

From Father Jim“Jesus said to his disciples, ‘As the Father loves Me, so I also love you. Remain in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept the Father’s commandments and remain in His love… This is My commandment: love one another as I love you… It was not you who chose Me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain… This I command you: love one another.”

In His prayer Jesus is preparing the disciples for their work when He takes leave of them. How frequently John’s gospel uses the word ‘remain’, stay close, be cemented, don’t stray. Besides telling them what to do, He assures them that He too will be part of their lives for He loves, not just loved them.

He then gives them the task to put into action, to go and bear fruit. Am I unsure or afraid what the Lord asks of me? I shouldn’t be, because I am both loved by Him at this moment, and He has both chosen me and appointed me. He is waiting for my response.

We extend a warm welcome to our new Parishioners:

Mr. and Mrs. Colin Bradley and FamilyWe extend our condolences and prayers to

the families of those who have died:Mrs. Mary Cole


After the Easter Season the Church’s Sunday Eucharist will return to Mark’s Gospel. Having celebrated Christ’s victory over sin and death in his Passion, Death, and Resurrection, we now return to Jesus’ Miracles and Parables-to cherish and practice the lessons He taught by His words and deeds. Come join fellow parishioners for this presentation NEXT Sunday, May 13th at 1:15pm in the Chapel.

SUMMER OFFICE HOURSThe Parish Office Summer Office hours will begin Monday, May

14th. Our summer office hours are 8:00am-4:00pm Monday-Friday. Have a great Summer!

Why Choose ICS?“[ICS grads] come to us with strong foundational skills in reading, writing, and a keen understanding of how to build on those skills. They frequently credit their previous teachers at ICS for how much they have retained and their ability to apply what they learn. --May Goble, English Teacher, Salesianum

May 7, 2018-------8:30 am------------Brian E. Kane

May 8, 2018-------8:30 am------------Ann T. Saunders

May 9, 2018-------8:30 am------------Kevin O’Toole

May 10, 2018-----St. Damien de Veuster, Priest8:30 am------------Marie Ellsworth

May 11, 20188:30 am ------------Donna Purlier

May 12, 2018 Sts Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs; St. Pancras, Martyr8:30 am------------Fr. Tony Larry, OSFS (Living Intention)5:00 pm------------Zofia Zasadzienski

May 13, 2018 ----The Ascension of the Lord7:00 am------------Edward Fischer Jr.8:30 am------------John and Laura McCarthy9:00 am SJ---------Mothers of the Parish10:15 am-----------Anthony Silvana Esposito (Living Intention)12:00 pm-----------People of the Parish

2018 Annual Catholic Appeal“Disciples of Christ, Witnesses of Faith”

Thank you to everyone who made a pledge to the diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. If you have not yet participated, please consider doing so today. Your gift makes a real difference in the lives of thousands of individuals and families who reside within our 12-county diocese. Pledge envelopes are available in the pews and can be placed in the offertory basket. Thank you for your generosity and support. To learn more about the Annual Catholic Appeal, visit; click “Giving” then “Annual Catholic Appeal”.

Today we welcome The Little Sisters of the Poor who are taking up a collection for the Little Sisters of the Poor Jeanne Jugan Residence. Please consider donating to their mission to offer the neediest elderly a home where they are welcomed and cared for, physically, emotionally,

LITURGYand spiritually by the Little Sisters. We offer our prayers that God will reward your charity and will grant grace and blessings in abundance to you and to the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Readings for next week: The Ascension of the Lord

First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11 Jesus had appeared many times to His disciples after His resurrection. On this final occasion, Jesus’ departing message is that they will soon receive the Holy Spirit to strengthen them in their work. No sooner does He say this, he is taken up to heaven before their eyes.

Second Reading: Ephesians 1:17-23Paul prays that God may grant wisdom and enlightenment to the Ephesians. Every power has been given to Christ who now reigns in heaven. He is the “head of the church, which is His body.”Gospel: Mark 16:15-20Jesus told His disciples to go and spread the gospel to every creature, to the world. Jesus also spoke of the signs that will accompany those who believe in Christ. After He spoke with them, He was taken into heaven and took His seat the right hand of God.


The next Baptism Class is May 14th, 7:00-8:30 pm in the Parish Center. It’s never too early to prepare for the Baptism of your child. Parents are required and Godparents are encouraged to attend. Contact the Parish Office to register and arrange the date of Baptism at 410-398-1100.

