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2018目 錄ÍndiceTable of Content







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Informação GeralGeneral Information


PlantaFloor Plan


Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile

Introdução da Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de MacauIntroduction of Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo

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澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局Direcção dos Serviços de TurismoMacao Government Tourism Office

Associação das Agências de Viagens de MacauMacau Travel Agency Association

Associação Comercial de MacauThe Macao Chamber of Commerce

Associação Geral das Mulheres de MacauThe Women's General Association of Macau

Associação Geral dos Chineses Ultramarinos de MacauAssociation of Returned Overseas Chinese Macau

Associação de Indústria Turística de MacauTravel Industry Council of Macau

Associação das Agências de Turismo de MacauAssociation of Macao Tourist Agents

União Geral das Associações dos Moradores de Macau

Federação das Associações dos Operários de MacauMacao Federation of Trade Unions

Governo da Região Administrativa Especial de MacauConselho para o Desenvolvimento Turístico













Informação GeralGeneral Information

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

踏入 2018 年,澳門國際旅遊(產業)博覽會邁向第六屆,這是在十九大召開後,舉國上下全面開啓新時代、奮進新征程中的新一屆“旅博會”,我們必定要以新眼光、新理念和更高的目標辦好這屆博覽會。





謹此,本人衷心感謝中華人民共和國國家文化和旅遊部給予“旅博會” 的大力支持。熱烈歡迎來自世界各地的嘉賓、旅遊業代表及廣大旅遊愛好者。祝願第六屆澳門國際旅遊(產業)博覽會圓滿成功!

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Secretário para os Assuntos Sociais e Cultura do Governo da Região Administrativa Especial de MacauDoutor Alexis Tam

Entramos em 2018, com a Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau a decorrer pelo sexto ano, após o 19.º Congresso Nacional do Partido Comunista da China, que abriu uma nova era para o avanço de toda a nação. Imbuídos desta nova visão e perspectiva, procuraremos atingir um patamar mais elevado, assegurando uma boa organização desta edição do evento.

O impulsionamento da estratégia nacional de "Uma Faixa, uma Rota" e a definição do "Planeamento de desenvolvimento da Grande Baía Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau", posicionam Macau como um importante elo de ligação na estratégia de desenvolvimento nacional, depositando grande expectativa no futuro papel e nas perspectivas de desenvolvimento da cidade. O aprofundamento da cooperação regional e a integração no desenvolvimento nacional tornaram-se no foco do actual desenvolvimento socioeconómico de Macau.

Organizada pela Direcção dos Serviços de Turismo e coordenada pela Associação das Agências de Viagens de Macau, esta edição da Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau combina cinco pontos principais: plataforma de intercâmbio sino-portuguesa, Rota da Seda Marítima, cooperação Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau da área da Grande Baía, Cidade Criativa da UNESCO em Gastronomia e indústrias culturais e criativas de Macau. Com base na integração e interacção dos diferentes elementos, a Expo de Turismo procura promover a transmissão e a inovação, criar novas oportunidades de negócios para o turismo e sectores relacionados no país e no exterior, promovendo uma cooperação mais diversificada e permitindo obter ganhos mais substanciais.

Enquanto cidade cujo encanto reside na sua multiculturalidade, detentora de uma forte indústria de turismo e lazer, Macau detém vantagens e possui amplas perspectivas de desenvolvimento no contexto das vastas oportunidades de desenvolvimento nesta nova era do país. É nossa esperança, que os operadores da indústria do turismo locais e do exterior aproveitem a oportunidade deste evento, que façam bom uso dos recursos e forjem novas cooperações, escrevendo um capítulo esplêndido para a projecção da almejada Grande Baía de classe mundial.

Por último, apresento os meus sinceros agradecimentos ao Ministério da Cultura e Turismo da República Popular da China pelo forte apoio dado à Expo de Turismo. As nossas calorosas boas-vindas aos ilustres convidados, representantes da indústria turística e amantes de viagens oriundos das várias partes do mundo. Desejo o maior sucesso à 6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau!

