THE WORK OF CONGRESS. CUSTOMS PRIVILEGES FOR VILLAGES. THR 1MMEDIATK TRANSPOItTA IION OF DUTIAI1LK Or.OOS--A VICTORY FOR TIIK STAR KOL'rP. AH- VOCATI-S.TIIE TARIFF CO-M'IlgMON. In thc Senate yesterday the hill lor the im¬ mediate transportation of datable Kootls was piiHht-d after being loaded down with amend- meuts extending flip benefits of tin- bill to small village* and towns. Tlie Eaton Taiitr-Coiiiuiisiiioii lull was 11I-0 passed. The .General Deli, ii ney bill pu- oil in the Honae, and a resolution for adjourn¬ ment on Junw 10 was adopt <.<]. The Hoiim- conenrred iu thc benito amendment to thc Post Oflice bill, Milking out tin- plo vino 1or reletiiug tbe star route conti acts. BAD LEGISLATION IX THE SENATE. LOADIMi DOWN A minn MtiATlir Willi DANGER¬ OUS AMKNUMKNTS.A Si'Kl IMI N OF HKMOCltATll INCOMFKIBNCV. Iut msssws ru thk mame.! Washington. June 'A..Tue Senato pa*se.J tbe Immediate Trunspnrta! nm bill to-day,.after adding to it the name* of a largo ¦¦¦her nf place-, m<>?>t uf them small inland tewitty which are tn be entitled te the privileges nt the act. lt seemed utfir.it pmbable that the eagerness of tbe Senators to benefit their constituent* v. nu bl de¬ feat thu hill. Sealant.; which do not even yield the Government ix dollar annually Were added to tin- list, anti inland towns, whore no nrcTCiinndinc would be likely to be Imported in grealei quuniitb - than s basket ol' cbiiuipa^'e ur ;i box ni cigars, were put mi un cijua! fooling with trn-at commercial cities. Mr. McDonald, of Indiana, endeavored to have the bill extended sn tbat it Would be almosl 111.1- versa), coiiiprisiiig all. pirts nf d livery, oven wt ru there were no means nf cnPeeling italie*, and where tbore were no customs officials bevond a watehniau of the Treasury. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, aaid that the bill wa. simply u pedlcrs' hellenic. Finally, thu folluv.ing proviso was added, windi relieves tho hill from tbe danger of deteal in thc House: The privilepesa of tr.iiHpurtsitiein benin conferred sh;i|l Hut extend in itiiv place* where tn -e et e mn Uni in ern- itxrt ulliceisSorthe itpprai.-t mutt nf locrebautllse ami the collection ol duty. The etbet of th s iinietiilnieiit will, of c -ilise, be to make a considerable portion nf the bill men1 ld words, us the great majority nf nieces iles'.gnaied in it do not have thc adequate cii.-i'-ins mut-hnn-rv. Au iitu-inpt has been in.iile lo bic.ik down the safe¬ guards ol tim bill by designating Mi I road inanei Inrs to take the place nf*customs officers f"r thu ciu- lody of thc gooils, hut it was defeated. THE STAR ROUTES BEFORK TIIE HOUSE. IBF. AC I ION OF TIIK t-KNATR 1'o.Nt TURI I) IN".lil K OKMCIULOKFICIKXCY BILI. FINALLY PAr-SED. [UY l________I_l To Till" TU li: I. Nb'. I Washing ion, June li..The House ol Representa¬ tives tunk a Inn! vote on the General Deficiency lull to-dav, aud passod it hy a majority uf only 0 in a total vote of ltlO. 'Hie Senate amendments to the Post Ofllce Appro¬ priation bill were thru considered, and the fight over the Star Routo Service was renewed. -Mr. Blackburn led the opposition on this q neat lon. It had been announced tbut ho would make a sousa tlonal -speech in opposition to the Star Rants people, stating that it was minutest tlint, money had been used in tho iutero.-t nf the cuutracturs, and thal be would make somo disclosures that would startle Congress nnd the country. The disclosures were not made, ami it is Intimated bv Dciiittcrate that the reason is not because the scandal did not exist, but because* tbo Presidential campaign is too near, and that such a speech niitrlit Injure Democratic prospects. However that may be. Mr. Blackburn's speech was a tame one, consisting onlv of a retbreshing of old straw. The Senate ameiidtiii-nt was eoneuri eil in hythe small majority of 4. A motion was nuuk te rec.¦!.- siucr, bal no voto was taken u;>ou it bcfoio tbe House ailjoumed. WORKING UPON FAITH. HOW A DKMOCBATIC OOWONBSfl IMPOSES PAN- ORKOL'S METHODS UPON THU OoVKItNMKjrr. WILL TUK WHEELS HK. IIMiCKI I) f fOBS KUI L F1U.SS LUPl'ATOII.I Washington, Juno 'A..The General Dc- fleicucy bi 1, now helari Counress, Involve* not only the pay of thc taUeiMl revenue gang*-rs, stoiekeepers umi revenue nw't-iits fur tuc uimitti nf Muy. but aiso Hie cost Of printing the Internal revenue «laui|>s. which ls now be.mr doiie, ns lt wore, upuii faith wus ibo expectation tbat Oneress will uppi-ripriuto thu autount ¦treasury te meet thc reijiilrnuenm i-f ibe aerviee. simnl 1 tins par- tlculur iteiii iu the Iiettrieiit-y bill far, the uii,,lc mueinr.'-r.v nf the Internal Kt-veuut- Department v.oulU beat a standstill. Xl RIC WOOD'S REPORT ON' THE l'ONCA-*. "Washington, Jnne-3..Thc minority report .nbiiutteii Ly BeMtOt K rfc wood on tue subject u! IfeO removal af tbeFuneaetethe Indian Territory as- serts at tbs oote-t ihal tins removal uni -li tie c.u.-i- qucu'c- growing mu uf lt have ibelrorigia ia ibo treaty made l-e-tf eeii tin- iriiiit*'! State* and tue Sm:- N',tio*i tn 1!»(W, **.l)lcU was duly confirm'-sl bjr Ibo Renate and proclaimed by thc PreetdeBt, und by which the I'mc BcSew allon in Dakota WM bu.en my ceil, tl tu lb.* Kl tux, Mr. Klilvri'iid sttatea that -'willi letter management, wbtcu uoiii.l have cheered and ei.ci-u.ngiril tire Pouch to form batata Ot industry, ihe.v might bave prospered in their new home in tho .¦(Man Terr.tun *'; and In tl ii connection he retnnrss that "lt la wurt liv nf remark tbat the Govcrnim-nt baa, during tb.* present season, been compelled ia keep troup-, nn bend to prevent the occutuiuey by wliilu families uf tl-e v-ry Limls mnv ne copied bf thc Ptincsm ; st ul the tanda now oeenple-l bv tt cm ure oon-ddered among Ibe Teiy best bi the lu¬ nn Territory." Contieuiutr, tbe report nays : " Wo i aniint repair the WreiM tlniu* the Pn'tcun by ii -noi'llu* |i'i f er:isiii|ee I ni cutitr.icl \sttli tin- Sunn, hut wc can make to Ibein,anti stu.ubi e. prumpi anil nuxiuus tu mike to them, full compeii-eition so far ns it oau be dune by way ol pe¬ cuniary couipeiigiitlnn." It is ancgf sted that a-the Poncsm' prevent toentlun b- ftAmirablv adapted turnock raising, tbey should be cn- oour.igeii tn boiouio herdsmen rather than aurlcul- turipa as the Amt step towu; d civilisation ; and In c >n- clnm ti. the ntinnrtty report reeeinmends a* a euh-atl- tole for the nmjoilti'-i bill, that the 8- nate -itniilv refer tbe whole suljcct to Ps Committee on Itrdiin Ailai-a. THE CHKJSTiANCY DIVORCE CASE. Washington, D* C., June 3..An order on Minister Christianity, requiring bim to enter bis appearance to the eros* bill for divorce flied by bis wife, was made In the (Eqnlty Court by Judge Hugner yestenlay. If no aciloii is taken by biro before September 7 tbe cairne will lie proceeded with a* lu BOSS of default. Tin- Intervention Of Aiu-u-tt, iu wliich lhere lu nu ci.tin. accounts lui tbe long time gruuted tnanuw-r. Nu replication bait yet been flied by Mr. Cbristbincy's c-uinsel tu thc w ife's answer. -.m Y7ASHINGTON NOTES. Wasiunotos. Tbursduy, June 3,181)0. A Board of Insp-teiors. appointed ny the Becreiury of tbe Navy lo examine und report upou the fluwgatc ship Ouldare, have partially performed their duty. Tbey recommend that a test be made lu onler to tiscerisiii tbe efl-clciic.v of thu buller. Secretary Ramsey ls v-ry reticent about the content* of thc repnrt submitted to him by Disirict-Attoitiey Townsend on tbe Whittaker c.tbc, unit absolutory de- elineatet make lt nubile mull utter tbe reeelpl of mc Court uf Iiui.iiryV report from USMSrs. Scluillciil. Admiral A ni tuon hos received a cablegram frmn Engineer Menocal stating thal tho NicuruKtiun dm .rc-M aha*-ontlrm-.-d the ouuoeesion recently made by tie J-Te-tnleiit uf that ll-piib.ic to an Attrrieau onmpiiuy fur tbe cunntruc-Uun nf au Uiteroccuuic sieiji ennui across i tie Isthmus. ? COKGHESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. THK NO-ATI rASs» Tin: RATON TAiriK BILL.THR OKVK'IKSCY HILL PAtUHUl IX THK UtiL'SK.A HKK- OLUIION POU Al)Ji>l ll.VMKNl UN ini. lOill ADOPTED IN THE 111)0r-K. SENATE.VYa.iHingtox. June 3. 1900. In the Senate to-day the resolution cu-Wuk foroopicsof all papers relating to tho claim nf the United States against tbe Now-York Coi-tini aud Kudsou Blvcr Hailroad Company lor 6 per c ut tux on tho scrip dividend declared lu 1S60 waa adopted. The Senate bill apprupriatim* $4,100 to erect a monu¬ ment to General Herkimer was pasaed. Tbe House bill amending the statutes in relation to the Immediate transportation of dutiable gouda wm. token up. A large number of places were added tee those named in tbe bill ti which tbe bill should appjy. Tte bill was then rema a third time aud passiU. The Tanfl Commission bill was taken up. Mr. KEBNAfci (Dem.. N. Y.| .poke In favor of ncom- Dlssiou to revise the uiruT. Ile favored the E.ttou bill rattier tban tbe Garland substitute (which muke* thu eoaimlsslou coutiet of ut-mbers of Cvugteon, ao_le>ted by tbree uutslden*). . Mr. Mcr-Hk-WON (Dem.. N. J.) suggested that mern- tiers of Congress were necessarily Influenced by local in¬ terests. , , Mr. HOKE (Dem.. Tex.) (bought tbe same argument applied tua civil comm!-.inn. The reason why Congress had not revised the tnilfT before waa that the winne- of the people had been truslritid by parking com mit'i cfs in favor nf matuifactnr e privilege. Mr. MOKIllLI (Kip.. Vt.i r.-iici il-wa« wnng to sup¬ pose that tliese petitions wi rj whoilv fruin manufac¬ ture! s. Mr. MCPHERSON wanted the larlfl to be only inr revenue, -<> lar as practicable, but be w»utea our own prii'lu e inaiiiiiac'iiri .1 b-io ut huiiie. and employ- ineiit gue- to A merle au 1 tb..r lin capital In Ani-in si. Mr. EATON (Dem.. Cuim.) wanted 1.1 have s own mi*- uteli tliai coull t.-il us wb.il tariff was ncc ti-ay. Ii was i.bj cn d th it tbeappuintmenl mual be wade ny a Ri-piiiiuiiin lie- d**i*i. Ile knew ih'* present t x cli¬ me, and tm- men h.* called arnuu I bim, uni be lu In v-sl le* ii,ul a ng-i i io nny. thal it mis appointing power wen-Icfi, where thin Lill |.lae. d it, lucio wniiln lo niue inteiilgcn gi nt,i illili pi. Milted In tbe ii't.a-.i Hut in lunging all tn onr political party, no; loone shad-ol opinion un the tariff question. A Democratic Senate wa. m c titinu these mea. cnubi nut Senators irusi each other I m inrtoi t remark", he -sn*i tin* interval un a-n <i t ni i'lvcat-d ta m ann fact ii res for some years pani li.nl nut paul more un fm average titan 9 ". reeiii. The I il i" ft wa-nut boil ling np blasted nuiuupnlleii. Tbe pending quest ton teing mi the aiui-inim *nt offi<r**d by Mt. Kirkwood din cling ihe Communion lo Inelu le in their repiui ibo relation ol Ita- tariff tn the existing cyr¬ il ni n! Internal revenue laws, li wa* adopt d. 'lb'-1)nit-lie n ci-urr d inion Mr. Kirkwood's amend¬ ment to Mr. Garland's *4HMIlote, Increasing tbe num¬ ber of outsiders fi .nu three tu ttvr. Ile.) .eteil. The qiie-tiuu recurring un Mr. Kitkivotol's amend¬ ment, mein ting in the Inri allegation i tai* system of charges and fees at principal i>oirsfor lading amt un¬ lading, cecarauce ui.d pilotage ol v-iacls engaged in loieigiiciiiiiiiiiree.it was iiilnptcd. X. r. Kl ri; wm ben oil till ins niin iiiliiuiiT inri nd nit itu* Internal revel. laws in ihe invent.gallon aa au ameuUmeul te tue Gal¬ lant! anbatifute Instead of the original "in. .Mr. BECK (Deiti., Kt ) Rabi lhere Was no revenue al lill r.em Iii litlill. II lt Was reduced ."ill eel-cent, tue icv.nu s wnti dbe Inri en-cd I haI much hy incie-isnig tin' piiir-pei-,11 nf ratty. Il* s|*>ke it..mt tin Eaton mil; Mr.MOUU1LLiu icplylug lu Mr. tieck i-aii unit siller bis ria', ii ilu other ilu.l M . ll k bude illedon the lie-iil'iit. mid lui h:ip.i bis billen cs tn-duy recalled nu, ts et 'leiiiK proniim-d tue appointment ol tue men be d' hired ii ilu i ttiniui-siitii. Mr. HEcK -nli iii it was :i« mean a fin. n< wns ever uiui in i.tie t<-ieiiiui- ngamal another. Ileweniiolhe Willie linus.- t" ItliroilUC- SUUIC ll.slin_.1l -Iel! -.-e..tie- in nw.ti wiri visliiUM ima ct. i.tiii i, ;uiti fi.t- uoiblug elsi-. Mr. KIRKWOOD'Siimendme iw.isrcl cted. Mr. i.ii K m..veil to sui si provision lu ihe Mibstitntc autbnriziug tue Coaimtaatoa io divide it**-if Inlnsnl*- divisioti-fur Hie c\,m.nanon of particular subj flt-. A lupton. llie question reenrrtni mi Mr. norland'* substitute as un.et.il*tl. ii tv.i. ii .L-i.ed.yeas. SI ; nays.2i>. Mr. COKE moven i*- mjnuru. 1-¦.;. The quotion r. curr nas mi the Eaton bill. Mr. MOB- (IAN (Dem.. Ala.) moved tn innml so that th.* Com UilMduli should COIlhlSlul liv s-nuluis md tile* llcpic- s nts.live-. K* ieetei.'.wu*-. L't : nay-, 28 Mr. HiitiiiN tl).;.... Ha.) moved io amend so tba) tbe CouiUllahl n sim I lei mi In .lunnurv, l»s*. instead nf Deeeaiucr, 1831. ile tbougm im- people de ma ii iln n vi-imio: tn inr ff,and ihsl it simula b«*donesistul y. Ail tiled.vciis, SA ; n»\ -, 2 l. i'll bul tvs,si ead a I bird time mid p eh-cd.yc.is. 31 ; mus, lo. lin I'lc-niciit urti ten laid before lb Hetute tin reso- intlon adopted liv the House i ravid og ior ibe adj mm- meni ol Congress nu Jinn in, and it w.is referri d ... th.- Committee nu App- n; fia. lui'-. . Mr r-ACI.Mll'KV (D-ii .. Dil.) caVe no Ire I lint tn- nmrrow he wdi mnve t<> tuite up tb.- Kellogg resolutions. Al biol) p. m. inc tr; ii,ito ati.it.ur..cu unlit tO-UIOireW. HOUSE OF RKl'ltKSE STATIVE*. In the House tn-iliiy thc bill to provide for tbe speedj t-omp'eiluu uf a railroad aud telegraph hue bel ww n ports o. inc lower Mi -i-s-i,ipi Ki vcr nud tbo Gilli llf Mexico aud Ihol'.icili*; Ocean was I.ivoi'.ihl.v re¬ ported. Printed and recommlUeJ. A coniuiutiieution trots ibe Secret try of State relative lo ihe erect iou of a monument tn muk tin* birt'iplarr nf George Washiugioii was read, an ajolni reaolutloa ujt- Vrupriating **>30,oiH) fur that purpose wus unanimously iigned lo. A rcr-ulutluli Ini- thc lina ndjuurumrnl of Cougrees at 12 m. on the 10ih m-t. was agreed to vlth- i.ut debat..yeas, iud; nay*.68. Tan- lluusi- pi'u-a-crUt d to dis|eo*_ ni tho Gem ral Uer tlc.ciicy bill saud ameuilmeuts mere tu. .-Vu auM-uaincni iippiupiiatiiiK **7,i>oo tu pay sih-cimI deputy mai sha * tor service lil Iho blitte of Cal HOI Ula al .lie .item li ul September iust was rejected.your., Ts; nays, M'S.u pa. ty vote. Toe :im»mimt*ut providing that nu part nf tbe ap¬ propriation uiad« ior tin* p e. incut of Marshals shall Ue paid to auy gouerai or upeeial devuiy marshals loner- Vices lcnuert.il ut dt'ClloUM Waa colicuil'cd ll..your, '.lo ; ny*. 7l». Tin- bil ill wa*) then p.i-setl.yeas, S3; nays, 77.the Kepui'lie ns voling ag.ilisl IL Mr. KNOTT (Dem., Ky.) Chairman ol the Committee on tbe Jiniiciiii-y, -iiiun tt-il the rejurt nfibai comnui- tee in reirnid lo tue Charges again-al .1. II. Aekein. ol l.ueiieisiuu." inc report, waloo vzoueretee Mr. Aekien trmii any gully nt ir.iuduleul Int. iitiuu in prcac-ring a report as from tbe ennui.lite on Pun-lgii Affairs whi be wita- nut a lue-uilnr of Unit ecuusuilit.e, wa,, agiecdto Wltliullt Ueb.te ur OiVIKioii. The Moose then urne-eded to consuL-r tr.e Senate auielidincnls tn Hie !'¦ .-, Ollie.- ApproiMJ allon bill. Tue senate aiuebteiiuir.-* mi rc.iMtig ITOU K«.*I),(KMI tn .-r'.iOD.niii) tuc upi rttpriti.mu- iii ii. .md lui sj.oi ..m..ii by steauisiiip routes were ronrnrred In. T..e >eintte um, niliiieiit nirr.'ns-ng me appropriation Iur >nl..iial mail truusponutloii if3.iO.isiO w.is inn.-,- ui- currtd in. TiicO-iutnittce un Appi'iipnatious recommended non- concurrence lu tilt Ss* ii it., ames.unieiit str.kins uni tin* proVISO fur the 1'iicUlUgot ftuitr.tct-. uu itll SI .ri olilt « i.ii WlllCll tUC pay lui IXpidl'lull ul .-tin ililli* ell eel exe eel 50 ncr e.iit i,i the con I mci price be ure -mi. expcdni. Mr. HAVING (Dm., ohm- iimvi d io ooucur ni me iimcinlun-'.l. Mr. Ewing's T-imt l-.li to cuni Ht' iii le Bennie amendm ni sinking oui tin*.proviso w.isiben agreed io.yea.*., ha t Mys, Wi. ii.e J ens awl uti) a wen-oi tiered OU ii mot inn tn table a motion to reconsider, pending which the Hume ad¬ journed, » -a*-. MIMINA T10N& Washington, .lune Si..Tbe President to-tlnj 8-rtit the tul i.wins.- nuntin iti'.lis to lu Sen.ile : Eugene tjchuyier, ol New York, now Cuusitl Oeneral ul Hume, lo be I iMisu -General and Diplumutlv Agent of lue United sillies ai Buchans!. U 1.1.nu N. I'i Ibu i.n.v Vb i-Cii-nl stt Tientsin, lo Ik: Se cn-i.iry i 1 un I finiiil-.-1'iii tn ('allin. j..m. - .".ilea ss.'i. .m. 0. ii.ik' t., io be agoutfur thc Indium .'. ni vi.'.. Lake Agrucj, D.iKola. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. Washington, June 3..Tin*. Kenr-mrge luis s-rrivi'd al ffnrtress Monroe. Dbe will null f rllnstmi In ¦ driy or so. Hie Portsmouth arrived ut Hamilton, Bermuda, on tb.- .."-*.h ult. Ali on board ur reported a-* bi lug .-.. ll. Beat-Admiral [lowell, commanding i u >.»\.. 1 furcenu inc European -tu'iun, rep'iris, nuder dsite ot Chstnak Ktlii-i, Turkey, Mai ls, mal tin* fl.igstup Tfeumu ar lived at iii.it pun at Un Hale men tn Hud. The Wyon mg wini i-zpecu d to return lunn Cousi ml u.sel.i the 13 u ot Mu., w. eu ib Tn lim. waa io nail for A uni.a-, lue Wj urning wi-u d pim tul tn Vlllefruuebe ttl tilit.iii -I,'. t, lr, fut ll es,l. e. It Wiis the inti Ut .