2018 VBS PLANNING IS HERE!"Shipwrecked" Totally Catholic VBS is where kids learn that Jesus rescues! Our next planning meeting will be held on Monday, May 14 th at 6pm in the parish

center. If you cannot attend the meeting, but would like to be part of this exciting adventure, contact the religion office at 410-392-3551 or email [email protected] We need many volunteers, adults and teens, to make this happen!


Register Early so that T-Shirts and supplies can be ordered. VBS is for children ages 4 through the completion of Gr 5

Online registration

LIKE us on

ADORATION FOR VOCATIONSOn the 1st Sunday of each month, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament occurs from 1pm-3pm in IC Chapel. Join us to pray for vocations to priesthood and religious life. The next opportunity is today, May 6th. Contact Dermott Mullan at 410-398-3368.

DAILY READINGS: Sixth Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Sunday.......................Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48, 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-7

Monday......................................................Acts 16:11-15; Jn 15:26-16:4a

Tuesday.............................................................Acts 16:22-34; Jn 16:5-11

Wednesday...........................................Acts 17:15, 22-18:1; Jn 16:12-15

Thursday.....Acts 18:1-8; Jn 16:16-20 or in some Ecclesiastical Provinces:

..........The Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11; Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13

.....................................................................or 4:1-7, 11-13; Mk 16:15-20

Friday................................................................Acts 18:9-18; Jn 16:20-23

Saturday.......................................................Acts 18:23-28; Jn 16:23b-28

Liturgical Ministers for Next Week: May 12-13

5:00 pmAltar Servers: Thomas L, Donovan O • EMs: Diana B, Madison L, Gina L• Lector: Paula G • Ushers: Eileen P, Bill B, Pat C

7:00 amAltar Servers: Jacob B, Sarah B • EM’s: Frank S, Gerald M, Alan S • Lector: James B • Ushers: Charles M, William C

8:30 amAltar Servers: Henry W, Damian W •EMs: Cecilia G, Peter G, Mary Ann H• Lector: Brigid W • Ushers: Anthony D, Steve C, Wendel S, Anthony M

9:00 am (SJ)Altar Servers: Alex L • EM’s: Larry B, Dorothy D, Dotty F, Les F, Narcy Z• Lector: Michele C • Ushers: Kevin O, Bill D, Jule V

10:15 amAltar Servers: Justin M, Tommy M • EM’s: Kathy C, Rita M, Ben F, Richard B, Elizabeth B •Lector: Dana B •Ushers: Bob W, David B, Steve A

12:00 noonAltar Servers: Gabriel O, Valerie O • EMs: Cynthia J, Grace B • Lector: Mark K • Ushers: Teresa G, Charles C

CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORDChildren’s Liturgy is for children ages 5-8 ONLY. Children

LITURGYwho are not in this category are asked to remain in church.

The catechist for next Sunday, May 13th is:Donna Mulkern

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK:“The cross will not crush you; if its weight makes you stagger, its power will also sustain you.” ~ Saint Pio


Alleluia! He is Risen!Easter season continues, and we have much to celebrate at ICS. Last weekend, we welcomed Ian T. to the Eucharistic table for the

first time. This weekend, Jordan D., Sam S., Addison T., Rachel S., Reese S., and Kellan M. join us as full participants in the liturgy. Please pray for these and all of our First Communicants as they experience the joy and wonder of receiving the Body and Blood of Christ.

This week, we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week! Please pray for the dedicated women who work with our students every day. They spend countless hours planning and preparing engaging lessons that motivate our students to achieve their very best and become all that God intends them to be!

Do you have young children at home who are itching to get out and do something new and fun? We have an answer for you! Join Gwen Davis for a seasonal activity and story geared to pre-school aged children. Our final Story Time for this school year will be Tuesday, May 15 at 9:00am. If you have questions or are interested in helping, please contact Emily Murphy at 410-398-2636.

Applications are being accepted for next school year. If you missed our open house, don’t worry! Individual tours are available upon request by calling 410-398-2636. Now is the time to consider the benefits of Immaculate Conception’s strong, faith-based, challenging academic program.


RELIGION CLASSES FOR GRADES K-8: To ensure a place for your child in the religion classes for next year, you must register now!

YOU CAN REGISTER EITHER:-on the parish website under Faith Formation -By completing a registration form.**Note: Finances are never to a reason not to register! Payment plans / assistance are available!Did You Know that… -We have a Kindergarten Class that meets on Sunday Morning?-Children must have attended 1st grade to register for 1st

Communion?-Students must have completed Grades 7 AND 8 to register for Confirmation?