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

Dr. Alexis TamSecretary for Social Affairs and Culture of theMacao Special Administrative Region Government

The Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo has proudly reached its sixth edition in 2018, the newest edition since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, a time when our whole Country is setting eyes on the new era ahead and striving for new milestones on the avenue that unfolds. We must hold a new vision, new perspective and new goals for the Expo, as we work to make the event a rewarding experience for all.

In pushing the Belt and Road development forward and mapping out the development plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area, our Country has placed Macao on a strategic point of great significance to the national development, with high expectation on the role undertaken by the city in the future and its prospects for new achievements. To deepen regional collaboration and become united with the national development has become the focal points of our socioeconomic development.

Organized by the Macao Government Tourism Office and coordinated by the Macau Travel Agency Association, the 6th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo highlights five areas of special interest — Sino-Portuguese exchange platform, the Maritime Silk Road, cooperation across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area, our recent designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy as well as the local cultural and creative industries. Gaining our footing on integration and interaction, we also advocate inheritance and innovation. We aspire to create a wide spectrum of business opportunities for delegates from the tourism community and other related industries near and afar, making diverse partnerships happen and harvesting substantial results.

Macao is a thriving destination for leisure and travel, its glamorous beauty bespoken by a unique blend of diverse cultures. In the midst of new possibilities unleashed by the national development in the new era, our city is gifted with multiple advantages and a vast landscape for new progress before us. We truly hope that local, domestic and overseas industry operators can seize the opportunities and make great use of available resources to forge ahead with new cooperation, as all of us join each other to write a magnificent chapter for the world-class bay area built to its finest one day.

Hereby, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of

the People's Republic of China for your enormous support to our event. To our esteemed guests, industry professionals and travelers from across the world, my warmest welcome to all of you for coming all the way to Macao for our major tourism exhibition. May the 6th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo become an inspirational success of the year!

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

Directora da Direcção dos Serviços de Turismo do Governo daRegião Administrativa Especial de MacauMaria Helena de Senna Fernandes

Sejam bem-vindos à 6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau, e a todos quantos se juntam a nós neste evento, os meus sinceros agradecimentos pelo vosso apoio e participação.

Com o anúncio do Plano Geral do Desenvolvimento da Indústria do Turismo de Macau no ano passado, abriu-se um novo capítulo no desenvolvimento do sector do turismo de Macau. Perante as oportunidades resultantes da iniciativa nacional "Uma Faixa, Uma Rota" e da construção da Grande Baía Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau, enfatizamos as acções conjuntas e a integração regional para demonstrar a importância da indústria do turismo na promoção do progresso económico e no apoio ao desenvolvimento das indústrias relacionadas, em conformidade com o alvo de transformar a cidade num centro mundial de turismo e lazer.

No seguimento da experiência bem sucedida das edições dos cinco anos anteriores, a 6.ª Expo de Turismo amplia uma vez mais a sua escala e enriquece o programa, para aproveitar plenamente as vantagens e o papel de Macau como plataforma, expandindo o seu conteúdo e área de intercâmbio, elevando com eficácia os benefícios comerciais. Além de continuar a promover a ligação entre a China e Portugal ao nível do turismo e apresentar os recursos culturais e turísticos da Rota de Seda Marítima, esta edição da Expo de Turismo aborda também as oportunidades de desenvolvimento do turismo da Grande Baía, e promove as indústrias culturais e criativas e a cultura gastronómica de Macau, fomentando uma colaboração intersectorial com a gastronomia, que mostra o potencial de inovação de Macau como Cidade Criativa da UNESCO em Gastronomia.

Enquanto entidade organizadora da Expo de Turismo, cooperamos de perto com a entidade coordenadora do evento, a Associação das Agências de Viagens de Macau, esperando através deste evento impulsionar o intercâmbio e a cooperação com operadores da indústria turística regionais e internacionais, criar oportunidades de negócios, bem como fomentar o desenvolvimento dos sectores relacionados com o turismo e alargar o contacto das indústrias turísticas do Interior da China com os países de língua portuguesa e outros países, contribuindo para elevar de forma consistente a promoção geral do posicionamento e projecção de Macau na cooperação regional e nas relações internacionais.

O sucesso da realização desta edição da Expo de Turismo reside no esforço e forte apoio das entidades envolvidas, às quais gostaria de expressar os meus sinceros agradecimentos, bem como a todos os expositores locais e do exterior pela sua participação activa.

