Page 1: €¦ · Web viewRoland’s wife Clarissa is watering the house plants. Enter Roland whose manner is now entirely different. Clarissa’s word is sacrosanct and in her presence the





1) SONG. A happy school on a typical day. The school does not have great exam results but the pupils and teachers enjoy what they do. There is joy and laughter.

Green Fields School SeptemberA large sign “Green Fields School Head teacher Interviews.”Two Governors have stepped outside the interview room.Governor 1: What are we going to do? It’s all very well for OFSTED to say the school has “serious weaknesses” and wants change but there’s not a single interviewee here that could be our head. Governor 2: Quite so. Governor 1: (With increasing angst) What’s going to happen to the school? To the pupils and their parents? To the teachers? To us? Governor 2: Quite so.Roland Ridgeway sweeps in, a confident and self assured individual. He is accompanied everywhere by many mini superheroes who no one can see but who express his exuberant and go getting personality. He and his mini superheroes look around the space not liking what he sees. The Governors spend time looking at him.Governor 1: Ah Mr Ridgeway step this way please. I’m delighted to meet you.As Mr Ridgeway is ushered offstage to the interview room Governor 1 looks at Governor with closed eyes and hands clasped in prayer

2) SONG: School Personality Type Number 1: The Naughty Boy.

Morning AssemblyMr Ridgeway enters in a gown and addresses the stage and audience. Roland: My name is Mr Ridgeway and I am your new head teacher. Good morning. He awaits a reply but none is forthcoming.I said GOOD MORNING SCHOOL!Everyone: GOOD MORNING MR RIDGEWAY!That’s better. Now the previous head has left rather suddenly so here I am. He points at someone in the audience.You! Come and see me after assembly.New brooms sweep clean as you will shortly discover! There are going to be some changes here.

3) SONG. We see changes to the school day. The happy events of the first song are changed.

Roland Ridgeway’s Home.

© Kevin Dowsett 2017

Page 2: €¦ · Web viewRoland’s wife Clarissa is watering the house plants. Enter Roland whose manner is now entirely different. Clarissa’s word is sacrosanct and in her presence the


Roland’s wife Clarissa is watering the house plants. Enter Roland whose manner is now entirely different. Clarissa’s word is sacrosanct and in her presence the mini superheroes stand together silent and still.Roland: Good evening dear.Clarissa: (looking at his case) More work? Roland: I’m afraid so darling.Clarissa: Tell me something new. How did it go?Roland: Rather well. I showed them who is boss.Clarissa: Did you now?Roland: You think I’ve forgotten don’t you?Clarissa: I don’t know what you mean.Roland: (He produces a card in an envelope) Happy anniversary darling!Clarissa: Roland.She opens the envelope and as she opens the card the music begins

4) MUSIC a cheesy representation of Roland’s very twee anniversary card. Voiceover: Like two trees intertwined we bend in the breeze and weather the storms of life. Together we stand tall.......Clarissa: (Suddenly interrupting the routine) Roland !The music immediately freezes as does everyone else.That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me for months!Roland: I’ll start the dinner.


5) SONG School Personality Type Number 2: The Love Birds

Ridgeway’s OfficeMr Ridgeway is at his desk. He has a visitor, a very well spoken OFSTED inspector.Mr Ridgeway I know you are new here so I’ll come straight to the point. You know that this school has what we in OFSTED call “serious weaknesses.” What you don’t know is that at a meeting in the education department last Friday we downgraded that designation to “inadequate” which invokes what are called special measures. Green Fields School will henceforward be known as The Orange Academy. I’m afraid that the Governors are to be replaced and you will find in the coming weeks that we are rather hands on.

6) SONG Bureaucrats with clipboards enter the school and take note of everything that happens. The Governors are sacked. Some teachers are fired, others resign. The pupils are bewildered.

At the School Gates. October.Parent 1: Well I’m very unhappy about it. My Jackson here doesn’t know whether he is coming or going with all these changes.Parent 2: The school was going downhill. At least someone is doing something.Parent 3: Special measures – what does that mean?Parent 2: It means sweetheart that the education here is deemed inadequate.

