Page 1: · ¦^Vmnsemcnts. WAI F.NINO, »i « L'ON < MAR ¦>.» HA/AN M¦»«». I - v


F.NINO, »i « L'ON < MAR ¦>.» HA/AN M ¦»«».

I - v » '. = . » ism, B. T Ki t» Bl* ra«, Ma kM ¡I Mia. M kal i. I'-

Mary I'.. .¦<:. ii_

'; vi'liV N[II» EVENTKO, INGOMAR ..i. BA BARUN Mt.« Bet',. .. P rtl. Met. i a. J. C. Cowper,

I i; .i ». 1/ I Han J. VV. B -

ih | W«Bs_OLYMPIC Tío I

T - tv FNIN'O, at 8, 1 ItDS.MI'N Mt«, Newt ¦. M-« i.

Ila., | , ¦ M ;

J 11 .-

H I. J :.

T'lH FYF.NINO i- .»-ALL HALU» A' Mr 0»A( IIP kin

1ER i Ml. I . i ey VA

kDWAY Til!-A i I'.VfJia Mia* Ada Im i Meal MAZEPPA

AA u IDSTill - 1 FNINO, Till ELVES; Or, 1'¦¦ ¦

f- » ii. i.u ID OB NOTHING ft« WorrelI x-s: and foti rai.

FOX - O' li BOVt SI: A rtl kTEtTill- EVENING, I'»..'..», in... lil SAXONS IATH-THE

I iga UOYKIU tut OOLDI N FAKMJ it muli

BARNl'M .- AMI It it ANT'll-t AFTERNOON at . N st î|. CLAI DI

MAR ¡BL t»r his I pity*. OS Tile Tai« ">'" "1 ) '-AND ( RIOSI


THlSi KA F.NINO. . toil IRIAN and OYMNABTIC PEAF II'M AS'. Ki» Mr lui.e. R hMoee 1. Mr, jaiiir« K i »- Ml . ( uri Ha .- k


Am.V» TYROLEAN OALOOTS LUCINDA ti THE BUIREEt i» REEL no BLACK BRIOADK MiM.OC-K. ..r THE.1 .¦ »I CUATUaMST Mimi. Da« Bryan! Ra ui Howard, N.I- yu.

MINST1 ladTHIS F.AiNtN*.. di.iir of «rroarstnioi COMICAL AM»

F vi! ». Bl RLr-o-i' r..-. DANCE* SOLUS, DUETS, «I I»( ." I. willi lb« faire, ULAI K MA.

k P. AVERl nlwayTODAY, rxhibitio. of We.l .'WA

*l.i i - DIJON o» i HI BLO »DI HAND

NATION M. V. AD1 MY 01 DI - ONII. DAY »t.d KVEN1NU Um Forty Attuoi Eilii

i. vi. v. .11. ktl rta

ST!'!> '. Bl '."!'". -- I! VA «

TJIiAV M VRBLI SI1-, a-.- U Bli 'ii LI STORi "LA CONTAlnNl ! I.A.' lil»a«**k«SB««a«B« ni H BBBa*«a«BBBBBB««»B«»BBBB'»

l5usinco8 notices

Harrys 'I hi "pm'ioi - F"!! thi: HaulF«tf in-red t>v thenr op-and Atn-n ¦

e«i «i .¦' 'i r-' iratl ... foi - p '

.p.»-a ted with t- - .. lipreveat*it« faltlai«i «rail '»«

Exit d 1-' 1 el »nd k pi;' In Ihe moat be nil ti >n tit .. Iii«tapial .!».» ,1-n lera tl.e ... ol oil, p..mst iii. or »i j .tlier pr

«I «»I» . . d bv.l.ATRT. N i: (J leen »t.. .ler.ey F. ir IB*.-HAVKK So i. .'. s

lawn a »Da No t ii, . » ,r.i I* ,,,. 11 s r. :«tilKCH. N.. 1 Mele.wuitl. »t., D u.U.

Axioms I' lla.-ui.jnKi .«mav. Hui -t Oueraeejr.CllKK.a Nts, Ulah «t,I.4THAH l.i'i otasM r.

( iik.iai a MaeVrld, Btfasa.C'isrio. Havana.I.TMAt !'n r si l i

Morton i a Ni .» itMorara* N«wl at . niKriuOTS« i. ( 0 Ssi. krui »

Watson. Prias* Edward « 1.1« >1Hbbpstcad ii» ««. Ilondur»*.rae rNtOBIT. I.rMosi A ! O Aus'ra'i»Haruoos v rri rai Atcxi>KeBBiriT, .li'anaWbir. i r ...

I.ocastk Raeala.Babbitt chins..M«M-"iVll JAsd BT An. Dsrnot«TS Torero«-im- th« AA'jilp

ClIKVALIKR'S I.UK FOR TDK li VIMVV|i; Ony Hair to ita original io ur, «'id pi .t

Ike growth of the veale.! hair «top it. falliug oi keep tl.e beatc!e«u. jj'i. »nd Lea thy SS» be i.«ed fra.y lui.tjiu« uotlii:i( inji.riena. ia iii|»ra.le'ed »« a Hair Drrulii». and i. ircoinu ended and usedt»y o«r b«*t Pbyiii-iit.- Sold by all Dru;riiti. «nd it n.r OIL » Ra1,113 Broadway N » tuiorms'ion re.peit ox lb« treituieutof the lill wii. b fnt-ly 41s en troni 1 to 3 «p. in

Sarah A. Chf.timik At :>


rt»m 00 other can«» ti eu worm« lu the a»«SB»at Bruw-n's

*' Vauaircos Comfith' will deitro». worics wlthu t i'.iry t> tue

chedClii'Jr 'ihi M a ritu r. i'iire inn..'ii t »u.n'i": I« »s'e of

t!¦ » r subie olten HHH pr uuied sk knr»».

CoüuH an* C0LD8 are often OTtrriwhad. a

linn«-. - fir any len|tb of t:mo cause, irritation of the. iu-.j« ..- . u.-

ttaMM Throat Dittite. " Baowv t 1'K. ichial Tbochii ire of

fot»J with tb* fullest conúdet.-:r in ti.i.r »fj..:«,-j ±111 ,¿ »ii;:o»'

ri.bly. «nr» and irrnie! a-e M

Ir lUK Stomach is ABLBBl. ¡Bai live, "ii ti .'.It up wi'b a »sans of HoSTttTE«! K.iTTUts. 'J hey infme vi; r u 0

»v-ry or'an. re|~ilit« every«li.r«; t'.r balance of il r

.lid Hin body. Ibu« reoulorced, rt»i.n.n ita wonted lei'tl.

.ni naa r». no fàrtbei u.e.i cal BvstsssalRhmoval.The Otliie d' tL».- NatTOVAI Hud k-

Michisb Co. be« br»u na iv-i :c ti.»l \« y -I ,1. y a».l Utb 1M» 111 Broadway dir-, li.. 11 tv» r. ». n- '; - ( -'l-rd Ir.irsic»<o Pur liiser. de.iring to «ee l.'i« Ni.iohai. in o¡ie,«...oi, wi.i

Apply t'i AnklM iliut-i. ii- a A.,

Wliat'a iii" Attnictiii'irti No. 303 Canallb* Bri .Jr. th HoLie, that draw« «u. i. ¦*S»«>J ,! a. » AATiyV'atT« the Hatter ii tin .e u.t 1... »n.« ard SeajSM .»j I | IButnroor S:yiei of II« » M i (":k) {.<. taSBaSa s J Dal i Kai.iyIleU for Lediea. Misa», v d t... d

ÖKLtcn.Nij a Hat..1 Mi, nitl«»k. f r « Hit to be ...tu nciory n.i't combine rítala ', n -¦ Htnuit be of e peet ind grace'¦ it; i i... lu n« Ljlif, andStan iii and t h» weirer T. rae sll be tuund la ti.«

n«w Sp-iui »tjle-.f Hat introduced >¦ Kau«, «old»; No«, lil F .1-loi. st s id 113 Broedwiy.À Cmakrsai. Hat Utorj K près,

la'»al F»ahion« of tr.e '.' . s. i f 0»¡,tl»:,i»n . In-«.li at» Oent.euiru « Buaue-t. ilATs I uri. t} «ney Hats. Inlaut«Hits. Mi«««» Hati. Rev. si.i! Y< iii.«' Hats« di api Le.

_l'».NtS V

OaUITLEMBN't II ATs.II you « MT'ki a Est

Easaascaaip'a No. ii« '. York~

Old Prices f>»rLac« A.1C Mens CeBTaui

At KiLTT« ~. 44T Bro«dw»v" Avtrrioii >alf ö7 Horses, C'arriagra, Harre«flABDLibT A', at Dusaow f I ASAAS No I." Litiei't at Tai«lit s Sp li____^___^___NOTTINGUAM I.ACh CURTAINS

At Ki DCiru Patt «

O. L. k J B. Kbltv. Nu W. I o.dws».

Gilt Corsicrs : ItAt RsDcrin PaiCBi . «oaos-at

Windoav Shades.All. Ki»n« Smr« AN» Ptisan

lilli I I'ATS'ai kal S VCTISI. -SID.FlxTCari

O L. k J. B KaiTT Ka «.: Bi .adw.r.


I.t MBKR.VA'lL! 105 AV'ATkOtl * Co.