Termino fazendo votos de pleno êxito para a 6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau e desejando uma participação frutífera às diferentes entidades. Convido também os operadores participantes da Expo de Turismo a aproveitarem para visitar as diferentes zonas de Macau e a sentirem o encanto desta Cidade Criativa de Gastronomia.

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Ms. Maria Helena de Senna FernandesDirector of Macao Government Tourism Office

To our esteemed guests from near and afar, welcome to the 6th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo! I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation to each and every one of you for your support and participation in our event.

Following the Macao Tourism Industry Development Master Plan delivered last year, we have ushered in a new chapter for local tourism development. With the myriad possibilities opened up by the Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area development headed by our Country, we have placed our strategic emphasis on regional collaboration and integration while striving to unleash the momentum of tourism in driving our economy forward and assisting other related industries to thrive, in line with our vision to keep transforming the city into a world centre of tourism and leisure.

Carrying on our successful experience in the last five years, the Expo takes its scale and diversity of program to a new level this year, fully leveraging the strengths and role of Macao as a platform to broaden the spectrum of topics and fields for interchange among industry delegates and bolster their harvest of business benefits. With our continuous endeavor to deepen tourism exchange and cooperation between China and Portugal and showcase the cultural and tourism resources along the Maritime Silk Road, this edition of the Expo also explores the world of opportunities unleashed by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area development. Furthermore, the cultural and creative industries and the gastronomic culture of Macao are highlighted in the Expo to promote innovative ideas that combine the field of gastronomy and other realms, to manifest the creative dynamic possessed by Macao as a newly-designated Creative City of Gastronomy in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

As the event organizer, our Office works hand in hand with the Macau Travel Agency Association, the event coordinator, to forge the Expo into a platform that fosters Macao's collaboration with our regional and international industry partners, creates business opportunities and moves other tourism-related industries forward. We are also dedicated to connecting and aligning industry operators from Mainland China, Portuguese-speaking countries as well as other parts of the world for new partnerships, thereby continuously contributing to enhance Macao's status and influence in regional cooperation and international relations.

The Expo will not become a success without the effort and support of every participating entity. Herein, allow me to express my deepest gratitude to all of our participating entities and local and overseas exhibitors for your keen involvement.

May all of you reap a fruitful harvest from the 6th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo. To our delegates from different parts of the world, we truly hope you will find time out of the event schedule to explore our local neighborhoods and enjoy a taste of the diverse creative delights offered by this City of Gastronomy.

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


今年國家旅遊主題是“美麗中國——2018 全域旅遊年”,在新時代下跨區域旅遊合作已成為主流趨勢,為更好地配合國家和澳門旅遊主題的實現,我認為需要有“五力”的支撐:一是市場驅動力;二是政府宏觀調控力;三是地理空間的聯結力;四是全域旅遊的創新力;五是文化融合的協同力。



最後,我謹代表澳門旅行社協會再次對澳門特別行政區政府社會文化司、旅遊局、海內外業界同仁,以及來自 49 個國家和港澳台地區參展商的大力支持表示衷心感謝!澳門旅遊資源豐富多元,產業潛力無限,我們將一如既往保持發展為“世界旅遊休閒中心”的步伐行穩致遠,在特區政府的領導及業界支持下,盡協會所能為國內外業界、市民和遊客繼續帶來一系列創新旅遊產品,以及新思路和新概念,讓大家充分感受和體驗到澳門旅遊的無窮魅力!

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Presidente da Associação das Agências de Viagens de MacauAlex Lao

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O turismo nacional do ano corrente tem como tema "China Bela – Ano de Turismo Integrado 2018", sendo que nesta nova era a cooperação turística inter-regional já passou a ser a principal tendência. A fim de se alinhar melhor com a concretização do tema turístico do país e de Macau, considero que é indispensável o apoio formado pelo conjunto de cinco "forças", nomeadamente, a força motriz do mercado, a força de regulação e controlo a nível macroeconómico por parte do Governo, a força de ligação em termos geográficos e espaciais, a força de inovação no aspecto do turismo e a força de sinergia da integração cultural.