© Kevin Dowsett 2017

Page 3: €¦ · Web viewRoland’s wife Clarissa is watering the house plants. Enter Roland whose manner is now entirely different. Clarissa’s word is sacrosanct and in her presence the


Parent 3: Don’t you sweetheart me. Inadequate?Parent 4: Not good enough.Parent 3: I know what inadequate means sweetheart.Parent 5: My Julie Marie was happy here – she’s not now.Parent 4: I blame this new head. What’s his name?Parent 6: Mr Ridgeway. The kids call him Mr Squidgway.Parent 2: I don’t care what they call him if he gets things done.Parent 6: Well he’s done for a few old members of staff.Parent 1: Yeah Mr Harbour, Mrs Ecclestone, Mr Talbot – such a shame. He was here when I was here.Parent 3: Can’t we make a petition or something?Parent 2: What’s that gonna do?Enter Mr RidgewayParent 5: Here he is now – we can ask him.Parent 3: Mr Squidgway, I mean Mr Ridgeway.Ridgeway: I can’t stop now I have a meeting.Parent 1: We just want to ask you a few questions.Ridgeway: Out of my way please. Parent 2: You’re doing a great job, keep going.Ridgeway: Thank you.Parent 5: I don’t think soSuddenly everyone is arguing at once in a circle around Mr Ridgeway. Things become heated and begin to get out of hand until ....

7) MUSIC Roland’s mini superheroes help to sweep the parents away. He then stands in the centre of the stage surrounded by his mini heroes and has an idea.

Ridgeway’s OfficeThe Local Authority bureaucrats are standing in a group with a large set of plans. Enter Ridgeway with his arms outstretched.Ridgeway: I have a vision.Chief Inspector: I beg your pardon.Ridgeway: Can I share my plan with you?Chief Inspector: Go on.Ridgeway: People often ask me what education is all about. I say it’s like an ocean going cruise liner. You have the captain and the officers on the bridge, the crew in the engine room and you have all the decks and the swimming pool, amazing activities every day and do you know what?(pause) It doesn’t know where the hell it is going.Inspector: So you don’t know where you are going.Ridgeway: No pardon me, that’s what I do know. One little phrase “Back to Basics” that’s what we need here; a return to the skills that will get them through life and into decent jobs. A focus on the three Rs as we used to call them – Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. That’s more important than drama and music and pottery. Let me elaborate.

© Kevin Dowsett 2017

Page 4: €¦ · Web viewRoland’s wife Clarissa is watering the house plants. Enter Roland whose manner is now entirely different. Clarissa’s word is sacrosanct and in her presence the


8) SONG. We see Mr Ridgeway’s vision of a school driven by targets and results and pupils who are confident and knowledgeable. Prefects who lead and set an example. Rules. A new start. The triumph of the mini super heroes.

Ridgeway: In a year I’ll have these year eleven pupils leaving school with at least 5 proper subjects and grades between A” and C. Chief Inspector: If you can do that Mr Ridgeway you shall have our full support.


The Drama Studio. November. Bradbury the drama teacher has the class sitting on the floor.Bradbury: So I want you to create some characters that are unhappy. This new motorway is going straight through their estate and they will lose their homes. Get into your families, show me breakfast and what they say to each other about it. You have 5 minutes.Immediately the class rushes into smaller family groups and excitedly talk about what happens. There is a lot of noise, movement and gestures as people explain their ideas. Enter Mr Ridgeway who is displeased with what he sees. Those that spot him immediately stop talking and stand up straight. Others take a little longer until there is only one group left talking. They eventually realise and also silently stand.Ridgeway: (pause) I don’t like that noise but I do like this silence. Ms/Mr Bradbury you will see to it that your classes make no further disturbance to other classes along the corridor. If that means sitting at desks and reading scripts aloud then that would be fine with me. Thank you.Ridgeway sweeps out with the mini heroes smugly smiling. The class and teacher look out in stunned disbelief.

9) SONG School Personality Type Number 3: The Bully and their comeuppance.