-'eli ul t lu* i iii :i,l- miral tn uK-igu tuc Nip-ic, ihi-u ut (Jibrallar, ina cruise lu Easlfelli water-. A TRAGEDY ON SH ll'Eil MID. ML'ltrtKIt OF TIIK CAPTAIN AND POOH OK TIM", MM NONFITH . KSCAPIC O* TUK M I"'Di-.Iti: lt. Norfolk, Vu..June 9..At a ate hour Tuesday night some men arrived berv,bringing wilta lunn Will- hUB W. Selby, Of WicoiDliti, Md., mite ul tho sebooner Mignonette, of Ballimore,bound from Georgetown tu Klchuiond with a cargo of mal. Selby tolls a horrible story nf n doable murder mid un attempt nit a third winch tonk place ou that schooner on Monday night on the Janus Uiver. Uo ls badly wounded oa tho bead and has numerous bruises about tho bu,ly. The crow of the vessel consisted ol Captain Milton Frank, Male Selby, a negro cin.k named William liege, and a colored seaman named George Thompson, n giant in size and strength. The latter found an excuse to semi the mute boluw. when bc killid tho Captain with pump ruke. He then attacked the mate, Kinking bim a violent blow on the head. The latter, however, de¬ fended birnie.f with u sip uth knife uud succeeded lu roaching the cabin, wlate bo concealed himself until morning. Tnnuipsou then tried lo burn tbo vessel, Imt fulled, und me mate snlieeqneiitly heard bim lowrru y.iwl|,iiid leave I l.e vessel. Tue mate leniaint tl lu lils place of conceal men: until suuiir-e. w lieu lie Went OU deck. Tbe budy of tho capiuiii hud been thrown overboard. Thc dead bodv of ibe colored cooli w.is lound in tbe tuieoii-llii. 11» hud been brailled wita un h.x**. The mate tun hoisted a sun,el ot dintress. mid was takcu ntf the schooner b.v u tl-liing perlV, Who Visited tin-schoiini-r, and there suw ample evidi-uoe ufa terri¬ ble struggle In the blum! wbleb bespatlcrrd thc di cl;, fureeustlc suid cabin. Tho facts were communicated io tbe United btiit**s authorities, and Ibe Marshal Imme¬ diately sent a ereW up to take charge ol Hu* v.s-el. Thc iicgro Tlioiuiisi.il bus Dot been arrest, il. li ls suppoecd ho ir uldlug iu Ibeewumts in Matthews C.uiiiy. y.'.i//.H'jy news. TBI B-if ION AM) Aini.VY HIV A l!.ULl!')AO.A NF.W CON KY ISLAM! HOAD.A DKKAI LT Og THK RRAD1N0. Sriti.NGKiii.D. Mass., .June 3..Tbe Directors ot the Httbt.ni .iinl a\.b.uiv II,ultu.ni to-day voled louc- cepi Uie purchase of the bprtasa-ebl. Athol and North- eastern UaUroad, .nojeet to tbe approval f tho stuck- holders. Ai.it.iNT, N. Y., June 3..L. Spear, Jacob Kaiser and oihersarv named a-dlr., lois ul thc "bea vi. *,,. Hallway Cu., of Coney Island." Tho routu is fruin Brighton Bcdcb io West brighton. The rood will be operated by inc.ms ul n callie .iiisu lu d toa stutimiuiy power. The capital ls placed at iji.lHLOOO. rilILAI>EU-ilU, June 3. Tue IntSrCSl nil tile (ll-I liuilt- giige tiotnlh of Ibo Cole lu-ooktl ilu Ball road, oue ol tiie ica-eii lli.es of the Philadelphia mid Kemllng Railroad Con-pan*", which w». due nu TOCSdav, bas not yet been JUld. II olde rs of tho bunds have bt eu iiifo.'iiied thut there wus no cash to pay tbem. Thc effect of thin tlc inuit of lnicrisi un ibu stinks and bouda of the other leased Hues of ti.e Kcu-ling was nardi) noin-euble. Tue amount Involved a us sm iii and as there arc few holders ottus bonds tu ihe city but nw coupuni ivcn prcsmtsd. ST U'homas, On'., Jui.r 3..At tho ai.niiil mci ting of tbe shareholder* of the Canada Southern Hud way Coin jinny here, the old Bouid ot Blrcctors, connlstliig of Wm. II. Vanderhllt, Cornelius Vanderbilt, J.inc. Ill- llngbrn-t, Angimtni .*-. I. ll, Samuel F. Biirccr. Sidney Dillon, K. A. Wick. rs. A. G. Bulman nnd Joseph E. lb ow n, waa reelected. Tbo officers ot lue company will lie eli clod JllIM- 5. Ni.ivurno. M. Tm June 3.The freight agents of the Erle, Newling, Dutchess aud Connection', and Connec¬ ticut Western railroads Ubi a conference In this city yean nluy regarding arrangement* tor a turongh freight line h. iw-t en the ll..st and West by way of Newburg. It ls expected thal uro new line w il'bo minn in operation. Ii will be known as the .. Newborn line." A part of the plan ia to pei a narrow cauee raiiwav on tboNowlmrg nr..n ii ol lue Erl** Kailwuy. Creight will In- trans- ort d iiriitt the river here lo thc Ni intuits nf tire Nsw- har , Duli* si ¦-.- iiii'i Con.-tlcul Ritlroad. The hitter connect- with Hie Connrclicui Western Hillway and re.iehee N. w-llngi.tmi rltlos by way of Uartiord. Tho tb rei.in pm ie- wu! share ii e expenses and profits. cincinnati, June 8..Iho annual report of th»*"Ciuein- nati, Bunill ton (aad Dayton Rall road states that ths floating debi, which iu i**77 amounted to nearly ¦¦tTimi.OOo. lui*, been paid. The Interest on the bonded debi bas bun reduced snd paymi nt ol dividends re¬ sumed. The -ut e;.reinga nf itu; Cincinnati Hamilton and Dm 'o" di-l-ion shows sm iii¦i-ea-o over the prevlulls veirn: i-Cil.iiiio. Ihe increase nf the net earning* Of an the dmittons if 9143.800, Havannah. Gu. Jinn- 3..The Georgia Central Hailroad has declared u semi-annual dividend ol 3 per ceni. NOTES FROM NE IVl'tHIT. TUE SIM.MIU ni".-IIH.NI"s AlllH VINO AT TllllIP. CDT- T.1UKS.A Ililli.LIAM .SKAS IN IN l'l.iltl-lrl Un M an ii. i A MOM a 1.1 i nu: iis i-i sm:*, roFTIIKTIllBL'XK.1 Skwpobt, U. I., .lillie 3..The weather is nil liar can bj d 'sired, tiie reet nt tun having Hil tbs du-t anti in ul tin- trees uinl lawns fresh and sweet. 'Hi. bicycle t nrnamenl in many respells waa a pleas¬ ing event for all ronrended. and thc visitors speak In high term* of lbs road-beds and of thr natural af trae- ti vi uer-- nf the pince. The ni vt -¦?¦ ni will be Ila- annual Session, next week. ul Ibe N'l'W B Igl IU'1 Snen-ty nf Prienda, wi u will be bi re a woe li al least. Ii I- expect* il nun New-Kngland mei many of tm* Middle SI ilea will be ti -.ly represented, it n ri a number of p Ipers or general Interest will ii.- read by promiueni i.|n iki i--. June nu cling .-iiisilsiy w III, iir- n-u ii, in* ,*i gi a day. The elly wdi we .r a holiday appearance, ami excursion boan and trains will lie broil.ht into ilse-. The liilloWCISOf Penn and Pox are nm ioho held accountable for this nuntin.m upon tho t-bthhath, and they ko. niy feel i bc disgrace whleii ls brought upou th-rn by Iheentrrpriae of ilu* railroad and Bteainlmal companies. Iluwevrr, they uni endeavor to Interval the nmsnes with nut do ir sermon*, uinl also a ith -t rm ns, ai their ni i ilmr-houses and In Ihe chin-i-hes nf tin city, irliieh. With ii f -w excels linns, arc alway* pl.irrd al their duipassi during tho " ve.,riv ni etui'.'." Thc cottages are beginning tu till np in cartu-t. So fair, ev rene hundred well-known tamHies have arrived fur lie mon, .'isl ot hi rs ar coming il illy. I, no ai rivals include PO. Proneh, Judge Binkey, J. ll. Mahoney, Andrew E. Bungin***, Mr-. M. s. li....*_, Di. William T. Lusk, Albert G.illatm. Il ,Ju"uiu Bryer, Mi-.iict.c. M.TiHikcr. Ja'tic-i M. Dr ike, -Louis C. Watjen, W. U. I.swi-. ll. mv- 0. Marijn ind. K. Van Nest. Mrs. Sarah 8, Whiting, J, N. A. Griswold, from New Vork; Pro- f s.-nr Wiiiit Gillie. IVofensnr Alexander tg.isslz, from Gamhmlge, Muss ; I'mf.-ur William Ganunril, c. I¦'. .Miir-ou, Ironi lint nb*mv, and G ul gc H. Norman, tnnii li*.-ton. Mrs. John .Tue eb Ast..r niel Mrs. George p. Weimoro, bulli of NeW-York, ire occilp.t lug [heir Cottages un Hello- Vlle-.iVi*. The fumolli M.i'L mo estate nf th'" p'. nwi rd '-v i t.- Mavor Bedlow, will l»r neenplrd bv Mr*. A. M. A. Pettit ann Mrs. rolland, of (ian I'ruoclm-n. Mr. B. ll. I.an inul*. of Bonton, nus taken the Nason cousin , nu Hiltiev-si. Mr. " Sii-i. " Ward lu- bern th** gn"-t ol Mr. Janu » H. K ene ilniii!.' Hu- pr.-' ni week. Mr. Keene I- tn tnt v.* a lr lr gi aplite wire iii Iii- re-tdenee herr ilurlug the setasnn. Mr.KJwiuA.l-oei.ii New-York, ba* lc__cd tue D. W riulmes le.- I.i . Belli-VUl-ive., n; .....lt.* tie.* ,*in* occupied tn M.tl.tr.f. H. Bryce, ni tl..* same ritv. lt will bf Millie lime briore the Caainn niiiblings will lie readi for orvupanry. The »taire* iii tin* ironl milln* lng will br ii cit munt tbe mid.f ne pres nt month. The collagen are uoi * rrnied, lhere brine al le:i*t fl: tv in Hie market a. the pu-ent tillie, iii. r. i- nu dollin, howe Vet, thut tell.mis w-P lie found Inf iii lin occupied hun-.* by ihe latter pun of ti.e prt-seiii month. A trivial cnn tm of ...¦f mies fi I' e Channing i flitch- nial lear wi li.-lueaeii. d in Inc ITnlturhiu Church tu this cil\ duriii--- Jniie, Juli nnd Aiicu-l by Ibr following ciel. \ lii.ii I .1 .ti SM. M. Vf. lt lb.ws. of >.*w York I Jill) ¦i. H..nert f'.tllv.T, .el Ni w Vork ! Julv ll, A. I' I' Un m. nt HrooklVU ; Juli ls. II. Vi. Poule, ... I;..-lui .lim _-.,, .linne* fu*. nani C.iiUi-.ot Hii.iiiti; Aug.l-l ri, M.cn K. sch- um ri..-in. nf Hil- i-Hi ; Aligns! I... .",. I- I-. ,- bt.ilv. ehapi.tin ul Unix ul CulV.-r-l'. I Augil-l -"_-. ll.I wari l.venti ll.i'-, nf linaine ; All_"lt*t ."'. Hi xis.ry A. I.iv iiui'r* .¦? Heinlein. Ibr rn w Clmlllllllg lie-in.irisll CHU tell will bc bu'lt Ilene 'Inti v'». Nltll'iin ii Itu .-*,r .,.*? bis nut ii-te-, is rn aw ir |»d rbi-de-| .-ii n| un*.* uren will !'< RarlV l.iignsli Gi.Ihle. ibe gem nil tim,I'lisiiti*-. m.- li.*) by -'i ful. Tn.¦!.. Mile b tim is mr nu rr, stained Willalee AK .lral ll |.iWi I. AilgUtetua He f li. "I N -i York.h i- sirrlv.-.l ul tin* vj la ul oe*.* i*,* l-i.mi which i- ..w ii .! nv George II. IViidii lull, of (inri ti nan. Mr. C. De.'ilblt. thc Sw...!,-'. Cuarge d'Afla Iri-* ut W nit mg tun ia noeiipvuig the ToinpSW- ml tag.i lb i Wientl ¦-». s ll. Whii well, »f Boston, has rented ami I* temp, lng M h. I".nani sui en*'.ting.- mi lie-rkelet ave. S. J. I'n.-li I. ol Hr «.k '* 'l, h.- lili.i h pu-h. ¦.*.l**li e.( Us.* Bah i.i k cit,...- on D' Hlm-J .\-, Mit. C. M. Sf. i.ir. nf S< * Y*uk. h r. if. ¦! lin Ri i c. ll. Mab-oiu'-'* coi luge mi Kuy-.-t., uh li i.icu,.y llig Inr lilt - SI eell. Anson Phelp-. Minke* it. tl Pm Lt Ii.--.i-i ri.i. ol New- Yt >i I H. M. i u- Ilia m Ml - H...I. ,. ur,-I M, --. D ll i eu n.i it t. nt Pen i mi* .*, Va., nate arnie d nt lill ll e..1 tn.-i - W ll III lin* |i .( ti*W ll.iv-. TUE URE ir ti iUD, A BROOKLYN FAlTOKY HCIINKD. Thr-" iilurius of lire in Micci-a-di-ii railed nil Hie* tl-e* e.,.III. s III Ile V.'. -I.Til ill-Ill.' I.¬ iii ....1.11 ll lu lin- lower enil ii AtUlitlc-iivc. las) night. Tim tin- W.1« ill ¦¦.*t\'* se I nt IOt|9 In h hugo building liped Inr various mamu..eluting pm i <¦-.--. b-tw.iii Atlantic .ive. mid stall -'. i inuit, ins.- I* live Stories IU height, lin- lint brnki' nUI in lim Hi,ri s'.orv. w deli w.is occupied bi Ih rn li i, ii ic nml ii-fiiri ni lent *' np. N i" i* *, tnt a,t |||. Rilli* , ri Ui 1 nnl lt ti.'si ri il. Il *, ,, clim lill .il .-...una). O'i the lit. il...T Sl.H s, A t il. III.ide e ll li . tl ll. he foul .' mei ll **.| w re lue m. Thr I.lng I* owned t N ithuii Cu.iuiig. Tue te,Lil ll HS IS inllniiil ill srlunui); entiitil lev lU-Iil- Illll-t. A Il'.C-i: I.CHM I) IN Mount- \ VI \. Tlie boii-cof tti-mgi- llolli-ii, iii Mdiiiniiin, wus iniir.t di-aimyid lu Brr Wi ine-ed.iyev.-ii ng.th tl mis latina caused nv *i ib ii-iivi iii-. Tbe lout was about tri.Mi", mnl w .*- cull I di In li -ii r.uiiv. A VILLA DESTROYED. Tn .sion, June 3..Suuiuiil Villa, the pn perty nfl. W. Gtlliiiii-i, al baampseolt, Was bm in il ia., t night. Lu .--, flCHUO; iti-urnL UNITED STATES BREWERS* ASSOCIATION. BUFPALOa N. Y., .Mine 2..A lingi* n tim n *r ol delegates to the UulU-d States Brewer*' Assoclutbn, wort tendered si reception ut Bclu-nkolberger*s Hall, lasl evening. Tbey wore welcomed by ibr President of the Common Council. Tiie address of weleome was rc- ¦ponded to by J. II. Hurter, lieu pro-nleiit ul tin r¦¦tigre s. ThoBrcweni' AMnclatlon met (lils muming, when thc snnnal addre-a was delivered by rim pnudilrui. Henry II. Humer. Ile ssmi tb ti the revenue eolli-otnl from brrwets sud dealer** in msiil Inpmrs for ibo lani (Ural year ttmnuittri lo kXn.TAv.32u ns, nr rt" ia,211* sn uinr.- tnnii waa received list- previous year. Tho lepi.lt nf the Ciimmlllee un AgllUtlOU Wits ulan lead, Showing Ililli tie ib eit ,i-e nf Impor¬ tation ur foreign inti' fur Hie ve.ir 1m7!> uh compared witn l*-7). whs over 1.11611,000 gal- Inn-, while ihe expurt.itI.r Aiin-rioaii beer Im- 1-7U exfiilol linn of 1*7.") bv ovei rrSlti,xii:ll in v_.He. iii.* brew nu.' I'Kllllillshuicllts of iln country non number over 3,000, whleb iiuiiiiullv Cnnsumc 35,(SK1,000 bu-bela of bur.ey ni,d 30,000,000 puiiuds ol Oops. TEMPERANCE MEN ON POLITICS. A prorniii'-nt delegate to the Good Tcmp- lars'Convention recoiitly in session m ihisclij h,.iti that lt Grain should be numluuled .iver 10.UOO voles would be added to tne Prohibition tirkM In tbe Hlate this year. " I hive voii-i inr (Irani twice." added thc ibi -gmo, " but l will mit rot" fm uiui again. H.-1- not u temperance man, and our people tue firm in Hi" conviction that if be n- nominated our own candidate will bave a good run. our National Convention ni to linet at Cleveland, Juno 17, to nominate men (or President and Vice-Pn sident. Gul jenn t. Htew- in t, of (lido, mil probably be ib" Prohibi¬ tion candidate f"r I'n nb nt. H Or..ul i* nora- in'ted we nil certain timi stewart will draw miinv Rr- lui in se ni veli tx. < e r- -i 11 -I wuh ii' im is tun' Iii- ii.cd tl t* pudu'iiug power tn" lively when lu elli e. [fo |,;lr- doi.ed over Un'- hundred a-hisket distillers ni tin- ."¦nulli tie dai bel ire l.e gem oui of i tile**, und tin* tem¬ perance Oil n ol the eouiitl V ilu aol folgi I till *" Huns Growyost, n worthy German farmer, wno ban in iii a uso lung rrsMienl of Berks i;onnt>, nu- i ¦.lilew lab WiXr. w In. Ii.it long temte led h.'- lite nm thing Imi n eisien nf i-e ..e ... (l.e ibu imi luig a.-, -he. In si Hr of p:i|ll .*. pick.U UH ber dud* umi Iel I Ililli, vowing ni t ci¬ to euinc hack, i tu- new t went around ,un.mg Ile, nelgli- bors.>uu kuow Sos Intelligence nf all kiudsdoei nu 11 in iii emmit.aud ni ni;--iii te v nil nf thrtii, uf whom I ll US nut , tvelil fo cuni lc lill.. Ililli -t- Ile slit nu bis trout siuiipiuilllng away it hi- mp.. "Mans," 1 re¬ marked, "I pitt rou." "My not," replied Ibe linne*! Dutchman, us bodistmbediy knocked ma ibe ailie*of Ins plpo, " >nil Vun right. Hbo has shun, cuiuc back I". [Chester IPeau.) Dumocrut. Profossor." Cnn nny one toll tm the origin of tuc expu-h-iiiii -G i turl" Rmbryn Mini-ter " p. r hap-there wu-, mtnethliig morl-to lt once, and tho left lt oil beculise ittllilti'i i.oein i well.** REPRESENTATIVE DOCTORS. .*. LITF-KARY SUBJFaCTS DI88ECTED. ADOPTINO BKBOIatTIONS IN gAVOIl OP TMK METRIC 8Y.«TE*.f.SVKOKMN8 IN TUE N IVY IO BE A8- SlSTltD TO A OOOD SOCIAL" POSITION.KI.ICTIOX OF OFKICKtl"-.IXIIt'.CTS OF I'APKItS HKAD. Additional delegates from abroad attended the meeting of the American Medical Association yes¬ tenlay. mid niiinv topics of Interest were discussed. The officers tot the castling! year were elected, lle- Ceptipua were given to thu ilt-legat-aiii the evening. tKOCKEDlKGS OF THK THIRD DAY. Thc third lina's session of tlio American Medical Association wss called to order by Preaident Payre promptly at io a. ia. yesterday In Aatoclatlon Hall. Among Ibo bailing delegates fruin uther coun¬ tries who have arrived albee the opening and wboee ¦iiiii)' S llUVe DOt ali emly beet) giv.u In TllK Tuiuunk ure Ihe folio wine: Dw.Gamo Lulen, i.f Rio Janeiro, li ra¬ mil; G. II. Brcolanl, of Bologna, Italy | Emilia L. Dd Mnlu N'.i, of Liuui. Peru j Jnhn Dillon, of hu'iiii; .le n it sun Hutchinson, ol Loudon, Eng.; J. T. Bteerea, nf Ht. .lolin, N. lt.; G. I.. Ryer-un, of Toronto; J. McFadden Gaston, of l.r.izil; Ju hu A, Sherman, of London, Cauadai Vi. tl. Metcalf, of Kitig-'tnii. (.'an.ula ; an-l fruin Mon¬ treal, Ors. K. II. Treiihnlm, A. Ii. David, Kingston, O- leranti Howard, A resolution liiiro-liieeil bv Dr. Ilrun-osi was adopted InstrucUns thc prrsl leal to appoint a committee of live to rcpuit on loruiulatlng a tbe proceedings in Journal- istie fniiii ;is rei.nnii.i'd by I'n -id au Ba>T< in lils addreM. A lonedl*cus*don then followed upon the re¬ port of tin committee on thr ino;.lc nystein, bul it finally was adopt od. I is in favor nf tba usc of the system. A n oilnn by Dr. Beach, ot Onlo. waa adopted, appoint¬ ing u nu'i imi un ol live " to try t" secure t-. tm u.edu.il niii tr. i.f n.e Anni and tbe surgeons und surgeon*' mute* ol tue Nmy the proper social pmdtion to which I e* \- lila* ll.i ll r ll V Omitted ll.V tlieir Ul nf* r-rSKill." An purl of the .Iinl a-1 sil < '.ni iii ii w.i- tin ti re.ni. si allua that II en wile ini proof* th,il the N.ivy Med.eal DePill inn III biol ei r it-, d iiii.-iek medicines; und Hitit consequently ib Ctnii te found ii esiiiM' of action, "iii" rt-pnri ol tbe Coi.int i. Nominal hm* wa* read by Ur. i; .ll win. of Alabama, und the fnllowiiuf nolrem ol tbo As- "elation for t In* .isng li .il* Hi le Ile li .in ie ri eu-I, eic lei!: lYestilrn! l> JnhnT. IP iig -ii, ..f -t. I. mi-. ii,e-/vi«ti/.iii.-l)irt. ll. ll. Ainlers.eii.nl Mobile, A si.. Li \ li. ll..!. ... Ne t -Ililli.pr-llili . limy T. Hull..ll, i.f V.