Sendo um grande evento anual da indústria turística de Macau, a realização de mais uma edição da Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau (adiante designada por Expo de Turismo) conta necessariamente com a confiança depositada pela Direcção dos Serviços de Turismo do Governo da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau (RAEM) e pelos Governos de vários níveis e associações relevantes do Interior da China, bem como com a adesão e o apoio de todos os expositores, entidades de co-organização, sectores relacionados e meios de comunicação social. Gostaria de apresentar os mais sinceros agradecimentos e dar-vos as mais calorosas boas-vindas!

Com a entrada em funcionamento da Ponte Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau, a viagem do Aeroporto Internacional de Hong Kong até Macau demorará apenas cerca de meia hora. Para as dezenas de milhões de pessoas que visitam Hong Kong e que entram e saem do território via o seu aeroporto internacional, esta curta duração da viagem será muito conveniente para visitarem Macau, promovendo a integração dos territórios na Grande Baía Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau, bem como contribuindo para a promoção do turismo multidestinos e a viabilização do estabelecimento de parcerias turísticas interactivas e de diferentes características entre cidades. Os sectores relevantes podem fazer uso pleno da plataforma de intercâmbio proporcionada pela Expo de Turismo de Macau, envolvendo-se de forma activa no estudo de diferentes assuntos, incluindo as viagens de carro partilhado pela Ponte Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau e a simplificação das formalidades de entrada e saída desta ponte. Esta participação irá injectar uma nova dinâmica na indústria do turismo de Macau, criando mais oportunidades de negócio e fomentando consequentemente a integração do sector local na conjuntura do desenvolvimento global do turismo.

Por fim, gostaria de agradecer, em nome da Associação das Agências de Viagens de Macau, sinceramente e mais uma vez, à Secretaria para os Assuntos Sociais e Cultura, à Direcção dos Serviços de Turismo do Governo da RAEM, a todos os elementos do sector turístico nacional e internacional, bem como aos expositores provenientes de 49 países, Hong Kong, Macau e região de Taiwan pelo vosso enorme apoio! Os recursos turísticos de Macau são ricos e diversificados e o potencial da indústria gigantesco. Vamos continuar, como sempre, a avançar passo a passo para o desenvolvimento do "Centro Mundial de Turismo e Lazer". Com o apoio dos dirigentes da RAEM e do sector, a Associação das Agências de Viagens de Macau continuará a empenhar-se em trazer ao circuito turístico nacional e internacional, aos residentes e aos visitantes um vasto leque de produtos turísticos inovadores, assim como novas ideias e conceitos, no sentido de todos vivenciarem e experimentarem plenamente o charme infinito do turismo de Macau!

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Mr. Alex Lao President of Macau Travel Agency Association


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


As the national theme of tourism this year is "Beautiful China- Year of Integrated Tourism 2018", cross-regional tourism co-operation has become the main trend of development in the new era. In order to better realize this tourism theme in China and the Macao SAR, I believe that "Five Impetus" are needed: 1) the Driving Force of the Market; 2) the Government's Macro-control; 3) the Geographical Connection; 4) the Innovation for Integrated Tourism; and 5) the Synergy of Cultural Inclusion.

As an annual tourism mega event in Macao, the Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo ("the Expo" or "MITE") once again embarks upon a new edition this year. I must thank the Macao Government Tourism Office, the Mainland authorities at various levels and the related associations for their trust. I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude and warmest welcome to all the exhibitors, co-organizers, representatives from related industries, and the media for their participation and support.

After the commissioning of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), it will only take about a half-hour ride to travel from the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) to Macao. This not only will attract tens of millions of tourists travelling via the HKIA to visit Macao, but it will also promote the integration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Furthermore, it will contribute to the tourism industry's goal of developing "Multi-Destination Travel", as well as fostering dynamic tourism partnerships among different cities. By fully leveraging the Expo's role as a platform for exchange, the industry representatives are able to have greater involvement in exploring issues such as self-drive tours using car-sharing services on the HZMB, the simplification for entry and exit procedures on the HZMB, and the development of Hengqin. Apart from injecting new impetus into Macao's tourism industry, it also generates more business opportunities, thereby supporting Macao's tourism industry to integrate into the global tourism development.