The StaffroomIt is morning break time and the teachers are gathered around a tea urn drinking tea and coffee.Morris: This is warfare. I’ve taught history here for 8 years and now I’m expected to teach maths for half the timetable.Edwards: It’s madness. He’s riding roughshod over us all. I’m not trained to teach maths.Morris: Me neither. Johnson: Give him a break; he’s a breath of fresh air, waking us all up.Matthews: You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.Morris: It’s all very well for the English department; we know he’s on your side.Edwards: People fear for their jobs, they are looking over their shoulders all the time.Pearson: Now he’s banging on about the Baccalaureate. Unless you teach English, Maths, a Science or a language you won’t get a look in. Johnson: It’s only a measuring system.Bradbury: People, people we should be on the same side.Matthews: What side is that, anarchy?Bradbury: Divide and rule – that’s all I’m saying.

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Page 5: €¦ · Web viewRoland’s wife Clarissa is watering the house plants. Enter Roland whose manner is now entirely different. Clarissa’s word is sacrosanct and in her presence the


Ridgeway enters with his mini heroes. He listens to the conversation while staff members gradually become aware of his presence.Morris: I’m very upset about itPearson: It’s what they used to call blue sky thinking, that’s all.Morris: This isn’t airy fairy dreams, this is reality. As far as I am concerned the man is a complete well hello Mr Ridgeway.There is a chorus of good mornings.Morris: No I’m going to say it. You’ve taken the joy out of my job. I’ve given my working life to imparting a love of history. As far as I can see you have no feeling about that because you don’t see these kids as individuals. You don’t care about their love for a subject or what they get out of it you’re just interested in grades and league tables. These papers are last year’s exam questions. You have no idea how long it took to get these kids hooked on history and you’re undermining years of effort. Flinging the papers high in the air. Have them. As far as I can see you know the price of everything and the value of nothing. That’s my lot. I resign.Morris sweeps out. Everyone stands uncomfortably silent.Morris sweeps back in.Obviously I’ll be here till the end of term but can someone else handle the under 14 basketball tonight?

10) MUSIC. The staff stand in rows facing the front like a school photograph, expressionless. As Ridgeway watches the mini heroes sort out the staff. They split them into three groups. The first group puts a third of the staff in a space to the left in a very obsequious manner, fawning over them and bowing down before them.The second group take their group towards the rear of the space, they look at them as if deciding whether to buy or not. There are a lot of gestures that suggest they are so-so or ok but nothing special.The third group are led to a space to the left and they are gestured to sit on the floor as if they are prisoners with their hands over their heads. The mini heroes wave goodbye to them.

Mr Ridgeway’s OfficeMr Ridgeway is seated at his desk. Ridgeway: Thank you ladies and gentleman. I wanted to see all the performing arts teachers together firstly to thank you all for the valuable and magnificent work that you do here at the Academy especially for the less gifted pupils. Where would we be without our annual school show? Secondly I wanted to talk about this rumour about cuts in the arts. The news you have heard is totally and utterly true. Savings have to be made so I’m afraid we can no longer afford all the performing arts but some of them. Each of you must make your case that your subject should be retained. As you know it’s nothing personal but someone has to see the bigger picture.

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11) SONG. Using all the pupils the performing arts teachers present their subject saving performance. In turn the drama, dance and singing teachers have their moments. Former friends are now competing against each other and it gets nasty.

Ridgeway: Thank you. That was most illuminating. I shall consider your representations and give you my decision in the fullness of time.The three teachers of performing arts are now sworn enemies and depart the stage with murderous looks at each other.The mini heroes make a tight group around Ridgeway.Ridgeway: I think we need to bring the power of Mathematics into this space. Oh let us honour the set square, the compass and the equilateral triangle.

12) SONG. A homage to Mathematics. We see giant set squares and compasses and straight lines, algebra and equations, the theory of Pythagoras writ large in a neat and tidy manner.