First-ave.. cr ner Ti it« inn'li-atti*»« the Uiriest .rocs ol Lcn»iK .ii ii.« i .ty, wl., u ti-. y ?. in or

»»»Uti -i. with the Altian) aud Tray Ynu»_

( CHuLKRA i CHOLERA i i.L.ARLtI0N «\ HOVEYSBcaaaa Loirs««* are a sa'« SBal »fin' » i .»n'i»« t, .

4,'. .-r« Fur «alebv Drui|l»..Cholrra Trochen..Nlkmis s Compoi'XD ( a.a¡-

raoa TaoCRB«. a p «ititi, um im. askiiarlr pr. vialln kaBo.«rio «viLp.ou.« Dy.entery. Disrr.'.r« l.irra Mort ¦ A

B*r»Vis:*Maft«ried ty cbaugrui v»-»t»( camatii lorVrBer« lu-..»ncri.iiav«a a« wiTBOtrf mi. S»rt by mai «ansrclpt of pi « SS -: .«

tbox. Soi« Factor, C F .Ntiin.1» DiuitM, Twslftb afid Bl -¦

"hi'ade phta_ «

tsacoND-HAND Hafba hi itriffc niimluri. of our ownrd»r«'naU». takru io ri brilia« lol «as new i-«'.«u'. Ali a «¡.

BT PlATBB SaPII. For »»!e ,, w

¦_bUavi« k Co Ml K »st «<t . r.',i I

I'nrtes Vipnette. «fit 111 (i'./i L; li plicates, «Jp«*.«til e«s«tiT1 re|i.t*rrd R A La«il Ni '. « ii NY

WIjVOOI A OlBM'l Si v- .ni MA< I1INL.N, M Bread»»* N Y

A. TiaaT Stttcb uti i .»um Tbbkap «»» H:»lj '¡i«:Bat Kew io« Mas-blue« .«eui frr« with .aiupn a ol VV rk

GBOVEBi & llAKkRS iilf.HMT I'RBMIl'M ULA.-.BriTra Sawtsu MAraiais. for faini y .?». No 49i f t

Hovvt BsTVIM Machine Cimpant.Elias Howe.r. Fie»id*Dl. No KO Bro«i!w»v A|»i M w«ii.d_Impbovkd Lock-Stitiu Ma*sims for Taikra nml

bttni» tater«, t.aovs» A lilli B»WUN A., t.», | aSMAHI|<» «Sr. Broadwey. _.

Whrklir & Wilson's I.(hk-Stit<d i-tivixiMxcatsv and BrrtTosaoi.a Macaiaa No bSS B-eidwiv

A Tight BiTtvja with Ao> Tdrbad:«V» Ritport *f 'Oraud Tiul cf «ajw:n« Ma<l.i»,ea sAsKlftas wit,

Bom« «* of Work. AATu cox A Ola«! 8. M Co. N',. M* Broidwi'

Tua improviMl Elliptic 6t?winc-Macbint^..A. H.Bee: as No &T7 Bresdwsv A|«t.t. waaleal

PaoTBCT TnE TOES..CLJtlriL's CoPPEB-TlFPEDBbobs Sola everywhere,L~A. A..Df. LAKC.woBTKY a t.iw 1'nrui ;m Iruss"riateat in «Mai; a* li k pteesur« u al«« a Li» i .re. Uilbbolc a

o SS4

Tbusbm, Elabtic STocKisoa, SrsPtNaoar Iíani.-«..*, SirpoiTias I' Nilli b (ti I IUdica, Lui* Trow Ott.««eely it Ne I \ e*«T it Lad* allendant.-i-'«.i, ... - ¦ . .

.The Arm art», bv B crank Palmbr. I.L. D..BTi* ttaxt" fro* to »o.d.ri« ted e » ti tCccia ead siv.lian« Itfi

fbaxtmt«! rhita: Ador it. NY, 1» Oreen »t Boston AvoidBaudul««! IlillietloM tf II. PHir'l_ - ^

* wi<»a*; ToLPRKa, tvadOwANiNT/LÜALil, fini qn ti¬tty- ii«u Dye *«4 Dtsiss« MliiAl-aiwifc » lu ¿oui litri >>*f -AVieTrVoTMA^Ê*r*A«T. Tilt«' Iftfior (Treât'Yf.« l - li .A '

HI »»N,.... .It. >M..i,

"s'TBD HTATRlI te» »».) ICCmsWATI aWkWaASPSC n?i«r

... Mt I I' ISC I kPITAI..).<).B»i)

lo» mmtrgsBtal a ij -.. iel t ;«

p i.¦¦ i rj. I airees

s .«e.wi

,, ., -«


,,,..-. 1 « .


TbeU s' VI V. ni .1 it , , - |à Ni. II Wal: it I Y

,-,s trvitxs. No. l-l M ¦. i o Bettt. Kg, ''¦»..». r '.A

Ltob'i IbbbotPowbbi fur oi tim -u E .i.-v-,v -. iMetal TI j

'I I...« A' «thara art-

i g v i aVPaggBBMj an

by ItAiiN.-. vii N .! Pa.« .«

HiULLlAM'. 0? (' 'Mi'LI.Xl II is ii .-.;'lilli- ill it t l/lI,..-», BOWS ,, K.ti :«ri> ., gaaaWaMcdtS

be » .in>at gat fr .:n «'iib mi, inJ the

l.y'l . w:tll ml r. ii . -ni-li«J br it. »putn-alinn.It aoft«:u Im- .kin iuJ - lu... } lag Bl ¦< 1 Mttl BBS ft ON

¦ I' m te|.. Ir nut« _

.1 àRD Elf«; BaatBB.I..P-I Bl .ft Bratk Iii. .' on tim Pit .. rall-1 OkSCa

aal i, I I i -'. M am Paaai » I . lebrata Morn no1

P'RiCBlt l^rtin. It h i. alibi- PliptraC ki Dr. II. O, Imkbï.

Deriiiatolorfit N t » i< bag H V -t hy m asWJfJoB in New

fort ead eatewhere Pries Bl _

EAitriTLiR AiTP.vii.iN PAID to th iiiiiiufaotiircof as.i|.. .-. r :. .- t .tl-pt-H l'ipritl« l8 »M» vr! il .T. pr .».-,1 ...

valuabl» te rhil Iren'a ovivuv « « BlBBLaiW .«. I ka.» Munnintureren ¦¦ IM r- m BoeU and laoee, Nu. M sud iiiv -a .> «¦ s \ AU gota» eran ut. d

Fra CotTOHi Colds, Sorr Tbboat, &<;..un"Dowaaa't Cottrot pRauaji m i ¡a Tactibu PhpletBat bt|blgippion beni f Id by al Druifiiti Depot No. »M Iludaoa-et.

EvhitDPi.L's Wi.DinN'i Eard DsPOT. No. 30, Broad'W«jr, S. \ --'In., iii.i.¦ el ftal « M l «tes, rr*u,li Noto Paper,

MraBM, g .. i' « S f>.

Forty drope of Mí;p'ii¡'. Rbbttmatio Ri:kti.nvI.steal ¦ .t «senyetaa» tii*tii.-in»., sn.l

» initsntl. re Her - H«ed«rae, Ketn-dfte, Be Try li. t'i.iis! bv ill |ir irrtet«. _

9. M. PkTl'BBUILl A Co Ni I IPAfl I AuvuRiTS-1M1 Aqbmtj. HO J* Pus row, N »7 Yelki - ¡tkad M IBtt). ate

,. m,fot ii Ii bat ni /t .: iawt BBaaart M I ¦ I aked st«t«-i

« Biitask Prévis ¦«

Kf&iîorit Jetoila Eritani.11 E8DAT, MAY |, i- ,.

» » < .rreapeMdrnt».BO Bi-isa m BStMaaa 4 A'.inu.inou. ( .in ii mi «'lim Whalererli

n'.* ile I toi teaerttoa tnust b«auth«nti*a'«1 b.'ha name and ria of Bal wri'a- ni", ne MMBtlit] 'a: (MM »Mai St but ai aoiar

«ir» for bli in MlAu h«ii9M«. -. iii.- i.'ui .:ti I absent be s II mm! U '1 ti« Tais

e«k,' N«w YoikVi s oaaiuo. jujeitai ta te'ura rej*-t «d I ten in i «t. nia

The Tribune in London.bTETRNS BRilTllKRs A-n*". in «,-nt. Mjr I a-i-i Pilen."'«

Ubi ¡. vv an a.- ma i.. Um -a i i lill. TUllU SL'Ti». «Till a... I. tie» »ia. a.r.i.ia an I Aa.aaT.aaeaaTl.

Adveiaieemeati i >r i'i.« awefe - im i M lim» roiiii'b-. bin I- m T- Di.,.


FOT{F,l(;X NBWgk.Br the .if.ia! ol' the AHpiimh.a and t'n-IIiIi-ip

have tkreedeve' iat«»r ne-a* fn.ui LCkUwpc.l he advket from <>.'i nany eootione t.. !..« n;.ir.. rp*,«arir-

barn It la j-ta'.eii ti,.i« ri m... 1.1 airar, aWvgria, Baxoar,\\ ¡itembeiw, Hi ion and Heaoe Darm tadl «roald De.m lin- ame of Austria. l'eue meetiagi continuedin inj Li-id in ti." atrae towoi <.f Pro eke.It ia reported that B..umk caraWad lu» KCtgaatioa.The Austrian Gorernoieat ia the lad »P asia, pro¬pose« th it tin- people ff m M. -w.i--ii.i-',. ehoooe h go?,erameat by aairenal ttUTrage. The Emperor ol á ti ihas deo .let'liin d hie pcadiaecito the queettoo althe Dachiee hefcfac Baiopccn I ocgreea.

l !.. r>' were gmt ra*Jtnelafli ii Raaiia on mcobbI <>f IkeEmperor'! eeeape from aaaaasinstioa. The mea who it.t...¡¡pteil the EmpiTur'» lilt- i.s a laail'iwtn:', uti.. CCC iienm .1 al the mol ti..- s-rf-.Ii taextremelj doubtful whether the Prinoe of li

¦oltern will accept tke U« >-ix»«lnr.-h 11> ia Roomanla. Tin.i., n* Powers r gor' i.i "ti '-1Hegel

«r.iixiiiicAi., xií:\vh.i - Board ofAidera* ¦ _v aMiafde« ki ¡ le i i fir j...m raeo.