Finally, on behalf of the Macao Travel Agency Association, I would like to once again express my sincere thanks to the Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao SAR Government, the Macao Government Tourism Office, industry representatives from near and far, and the exhibitors from 49 countries and the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan region for their tremendous support. With rich and vibrant diversity of resources, Macao's tourism industry indeed has unlimited potential for development. We are determined to further the steady development of Macao's transformation into the "World Center of Tourism and Leisure". Under the leadership of the SAR Government and with support from the industry, our association will spare no effort in presenting a series of innovative tourism products, new ideas and concepts to the industry representatives from home and abroad, members of the public and tourists, allowing all to fully experience the unique charm of Macao's tourism.

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旅博會介紹 Introdução do MITEIntroduction of MITE

第六屆澳門國際旅遊(產業)博覽會(以下簡稱“旅博會”),於 2018 年 4 月 27 日至 29 日假澳門威尼斯人金光會展 D 館盛大舉行。為配合澳門特別行政區政府參與國家建設“21 世紀海上絲綢之路”、粵港澳大灣區城市群發展規劃,發揮中國與葡語國家商貿合作服務平台及世界旅遊休閒中心的定位,今屆旅博會在總結和汲取過去五屆展會成功舉辦的經驗基礎上,力求主題鮮明、內容豐富,致力為參展商、專業買家、公眾創造一個推廣旅遊品牌和產品、旅遊項目接洽和配對,及增進國際間的旅遊資訊傳遞和互動的綜合平台。


本屆旅博會展場面積擴大至 11,000 平方米,展位增多至 500 個 , 展會涵蓋傳統旅遊體驗產業鏈中吃、住、行、娛、遊、購六大元素。參展商來自國際、中國內地、香港、澳門及台灣地區之旅行社、酒店、景點景區、旅遊交通及旅遊延伸服務等與旅遊產業相關的機構和企業。

為融入國家建設規劃,緊密配合澳門“一中心一平台”的定位,力助“旅遊 + 文創”共融發展,推廣澳門被聯合國評為“創意城市美食之都”的國際形象。今屆旅博會有五大亮點,包括中國.葡萄牙旅遊交流、“海絲”旅遊文化展演、大灣區旅遊發展機遇研討會、澳門“旅遊.文創”街及澳門美食之都主題區,發揮澳門的平台作用及獨特優勢。

第六屆澳門國際旅遊 ( 產業 ) 博覽會熱情歡迎您到來!

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Breve Introdução


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau ("Expo de Turismo") terá lugar entre os dias 27 e 29 de Abril de 2018, no Hall D da Cotai Expo, no Venetian Macao. Este ano, o certame será realizado em sintonia com a participação do governo da RAEM na iniciativa nacional "Rota da Seda Marítima do século XXI", na construção da Região Metropolitana da Grande Baía Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau, bem como fazer uso do papel de Macau enquanto Plataforma de Serviços para a Cooperação Comercial entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa e como Centro Mundial de Turismo e Lazer. Nesse sentido, com base no sucesso das últimas cinco edições, a 6.ª Expo de Turismo procura ter um tema saliente e um conteúdo rico, visando criar uma plataforma integrada que permita a promoção de marcas e produtos de turismo, a realização de bolsa de contactos relativas aos projectos de turismo, bem como a agilização da transmissão de informações turísticas e das interacções desta área a nível internacional para expositores, compradores profissionais e o público em geral.

Sendo um grande evento anual da indústria turística de Macau, a Expo de Turismo já foi realizada cinco

vezes até agora, todas elas com um enorme sucesso. Dedicamo-nos a construir uma plataforma na qual tanto as viagens domésticas como internacionais, bem como outras indústrias relacionadas, possam comunicar, cooperar e partilhar os seus recursos. Pretendemos demonstrar a experiência de Macau na hospedagem de exposições de viagens profissionais e as suas vantagens gerais como uma cidade turística internacional, cooperando, assim, activamente com o Governo da RAEM na construção de Macau como um "Centro Mundial de Turismo e Lazer".