13) Music and Sound FX: Voice over: It’s time to introduce three people who have the real power in a school. Give it up for the Site Manager (they and their team do some humorous work-related actions), the Canteen Supervisor (they and their team do some humorous work- related actions) and the School Administrator (they and their team also do some humorous work-related actions).So that’s (indicating the Site Manager) “This is my space I keep it working so watch out!”(indicating the Canteen Supervisor)” I feed you and I can give you an extra slice!”(Indicating the Administrator) “I am the eyes and ears of the school. I know what’s going on.”The mini heroes draw our attention to each of these groups as Ridgeway watches with a smile on his face.

Geography Class DecemberMs Miller: Bring in the world! A giant inflatable world is rolled into the space. The class are excited and energised.OK it’s not the actual world but you know what I mean. Isn’t it beautiful? Look how much blue water there is. Is that really 7/8s of the surface? Who likes “Life on Earth?” All the hands go high in the air. Well this is where it happens. Look at our earth spinning every day on its axis. What made it happen? How could the temperature be just right? The sun the right distance away? And the mountains, the deserts, the rainforests. How did that all happen? You’ve heard me say before but how I wish I had a helicopter to take you to a different place each week to see something new. Aren’t we lucky to live on such a beautiful blue planet?

14) SONG. In praise of Geography the class expresses their excitement in their planet. Ms Miller teaches them from the inflatable globe and they learn about weather systems and how the spinning world goes from day to night. The class is a triumph of learning in a new context.

Ridgeway enters

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Ridgeway: What on earth is going on here? Why is everyone out of their desks and what is this thing doing here? What is it for? Obviously I can see it is a globe but how did you even get it in the door? Ms Miller holds up a pump.I see! Ms Miller you have some explaining to do. Did you carry out a risk assessment? Ms Miller closes her eyes and scowls at her own forgetfulness.I thought not. Look I can see how enthusiastic you are but there are rules. We are all accountable to someone. Back to our desks and back to our books if you please, examinations are ahead of us.

15) SONG School Personality Type Number 4: The Manipulator. A troublemaker who is never around to face the music.

Ridgeway is in the company of the Maths and Science departmentsRidgeway: Now my biologists, chemists, physicists and mathematicians I want to assure you that you are at the vanguard of our important work here. I have taken steps to ensure you have the time and money for your work.Ross: Is it true Mr Ridgeway that the arts departments are to close?Ridgeway: Sadly yes. I had to think about the needs of the school and after much thought I decided it would be wrong to close one part of the performing arts department. Instead I’ve closed the whole thing from the end of term. Next term staff will be transferred to the English and Maths departments. Smith: Oh I see. So the arts are of no value to our pupils?Ridgeway: I’m sorry Mr Smith but needs must and they can retrain. Looking on the bright side their funds will transfer to your departments. The pupils can perform in their spare time – if they have any but I think you are going to keep them rather busy. We have a different performance in mind. So everyone – onward and upward! No one can hold us back.

16) SONG extolling the virtues of success by working hard. Most of the teachers and pupils are disgruntled at all the changes while other teachers and pupils are glad of their chance to “improve” themselves. The OFSTED inspectors pay a visit. Mr Ridgeway and his superheroes are supreme and apart from stink bombs, smoke machines, fire bells and the arrival of police officers it is a triumph! It all ends in chaos.

© Kevin Dowsett 2017

Page 8: €¦ · Web viewRoland’s wife Clarissa is watering the house plants. Enter Roland whose manner is now entirely different. Clarissa’s word is sacrosanct and in her presence the




17) SONG. School Personality Type Number 5: The Swot.

Assembly JanuaryRidgeway: Good Morning School.ALL: Good morning Mr Ridgeway.Ridgeway: After the calamity of the last day of term this is a new start. We go onwards and upwards to the bright dawn of tomorrow with its promise of tests and examinations. The clock is ticking on all of us. Are you ready for it? A new term and a new initiative. Mrs Palmer will explain.Palmer: Mr Ridgeway has decided that we need pupils who can act as role models, pupils who show leadership skills to others. We are therefore going to introduce you to our first ever school prefects. They have a uniform and the power to issue detentions.

18) SONG. The investiture of Prefects; a ritualised ceremony in which certain pupils discover that they have been chosen. They put on special uniforms and become more self important. Others are less happy about what they see. The mini heroes are ecstatic.