-riii.em. .uni ll. ,11 p ii er-, ii' Or -.-oil. Permanent Secretary.Ur. William II. Atkinson, of I'll lute i.tin,t. In utitrrr -In. ll. Dun. llt.u I'l.Iliidelphi.i. l.itii-1,,,1,, m. Vim um I-ee-, of Vi siiliigt.ui. Mi mtiers ol' ./ml ic ml tu ii neil, tu till riicitneirs.Vl'*. J, K. Lu I., h. "n tV.c.iin-in. P. .-i upi *, oi .Mum ...lu, X). H. M.,11 ee, nf rexes, J. G. I,,nm.,., ol Georgia.J. .*-. Kill¬ in ¦.*-, ni me I" Heil -"-tit .* Armv, w i-.i ugtou. .1 ll War- rei..ol Miss.cllUi.el1s. illili A T. WlniUW.ird.nl Vi I limul. se,ni.iisitms. I'luumillee i- roinpusc .\ nm* de p- g.ite I.-ach Hillie, and ii iv.s .i nilli ul < un-., i, er* .lille CUIII lUCII li.at lill Nell-Vial 1< p..) - Ull Mil* ii pi I M-nted among ti;'- nlHi-i-r*. ,w iHukkss dn i- >i-t t..w; srnjKcis. The rlucf mit let of tin-dry's Si-s»loi| nntnd III thc inbiri ss mi M'-ilieiil .lu ri-prune nco, (Tiemisi r\ P.-iclul- ii.y. Sent- M-iiicliui and Public Hygiene, hy Dr. J.* V, Hi iiieni. ot lt.di mi. Dr. lliiiiit't.l ia tr hui rm au ttl ..* SlCllOU which ci.;i.-ulei .*. tliesc Subjects. Ale,tl.sis ol tin sddr< a.- ure -i- tallow?: lr, nu tl ie.tl ieii i-pru iieui -.- th* eiiilijcrf nf hanging u* Ibu ln.--liui.il* ni cunt.il p.i.,I- ts.i s.l luis liri li I spic llll.V liglluteil. I "..IILTe-.- ll is ll-!,, el ie* ii elult l-l i.f .i .'.si litill.ll Ai.iileiUV ut -Illili ". Wit, tui-l tSte.l Kitti'.V la. il la, ri WU) nt lillllllg il Cl lill 111.ll. Illul lt l-l X peC 11 ll illili ilse Ae nb my wni speedily iuivi-o Hie world ol in*.te I mali oin- way ni winch Un- Work eau he¬ il mr i-ui.-tly, pniiiiptly uni unfailingly, ititi.* tull a lill- ul III- pith.Hilt, n tb "e-iIVellc-e nr lin-¦leuiuialszatiuu tu the living thal a- luseparable li.'in lin linn*,: mt li - .a l nf lunging, ls i-eiu. miiic e ..niii iblo lb it i ri tie*.I sc il te-luetie people h:i Vi- so b.nu- si it"! in ami w:iiie.-i.i im horror* ol n in-line will.t'itt t.i ag ii Wura ni li.'tiiie lem..n-u .iu *. Nol .if :.'sitn'i ll fllgltlVt er Inn..il w .is ni se-lnl in N n (ll b au*, anal lubing it litiio ii!ii<<) piui, icli 11 om Mn |.l.n ..il,.v..ii Iles i-.ulitculs .i.i .VU* di Oil I SI ll li w lien, Ile* WU built ll stlllgg .itel li si 1'lirisll ,:, p. nplt har. linnie m. inn. n lil In il -l-l me lins lu Ibt,tl Ml,rel Ile lllg l!n* ll.lllglllg, 111 >t H ll ll - lilli ll lill.' lilli ll bink ii i ipi* mid .*, - I"i, "il- elislnll sn.- nu lllill-llal h. eui iriirr*. Wit mn thc vein nil e\|M*nmrntal Ii-iilisi in ideiitliy dlrchurged thc ebc ii, by nf ,1* baller) intii Ins nun pi r-i'ii, and in-iiiii'l.i 11- life >.t ix tine. Witlioilt I.-eiiillslii S< nr the i|UiVHI ol ,i Hill cl mid .lit ii liuiii.iiu* anil ku I ig1.1, ii- ii N.e mu !.,e- uni -linn n, hub 11T11 l li. bu ll.iugitig, tm w tll-lalnlliig lue li um t*t 'In li logman' ie. s- *,,'.¦ n i Wi 11 bing -iieeliieb' iii in il ii fur twitnlj mimili -. I 'pim ll.e -ii |reI of lu sam t eimile, tm l- il li.- produced is-liti -mi.- I. ks ii<ul lutmpli ei-, mid .'HIT i* ur* rn uti*.*.. I' .*r.* |usl i_rniii.il r, .ti sn ,.y. in em,i r Hie iiis.im are lu¬ ci ea ni nut ot lip', ilun lu I.,e .. ii. si. imputation, v.. ni* ,.i c h.*t..iii -e. Ulna ull. II..* I.is ,ue. ll" a - .¦Val lins li. .1 ll . ll r. pal elli lii.ll I.ie gi cul urtu) ..| lilli I li . .s r.i-inl Um l.l-tiT f. .Ut ni .. ii .lilli |, ,\i I) nun mit tm* r.. uk-, ..ml we .ir- no th tura * mill if tillea* W ... I, eaat Se |lll> Mil lill I :. tl I ll, S. e. l| . [ - 1 ll ** V I. I ult llb bri li-* .-mi*- si.nu il i" s .eu i. bc mi -.ir'* tn I kr engels mer ol tnt- Illloilli'V -itll.ith'll. 1 lee* lellll lilli* Ol lill' -.'I .ill life |. | 11 tl. ¦- I. Il - 111 lill. -.11-11- III,[. rel. Il ll i I* ll Ile llt.lt ( .,!*!, I ll Ce.H. >ll*| 1 rue lei un bli* triuii p.ni ul tn chilli. Ibo lii'ii s.ii) ,.i I*.11 e.. I., .ll', lil tl Ililli g 1*1 1 lllllll. I- lil-t I |||< >l I' (ell .- ... lieu .i lets i-ii un '! Ili.it i il lin I1 Ile l|i| .-l| 1 .1 .M'>:- '--Iel. et "I e.f .. Veil g I lll'.-lj ll ifl r . I *' lin t I i| Ired lae evil bi i I. W" k: ntl i. v I" I' .tl .'. ii se .'.. I* sir, ur -*'.' -'t li. i I um I 'i ira - lu regard io Hit- I X.rii-I'll' "Itu il lila .. "!. -ll te- nf lil ill/., il .I l-l! ,!. ti i 1 I. ti iimi ,i fe- ili| lt li ll . mn nf lilli ,i 111-, t"l si eel, ip*, el rei'l't-ll 11Z I II le .1 ni .:,; ni IU ti ll .'I et I if.ii nc;ii n i .u .el. -, ii ,.i ii it- lull, ..i alni ir. -el V.all li ill tims v. lc ..I ltii|* rOrl iii bud) and lilliid. Le lill* ..I ll* pl NT* Ull l.t. e, I- .lltljcHIS We |l II 'tl li) h. i, A. l>. I."t kurll, V. I', i,ii.h. I. i.ill, 1. J,". ¦' Il H. lill ll. ii lin* elli ; lt Ve ri! t'nie, nj M,tl i.ini-i- n; - i.m...ni tn 1 Ai .! well llev.ol Pin ie V.. li. *.i,i-. ,i..i i .nnii i- A nllsell, ol W.isli- Hillie. H ". VI a let, ol i limn blgc, '.I. * .-, I une* W. 1-n.e, ni ll.i Kurd ii.t li u i, ... 1,11 mia, Dal ld lim.I. t. Ko lou lou Hulu ri Di de. ol Lugl.ind, ns,tl el ii -. A pa.H-r tu..) ui rm ull lin lilli I...li ii" Un ii.' ll w .1 ii; nil *i. pu i* mi tu Hil n,-.i lou, ni li. u *.. I, el Ills eili. II. lui ,b lippi.iii ii i 'nnii ii-.ii r Hie - i iiir i ll ll'-i il lill H ll I ii..I .; .,* .. .* ,i rin v len tile |!ie ll -...*: IOU KPIIl INS III.. I*. \ SIM,. .', rr l-ii n ii tu ¦ m. tun l's e*r Hie ns ..,.-| i- linn I.l-l elMI's,. ny lilt'.. Cuil|M*l, All list li. 111.Hilt, Mild Dla. I'ordyo-' Harker .inti 1. li.<l 'I hunns l.t. if Main nperaiid Mr ll ru ut airi-i.-lveli.il tn.ir f. :-p .lue I, nu -.*.-, sim I lu., ls.uh i mnl rimliia* iici'id Un ir glir-t* in 111 pull :-,' Ur Ai di ny uf M dicbie, No. l'J Wibi t.*i, ; t -i., -1--.. I*; ..* r-i-ep.i Wiis larg' i.i attended !.) ibe vi ii h. i ,,i -ni ms, rn ni Minim, i.ii iv*vi r. in it* un iee un pillile a liv . idles. Al the Academy o' M derlim Dr. Kuikrr ssh Timm it* si.I ii pun a in se d | et te tm in ai .ead nf . pulu', nlul la Hiern iieir gm*.i nu. |,... tel in |>r. Atkinson. Ibe iietiii.iin ni rrrwiiiiy ol lin ax-nciulluu. .'di. 11.1- inulil r.e. il eel hs 1 isl lu '.*> Iii Ills iii gaile. V. Ills biUISi' ii.ir. i.n 11 i;ii' 11 v le ii iii i ii si.. .I. Tin-rom mit tee lu chara.. Ill ll* Infill 111 lb'-. Paull. II.lilelll .u .ill V, IhllllS. Al M *.)'..' *'"' I" r's Mn* nf. mi,me. whs lurgeitt, und -,\si le-- I'.iin-ii .lum ni Hie ni orr two ular *, T ¦.¦ com- lilli int Ill eh.il .-e ni isll.*sts w,i. ciltllpoBl ,| III | >i -, I'.i ,|, ,*, 3. W.H. \u.I. J. il. Hims, A. I.. M.ien maid, M. A. Pul¬ len n ii-1 .i.i -i e- Aiub-rsiin. Atimng iimsi p i -cit bes des inn I nf Hie prntiiilienl ilrlegaleS In I lie i-nuvi-ntmu v. en* Pi ti Ciinper. Judge Nea,. Du Vi*, the Kv. Di. Oinii-tuti, S lunn Sill ne, Aluin w ll Glen. Hir.eii O.' 'I imuip-mi, .linlge I.hit. ¦innie, DoUgliia* r.iinitb.ll. i '..iii m |. -n u,,*i* V..i ii bl*, ev* *.I-M.iiiei .*¦! si. .i- m. A bl sim 0, Hewitt. (ti. iii MrMuboii, iii" Bey, Dr. L. D. Buvau and i 'naries ni max. The llual session of tbe association will bc brid thia inii-iui'g. Al lino p. iu. ibo nu-un ti n ill lute ntl ex- puralou mi tin- simmer Grand Bepnbiir, visttluir tue IIiuImiii umi I-i-l Rivers, mid the West Krigliinii beach ut Uouei I-Lui,I. CUBAN CHU LES EXCITED. CU.MMI.NIS ON' lilli Ail Iii V Ala ni' SKNOR MAll.slitK. Tho arri val from Culm ol' Senor Maestro has Caused ni nu* il. mg nf si sen-si tm ri UUlntlg thc C'Ubaus iii this c tv. lie claims ll.at be w.is forltd to leave Cuba by tin- -piimh authorities, wbo gave him thc eh dee be¬ tween de ,th uni exile. A Tkiiicnk reporter lolkodon tbi-snli.iect wltb n prominent Cuban patriot, who ssmi: " Then-hus arrived lu Mew-York lu a myaicrous man- net, eipi.ppeii uiib ii "-p.iuisii pasaport, this person by tin- I'.-nno of M.icHiie, who tells u al runge rtnry, which u imiir iilietor.v atni tin-ii11-fiictury, and, tu -ay rho least, is eon-i'lei ed susplciou* by the Ciiiini.i lure They think with rras-in, thai thin-sh..ubi bu no mystery tu sm b a case, and they cannot see why Um Himulab Gnvcrniiii nt ihuUld sll'O IIB pi'uteotb'll t-i ntl IllSUIgcUl icubr, Mh.lc lt ls their m tu lui rule tn kill ttithuul plly all tin- Cutuiua thu! full Into 'lu tr power. I' ls -ubi [hui M,n .-Ho wus tho only chief uf Lei Viii i", wini, ult linn_-li bo waa among tin- in urgent*. iibl imt t.ii.o pirt lu tbs ivar. lt is remarked tbat Colonel Bosadn, a brother nf the patriot Hccrctary of War, snd avery brave man, lian lutimaic lin ntl of aMsu site, um be baa hoi rome to Ibe V. in* Snues ti itii Mae.tn*. Instead ol letting himself Inie by Hu* Spaniards, a bo are kind only t.i tic- ii.iv lo serve iheir uwu cuds, he wen'Ht the hoad ul a large body of.n rn I in thc forces nf General Ca¬ rilla Mm-tn-eiiitisiili. ts liim-. lt lu bl. stiitciui lils. ie in. although lu- ii.id a ..uv a.f ia \ .ii l». *) ii liiipiisum d by thr Kp iiir.trds and nbllged to leave C.bu nn |ieu.illy eef .tee tn. bl' I* f .tl--' .-lilli III ll be lefl I obie Veil lill si III". ii.e Sp-muh bmina a lu i uiu huve spokon of lum ola IlUlll 1. hU ililli 'll lel.ellie.l Ll :|eL M |e.. 111 -|| ( \ . I ,* n,,,,, .|, Till* I liatral iiliinluii mei, g int* I ii i*si ii- nf Niw-Yuik 11 Mttl'-fiivoiabl lo IU" pr -ii-n lintis nf a mau H lin lillies to It.n ill I'lutiTtt (1 uni favor- I, Illul (Vt ll, lt is sahl, Mipplu ii ti itii mi-nry hy Ibo Hji.iiush uuibuntirs. .. lt i- pu, n.e,I.'" ramtliiuni Ibo CubaU lintier, "tu Imbi a im eniig ul Masonic Hall urxl Wednesday even¬ ing for the purpose of presenting to Hil- Lil ililli O' .elli rub.tn Migmi ll.unit, 'ihe I ..ii -11 tit lim nf i_c new l.'uOTi. mint will In- cxiiliiiued ti tl discussed, lind Col- tine! Ku I ie I v. ll iie-enl)-the Incidents ot which he was .mi., mu iii l- regarded with arei.t utr-.-i le.n among ihe Cubsiiis, liuvinasimwn ins »klli and bravery b) .die.nly runiluctmg Hire" kUrCissful exprdlllons to tho Island, the latest of which tbe Spanish Government vainly speut $10,1-00 to prevent." DISSING A DECISION. AN UNUSUAL EVENT AT JKROME PARK. Muon DH-ouar shown ovkb thk awabo op mit WIIHKRS 8IAKKS TO PKKNCLIFF.(5RKNADA THOUGHT HY THE 8PKCTATOKS TIIK WINNKH .I.IKK BLAPKni-RN, OKOIiOK M'Cl'U.OUOH, SPINAWAY ANO MILA.N WIN THK OTHKK HACKS. At Jerome Park, Yesterday, the air com- mended Itself to all the sense*, the sun was not too hoi, tue Hieing was of much Interest, nnd the attendance was guod. Altogether, it ranked ai one of the thor¬ oughly enjoyable days in the annals of the Auierieau Jockey Club. And yet many people went away with some sureness in their hearts. They honestly believed thal Ihe Judges hail mado a mistake in deciding tha chief l.n-nf tho day, that fur tho Withers Stakes. Tn tho ¦pertators it certainly appeared that G. L Jeorlllsrd's excellent colt Grenada lind his head m front at the end ; bul tbe Judges held that Fernellff bad Just pushed his 110*0 before Grenada's. At Grenada had been hsi-ked heavily and hy a gnat many, ami Fernellff lightly and by very few, the disapiHiiutment was widespread mid tho decision called out biasing und other expressions uf displeasure very ran at Jerome Park. Il pleased tba bookmakers, however, Vastly. Tun thrifty to expose themselves to any i-nutu-e of I >stac no mutter how ;i ince univ result, they hillanco their bets *o as tn be sure of gain in any event; hut If a "favorite" wins their profits are much su.nlier flinn win n a dark horse takes the prize. Hence t*c defeat uf Granada.by tbejadgra.delighted thaae licensed frce- leuuters hugely. The UWUCI ol drenada ..C'l-ptetl the re¬ sult lu his usual genial way. remarking simply tb it it was due lu hm Jockey's careleasnoas. Tins waa true enough. Whether the judges ur the apeetatora were right as to the relative positions of Orenada ami Fern* did" ;it Hie nmsii, lt wat very plain fiat tho Jockey hy urging Grenada a little could have pot the victory be¬ yond any posaibillt) nf doubt. iln* f un .in uiui _b et (elding Checkmate (8 yo irs, ll!) p. innis) was ihieii.-ht by all the experts to have a "Mire tidna" for tho Urjt race, three-quarters nf a intie, for a purse of kAOO. Hut nothing ls -uro in raring, \e p; tin- piniits nt tho bookmakers. Dwyer Brothers' t-uii Luke Blackburn (3 yearn, ll'J poonda) aniaaod ubi.ost every mie by bealing bim with eriiir.* pane in 1:18. winnini: bv tivo b-ngths; Checkmate m.u i, B I- iou- i's DU) Ktleiwi Iss iii:'.)-) I bird, aud Jurrv uud King¬ craft, th- other alaster-, much behind. Jerome i-* a verv iinlucki track fur Cueckiuutu. He hus 'cen beaten ills- gracefully nu it several times. Tho betting wai one io three against (iii eicmsitf's winning, and Ive to one iigiimst Luke Killel burn. 'lue brui-.icu-.aid cult George McCullough boa Im¬ proved gu-.iiiv since lust yea*, leen bis u*ual p:are WU* Bl li.cell.I nf tile p nee-sinn Lust Mindil he ran _.second lor the Great Metropolitan tlamlicap, uud on nccnuni ol Hu- wns made tue favorite yis.ci-.hiy for ibo Fordham band cap. l't mile-.ami did uni disappoint bi- en, m ra. " tin- 'iuiii i'eui ral D pm puny," us they .in* >.,.minnies called. Wi Hmm K. Winder.ult being re- pe.iiiii to be the duel owner. T*-u-stilled out ol foity- one cnn les. Both Pierre and Goingo L. Lorillard witt- ¦Hew all their entres. The betting against McCullough -i in hui lo oin-. Hi; carried 10_ pound"). The ol Uer sill'tels wi I'i- .Lillies W. Hod's D ll K. (I yest l's, 1 IV.) ptiiuui.-), Dwyer Bi otbora'Quto t'A rear-, 102 p.uml*), Iliiuii .'-I.niy Middleton (3 tons. loo pound*), Gaff- mi's Mamie Fulls (I years, 97 pound*), QrttMteau-V Jim Keck (lye.u-. HT pounds). Thuin sun's J. p. Ilttg- g:ii- (ll veers, lin pound-), Witbers's Invrrumro (i years, lo") pound*), Perri*'* .-t.rtle (1 n.ir-, lu--' pounds), and Mi-Klwi-cl'* lin Forth 13 years; 81 pmiuds). Lady Ml bib-ton led fur a quarter of a mile, ami then M iinio l'lells tonk thu tlrst place, nn 1 kept it tu t be last ipi liter, with George McCullough, Quito nn I Jim Keek cui-c bemud, li. Hu- tiitin.-Miel.il MeCllUoilgb took Ibe extrciiu outside, mid run tu tbe cud without touch nf h hip and spur, proving u victor by bImhii a length, Mamie Fie bl* second, and Quio third. Quito's lockri made a romplulut of foul, but it was mit su-t ilui-d, Hie lime wus U:l l\. V \i came tin- mie lull- run for the Will.ors Stake-, un t ie mn e.n:mt prizes f.»r tin- ye ir, fur three-year "bl* r-ji ii niri-u-i -. ti -.th declaration provis.oim and #1.000 a ld il. tint ur llfty-oue uoniliiatb.n*six colls cam tin* euiirsr. G. La Liiriliiiid's Orel! ul i, tile wilmer nf tbo l'u! i'll. ,e -tli.ls il' Wilslllllgtutl Ililli fe I'fe et Ile-- S!.il<. in Ila i timi-rr, both this lair, and en excel, cut p-r- f, nm in I-.70, wa* a strong favoi Rr at -Itu G against hun. <'l haugh'* O -eu Wus next In Ibe betting ut 3 In I. Killi *.-I k's l'a riiiilll ..abie IICXl With ft lo 1 sigi.li.-l bim, :u;d 8 tu i mis given against Pierre Lnnllanl's Itncco, and An gust ni Pchermerhoro's R-oo- .ini. ni u i'ii io one agamsi Graham's Cmg Ls-ar-Rc- ibni.i nit. Th* start was pr-iropi and g.Icxeept for ll coi-bet. Rocco mus In ri mt t, bm ipilckiy gave miy to thc Kng l.'iir cult, and nib n tunk second place, P. rn- eil iii i'l. nud i. i-i ii m.i lourtbe '-" im y ran tor ii inly li.ill u mile, inul theil lille li d.el teal tu lie ll ls I pine, iind I Hrnada ti Him second. I.i lin- lasl part nf lim iii rd ,,u ,r:. tin nu i.i e.iigi iiiiii. ami fruin ibul pi Hughe-. Gi ell.nil's I 'Ci-eV, felt sure of thc I arc Iii..Hy iv .itching ilu iiipiiily tiring U len. lu knit bi* hun* u.'u ll blind i.ii .lil lull Ililli)' ilu pace. Oib-i'gi-t lue Kl.l.i .1 I.ill i.i p lill III- -p,** i. 1 I, (il*, list I. ill! .,1 gm-it I. Bille ii.i.- mum- li ii e, ll. ..le. y Gir ui.-;ii. lug Uri- u ibe ,ii-li n ei, .) .ii I .. "I lee I s-i iiirlnug ton*, d I'm- lt bi i ibr. mn m.ult np tu un. ,1 es, -l.ll usg -lill' of tin- nice, did HUI inge bl* cull wuh w..ip ur-pur, aiul Hit i\.** -i..*' in. jllilgi*'*!.I lllliiwl lu il ililli bcd. dies .ul, lt.i* Hil III ide. I'* IL' ll UM! Ill lil rall-. O ~ .. en.,it i s ibiiliKiil Gi nail lani Mem hy si I., ml. ..*, ,1 ,, ,¦, .. ii ii li *i_ t ll:: lu* I, eal ii ,i* pi - mid : rm li dlft-ru itju ls* n*ll jil gr* Vi¬ lli lu Fi lll< i.IT. - u mp ti .i li e*u Int lair i l.ll he. Il , '. .lt .le: ... 1' ai., || I" 111 ll I il * ,,11-e Unlit ... I I .- |l| I |l, lill -P l-l IOI - cull.ll ll f .... Iii I..* ii- eta t,r- ll.nl ,'* VlCliirt III ll limb ii i tn i..nt. sc Ile-.**- I.,.ii. ..e iin-i. ..I e l-t fl il el SUI .1 p.lS .11 lill ll I* M 111, I*. -Ucl III. Iit.iu) gr, .. I ,i. I-mile- lie.-ii I.,inn,i« lt;. Tin I l-Olllll BV III ell.' it ll ll,* r er. il ll d un; it ll I ives- ft'. lill Jill HUI- "-'..Ht s. I.". Willi fit ll snI I* I. n ur it: iii mg carer r i-f tin-liv u-ye.ir-u dam tuisi'iirt i., ;...uiii i, au.I..i.- h i- be n lin eustutii ..ti' -, IlliS l-l ll- Waeel I.I -lt !.>' G. |. I.ul.l 1';. lil* pie! iimi .-j.ii*;iti ni 10:0:11-tu Hist unil is roll Hil ||n..*l. e ital, li** '.'-I ll-* Hil*- bills., mlle, ii lid Hit I. n. ,.,.- Isi-t. I'i'i. -inn nv,it's -ll,'- s. Wis cum mi pillie l.uii. .lin's mil Karun nus hard aiier .-,* ilin.li I* sn-iiiil pi.i -i Tut-other starter* were M. 1.1 ,-.,,¦ - ...i G, .mi Milliner. Murri*'* ll mle Axe ll.lv. Hi¦! ti"- Illly 'I ieu. n i'm !