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Morning Service – Առավոտեան Ժամերգություն– 9 am Divine Liturgy – Badarak- Սուրբ Պատարագ - 10:00 am

UPCOMING EVENTS Առաջիկա Միջոցառումներ

Sunday, June 10, 2018 after the Holy Badarak

presentation about May 28, 2018, the significance to our country and what is means to our country and people!

Sunday, June 10, 2018 after the Holy Badarak blessing of the graduates Sunday, June 10, 2018 a special plate collection to benefit CASP and Kindergarten meals. CASP and the Meal program are under the umbrella of Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR). Sunday, August 26, 2018 - Annual Picnic - Armenian Food & Music Festival

Cell phone reminder: Please turn off your cell phones prior to entering the Church, out of respect for the Divine Liturgy, the sanctity of the Sanctuary and your fellow worshiping parishioners. Thank you for your cooperation!

Sunday, June 3, 2018



1280 Boston Road, Bradford, MA 01835

“Daily Lectionary Readings”

Աստվածաշնչական Ընթերցումներ

Proverbs 9:1-6, Zechariah 3:7-4:9, Hebrews 9:1-10 John 10:22-30

Feast of the Catholic Church of Holy Echmiadzin -

Տոն Կաթողիկե Սուրբ Էջմիածնի Second Sunday after Pentecost

Order of Special Prayer for the Catholicos & on the Feast of Holy


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John 10:22-30 22 At that time the festival of the Dedication took place in Jerusalem. It was winter, 23 and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the portico of Solomon. 24 So the Jews gathered around him and said to him, “How

long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” 25 Jesus answered, “I have told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in my Father’s name testify to me; 26 but you do

not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep. 27 My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 What my Father has given me is greater than all else, and no one can snatch it out of the Father’s hand. 30 The Father and I are one.”

Name Day Անվանակոչության օր

Hripsime, Gayane, John, Gregory


Աղօթքի Խնդրանք Remembering those who gave their lives for our freedom from – Katherine

Meranian Special prayers & get well wishes for all who are ill from – Katherien

Meranian, Barbara Naroian, Linda & Paul Doherty, Eva Naroian Thank you all who sent get well wishes, gift & prayers to me, during my

recent surgery from – Nancy Sahagian

Donations for Hokehankist Հոգեհանգիստյան Նվիրատվություններ

For the souls of Ann Maksian (1 year) & Robert Maksian from – Charles Bazarian, Gale & Paul Cifra, Katherine Meranian, Manoog Baghdayan, Annette DerMinassian, M/M Robert & Dona Maksian, Kasper & Christine Maksian, Bea

Ohanian, Barbara Naroian, Jason & Robyn Naroian, Linda & Paul Doherty, M/M Larry Pahigian, Eva Naroian, M/M Gary Townsend, Robert Serabian, M/M Scott

Sahagian For the Souls of James A. Derderian, Krikor & Shooshanig Derderian,

Michael & Araxie Derderian, Nubar & Agnes Esaian, Peter & Annie Boyajian, Paul & Ann Boyajian, Karen Boyajian, Kenneth Boyajian, Toros & Vartouhi

Madaghian, Benjamin & Mary Kamakian, Alden Kamakian, Edward & Catherine Sahakian, Michael Madajian, Jack Madahgian, Dr.Martin Deranian

from – M/M Charles Bazarian, Gale & Paul Cifra, Katherine Meranian, Manoog Baghdayan, Annette DerMinassian, Bea Ohanian, Barbara Naroian, Linda & Paul Doherty, M/M Larry Pahigian, Eva Naroian, James & Diane Derderian, M/M Scott

Sahagian, Virginia Deranian, Elizabeth Derderian For the souls of John & Rita Tatian, George & Ann Krikorian, Lana Williams,

Frank Lamperelli from – Gale & Paul Cifra, Katherine Meranian, Manoog Baghdayan, Annette DerMinassian, Bea Ohanian, Barbara Naroian, Linda & Paul