The Playground AprilA group of pupils are discussing the changes. At a distance Atkins, a prefect, is listening to them. The names given are surnames so that they can be of either sex but select and do use their Christian names instead.Slater: Where do they think we are - a public school in the 1950s? Wicks: It’s madness. My dad says it’s a police state – whatever that is.Jones: My dad thinks we get it too cushy.Slater: Prefects. What a total waste of time.Wicks: My mum says no one is better than me.Richards: She’s wrong there cos I beat you in French.Wicks: Very funny.Foster: I miss drama.Winter: And dance and singing.Ridgeway: And history.Foster: I’m fed up with double maths. Every Friday afternoon! Slater: Let’s go on strike. Wicks: Who’s going to listen to us?Slater: We can make a stand.Wicks: YeahFoster: YeahWinter: OK.

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Page 9: €¦ · Web viewRoland’s wife Clarissa is watering the house plants. Enter Roland whose manner is now entirely different. Clarissa’s word is sacrosanct and in her presence the


Slater: Are you in?Jones: I’m not sure. My mum said....Slater: Oh come on. Atkins: I’m putting you in detention (Slater).Slater: What for (Atkins) – walking in the wrong door?Atkins: No, troublemaking.Slater: Since when was talking to your friends troublemaking?Atkins: You’re a disgrace to the school. You’re in detention.Slater: I don’t recognise your power so what are you going to do about that?Atkins: I can report you?Slater: But you won’t will you because no one likes a sneak? Atkins backs down and walks away. They cheer.

19) SONG. Revolution of the Youth. Slater leads all the pupils into an imagined battle against the powers that be. Ridgeway and the staff and prefects are “crushed” by the uprising.

Palmer: (Slater) can I have a word?Slater: Yes miss.Palmer: The senior management team has been thinking that we made an oversight. Would you like to be a prefect?Slater: Yes miss.

20) Music. Ridgeway and the mini heroes are patrolling near the school. Ridgeway is hidden by a large outspread newspaper. A group of pupils enter chewing gum ostentatiously blowing bubbles etc. He takes down the newspaper, catches them, forces them to put the gum in his handkerchief and writes down their names in his book. The mini heroes send them off terrified. A pupil enters and drops a crisp packet. The mini heroes make the pack hover in the air and Ridgeway holds up an admonishing finger. The pupil rushes off terrified pursued by mini heroes.Another pupil enters slowly. The newspaper is lowered and Ridgeway looks at his watch. The frantic pupil runs off to class.Ridgeway: Don’t run!The mini heroes soundlessly applaud Ridgeway.

Roland’s HouseRoland and Clarissa are doing the washing up. Clarissa is from Centre ARidgeway: It’s bearing fruit. The change so soon is unbelievable.Clarissa: Frankly Roland I don’t care.Ridgeway: I’m sorry my dear.Clarissa: School, school, school. That’s all I ever hear of; marking, planning, targets, assessments, grades. (Looking at his head) I can’t see the you in there anymore.Ridgeway: I do get bit carried away don’t I?Clarissa: There are other things in life than running a school.Ridgeway: It’s an academy.

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There is a pause.I may have to leave you Roland.Ridgeway: There may even be a knighthood in due course.Clarissa: Did you even hear what I said? Clarissa slaps him around the face with her plastic gloves and walks off.Ridgeway: (to the mini heroes) Go away. They exit sadly.


The Assembly Hall MayRidgeway enters to give a motivational speech to his Year 11 pupils.

21) Music – inspiring motivational musicRidgeway: Well Year 11 this is your time. Revision is upon us and when you sit in that exam room you will like athletes on the blocks at the Olympics. Remember I want you all to get at least 5 grades between A to C. Now where are my scientists? The mini heroes surround them in an adoring way. You are my Rolls Royces, my jewels in the crown. I have high hopes of you. Don’t let me down. Who has exam nerves? Good, good. That shows you care. Now use those nerves to motivate yourself. You’re in the race of your life and this is the last lap!