¦.'- I..em I. roll ami Iv Ug Ki e-l roll, Mii-del, r" III ) <. ID md liol UH ll '- li,,', liellutia. .-i'ii ,.'¦¦.r- wa* a gi sit I .i.-inc. I, i c.iiiic as Lng ra , l'a.uii -a, fora pur-.- ol ifCioo, n.ii sevil r-i.i. i I-. Iii)euiV i.i..ni 15 leal.-, in.i picul), mid Dw.tei lii.it.i-" Wa rllrld pi year*, im; mu ul-I I* il Hil* bett llig il i .e nd I- nf livn to n .. si wm ns. ..i. I. othrl'S ft" *'¦ I' i e.'-" V.igiUsiii (U. II*'.)). Kei¬ lli ii'-Fbblles'rltig l-l. 0*0. V I. rill il I's I' un .- il, Hail. Piiee'* Gu-ug.irille il, Pu), aud l.v.in*'*, ltu*lm i.i.iil). .Mn.ni caine lu Mrs! lui n slow Hine nf _*:(ll*>t, lill. Hil Ot Og Illili .1 llll.lllt liillll lill) . W.I ll. iel M.|.s ¦.eenie!. Ml .III lt sis lent Mild. Theracint win in* cum murd to-morrow, thc Ladies' Kinki* foi lim e* ie ii-ii il ill.te- and lin- Wi stci.cslei- flip. -J'i miles, being lue c Url i nt-. ihe J Hue edition nf " Krik'.i Uublr lo thc Turf "be* bee li Issued, .-. eui .tim nt- ts.e r. i-oj-.l ..| nil the lute- nm tm*, i, h. up lu Hie eui uf Mny. [t ts of much vu. nc tu r.icing tuen. ____________________ MlSlCAL AND SURGICAL NOTES. Nlw l.'.-i: run NlTRATK OP Amyl..A nicdi- eai ern spiiiiilenl ni 1 he London LuHctt tuillks thut an iiliuo-l -ure eulo lor sci sn kn >s \i I be found in thc lillian- nf um) I, illili duo at int nm tu d* tails thc drug being curative lu al icmd oo per cent of all cases treated. In practice not inure thun three drops arc tu b taken iii a time. Inhaled from a handkerchief beni close tu ibe iiuse, but should not be nard except limier medical un vite. Thc p.itn nt, uio ll uiuler tills tltsitiuei t, should Ile in hed, n giHal Bleep beiug generally the tlrst result. Yinni Winch lue pei-mi anuses waneing lu eat. Un. aili ii is found belier lo allow ono Kt ol roaming t> occur bcfuio tho treatment I* beguu tu insure thu thorough character ol the sc. nc Borax in Infectious Diabases.-*-According Ia The Lttnret, M. Polli has n-ociill) reported io nm-nt bc mellie.il SOCICtb S ol Loin ii,ii di | h** re suits of Un lue mts tAp. riiiiculs made by him tu nscerlalu tboatillaeptic propi riles ni various substances. Itap|iean timi the energetic disinfecting putter possessed by boram- ueld mid borax, and the facility wltb which these substance* ctn be absorbed ioto tbeecunomy, have led M. iviii tu i-i eiuuiui nd their use in diseases entice ruing tho inf,,- tinu- niii un* ur winch no doubt exists,or in a blub septic mildil ions readily mi-o. Uo adduces several examples In which lue febrile conditions of tnberrnloais under- ".viii, illinium) ni. In i til-une ii-tills, th- iiiueupni it hui .ts eb. ir.i* ipi'tiily din. uii-h s. inul even allOKCllu-r disiippi ui > iu u hiv liny-., unit rupnl improvement nus i'. un' .ts .i-cs ul bud bUppuiUtlUg Mounds, whin an¬ ni- U extol nally. _ MiiTHODS with Cancer..Thc Fii-ucli Acad- tin) of .-iii... .*. bas recently had Its atlculio'i drawn to ii cnliiis-o nf vu'.caulsud 'caoutchouc, which bus on-u Used IVItli Slic*ess fm' the tleallin-m nf CllUCfl'nlls uud other tumors of the bte .bi. It is well known that among medical nn-u lhere has b -cn boob divUiuu of upiuiou us as tu tin- Utility of pressurolti treatingouueer, some stir- gc.ns regarding lt un harmful or but r.irely um ful, otb- irs attributing tu it great retardation ol tho rapidity ot a tumor'-) growth, ur ev*n euro. The thenr.v of the pinn bas been very generally ndmltu-d ns gnod-timt ls, a iienplasiii. itke a healthy tissue, li dupoudout upou Its bb ul supply for vitality and growth, aud complete uiiuuiilu causes Hie dentli of u tumor, ns lt does of u patch ul brain substance, Although pressure oaanut bo re¬ garded mu substitute Mr n-inuval of a cancer, vet in tic-pi.-iit cases, where this is impracticable, lt annean in be the beal Mibsiltuiout present np, u to thu sur-reon aud the culrasse ls nu iuipruvcment upon the eniiuL- puii- and ut hor appliances. ' "l> . THE COURTS. -0) SOT TO BE .LOCKFaD UP WITH IMPUNITY. Jame* E. Fitzpatrick who, in September, 1878, waa the Washington correspondent of The gerald, sued ihe Manhattan Be ich Railroad Comuany lu the 8u< preme Court fur alleg.-d falie imprisonment by the ser¬ vants of the company at that time. Mr. Fitzpatrick toM his story from the witness stand beforo Justice Pottef and a Jury yesterday. After taxing a bath at the Matihattan^cach, he said, bc sat down to liston to the music. Two of tbe detec¬ tives attuched to the place came to him, and telling bim thal a frieud wished to speak to him, led bim nnd bli brother io an office nuder the hotel. Here a uniformed . fflscr told him that one of the butu-bousee bad been robbed of ii watch und he and bLi brother looked like the per* in seen hanging around at th" f iinc; they must be searctted. The attendants searched his brother, but he himself protested so vlgomu-iv agulnst the attempt timi tbey old not search tim. They retuoed. uowever, to let him go. mid told bim he was under arrest. At length. however, Be produced a telegram from the ni.uugitif" editor nt Ihe Herald and he, was permitted tn go. He mis in bad health at the time and the excitement hf said. Incrcaaed ms illness. For this Indignity offeMdM asked !?10.000 damage*. Tbe Jurv give bim # 1.0(H) Condun Bi others aud Matthew Daly for the plaiutttfi John K. I'ai'.t-us for the defendant. KENT TO JAIL FOR CONTEMPT. John Sim morin eyer was sent to Sing Sin* Preen in Apnl, 1879, a few weeks beiore a note for *0OO, which he held against a wealthy manufacturer, became due. He left thu uote with his brulber Herman whu pm lt for cullccttuii in tho bandi of Nathan Nesbitt lind Mux t-ietnert, who wero partners a* counsellor* at luiv. After the brother bad in,ute repeated requests to Mr. st.inoit to collect tbe amount ami had beru met hy replies that tho case was delayed on tho com t calendar, bo went to the maker of tho note, who tuld bim that ths note bad ul cady bet-n pulil tu Mr. St- inert. Tin lawyers still refuse tu pay tho lunney, and Wll lum C. Clifford, ai attorney fur Mr. Sinimormoyer, brought peweesdinga lu Hu- Supreme Court to have the lawyers punished fur contempt. Mr. tiluiiicrt defended bv clauulug Hint he liol paul the minicy to John Mumu run vcr. nod pre¬ nticed a receipt Hint purported tn be signed by thal iu-r- snn. 'ihe atelier was referred iocs-Judge Buewortfe, Wno r. p tied lh.it .Mt. Stelinrt had never paid over Hid moimi, ami that the receipt waa a palpable forgery. Al tin- -anio tune Mr. N' s.ntt Wsis e.xcil ited. Jilsli ie La*v- renee yesterday confirmed Ikeiepei t mid m.nie au nidei dine mg thal Mr. S.elm lt-!.iud eulin litletl lo 1.Uti.nw bin et Jail until be pud * 1.100.thu amount of thc note wiiu ititt-i-e.-t aud expenses. TIIE SHEPHERDS FOLD IN NKW HANDS. Tlie Sin-phi-nl's Fold, over which the Kev. Kdward Cowley presided until c na- arrested and sent tn Blackwell'* Is and fur erip-.ty lo the you; g inmates, ciiiic before Un* Su ueuie Court a.'uiii .!. sii.-r.liiy, on ibo original suit bronte! to detemnue wbieb el tue two cutt .-ting Boards t-I Msiiiiiget s bud the right to tue con¬ tle! ntlt. 'iiieniigiu.il lucnrptil'.itnrs ami supporter.! allowed !t* work to leut-euu i mod hi 1*»71. because of .i l.n kui fund-fur jinan riv cumin ting it. Huon ai'er- wiuil.i number of other pi r m. s leilby the R--v. Mr. Cowley tunk pueaeeetee nf tke instituHou. ami gmug ibrougti a furm uf reurgauiziiion pi'tici-edid tn use lit ti ii-icii-i - and tu comlti* ; ii *. wm k iii their nun way. Quo warrama proceedings were beam te dtaeaaaeai tuon by the original Ineurporator* and irMteee. attona wliwm Men- A Xii um S. Hi wilt, Fuuerick 8. Wtusinu, Ho .ry I. Pinter and T mums M. Petr-. On tho Hist ii..ii ii verdict was millern! lui Ibo uefeiul int*, lint 111* Judgment w.m reversed by the Oeneral Tenn. Winn tbeee- came back fora se omi tn .1 n. sore Justtco l'.ett r yesterday, tho dclemlauts made nu .ipnt-ur.tu.e. Justice Potter directed a vetdlct tor th-- plaintiffs de- r suing tHem to be tb" tru-te s of thc Shepherd'- Fold, timi null led to the control id it. THE COURT OF APPEALS. ALBANT, Jinie 'A..Iii thc Court of Appoal-i timi it, pt-iseiil. the linn, (.'bulli J. F.ilgr. C. J., aud sissi-clsiles. tile fnll.iWlllg luisiiii SS "ll- tliin-uctcl * No,'-'---'-iiiiti ge ( "ii .teiii.vi and oi ber*, rs paoit/rnto Sgt. <:,.!., e. I'J.i el uinl nih.-is. MitulUiil-a. Al gu d Sn.'.".''- A molli M. Huns .uni m.ul . . le-i'iiii auls itg Kaw u L\ \\ Ur, .-mi.e i.un. Argued. Ne .-1-J.iliii fii-iae-i, sppeU- mu ui. J haI'badwics, surveyor, etc. iespo.ee asit..Ou wo- tl ll J tlll.nifllt Ul- Bllll'llll'd 111 l|r tilllit. 1* li el costs. o. s-iiilli.iin J. ialiini lt. I---inul..mit .Igt.C*-. Rican -HViItT, pl.ii.bii. eic, iipiie hun. .11 au*' Stu til.WI liam li.i.n ti, .piiiitbui ngt. >. llr.eiii buln, iiii.ie ided. uiipel.uut. _,ignrd N 1. 173.itilli.iiii U. W'anleii. appel.sal ugt. Hill- 1 nu . -lil ilii'l ii'.lo r-. le-D -ilili'II'-.. Atgu*'! At ih.sy iiiii" li.The lu.iuwiiig ls t ie .my ea eiitl.ir (ur Fit da}". Jun-- 4. Nos. 1;*.!, 'MS, -i.. S17, lui, -.'5, m-o uuu Ul. civil Burs*-. An appeal was heard yesterday iu thc City <imi 1 ol H oiiiilyii, Crt'ii'-ral ietm, in tui-.suitut Henry W, S igc, Jeuiiiu Degum ami ot hits u-uiu-t the City of Brooklyn,to rreever *l_.ooo for daui.iges to 1 lie Otoo* 1.1 nt t!..* pl ilnteffs lu Hie opening nt the KaaU-rn Park¬ way, .ell extension of S.ickett-st. Ike Ciise was flint timi before Juill e .Mii'iie, and jiuli-tueni agaiust the eily for Un- illinium, will Hilliest, wus entered. Surrogate Calvin made a decision yesterday oil Ibr comest el Hie will of ('.trios del Castillo y Loy- zig 1, a we,nilli Cuban, ulm mn 0 his will and died at rH. Augustine, Fla., in 1371). Tue testator gare ftOO a un.lil.1 it.inn.-Ufo "tn the iii lll.it t iv i'n.m. Malia da .1 ns del ('1st...1'," and :**t|.ut-o tu each of inr mu iiiiugiiieis, largo annuities io iwu slaters, and ell ina ii diiui v tate lo .-ever ii godchildren lu ij lal shur s. All'. U-giltl'CS ur bell's culitc-tlig Were t.* be uislnic T la il. Mum-* taylor A C ... of >'eiv-Yor», ure thc executor*. lin- cottle-I wa* maila nu tbe ground tn.it Hm* will mus imt pi.eulie executed, bu 1 .. s.n.-...la- l.elil thu, it aa* valid In tbo Miali ul Florida, and incroforv va.id b re. Tlie inquiry in regard to the anility of Mut- lll 11 Dill)', uti old uie'Ceialit. Which :..1- 1*1 c I), tere 1 one missioners in Brooklyn for some time, was continued yo-ti ul iv. Dr. Cornelius af. Durnum tret it. d in regard tu Mr, Iel)-- ill-he.Uh uud up;.rna .¦mug luiln.ui-y. H. c. Haul tiiironk gave-vu!nee in regard 10 Mr. Duly* weuki I-.* ni tu i nd, Henry D dy tc-i ;ti *d tint nw fatuci ll .1 ri**.""O. Winch In il. pt Sile.t « it. s * to d-p* SH . inp em un thc day after be omi bU tallier uni uiawu oil I ,-¦ uuu..)'iii il wu.-cnn lu*.-11. I,, lr-elson for this, ins 1.1, w . mal hew,is s'raid bl* -u-i would gel ;ho i...'ii.y. The case wa* Hot eoiuptrlud. DECISION'-' -JpjfK fl. Su prenti t 'oort.Chambers.Itt .Inigo Lawrence... lah Kim li agt. I.ivuissto:i.--..i.etiuii grauted aub .tlua-u. Hie let p e. lIC. agt. Ma N.altl .1.1 .\\ ll tl...,lll-M'll. Ill t .0 ina.iii... Hayer..upp.euieu.a nuiei'.- i**,ur; iouUiui<-d. rule) i«t. rudli-ker -lunion ¦mut.* i. I ii n. Bl liter Ol lt««. iim'.il. I in i nilli iiit.si In- |i:n sm- .i <>r ll* i ns nt pu.f ie st! i.ii .-'Siiiii. Parker sui. i'a.rdi .ui.n-r i.ut s-iiiu.-.i. Me... I. il nil it mn.u. I iniipaiiy ml. itevnuld*. Mullein titi- Ililli, ll ll.Ililli. IlllIlOlVS. 1 ll.ill. Illili ell |e* -.',.illili Ut* _ i, .in .h. .nt in.ini.'v iis iii tb" sunn i nillir plo,. - .. icm.i.s. lilllie ni ,111 ni -mu ,._ I me eil I is tel le HIS. Si III ll X lill. ii.i ain not iii-|n'Mil Iii ii .ike ni. ii i \i .ute iii ss, sn .,-.. V"U I.,*. I ii-h.m.. .mi I ru-i Cutup ii v .1.1. Ilevn ml..li.H "i *.i.ii ht-signed by J am ht* l.uarli. lu the maiU-i "f M.i,cs.y. >,.:..:.-..inteti I.s. hteub, i_ sgt. Hcitlcdu.- I.eliiM-d la thc luutterut Mo re ; lu 1.0 Wallet ol Jaenrsi III lletllliltttl.il lim lle'.t.llllt .1 l-r.ete-tillll I.mell Cl.llll'Si.. M n.ali- la. israie n-si -sue ut '-11111111. Ill Hie wai ter nf ii hilt- -.Mot uii irr.ii.te :. Uatihrwa .1.1. lufis a u uther*..I lllllll. Ill.ll IllfattlVUflll Hu* nlllll,Ullin, simlllii ll.' si t .1-1,1, J \ n-t. .iiii*ie*a.. ilniiiin ibniel nilli mst". In Hie mat emf Ky HI* lu l.e li..Uti rai Minne iniiii nimaru! lu. .... i Iii ibe lustier Oi H) ai* laihr wailer m yuwi lu tin- wati.-r m i.n ti iu i be watter ol -e-tperi lu Hie suitterol hit; la the mailer i.i Junes lu tie maller ul Austin In tm- watti r ot I.linn.ni lu the mailer nf ile ruc. Ju the maller ul BUUel s lu Hu- mattel ol'Johnson : II: the ina i er of .Iditi-uti; In the in.it.ci ol .'tl.'ig.ui In ibe matter ol' ¦.ci*. In Uer Wat- l.r eilHiH U lu the matter ut Brown In Ibt) matter iri J.eiu. -toll Ill lu Hisil emt Ul iiiit'.al | In Ino mattel ut O'lln y In tin- mutleroi Ma..er in Hie matter o! Maher lu the mat¬ ter ot John-nut lu lue ni .tin ul Kihiiincv lu the mstti. r uf Kuy, lu thu mill I* I .i: Nrwto... -..loti.e-is giuuu-d. -luilh ugt. Hie Hankers' unit ni-nki-iv AseeOISli u -lirauiast. Itv Ju.lue liu'iiihiin.- lu Hie Hallet .a .Mai.tr.- U. incl. In Hu mai li roi Minimi.- Hemed, in th. wann ni t un,ev -De¬ nied. 1 the waller ut iiluuu uthui ; lu tbe in.itu-i of "-chuiier. inti.ul. tituei tor Court.Special Term.IU Judge heir . It-.i-b. ir., agt. I.vhs rt ai.-Ortleieu ou tint cali u lat lea-lirst Minn..) ul June. Tnt ut sgt. Van Ta -'-eli.-or ,( r lt.,nt. M ni un imr. Il unit..Ot tiered on shun ea-eadar lor Jone li. siiinu.it nat. Hirn.ei.-< . r s ti:Bi) li.e lu,um. m. .-issang aai. lue I.iV.'i'iixul itii.i 1.Inn. e c., lu-i.i.u.ce luicp un* . l)iilcri.I.:istt.ii:liiii.ui.c Hu._,..u,l .tj-t. Wline ei is...li.ii.l niipiov d. Nntioiisl Necile Cump.iiiv ../I M* be .- t.r.serut distullllUUSi CC. *'.lll.*Il o' al. Ilgl. Harrell etal.-lle. rec of pu Ilium mnl Mir Mgneil. Uiuee um. \\ bur. -Ot lb r nu. luiiilu.g Henry C. rr.-etuan, recelvrr.etc. uatiu-r agt. Mun. guee el .11. -t Uiltl gralltcil. C ul,.ns a.I. Cu.ar el UL.I lr ll'ted iii. s|irrlal eilen at tor .-. e.tnu Vi ..lay .f j .nc aldwin ssl. Ka-Uli.un et lt.Ui lief nt still .lilli: iou. .*U*I''.a.It'll Hgt i'iHiu- lins el st .-Pee cestgiiitl. Mc.Miuiay inri lin- Malar, e.r.. iii'.icrel Hiing nutice. ii.iuii-.i t. iiiii-r.-'ii'ler sigiii. ,.|.,r. gm iwt. Cui-ki-.ift t Usnvii ir sgt. 4. BnUget's Uharsa; .Huts sgt. Hates .t.niiln mt Uodfn-y ; Manu sgt. Kelly t um, er ii -ri. .u.iii'Ui) lala-ragt VanT.iss.it .Mimili iittstL'i. Pratts MiMiuiav agt ibe Mayor. ¦ lc: Penh of Kew-York agt. Kurd a... licti-li agt. Kusriileld ifr'tmk agl. \V I lbiun Harri,". lou agt. l.iiii."ii, knapp agt l.miie wariin ugi. li.siu.y . Hull Mt. ilitiiedii-t laggalt agt. Muraiigr; iinuoi a_|. liam i.-uni* isgr.iiit.it. ^ Common Pleas- Special Term.Bv Judge J. 1-. linly. .In ie appin at mu id Hes. it**..iinier r.-feirlag rrrrlvrr's ai'iiiiiiits. eic l'liiiicv. cic.agt. nnii. etc. Iii* tl rrfeisei *;,. m.mi iii.* Louderusc* sal' Uauilrrbaes, Divorce grsntrd, Mitritir I mot . hamlin'*.lix ( iiiet-Ju-ticc Slim, .^lc.nibo.g ngt Hrlaeker; UehWrt egl. i.iimliei_M.itiuiaS gi,lill.tl. \ittllll.S ll.,, il.ltlrl.ll_; ll sill;- ;,|{t. ihil.p^ tlitlrtsut |!|se Itui.iiicc til eli ant. L'alTI lilli los sgt I'lllllips. (Ulla T-t bu Ci-ll|tlU»Silll|. i-'aak Sgt. till t Lila ll- till, .Ma. h,Hilts- ,itnt I r,,nels National lisna sgt. ( l.n |. lour tu els; .M niilii ton agi. Uart .*-* '..IllltU n.t. lilli || LlujtJ Sal >lelU; lillimig.* agt. Anthony WiM.sler agt. HoWeSi lU'iliu ugt alHceisuu Kilt ui't. aVekermau Huti'i..; J a-u iiyeisun Kru-ksouagi. Kicker; sumii .tt. Prema i. Alui i.uie-.tii liinsh; Msnagbiusgt. Mctiiaib; laassgl iTIch. I-li. I'm liragi. Weall levy ugt. Ap,..rby llenueU Sgt. 1-tluger. Ja. mr.i-ii. l-iillaek.-linleisaialirit Iii idgr Hiii-pp -UrHV agi. <-|ii..-Futilicr attiutiou ls dlsleeiMci ti llb hy au mterveuiug older. CAI.KNDAU-l iHIS D.w. si c.i mu tot iti-ciltMi-.nc-l.rti-iitv. I. Men nrt"ii st lo ni. ut. I'iileiiilurrallnliii ii n. ni.-Ni-. Ul Sil 4-, i'l. Hill, llt.l, lill. HU; l.Ui, U7, lils, l;iH| Uu. li:. .41. Ila. Ui, 1411. H.. Us, Mu. iou, lil, '.'.id, 2IP, -.'-.H. .lil", .Hs. .,...', aro! i nut ii'-PAitTlII-ivttri'. J.-conn.pens at 10.-.I0 a.m.- Kborl l .mses. Nus. -j'.)'-, s.r.n. AAlji-j, Mil. -Ttl), _;'U0, ltu.i, ¦_¦ ISL *»t i-isiuuiii-ociir.HracUL TmiM-S|i.*ir, J.-Co'in npenu st lo a. ni. I'alv'iiUal vallis! al ll u in Nu day cului.dai'. CullguN 1-I.KAS-SlCl.CIAI. i'l.HM..1. P. IWll. J I 'nurt el De) 111 itt ll h. ni.-Caaeou, Nu. 7.-utlrieu agt. liodevilie. No day cal misr. .IKSKUALMRsmoSS.I'AHTl-HlldtTslcoVi'.J..liiePotillleag*. TUouias A. Cieakley. perjury tuuaUuUul). " What ia the worst thiner about lillies 1" nskctl tue Bunday-aehool supcrui eiultni. And tbo new buy in thc fad class nuder tho gal.ry. whu only came in l;i-t Stiuduy, stnutl up uinl said, .. Tln-lr scarcity." -Mit iii hts coutusiou the. un i nutriment tuld the njiuioi to ruo ami sin.- " Djii'i ba m. ai j, childi eu.". HuiliU^luu lluwkc)o.