Questions? Contact the religion office at 410-392-3551

FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAM:THE LAST FIRST COMMUNION CELEBRATION WILL BE THIS SUNDAY, MAY 6TH AT 2PM.Let us pray for all of our parish young people who have joined us at the Table of the Lord in celebrating their First Communion. May they desire to continue to join our faith community regularly at Mass and be nourished by the Holy Eucharist.

YOUTH MINISTRY & CONFIRMATION CONFIRMATION PROGRAM:Our celebration of Confirmation was awesome! Thank you to all who made this occasion a sacred success. Congratulations to our newly-confirmed members!

YOUTH GROUP: Tonight, May 6 - -Confirmation After Party: share the experience of receiving the sacrament and feast on desserts. May 13 Paint the Walls- literally!

YOUTH MINISTRY WISH LIST: paper products, plastic-ware, bottled water, pizza gift cards

YOUNG ADULTS GROUP:This June there will be a Connections group for young adults (ages 18-30.) Connections is an adult faith formation program that inspires Catholics to pursue their spiritual transformation and equips them to be fully devoted disciples of Jesus. Each Connections seminar involves a weekly meeting, personal and group activities, and a discussion with the leader. Contact Maddie Reese at mem. [email protected]

ADULT EDUCATIONInterested in a study group? Many opportunities are available. Call the Parish Office at 410-392-3551.


LITURGYThe Last Adult Symbolon Class for this year will be held this week on Mon., May 7th at 6:30pm and Tues., May 8th at 9:15am.The topic will be: The Last Things: What Happens After We Die. Participants are reminded to turn in their evaluation form.

RESOURCES FOR THE EASTER SEASON:-Go to the Parish Website at and look under Resources to find Resources for Prayer, Scripture, etc. -The weekly Scripture puzzles for children continue to be posted on our Parish Website under Children’s Corner.


Please consider donating non-perishable foods to the Outreach! Thank you for your help, prayers, & donations to this essential ministry!! We are currently in need of: canned fruit, soup, and Women’s clothes only size 4xL or 5xl

COMMUNITY KITCHEN NEWSMany thanks to everyone who made our lunch on 4/27 such a wonderful feast! While serving a delicious meal, we received lots of smiles and compliments from our guests. Thanks to your donations, we had plenty for seconds and plenty to share with The Men's Shelter. A special word of thanks to Ms. Megan Januszka, ICS guidance counselor and the three ICS 7th grade Honor Society Students that she brought. They prepared, served, and cleaned-up like pros! We look forward to our gala picnic on 7/27! Our menu will be sloppy joes, pasta salad, fruit, and dessert. Until then, we wish you a happy & safe summer! Thank you for your prayers and support for this 18 year old Ministry!


Join us for Parish Coffee: Today, May 6th after the 9:00 am Mass at St. Jude’s.

Join us for Parish Coffee May 13th after 10:15 mass at IC! Hope to see you there.

PARISH EVENTS/INFORMATIONSave the Date!! Our 8th Annual Golf Classic is going

to be held on Monday, June 11th, 2018 at the Newark Country Club!! Join us for a fun-filled day of golf, great food, and some amazing auction items and

golf prizes; including a hole-in-one car donated by Newark Chrysler Jeep Dodge! Spaces are limited!! You can participate by: golfing, sponsoring, contributing auction Items, Volunteering, or joining us for dinner! Register online at or by filling out a registration found in the churches or parish office. We need volunteers on the planning committee and to help the day of. Contact the Parish Office at 410-398-1100 for more information.

4TH ANNUAL ICAA WINE AND BEER TASTING!!Come on out to State Line Liquors on May 19th from 6-8pm and support the Immaculate Conception Athletic Association while enjoying finger foods, appetizers, and taste wines and beers. You can also participate in a 50/50 drawing! Tickets are $25 per person and they can be purchased from Angela Maxwell, Michelle Riddle, and the Parish Center. Tickets will also be sold at the door.

Thank you so much for your continuedgenerosity and support to your parish!Weekly Church Collections: Week of April 22nd

ICC----------------------------$10,300.00 St. Jude------------------------$2,230.00

Online--------------------------$1,470.00 Total Offertory--------------$14,000.00

We offer electronic giving!How does Online giving benefit you?1. It’s easy, convenient, and safe2. Allows you to give any amount, any time.3. Puts all offerings at your fingertips to track your giving

How does Online giving benefit the parish?1. Creates consistency of giving to help with financial

planning2. Increases the efficiency of processing regular giving

How to sign up?1. Visit 2. Click “Go to Online Giving”3. Sign up! It’s that easy!