22) SONG. School Personality Type Number 6: The Nerd.

A ClassroomMr Ridgeway is talking to the science studentsAdmin Assistant: Mr Ridgeway there is a deputation to see you.Ridgeway: Come in come in. Daniels: Mr Ridgeway I think you have wronged us. I liked coming to school and now I hate it. It used to be creative; it used to be fun now it’s all rules and regulations. Half the school are in fear of doing anything wrong.Ridgeway: Get to the point Daniels we are busy here.Daniels: We are representing others here. It’s not only us.Taking out a list of demands.We want the return of arts subjects and history. We want the teachers back who care about us, who give us interesting classes. We want an end to the prefect system. We don’t want double maths on Friday afternoons.Ridgeway: Is that it?Daniels: Yes sir.Ridgeway: You are in no position to tell me what to do. Get out!Daniels: With respect sir. ...Ridgeway: You don’t know the meaning of the word. If you weren’t an A* student I’d have you excluded, exams or no exams. Now get out.Daniels and the deputation back away and depart.

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Now to more important things. I have entered you scientists into a very special competition where you will come up against the top schools in the country. The mission is to make science understandable to all! I know you can do it. You can truly put this school on the map. But first there is the small matter of the examinations. So get some sleep and come out fighting!

23) SONG. The Exam season. The school hall is now full of desks as we see examinations and their rituals presented by song and dance. Desks, exam papers, pens, calculators, invigilators and a big clock all play their part.

The exam pupils are ready at their desks.Teacher: Turn over your paper and begin. You have two hours.Daniels suddenly enters. Daniels speaks to everyone.Daniels: I said I’d do this on Facebook. Don’t bow down to a tick box system that gives you a piece of paper. It’s just a trick to control you, to make you part of the machine. Stand with me and be counted. People only have power over you if you let them.Some of the pupils leave their desks and stand next to Daniels. Suddenly Mr Ridgeway and his superheroes rush in Ridgeway: The minutes are ticking – get back to your desks. Don’t throw away your grades, your chance of a job, higher education. These examinations are your passport to adulthood. You make the choices in your life. Don’t do it for me, do it for you, for your mum and dad. Do you really want him deciding your future?After a pause where no one knows what to do the remaining pupils shout to their friends to come back so most pupils return to their places. Daniels has only two people left with him.Now pick up your pen and begin. Everything is fine. The police are on their way.Daniels is now alone.Daniels: Well you don’t get me. A* or no A* I refuse you my exams.

24) SONG: School Personality Type Number 7: The girl with the crush on the teacher.


25) Music: Clarissa’s DreamThe voice of Clarissa: It wasn’t always like this. Roland wasn’t always so set in his ways.When we met we used to dance. The dance class was our courting ground and he had some moves. It made me laugh, it was bold, it was now “Staying alive, staying alive. Ah ha ha”I wanted to be a dancer when I was young. This is me in ballet. But after my father said to me, “You’re like a baby elephant on the ice.”I was crushed, my confidence was taken.Till Roland! Night fever, night feverWe know how to do it.Gimme that night fever, night feverWe know how to show it.And I was lost in it. He made me laugh and he gave me back my joy.

© Kevin Dowsett 2017

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But we stopped the dancing and a piece of me is sad because where have those years gone? I have to dream I have to feel. This is my night fever and “here I amPrayin' for this moment to lastLivin' on the music so fineBorne on the windMakin' it mine”

Outside the School Gates June

TV interviewer: You've probably heard of the exam refusers who are sweeping the country on social media. And this is where it all started! Here at the Orange Academy. Pupils gradually draw closer to make bunny ears and play hello mum. A placard is produced saying "refuse exams" and then another "Squiggy has bad breath" A war is being fought out on twitter and snap chat. It seems the youth of this country are anti exams and not scared of linking up in their thousands. Hello can I ask you what you think about the exam refuser? Pupil: He/She put our school on the map. Pupil 2: We're famous now hash tag burn the school tie.Interviewer: Thank you. Pupil: And why do we have to have double maths on Friday afternoons? Gotta go.