A presente edição da Expo de Turismo conta com uma área de exposição alargada, que atinge 11.000 metros quadrados, bem como com um número maior de stands, que totaliza 500. São abrangidos os seis elementos essenciais da cadeia da indústria do turismo, nomeadamente a alimentação, alojamento, transporte, entretenimento, viagens e compras. Os expositores incluem elementos de agências de viagem, hotéis, pontos turísticos, assim como outras entidades e empresas que se dedicam ao transporte de turismo, aos serviços extensivos relacionados com a indústria do turismo oriundas do exterior, Interior da China, Hong Kong, Macau e região de Taiwan.

A fim de se integrar no plano de construção do país, alinhando-se estreitamente o posicionamento de Macau como "Um Centro,Uma Plataforma", apoiando a promoção do desenvolvimento integrado do "Turismo + Criatividade" e divulgando a imagem internacional de Macau como Cidade Criativa em Gastronomia designada pela UNESCO, a Expo de Turismo deste ano conta com cinco pontos de destaque, nomeadamente a Bolsa de Contactos de Turismo China-Portugal, as Exibições de Turismo e Cultura da Rota da Seda Marítima, o Seminário sobre Oportunidades de Desenvolvimento de Turismo na Grande Baía, a Rua de "Turismo • Criatividade" de Macau e a Zona Temática "Macau Cidade de Gastronomia". Em conjunto, o papel de Macau enquanto plataforma e as suas vantagens únicas serão evidenciadas.

Sejam todos bem-vindos à 6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau!

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Brief Introduction

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6th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo ("the Expo" or "MITE") will be held at Hall D, Cotai Expo of the Venetian Macao from the 27th to 29th April, 2018. Working in conjunction with the Macao SAR Government's participation in the national construction of "The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road" and the development planning for a city cluster in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and for exerting Macao's positioning as the Commercial and Trade Co-operation Service Platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries as well as the "World Center of Tourism and Leisure", the Expo will draw on the results accomplished in the past five editions and further explore the exchange of ideas in the tourism industry. It strives to build a comprehensive platform for the exhibitors, professional buyers and the general public in the promotion of tourism brands and products, matching of tourism projects and enhancing the communication and interaction of the tourism information internationally.

As an annual tourism mega event in Macao, the Expo has been successfully held for the past five years. It is dedicated to building on a platform on which both domestic and international travel industries, can communicate, cooperate, and share their resources. It aims at highlighting Macao's exceptional expertise at hosting professional travel expos and its overall advantages as an international tourism city. It takes pride in working together with the SAR government and building Macao into a "World Centre of Tourism and Leisure".

This year, the Expo area will expand to 11,000m2 with as many as 500 booths, covers six major traditional tourism categories including dining, accommodation, transportation, entertainment, sightseeing and shopping. The Expo, moreover, includes travel agencies, hotels, scenic spots, tourism transportations, tourism-extended services, as well as other tourism related entities and enterprises from overseas, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan region.

To integrate into the national development plan, and to coordinate closely with Macao's positioning of "One Center, One Platform", the Expo supports the inclusive development of "Tourism + Cultural and Creative Industry" and promotes Macao's international image of a UNESCO "Creative City of Gastronomy". In particular, the Expo features five highlights, namely China-Portugal Tourism Networking, the "Maritime Silk Road" Tourism & Culture Display, the Greater Bay Area: Tourism Development and Opportunities Seminar, Macao "Tourism • Creative" Street as well as the "Macao: City of Gastronomy" Feature Zone, thereby capitalizing on Macao's unique strengths and role as a platform.

The Expo welcomes you!

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平面圖和日程內容以大會網站( 上之公佈為準。O conteúdo está sujeito a alterações, por favor consulte o website oficial para as informações actualizadas ( are subject to change, please refer to the official website for updated details (

平面圖 PlantaFloor Plan


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


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大會日程表 ProgramaProgram

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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 4/F, No108 ABCD, Mao Tse Toung, Sangkat Toul Tompoung 2, Khan Chamkarmon,

Phnom Penh City, Cambodia

電話 / Tel.: 855-87775777

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Asia Routes Travel & Tours Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: No. 19, St. 514, Sangkat Boeung Kak I, Khan Toul Kork Phnom Penh, 12151Cambodia

電話 / Tel.: 855-016839000

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Aveera Travel Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

帶路亞洲旅行社成立於 2014 年,是金邊專業旅行社。我們引進了在酒店和旅遊行業工作超過10 年的專業團隊。

Asia Routes Travel & Tours is established in year 2014 as professional travel agent in Phnom Penh. We brought in the team of expertise who has worked for more than 10 years in the hospitality and travel industry.