Support ICC when you shop!Go to and Amazon donates a percentage of

your purchase to Immaculate Conception Parish!

SAVE THE DATE!!!The ICS production of “Godspell Jr.” will be performed on June 2nd and 3rd at 1:30pm at Immaculate Conception School gym. Stay tuned for more information on ticket sales! If you would like to know more about how you can help support local arts and the ICS theatre program, please Contact Kathleen Davis at [email protected] for more information.

COUNTDOWN TO THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: The Christmas Bazaar is only 27 WEEKS away and the committee NEEDS YOU. Many hands make light work and it’s not too early to get involved. WANTED: 1) someone with a decorative flare to coordinate our theme basket table of donated items; 2) someone to serve as Dining Room Manager to assist Santa with his guests and tidy up dining room; and 3) someone to coordinate advertising for bazaar (can be done from the comfort of your home). Please join us and help support our parish with this major fundraiser. The next meeting is Wednesday, May 9 at 6:30 pm in

the Parish Center or contact Lisa Kaminski at 410-392-9558 or Jackie Gedz at 410-392-0396.

Sunday, May 68:20 AM Confessions - SJ1:30 PM Adoration for Vocations-CH2:00 PM First Communion Mass - IC6:00 PM HS Gathering - PC

Monday, May 79:00 AM Novena – CH6:30 PM Adult Ed Program - PC7:00 PM Boy Scout Leader Mtg - PC8:00 PM AA Mtg – Caf

Tuesday, May 89:00 AM Holy Hour – CH9:15 AM Adult Ed Program - IC7:00 PM Knights of Columbus - PC7:30 PM Contemporary Rehearsal – IC

Wednesday, May 99:00 AM Rosary Crusade/SJ Novena - CH9:30 AM Cantor Rehearsal - IC1:00 AM Leisure club - PC4:00 PM Godspell Reh - Gym6:30 PM Christmas Bazaar Meeting - PC6:30 PM ICS PSO General Mtg - gym

Thursday, May 109:00 AM Rosary Crusade - CH3:00 PM Godspell Reh - gym6:30 PM Boy Scout Meeting - PC6:30 PM Cub Scouts - Caf6:30 PM Cantor Rehearsal - IC7:00 PM Parish Choir Reh – IC

Friday, May 119:00 AM Rosary Crusade - CH7:00 PM NA – Caf

Saturday, May 129:00 AM Rosary Crusade - CH4:15 PM Confessions - IC7:00 PM NA – Caf


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUSBishop Becker Council 2427

443-616-5370 or www.kofc2427.orgMeetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the

month at 7:00 pm at the Parish Center

The LAOH (The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians) Meetings for this year are finished for the summer. However, we are always looking for new members! The LAOH is a Catholic Action Group. If you are a woman who is Irish, Catholic and wanting to serve your community and learn more about your Irish heritage come join us. Contact Janice White at 410-378-3493.

ICS IS LOOKING FOR SPONSORS for banners to be hung at Little League Baseball fields ASAP!! These are high-visibility areas and the banners would be very effective in promoting enrollment for the school. For more information, please contact Emily Murphy at 410-398-2636.


As a parishioner, you get discount pricing for admission and exhibits!! Go to and enter our organization code: ICCPMGRP. Check out some of the

awesome exhibits they are running:Game Masters: The Exhibition, March 31-September 3: This exhibit is a history of the science and graphic design that goes into creating video games. It’s fun and interactive!Vikings: Beyond the Legend, October 13-March 2, 2019: Voyage back to the times when Vikings ruled the North Atlantic and sailed the seas for treasure. Come see how the Vikings lived, changed the world, and how their influence continues today!

July 25th is the 50th anniversary of Blessed Pope Paul VI’s encyclical, ‘Humanae Vitae.’ This church document, issued in 1968, reaffirms the Catholic teachings on the dignity of human life. The Creighton Model FertilityCare System™ is a method of natural family planning that is reliable and effective in both achieving and avoiding pregnancy as well as to monitor overall gynecological and reproductive health. The Heritage Pregnancy and Family Health Center has trained health professionals committed to providing couples and women of all ages with individual and private instruction in using the Creighton Model FertilityCare System™ To celebrate this 50th anniversary and this important encyclical, Heritage Pregnancy and Family Health Center in Elkton invites women of all ages

and couples to come and learn about the Creighton Model FertilityCare™

System. This is a free service at Heritage Pregnancy and Family Health Center which is located at 103 East Main Street, Elkton. Please call 667-215-0143 and schedule an appointment with our FertilityCare™ Practitioner.