Ititmii »|.¡>"i'itnv'a itiiiiiiiiit.o io a'r.t.'i_'.. the oelebratloa.¦!'.'... Fourth ol Jtiiv, also. reeolotion kotreceiae tin-saiMiy «.i Ike Ccrpoianaon C'iuiis' l Heeoeager to $1,500 pei

A III(B».l(t.- wits r.-ee.ved BrOSB the HcVOf v.|.,ii,.-Holui Um n .,. «'in..' ead aalboi.. i ty Ii

tortoret ipoM lion for üiidiy- bf the oflii mowo[m .I by .in.

v niant at st II le uti tomeo! theman- actina ia c disorderly maai an cirrlec oli :«¦ pinn hereeppooited a committee la procaed t.i

Rew«l erteil f* Col. OPMaboa1 lae object olthereceal mtrrmacntaal baaó^aeitera, ead cn expmnatiorjoftbi manner li whick tli<- faadi ere baing expendedMore English troopi bare crriTcd al Ral Btx.Ccpi affolea "i Ike Mi Kew«Tork Ccralrr wag ikcl

thmii/li thé l"4y, and, it is tuppooed, mortally aronndodirkUa entacacoring ?» aireat i Hei.oi ateaparado Baited Por>

i' iton, Texas, i few days aco. After his woaadt 11,,,;, drew u ¿.'--.ii mill ni...! Porter dead, morta ly

woundiBf two liken wkc were sagifed ia laaWtingtbe¦ r. LIke Caaaccticnt Legislature wil .¦¦ i .. N. li

.-ii now. li »ill probably al ao Mr!* der aliri iI ted v.;.'e- Bl t.uii.r in the pU.I Vii -I'r. ai,lent Ktis-t. «i.'i-e term expuae on Marth I, î-uû. (¡eu. t». s.

j -. m Beni candidate forth« potdtioni but tke;. e. eil". o1 Mr. Foster is col improbable.

i cholera appears to b« mVatinf. R ports bon Ike-¡ ta »bip era to tke efsuet that bo aao ecasi wen re«

.. but then had beca :"ir Asavlki atacotwo edi :i- and twochildn a. I>r. be

bl in.:,, m te .'' ".' ti '¦ M i" rions bow in IktstpitalTt.

\ ii. rexai papar, nye the wheat henaat ob. i ppei OokaTeaio Wvcrsarpesaet thal ofanj mi r y.-ir

...--i e ¦.(.eeiii ui'ly lili«, ead the be« m Insciu slyp., 'iii eoantry ii -"w;irtu..i/ aitfa cattli dealeiIke Weekari Btatea, n e '¦.> pay Ike hlghitl morki-tprk.

i Ail. broke oat ..i oae of Ike baildlr*fi ..¦

iii« Mew-Havea f'ona cioik (ksmpuy yeaterday, deitroringtkai h:,(1 li buildiDga in tkevacinity. TaUiiiilii-s ware rendered bonseleas, and SOO workmaa tkn iiout of emplntiL' lit. laiirts, $.'00,1X0; iiiHiired, $K1U,0iM).

| vt. bal Prone r hailed franVi w-E'nn5.,:i, Con:!.,s tardai for Davis ktiaita. on » ahaliag expedition.

ii Im can la which a atecmcrkee been>yed for auck a parana. The¿ wpaeit. ..i

tlit- Pioneer is aboni I,na» bar.-el«,.'li me hnadred Genaea InaBlgiBBte, la»acrlcd irtke

(¡».«.r>¡ia Immigration Company, arrived u' Auganaantbi ..'.'.'. alt {..<} in »li engaged, ami are to be paid*l>i p«r a 1.1.m, um. board Bidkwfiaf foreackbmvi,»ii'l f HM) ditto fur tai li woman.

rec oftke robbers oftke laBnllttw. Rational Beal atChiIi/, ni..«i a..\. captored yntaixlci Bear Lagranje,after a akcrp flght ia whick one of tnem was wounded,Tke au.o .pt : recoTcred excecdi li.' (»ne>.. the i h ,.inr- is run" ni targa.A rlispatcli i.'.ui Rew-OiieaBi ny- tkal ibu ii

ConilngdoWB from all Ike rivers. The wli..le ni Sin.I!,.Westers Louisiana ii orerAVoved. N'.. piagren taBbadcinclosing the crercM .-. Ike Ion of propertj ladcropawill

i':.-..' st.,!.i m PkilidelBkii wMTteeatlylia «t: ntieii 11.. s, ¡i, n wirraal againsi Barties

infriaging a rebbei patcaL B«rvwrcJ aliou wen aiTed. TheUltu marl arr-ste«! h.d held t" RBCWI t

Bcrgeant Tkoatci li. Culler of CompaayB, of the :hMRegiment wea tke redpicn! of cn eleganl watch, l«steveninjr, from tke members of the company, in apprécia-tioL of U.i> B'.rth ai.d lnci.t.

(¡..v. Padtoi of Ai.ihhti.ii, hn Lmaed a ceci lein*im. rk-clariLg the nea penal law or Un Rialto in force on and aftertke let dai "i /nae. Tke luw paiikrg hornnHl mule-itealing wuh death.sitial Liiudnd IWMWall lu'.orers s'riitk fur the ten

lu. r ttem m Brookryi yeeteiday. it is uudersiood tü..tthe employen will iccede to their démuni.'H' argregate .iprropriations in tin- lull iwaottcd I'mm

ti..- C< ii Latinee oí AppropiiitlOBi flor tke ttaednre&'i I! .-

na;. Ux tl>'. Lt*t la», ni y. nr are $ll,(*HI,mM.Ten bcildingi wen dooliojed i.y tire, »t taaaraawertk.

.- "ii rjatii.-tiay njorning. Loss, about |ár9,BB0j u'iiasvjfiaMC,A Hit II llfi'fir'1. f 0IB.| f'ti Stiml.iy t'.pstroycd sew-rnl

buildups']. Wethersfield-ave. Lo i, over |30,000. lu-lured, %i,'iiv.Tb» Ntw-V.irk S'n'i Fl I hi IMS is !o he hell a'. San-

l"?a Sprint:»- f ii. th" 1Mb t'. the 14th ol B>ptCBskci in si.

0 Feh'"!, li.t«. signed the bill Inerceilng the lalirieiol tbe police of tLis cty to ll,'-¿UÜ a t;re ii rapu g a: the f »>t ..( .iefl'.-ii« .'j h'.., ia this city,

at the preeeni wntiag (raldniglit)., J iburgk, l'a., suUt-re«i a lo.i oi |31«d00 | fine, iffUSHàj «ntl btuduy.Tb« K.ntnr-kf pt-mocrati.' Slut«« Cohventioa runts m

I LnnlsTilV« iivmiyrTriw,'^Jwil J I'*'"" ''I. '.- .- . .- '.¦ i ¦' -. I Í

BllWlttlSTI ttirinr thsdsv. Ocv«riimentat.x k« w "It s'«i It

atBatarday'i |QotatloDi for «.I B*«»rripts»»n wttt aisdarals»il- a Ia railway mort|¡ .¦..>¦>'. bends, tid .»*«ik - u i

liBlt was -l'i: ¡r. 1h" «ra ii stocks tn f I« »».ndr Tbat. . i «bs ir, aas. ti I .«»r,

; i «i.. »s

:i of «i 'a! .¦ .itry rtriphiy-1 i . i. 1 .' 1 |» . sas,

i' ... i. sei ',


» ¦ »Tri.

\ . | » "M'lll* Wf' piIli MB«

i the tax«! I» Mr. Fe«i Iht 1|. | y -.' -,

li.- Al aj «fat :..' '¦" ;.. |. li s" A|r. l'iti _»r i't

Uli ¦.:> .n the i «ofCong ess, A bill lu inthorise the1 II- l! I' Ml- -. ('Ill » ||t

1 an [«si ti. TI '. Pi l-Otl >pr »ti m bill...i ! .Mr. Triiinliiiil oll-ifl .u, k11 M tMtBl

¦, r-1 no, eon«,,r"K-1, uni..- luring; tli" r> <¦ s of theSenate. 'I betmond«m mt » ;- liebet« t bj Hi »« t. Johaaoa, Banner, MII op !» ..- lad». an I BltssIrtVl <¦- i

N it' .#i urui 1.HOI S'i.