Mr Ridgeway appears and the pupils disappear. Interviewer: there you have it. School pupils with enough of exams and a massive on line campaign to end targets and tests. In a fast moving situation this has taken off with pupils making their feelings known not only across this county but nationwide.

26) SONG School Personality Type Number 8: The Teacher’s Pet

A ClassroomThe science pupils are meeting to discuss their entryCorton: Why did he have to put us in this competition?Wood: What have we got? Hooper: Plenty of formulas I've written them out. Corton: Read one.Hooper: Well it’s obvious but what about E= MC2

Wood: Awesome!Corton: Not very exciting is it?Wood: Are you kidding that's brilliant.Hooper: But only if you know what it means. Corton: You can’t make a song about that.

27) SONG The Einstein Relativity Rap They can’t find a way to make it accessible. The dance crashes into failure. What are they to do? The worst song ever.

Hooper: You’re right; you can’t make a song about that.

A Classroom. Staff Meeting. Ridgeway: I do apologise for the lack of chairs. The previous ones were old and removed, the new ones ordered but our sponsors pulled out after the recent news. So best to keep it

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short. There is only one item on my agenda, the good name of this Academy. We are on the map for all the wrong reasons. Now I want some good ideas to get us back on track.

28) SONG: The Life and Adventures of Mr RidgewayVoiceover: Introducing the life and adventures of Roland Ridgeway. Roland was born in 1960 to Mary and BrianHe was an only child. AhhhHis father was a bruteHis mother a bigger bruteHis parents didn't care about school. In fact his parents didn't care about Roland at all. He was not an outstanding or even average pupil. He was what you call barely competent. Facts were put in at one end and imagination squashed at the other. One day when he was 14 he realised that he was wasting his time. He woke up with a start. He began to work hard. He started getting As and before you knew it he had 8 GCSEs A* and the universities came calling in the days when it was free. He stepped into a new world and never went back to the old one. It was magic. Education had set him free. There he met ClarissaIt was a whirlwind romanceDancing every Friday he had the fever.The nights whizzed by till one night Roland went down on a knee and produced a ring. Clarissa said she'd think about it. After much dancing and on the night they won the Night Fever Competition she agreed to marry Roland. They never had children. Clarissa said to her friends that Roland was enough. He became a teacher and bought a jacket with elbow patches. They bought a house.He decided he would put his energy into making maths come alive but the more he climbed the career ladder the more he lost his aliveness. A kind of professional deadness took him over. Life became a serious business or so he thought.But unexpectedly his imagination returned. The frustrations and annoyances of everyday life went away when his mini heroes were born. No one else could see them of course but they made him chuckle and kept him sane. Finally he could be someone of value. He could be Sir Roland Ridgeway BA (Hons) M. Ed.


29) Music: Voiceover: The National Schools Science Awards coming to you from (THE THEATRE NAME) Theatre in (THE THEATRE TOWN) and over to our presenter Lucinda Langley. Lucinda: Good evening and welcome back to the “National Schools Science in the Community” awards. Welcome also to viewers on BBC2. Once more I welcome our judges who are Lady Conersby, Sir Adrian Michaels and the TV star Lorna Twendale. It’s been a long day but now we come to the final two offerings followed by the award presentation. First up it’s Beadle College, one of the country’s top public schools and here is their head teacher Lady Brimley Todd-Hunter-Brown.

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Page 14: €¦ · Web viewRoland’s wife Clarissa is watering the house plants. Enter Roland whose manner is now entirely different. Clarissa’s word is sacrosanct and in her presence the


30) SONG. The first school gives its presentation. They are a public school with bright uniforms, very confident ways and hold forth importantly about important things. Their head teacher is also on stage watching the performance and enjoying it immensely.