Doherty, M/M Larry Pahigian, Eva Naroian, M/M Scott Sahagian For the souls of Archie & Anna Loosian, Onnik & Meline Gigmesian,

Geogerian Family Members from - Gale & Paul Cifra, Katherine Meranian, Manoog Baghdayan, Annette DerMinassian, M/M Charles Bazarian, Bea Ohanian,

Barbara Naroian, Linda & Paul Doherty, M/M Larry Pahigian, M/M Charles Loosian & Family, Eva Naroian, M/M Scott Sahagian

For the soul of Richard Tepejian from - Gale & Paul Cifra, Katherine Meranian, Manoog Baghdayan, Annette DerMinassian, Rose Stepian, Bea Ohanian, Barbara

Naroian, Linda & Paul Doherty, M/M Larry Pahigian, Eva Naroian, M/M Gary Townsend, Robert Serabian, M/M Scott Sahagian

For the souls of M/M Nurandik & Mari Kucukistipanoglu & Maryam & Akabi Minoyan from - Rose Stepian, M/M Agop & Madlen Arslanoglu, M/M Avedis &

Ovsana Kucukistepanoglu, Gale & Paul Cifra, Katherine Meranian, Manoog Baghdayan, Annette DerMinassian, M/M Charles Bazarian, Bea Ohanian, Barbara

Naroian, Linda & Paul Doherty, M/M Larry Pahigian, Eva Naroian For the souls of Alice and Peter Tarlian, Mary Tarlian & Sarkey Tarlian from

– M/M Scott Sahagian

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Upcoming Hokehankist

Առաջիկա Հոկեհանգիստներ

Sunday, June 10, 2018 for the souls of Khachadoor (Archie) Naroian, Robert Mooradian, Alan Melkonian & Ralph

Melkonian requested by Mrs. Melanee Naroian , Atty. and Mrs. John Naroian and Family, M/M Aram Mooradian & M/M John

Mosto & Family


Նվիրատվություններ Սուրբ Խորանին

Altar Candles are given to the Glory of God & in memory of Tatoyian, Bedrosian, Kamitian, Manson,

Asadoorian & Lutey Families from MaryTatoyian


Նվիրատվություններ Սուրբ Խորանին Parishioners requesting Altar Flowers and Candles for any

occasion or Sunday should approach a member of the Parish Council for an Altar Flower or Candle Donation form. For Altar

Flowers please contact Alice Kasparian at [email protected]. Name of the donor will be listed in the

weekly Bulletin and Newsletter. Requests for the Altar Donations can also be done by calling or emailing the Church.

Holy Communion In the Armenian Church Holy Communion is distributed in the

following manner. The communicant stands before the priest, makes the sign of the cross and says:

“Megha Asdoodzo”, "I have sinned against God."

The priest then places a small particle of our Lord's Body and Blood -- the bread having been dipped into the wine -- directly into the mouth

of the communicant. The communicant again makes the sign of the Cross and steps aside for others to approach the blessed sacrament.

After all have received Holy Communion, using the chalice to imprint the sign of the Cross over the communicants, the priest imparts the

blessing of Psalm 28:9 : "Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance; shepherd them and lift them up from henceforth until


Distribution of ‘Mas’ in the arMenian ChurCh taking “Mas”

The Person giving Should say;

Մաս եւ բաժին եղիցի քեզ ի Սուրբ Պատարագիս Mas yev pajin yeghitzi kez ee Sourp Badarakis

May this be to you a share and a portion from the Divine Liturgy.