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1880-06-04/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · THE WORKOF CONGRESS. CUSTOMSPRIVILEGESFORVILLAGES. THR 1MMEDIATK TRANSPOItTAIION

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1880-06-04/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · THE WORKOF CONGRESS. CUSTOMSPRIVILEGESFORVILLAGES. THR 1MMEDIATK TRANSPOItTAIION




VOCATI-S.TIIE TARIFF CO-M'IlgMON.In thc Senate yesterday the hill lor the im¬

mediate transportation of datable Kootls was

piiHht-d after being loaded down with amend-meuts extending flip benefits of tin-bill to small village* and towns. TlieEaton Taiitr-Coiiiuiisiiioii lull was 11I-0passed. The .General Deli, ii ney bill pu- oilin the Honae, and a resolution for adjourn¬ment on Junw 10 was adopt <.<]. The Hoiim-conenrred iu thc benito amendment to thcPost Oflice bill, Milking out tin- plovino 1or

reletiiug tbe star route conti acts.



INCOMFKIBNCV.Iut msssws ru thk mame.!

Washington. June 'A..Tue Senato pa*se.J tbeImmediate Trunspnrta! nm bill to-day,.after addingto it the name* of a largo ¦¦¦her nf place-, m<>?>t ufthem small inland tewitty which are tn be entitledte the privileges nt the act.

lt seemed utfir.it pmbable that the eagerness oftbe Senators to benefit their constituent* v. nu bl de¬feat thu hill. Sealant.; which do not even yield theGovernment ix dollar annually Were added to tin-

list, anti inland towns, whore no nrcTCiinndinc wouldbe likely to be Imported in grealei quuniitb - than s

basket ol' cbiiuipa^'e ur ;i box ni cigars, were put mi

un cijua! fooling with trn-at commercial cities.Mr. McDonald, of Indiana, endeavored to have

the bill extended sn tbat it Would be almosl 111.1-

versa), coiiiprisiiig all. pirts nf d livery, oven wt ru

there were no means nf cnPeeling italie*, and wheretbore were no customs officials bevond a watehniauof the Treasury.Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, aaid that the bill wa.

simply u pedlcrs' hellenic.

Finally, thu folluv.ing proviso was added, windirelieves tho hill from tbe danger of deteal in thcHouse:The privilepesa of tr.iiHpurtsitiein benin conferred sh;i|l

Hut extend in itiiv place* where tn -e et e mn Uni in ern-itxrt ulliceisSorthe itpprai.-t mutt nf locrebautllse ami thecollection ol duty.The etbet of th s iinietiilnieiit will, of c -ilise, be

to make a considerable portion nf the bill men1 ldwords, us the great majority nf nieces iles'.gnaiedin it do not have thc adequate cii.-i'-ins mut-hnn-rv.Au iitu-inpt has been in.iile lo bic.ik down the safe¬guards ol tim bill by designating Mi Iroad inanei Inrsto take the place nf*customs officers f"r thu ciu-

lody of thc gooils, hut it was defeated.



[UY l________I_l To Till" TU li: I. Nb'. IWashing ion, June li..The House ol Representa¬

tives tunk a Inn! vote on the General Deficiency lull

to-dav, aud passod it hy a majority uf only 0 in a

total vote of ltlO.'Hie Senate amendments to the Post Ofllce Appro¬

priation bill were thru considered, and the fightover the Star Routo Service was renewed. -Mr.Blackburn led the opposition on this qneatlon. Ithad been announced tbut ho would make a sousa

tlonal -speech in opposition to the Star Rants people,stating that it was minutest tlint, money had beenused in tho iutero.-t nf the cuutracturs, and thal bewould make somo disclosures that would startleCongress nnd the country.The disclosures were not made, ami it is Intimated

bv Dciiittcrate that the reason is not because thescandal did not exist, but because* tbo Presidentialcampaign is too near, and that such a speech niitrlitInjure Democratic prospects. However that may be.Mr. Blackburn's speech was a tame one, consistingonlv of a retbreshing of old straw.The Senate ameiidtiii-nt was eoneuri eil in hythe

small majority of 4. A motion was nuuk te rec.¦!.-siucr, bal no voto was taken u;>ou it bcfoio tbeHouse ailjoumed.




Washington, Juno 'A..The General Dc-fleicucy bi 1, now helari Counress, Involve* not only the

pay of thc taUeiMl revenue gang*-rs, stoiekeepers umi

revenue nw't-iits fur tuc uimitti nf Muy. but aiso Hie cost

Of printing the Internal revenue «laui|>s. which ls now

be.mr doiie, ns lt wore, upuii faith wus ibo expectationtbat Oneress will uppi-ripriuto thu autount ¦treasury temeet thc reijiilrnuenm i-f ibe aerviee. simnl 1 tins par-tlculur iteiii iu the Iiettrieiit-y bill far, the uii,,lcmueinr.'-r.v nf the Internal Kt-veuut- Department v.oulUbeat a standstill.

Xl RICWOOD'S REPORT ON' THE l'ONCA-*."Washington, Jnne-3..Thc minority report

.nbiiutteii Ly BeMtOt K rfcwood on tue subject u!

IfeO removal af tbeFuneaetethe Indian Territory as-

serts at tbs oote-t ihal tins removal uni -li tie c.u.-i-

qucu'c- growing mu uf lt have ibelrorigia ia ibo treatymade l-e-tf eeii tin- iriiiit*'! State* and tue Sm:- N',tio*itn 1!»(W, **.l)lcU was duly confirm'-sl bjr Ibo Renate andproclaimed by thc PreetdeBt, und by which the I'mcBcSewallon in Dakota WM bu.en my ceil, tl tu lb.* Kl tux,

Mr. Klilvri'iid sttatea that -'willi letter management,wbtcu uoiii.l have cheered and ei.ci-u.ngiril tire Pouchto form batata Ot industry, ihe.v might bave prosperedin their new home in tho .¦(Man Terr.tun *'; and In tl ii

connection he retnnrss that "lt la wurt liv nf remarktbat the Govcrnim-nt baa, during tb.* present season,been compelled ia keep troup-, nn bend to prevent theoccutuiuey by wliilu families uf tl-e v-ry Limls mnv ne

copied bf thc Ptincsm ; st ul the tanda now oeenple-lbv tt cm ure oon-ddered among Ibe Teiy best bi the lu¬nn Territory."Contieuiutr, tbe report nays : " Wo i aniint repair the

WreiM tlniu* the Pn'tcun by ii -noi'llu* |i'i f er:isiii|ee I ni

cutitr.icl \sttli tin- Sunn, hut wc can make to Ibein,antistu.ubi e. prumpi anil nuxiuus tu mike to them, fullcompeii-eition so far ns it oau be dune by way ol pe¬cuniary couipeiigiitlnn."

It is ancgf sted that a-the Poncsm' prevent toentlun b-ftAmirablv adapted turnock raising, tbey should be cn-oour.igeii tn boiouio herdsmen rather than aurlcul-turipa as the Amt step towu; d civilisation ; and In c >n-clnm ti. the ntinnrtty report reeeinmends a* a euh-atl-tole for the nmjoilti'-i bill, that the 8- nate -itniilv refertbe whole suljcct to Ps Committee on Itrdiin Ailai-a.

THE CHKJSTiANCY DIVORCE CASE.Washington, D* C., June 3..An order on

Minister Christianity, requiring bim to enter

bis appearance to the eros* bill for divorceflied by bis wife, was made In the (EqnltyCourt by Judge Hugner yestenlay. If no aciloii is

taken by biro before September 7 tbe cairne will lie

proceeded with a* lu BOSS of default. Tin- InterventionOf Aiu-u-tt, iu wliich lhere lu nu ci.tin. accounts luitbe long time gruuted tnanuw-r. Nu replication baityet been flied by Mr. Cbristbincy's c-uinsel tu thc w ife'sanswer.


Y7ASHINGTON NOTES.Wasiunotos. Tbursduy, June 3,181)0.

A Board of Insp-teiors. appointed ny the Becreiury oftbe Navy lo examine und report upou the fluwgatc shipOuldare, have partially performed their duty. Tbeyrecommend that a test be made lu onler to tiscerisiiitbe efl-clciic.v of thu buller.Secretary Ramsey ls v-ry reticent about the content*

of thc repnrt submitted to him by Disirict-AttoitieyTownsend on tbe Whittaker c.tbc, unit absolutory de-elineatet make lt nubile mull utter tbe reeelpl of mcCourt uf Iiui.iiryV report from USMSrs. Scluillciil.Admiral A ni tuon hos received a cablegram frmn

Engineer Menocal stating thal tho NicuruKtiun dm .rc-M

aha*-ontlrm-.-d the ouuoeesion recently made by tie

J-Te-tnleiit uf that ll-piib.ic to an Attrrieau onmpiiuy furtbe cunntruc-Uun nf au Uiteroccuuic sieiji ennui across i tieIsthmus.




OLUIION POU Al)Ji>l ll.VMKNl UN ini. lOillADOPTED IN THE 111)0r-K.

SENATE.VYa.iHingtox. June 3. 1900.In the Senate to-day the resolution cu-Wuk

foroopicsof all papers relating to tho claim nf theUnited States against tbe Now-York Coi-tini aud KudsouBlvcr Hailroad Company lor 6 per c ut tux on tho scripdividend declared lu 1S60 waa adopted.The Senate bill apprupriatim* $4,100 to erect a monu¬

ment to General Herkimer was pasaed.Tbe House bill amending the statutes in relation to

the Immediate transportation of dutiable gouda wm.

token up. A large number of places were added tee

those named in tbe bill ti which tbe bill should appjy.Tte bill was then rema a third time aud passiU.The Tanfl Commission bill was taken up.Mr. KEBNAfci (Dem.. N. Y.| .poke In favor of ncom-

Dlssiou to revise the uiruT. Ile favored the E.ttou billrattier tban tbe Garland substitute (which muke* thueoaimlsslou coutiet of ut-mbers of Cvugteon, ao_le>ted bytbree uutslden*). .

Mr. Mcr-Hk-WON (Dem.. N. J.) suggested that mern-

tiers of Congress were necessarily Influenced by local in¬terests. , ,

Mr. HOKE (Dem.. Tex.) (bought tbe same argumentapplied tua civil comm!-.inn. The reason why Congresshad not revised the tnilfT before waa that the winne- ofthe people had been truslritid by parking com mit'i cfsin favor nf matuifactnr e privilege.Mr. MOKIllLI (Kip.. Vt.i r.-iici il-wa« wnng to sup¬

pose that tliese petitions wi rj whoilv fruin manufac¬ture! s.Mr. MCPHERSON wanted the larlfl to be only inr

revenue, -<> lar as practicable, but be w»utea ourown prii'lu e inaiiiiiac'iiri .1 b-io ut huiiie. and employ-ineiit gue- to Amerleau 1 tb..r lin capital In Ani-in si.

Mr. EATON (Dem.. Cuim.) wanted 1.1 have s own mi*-uteli tliai coull t.-il us wb.il tariff was ncc ti-ay.Ii was i.bj cn d th it tbeappuintmenl mual be wade nya Ri-piiiiuiiin lie- d**i*i. Ile knew ih'* present t x cli¬

me, and tm- men h.* called arnuu I bim, uni be lu In v-slle* ii,ul a ng-i i io nny. thal it mis appointing powerwen-Icfi, where thin Lill |.lae. d it, lucio wniiln lo niueinteiilgcn gi nt,i illili pi. Milted In tbe ii't.a-.i Hut in

lunging all tn onr political party, no; loone shad-olopinion un the tariff question. A Democratic Senatewa. m c titinu these mea. cnubi nut Senators irusieach other I m inrtoi t remark", he -sn*i tin* interval un

a-n <i t ni i'lvcat-d ta m ann fact ii res for some years panili.nl nut paul more un fm average titan 9 ". reeiii. TheI il i" ft wa-nut boil ling np blasted nuiuupnlleii.Tbe pending quest ton teing mi the aiui-inim *nt offi<r**d

by Mt. Kirkwood din cling ihe Communion lo Inelu le intheir repiui ibo relation ol Ita- tariff tn the existing cyr¬il ni n! Internal revenue laws, li wa* adopt d.

'lb'-1)nit-lie n ci-urr d inion Mr. Kirkwood's amend¬ment to Mr. Garland's *4HMIlote, Increasing tbe num¬ber of outsiders fi .nu three tu ttvr. Ile.) .eteil.The qiie-tiuu recurring un Mr. Kitkivotol's amend¬

ment, mein ting in the Inri allegation i tai* system ofcharges and fees at principal i>oirsfor lading amt un¬

lading, cecarauce ui.d pilotage ol v-iacls engaged inloieigiiciiiiiiiiiree.it was iiilnptcd. X. r. Kl ri; wm benoil till ins niin iiiliiuiiT inrind nit itu* Internal revel.laws in ihe invent.gallon aa au ameuUmeul te tue Gal¬lant! anbatifute Instead of the original "in.

.Mr. BECK (Deiti., Kt ) Rabi lhere Was no revenue allill r.em Iii litlill. II lt Was reduced ."ill eel-cent, tueicv.nu s wnti dbe Inrien-cd Iha I much hy incie-isnigtin' piiir-pei-,11 nf ratty. Il* s|*>ke it..mt tin Eatonmil; Mr.MOUU1LLiu icplylug lu Mr. tieck i-aii unitsiller bis ria', ii ilu other ilu.l M . ll k bude illedon thelie-iil'iit. mid lui h:ip.i bis billen cs tn-duy recallednu, ts et 'leiiiK proniim-d tue appointment ol tue men be

d' hired ii ilu i ttiniui-siitii.Mr. HEcK -nli iii it was :i« mean a fin. n< wns ever

uiui in i.tie t<-ieiiiui- ngamal another. IleweniiolheWillie linus.- t" ItliroilUC- SUUIC ll.slin_.1l -Iel! -.-e..tie-in nw.ti wiri visliiUM ima ct. i.tiii i, ;uiti fi.t- uoiblugelsi-.Mr. KIRKWOOD'Siimendme iw.isrcl cted.Mr. i.ii K m..veil to sui si provision lu ihe Mibstitntc

autbnriziug tue Coaimtaatoa io divide it**-if Inlnsnl*-divisioti-fur Hie c\,m.nanon of particular subj flt-.A lupton.llie question reenrrtni mi Mr. norland'* substitute asun.et.il*tl. ii tv.i. ii .L-i.ed.yeas. SI ; nays.2i>.Mr. COKE moven i*- mjnuru. 1-¦.;.The quotion r. curr nas mi the Eaton bill. Mr. MOB-

(IAN (Dem.. Ala.) moved tn innml so that th.* ComUilMduli should COIlhlSlul liv s-nuluis md tile* llcpic-s nts.live-. K* ieetei.'.wu*-. L't : nay-, 28Mr. HiitiiiN tl).;.... Ha.) moved io amend so tba) tbe

CouiUllahl n sim I lei mi In .lunnurv, l»s*. instead nfDeeeaiucr, 1831. ile tbougm im- people dema ii ilnn vi-imio: tn inr ff,and ihsl it simula b«*donesistul y.Ail tiled.vciis, SA ; n»\ -, 2 l.

i'll bul tvs,si ead a Ibird time mid p eh-cd.yc.is. 31 ;mus, lo.

lin I'lc-niciit urti ten laid before lb Hetute tin reso-intlon adopted liv the House i ravid og ior ibe adj mm-meni ol Congress nu Jinn in, and it w.is referri d ... th.-Committee nu App- n; fia. lui'-. .

Mr r-ACI.Mll'KV (D-ii .. Dil.) caVe no Ire I lint tn-nmrrow he wdi mnve t<> tuite up tb.- Kellogg resolutions.Al biol) p. m. inc tr; ii,ito ati.it.ur..cu unlit tO-UIOireW.

HOUSE OF RKl'ltKSE STATIVE*.In the House tn-iliiy thc bill to provide for

tbe speedj t-omp'eiluu uf a railroad aud telegraph huebel ww n ports o. inc lower Mi -i-s-i,ipi Ki vcr nud tboGilli llf Mexico aud Ihol'.icili*; Ocean was I.ivoi'.ihl.v re¬

ported. Printed and recommlUeJ.A coniuiutiieution trots ibe Secret try of State relative

lo ihe erect iou ofa monument tn muk tin* birt'iplarr nf

George Washiugioii was read, an ajolni reaolutloa ujt-Vrupriating **>30,oiH) fur that purpose wus unanimouslyiigned lo. A rcr-ulutluli Ini- thc lina ndjuurumrnl ofCougrees at 12 m. on the 10ih m-t. was agreed to vlth-i.ut debat..yeas, iud; nay*.68.

Tan- lluusi- pi'u-a-crUt d to dis|eo*_ ni tho Gem ral Uertlc.ciicy bill saud ameuilmeuts meretu. .-Vu auM-uaincniiippiupiiatiiiK **7,i>oo tu pay sih-cimI deputy maisha *

tor service lil Iho blitte of CalHOI Ula al .lie .item li ulSeptember iust was rejected.your., Ts; nays, M'S.u pa. tyvote.Toe :im»mimt*ut providing that nu part nf tbe ap¬

propriation uiad« ior tin* p e. incut of Marshals shall Uepaid to auy gouerai or upeeial devuiy marshals loner-Vices lcnuert.il ut dt'ClloUM Waa colicuil'cd ll..your, '.lo ;ny*. 7l».Tin- bilill wa*) then p.i-setl.yeas, S3; nays, 77.the

Kepui'lie ns voling ag.ilisl ILMr. KNOTT (Dem., Ky.) Chairman ol the Committee

on tbe Jiniiciiii-y, -iiiun tt-il the rejurt nfibai comnui-tee in reirnid lo tue Charges again-al .1. II. Aekein. oll.ueiieisiuu." inc report, waloo vzoueretee Mr. Aekientrmii any gully nt ir.iuduleul Int. iitiuu in prcac-ring areport as from tbe ennui.lite on Pun-lgii Affairs whibe wita- nut a lue-uilnr of Unit ecuusuilit.e, wa,, agiecdtoWltliullt Ueb.te ur OiVIKioii.The Moose then urne-eded to consuL-r tr.e Senate

auielidincnls tn Hie !'¦ .-, Ollie.- ApproiMJ allon bill.Tue senate aiuebteiiuir.-* mi rc.iMtig ITOU K«.*I),(KMI tn

.-r'.iOD.niii) tuc upi rttpriti.mu- iii ii. .md lui sj.oi ..m..ii

by steauisiiip routes were ronrnrred In.T..e >eintte um, niliiieiit nirr.'ns-ng me appropriation

Iur >nl..iial mail truusponutloii if3.iO.isiO w.is inn.-,- ui-

currtd in.TiicO-iutnittce un Appi'iipnatious recommended non-

concurrence lu tilt Ss* ii it., ames.unieiit str.kins uni tin*proVISO fur the 1'iicUlUgot ftuitr.tct-. uu itll SI .ri olilt « i.ii

WlllCll tUC pay lui IXpidl'lull ul .-tin ililli* ell eel exe eel50 ncr e.iit i,i the con I mci price be ure -mi. expcdni.Mr. HAVING (Dm., ohm- iimvi d io ooucur ni me

iimcinlun-'.l. Mr. Ewing's T-imt l-.li to cuni Ht' iii leBennie amendm ni sinking oui tin*.proviso w.isibenagreed io.yea.*., ha t Mys, Wi.

ii.e J ens awl uti) a wen-oi tiered OU ii mot inn tn table amotion to reconsider, pending which the Hume ad¬journed, » -a*-.

MIMINAT10N&Washington, .lune Si..Tbe President to-tlnj

8-rtit the tul i.wins.- nuntin iti'.lis to lu Sen.ile :

Eugene tjchuyier, ol New York, now Cuusitl Oeneral ulHume, lo be I iMisu -General and Diplumutlv Agent oflue United sillies ai Buchans!.U 1.1.nu N. I'i Ibu i.n.v Vb i-Cii-nl stt Tientsin, lo Ik:

Se cn-i.iry i 1 un I finiiil-.-1'iii tn ('allin.j..m. - .".ilea ss.'i. .m. 0. ii.ik' t., io be agoutfur thc

Indium .'. ni vi.'.. Lake Agrucj, D.iKola.


Washington, June 3..Tin*. Kenr-mrge luiss-rrivi'd al ffnrtress Monroe. Dbe will null f rllnstmi In¦ driy or so.

Hie Portsmouth arrived ut Hamilton, Bermuda, on

tb.- .."-*.h ult. Ali on board ur reported a-* bi lug .-.. ll.Beat-Admiral [lowell, commanding i u >.»\.. 1 furcenu

inc European -tu'iun, rep'iris, nuder dsite ot ChstnakKtlii-i, Turkey, Mai ls, mal tin* fl.igstup Tfeumu arlived at iii.it pun at Un Hale men tn Hud. The Wyon mgwini i-zpecu d to return lunn Cousi ml u.sel.i the 13 uot Mu., w. eu ib Tn lim. waa io nail for A uni.a-, lueWj urning wi-u d pim tul tn Vlllefruuebe ttl tilit.iii -I,'. t,lr, fut ll es,l. e. It Wiis the inti Ut .-'eli ul t lu* i iii :i,l-

miral tn uK-igu tuc Nip-ic, ihi-u ut (Jibrallar, ina cruiselu Easlfelli water-.