Billi r r.'r "!.:ivii Dir t'n <o:iv .r.-s.u:i <>'¦ BUM lathNati ial Hu a to vi '»!.i:i_-t-.'i ¦rerrii'.rv; t..

the ''tu tii'ir of earl ila NotthWi sa 11 u iOi niain bail lin.' a t ,i.'ii:i-ioikI 'ti fcfoataai to naend the

iowa in ut grant aol ol Mar I», l-'il; tt> uni tip- K. n-.i-

ii | Ni .-;..' \ i ¦¦ Railroad toaaaead the Internal Rev«elm.' icti lo aid in in.itii ¡ii.' k penitentl«vry la NaMaalaj!.. 'li tare v. Joseph, Mo», I port of ileliveiy, aad l<» ox-

Mod i wii.iii m st. Loaiai which w.r« ¡July lehnet»,Kesoltltions wet» introdnoed t.. 1>»til«1 a raUroadaridaa over

.li i r iii...' i. Rivei «i C1.»reload, Obioi to »vttnitTaaaet«na m1. !" rcli.v" Mttli r- oh tbt Sucix HcsenatiiiU;whieb rera referred. Tho r<«B'»liition f..r tht trial.'t .lil. Darla un» discussed by Mr. Jnliin. andreferred to tin? Jadieiaiy Coinniitte.'. Nnmai iaa

petitions ai .1 ii.emori.ils, and rcwilutiori«) al MataLrgialature« wereptea nt-ti. Mr»Steveaapreeeatadtrenthe Ki iMii.-tnii tina ConiBtittee tu* report priatad fetter«doy norning, aad ob bid motion the rule» vare ,-m-»¡<«ijJ-«Jto'm.ik.' tin- ii'»..!.itin:i Bad bill- embraced in tlio r. p rtthe apaeial order for Tu.»day. Wodaaeday, ¡inri Ttartdtj'of ii»« «s r weak, aad they were ao natte. Hr« Stertas ra»

ported Iron ttir» Appropriation Cotnakittee .i bill BxakinaipproprittioDj for the rrttedmen'a Bnreaa »ndoéT»rt«4asnbslitate fur hi« penaioa lill of December 30. Reeola«.Bona aere idopti '11 onceraing the proaaadlnat of isyarl«-Burtiali dir« Ing ta inquiry into allafad mads on then renne in Boston; ami reqiieetina: tin- Bai renn af m ittlofurnlthal t of eitiatt peatiiof aajainal .onei ela.Iii., l.'ncr iimi li tri.or loi! «n» t,.ken fron QornMltlatoftht Wlmle. uil.l ullcr ,i »|.c.( li fi.'in Mr. lil:.ii tht pro. mini

question, was -«¦< <»i..t« i. certain antadneata tfpeed to

and the hill ratstrl Mr. Blaine tatt tot pet intlqn stiooat np to im lead a loaglottei fron Provostt-Ilersbal

Gen. Fry to reply tu tht kstatetaeaM of M .ConMiog.Mr.!'in.iii: it »tut' ni'tit in reply to the lc""r o,(¿..n. Fu. n ii .it in» r.q'ii't n icsiliitioti for aeonnltttat'i i-iv¦»!¦..¦ ite the whole anbjtet ana aptatúnted. A'Uj"«r "J-


'I ha Blvei anti n..; be iiaamttiaMinl Mil waa ikcn1 iv M.ti UM ('..'iitnitt.! tin' \\ li'.'.e bj the

ii.» ..*.«. ¡iii o it. r a brict" Baa .i irw Marod«incut», the prevyioaa qtMaUaa waa .-.¦¦ ..tided, aal Umlull ¡..i-»: I.


TI: l.oiuir,!/, Joiirnnl lim rou .» liedle-» tr.i'.'ili-about l!io'loiiiitiag ol' Um I'ri.siilititi ti vite of 1MB,TIm CoajBtatntioa toToiToa Um couiitinn al ti;it

.voto o'iti doolaring oSciailj t-toraaall aaaaitiM Bax!Con (free»».

li -in- ri :y li.nil. to otu Copperhead Ir.i'li.U, llmtt;,.' K. in i» ..i i-.l-'.-'i eiuitibi iinvo to trail nil 1870bob ni' ti,, r» i .m v oto tor Federal "fliccr». H ai'l'UIn

lust to a» that lan Bia k Hrjjorxistl should Live to

vvuit ii'.'i't'ur.t.'Iy li.tnic tlicy um volo for d-leral or

any .»tlier ii. ¦. I |kRBM, BOM, vie atrika bri.I«i I | ' Umk '»!..> aMaUsTafl v "! .. !'..: li '.'. b t:i'l evcr-


Mr, Starts vettok*»»*vj soa^fptl lo sMbbt a ratolutioaret iiiii»; Um Cact Uiai Um Pin .saVaat lin« bob tan tniUm rc-dliitioii el tlic Ho,." ka .M inli ó, ¡Hrjuinnt; ic-

to Um imiiibcr ol p.iriliiii-i ».'r.iiitiil and tin« a'.no'iiit offorfeited property nataaad to Babel owm

raqiMMllai Um i.» MttttjaraaJcata »mb laBMaaassMa at.¦ .¦-. ,','¦..'. m :' ',, ¡||g ¡,. obni fur ¡i

of legislation. Objection a t tbe n-^.i

lutum will il" .Ulli » lu (.n -. i-ii'ii muí ¡luised at thelir-l iippcrti.iuty.

'I b". Uti l'..;.;.'.li'.11 jo.iiritiiiN» t!i" Ki'jM.i't i>i ti..- C.iiiini.tli'i' 00 I»''. iiiNiric-

lion, i 'i

Rebelt are not alla till 1*970, bow eaaa

t'l.pti, ... r ,! .n 1006 a\ i raaUj"'! ¦*?*"' ____-_._

Tb.- - bra it teatais» rj i P'c1, 'i Appropriai M . Trarnbtill offered Umfaliowiag m 'iti .i.n'ii.i:.

Nop»!, n e|. r. i«.i .-< r j.. f n « ..f «nr ntl!. ..

»' by kaw Is re» uni to M BDed bj lb»»dTict «ml i.ins«.it«if the s, und ibalí before eetli Batios bj tbt 8i aal reeeirsiiriv sslurv nr ("ii'i'.i saii.i!. im hilm.«-..n.i J bj t.'r- Pi »Ideal l. i.ü sp s vs. aaay wbtab Lu, ilurl»B tba r..-, .« of tba Ncn«t« aad slaaa ita list »»li|ev'Ui-il bj ilcalli r- tail .: M M

.Tb.' iiiii.'!i.l:i.i':.t !,u- BO other otkjtM I tttBB la g TI

atfai i tu tin- i mi-tit T'.i.'iutl 1, in: t.i'inii in tin- appoint np;

power oi "i. I'.- Ident, It waa febatod, bat a" vote

kcbed. .I

Mr. Mi-vcii- pn '.iilMyto Um Bnaaa tbrri port on r.a trti« Uou a» 1 ¡di v.,i» «jdtkptod ..ii Satur-

daj bj Um Rat eaMtotii liaB t iiaBrnHtta, aad wbjeji we

li.iv iili' ailatod l'ail. Al li cinlir.!."-. a r.-.-

lutioi. lor an kjaattsdaa al ta Um i laa IUo«ioB, u, bill to

re-tore Um Btotoa, md a Mil laalaalag aartaia i: :.»-i-ineligible tu nilli .., .Mr. S'cvn-, BMMBd !».».i Ibjtbreo aaaaaarea aaaaaal oiviari foi Tm ay, ««faataaa«liny rii.'l Tbortdaj of next wtytjlt. Ofaje«Mkia being

tiie ralea an re » bj »«ial bj iht to io, ajad u,,.moi ¡on agiaad lo. Meaatime, UmMUi and tc-tiiirnnyUM ko be punted, uinl it v. nttm icjior! in f.tvor of tile

j'iill! ¡ lOp.l.» OL* Will 1" |i!('«i'lltl-ll til lil» ll'i'l-ll,\V( ¡in-inii-the Ntrnti;r vet..mine than Avliieh tlie Hou-e. su-p. tided Hie ml t», limy botaken a« BB ludicaiiuii o! it- piirpoN« to tve.'pt Um re«

purt ni iti Ci.nun ttee, oi ¡.ouietbing Vsliuh etiall n>i lode it nain G Matea.The »üwe report wa.-t ma ie by Mr. Kustendeii in '.lia

Ben ita.

<»OY. I IN mt A1U THE H k11. KO A Ita

XS'i'lloIlilt k II«. AV'. »¡IH. Ccll'uH .Vlll bl' li andi-ilnic l..r rt.'i.'iii.iti. but vv tri-f In« may be tii.Tthe will b.ive no Kerioti» oppo-itioii m Um niiiks af hilB1 ji-Art a li be «YBrl to i!cd.,M\ tra «bimbi not

know bjj AvLiili d.rciti »j to look for a Micic»»or.