Australian By Nature Pty Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:At Australian by Nature we strive to provide our customers with the highest quality natural health

supplements and are committed to upholding the guidelines set out by the Good Manufacturing Practice. Our products conform to the regulations of the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Australian and New Zealand Food Authority, ensuring that our customers receive only the very best that nature can supply. We are dedicated to the research and development of our products, in order to provide the most effective and up-to-date natural health supplements.

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單位地址 / Add: 柬埔寨金邊市馬卡拉區 242 號路門牌 7

#7, Street 242, S/K Boeng Prolit, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

電話 / Tel.: 855-23215117

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Charming Cambodia Tours

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

簡介 / Introduction:

柬埔寨魅力之旅─ Charming Cambodia Tours 是獲柬埔寨國家旅遊局批准及富有資深經驗的旅遊公司。然而是亞太旅遊協會的活躍成員 (PATA) 之一,更是柬埔寨旅行協會 (CATA) 的創始成員。本公司成立於 1995 年,擁有經驗豐富及多國語言的溝通能力和業務熟練的工作團隊。自開業以來榮獲多項獎章和榮譽獎勵。

Aveera Travel is the innovative travel company providing vacation package, by leveraging our professional team with the best people and superior services. The company also provides best-in-class service and assistance to travellers base on years' experience in travel industries of our core managers. We take ownership of every customer and we are proud to serve with quality and integrity.

Aveera Travel has everything you need and turning your dream vacation into a reality and beyond. We create perfect journey by taking care of your budget, your expectations and the reason of your trip. Our experts create perfect holiday packages, honeymoon packages or family packages; and even, they will be your wedding planner if that's what you need. Through Aveera Travel, besides outstanding the best vacation packages you have spent with us, you can also enjoy your charity to Kuntha Bopha Hospital and Orphans helping Cambodia children.

Since 1995, Charming Cambodia Tours has been providing & handling Inbound Tours to all international visitors from over the world to Cambodia and as well as Indochina country with high quality of services such as Leisure Tours, Eco & Adventure Tours, Incentive Tours, Golf Package & Tours, M.I.C.E. Arrangement, Agriculture Tours and Travel Business Consultancy. Currently we are the Leading Locally Owned Inbound Tour Operator in Cambodia.

CHI 日本酒店集

單位地址 / Add: 東京都港區元麻布 3-4-41

電話 / Tel.: 050-5840-8118

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

CHI Japan Hotel & Resort Group

展位編號Booth No.


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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: Unit 715, North Tower, Concordia Plaza, 1 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East,


電話 / Tel.: 852-23697813

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Consulate General of Nepal

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 82,Sangdang-ro Sangdang-gu Cheongju-si Chungcheongbuk-do

電話 / Tel.: 82-43-220-4003

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea

展位編號Booth No.B26/B27


單位地址 / Add: 803 Tung Wai Commercial Building 109 Gloucester Road Wan Chai

電話 / Tel.: 855-28271966

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Consulate General of Pakistan Hong Kong

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:CHI 日本酒店集團在日本境內擁有 10 多家酒店、1 家高爾夫球場、旅遊大巴公司、旅行社、日


Three Nepalese agencies will participate under the name of Consulate General of Nepal Hong Kong:1. NEPAL AIRLINES CORPORATION2. ALPHA TRAVELS (HK) LTD3. HOLIDAY NEPAL TRAVELS AND TOURS LTD

簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: Unit1401, 14/F, China merchants Tower, Shun Tak Centre, Connaught Road Central 168-

200, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

電話 / Tel.: 852-28682622

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Consulate General of Peru in Hong Kong

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 03A, 21 Floor, 148 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong

電話 / Tel.: 852-25233813

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Consulate General of Romania in Hong Kong

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:The Consulate General of Romania in Hong Kong (SAR) and Macao (SAR) was established in 2006 and

since then is committed to further strengthening the diplomatic, commercial, economic and cultural relations between Romania and Hong Kong (SAR) / Macao (SAR), focusing on activities in the areas of trade, investment and tourism, while protecting the interest of Romania and of the Romanians visiting, living or working in the region, both individuals and corporate bodies, and promoting the prestige, image and dignity of Romania in Hong Kong (SAR) and Macao (SAR).