Norfolk, Vu..June 9..At a ate hour Tuesdaynight some men arrived berv,bringing wilta lunn Will-hUB W. Selby, Of WicoiDliti, Md., mite ul tho seboonerMignonette, of Ballimore,bound from Georgetown tuKlchuiond with a cargo of mal. Selby tolls a horrible

story nf n doable murder mid un attempt nit a thirdwinch tonk place ou that schooner on Monday night on

the Janus Uiver. Uo ls badly wounded oa tho beadand has numerous bruises about tho bu,ly.The crow of the vessel consisted ol Captain Milton

Frank, Male Selby, a negro cin.k named William liege,and a colored seaman named George Thompson, n giantin size and strength. The latter found an excuse to semithe mute boluw. when bc killid tho Captain withpump ruke. He then attacked the mate, Kinking bim a

violent blow on the head. The latter, however, de¬fended birnie.f with u sip uth knife uud succeeded luroaching the cabin, wlate bo concealed himself untilmorning. Tnnuipsou then tried lo burn tbo vessel, Imtfulled, und me mate snlieeqneiitly heard bim lowrruy.iwl|,iiid leave I l.e vessel. Tue mate leniaint tl lu lils placeof conceal men: until suuiir-e. w lieu lie Went OU deck.Tbe budy of tho capiuiii hud been thrown overboard.Thc dead bodv of ibe colored cooli w.is lound in tbetuieoii-llii. 11» hud been brailled wita un h.x**.The mate tun hoisted a sun,el ot dintress. mid wastakcu ntf the schooner b.v u tl-liing perlV, Who Visitedtin-schoiini-r, and there suw ample evidi-uoe ufa terri¬ble struggle In the blum! wbleb bespatlcrrd thc di cl;,fureeustlc suid cabin. Tho facts were communicated iotbe United btiit**s authorities, and Ibe Marshal Imme¬diately senta ereW up to take charge ol Hu* v.s-el. Thciicgro Tlioiuiisi.il bus Dot been arrest, il. li ls suppoecdho ir uldlug iu Ibeewumts in Matthews C.uiiiy.

y.'.i//.H'jy news.

TBI B-ifION AM) Aini.VY HIV A l!.ULl!')AO.A NF.W


RRAD1N0.Sriti.NGKiii.D. Mass., .June 3..Tbe Directors

ot the Httbt.ni .iinl a\.b.uiv II,ultu.ni to-day voled louc-cepi Uie purchase of the bprtasa-ebl. Athol and North-eastern UaUroad, .nojeet to tbe approval f tho stuck-holders.

Ai.it.iNT, N. Y., June 3..L. Spear, Jacob Kaiser andoihersarv named a-dlr., lois ul thc "bea vi. *,,. HallwayCu., of Coney Island." Tho routu is fruin BrightonBcdcb io West brighton. The rood will be operated byinc.ms ul n callie .iiisu lu d toa stutimiuiy power. Thecapital ls placed at iji.lHLOOO.rilILAI>EU-ilU, June 3. Tue IntSrCSl nil tile (ll-I liuilt-

giige tiotnlh of Ibo Cole lu-ooktl ilu Ballroad, oue ol tiieica-eii lli.es of the Philadelphia mid Kemllng RailroadCon-pan*", which w». due nu TOCSdav, bas not yet beenJUld. IIolde rs of tho bunds have bt eu iiifo.'iiied thutthere wus no cash to pay tbem. Thc effect of thin tlcinuit of lnicrisi un ibu stinks and bouda of the otherleased Hues of ti.e Kcu-ling was nardi) noin-euble. Tueamount Involved a us sm iii and as there arc few holdersottus bonds tu ihe city but nw coupuni ivcn prcsmtsd.ST U'homas, On'., Jui.r 3..At tho ai.niiil mci ting of

tbe shareholder* of the Canada Southern Hud way Coin

jinny here, the old Bouid ot Blrcctors, connlstliigof Wm. II. Vanderhllt, Cornelius Vanderbilt, J.inc. Ill-

llngbrn-t, Angimtni .*-. I. ll, Samuel F. Biirccr. SidneyDillon, K. A. Wick. rs. A. G. Bulman nnd Joseph E.lb ow n, waa reelected. Tbo officers ot lue company willlie eli clod JllIM- 5.Ni.ivurno. M. Tm June 3.The freight agents of the

Erle, Newling, Dutchess aud Connection', and Connec¬ticut Western railroads Ubi a conference In this cityyean nluy regarding arrangement* tor a turongh freightline h. iw-t en the ll..st and West by way of Newburg. Itls expected thal uro new line w il'bo minn in operation.Ii will be known as the .. Newborn line." A part of the

plan ia to pei a narrow cauee raiiwav on tboNowlmrgnr..n ii ol lue Erl** Kailwuy. Creight will In- trans-ort d iiriitt the river here lo thc Ni intuits nf tire Nsw-

har , Duli* si ¦-.- iiii'i Con.-tlcul Ritlroad. The hitterconnect- with Hie Connrclicui Western Hillway andre.iehee N. w-llngi.tmi rltlos by way of Uartiord. Thotbrei.in pm ie- wu! share ii e expenses and profits.cincinnati, June 8..Iho annual report of th»*"Ciuein-

nati, Bunillton (aad Dayton Rallroad states that thsfloating debi, which iu i**77 amounted to nearly¦¦tTimi.OOo. lui*, been paid. The Interest on the bondeddebi bas bun reduced snd paymi nt ol dividends re¬

sumed. The -ut e;.reinga nf itu; Cincinnati Hamiltonand Dm 'o" di-l-ion shows sm iii¦i-ea-o over the prevlullsveirn: i-Cil.iiiio. Ihe increase nf the net earning* Ofan the dmittons if 9143.800,Havannah. Gu. Jinn- 3..The GeorgiaCentral Hailroad

has declared u semi-annual dividend ol 3 per ceni.



T.1UKS.A Ililli.LIAM .SKAS IN IN l'l.iltl-lrl

Un M an ii. i A MOM a 1.1 i nu: iis i-i sm:*, roFTIIKTIllBL'XK.1Skwpobt, U. I., .lillie 3..The weather is

nil liar can bj d 'sired, tiie reet nt tun having Hil tbsdu-t anti in ul tin- trees uinl lawns fresh and sweet.

'Hi. bicycle t nrnamenl in many respells waa a pleas¬ing event for all ronrended. and thc visitors speak In

high term* of lbs road-beds and of thr natural aftrae-ti vi uer-- nf the pince. The ni vt -¦?¦ ni will be Ila- annualSession, next week. ul Ibe N'l'W B Igl IU'1 Snen-ty nf

Prienda, wi u will be bi re a woe li al least. Ii I- expect* il

nun New-Kngland mei many of tm* Middle SI ilea willbe ti -.ly represented, it n ri a number of p Ipers or generalInterest will ii.- read by promiueni i.|n iki i--. Junenu cling .-iiisilsiy w III, iir- n-u ii, in* ,*i gi a day. The ellywdi we .r a holiday appearance, ami excursion boanand trains will lie broil.ht into ilse-. The liilloWCISOfPenn and Pox are nm ioho held accountable for thisnuntin.m upon tho t-bthhath, and they ko. niy feel i bcdisgrace whleii ls brought upou th-rn by Iheentrrpriaeof ilu* railroad and Bteainlmal companies. Iluwevrr,they uni endeavor to Interval the nmsnes with nut do ir

sermon*, uinl also a ith -t rm ns, ai their ni i ilmr-housesand In Ihe chin-i-hes nf tin city, irliieh. With ii f -w excelslinns, arc alway* pl.irrd al their duipassi during tho" ve.,riv ni etui'.'."

Thc cottages are beginning tu till np in cartu-t. So fair,

ev rene hundred well-known tamHies have arrived fur

lie mon, .'isl ot hi rs ar coming il illy. I, no ai rivalsinclude PO. Proneh, Judge Binkey, J. ll. Mahoney,Andrew E. Bungin***, Mr-. M. s. li....*_, Di. William T.Lusk, Albert G.illatm. Il ,Ju"uiu Bryer, Mi-.iict.c.

M.TiHikcr. Ja'tic-i M. Dr ike, -Louis C. Watjen, W. U.I.swi-. ll. mv- 0. Marijn ind. K. Van Nest. Mrs. Sarah 8,Whiting, J, N. A. Griswold, from New Vork; Pro-f s.-nr Wiiiit Gillie. IVofensnr Alexander tg.isslz,from Gamhmlge, Muss ; I'mf.-ur William Ganunril, c.I¦'. .Miir-ou, Ironi lint nb*mv, and G ul gc H. Norman, tnniili*.-ton.Mrs. John .Tue eb Ast..r niel Mrs. George p. Weimoro,

bulli of NeW-York, ire occilp.t lug [heir Cottages un Hello-Vlle-.iVi*.The fumolli M.i'L mo estate nf th'" p'. nwi rd '-v i t.-

Mavor Bedlow, will l»r neenplrd bv Mr*. A. M. A. Pettitann Mrs. rolland, of (ian I'ruoclm-n.Mr. B. ll. I.an inul*. of Bonton, nus taken the Nason

cousin , nu Hiltiev-si.Mr. " Sii-i. " Ward lu- bern th** gn"-t ol Mr. Janu » H.

K ene ilniii!.' Hu- pr.-' ni week. Mr. Keene I- tn tnt v.* a

lr lr gi aplite wire iii Iii- re-tdenee herr ilurlug the setasnn.Mr.KJwiuA.l-oei.ii New-York, ba* lc__cd tue D. W

riulmes le.- I.i . Belli-VUl-ive., n; .....lt.* tie.* ,*in*

occupied tn M.tl.tr.f. H. Bryce, ni tl..* same ritv.lt will bf Millie lime briore the Caainn niiiblings will

lie readi for orvupanry. The »taire* iii tin* ironl milln*lng will br ii cit munt tbe mid.f ne pres nt month.The collagen are uoi * rrnied, lhere brine al le:i*t

fl: tv in Hie market a. the pu-ent tillie, iii. r. i- nu

dollin, howeVet, thut tell.mis w-P lie found Inf iii lin

occupied hun-.* by ihe latter pun of ti.e prt-seiii month.A trivial cnn tm of ...¦f mies fi I' e Channing i flitch-

nial lear wi li.-lueaeii. d in Inc ITnlturhiu Church tu

this cil\ duriii--- Jniie, Juli nnd Aiicu-l by Ibr followingciel. \ lii.ii I .1 .ti SM. M. Vf. lt lb.ws. of >.*w York I Jill)¦i. H..nert f'.tllv.T, .el Ni w Vork ! Julv ll, A. I' I' Un m.nt HrooklVU ; Juli ls. II. Vi. Poule, ... I;..-lui .lim _-.,,.linne* fu*. nani C.iiUi-.ot Hii.iiiti; Aug.l-l ri, M.cnK. sch- um ri..-in. nf Hil- i-Hi ; Aligns! I... .",. I- I-. ,-

bt.ilv. ehapi.tin ul Unix ul CulV.-r-l'. I Augil-l -"_-. ll.Iwari l.venti ll.i'-, nf linaine ; All_"lt*t ."'. Hi xis.ry A.I.iv iiui'r* .¦? Heinlein. Ibr rn w Clmlllllllg lie-in.irisllCHU tell will bc bu'lt Ilene 'Inti v'». Nltll'iin ii Itu .-*,r .,.*?

bis nut ii-te-, is rn aw ir |»d rbi-de-| .-ii n| un*.* urenwill !'< RarlV l.iignsli Gi.Ihle. ibe gem nil tim,I'lisiiti*-.m.- li.*) by -'i ful. Tn.¦!.. Mile b tim is mr nu rr, stainedWillalee AK .lral ll |.iWi I.

AilgUtetua He f li. "I N -i York.h i- sirrlv.-.l ul tin* vj laul oe*.* i*,* l-i.mi which i- ..w ii .! nv George II. IViidii lull,of (inri ti nan.Mr. C. De.'ilblt. thc Sw...!,-'. Cuarge d'Afla Iri-* ut

W nitmg tun ia noeiipvuig the ToinpSW- mltag.i lb i

Wientl ¦-».s ll. Whii well, »f Boston, has rented ami I* temp,

lng M h. I".nani sui en*'.ting.- mi lie-rkelet ave.S. J. I'n.-li I. ol Hr «.k '* 'l, h.- lili.i h pu-h. ¦.*.l**li e.( Us.*

Bah i.i k cit,...- on D' Hlm-J .\-,

Mit. C. M. Sf. i.ir. nf S< * Y*uk. h r. if. ¦! lin Ri i

c. ll. Mab-oiu'-'* coi luge mi Kuy-.-t., uh li i.icu,.yllig Inr lilt - SI eell.

Anson Phelp-. Minke* it. tl Pm Lt Ii.--.i-i ri.i. ol New-Yt >i I H. M. i u- Ilia m Ml - H...I. ,. ur,-IM, --. D ll i eu n.i it t. nt Pen i mi* .*, Va., nate arnie d ntlill ll e..1 tn.-i - W ll III lin* |i .( ti*W ll.iv-.

TUE URE ir ti iUD,


Thr-" iilurius of lire in Micci-a-di-ii railed nilHie* tl-e* e.,.III. s III Ile V.'. -I.Til ill-Ill.' I.¬

iii ....1.11 ll lu lin- lower enil ii AtUlitlc-iivc. las)

night. Tim tin- W.1« ill ¦¦.*t\'* se I nt IOt|9 Inh hugo building liped Inr various mamu..elutingpm i <¦-.--. b-tw.iii Atlantic .ive. mid stall -'. iinuit, ins.- I* live Stories IU height, lin- lint brnki' nUI in

lim Hi,ri s'.orv. w deli w.is occupied bi Ih rnli i, ii ic nml ii-fiiri *¦ ni lent *' np. N i"

i* *, tnt a,t |||. Rilli* , ri Ui 1 nnl lt ti.'si ri il. Il *, ,,

clim lill .il .-...una). O'i the lit. il...T Sl.H s, A t il.

III.ide e ll li . tl ll. he foul .' mei ll **.| w re

lue m. Thr I.lng I* owned t N ithuii Cu.iuiig. Tuete,Lil ll HS IS inllniiil ill srlunui); entiitil lev lU-Iil-Illll-t.

A Il'.C-i: I.CHM I) IN Mount- \ VI \.

Tlie boii-cof tti-mgi- llolli-ii, iii Mdiiiniiin, wusiniir.t di-aimyid lu Brr Wi ine-ed.iyev.-ii ng.th tl mis

latina caused nv *i ib ii-iivi iii-. Tbe lout was abouttri.Mi", mnl w .*- cull I di In li -ii r.uiiv.

A VILLA DESTROYED.Tn .sion, June 3..Suuiuiil Villa, the pn perty

nfl. W. Gtlliiiii-i, al baampseolt, Was bm in il ia., t

night. Lu .--, flCHUO; iti-urnL


BUFPALOa N. Y., .Mine 2..A lingi* n tim n *r oldelegates to the UulU-d States Brewer*' Assoclutbn,wort tendered si reception ut Bclu-nkolberger*s Hall, laslevening. Tbey wore welcomed by ibr President of the

Common Council. Tiie address of weleome was rc-

¦ponded to by J. II. Hurter, lieu pro-nleiit ul tin r¦¦tigre s.

ThoBrcweni' AMnclatlon met (lils muming, when thcsnnnal addre-a was delivered by rim pnudilrui. HenryII. Humer. Ile ssmi tb ti the revenue eolli-otnl frombrrwets sud dealer** in msiil Inpmrs for ibo lani(Ural year ttmnuittri lo kXn.TAv.32u ns, nr rt"ia,211* snuinr.- tnnii waa received list- previous year. Tholepi.lt nf the Ciimmlllee un AgllUtlOU Wits ulanlead, Showing Ililli tie ib eit ,i-e nf Impor¬tation ur foreign inti' fur Hie ve.ir 1m7!>uh compared witn l*-7). whs over 1.11611,000 gal-Inn-, while ihe expurt.itI.r Aiin-rioaii beerIm- 1-7U exfiilol linn of 1*7.") bv oveirrSlti,xii:ll in v_.He. iii.* brew nu.' I'Kllllillshuicllts ofiln country non number over 3,000, whleb iiuiiiiullvCnnsumc 35,(SK1,000 bu-bela of bur.ey ni,d 30,000,000puiiuds ol Oops.

TEMPERANCE MEN ON POLITICS.A prorniii'-nt delegate to the Good Tcmp-

lars'Convention recoiitly in session m ihisclij h,.itithat lt Grain should be numluuled .iver 10.UOO voleswould be added to tne Prohibition tirkM In tbe Hlatethis year. " I hive voii-i inr (Irani twice." added thcibi-gmo, " but l will mit rot" fm uiui again. H.-1- notu temperance man, and our people tue firm in Hi"conviction that if be n- nominated our own candidatewill bave a good run. our National Convention ni tolinet at Cleveland, Juno 17, to nominate men(or President and Vice-Pn sident. Gul jenn t. Htew-in t, of (lido, mil probably be ib" Prohibi¬tion candidate f"r I'n nb nt. H Or..ul i* nora-in'ted we nil certain timi stewart will draw miinv Rr-lui in se ni veli tx. < e r- -i 11 -I wuh ii' im is tun' Iii- ii.cdtl t* pudu'iiug power tn" lively when lu elli e. [fo |,;lr-doi.ed over Un'- hundred a-hisket distillers ni tin-."¦nulli tie dai bel ire l.e gem oui of i tile**, und tin* tem¬perance Oil n ol the eouiitl V ilu aol folgi I till *"

Huns Growyost, n worthy German farmer,wno ban in iii a uso lung rrsMienl of Berks i;onnt>, nu- i

¦.lilew lab WiXr. w In. Ii.it long temteled h.'- lite nm thingImi n eisien nf i-e ..e ... (l.e ibu imi luig a.-, -he. In si Hrof p:i|ll .*. pick.U UH ber dud* umi Iel I Ililli, vowing ni t ci¬

to euinc hack, i tu- new t went around ,un.mg Ile, nelgli-bors.>uu kuow Sos Intelligence nf all kiudsdoei nu 11in iii emmit.aud ni ni;--iii te v nil nf thrtii, uf whom Ill US nut , tvelil fo cuni lc lill.. Ililli -t- Ile slit nu bistrout siuiipiuilllng away it hi- mp.. "Mans," 1 re¬

marked, "I pitt rou." "My not," replied Ibe linne*!Dutchman, us bodistmbediy knocked ma ibe ailie*ofIns plpo, " >nil Vun right. Hbo has shun, cuiuc back I".[Chester IPeau.) Dumocrut.

Profossor." Cnn nny one toll tm the originof tuc expu-h-iiiii -G i turl" Rmbryn Mini-ter " p. r

hap-there wu-, mtnethliig morl-to lt once, and tho leftlt oil beculise ittllilti'i i.oein i well.**





Additional delegates from abroad attended the

meeting of the American Medical Association yes¬

tenlay. mid niiinv topics of Interest were discussed.The officers tot the castling! year were elected, lle-Ceptipua were given to thu ilt-legat-aiii the evening.

tKOCKEDlKGS OF THK THIRD DAY.Thc third lina's session of tlio American

Medical Association wss called to order by PreaidentPayre promptly at io a. ia. yesterday In AatoclatlonHall. Among Ibo bailing delegates fruin uther coun¬

tries who have arrived albee the opening and wboee¦iiiii)' S llUVe DOt ali emly beet) giv.u In TllK Tuiuunk ure

Ihe foliowine: Dw.Gamo Lulen, i.f Rio Janeiro, li ra¬

mil; G. II. Brcolanl, of Bologna, Italy | Emilia L. DdMnlu N'.i, of Liuui. Peru j Jnhn Dillon, of hu'iiii;.le n it sun Hutchinson, ol Loudon, Eng.; J. T. Bteerea, nfHt. .lolin, N. lt.; G. I.. Ryer-un, of Toronto; J. McFaddenGaston, of l.r.izil; Ju hu A, Sherman, of London, CauadaiVi. tl. Metcalf, of Kitig-'tnii. (.'an.ula ; an-l fruin Mon¬treal, Ors. K. II. Treiihnlm, A. Ii. David, Kingston, O-

leranti Howard,A resolution liiiro-liieeil bv Dr. Ilrun-osi was adopted

InstrucUns thc prrsl leal to appoint a committee of live

to rcpuit on loruiulatlng a tbe proceedings in Journal-istie fniiii ;is rei.nnii.i'd by I'n -id au Ba>T< in lils

addreM. A lonedl*cus*don then followed upon the re¬

port of tin committee on thr ino;.lc nystein, bul it finallywas adoptod. I is in favor nf tba usc of the system.A n oilnn by Dr. Beach, ot Onlo. waa adopted, appoint¬ing u nu'i imi un ol live " to try t" secure t-. tm u.edu.ilniii tr. i.f n.e Anni and tbe surgeons und surgeon*'mute* ol tue Nmy the proper social pmdtion to whichI e* \- lila* ll.i ll r ll V Omitted ll.V tlieir Ul nf* r-rSKill." An

purl of the .Iinl a-1 sil < '.ni iii ii w.i- tin ti re.ni. si allua that

II en wile ini proof* th,il the N.ivy Med.eal DePill inn IIIbiol ei r it-, d iiii.-iek medicines; und Hitit consequentlyib Ctnii te found ii esiiiM' of action, "iii" rt-pnri ol tbeCoi.int i. Nominal hm* wa* read by Ur. i; .ll win. of

Alabama, und the fnllowiiuf nolrem ol tbo As- "elationfor t In* .isng li .il* Hi le Ile li .in ie ri eu-I, eic lei!:

lYestilrn! l> JnhnT. IP iig -ii, ..f -t. I. mi-.ii,e-/vi«ti/.iii.-l)irt. ll. ll. Ainlers.eii.nl Mobile, A si..

Li \ li. ll..!. ... Ne t -Ililli.pr-llili . limy T. Hull..ll, i.fV.-riii.em. .uni ll. ,11 p ii er-, ii' Or -.-oil.Permanent Secretary.Ur. William II. Atkinson, of

I'll lute i.tin,t.In utitrrr -In. ll. Dun. llt.u I'l.Iliidelphi.i.l.itii-1,,,1,, m. Vim um I-ee-, of Vi siiliigt.ui.Mi mtiers ol' ./ml ic ml tu ii neil, tu till riicitneirs.Vl'*. J,

K. Lu I., h. "n tV.c.iin-in. P. .-i upi *, oi .Mum ...lu, X). H.M.,11 ee, nf rexes, J. G. I,,nm.,., ol Georgia.J. .*-. Kill¬in ¦.*-, ni me I" Heil -"-tit .* Armv, w i-.i ugtou. .1 ll War-rei..ol Miss.cllUi.el1s. illili A T. WlniUW.ird.nl Vi I limul.

se,ni.iisitms. I'luumillee i- roinpusc .\ nm* de p-

g.ite I.-ach Hillie, and ii iv.s .i nilli ul < un-., i, er*

.lille CUIII lUCII li.at lill Nell-Vial 1< p..) - Ull Mil* ii pi I

M-nted among ti;'- nlHi-i-r*.,w iHukkss dn i- >i-t t..w; srnjKcis.

