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1 06 - concept of stress

06 - concept of stress

holzapfel �nonlinear solid mechanics� [2000], chapter 3, pages 109-129

2 06 - concept of stress

06 - concept of stress

holzapfel �nonlinear solid mechanics� [2000], chapter 3, pages 109-129

3 06 - concept of stress

me338 - syllabus

4 06 - concept of stress

definition of stress stress [‘stres] is a measure of the internal forces acting within a deformable body. quantitatively, it is a measure of the average force per unit area of a surface within the body on which internal forces act. these internal forces arise as a reaction to external forces applied to the body. because the loaded deformable body is assumed to behave as a continuum, these internal forces are distributed continuously within the volume of the material body, and result in deformation of the body's shape.

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• cauchy‘s postulate

5 06 - concept of stress

cauchy‘s postulate

stress vector t to a plane with normal n at position x only depends on plane‘s normal n

augustin louis caucy [1789-1857] Px

6 06 - concept of stress

cauchy‘s lemma

augustin louis caucy [1789-1857]

• cauchy‘s lemma

newton‘s third law actio = reactio

t n

-t -n

7 06 - concept of stress

cauchy‘s theorem

augustin louis caucy [1789-1857]

existence of second order tensor field σ is inde- pendent of n, such that t is a linear function of n

X2 , x2

X3 , x3

X1 , x1





• cauchy‘s theorem

• cauchy‘s postulate

8 06 - concept of stress


augustin louis caucy [1789-1857]

• cauchy‘s lemma

• cauchy‘s theorem

stress vector t to a plane with normal n at position x only depends on plane‘s normal n

newton‘s third law actio = reactio

existence of second order tensor field σ is inde- pendent of n, such that t is a linear function of n

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9 06 - concept of stress







illustration of stress components

interpretation of 3x3 components

10 06 - concept of stress

normal and tangential stress

t n tn


• stress vector

• normal stress

• tangential stress

11 06 - concept of stress

concept of stress - example 1 • consider the cauchy stress tensor as given below

• a) find the traction vector corresponding to the plane! • b) what is the magnitude of the normal and the shear stress? • c) is the normal stress tensile or compressive?

12 06 - concept of stress

concept of stress - example 1

• a) find the traction vector corresponding to the plane!

don’t forget to normalize the normal vector

• a) project stress tensor onto plane with normal n

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• b) what is the magnitude of the normal stress?

13 06 - concept of stress

concept of stress - example 1

• b) what is the magnitude of the shear stress? or

14 06 - concept of stress

concept of stress - example 1

• c) is the normal stress tensile or compressive?

• c) since the normal stress is tensile

• they follow from the characteristic equation

15 06 - concept of stress

minimum/maximium principal stress • principal normal stresses include the maximum and minimum normal stress among all possible directions

• where are the stress invariants

• principal directions are the directions associated with the principal values and follow from

with (no summation) 16 06 - concept of stress

concept of stress - example 2

• given the following stress tensor

• a) what are the maximal stress values? • b) what are the principal directions? • c) what is their significance?

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17 06 - concept of stress

concept of stress - example 2 • a) what are the maximal stress values?

• first we derive the characteristic equation (cubic eqn)

• and solve for the eigenvalues

18 06 - concept of stress

concept of stress - example 2 • b) what are the principal directions?

• solve three evp‘s obtain the three principal directions

• c) what is their significance?

06 - concept of stress 19

concept of stress - research example

20 06 - concept of stress

stress tensors

cauchy / true stress relates spatial force to spatial area

first piola kirchhoff / nominal stress relates spatial force to material area

second piola kirchhoff stress relates material force to material area

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cauchy / true stress relates spatial force to spatial area

first piola kirchhoff / nominal stress relates spatial force to material area

second piola kirchhoff stress relates material force to material area

21 06 - concept of stress

stress tensors

22 06 - concept of stress

stress tensors

gustav robert kirchhoff [1824-1887]

augustin louis caucy


first piola kirchhoff

second piola kirchhoff cauchy

23 06 - concept of stress

pull back / push forward

covariant / strains

contravariant / stresses

pull back push forward

pull back push forward
