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Set in the days of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) in which France was

defeated by Prussia led by Bismarck. Prussia then consisted of what now are the nations of Germany, Poland and

parts of Austria. In this story the French districts of Alsace and Lorraine have passed into

Prussian hands.

Main points to remember: Temptation: Warm and bright day; chirping of birds; drilling of Prussian

soldiers; tempting than rule of participles. Bulletin Board: For the last two years all the bad news was displayed — the

lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer; blacksmith taunted

Franz that he shouldn’t go fast and would reach school in plenty of time. Unusual about the school: Usually a great bustle, the opening and closing of

desks, lessons repeated in unison, and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the

table. That day everything was as quiet as Sunday morning. Students already in their places

Unusual about M. Hamel: Spoke kindly and asked Franz to take his seat. Was

wearing his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt, and the little black silk cap, all

embroidered, that he never wore except on inspection and prize days. Didn’t

scold Franz for not reciting the lesson. Backbenches: Always empty, the village people sitting quietly that day; old

Hauser, with his three-cornered hat, the former mayor, the former postmaster,

and several others; their way of thanking M. Hamel for his forty years of faithful service and of showing their unity and solidarity with their nation.

Transformation in Franz: M. Hamel’s words were thunderclap for him; Last

French lesson; Regretted for not learning lessons, for seeking birds’ eggs, or

going sliding on the Saar! His books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while

ago, so heavy to carry, were old friends now that he couldn’t give up. M. Hamel

was no longer cranky. On the roof, the pigeons cooed very low, “Will they make

them sing in German, even the pigeons?” M. Hamel’s views: Parents not anxious enough to send children to school;

preferred to put them to work on a farm or at the mills, so as to have a little more money. Himself often sent them to water his flowers instead of learning

lessons; Gave holiday when he wanted to go fishing; French language the most

beautiful in the world — the clearest, the most logical; must guard it and never

forget it; When people are enslaved, Language is the key to their prison. M. Hamel’s feelings: Sat motionless in his chair and gazing first at one thing,

then at another, as if he wanted to fix in his mind just how everything looked in that little school-room; Clock struck twelve; Prussians soldiers marched in; M.

Hamel couldn’t speak; wrote on the board; Vive La France [long live France];

made a gesture to all to depart. ***************************************************************************************


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1. The story of the chapter is set up in the days of _________ in which _________ was defeated. 2. _________ and _________ districts of France were taken over by _________. 3. Franz didn’t want to go to the school mainly because _________. 4. Franz had not learnt _________. 5. _________, _________, and _________ were more tempting than _________ for Franz. *************************************************************************************** 1. The bulletin board was displaying _________ for last _________ years. 2. The bad news was regarding _________ , _________and _________. 3. Franz was _________ by _________ who said he had plenty of time to_________. ************************************************************************************** 1. When Franz reached the school that day he found that there was no noise of _________, _________, and _________. 2. Everyone _________. 3. It was as quiet as _________. ************************************************************************************** 1. Franz was not scolded by _________ who told him to _________. 2. Franz noticed that _________ was looking different as _________. 3. Franz was surprised when he was not _________ even when he couldn’t _________. 4. Franz noticed very unusual about the class as he looked back because _________. ************************************************************************************** 1. Franz was shocked when M. Hamel told _________. 2. He regretted that _________. 3. He felt bad for _________. 4. Books were _________. 5. _________ was no longer _________ for Franz. 6. He understood why _________ were sitting on_________. 7. It was their way of thanking _________ for his _________ to the school. 8. _________ also wanted to express _________ with France. 9. _________ also attended the class because they felt _________. 10. M. Hamel blamed himself for _________ and parents for _________. ************************************************************************************* 1. M. Hamel praised his language that it was the _________ and _________ language and must be _________. 2. He told that language of a nation is _________. 3. When the Church clock struck _________ and _________ was heard , M. Hamel couldn’t _________. 4. He wrote _________ on _________ which means _________. 5. He gestured everyone to _________. ***************************************************************************************


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Answer these questions based upon your understanding of the chapter: 1. Which two districts of France were taken over by Germany?


2. What was the decision of Germany regarding French teaching in the schools of France?


3. What had the bulletin board been displaying since two years?


4. What were the temptations for Franz instead of going to the school?


5. What was the actual fear of Franz behind staying away from the school?


6. What was Franz scared of?


7. What did the blacksmith tell Franz?


8. What unusual change Franz observed regarding the usual daily noise on reaching the school?


9. What surprised Franz about M. Hamel? Mention three points.




10. What surprised Franz about the classroom that day?


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11. What reason Franz came to know behind those unusual changes?