The rlucf mit let of tin-dry's Si-s»loi| nntnd III thcinbiri ss mi M'-ilieiil .lu ri-prune nco, (Tiemisi r\ P.-iclul-

ii.y. Sent- M-iiicliui and Public Hygiene, hy Dr.J.*V, Hi iiieni. ot lt.di mi. Dr. lliiiiit't.l ia tr huirmau ttl ..*

SlCllOU which ci.;i.-ulei .*. tliesc Subjects. Ale,tl.sis oltin sddr< a.- ure -i- tallow?:

lr, nu tl ie.tl ieii i-pru iieui -.- th* eiiilijcrf nf hanging u* Ibuln.--liui.il* ni cunt.il p.i.,I- ts.i s.l luis liri li I spic llll.Vliglluteil. I "..IILTe-.- ll is ll-!,, el ie* ii elult l-l i.f .i .'.silitill.ll Ai.iileiUV ut -Illili ". Wit, tui-l tSte.l Kitti'.V la. il

la, ri WU) nt lillllllg il Cl lill 111.ll. Illul lt l-l XpeC 11 ll illiliilse Ae nb my wni speedily iuivi-o Hie world ol in*.te

I mali oin- way ni winch Un- Work eau he¬

il mr i-ui.-tly, pniiiiptly uni unfailingly, ititi.*tull a lill- ul III- pith.Hilt, n tb "e-iIVellc-e

nr lin-¦leuiuialszatiuu tu the living thal a- luseparableli.'in lin linn*,: mt li - .a l nf lunging, ls i-eiu. miiice ..niii iblo lb it i ri tie*.I sc il te-luetie people h:i Vi- so

b.nu- si it"! in ami w:iiie.-i.i im horror* ol n in-linewill.t'itt t.i ag ii Wura ni li.'tiiie lem..n-u .iu *. Nol.if :.'sitn'i ll fllgltlVt er Inn..il w .is ni se-lnl in N n (llb au*, anal lubing it litiio ii!ii<<) piui, icli 11om Mn|.l.n ..il,.v..ii Iles i-.ulitculs .i.i .VU* di Oil I SI ll

li w lien, Ile* WU built ll stlllgg .itel li si 1'lirisll ,:,

p. nplt har. linnie m. inn. n lil In il -l-l me lins lu Ibt,tlMl,rel Ile lllg l!n* ll.lllglllg, 111 >t H ll ll - lilli ll lill.' lilli ll

bink ii i ipi* mid .*, - I"i, "il- elislnll sn.- nu lllill-llalh. eui iriirr*. Wit mn thc vein nil e\|M*nmrntal Ii-iilisiin ideiitliy dlrchurged thc ebc ii, by nf ,1* baller)intii Ins nun pi r-i'ii, and in-iiiii'l.i 11- life >.t ix tine.Witlioilt I.-eiiillslii S< nr the i|UiVHI ol ,i Hill cl mid.lit ii liuiii.iiu* anil ku Iig 1.1, ii- ii N.emu !.,e- uni -linn n,

hub 11T11 l li. bu ll.iugitig, tm w tll-lalnlliig lue li um

t*t 'In li logman' ie. s- *,,'.¦ n i Wi 11 bing -iieeliieb' iiiin il ii fur twitnlj mimili -. I 'pim ll.e -ii |re I of lusam t eimile, tm l- il li.- produced is-liti -mi.- I. ksii<ul lutmpli ei-, mid .'HIT i* ur* rn uti*.*.. I' .*r.* |usli_rniii.il r, .ti sn ,.y. in em,i r Hie iiis.im are lu¬ci ea ni nut ot lip', ilun lu I.,e .. ii. si. imputation,v.. ni* ,.i c h.*t..iii -e. Ulna ull. II..* I.is ,ue. ll" a -

.¦Val lins li. .1 ll . ll r. pal elli lii.ll I.ie gi cul urtu) ..|

lilli I li . .s r.i-inl Um l.l-tiT f. .Ut ni .. ii .lilli |, ,\i I)nun mit tm* r.. uk-, ..ml we .ir- no th tura * mill iftillea* W ... I, eaat Se |lll> Mil lill I :. tl I ll, S. e. l| . [ - 1 ll ** V

I. I ult llb bri li-* .-mi*- si.nu il i" s .eu i.

bc mi -.ir'* tn I kr engels mer ol tnt- Illloilli'V -itll.ith'll.1 lee* lellll lilli* Ol lill' -.'I .ill life |. | 11 tl. ¦- I. Il - 111 lill.

-.11-11- III,[. rel. Il ll i I* ll Ile llt.lt ( .,!*!, I ll Ce.H. >ll*| 1

rue lei un bli* triuii p.ni ul tn chilli. Ibo lii'ii s.ii) ,.i

I*.11 e.. I., .ll', lil tl Ililli g 1*1 1 lllllll. I- lil-t I |||< >l I' (ell .-

... lieu .i lets i-ii un '! Ili.it i il lin I1

Ile l|i| .-l| 1 .1 .M'>:- '--Iel. et "I e.f .. Veil g I lll'.-lj ll iflr . I *' lin t I i| Ired lae evil bi i I. W" k: ntl

i. v I" I' .tl .'. ii se .'.. I* sir, ur -*'.' -'t

li. i I um I 'i ira - lu regard io Hit-I X.rii-I'll' "Itu il lila .. "!. -ll te- nf lil ill/., il

.I l-l! ,!. ti i 1 I. ti iimi ,i fe- ili|lt li ll . mn nf lilli ,i 111-, t"l si eel, ip*, el rei'l't-ll 11Z I

II le .1 ni .:,; ni IU ti ll .'I et I if.ii nc;ii n i .u

.el. -, ii ,.i ii it- lull, ..i alni ir. -el V.all li ill timsv. lc ..I ltii|* rOrl iii bud) and lilliid.

Le lill* ..I ll* pl NT* Ull l.t. e, I- .lltljcHIS We |l II 'tl

li) h. i, A. l>. I."t kurll, V. I', i,ii.h. I. i.ill, 1. J,".¦' Il H. lill ll. ii lin* elli ; lt Ve ri! t'nie, nj M,tli.ini-i- n; - i.m...ni tn 1 Ai .! well llev.ol Pin

ie V.. li. *.i,i-. ,i..i i .nnii i- A nllsell, ol W.isli-Hillie. H ". VIa let, ol i limn blgc, '.I. * .-, I une* W.1-n.e, ni ll.i Kurd ii.t li u i, ... 1,11 mia, Dal ldlim.I. t. Ko lou lou Hulu ri Di de. ol Lugl.ind,ns,tl el ii -. A pa.H-r tu..) ui rm ulllin lilliI...li ii"Un ii.'


w .1 ii; nil

*i. pu i* mi tu Hil n,-.i lou, ni li.u *.. I, el Ills eili. II. lui ,b lippi.iii

ii i 'nnii ii-.ii r Hie - i iiir ill ll'-i il lill H ll I ii..I .; .,*

.. .* ,i rin v len tile |!ie ll -...*:

IOU KPIIl INS III.. I*. \ SIM,..', rr l-ii n ii tu ¦ m. tun l's e*r Hie ns ..,.-| i-

linn I.l-l elMI's,. ny lilt'.. Cuil|M*l, All list li. 111.Hilt,Mild Dla. I'ordyo-' Harker .inti 1. li.<l 'I hunnsl.t. if Main nperaiid Mr ll ru ut airi-i.-lveli.iltn.ir f. :-p .lue I,nu -.*.-, sim I lu., ls.uh i mnl rimliia*iici'id Un ir glir-t* in 111 pull :-,' Ur Ai di ny ufM dicbie, No. l'J Wibi t.*i, ; t -i., -1--.. I*; ..* r-i-ep.iWiis larg' i.i attended !.) ibe vi ii h. i ,,i -ni ms, rn ni

Minim, i.ii iv*vi r. in it* un iee un pillile a liv . idles. Al theAcademy o' M derlim Dr. Kuikrr ssh Timm it* si.Iiipun a in se d | et te tm in ai .ead nf . pulu', nlul la

Hiern iieir gm*.i nu. |,... tel in |>r. Atkinson.Ibe iietiii.iin ni rrrwiiiiy ol lin ax-nciulluu. .'di. 11.1-inulil r.e. il eel hs 1 isl lu '.*> Iii Ills iii gaile. V. Ills biUISi'ii.ir. i.n 11 i;ii' 11 v le ii iii i ii si.. .I. Tin-rommit tee lu chara..Ill ll* Infill 111 lb'-. Paull. II.lilelll .u .ill V, IhllllS.Al M *.)'..' *'"' I" r's Mn* nf. mi,me. whs lurgeitt, und

-,\si le-- I'.iin-ii .lum ni Hie niorr two ular *, T ¦.¦ com-lilli int Ill eh.il .-e ni isll.*sts w,i. ciltllpoBl ,| III | >i -, I'.i ,|, ,*,

3. W.H. \u.I. J. il. Hims, A. I.. M.ien maid, M. A. Pul¬len n ii-1 .i.i -i e- Aiub-rsiin. Atimng iimsi p i -cit bes desinn I nf Hie prntiiilienl ilrlegaleS In I lie i-nuvi-ntmu v. en*

Pi ti Ciinper. Judge Nea,. Du Vi*, the Kv. Di. Oinii-tuti,S lunn Sill ne, Aluin w ll Glen. Hir.eii O.' 'I imuip-mi,.linlge I.hit.¦innie, DoUgliia* r.iinitb.ll. i '..iiim |. -n u,,*i*

V..i ii bl*, ev* *.I-M.iiiei .*¦! si. .i-m. A bl sim 0, Hewitt.(ti. iii MrMuboii, iii" Bey, Dr. L. D. Buvau andi 'naries ni max.The llual session of tbe association will bc brid thia

inii-iui'g. Al lino p. iu. ibo nu-un ti n ill lute ntl ex-puralou mi tin- simmer Grand Bepnbiir, visttluir tueIIiuImiii umi I-i-l Rivers, mid the West Krigliinii beachut Uouei I-Lui,I.


CU.MMI.NIS ON' lilli Ail Iii V Ala ni' SKNOR MAll.slitK.

Tho arrival from Culm ol' Senor Maestrohas Caused ni nu* il.mg nf si sen-si tm ri UUlntlg thc C'Ubausiii this c tv. lie claims ll.at be w.is forltd to leave Cubaby tin- -piimh authorities, wbo gave him thc eh dee be¬

tween de ,th uni exile. A Tkiiicnk reporter lolkodontbi-snli.iect wltb n prominent Cuban patriot, who ssmi:" Then-hus arrived lu Mew-York lu a myaicrous man-net, eipi.ppeii uiib ii "-p.iuisii pasaport, this person bytin- I'.-nno of M.icHiie, who tellsu alrunge rtnry, which uimiir iilietor.v atni tin-ii11-fiictury, and, tu -ay rho least,is eon-i'lei ed susplciou* by the Ciiiini.i lure Theythink with rras-in, thai thin-sh..ubi bu no mystery tusm b a case, and they cannot see why Um HimulabGnvcrniiii nt ihuUld sll'O IIB pi'uteotb'll t-i ntl IllSUIgcUlicubr, Mh.lc lt ls their m tu lui rule tn kill ttithuul pllyall tin- Cutuiua thu! full Into 'lu tr power. I' ls -ubi [huiM,n .-Ho wus tho only chief uf Lei Viii i", wini,ult linn_-li bo waa among tin- in urgent*.iibl imt t.ii.o pirt lu tbs ivar. lt is

remarked tbat Colonel Bosadn, a brother nf thepatriot Hccrctary of War, snd avery brave man, lianlutimaic lin ntl of aMsu site, um be baa hoi rome to IbeV. in* Snues ti itii Mae.tn*. Instead ol letting himself

Inie by Hu* Spaniards, a bo are kind only t.i tic-ii.iv lo serve iheir uwu cuds, he wen'Ht the hoad ula large body of.n rn I in thc forces nf General Ca¬rilla Mm-tn-eiiitisiili. ts liim-. lt lu bl. stiitciui lils.ie in. although lu- ii.id a ..uv a.f ia \ .ii l». *) ii liiipiisum dby thr Kp iiir.trds and nbllged to leave C.bu nn |ieu.illyeef .tee tn. bl' I* f .tl--' .-lilli III ll be lefl I obie Veil lill si III".ii.e Sp-muh bmina a lu i uiu huve spokon of lum u» olaIlUlll 1. hU ililli 'll lel.ellie.l Ll :|eL M | e.. 111 -|| ( \ . I ,* n,,,,, .|,Till* I liatral iiliinluii mei, g int* I ii i*si ii- nf Niw-Yuik

11 Mttl'-fiivoiabl lo IU" pr -ii-n lintis nf a mauH lin lillies to It.n ill I'lutiTtt (1 uni favor- I, Illul (Vt ll, ltis sahl, Mipplu ii ti itii mi-nry hy Ibo Hji.iiush uuibuntirs.

.. lt i- pu, n.e,I.'" ramtliiuni Ibo CubaU lintier, "tuImbi a im eniig ul Masonic Hall urxl Wednesday even¬ing for the purpose of presenting to Hil- Lil ililli O' .elli

rub.tn Migmi ll.unit, 'ihe I ..ii -11 tit lim nf i_c newl.'uOTi. mint will In- cxiiliiiued ti tl discussed, lind Col-tine! Ku I ie I v. ll iie-enl)-the Incidents ot which he was.mi., mu iii l- regarded with arei.t utr-.-i le.namong ihe Cubsiiis, liuvinasimwn ins »klli and braveryb) .die.nly runiluctmg Hire" kUrCissful exprdlllons to

tho Island, the latest of which tbe Spanish Governmentvainly speut $10,1-00 to prevent."


AN UNUSUAL EVENT AT JKROME PARK.Muon DH-ouar shown ovkb thk awabo op mit



At Jerome Park, Yesterday, the air com-

mended Itself to all the sense*, the sun was not too hoi,

tue Hieing was of much Interest, nnd the attendancewas guod. Altogether, it ranked ai one of the thor¬

oughly enjoyable days in the annals of the Auierieau

Jockey Club. And yet many people went away with

some sureness in their hearts. They honestly believedthal Ihe Judges hail mado a mistake in deciding tha chiefl.n-nf tho day, that fur tho Withers Stakes. Tn tho

¦pertators it certainly appeared that G. L Jeorlllsrd'sexcellent colt Grenada lind his head m front at the end ;

bul tbe Judges held that Fernellff bad Just pushed his

110*0 before Grenada's. At Grenada had been hsi-kedheavily and hy a gnat many, ami Fernellff lightly and

by very few, the disapiHiiutment was widespreadmid tho decision called out biasing und otherexpressions uf displeasure very ran at JeromePark. Il pleased tba bookmakers, however, Vastly. Tun

thrifty to expose themselves to any i-nutu-e of I >stac no

mutter how ;i ince univ result, they hillanco their bets

*o as tn be sure of gain in any event; hut If a

"favorite" wins their profits are much su.nlier flinnwin n a dark horse takes the prize. Hence t*c defeat uf

Granada.by tbejadgra.delighted thaae licensed frce-

leuuters hugely. The UWUCI ol drenada ..C'l-ptetl the re¬

sult lu his usual genial way. remarking simply tb it it

was due lu hm Jockey's careleasnoas. Tins waa true

enough. Whether the judges ur the apeetatora were

right as to the relative positions of Orenada ami Fern*did" ;it Hie nmsii, lt wat very plain fiat tho Jockey hyurging Grenada a little could have pot the victory be¬yond any posaibillt) nf doubt.

iln* f un .in uiui _b et (elding Checkmate (8 yo irs,

ll!) p. innis) was ihieii.-ht by all the experts to have a

"Mire tidna" for tho Urjt race, three-quarters nf a

intie, for a purse of kAOO. Hut nothing ls -uro in raring,\e p; tin- piniits nt tho bookmakers. Dwyer Brothers'

t-uii Luke Blackburn (3 yearn, ll'J poonda) aniaaodubi.ost every mie by bealing bim with eriiir.* pane in

1:18. winnini: bv tivo b-ngths; Checkmate m.u i, B I-iou- i's DU) Ktleiwi Iss iii:'.)-) I bird, aud Jurrv uud King¬craft, th- other alaster-, much behind. Jerome i-* a verv

iinlucki track fur Cueckiuutu. He hus 'cen beaten ills-

gracefully nu it several times. Tho betting wai one io

three against (iii eicmsitf's winning, and Ive to one

iigiimst Luke Killel burn.'lue brui-.icu-.aid cult George McCullough boa Im¬

proved gu-.iiiv since lust yea*, leen bis u*ual p:areWU* Bl li.cell.I nf tile p nee-sinn Lust Mindil he ran

_.second lor the Great Metropolitan tlamlicap, uudon nccnuni ol Hu- wns made tue favorite yis.ci-.hiy for

ibo Fordham band cap. l't mile-.ami did uni disappointbi- en, m ra. " tin- 'iuiii i'eui ral D pm puny," us they.in* >.,.minnies called. WiHmm K. Winder.ult being re-

pe.iiiii to be the duel owner. T*-u-stilled out ol foity-one cnn les. Both Pierre and Goingo L. Lorillard witt-¦Hew all their entres. The betting against McCullough-i in hui lo oin-. Hi; carried 10_ pound"). The ol Uer

sill'tels wi I'i- .Lillies W. Hod's D ll K. (I yest l's, 1 IV.)

ptiiuui.-), Dwyer Biotbora'Quto t'A rear-, 102 p.uml*),Iliiuii .'-I.niy Middleton (3 tons. loo pound*), Gaff-mi's Mamie Fulls (I years, 97 pound*), QrttMteau-VJim Keck (lye.u-. HT pounds). Thuin sun's J. p. Ilttg-g:ii- (ll veers, lin pound-), Witbers's Invrrumro (i

years, lo") pound*), Perri*'* .-t.rtle (1 n.ir-, lu--'

pounds), and Mi-Klwi-cl'* lin Forth 13 years; 81 pmiuds).Lady Ml bib-ton led fur a quarter of a mile, ami then

M iinio l'lells tonk thu tlrst place, nn 1 kept it tu t be last

ipi liter, with George McCullough, Quito nn I Jim Keekcui-c bemud, li. Hu- tiitin.-Miel.il MeCllUoilgb took Ibeextrciiu outside, mid run tu tbe cud without touch nfh hip and spur, proving u victor by bImhii a length,Mamie Fie bl* second, and Quio third. Quito's lockrimade a romplulut of foul, but it was mit su-t ilui-d, Hie

lime wus U:l l\.V \i came tin- mie lull- run for the Will.ors Stake-, un

t ie mn e.n:mt prizes f.»r tin- ye ir, fur three-year "bl*

r-ji ii niri-u-i -. ti -.th declaration provis.oim and #1.000a ld il. tint ur llfty-oue uoniliiatb.n*six colls cam

tin* euiirsr. G. La Liiriliiiid's Orel! ul i, tile wilmer nf tbo

l'u! i'll. ,e -tli.ls il' Wilslllllgtutl Ililli fe I'fe et Ile-- S!.il<.

in Ila i timi-rr, both this lair, and en excel,cut p-r-f, nm in I-.70, wa* a strong favoiRr at -Itu G againsthun. <'l haugh'* O -eu Wus next In Ibe betting ut 3In I. Killi *.-I k's l'a riiiilll ..abie IICXl With ft lo 1 sigi.li.-lbim, :u;d 8 tu i mis given against PierreLnnllanl's Itncco, and An gustni Pchermerhoro's R-oo-.ini. ni u i'ii io one agamsi Graham's Cmg Ls-ar-Rc-ibni.i nit. Th* start was pr-iropi and g.Icxeept forll coi-bet. Rocco mus In ri mt t, bm ipilckiy gave miy to

thc Kng l.'iir cult, and nib n tunk second place, P. rn-eil iii i'l. nud i. i-i ii m.i lourtbe '-" im y ran tor ii inlyli.ill u mile, inul theil lille li d.el teal tu lie llls I pine, iindIHrnada ti Him second. I.i lin- lasl part nf lim iii rd,,u ,r:. tin nu i.i e.iigi iiiiii. ami fruin ibul piHughe-. Gi ell.nil's I 'Ci-eV, felt sure of thc Iarc Iii..Hyiv .itching ilu iiipiiily tiring U len. lu knit bi* hun* u.'ull blind i.ii .lil lull Ililli)' ilu pace. Oib-i'gi-t lue Kl.l.i

.1 I.ill i.i p lill III- -p,** i. 1 I, (il*, list I. ill!

.,1 gm-it I. Bille ii.i.- mum- li ii e, ll. ..le.

y Gir ui.-;ii. lug Uri- u ibe ,ii-li n ei, .) .ii I .. "I leeI s-i iiirlnug ton*, d I'm- lt bi i ibr. mn m.ult np tu

un. ,1 es, -l.ll usg -lill' of tin- nice, did HUI

inge bl* cull wuh w..ip ur-pur, aiul Hit i\.** -i..*' in.

jllilgi*'*!.I lllliiwl lu il ililli bcd. dies .ul, lt.i*

Hil III ide. I'* IL' ll UM! Ill lil rall-. O

~ .. en.,it i s ibiiliKiil Gi nail lani Mem hy si I., ml...*, ,1 ,, ,¦, .. ii ii li *i_ t ll:: lu* I, eal ii ,i*

pi - mid : rm li dlft-ru itju ls* n*ll jil gr* Vi¬

lli .¦ lu Fi lll< i.IT. - u mp ti .i li e*u Int lair i

l.ll he. Il , '. .lt .le: ... 1' ai., || I" 111 ll I il *

,,11-e Unlit ... I I .- |l| I |l, lill -P l-l IOI - cull.ll ll f

.... Iii I..* ii- eta t,r- ll.nl ,'* VlCliirt -¦ III lllimb ii i !¦ tn i..nt. sc Ile-.**- I.,.ii. ..e iin-i.

..I e l-t fl il el SUI .1 p.lS .11 lill ll I* M 111, I*. -Ucl III.

Iit.iu) gr, .. I ,i. I-mile- lie.-ii I.,inn,i« lt;. Tin Il-Olllll BV III ell.' it ll ll,*

r er. il ll d un; it ll I ives- ft'.

lill Jill HUI- "-'..Ht s. I.". Willi fit ll snI I* I.n ur it: iii mg carer r i-f tin-liv u-ye.ir-u dam tuisi'iirti., ;...uiii i, au.I..i.- h i- be n lin eustutii ..ti' *¦ -,

IlliS l-l ll- Waeel I.I -lt !.>' G. |. I.ul.l 1';. lil*pie! iimi .-j.ii*;iti ni 10:0:11-tu Hist unil is roll Hil||n..*l. e ital, li** '.'-I ll-* Hil*- bills., mlle, ii lid HitI. n. ,.,.- Isi-t. I'i'i. -inn nv,it's -ll,'- s. Wis cum

mi pillie l.uii. .lin's mil Karun nus hard aiier.-,* ilin.li I* sn-iiiil pi.i -i Tut-other starter* wereM. 1.1 ,-.,,¦ - ...i G, .mi Milliner. Murri*'* ll mle Axell.lv. Hi¦! ti"- Illly 'I ieu. n i'm !¦.'- I..em I. roll ami Iv UgKi e-l roll, Mii-del, r" III ) <. ID md liol UH ll '- li,,',

liellutia. .-i'ii ,.'¦¦.r- wa* a gi sit I .i.-inc.

I, i c.iiiic as Lng ra , l'a.uii -a, fora pur-.- ol ifCioo,n.ii sevil r-i.i. i I-. Iii)euiV i.i..ni 15 leal.-, in.i

picul), mid Dw.tei lii.it.i-" Warllrld pi year*, im;mu ul-I I* il Hil* bett llig il i .e nd I- nf livn to n .. si wm ns.