Wein ar tbnt »onie mc di paakd to bo»e uri op]..' : .:.

to liini Lil IC'iilii'itd (¡ :i »tioii-, Avliidi bt baOBlnnvvi-c (iuv. 1'eutnn La- «Vatad« duibiles», in ubedi«en. e to bis convictions, and t«. Avbut be rea-oiiublybelieve- to be public opinion. On tim pciul,hi.« facilities fur fiiTuinií a (orr. if, j .d.iriiii'iitare Mipi rior. Ha lui- taken no po-it;on-that Ave. an- milmed to depute. limthere are eiinsidijaatioii-, afaate uinl pcrb.iji- MM ob-

A uni- tl.aii tl.o e BB w!i. h be lia- acted, windi OB«un. o u» thai u mee Uberal poliej with lafard toli iilroaiN will have lo bfl adoftod by our 8'ate, |b.tlier AViiid-. v,c n. it lattaBCBB Avl.u n.,ike and run

BsVlllTMedl »Marga lnehcr tor tran-portatioii thercoti. Bl

bava n heavy load BJ tn^atiüii for MÜldio| tu.RaU«H'.i t brown apata tyar people prMrraUj,

ii art ure lif/bl bl \Mk Baa* l'i»i«;i, then the true ¡Kili.i y will have to be udoptcd. M ina' ter who maybe¦ o.vernor. Lal an s-'et ba.k to Spei in riiyineutí BOaeoa Bl may be, and it ls morally certain thal the true

¡idlicy to be pursued with regard to our lf.ulro.i'l»,]ire-ent ui.d prospeiliVe, Avili be ho plain that its

adojitnni c,innot be ttatotod«

Tht I'jprti} ..-«.-en* that the ¡Sujiremo Court ha<pMLotinccd tiie .Mi--i.ini Te-t-0ath iineoUatitiitiuLal.We w ill thatik it for the prool.

ktOB. Crank lllair it telin Bk, rel'uAed to take theoath la»t Tall. BOOBsUB Le bad sxTtlgbl Claib. .Iial.-in.< .r»t.:,l} in- iln!, bat, ki rruL« i» to bo Um BaalCopperhead lor Govcrii":. and i in't bockclcd wiUtonl the Jubel voit, Le i« tryiLi* hard to

rinfit in. BtBcebii affected rnjple. Be never

tho'ij/lit he wa, fighting the otate oi MiaMsotiri ia l6s5LIht lUprt*$ trie«j h nd to force an issue with un

,'.'. pu.f (ho Taatt-Oath. t..'. Ta ... .i.

Til P.- >[t!> of M '...-un hare tMMaM to tMPeholy in

Unir ii ii'! »Tii'iiLi! la», ii prafiajaa Ikal Rktn

i-jili '¡.I sill boldcia' L'i'l)jl!..<:i -!i p! n't ,.i'\ no:

hold ¦¦¦¦'¦ i. ti' I la.-, ii

foo han k| rfcd righi tomoU that tb j oughl not

tohat u il.'-'i not .iii-; (-'o fp Nor

.... ..'.'. iii t rj-in ' ta i .up -iii'.' Utithe em I aa Les»a foe Ii. ' dears* RBfekr, aadl yon m.iy »vbon Um

hi Rkkjkl lAtlP. LAW.n re.'/ -..;

i :.e i; resans ira bitterly Is I t t .¦.¦ « it-,.,,. r ..'...'¦. *i' .. s

raOr u ha-J « people, Mi.ilir latheir only kolidei .... I t! ev C31. Ii. it ree (ho justit'« of «dosing I ..'"' -' I dCBIsu 1 depriving rkem of what tii.-y deem au laaoosai ecj ¡meattotatufj i'-ii^uii.»scnples whiêh t'iey <i.> not »ii ir« Duriag"... rtaunmei mi »a.aai tan Pun tioh (Neman fr fasalle bOtC-gardCat IB BBd CCU tint l .tv. it Lfuay in supposethat tiii- creal ¦ «. d g sgls »111 »rege Utelrusaaltuent« »t th« in ldingof auv coanniiiiti'i. i».»waver r«ip«t.ub«o.''

A '

i .. r»Btnols ni»»«.las nto rery wratiM al thethreat-eaeJ tlepriviitiiiii uf their f.imr:to b'ver ii;» uti .'/ j M mytiinii.iiiiil»o'ihior wi.ikiiioii ami ¦cebantes «"le. are '"i1' ore t

at tit«-.r av.'i'aiiiniii ilurinif ibu week generally tpcad the Sab-lui-li m tome .f I'm gwatlMl un the ouukir'.i of tait city dntik-lag lager with Ike /m', m ' .'' I «tv, lad listening to them lie III B 'I'lil't Ililli illorT-llSIV» lilli,11 T. T Iii, pi . mu- is I.I

h« t í'.en itwttv fruin tlii-mno ". nuil Un' COU [UBI badIt easily «a Mated be » tiiest peeple, now that tier 11< aHat geae forth that tftre i'iall Ae M Mt ti jf C1 gai di; "

.Von inn |/ iiii'.iUy toll whcihc. .i DM i-'i'.e ii rifJBlor wYBBg* Bjr noting how its fidviT-.iries BUUOI mTBI

upon it. If they tan affud to tell the nak.-d toothiilionl it, thcro i- I Hall pivaiiinp'lon that it U fealtyoi im-takon. If they BBTI to DUaaBpncaal it in order!.» oppose it with «'fleet, you uiay ka nure that it is

g -"iitiiilly right.I>8y íifiei day ha- Um gnfrf»of etanafaw City

i- i.i. 1 Um new Excise hw ia lit i iUb| lo ma people"their nuil drink".Bl ti'vki.i;' t<> dUtprirethem of intomatiug drinks. There. LlBOl a word of

tkil in the law. There will he UflBBC MMaghl sold in

OBI City iniili-r Um new ¡aw; an I tho-o who vant,laid Balk UM wherewithal to buy it, will find it enilyi'iiou;'!i. tfwi hive only olio g;og,hop to a blockw!i..leon we no a- h ivo n duz ni, wo shall atill bonillo bj buy all UM liquor wo waul, lad '| lilt rtcapl/ n- uox; riüiif Um $956 p »M foi ¦ lioetin will

r« jin-s.-Tit aérerai Bjaoggatiai oloeed, thereby enablingUkosa «ho BtüJ ni] !o Mil hi tit-»re than ut present.

B4 ht Subilla«.' -.alfs, Thr Vor! I la i»-: I'.-i-'ly a'.vani

thal Um/ IPBCI Rswer legal ia o ir City.tin' the ii.'W

law makes no e< ential chango with regard to UtOTB.\V! it ii...- i. to I'ti'inp' eufor..- ng whit lit« always....¡i ti-1 law ol 'i ir Si.tie.Law « Liit-li t!io,e no I IO

i llPaaOtwae l'or Ere.' Trad.- ii. L IfM h ive never n-kedthe Lag -latiirt) I » repeal. Tkay have l »c'.fly admittedthe ji iii -..' Hiitl pt iprifty of that law until un alt.-niptla m ide to enforce ¡t, wkeo «kow rdaatot ii Ikoagk Rhad dom t.> ii !.. Mm» lad.

Mut it.s tilt, irij fal - UmI Um hw tt.r'.i Is t !t»« drink-l.ig "I li er, or of uiiy thing ft!«', "ti Si ii ty. E.ryOB :. iii.I will lu || liberty to dunk w'ia'«"over how.u. Cu.;!..vii.u-ot't drink in publie nu' forbidden,mill -t! ¦- "¡i S oda/j Vid M tiley alvvips I, r.v BBBB.There ure a g.i ni ti, my (ieniiaus i:t out i ty who.. i:| .i ii lui .-I., i:id who ifaOwMI do not

likatkal r-OCrOtpt iofl ol' Sundi/ w ¡ii Ii h cmlio.lietl in

our utera. Bal Ikon ?.".: illy aim to he good ¡ti¬ren»: and ira 11 r>. r« tin-in to tike a roi-omble view ol

UM m iltar. It tiny eran living in Alepp aa Dan ia-

us, ara inaPaxaUnr would not aaMMatakatoaiakalaowthe M i'i"iiie.|.i:i Sabbath ;is a day of special frolnot.>i Mt: ia puh'ie and boiaUtOBlinerrini.nt. 11 ir tOB BfJ u t" a-k the u to f iv lik«- r"

ii N )W«Tork lo the Sunday Kohody¡ i« auth'Tt/i'd t'i [aqttira irkBl Uny cal oi'

dunk in Iii- privacy of their own («ir MCh <«t li--i - »

I .. r i-'ii i'i!", why sbiiulJ unt this

them '

I .'. 1 .m th eoiat, it will ha foliad.' MB a ""'"I lu» .'¦' ( iii-«, H f/all as ol'

othi ra, i ho prefi r i qultl Babh » th, gaah M UM law ofUm Uiid coBttrnplitoa. Wa do sot I .-sue;

hut w.. lol '. mi i*. We mi.-» aaiawMÜj coojMali;-rii:ii;is and other*, lo okey tke lawi ÜBf«iciUj¡Bukiag opa aajBara, Braal ieemt, if tkej eh""., il aaruaxt Bl tie El.. .on, m Davor of Unir nodifii .ti.ou or

repeal. We do not beflavoi baweviCi that th.-y can

ia ipaM ii. Ld 'n, ii t,!. v .. "ad i :.-;* r -, t| i. |'.,ro tao i.:n-

:1111 -11 » y t- lii-tra. itod l.y n fog H- stile, e.-.ion.

i us «Pi:tKi:ii'«t Hi LlRTgl.'Ihr v. i. ¡um. ..i li Ii-, ,n in edit« rial de-

io itiii ¡!ig the Bo "iis'ri tmii ( oiniiiilVe" Kvsry «ttemi t'ni* has ila« I bal ti 'null' lo 'Ir rv i.iitini,

'«.¦¦. to th- retaras and analifteatioot ofiier-, ti thetntlmaayreport doj taeCommlt-

te«, or tu tay other branch of tategtmeral «abjeet. baa hesstammarll] -, mta ...l hj beleg nat, bbbW ia» .s',.-.i¿'.' <

lo tata t oiiiiiiitte.'. And thei- ev -rv Until? i«-»t«, btnl.-i ek«ntl k'-T. itn.l Ihe mJtawMtal <»l M ttt] to tbil hour.

