tire great inheritance which the great"honor of his- namej worship God in holy he faithless ;to me; my tongue may cleave formed the holy mission, and by the solemn fathers of pur Republic have conqueredattire; The voice of God rolleth above , tho to my pal^|, if- l:shouId not ,think'^f thee; Declaration, of Independence which to-day and bequeathed us. In the- Declaration offloods, the Lo*d of glory thundereth , God - . if Jerusalem's

^memory leavp jn e in^thp high- & the pride and honor arid happiness and Independence they appoajed to " the nattons-

thundereth above, the impetuous flpod8. /rhe est joy. Remember, Q\Gbd, tp:!BdOm's sons, joy to millions of living Souls and feeling of the earth,; to Posterity and to Dmne 'Prb-roiceof God is with almightiness. The voice^

the day of- Jerrisaleioi's misforfdae, who hearts, for ever secured the crown of liberty videriCe. Their policy was oji ert; honest andof God iswith hea^ to their pebple—the crown of blissful im- true ; had; nothing to be ¦¦hidden from theGod -.fcreaketh cedars, yea, God hath broken fttion - ? i | ;

^1? daughte^- sue- mortality to tlieir blessed names. We do eyeti/of man; riothirig to be feared from the

eventhe 'cedars'of ebariori. They bound cessful wiUjhp be^h tviU requiteri^o thee not intend to praise these.names in which judgment of God. Their policy was such aslike calves, Lebanon arid Sirion—l ike young the wronS^ inflipted^ on us, Successful will a whole nation emebodies all the glory of must secure arid has secured them the ap^rams.: The voice of God flasheth flames of he be> ^h

^^^^e, and dash thy'pptulant their history. We stan<l in awe and revor- plause of nations,' the thanks of postern^' fire. The voice of God revblveth the desert, Bons agairi^be rock. v ence and silence, but in deep veneration at and the assistance of God. Theia it is our

yea, God will revolve the desert of lfindesh. ^r^^siv'e -Iiiher

ftlitv ' *ne "iemory of their true characters as men. sacred duty, as citizens of tho United:States,, The voice of God pieroeth the hindB and dis- An aGt 0f exten3ive liberality was performed We j oyfuUy and most heartily pay our tri- of men enjoying the; highest^ privilege jpf

leaveth the forests ; yet in His temple all py the editor bf the ^smo»eajt ( in granting , bu^e Q^. | '»;. .?n*-."W^.-"^>™ » j political and religious freedom, to perpetu- tproclairii His gloiy. Gpd was enthroned at to MJr. E. M. Epstein three columns and a here in the house of God, and implore : fer- " ate this inheritance by ^pursiiing the saime¦the flood , and God the King will , sit en- half of his-periodical which has but twelve vently the Father of all mankind to accord policy, embracing the same principles, amithroned forever. Gpd giveth power tp His coiumn8 0f reading matter—to defend the Peace and; «yeriasting bliss to these friends making them as mighty and sucpes>ful aspeople, God blesseth his people with heav- npo8tate miB8i0naries of Palestine, and com- and benefactorsi of all mankind. " they have proved themselves itt% time ofonly peace. - . ' memorate ma > wa>0names are obnoxious Nor do we iatend to rePresenfc the mighty our fathers. It is our

^duty af pitizeap of

PSALM G. to the Jewish eomSity. We must profess effeot ^hioh^^^^Shout gfory u^Gpd, all the earth ! Wor- our infirmity in thifll>int ; we are riot quite *hia da7 ha!

da,?«d ~'¥ {he; ProiBre88 .«t with the history, past and present conditionShip God with joy ; appear in His presence f ig n^QVa\ to apQst^es%ur fifths of whom humanity, BirieVits emanation from the ;soral of! the United States, to fulfil our obligation ¦with rejoicing - Know ye that God is the think no morelllrja^anitythan of Bud- o^fferspjwiMihis ^

ay That jvould be? wj^neverind^ v%ereyer v^e. are obliged or ,Lord ; it is He who hath made us--and His hism.-We ha^pTn^Wdoubt the

sincere a historicalip'ictuiB far; beyond our humble; do sp to the best o't^^our knowledge ',we are—His people, and the sheep-of His ifcy 0f Mr E ^^Je^hayl1© right to doubt sbar^ of ^tai1 priwer and knowledge^ to fee highly interested in the welfare of bur

pasture. ¦> Enter ye His''gates with'thanksV. ain^$0^$M^ whom he worthy to be>ep«sented only by the true people, and to heighten their honor ;land

giving, and His courts, with adoration : ho]d as ^JexM^and pattern es- gifted pen of-an historian, such as Herodp- their glory in the eye of thenation. lt is burthank Him, and praise His name. For God n -nn,nf !##;;£&?i-Jfe; n* ' „ tus or Tacitus: All we want Is,' to take arid saorpd duty as citizens of the United. Statesj XT- ¦ t .. * , tt. peciauy oi mr.,'JuauDa,..wno never was a ; . *'v . ,.i, .. .,. . i.,>.>' ^v ¦' ¦. » >is good ; His grace is everlasting, and His galt)bi . and {hrrikut^an^ditor of a Jew- hestow our part in the national enthusiasm to educate our children in the .liberal andtruth endure th to all generations. ish pap r to lend%^a%1bVthe circulation and joy of thisjday, und so derM from' the ' republican spirit of our institutions; to in-

^PSALM CIV. of the praised renegiides. 'Had we to deal . event that has caused this joy, such thoughts spire their souls with.noble arid generousPraise God , my soul, God my Lord , is ex- wjth Mr. E. -we could tell him some of the and feelings as would benefit our life and ideas; to train their minds to useful 00ceedingly. great, majestic and splendor%lad. motives leading the host of M. D's. and L.L. community. For we, too, my dear Hebrew cupations, and to promote and foster . theHe unrolleth the light like a garment, ex- D's. in embracing Christianity ; but this not brethren, are Americans, connected and holy cause of national education, learningpandeth the heavens like a curtain. He being the case, we stop here. * united with the people of the United States and literature. It is our sacred, duty aalayeth the foundation of His palace in the ^^H r

"~ *" —7 . , t . by tho holiest ties of patriotism, of love for Hebrew citizens:¦ to fulfil in its biost ex-water, maketh the clouds His chariot, and ..^youJ coffee aHTslan^s^aS yo^be thi8 sacred ground, which, ever sinoe its tensive signification, the rcommand of ourfloateth along on the -n f» ;ons of the wind, cvrr alike—without grounds." discovery,, has been ¦ tho dear home of a law : " Tlv r i 'sjaalt love thy neighbor as thy-