12. How did Franz react when he came to know the truth? What was the truth? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. What made Franz feel guilty? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Who did M. Hamel blame regarding the neglect of French language? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. What were the three reasons that the elders attended the school that day? ____________________________________________________________________________________

16. What was heard when the Church clock struck twelve?


17. How did m. Hamel feel when he heard that sound?


18. What did he write on the board?


19. How did he ask everyone to depart?


20. Who is the writer of the story?





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1 Drilling instruction or training in military exercises

2 Tempting appealing to or attracting someone

3 Rapping strike (a hard surface) with a series of rapid audible

blows, especially in order to attract attention

4 Commotion a state of confused and noisy disturbance

5 Unison simultaneous performance or utterance of action or


6 Thunderclap used in similes to refer to something startling or unexpected

7 Cranky eccentric or strange

8 Nuisance a person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance




Anees Jung asked her to go to school to study.

She promised Saheb that she will build a school. She had made a fake promise to Saheb of building a school. When Saheb

encountered her after some days and asked about the school, she was


His full name is Saheb-e-alam. It means Lord of the Universe. But Saheb was just a poor ragpicker.

Saheb liked the game of tennis. The game being too expensive, he couldn’t

afford. So he satisfied himself by wearing the discarded sports shoes of a rich


They say that they are not willing to wear. Some say that mothers don’t buy and even if they have, they won’t wear. Some say it’s a tradition not to wear


The poor rag pickers are satisfied with their lot. Their non-acceptance and

people’s apathy towards them leads to the perpetual state of poverty. There is no drainage, sewage or running water. There are mud houses with tin

roof. People have only ration cards as their identity which helps them to get

food at discounted rates.

Delhi, being the capital of the nation is on the path of progress and development whereas, Seemapuri, at the periphery of Delhi, is occupied by

poor rag pickers who seem to have no future ahead.

Saheb starts earning Rs. 800 per month at a tea-stall. But he becomes a slave

to his master. He is no longer free.



Q1. What did the author ask Saheb to do instead of ragpicking?

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Q2. What promise was made by the author?


Q3. What embarrassed the author?


Q4. What is the irony in Saheb’s name?


Q5. Which game does Saheb like and how does he fulfil his wish?


Q6. What are the excuses made by the poor children for not wearing footwear?


Q7. What is the perpetual state of poverty as mentioned in the chapter?


Q8. What are the living conditions at Seemapuri?


Q9. How is Seemapuri miles away from Delhi?


Q10. Why is Saheb no longer a master of his own?





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Bangle makers of Firozabad work in dingy rooms devoid of light and fresh air,

their eyes more adjusted to dark.

o Thousands of children involved in this industry, losing their eyesight

even before becoming young. o Their living conditions are pathetic, living in stinking lanes choked with

garbage; crumbling walls and wobbly doors; animals and humans co-existing.

o Mukesh, a young boy, wants to break free the tradition and become a

motor mechanic. o His father, earlier a tailor, then a bangle maker could not build a

house, send his two sons to school and could teach them only what he knew, that’s art of bangle making.

o Mukesh’s grandmother believes it’s all their karmas and no one can

escape from it. o But Mukesh is determined to walk to garage to become a motor

mechanic. o Bangle maker are unable to form a union due to a vicious circle of

sahukars, political leaders, middle me, policemen, bureaucrats and if

anyone tries to form a union, the person is beaten and dragged to nail for

doing something illegal. o People at Firozabad don’t have many dreams as they know they can

never fulfil those dreams due to the prevalent conditions. o Mukesh also has thought of only becoming a motor mechanic, not to

own a vehicle, or fly an airplane as he understands his limitations.

READ THESE POINTS: The bangle makers work in dingy rooms in strong light and in front of furnaces.

Thousands of children are involved in this industry and most of them lose their

eye-sight before becoming young.

There are stinking lanes choked with garbage. There are crumbling walls and wobbly doors. Animals and humans co-exist.

Most of the children lose their eyesight.

Mukesh wishes to break the tradition and become a motor mechanic.

Mukesh’s father couldn’t renovate his house, couldn’t send his two sons to school. All he could teach them was the art of bangle making.

It’s the vicious circle of Sahukars, middlemen, policemen, landlords, political

leaders and bureaucrats.

One world os of the poor bangle makers who hardly manage to survive and the other world id the one comprising of the vicious circle.

When anyone tries to form a union, he is beaten up and dragged ot jail as if

doing something illegal.

Mukesh is determined to walk till garage to fulfil his dream.

Bangle makers of Firozabad don’t have high dreams . they are satisfied with their lot. Mukesh also has dreamt of becoming a motor mechanic and not to fly

an airplane as he knows his limitations.


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Q1. What are the working conditions of bangle makers of Firozabad?


Q2. What are the living conditions of bangle makers of Firozabad?


Q3. What happen to most of the children before they become young?


Q4. Who is Mukesh and what dream has he seen?


Q5. How is the father of Mukesh, a failure in his life?


Q6. Which vicious circle does the author refer to?


Q7. Which two distinct worlds the author refer to?


Q8. Why are the bangle makers unable to form a union?


Q9. How can we say that Mukesh can realize his dream?