The Person receiving should say; Բաժին իմ Աստուած յաւիտեան

Pajin im Asdvadz Havidian God is my portion for ever

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Weekly Wisdom

The Only-Begotten Descended Why was the word Etchmiadzin, which means “The Only-Begotten

Descended,” chosen as the name of the site of the Holy See of the

Armenian Church? Following his emergence from the pit at Khor

Virap and the conversion of the King, St. Gregory the Enlightener

had a vision. In the vision, as described by the historian,

Agathangelos, St. Gregory beheld the architectural shape of what

was to become the cathedral of the Armenian Church, with its

pillars, arches, and dome. He also saw Jesus Christ, the Only-

Begotten Son of God, descend from heaven with a golden hammer

and strike the ground where the cathedral was to be erected,

which happened to be the site of a pagan temple, the remains of

which still exist today underneath the Holy See. There are many

names and descriptions of Jesus, so why choose a name (Only-

Begotten) for the Holy See that refers to His incarnation?

Furthermore, why was the Mother Cathedral originally named

after the Virgin Mary, and not the Incarnation, or the Holy Trinity?

When Christianity was brought to Armenia long before the official

national conversion in 301, the practice of venerating Mary came

with it. In fact, the naming of churches after Mary was a common

practice in the Early Church, since, like Mary, the Church begets

children of God through the baptismal font. In this way, both the

Church and Mary are truly dwellings or shrines of God. The

Armenian word for the Mother of God Աստուածածին /

Asdvadzadzeen means, “Birth-Giver of God” or “God-Bearer.” In a

way, Mary is the embodiment of the Church, and so we often we

refer to the Church with maternal or parental imagery. During the

service for the Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin, the priest prays,

“With a golden hammer You struck the abysmal depths and put to

flight the bands of demons. There You miraculously designed in

luminous form, Holy Etchmiadzin, our Holy See. You made it a

storehouse of your unfading divine grace so that it may be the

parent, teacher, and overseer of all the Armenian Churches.”

Indeed, the Mother of God is an image of the Incarnation of Jesus

Christ, the only-begotten Son of God. This is why in Armenian

churches we place an image of the Virgin Mary and Child over the

altar table where Holy Communion is celebrated, where the gifts of

bread and wine, by way of the Holy Spirit, become the Body and

Blood of Christ. It’s an image of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, as

the Mother of God is the portal by which God Himself entered the

world as a human being.

St. Gregory of Narek affirms the imagery of the Church as our

mother and the connection of the Church with the incarnation of

Christ: “Just as without the Father, there is no Christ, so without

the womb of the mother Church, the soul cannot be fulfilled.” He

continues his prayer dedicated to the Church: “This spiritual,

heavenly mother of light cared for me as a son more than an

earthly, breathing, physical mother could. The milk of her bosom

was the blood of Christ.” (75 K-L) As we celebrate the Feast of

Holy Etchmiadzin, we join our prayer with St. Gregory of Narek,

that the Church, universally as well as our very own Mother See of

Holy Etchmiadzin, functions as a parent, a mother under whom we

are raised and nurtured in Christian life and faith.

By Dn. Eric Vozzy


Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)

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Family Life and Cultural Center

“Building the Legacy”

If you would like to donate to our Building Fund, you may send your donation, made payable to: "The Armenian Church at Hye Pointe

Building Fund", PO Box 8069, Bradford, MA 01835


The Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe has developed an

option for those who wish to make a donation to their church in the

form of stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other securities.

The church has established a brokerage account and for those

individuals who wish to make such a donation.

The church will benefit by the donation, and you as the donor will

receive a tax deduction for your donation. It is a win – win for both

your church and yourself.

Please contact a Parish Council for more details if you are interested.

Church Office: 978-372-9227

2018 STEWARDSHIP “The Joy of the Generosity” is on the way

to reaching its $50,000 goal. You do not need to be a dues paying

member of the Church to be a steward. For the benefit of our

Church, please help us reach our end. Please see one of our

Stewardship Committee members Armen Derderian, Treasurer or

Charlie Bazarian, Linda Doherty or Marilyn Shahian for additional

details or to ask questions. You can reached them

1. Armen at (978) 794-9200 or at [email protected]

2. Charlie can be reached at (978) 686-6050 or at

[email protected].

3. Marilyn Shahian - [email protected]

4. Linda Doherty [email protected]

or (603) 560-1308

Please be a part of our goal!