.lin« Speaker's ruling" OB IbOM questions hap.pens to ha in i-xa. | mu.rdiiiii-e with tho roMolntion

thai CoBaBadttoa, wlaoli waa kit recortad toUm i ainii- oi l iiiiüi CeOaurroanBOBi held ob Um Bator«da* before the organuMtioo of Um Booae, fcy a C"in-uittleo of win. h Mr. Kayinoinl wan a nu iiiht r. and

; :e:¡tlv tlal- itt- d lil the 1 Itm I l«y the n.d of Mr.Raymond'- v le. It reads a- foUoWl:

H to' 'I .' ¦ o' ant i-..-« m Cb git/t¦ i. that a teta! coarmMnc c1 IftccH musbors shall be

»Motated, trat ti wtrrm tbalt tn mtnttrtrt ol th« liouie nnti. li mernie ra of the BeBBte, Baa «hall UMMlre lato the iiitiillliiinuf the h'.utea which t irme.l tlie a«i-enileil CoMfedetSAe RttVtB« ofAnn ri.», ana re|i«itl whetln-r they, or »ny uf ti.uin, «re entitledlo be represented to eltbei 'ion».' ..ft'.mi; rea., wita leave to re¬port at aay tttae hy lull or titlierwiit' ami m.t-! it r^.^1i' l ,'ia-r bit: mail' ami t -..*.. » 4 gVBät ni 11rti.11

lAsü br iif'l ii.l.i -liku H.u.eliom Sana/ (A. Miall(-... ftittttt tUt i ""I I' pttmri raltM 'K lu <bt lepnn,.1011.111 ,.r

(«iii Statri thalt bt rrjrrrtd M Mal 'aid rommi'tit a MMwMt il'ha'r.

Ti.s w.i »greed to hy iii.-Ho iso when taflhrod hyM lUvwBa, Deo. 4. i-«;.'.. oiaMtlj ii the iam i.m-

g läge m t\huh n had haca wpottodtoiod adfrptedbytin- l iinni oaav " 1 i..- cok ¦ mTm .. 133| Kaj -, :W.Ha*. B Ia toonil Vi.'l.i' Ve I.

Alth.nigh the S'.'ii.iln Lin.-(-"liptirreil in ide latterp.irt oi the keTliiTlng tkal met) Booie-h"t:ld MM M|i.t'.!!'ly thercii. and titi! latter pailw is paoaod by Um Booka mtkalSUio] DeonnbarW'ith'iuf the aid Of Ifn l.'.iyuiiilht's vote. Yet " heBm kal i- ruling li..- liet-u | .!;. .is he waa or

dal ! t" rule by the House, and its Mr. Hityuion| nil voie.l. "ii ti '. llhoi I»'-, einher, that ho .«A«ni/i/ rule.

Hut this i- ii"! ii!! f erie\ai:i enirani-l Um Speakerlo Um opinion of Hi Tnm*. lu n- adatoiia] on theTenaeeece qnesUon of Tue-i!,.-. dpi l Mtk, II(note ol'eXilaUPill.ill ii. I

" Mr. I.attiutn, a 1'iiut» nietnlift from Wael Vityn; .1 v .

leniav otfi r*.i som* lacaialiew fur th" m.-linn it CongressHpiii tiii. sehtest. Th«»' wera prompter reied ord of«iMateaakcri 1*1« ii.'- taaewr «ms m cat htmit -¦.-

I't i '.' mot :t »'.li nut of order foi the llnrise mI ti. -in pt to ii., or »m a n vi i,i 1/ »I,out if Wlii-n t!ie CaCADjiltM»vet li' to call the -u .,', t ;:n, ii lina .1 righi lo do ,-u UUtll then,

rCM I- ponerless.'*UM it'lii)i!i'le nn-wir lo Util b lound ia the Con«

¦jraeeaOBaJ pío' t '.''luig- on the lighth page ol tiwi .mi/,,*

ilny > ' M l"ll"Mr. COIBUBI rA.soil the pjint of ortlur thut :lin li'.* r. «o vvi, Mt la eider, inasmach as the .¡.i«-tinti of the «i1mission of Tesartitt tras awl bow Men ii.- BroaBitiailinnUommlttae, it aavlag rapartcd it nias llou-<T he Sri AKi a tustaiaed the polal «f prdor..Mr. I'm« :. laqaired whether tru- trjbjsct h.iJ not been recom-

mitteil to tb« BeottatstrtaStioa Commlttaa.I le H)| »Ki n replied that it bail been, hut that tuere wu«»»A

moilun n recoealdsf pecdiem Tt pttttttm >¦> fitradarii/ it« »MS as*htftn the t!.e on Recomtri. UjU, andtlieiefore lb« r.sülutmui were not m order.The Speaker, as will ho seen, deeided OBI Uj the

reverse of what The Tmti asserted editorinllj that heditl.

The l)mly (¡lobe ol' t li*» -aine tia, gi-,.-- ihe Speak« r-

i.. -i..-ii-«¦-, in lu.I, to tho poluti ol'order ttii-iiig out ofthis quest.on, ai t'ollowi:Mr. I iNCK-ajJ lite to a [volnt sfeeOCr. H ». no1 the report yf

Ihe t uniuiittei in repnrd t.i laBhiesan h«en re. i.iiiuiitteJ '

The 8l-» AKk'B.It hat: *il ¡br mttim to recontidtr it ¡n< d. gii '., I, a, mu thr a- .'inn oj Ihr Hut..Mr Hm:k.I» it not alvrajs lu the power of lh» Bean to

(litctiarge »en'.on.fee1 be spi i'.ki: .It is, if the matter Is liefore the Connnltls»,

hi.t, a« utatstl tiv the uentlemau fro-i» New-York, tAe matin,',nut liej.rt fit Cum on.'If. 6k! bijjre ra.« //ubi- pending a mvlion lu

tit intijr,.Mr. I.AIHAM.What wi.i be .he Uni vote takDU ob th» mo

Pulí to ree iisi'l'-i '

1 i,e ÍPI RIB« a h» n «t vote will he oil th» reron.-liUrutlou..ftlievet ¦'. nama tho luUJrictwaa rec iBiutlt'ud. TlCL'talkWiííl I ig«Au I of Hu. lu,. ¡l:b -t

TllOt Lal ni. M ftl'.O».> »VU.-«.late«bâcB MM» *»»«.. «»i .*..-. . .U. tttub

Hit« H saaattst RskakUfc I I-- t* swstssatai 4Bl . mt; Ni »

totnuvatuV ti «is '»iii l«r«'. m iBAWeol.on III* eau.» jr a eeed.ngdiy. ind a h ui l.i »b iii '»'«- p 1 .' » » >.;'.«ii ni io ' sal a s n lia wi ¡. fnwn aft» the asia so«

¦ulth« Hi.»« ' "I ".' 'liter »sjj.i r-C .»

Mi la.i., bj 1048117 ts,wbat wM to the lui rata «anohr |bt li tbt motion to r.-iinsM'.-'

itwäutva r Cit-...'.i -.'¦. rotebrwl b laIbe Tei. imltted to the leeon B


i on <¦ h »strias «/aetai huA Mt. BatsJ'¡I'.i't: I. b .'. k1 k ¡' ."! ''I .':' i ¦¦'¦".

kjatatnaraT Of ( ":. .-¦.¦». ii lamil'.ar with til.rule-,bal c';'. ..'i! above nkate.1. dot laring that " krhaa -tef 'u .n miff re aaet lit to oall Um Mtbji at op, U baa k r¡¡íhtini ioj i.iitii UfctDi Coogron i» ¡. .¦¦"..! ¦-,' N, to

to i teen of it, i ilaf tai Matoneat And whcu*Um 8] r.': rated eiactlyln a ->tdaax i with the

olden of tita Boo i, i ad hi« bud red publicly Umnile ti'i' :nl*er to cali up t'jo Tonaojaaoqaaattea whoa the ii »aaa la not aaa^Lged in tii.: Can--

aatioai of other baxanaoa, Um artUtorial tures ofTi« T't aai tit friday, teni d «ja altarwai I, tte< rlaringth it, ou the-' p. UM, B1 f ititi " has In- m .»iiinmarilyBfB..lehed, by hems' ¦'¦¦', 'li.Bwt UM Speak.'!'.-, fi.lilig,in liii» CrlMXttBaMaa,1 OBB -«-.tic-'Iy bo twgarded a» the

perte, inn ol j m ¦¦.

citimt'i',Til to ii, utimi«' ika'i'.y. .1 ir. c.k'l iii-:.;'

liiuiti.n in Qaraunj, Tho Pitni laa Qmtsmttmttoga i Ita war!.!, i lang kgei It ha oocbo mm

Ibitrattafag and dtflfftt. ead, (a it * laat diplomaticBotet, ipmiri ra bo of the ataoerra«. m af poaoo thanoftho piobahilltj of war. Of eo-ir-e. the world iii'.-i-

pr ti thie a» I d'.''-' it ol' Bl »mark, who. it ia Baal, has

klfOB |j looa .¦« it Bl «» Otp idioat to oil"»-;- Me resigna¬tion.