Q10. What does the author mean by “few planes fly over Firozabad”?





1.Poet- Adrienne Rich.

2. Aunt Jennifer is carving tigers on cloth in wooden frame[Panel, Screen].

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3. Tigers are brave, fearless , move with a royal dignity and determination and jump across screen playfully without any fear from hunters under tree.

4. Aunt Jennifer’s life is different, in contrast with life of tigers.

* her fingers flutter – due to old age as well as out of fear of husband

5. All her life she was afraid of dominating and authoritative husband.

6. Her wedding ring is heavy as her husband was cruel and dominating and ring is a heavy burden for her.

7. Even after her death, her fingers would be still having ring of unhappiness, she would not get peace, her tigers [ her inner desires of freedom, happiness, be brave, fearless] will

be alive



The poet talks about Aunt Jennifer.

She is doing embroidery on a piece of cloth. She has made it with beautiful tigers that are running fiercely in the green forest. She describes their beauty in comparison to a topaz. As in the green background of

the forest, they appear bright yellow.

Men beneath the tree do not affect them as they are fearless. At this point, we can sense the contrast of behaviour between the aunt and tigers. Although tiger made by her is fierce she is afraid of her husband. According to the poet, tigers are the proud and fearless citizens of the forests. These creatures are very elegant and shiny.


In this para, the poet defines Aunt Jennifer’s fear of her husband. While doing embroidery she says that her fingers shake with the fear of her husband. She quivers while she is embroidering the piece of cloth.

Also, it becomes difficult for her to pull the needle up and down. After that, she defines her wedding ring which her husband gave her on their wedding

day. In addition, she sees it as a kind of burden to wear this ring.

She feels this because her husband tortures her so much that she sees the wedding ring as a burden instead of a loving symbol of marriage.

Due to the many difficulties, she has faced in her married life that she describes the little wedding ring as a heavy band on her trembling fingers.


In the last part, the poet says that though aunt’s design of tigers can easily sense her desire for freedom and fearlessness.

However, the poet says that it is not possible for her to achieve this freedom during her lifetime.

But the irony here is that even after her death, she will be tied with chains in the form of her husband’s wedding ring.

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This ring is the only proof of the pains that she had faced from her husband. On the contrary, the tigers made by Aunt Jennifer will always portray her desire for

living a fearless life by jumping boldly and proudly on a piece of cloth.


Answer these questions:

1. The poem is about ________ 2. She is doing ________ on a ________ fixed in a ________

3. She is carving ________ that are ________ across the screen.

4. Her tigers are ________ and ________.

5. Her tigers are not afraid of ________. 6. Her tigers are compared to a ________.

7. The tigers move with a ________ and ________.

1. Aunt Jennifer has become ________ and her fingers ________. 2. She is unable to ________ the ________ needle across the ________.

3. Her fingers ________ due to ________ and ________.

4. Her wedding ring is ________ for her.

5. She hasn’t got ________ in her ________ life because the Uncle had been

________ and ________.

1. When ________ will die, her ________ would be in her ________

2. The ring is symbolic of ________ but for her it is ________

3. Aunt Jennifer will not get ________ after death because ________ 4. Her tigers will keep on ________

5. Her tigers symbolize her ________ of ________ and ________





Q1. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.

Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen,

Bright topaz denizens of a world of green

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They do not fear the men beneath the tree,

They pace in sleek chivalric certainty

(a) How are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers described?


(b) Why are they described as denizens of a world of green?


(c) Why are they not afraid of the men?


(d) What are her tigers symbolic of?


Question.2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.

When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie

Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by

The tigers in the panel that she made

Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid

(a) Who is the aunt mentioned here?


(b) Why is she “ringed with ordeals”?


(c) What is the difference between her and the tigers?


(d) Why has Aunt Jennifer created the tigers so different from her own character?

Question 3. Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.

They do not fear the men beneath the tree;

They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.

(a) Who are ‘They’? Where are ‘They’?


(b) Why are They’ not afraid of men?


Question 4. Aunt Jennifer’s finger fluttering through her wool

Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.

The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band

Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.

(a) What is Aunt Jennifer doing with her wool? ivory needle?


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(b) Why does she find it difficult to pull her ivory needle?


(c) What does ‘wedding band’ stand for?


(d) Describe the irony in the third line.




Q1. What are the ordeals that Aunt Jennifer faced in her life?




Q2. How are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers different from her?




Q3. How does Aunt Jennifer express her bitterness and anger against male dominance?



Q4. What will happen to Aunt Jennifer’s tigers when she is dead?



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Q5. What lies heavily on Aunt Jennifer’s hand? How is it associated with her husband?



Q6. Why did Aunt Jennifer choose to embroider tigers on the panel?



Q7. How do the words, ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of Aunt

Jennifer’s tigers?



Q8. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her

own character?



Q9. How does the poet describe Aunt Jennifer’s tigers?