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Dear Parishioners,

We treasure your enthusiasm and curiosity regarding the new construction of our Sanctuary at The Armenian

Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe. However, this is an active construction jobsite requiring health and safety compliance. We kindly request that when you are visiting the Church for

Holy Badarak or events, please refrain from visiting the construction site. During the construction of our Sanctuary

the property is controlled by and the responsibility of Channel Building Company, since they are liable for any damages or injuries until the project is completed. If you

would like to take a tour of the building, please contact Myles Couyoumjian at 978-852-2959 cell

or [email protected]. He will be happy to meet you at the site and escort you onto the property. We

appreciate your patience, cooperation, and understanding over these next seven months. During our Food Festival

Friday, June 1 & Saturday, June 2 2018 at 4 PM we will do a tour at the Construction site.


Any Family that has a child graduating this year (Nursery, Elementary, Middle School, High School, College, etc.), we would like to Honor them. Please call the Church on 978-372-9227 or send email

to [email protected] with the graduating students name, parent(s) name, grandparents(s) name, from which school, grade & their intentions after graduation. Please submit no

later than June 9, 2018.

2018 The Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe & Sts.

Vartanantz Golf Tournament

The scheduled date for the tournament is Wed Oct 3, 2018 at

Butter Brook Golf Club in Westford, MA We are planning our first meeting soon and we are looking for

volunteers to be on the Golf Committee. Please see anyone on Parish Council or call Mark Kazanjian


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Feast of the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin

One of the most celebrated feasts of the Armenian Church is the day

when the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin was established, according to the inspired vision of St. Gregory the Illuminator. According to

tradition, and hagiographic sources, following the declaration of Christianity as the Official Religion of Armenia in 301 AD, St. Gregory

has a famous vision, wherein the Only Begotten Son of God – Jesus Christ, descends from Heaven, his face lit aglow, and with the strike of a golden hammer designates the site where the Mother Cathedral for the

entire Armenian nation is to be founded. Hence, the name of the spiritual center for the Armenians, “Etchmiadzin”, means “the Descent

of the Only Begotten” (Etch - descent, mi - only, dzin - begotten.) St. Gregory relayed the story about his vision to the Armenian King

Tiridates, under whose royal auspices and support the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin was built. King Tiridates and Queen Ashkhen participated in the construction, as did the entire capital city of

Vagharshapat by bringing stones from the biblical mountain of Ararat to lay the foundations. In the site marked by Christ, a Holy Altar of

Descent was built. According of Patriarch Malachia Ormanian, from the days of her establishment, the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin has been

the residence of the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. Thus, it is the Mother See of the Armenian Church, and as such, her universal, spiritual and administrative headquarters. Another title

bestowed upon the cathedral is “Catholic” - not to be confused with the Roman Catholic faith. Catholic is a Greek word meaning “Universal”.

Theologically, the cathedral has been called “catholic” as a description of the catholicity (universality) of the Church. The feast of the Cathedral

of Holy Etchmiadzin is celebrated 64 days following Easter. A Divine Liturgy is celebrated, and during services, a special hymn is sung,

written by the eighth century Catholicos Sahak of Dzorap, telling of St. Gregory’s vision and the Cathedral’s construction.

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Blessing of the donated memorial items and respective donors

Just over one year ago, on Saturday, April 22, 2017 The Armenian

Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe in Haverhill, Massachusetts opened its Family Life and Cultural Center to a crowd of over 350 people. On

Sunday, May 20, 2018 after Holy Badarak, the Parish, led by Reverend Father Vart Gyozalyan, participated in the blessed the many donated memorial items and their respective donors. It is

through the generosity and dedication of our parishioners, friends and donors that our community continues to grow and move

forward towards the completion of our entire complex. We are now embarking on the building of our Sanctuary. With the continued

support of many and with God’s grace we anticipate the completion of the sanctuary in 2019 when we can come together as one, to

continue our prayer in God’s House and bless the many donated memorials and donors to our sanctuary. For more pictures please visit our Facebook page The Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye

