Page 1:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom

Welcome to Class! Do Now Please!

Directions: Using your Cornell Notes from yesterday, please answer the questions below.

**1. Who were the Bantus?

**2. According to your reading, why did the Bantus migrate?

**3. According to your reading, what are some of the effects of the Bantu migration?

Directions: Using the following map, please answer the questions below.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What does the Eastern route of this migration map look like it’s moving towards?

2. Infer: Why do you think the Bantu people would be migrating towards this geographical location?



Page 2:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom

Document Analysis

Analyze the causes and effects of the Bantu Migrations in the Ancient Era.




Re-Written Question:


Page 3:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom

Document 1

Source: Connections- A World History (2012 CE).

The Bantu Migrations: Cohesion in Diversity

Between 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known by that name, migrated gradually from their homeland in West Africa. Many historians believe that the Bantus migrated in search of farming and grazing land- moving into central, eastern, and southern Africa. During this migration, the Bantu people spread their knowledge of farming and ironworking, as well as a common set of Bantu languages and customs. This spread of culture from a centralized point is called cultural diffusion.

The Bantu peoples organized themselves into families and clans. Bantu villages, towns, and cities were governed by ruling counsels composed of male heads of families. One of these men, elected cheif, spoke for the community in dealings with other Bantu and non-Bantu societies. This decentralized method of rule served the Bantu well until the population growth put pressure on resources of land and food.

Significance: Analyze the causes and effects of the Bantu migrations in the Ancient Era.







Page 4:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom

Document 2

Source: Christopher Ehret, The Civilizations of Africa: A History to 1800. A recreation of an iron-smelting furnace (where iron was melted out of the rock it was found in) used by the Bantu people and then built in modern day Rawanda (Eastern Africa).

Significance: Analyze the causes and effects of the Bantu migrations in the Ancient Era.








Page 5:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom

Document 3

Source: Christopher Ehret, An African Classical Age: Easter and Southern Africa in World History, 1000 BCE to 400 CE. This chart represents the similarities in language between the original Bantu language and other African languages, including the Kusi tribe.

Significance: Analyze the causes and effects of the Bantu migrations in the Ancient Era.







Page 6:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom


Page 7:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom

Exit Ticket

1. Answer each part of the question below.A. Describe one cause of the Bantu migrations.B. Describe two effects of the Bantu migrations.
























Page 8:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom











Page 9:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom


Directions: Please take CN on the text below.

**Setting the Stage: - While civilizations were developing in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China, they were also emerging in the

Americas. Human settlement in the Americas followed a similar pattern. At first the ancient people of the Americas survived mainly by hunting. Over time, they developed farming methods that ensured a more reliable supply of food. This in turn led to the growth of the first civilizations in the Americas.

- First-wave civilizations developed into three regions in the Americas:o The Olmec in Mesoamerica (modern day Mexico)o The Maya civilization developed in Latin America (modern day Guatemala)o The Chavin civilization developed in the Andes Mountains in South America (modern day Peru).

o All three civilizations were the “mother civilizations” of their regions—influencing the neighboring civilizations and societies within their region and influencing future civilizations. However, these civilizations in different regions never truly interacted with each other because of geographical barriers that prevented travel and trade between them. In addition, unlike other first wave civilizations, the Maya, Chavin, and Olmec did not develop near River Valleys.

Early Mesoamerican Civilizations: The Olmec**Early Mesoamerican Civilizations: The OlmecThe story of developed civilizations in the Americas begins in a region called Mesoamerica. (See map to the right.) This area stretches south from central Mexico to northern Honduras. It was here, more than 3,000 years ago, that the first complex societies in the Americas arose.

Mesoamerica’s first known civilization builders were a people known as the Olmec. The Olmec influenced neighboring groups within Mesoamerica, as well as the later civilizations of the region. They often are called Mesoamerica’s “mother culture.” They lived along the Gulf Coast of Mexico, in what is today the modern country of Mexico, as shown on the map.

The Rise of Olmec Civilization:Archaeologists first encounters with the remains of the Olmec were when they found incredibly impressive stone statues of enormous heads, wearing headpieces (see the image on the right). The stones were five feet tall and weighed ~8 tons each. Archaeologists had never seen anything like them.

The land gave them many benefits. It had good clay that could be used for pottery. Wood and rubber could be taken from the forest. The mountains to the north had stone for building. The rivers could be used to move people and goods. The soil was excellent for growing food.*Olmec Society:


Page 10:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom

Archaeologists have found earthen mounds, courtyards, and pyramids built of stones. On top of the mounds were many monuments made of stone. Some of these stone structures are very large. They weigh as much as 44 tons. Researchers are not sure whether the Olmec sites were monuments to rulers or areas important for religious reasons. They do think that the Olmec had many gods who stood for important forces of nature. The most important god, it seems, was the jaguar spirit. Many stone monuments show figures that are half-human and half-jaguar. Some scholars believe that the jaguar represented a powerful rain god. Others contend that there were several jaguar gods, representing the earth, fertility, and maize.

*Trade and Commerce:The Olmec traded with other people in their region of Mesoamerica. In return for the products they made, they received iron ore and different kinds of stone. Along with their trade goods, they spread their culture to other people in their region. However, they did not trade with, or have interactions with, the civilizations that developed outside of Mesoamerica because their region was geographically isolated: The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans isolated the Americas from Europe and Asia, and the geography of the Americas prevented the two different regions of the Americas that developed first-wave civilizations from interacting with each other.

Decline of the Olmec: For some reason, the Olmec disappeared around 400 B.C. Historians still do not understand why. But their influence lived on.

Legacy of the Olmec: The Olmec left their mark on later cultures. The jaguar figure of the Olmec continued to appear in the sculpture and pottery of people who came later. Also, the look of Olmec towns—with pyramids, open space, and huge stone sculptures was repeated in later times. The ritual ball games of the Olmec continued to be played.

Early Mesoamerican Civilizations: The Maya

**Early Mesoamerican Civilizations: The MayaA great civilization arose in what is today southern Mexico and northern Central America, also called Latin America. This was the Maya civilization. It appeared around A.D. 250. While the Olmec were building their civilization along the Gulf Coast in the period from 1200 B.C. to 400 B.C., the Maya were also evolving. They took on Olmec influences, blending these with local customs. Between then and 900, the Maya built large cities such as Tikal. Each of these was an independent city-state, ruled by a god-king and serving as a center for religious ceremonies and trade. Maya

MAKEUP DEADLINE: 11/13/18 10

Page 11:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom

cities featured giant pyramids, temples, palaces, and elaborate stone carvings dedicated to the gods and to important rulers. Tens of thousands of people lived in residential areas surrounding the city center, which bustled with activity. Archaeologists have identified at least 50 major Maya sites, all with monumental architecture. For example, Temple IV pyramid at Tikal stretched 212 feet into the jungle sky. In addition to temples and pyramids, each Maya city featured a ball court. In this stone-sided playing field, the Mayaplayed a game that had religious and political significance. The Maya believed the playing of this game would maintain the cycles of the sun and moon and bring life-giving rains.

Agriculture and Trade and the Maya Social HierarchyTrade linked these cities. Among the trade goods were salt, flint, feathers, shells, cotton cloth, and ornamentsmade of jade. Cacao beans, which are used to make chocolate, were sometimes used as money. Maize, beans, and squash were the main foods. Maya society was divided into social classes. The best warriors and priests were at the top. The merchants and craft workers were at the next level. Peasant farmers—the majority of the people— were at the bottom.

**Religion Shapes Maya LifeReligion influenced most aspects of Maya life. The Maya believed in many gods. There were gods of corn, of death, of rain, and of war. Gods could be good or evil, and sometimes both. Gods also were associated with the four directions and with different colors: white for north, black for west, yellow for south, red for east, and green in the center. The Maya believed that each day was a living god whose behavior could be predicted with the help of a system of calendars.

Religious PracticesThe Maya worshiped their gods in various ways. They prayed and made offerings of food, flowers, and incense. They also pierced and cut their bodies and offered their blood, believing that this would nourish the gods.Sometimes the Maya even carried out human sacrifice, usually of captured enemies. At Chichén Itzá, they threw captives into a deep sinkhole lake, along with gold, jade, and other offerings. The Maya believed that human sacrifice pleased the gods and kept the world in balance.

**Math and Religion Maya religious beliefs also led to the development of the calendar, mathematics, and astronomy. The Maya believed that time was a burden carried on the back of a god. At the end of a day, month, or year, one god would lay the burden down and another would pick it up. A day would be lucky or unlucky, depending on the nature of the god. So it was very important to have an accurate calendar to know which god was in charge of the day.

The Maya developed a complex religious calendar which helped them identify the best times to plant crops, attack enemies, and crown new rulers. The Maya based their calendar on careful observation of the planets, sun, and moon. Highly skilled Maya astronomers and mathematicians calculated the solar year at 365.2420 days. This is only .0002 of a day short of the figure generally accepted today! The Maya astronomers were able to attain such great precision by using a math system that included the concept of zero. The Maya used a shell

MAKEUP DEADLINE: 11/13/18 11

Page 12:  · Web viewBetween 500 and 1000 BCE, tribes of Africans known as Bantu (another word for “people”), who spoke closely related languages also known

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Team:_____________________ Week 11 [Tuesday] Education is Freedom

symbol for zero, dots for the numbers one to four, and a bar for five. The Maya number system was a base-20 system. They used the numerical system primarily for calendar and astronomical work.

Written Language Preserves History:The Maya also developed the most advanced writing system in the ancient Americas. Maya writing was made up of about 800 symbols, or glyphs. They used their writing system to record important historical events. They carved in stone or recorded events in a bark-paper book known as a codex. Three of these ancient books still survive. A famous Maya book called the Popul Vuh records a Maya story of the creation of the world.

Early Civilizations in the Andes:**Societies Arise in the Andes:

While civilizations were emerging in Mesoamerica, advanced societies were independently developing in South America. These civilizations grew in a very harsh environment—the Andes in South America. This mountain range has many peaks that are more than 20,000 feet high. Toward the northern part of South America, along these mountains, lies the modern country of Peru. In this area, the mountains are steep and very rocky. Ice and snow cover the tops of the mountains during the entire year. Travel is hard.

The most important civilization to develop in the Andes are called the Chavín. Researchers have found pyramids, open spaces, and large mounds made of earth in their homeland. It is considered the first influential civilization in South America. Scientists have found objects that suggest that the Chavín culture helped shape other cultures to the north and south of this site. At these other sites are the art styles and symbols of religion found at Chavín. Scientists think that the main site was not the center of a political empire but was the chief site of a spiritual or religious movement. People from other areas may have made trips to the main site to pay their respects. The Chavín culture, like the Olmec in Mexico, was a “mother culture,” one that influenced other civilizations in its region—but not civilizations in Mesoamerica!

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