Backstage Adams: Sir it’s Beadle College, how can we follow them?Mr Ridgeway: Come on believe in yourself. I believe in you. The difference will be if you think you can do it. Picture yourself holding that trophy, the photographs, the press coverage. Just because they’re got money and drive big cars it doesn’t mean they have the right to win. Where’s your belief in you?Adams: (fired up) We can do this!Ridgeway: That’s the spirit. Who else?They others try a yeah but it’s not very convincing.Ridgeway: Orange Academy, doesn’t it give you the pip?(pause)Jones: Did you just crack a joke sir? He begins to laugh and the others join in as this is possibly the first time that Roland has ever offered a joke. Eventually they are laughing uproariously. They rush off while rushing on are the students of Beadle College who take a bow and shake hands with the judges. Offstage we can still hear the laughter and there are disdainful looks made in the direction of the wings.

Lucinda: Thank you Beadle College. And now the last group (the offstage laughter continues) and we are going to meet the students from Orange Academy and here is their head teacher Roland Ridgeway.Mr Ridgeway entersLucinda: Now many of us remember Orange Academy from earlier in the year when one of the pupils began the social media sensation Exam Refusers? Mr Ridgeway looks embarrassed. Clarissa walks on stage and stands smiling in an intimidating manner beside Lucinda. The offstage laughter continues.Clarissa holds Ridgeway’s hand.Lucinda: But I think it’s time to move on. Without further ado I give you Orange Academy.

31) SONG. The best explanation of science ever! To Mr Ridgeway’s astonishment this is performed as musical theatre through drama, dance and song. His mouth drops open although Clarissa beside him smiles benignly.

Judge: Well I am astounded. In all the years I have been doing this I have never seen anything like it. What can I say?Ridgeway: I’m so sorry if we offended you.Judge: (seeming apoplectic) Words fail me. You sir are a complete and utter ... genius! There is no other word for it. What we have seen here is a fantastic example of how science can be explained through the arts. How very intelligent of you all to find a way to use drama and dance and singing to explain the mystery of life. You see ladies and gentlemen science needs the arts. Our scientists must think outside the box. All the great discoveries were

© Kevin Dowsett 2017

Page 15: €¦ · Web viewRoland’s wife Clarissa is watering the house plants. Enter Roland whose manner is now entirely different. Clarissa’s word is sacrosanct and in her presence the


made by leaps of the imagination and here we see that writ large par excellence. How farsighted of you to lead a school where the arts and sciences are given equal importance. We should value people like you in the face of those narrow minded bigots who think the Three Rs are the B all and end all of everything. WE are living in a stupid tick box culture peopled by target obsessed fools who can find no place for the joy and inspiration of the arts. Give us some words.Ridgeway: Now I think of it I have always believed in the power of the arts to transform lives, including mine. I’ll say this it’s not about knowing yourself, it’s about NOWING yourself. So if you’ll excuse me I’m remembering when I first learnt it. He dances off with ClarissaJudge: What a visionary! So in third place...(the judges turn and continue their speeches as if to the back wall)

BackstageRidgeway: You did that behind my back but you are so right, everyone matters, all the subjects. Being happy and valued comes from making it fun. That’s when you learn. Your song is brilliant!Jones: Laughing is good sir.Ridgeway: You could say Orange Academy is very ap-pealing!Adams: Maybe limit it to one joke a day sir.They gather around him cheering and lift him up as the judges turn round and present the trophy to Orange Academy.Judge: ...Goes to Orange Academy.They all rush offstage leaving Ridgeway and the mini heroes They gather round him and he goes down on one knee.Ridgeway: I don’t need you now. I’m going to be alright now. I set you free. Off you go.They wave and run offstage in all directions. Clarissa and the other pupils re-enter to see him seemingly waving at no one.Jones: Are you alright Sir?Ridgeway: (Hugging Clarrisa) Happier than I have ever been.Ofsted Inspector: On behalf of Ofsted, congratulations and I can say Special Measures are rescinded!

32) SONG. Everyone is important to the whole. The elderly judges get on down and boogie and led by Ridgeway and Clarissa the party begins.Screens tell us:

The UK’s creative industries contribute almost £90bn net to GDPThey account for one in 11 jobs.Those jobs are the least likely to be lost to robots.Growth in the UK creative industries is growing at 4 times the rest of the work force.

Entries for GCSE arts subjects fell by 46,000 compared with last year.

© Kevin Dowsett 2017