  • 7/30/2019 02 Serbia, Kosovo and EU Enlargement


    Serbia, Kosovo And EU Enlargement Analysis

    By TransConflict -- (March 13, 2013)

    Only Washington can push Pristina to accept a compromise over the north. Yet

    despite the fact that the Ahtisaari Plan clearly allows them to have a decision-

    making body, the US says it doesnt accept executive powers for any association

    of Kosovo-Serb municipalities. Perhaps the US and Pristina should now talk directly

    with the northerners and stop holding EU membership hostage.

    By Gerard M. Gallucci

    The EU has problems, lots. The currency union turns out to have been a very

    effective mechanism for German growth and wealth at the expense of crippling

    debt for most of the other countries trapped within the euro. Low interest rates in

    Germany, high rates and therefore ready cheap money in the Mediterranean

    economies simply operationalized the imbalances intrinsic to a single currency

    serving quite different sovereign states. The Germans reaped the profits andcomplain of having to bail out the southern European slackers. The German

    Economic Minister now warns against allowing France to exceed debt limits and the

    ECB from lending any more money to those Italians.

    All things being equal, the euros problems should not by themselves lessen the

    advantages of bringing those European countries outside the EU into membership.

    The EU per se is not the same as the single currency. Europe has effectively grown

    larger since the fall of the Eastern Bloc. NATO walked up to the borders of the

    former Soviet Union and is knocking at the door for what advantage? even onGeorgia. The EU has added new states as well. It is the natural political and

    economic counterpart to the military alliance. Both stake their claim on the belief

    that Europe is more prosperous and more secure if internal barriers come down and

    it acts in common. The political and economic requirements of EU membership are

    seen to make democracy, transparency and free market capitalism more robust. By

    this reasoning, it would be clearly in Europes interest to bring in the Balkans (and

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    Turkey) as soon as possible. Let the process of becoming EU members catalyze

    progress in these countries and cement them into the Western world.

    Yet there is no denying a certain lack of eagerness for EU enlargement, perhaps

    with reason. Things dont appear to have worked out so well with Romania and

    Bulgaria. But there may be deeper causes too. Electorates remain instinctively

    nationalistic and increasingly wonder about the costs of the union including not

    only money but hosting foreign workers. Germany especially appears to be

    resisting EU enlargement for reasons quite apart from problems with the euro and

    they relate directly to its position on Serbia and Kosovo. Berlins policy toward the

    two has long appeared to be focused on keeping Albanians happy by giving them

    what they want outside Germany. An independent Kosovo cost Germany nothing

    and allowed the return of Roma and Albanians that no longer could cite war and

    persecution. It also conveniently made it less likely to have to deal with Serbian


    Germany has been singled minded in its effort to find reasons to keep Serbia from

    moving forward on membership. Despite occasional obfuscation, it clearly has

    conditioned getting even a date for membership talks on Belgrade surrendering the

    north to Pristina and recognizing Kosovo. Whatever the other European Quint

    members might be ready to accept, Berlin seems dug in. Chancellor Merkel just

    doesnt want to add Serbia. The US appears pleased to play along with the

    Germans. (Its been mostly the troops from both countries that sought to use force

    to bully the northern Kosovo Serbs in 2011.) The US can keep Kosovo a Europeanproblem by steadfastly supporting Pristina and letting Berlin take the lead.

    Only Washington can push Pristina to accept a compromise over the north. But the

    US says it doesnt accept executive powers for any association of Kosovo-Serb

    municipalities. This despite the fact the the Ahtisaari Plan clearly allows them to

    have a decision-making body. Thus the Serbian government remains caught

    between the demand to surrender Kosovo and its wish to move forward on EU

    membership. Prime Minister Dacic reportedly told the press that the EU and US

    seem to want his government to make a deal and then enforce it on the north. Butas it cant work that way, why should he negotiate over this. Let the US and Pristina

    talk directly with the northerners. Now theres an idea. And stop holding EU

    membership hostage?

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    Gerard M. Gallucci is a retired US diplomat and UN peacekeeper. He worked as part

    of US efforts to resolve the conflicts in Angola, South Africa and Sudan and as

    Director for Inter-American Affairs at the National Security Council. He served as UN

    Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008 and

    as Chief of Staff for the UN mission in East Timor from November 2008 until June