..i. I. othrl'S ft" *'¦ I' i e.'-" V.igiUsiii (U. II*'.)). Kei¬lli ii'-Fbblles'rltig l-l. 0*0. V I. rill il I's I' un .- il,Hail. Piiee'* Gu-ug.irille il, Pu), aud l.v.in*'*, ltu*lmi.i.iil). .Mn.ni caine lu Mrs! lui n slow Hine nf _*:(ll*>t,lill. Hil Ot Og Illili .1 llll.lllt liillll lill) . W.I ll. iel M.|.s

¦.eenie!. Ml .III lt sis lent Mild.Theracint win in* cummurd to-morrow, thc Ladies'

Kinki* foi lim e* ie ii-ii il ill.te- and lin- Wi stci.cslei-

flip. -J'i miles, being lue c Url i nt-.

ihe JHue edition nf " Krik'.i Uublr lo thc Turf "be*bee li Issued, .-. eui .tim nt- ts.e r. i-oj-.l ..| nil the lute- nm

tm*, i, h. up lu Hie eui uf Mny. [t ts of much vu. nc tur.icing tuen. ____________________


Nlw l.'.-i: run NlTRATK OP Amyl..A nicdi-eai ern spiiiiilenl ni 1 he London LuHctt tuillks thut an

iiliuo-l -ure eulo lor sci sn kn >s \i I be found in thclillian- nf um) I, illili duo at int nm tu d* tails thc drugbeingcurative lu al icmd oo per cent of all cases treated.In practice not inure thun three drops arc tu b taken iii

a time. Inhaled from a handkerchief beni close tu ibeiiuse, but should not be nard except limier medical un

vite. Thc p.itn nt, uio ll uiuler tills tltsitiuei t, shouldIle in hed, n giHal Bleep beiug generally the tlrst result.Yinni Winch lue pei-mi anuses waneing lu eat. Un. ailiii is found belier lo allow ono Kt ol roaming t> occurbcfuio tho treatment I* beguu tu insure thu thoroughcharacterol the sc. nc

Borax in Infectious Diabases.-*-AccordingIa The Lttnret, M. Polli has n-ociill) reported io nm-nt

bc mellie.il SOCICtb S ol Loin ii,ii di | h** re suits of Unlue

mts tAp. riiiiculs made by him tu nscerlalu tboatillaepticpropi riles ni various substances. Itap|iean timi theenergetic disinfecting putter possessed by boram- ueldmid borax, and the facility wltb which these substance*ctn be absorbed ioto tbeecunomy, have led M. iviii tui-i eiuuiui nd their use in diseases enticeruing tho inf,,-tinu- niii un* ur winch no doubt exists,or in a blub septicmildilions readily mi-o. Uo adduces several examplesIn which lue febrile conditions of tnberrnloais under-".viii, illinium) ni. In i til-une ii-tills, th- iiiueupni ithui .ts eb. ir.i* ipi'tiily din. uii-h s. inul even allOKCllu-rdisiippi ui > iu u hiv liny-., unit rupnl improvement nusi'. un' .ts .i-cs ul bud bUppuiUtlUg Mounds, whin an¬ni- U extol nally.


MiiTHODS with Cancer..Thc Fii-ucli Acad-tin) of .-iii... .*. bas recently had Its atlculio'i drawn toii cnliiis-o nf vu'.caulsud 'caoutchouc, which bus on-u

Used IVItli Slic*ess fm' the tleallin-m nf CllUCfl'nlls uudother tumors of the bte .bi. It is well known that amongmedical nn-u lhere has b -cn boob divUiuu of upiuiou usas tu tin- Utility of pressurolti treatingouueer, some stir-

gc.ns regarding lt un harmful or but r.irely um ful, otb-irs attributing tu it great retardation ol tho rapidity ota tumor'-) growth, ur ev*n euro. The thenr.v of the pinnbas been very generally ndmltu-d ns gnod-timt ls, a

iienplasiii. itke a healthy tissue, li dupoudout upou Itsbb ul supply for vitality and growth, aud completeuiiuuiilu causes Hie dentli of u tumor, ns lt does of u patchul brain substance, Although pressure oaanut bo re¬gardedmu substitute Mr n-inuval of a cancer, vet intic-pi.-iit cases, where this is impracticable, lt annean inbe the beal Mibsiltuiout present np, u to thu sur-reonaud the culrasse ls nu iuipruvcment upon the eniiuL-puii- and ut hor appliances. ' "l>


SOT TO BE .LOCKFaD UP WITH IMPUNITY.Jame* E. Fitzpatrick who, in September,

1878, waa the Washington correspondent of The gerald,sued ihe Manhattan Be ich Railroad Comuany lu the 8u<preme Court fur alleg.-d falie imprisonment by the ser¬

vants of the company at that time. Mr. Fitzpatrick toMhis story from the witness stand beforo Justice Pottefand a Jury yesterday.After taxing a bath at the Matihattan^cach, he said,

bc sat down to liston to the music. Two of tbe detec¬tives attuched to the place came to him, and telling bimthal a frieud wished to speak to him, led bim nnd blibrother io an office nuder the hotel. Here a uniformed. fflscr told him that one of the butu-bousee bad beenrobbed of ii watch und he and bLi brother looked like theper* in seen hanging around at th" f iinc; they must besearctted. The attendants searched his brother, but hehimself protested so vlgomu-iv agulnst the attempt timi

tbey old not search tim. They retuoed. uowever, to lethim go. mid told bim he was under arrest. At length.however, Be produced a telegram from the ni.uugitif"editor nt Ihe Herald and he, was permitted tn go. Hemis in bad health at the time and the excitement hfsaid. Incrcaaed ms illness. For this Indignity offeMdMasked !?10.000 damage*. Tbe Jurv give bim # 1.0(H)Condun Bi others aud Matthew Daly for the plaiutttfiJohn K. I'ai'.t-us for the defendant.

KENT TO JAIL FOR CONTEMPT.John Simmorineyer was sent to Sing Sin*

Preen in Apnl, 1879, a few weeks beiore a note for*0OO, which he held against a wealthy manufacturer,became due. He left thu uote with his brulber Hermanwhu pm lt for cullccttuii in tho bandi of Nathan Nesbittlind Mux t-ietnert, who wero partners a* counsellor* atluiv. After the brother bad in,ute repeated requests toMr. st.inoit to collect tbe amount ami had beru met hyreplies that tho case was delayed on tho com t calendar,bo went to the maker of tho note, who tuld bim that thsnote bad ul cady bet-n pulil tu Mr. St- inert. Tin lawyersstill refuse tu pay tho lunney, and Wll lum C. Clifford, ai

attorney fur Mr. Sinimormoyer, brought peweesdinga luHu- Supreme Court to have the lawyers punished furcontempt. Mr. tiluiiicrt defended bv clauulug Hint heliol paul the minicy to John Mumu run vcr. nod pre¬nticed a receipt Hint purported tn be signed by thal iu-r-snn. 'ihe atelier was referred iocs-Judge Buewortfe,Wno r. p tied lh.it .Mt. Stelinrt had never paid over Hidmoimi, ami that the receipt waa a palpable forgery. Altin- -anio tune Mr. N' s.ntt Wsis e.xcil ,¦ ited. Jilsli ie La*v-renee yesterday confirmed Ikeiepei t mid m.nie au nideidine mg thal Mr. S.elm lt-!.iud eulin litletl lo 1.Uti.nwbin et Jail until be pud * 1.100.thu amount of thc notewiiu ititt-i-e.-t aud expenses.

TIIE SHEPHERDS FOLD IN NKW HANDS.Tlie Sin-phi-nl's Fold, over which the Kev.

Kdward Cowley presided until c na- arrested and senttn Blackwell'* Is and fur erip-.ty lo the you; g inmates,ciiiic before Un* Su ueuie Court a.'uiii .!. sii.-r.liiy, on ibo

original suit bronte! to detemnue wbieb el tue two

cutt .-ting Boards t-I Msiiiiiget s bud the right to tue con¬

tle! ntlt. 'iiieniigiu.il lucnrptil'.itnrs ami supporter.!allowed !t* work to leut-euu i mod hi 1*»71. because of.i l.n kui fund-fur jinan riv cumin ting it. Huon ai'er-

wiuil.i number of other pi r m. s leilby the R--v. Mr.Cowley tunk pueaeeetee nf tke instituHou. ami gmugibrougti a furm uf reurgauiziiion pi'tici-edid tn use litti ii-icii-i - and tu comlti* ; ii *. wm k iii their nun way.Quo warrama proceedings were beam te dtaeaaaeai

tuon by the original Ineurporator* and irMteee. attonawliwm Men- A Xii um S. Hi wilt, Fuuerick 8. Wtusinu,Ho .ry I. Pinter and T mums M. Petr-. On tho Histii..ii ii verdict was millern! lui Ibo uefeiul int*, lint111*Judgment w.m reversed by the Oeneral Tenn. Winntbeee- came back fora se omi tn .1 n. sore Justtcol'.ett r yesterday, tho dclemlauts made nu .ipnt-ur.tu.e.Justice Potter directed a vetdlct tor th-- plaintiffs de-r suing tHem to be tb" tru-te s of thc Shepherd'- Fold,timi null led to the control id it.

THE COURT OF APPEALS.ALBANT, Jinie 'A..Iii thc Court of Appoal-i

timi it, pt-iseiil. the linn, (.'bulli -« J. F.ilgr. C. J., audsissi-clsiles. tile fnll.iWlllg luisiiii SS "ll- tliin-uctcl *

No,'-'---'-iiiiti ge ( "ii .teiii.vi and oiber*, rs paoit/rnto Sgt.<:,.!., e. I'J.i el uinl nih.-is. MitulUiil-a. Algu d Sn.'.".''-A molli M. Huns .uni m.ul .

. le-i'iiii auls itg Kaw u L\\\ Ur, .-mi.e i.un. Argued. Ne .-1-J.iliii fii-iae-i, sppeU-mu ui. J haI'badwics, surveyor, etc. iespo.ee asit..Ou wo-

tl ll J tlll.nifllt Ul- Bllll'llll'd 111 l|r tilllit. 1* li el costs. o.s-iiilli.iin J. ialiini lt. I---inul..mit .Igt.C*-. Rican -HViItT,pl.ii.bii. eic, iipiie hun. .11 au*' Stu til.WI liam li.i.n ti,.piiiitbui ngt. >. llr.eiii buln, iiii.ie ided. uiipel.uut.

_,ignrd N 1. 173.itilli.iiii U. W'anleii. appel.sal ugt. Hill-1 nu . -lil ilii'l ii'.lo r-. le-D -ilili'II'-.. Atgu*'!At ih.sy iiiii" li.The lu.iuwiiig ls t ie .my ea eiitl.ir (ur Fit

da}". Jun-- 4. Nos. 1;*.!, 'MS, -i.. S17, lui, -.'5, m-o uuu Ul.

civil Burs*-.An appeal was heard yesterday iu thc City

<imi 1 ol H oiiiilyii, Crt'ii'-ral ietm, in tui-.suitut HenryW, S igc, Jeuiiiu Degum ami ot hits u-uiu-t the City ofBrooklyn,to rreever *l_.ooo for daui.iges to 1 lie Otoo*1.1 nt t!..* pl ilnteffs lu Hie opening nt the KaaU-rn Park¬way, .ell extension of S.ickett-st. Ike Ciise was flinttimi before Juill e .Mii'iie, and jiuli-tueni agaiust theeily for Un- illinium, will Hilliest, wus entered.

Surrogate Calvin made a decision yesterdayoil Ibr comest el Hie will of ('.trios del Castillo y Loy-zig 1, a we,nilli Cuban, ulm mn 0 his will and died atrH. Augustine, Fla., in 1371). Tue testator gare ftOO aun.lil.1 it.inn.-Ufo "tn the iii lll.it t iv i'n.m. Malia da.1 ns del ('1st...1'," and :**t|.ut-o tu each of inr muiiiiugiiieis, largo annuities io iwu slaters, and ell inaii diiui v tate lo .-ever ii godchildren lu ij lal shur s.

All'. U-giltl'CS ur bell's culitc-tlig Were t.* be uislnicT la il.Mum-* taylor A C ... of >'eiv-Yor», ure thc executor*.lin- cottle-I wa* maila nu tbe ground tn.it Hm* will musimt pi.eulie executed, bu 1 .. s.n.-...la- l.elil thu, itaa* valid In tbo Miali ul Florida, and incroforv va.idb re.

Tlie inquiry in regard to the anility of Mut-lll 11 Dill)', uti old uie'Ceialit. Which :..1- 1*1 c I), tere 1 one

missioners in Brooklyn for some time, was continuedyo-ti ul iv. Dr. Cornelius af. Durnum tret it. d in regardtu Mr, Iel)-- ill-he.Uh uud up;.rna .¦mug luiln.ui-y. H.c. Haul tiiironk gave-vu!nee in regard 10 Mr. Duly*weuki I-.* ni tu ind, Henry D dy tc-i ;ti *d tint nw fatucill .1 ri**.""O. Winch In il. pt Sile.t « it. s * to d-p* SH. inp em un thc day after be omi bU tallier uni uiawuoil I ,-¦ uuu..)'iii il wu.-cnn lu*.-11. I,, lr-elson for this,ins 1.1, w . mal hew,is s'raid bl* -u-i would gel ;hoi...'ii.y. The case wa* Hot eoiuptrlud.

DECISION'-' -JpjfK fl.Suprenti t 'oort.Chambers.Itt .Inigo Lawrence...

lah Kim li agt. I.ivuissto:i.--..i.etiuii grauted aub .tlua-u.Hie let p e. lIC. agt. Ma N.altl .1.1 .\\ ll tl...,lll-M'll. Ill t .0ina.iii... Hayer..upp.euieu.a nuiei'.- i**,ur; iouUiui<-d.rule) i«t. rudli-ker -lunion ¦mut.* i. I ii n. Bl liter Ol lt««.iim'.il. I in i nilli iiit.si In- |i:n sm- .i <>r ll* i ns nt pu.f

ie st! i.ii .-'Siiiii. Parker sui. i'a.rdi .ui.n-r i.ut s-iiiu.-.i.Me... I. il nil it mn.u. I iniipaiiy ml. itevnuld*. Mullein titi-Ililli, ll ll.Ililli. IlllIlOlVS. 1 ll.ill. Illili ell |e* -.',.illili Ut* _

i, .in .h. .nt in.ini.'v iis iii tb" sunn i nillir plo,. - .. icm.i.s.lilllie ni ,111 ni -mu ,._ I me eil I is tel le HIS. Si III ll X lill.ii.i ain not iii-|n'Mil Iii ii .ike ni. ii i \i .ute iii ss, sn .,-..

V"U I.,*. I ii-h.m.. .mi I ru-i Cutup ii v .1.1. Ilevn ml..li.H"i *.i.ii ht-signed by Jamht* l.uarli. lu the maiU-i "fM.i,cs.y. >,.:..:.-..inteti I.s. hteub, i_ sgt. Hcitlcdu.-I.eliiM-d la thc luutterut Mo re ; lu 1.0 Wallet ol JaenrsiIII lletllliltttl.il lim lle'.t.llllt .1 l-r.ete-tillll I.mell Cl.llll'Si..M n.ali- la. israie n-si -sue ut '-11111111. Ill Hie waiter nfii hilt- -.Mot uii irr.ii.te :. Uatihrwa .1.1. lufis a u uther*..Illlllll. Ill.ll IllfattlVUflll Hu* nlllll,Ullin, simlllii ll.' si t .1-1,1,J \ n-t. .iiii*ie*a.. ilniiiin ibniel nilli mst". In Hie mat emfKy HI* lu l.e li..Uti rai Minne iniiii nimaru! lu. .... iIii ibe lustier Oi H) ai* laihr wailer m yuwi lu tin- wati.-rm i.n ti iu ibe watter ol -e-tperi lu Hie suitterol hit; lathe mailer i.i Junes lu tie maller ul Austin In tm- watti rot I.linn.ni lu the mailer nf ile ruc. Ju the maller ulBUUel s lu Hu- mattel ol'Johnson : II: the ina i er of .Iditi-uti;In the in.it.ci ol .'tl.'ig.ui In ibe matter ol' ¦.ci*. In Uer Wat-l.r eilHiH U lu the matter ut Brown In Ibt) matter iri J.eiu.-toll Ill lu Hisil emt Ul iiiit'.al | In Ino mattel ut O'lln yIn tin- mutleroi Ma..er in Hie matter o! Maher lu the mat¬ter ot John-nut lu lue ni .tin ul Kihiiincv lu the mstti. r ufKuy, lu thu mill I* I .i: Nrwto... -..loti.e-is giuuu-d. -luilhugt. Hie Hankers' unit ni-nki-iv AseeOISli u -lirauiast.

Itv Ju.lue liu'iiihiin.- lu Hie Hallet .a .Mai.tr.- U. incl. InHu mai li roi Minimi.- Hemed, in th. wann ni t un,ev -De¬nied. 1 the waller ut iiluuu uthui ; lu tbe in.itu-i of "-chuiier.

inti.ul.tituei tor Court.Special Term.IU Judge heir.

It-.i-b. ir., agt. I.vhs rt ai.-Ortleieu ou tint cali u lat lea-lirstMinn..) ul June. Tnt ut sgt. Van Ta -'-eli.-or ,( r lt.,nt.M ni un imr. Il unit..Ottiered on shun ea-eadar lor Jone li.siiinu.it nat. Hirn.ei.-< . r s ti:Bi) li.e lu,um. m. .-issangaai. lue I.iV.'i'iixul itii.i 1.Inn. e c., lu-i.i.u.ce luicp un* .l)iilcri.I.:istt.ii:liiii.ui.c Hu._,..u,l .tj-t. Wline ei is...li.ii.lniipiov d. Nntioiisl Necile Cump.iiiv ../I M* be .- t.r.serutdistullllUUSi CC. *'.lll.*Il o' al. Ilgl. Harrell etal.-lle. rec ofpu Ilium mnl Mir Mgneil. Uiuee um. \\ bur. -Ot lb r nu.luiiilu.g Henry C. rr.-etuan, recelvrr.etc. uatiu-r agt. Mun.guee el .11. -t Uiltl gralltcil. C ul,.ns a.I. Cu.ar el UL.I lr ll'tediii. s|irrlal eilen at tor .-. e.tnu Vi ..lay .f j .nc aldwin ssl.Ka-Uli.un et lt.Ui lief nt still .lilli: iou. .*U*I''.a.It'll Hgt i'iHiu-lins el st .-Pee cestgiiitl. Mc.Miuiay inri lin- Malar, e.r..iii'.icrel Hiing nutice. ii.iuii-.i t. iiiii-r.-'ii'ler sigiii. ,.|.,r.gm iwt. Cui-ki-.ift t Usnvii ir sgt. 4. BnUget's Uharsa; .Hutssgt. Hates .t.niiln mt Uodfn-y ; Manu sgt. Kelly t um, erii -ri. .u.iii'Ui) lala-ragt VanT.iss.it .Mimili iittstL'i. PrattsMiMiuiav agt ibe Mayor. ¦ lc: Penh of Kew-York agt. Kurd

a... licti-li agt. Kusriileld ifr'tmk agl. \V I lbiun Harri,".lou agt. l.iiii."ii, knapp agt l.miie wariin ugi. li.siu.y .

Hull Mt. ilitiiedii-t laggalt agt. Muraiigr; iinuoi a_|.liam i.-uni* isgr.iiit.it. ^

Common Pleas- Special Term.Bv Judge J. 1-. linly..In ie appin atmu id Hes. it**..iinier r.-feirlag rrrrlvrr'sai'iiiiiiits. eic l'liiiicv. cic.agt. nnii. etc. Iii* tl rrfeisei*;,. m.mi iii.* Louderusc* sal' Uauilrrbaes, Divorce grsntrd,

Mitritir I mot . hamlin'*.lix ( iiiet-Ju-ticc Slim,.^lc.nibo.g ngt Hrlaeker; UehWrt egl. i.iimliei_M.itiuiaSgi,lill.tl. \ittllll.S ll.,, il.ltlrl.ll_; ll sill;- ;,|{t. ihil.p^tlitlrtsut |!|se Itui.iiicc til eli ant. L'alTI lilli los sgtI'lllllips. (Ulla T-t bu Ci-ll|tlU»Silll|. i-'aak Sgt. till t Lila ll- till,.Ma. h,Hilts- ,itnt I r,,nels National lisna sgt. ( l.n |. lourtu els; .M niilii ton agi. Uart .*-* '..IllltU n.t. lilli || LlujtJSal >lelU; lillimig.* agt. Anthony WiM.sler agt. HoWeSilU'iliu ugt alHceisuu Kilt ui't. aVekermau Huti'i..; J a-uiiyeisun Kru-ksouagi. Kicker; sumii .tt. Prema i. Aluii.uie-.tii liinsh; Msnagbiusgt. Mctiiaib; laassgl iTIch.I-li. I'm liragi. Weall levy ugt. Ap,..rby llenueU Sgt.1-tluger. Ja. mr.i-ii. l-iillaek.-linleisaialirit

Iii idgr Hiii-pp -UrHV agi. <-|ii..-Futilicr attiutiou lsdlsleeiMci ti llb hy au mterveuiug older.

CAI.KNDAU-l iHIS D.w.si c.i mu tot iti-ciltMi-.nc-l.rti-iitv. I. Men nrt"ii st

lo ni. ut. I'iileiiilurrallnliii ii n. ni.-Ni-. Ul Sil 4-, i'l.Hill, llt.l, lill. HU; l.Ui, U7, lils, l;iH| Uu. li:. .41. Ila. Ui,1411. H.. Us, Mu. iou, lil, '.'.id, 2IP, -.'-.H. .lil", .Hs. .,...', aro!

i nut ii'-PAitTlII-ivttri'. J.-conn.pens at 10.-.I0 a.m.-Kborl l .mses. Nus. -j'.)'-, s.r.n. AAlji-j, Mil. -Ttl), _;'U0,ltu.i, ¦_¦ ISL

*»t i-isiuuiii-ociir.HracUL TmiM-S|i.*ir, J.-Co'in npenu stlo a. ni. I'alv'iiUal vallis! al ll u in Nu day cului.dai'.CullguN 1-I.KAS-SlCl.CIAI. i'l.HM..1. P. IWll. J I 'nurt el De) 111

itt ll h. ni.-Caaeou, Nu. 7.-utlrieu agt. liodevilie. No daycal misr..IKSKUALMRsmoSS.I'AHTl-HlldtTslcoVi'.J..liiePotillleag*.TUouias A. Cieakley. perjury tuuaUuUul).

" What ia the worst thiner about lillies 1"nskctl tue Bunday-aehool supcrui eiultni. And tbo newbuy in thc fad class nuder tho gal.ry. whu only camein l;i-t Stiuduy, stnutl up uinl said, .. Tln-lr scarcity."-Mit iii hts coutusiou the. un i nutriment tuld thenjiuioi to ruo ami sin.- " Djii'i ba m. ai j, childi eu.".HuiliU^luu lluwkc)o.