'I bo appoe »tea to 'i' i Praaotaa project of .vgjfJrBVfjdieo-ment bad, aflato, atoaaned fMaaidable dun'iisioii.s.None of the minor Government.-, seem lo ha." lo«lae l t'.eir poMltea ki ragaaTda the coniliiit to the aatia«11¦ n of Prussia, anl one of the latest report- say

that BavaUia, SaAotiv.v. >n? e-tul-«tlj, Badae and Bobbo*Dnrni-'.idt wo ¡Id al!, ni c no of war. be mi the »iii "I

Aus'-ia. A «till greater iinnr.'s-ioii lia- boOB made in

Berlin, by tho determined attitudo of tho Prussian

people,who, wi'h an unparalleled munnin'\. aid witha boldutm Bidet, baa taken all Qariwonj bj » írpri-e,declared their opposition at a civil war and to thoannexation of Schb^'vig-Hol.-tein airain «t the will of

ti. kbil d i,'I ".' l't'i m t.ropo-al fur the convocation of B '¦er¬

in »ti l'a ni ' imably receivod by many Libe«alt, without, however, dinitii i.-hi n u« ti. if BastOOt itioiiof 1! mark and thaaf OBeMattteo to B Oafil War. TluMbid for the gead >vi!l of the Liberal party, whichBiefltaifc intended ia kpnoaling te universal the (lmaiay oi'uiu«t ofhil adherents.baa induced

tiie Au-triau QoraniliMill to Blake U importar'.! MB>

OOOstea to the I.iliTil pvrty of Germany. It no

bniL'er claims f*r the Feder»! Diet the exclu»;.'« rightlo decid« the question of BBBOOOBÍBBtÍI the Ditchi---.bal it Btwpeen Uni Um An-'rbui and Pius-.m troopsibaO both bo withdrtwu ami the people of ttebJeaf/tej«Hol-ti lifl ein ajea a Q .M'innien' by universal suffrage.As t'i'i ¡eopii-i'o!: jrrants the thief demand of tho

I..b"!'al party of C rmany, and will probably obtain

Uio aaaanl ofUto iisiiuii Qmiiibm OorsnrnaMiBtekBal oftheo'liei C :-i.p>a'i I'owcrt, it itands. k good .h.t'ce afBBaMBOe. lfiarrel, it will be an i.iiportntit victoryot A :»t-'fi d[.!.>m icy and a kkOrtirjiag nd humili-

BsvlBg dOOaat of Pnn-'a.

nu: nitit or .na v.

'I n.« i« the day when all New-Ymk is MppOeedtObo turned out of house and h-uue. m-morabie day for

co¡iiniou earner» kod bad daners, when the most

BfleMabla of ui'ti ato jutt lied m demonstration» o', do-iii"-tii »[ib-i-n. Overworked merchant- and wearyho iwivee begia to teoxg tor the mountain air, and

! daaaMle who bare tailed towin a baehoad M UnbOkla, k10 bfjaj UCUlgiog theil bait» tot a'

Sauiui M'l cfiipa-KU BJ the Maride. N I -'.. COOBn

IwrralhlBg -«v.*.«t:«. -¦* nul lah), aad tho traes*leMaMen to laagh n very Joy at aotMphtg fron bWiir.Ts hib.:rn:itio:i. The jolly tavern-keepersare storing ti.cir larder» Mt eitj luik«. aad

tlTUging econoni.'.al bil!» of fire' on the mo»t

liberal terms. In a feAV laje more BfOesdWaVJwill bo longer be napoctahla, aad gaottenen who

I have Mr-i. (iruiidy'i opninuis at heart in'isi ha .ut the

bj-stii'"' even at tlie I -kof the choiera. The ihti-

Krall are .»in/iU/ the..'t»! I >on»,4 to sui.lll ;i"U»e«; the

hijf'i toiiiediaus lind thi'ir airv cmelv very hardwu.k. Our players bave lied. Mr. Mo .til i- plajingan oTt-ol-towa etistaiietiLtit. Mr. ftailMt -one to

(nillo,mu ter BO oration. Solon Shingle hu cea»edto dr. ve th n drei il il baga^afe>«ragaei, ead ti," I aliaaojicra-siu'irs no longer aiag. wiut la aro antat oftheir music the bird» are uiiniiiv'- The I' - haveu i .m.pi.shed the -!i-p"'i-ii'ti <>! the babem i »rpa .and

. 'i.on to ha Brae iron anj «araaten, crept theannual iBTttaioB of hoatth nokon, orho beg to

i.ri'i.'-.v. ti».on, along the St. Lowtnet and theTh.iu-and Islands. Tho-e who an doomed to Kaw«Vi ra an alrfaig their Bananr ctotlhil' theil lile-!ii,'ua:i. e lor a strii^'!.' »AiththeWi enter upon our Bpriag BMtltbl v. ry drearily.

Wimt are we to dow ¡-ii oanetvn Cm the ItemiaaT 1livell ITillfrie»« is be. OBliBg 'pl.e». .,..,i !',i, !'.

hepdt mad i1 ipeoreh baa bi n aootbod dot a bMlar utterances fron lai lutMigtmttr, or racae rnonor

from the special ¦oii-e-piintleiii. Tile tiret of May i a

l'doiI tune to follnw the ixainplo of the merchaiii» andtake aeeoeUB. afetol k. The «south MOBM to thriv I un¬

der the iron bed ofoasMaaateeii the Bogiajoo tneh like

( trtie men thal they are, mid the cotton gidue roapOOt to nat'.ire. The .t:i\;o :» Bl ball tiri

lieTafBtthe ilooisol loii^if»»; but we BMBVaaBBBTB found that kicking i not the best -latcniiui-iiip.omt in K'hcoc, Utan n a nhateae -pint of ohaoa «m

the hue of the earth. Austria and l'ru-sia on in Hienotion of lighting, and lo; the UkOOXMOdth time

r.urope w ill BO la k liia/e. | idi sooty chimneys thatour Deighton bare, and what an iintnetiso anio mt ofaaralag the] »teas» b lingiand. Um htatern Battleis airain ngiag. Siiail BngUoh naaair-rnl ruleflt!L'land ' This t|ue.-tion invol' s a truthas «tern and true a» Liiiati»ipatioii. W.-rthan u»..our cousins decide it without cu'tinu» eachotlier's throi's. |l (g Un old contest of the nii-tleto.Tg.iilist the ua'i.!BBgQI agkiOl til- living, lu titi.,pi int. A luton:! vu cry i- not a tnuniph. but a atoptoward a triumph. Frame is -ahl nnly i, i,. ..with084 eye nu Ib-niark and Um otib I upon Ma\iujiliati.

.iu-t now, Ave ave p ituaj ti'.ir nHinlrlpol botín bjorder ter the peottteajoo. Tue doctor- on bojoj withpill-mid iiotion». and writng lone; article» in the new«.

papara. U*wa die of the eholera, it will not bo sbrwant of »uiii bant i'lt'iniiatiuti cn the rabteot. To bes'il'e. W* lune one I las» ol' doctor» Avho ¡is-uiv Bl that

noalj be -.\.\^i bj odo p**a«H«oe, andai.other elan, erin anj Into, who an coalldeat thatthe - ir. t road tO death i» to follow the adv.. | of theiir»t. Ptrhape then aalghtha aaen rlteient readingthan tibia for the Cir-t of Ma;. «YO >'o not pnto decide any medical ditl'ereii. e. I old water. f.c»hair, no WBJaetj or tobacco. gOBjOYal khlflneOkfal andvirt'ie, paaeo, n-TfwHg and ai**»dBg prayexre, eve:-

eise, und duo tsMsting of th;» «i,\C"!lcnt BOWB*, is about a.- good a îviuedy a» WO MBthmk of just now.a esjod rcinedy at any time, andworth con-ideriug on nat Intef Ma].npoialalrj.nthe etergjaan lad comfort la aaoBriag is thtvt we

j may never ^eo auothcr lir-t of May, and that WO

ehoold work while It la day befort the nightwhen no mar can work. If we follow the tvij«mall [nobablvbinn, h otl'iuto eonething le-- edifytngi

j und, as tho moral comes nt tho end of al! w.ll-con-

J »trui ted writing«, avp submit thin moral to the reade:',j kjoatjag that hi« dinuer may be to his liking, and hi.»new hume, atplnaanl as the old one, and that he maylivo to MO ttiTiiy anuivers ¡i:,'» ,,f 'his ,-harm ii.: d i;.'.

Tho negro laborer» emp'oy,»,! \n the ita na m I1 vii i'i;.'E .'.' * ïh'Jli .... M. ,1.::. ö. (J.. Ha», . .'.

higher wv*). >a ík'urday wcok; w' ion their placeawer.« prom/!/ I ikon al the old ratos by Whites, all ofwhom liad Mm RaM soldiers. Wo consider thisright lu 'maokii the Hbtttf had a righi lo f-trike; theinill-owi r- to refute the- v!vaneo demanded; and timBkkol g li PI '..> I IBB tka planes which the Hliüks h ilthrown up. It it, if thOM very gOBeBaMI abould nlriki

«-morrow, anl the lEavks bhould Uko their ¡dgSMB,tho Blacks woald be Boboed and beaten, and themill le.,' BtOrMBrl, E'itti.xl

thr rttl 'intiMis or th« ibu-IBIaAllBE.

< me tct connected with the member»,ja¬il bo\h ii Ml RMI io tho Senate and the Asr-mblytinui iii- I.:/ ol' New-York, is that, for ranon«

!"i- .n t': »;.' itiot he induced to advo. ate thome-iVi-BIM calculated to BtaáBM reform in our Munieiptlii..ver ia »Bl. S en? of our representative« aro thehe ».Is or clarín ol' .1 -[i iitnieiit.. whoso management isa disj^r u e to our City, and the >o hen lo and clerks »rrj

nut t" Alb iii'a^not to MlflilllB for tl.o benefit of thsState, hi' tofratch deooly and to pritoct, no matterhove, î iff : be departments in whicb thby¦nitnafo; -I it lar§eMlatiej Of «tOBjm ho wouldlie a nit Im ti >":. t uhipill liol: to sudi per-on-' to ad-voei'i- reforms i.'iit would sweep UmÍI own gain., outot exist |..... Next we lind some p"r-.>us sent to Al¬

bany v, ,. raies' to be honest.who hold thcmaelc«*»oat to th«' people as friend«: of refo tu and as opposedto corropti-'.'i.bat yet, whim th'«e iiK-n are ap-pi'i;ii!u'd to irifrtl""- aBBBMTM that would be pro-d'activé of ¡treat good to al! classe. 3 of our citizens, t'aeyhold bat-i»,ta v hiisitate. and cannot bo either pushed oi

pulled bp to Um advoi Mf of'tho veryMMM in whicTtheir Moll wêro wr tppnd, and for the BOOMSot whiC'li UtOf wer.» .so bill mt btforr thrir rlectum

They are on tho lookout for the::;«;'.ve«. T.i suchlepi.*.iit.i'iw. it wouid ho idle to look for p.fonn.tam, «pit», v.- ii:.I others wpre | theCityatAlltany, who, hiring an eye '.o their political advance¬ment, ave so atriid o! otJeiiJ'iig UM mighty IBgjMIwho control UM p Living d' nomina'. _'< uf.'enl ¡ona,

that they' »11 t'.ie'r natura: UM lina'ion« to-

ward hone-ty. lad Bit h.-'.-s rBBBk, looking on

without i MB lad m -lien -.,- it the schomos whiih our

corrupt linn; ipil OJaVrllll MIBIfl to few fMttd f'*lthe p'.rpi-.- of pi'iitdeniig otu tcttpoy B* Tki Cityu'.emLie. s are or lèkMtld bo) H. g iWAjhly BMtfi mallmitten iipp.-atihi.Lg to ''.-. CatgOl II BMBrt, and

MM would Ilpili to bear the - 111 As-.-m'ilyPuBBibon eoholng tai r.horng 11 their vol eg *-«

they tlenounce tue corrupt MkMM fl irly introduced,and tis they idtOMtl tin* gn it in -i- ina in'-iid-d t«i

produee a radical reform, fu th » lu-Uer. in out

inuUotbbI rule. IEitnot.v... the halls of the Laffci1 itarc leid -"in ecko to their v -e.s o.ive when they ad-v.'iate tin- ine-i-tires of th g ii ig, .»". 1 aaJllfOf tperpetuate ami extend the roll if (.lie íoul and mon-

lliMI tliMI|ilkiJ that governs UM City of New-York.Ii -hould hri'.ig the blush <¦:' -haine to tin* ch.--k ol

every hones*, man among M ti kooW r -n tho

City ofNew-Vork ni 'dsprol 'ion igiiu*t th.- «.tiii ialsboan- fasten" 1 upon it, Um I J rBBtwAOOBBbtítOB

mu-i ht pt---', of, and recourse Baut he had to Hiemember« from the country. fflMTC C eruption ha' nat

lined a foothold.ItBfMUm «ahationof the City ¦¦¦ LCkTW-Yotw tka

lti-t Wlater, 'hat th.-ro won roBiaaaBatitiioa s art urenlontry districts who m na ibofa loicoook, tt-aJ

who were an r re id] to p:Av' thep - pie of Util Cit.**against their afgtmWkJWe cannot closo this ar' la witkOBl r.-i iixi'iej

the thank'of this comm'in:'., ll.n. II :iry KLow, aWaBaakM aeOM Suil.V.iU COBBI '. UM 1-i-caraecl and petaUnaBi Batata hi tka mm afiafetniaiour Local Gov'-rniuout. J'idg? LowkMalways '¦¦-

high IBlTTg bia C'lni'ituents a., t pam of honor. I. ut-

i-s'y and ability, RkiWI ' hi.- MBIM bjUm City and C .n'y 11 .-L". ie-, a-x[ thi

o'lii-i' tin* » -i.' ¦- introùiu! . BzCitj OoT«iraBMBt, hal '-son Um iMnttaUt giabUtttda of mi | *i

iiti/eii-, lud in- entitled Ima to UM kindly regard ofis ill l i" people here hare li that ia bin theyhad a champion p und seal re«

'1'iired tO pioteet their li] bad UkBl Le spiru-1r tho on.-nor the »' BOM Etty

I Tax-Levy a-it fV.i i'.iy pi-sed. Be WM e\er on the

lieft, erer willing to ra m mc. recorlbi*voie io rip- k the s. htMM if ¦' timintrod ce(I by-mr t ity Eaih.-is. Ile MTOC h ltd hi '.;-. he wa- never in the cause ol ¦' 1 uo prompt-nu'-; bet of his own natur, of kal MPI free will, didill tkal lay in his power to ;City and to g.w then t g 'öd government.Ile haa mai!-troups of friends hero hy bia ablj and/.-ilou- i.iur-e; and aTBaWOll k1 UM majority olUm Senate had been BOB M Bl nul tlie majority olUm Assembly .-.¡eh as Mr. Pitta, UM C.overnmeat of

" of Kew«York wouldharobm BMtdo k akodaliiisttad of a J.sgracc : the ft Bri ipi oaaV : iLs who now

rule us b*at to ruin would hire '.i gwapl a'v.iy, andau era o' i If ity, heWAOr, lad HU <:.-' wool i have BOM¡li.iugtir.iied, to tka gnat iWeJaf v.n\ joy al otu

p] 'iel."-ed, long-iufteting t ix-,i t

Sealion I.HT AM» IBM (OlITfÍOIRT-HIlAi:.

i . IVItnit'.y It-it, ona .. i .-'.. ii'-- .I'-.l

irgoa against tka Copoiittao who »r-> bniiding the.«e.v t'ourt-IIoUjo, anl taiked Um appointment of s

t'ommitiee, of which lie .-hou!,'. he a i.; in'wr. TbiiiBttOt ri'tpieit was disregard -d, anl tho Committeewkatatkawi .ipp.e'uted BaVI tMlBBOMd exclusively o:

inch :'ii"id!y ni.iterial M t> pre .'. i 1 Uto ip.'o!"»');1i|vof any unpleasant dcTcIoptnonte. Ia spite of all pro-. tiuiioii-, howev », certain ugly fa. I leaked out, a-iJ,although the n rsAltod IkTMllgUhlM closed ou the> l'.»ttof Man li, the CMMtittM '¦¦ i t- yoi akBtk BO re;>«>rt.BOMB Of thO points which the OMMBitkM could no1

.«uppress, and of which SenatM L. Bl MBit hi.- baa,lui! knowledge when he appeared as the champion o

the Court-UoU'e job, areas follow-:I. That Mayor tlunther, lo 1884, tit «.'L' a privat*

examinât.on of the iron contrae*., aui atadthe facts to the Hoard t>! s :; ervi-T-, tabal"tho ci.ciiuistanees strongly indicate Um porpOtMIHMoi' grOM lr.i'id." and NqOMtba| that they be in¬

vestigated. It was shown that this i oitiiuunicitiouwaa not read la the Hoard nor pnntod ¡u their min t'esbut was Maaflad to the Court-Houso Committ. e, anl

qnietly pigOM*aMaaa1 hy Umq until it was prodtMtdon the recent investigation. Was not this a tacila-'isuowledgiucut ol' tbo trutii afth M.uor'- eke gn

¦.'. That the marble, whn-h reafOMBkll eoutri '.or-

had oil. red to furnish for less than |il."»0,i)tsi, ¡¡as beenB9 pur.ihaaod tis to cost (thus tari about ifl'i'>,»Hrt».with a hug! ii'.noiu!* still tO BO tefHad and paid i'>r.

li. Th it oin« of the employi'-j POtOaTM five per Mkt.,and anotlier thiee per cent., on all MpMBattIMl Uiei-irin.'igs ol' these two gentlemen amounting to«

,A.ti'.tiHKi for the seven mouths next precedi'ij Jin. 1la-'. I*. wa< al-o shown that one ot them ii id paid a

Supervisor $ l(»,U«Hi; but the object or ptirpov- of the

payment they did not trouble themselves to explain.I. It being asserted that more materials had beou

paid for than had bOM MM* bj the building, the Cotn-mittue directed the itrchitect to make certain uieAsure-

nniUs. in order to a-ccrtain whether such deficiencia»Ilutad| but, afterward, refused to permit h.iu to-tate the result of his computations.a virtual ¡uhu-s-sion that such a deficiency dtd exist.

ó. That the board of Supuirisors, in or«lor to se-

f eure themsolves against any adverse action of the

Legislature, executed a contract, under seal, bindingtue County of New-York to continue the CourtHousein the control of the preeOnt Superintendent until it ia

fi'inlly completed and fitted np When that puritxtwill probably arrive, no one can safely predict. Thoanhltool dot Uaed to hazanl an opiait/uou tue s.i'.ject ;

but the olo:]'ient counsel who summ d up the case foithe <*. -'.'ouse nitl, in referme > to 'Lo enormous fi>OA ol

[ jam .:::...-,' ;< , .1^'....::.. vt'-. Wwial c*iSr»-