簡介 / Introduction:Peru's relations with Hong Kong date from 1862 when the first Peruvian Consulate in Hong Kong was

open. Since then, Peru and Hong Kong have had a longstanding and comprehensive commercial, economic, cultural and people-to-people ties. Peru sees Hong Kong as the privileged gate to access the People's Republic of China, especially in trade and investment matters.


單位地址 / Add: Unit 701, 7/F, the Sun's Group Centre, 200 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, HK

電話 / Tel.: 852-28458005

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong and Macao

展位編號Booth No.


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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: Rooms 2401-2405, Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wanchai North, Hong Kong

電話 / Tel.: 852 2845-0810

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Consulate General of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Hong Kong & Macau

展位編號Booth No.C36/C37


單位地址 / Add: Unit B, 21/F, One Capital Place, 18 Luard Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

電話 / Tel.: 852 2861-181

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Myanmar National Airlines

展位編號Booth No.C36/C37

簡介 / Introduction:

簡介 / Introduction:

Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong and Macao, in charge of consular affairs, cultural and trade relations between Iran Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan region.

The Consulate was established since 20 December 1969. The Consulate represents all Myanmar Nationals who have been in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and promotes economic cooperation between Myanmar and Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR.

Consul General: Mrs. Myat Thuzar ThanWebsite:


Myanmar National Airlines is a state owned national carrier founded in 1948 under the name 'Myanmar Civil Aviation'. Domestic flights initially flew to 19 airports with six De Havilland Dove aircrafts, and routes to Bangkok, Calcutta and Chittagong opened up in 1950. The airline was reformed under the Union of Burma Airways Act of 1952 according to an international flight schedule extension program. The flights were operated to Singapore, Kathmandu and later to Bangkok, Calcutta, Dhaka, Hong Kong and Jakarta

簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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until 1993. In 1989, the airline was renamed 'Myanmar Airways' and flew to 21 destinations. MNA flies to 28 destinations and 6 International Destinations. More than any other Myanmar airline.

CEO: Captain Than TunWebsite:

The company was founded in 2002 and has been providing superb products and services to its esteemed domestic and international clients to this day with more than a decade experience in the tourism industry. We are your expert consultant/assistant in ensuring high quality and memorable trips for you.


單位地址 / Add: No 177, Monivong Blud., Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

電話 / Tel.: 855-23885309

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

CSL Travel & Tours

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

The Embassy of Iceland is Embassy to China promotes Iceland as a destination for Chinese travelers.


單位地址 / Add: Liangmagiao Beixiaojie No.1, Chaoyang, Beijing

電話 / Tel.: 86-10-85316900

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Embassy of Iceland

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

單位地址 / Add: #B29, Borei Brem Brey, Siem Reap, Cambodia

電話 / Tel.: 855-063965961

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Euro Khmer Voyages

展位編號Booth No.


Euro Khmer Voyages established since 2003 as local DMC. We're operated for leisure, MICE, FBT & Group Luxury Travel.

簡介 / Introduction:

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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


European Tourism Union is an industry-wide alliance of excellent Chinese travel agencies in various European countries, and each member is a travel agency duly registered in the European country. Are engaged in 10 - 20 years of travel experience in Europe Chinese travel agency experts, experienced, unique professional qualities. European countries have beautiful scenery, picturesque scenery, pleasant climate, historic sites everywhere, long history and culture, is the world's first choice for tourists, but also Chinese tourists favorite tourist destination country.

歐洲旅遊聯盟由在歐洲各個國家的華人優秀的旅行社組成的行業性聯盟,且每個成員都是在歐洲本國正式註冊的旅行社。歐洲旅遊聯盟包括英國王潮國際旅行社、德國德華旅遊集團、奧地利比凱旅行社、希臘雅典絲綢之路國際旅行社、法國南方旅行社、波蘭中國旅遊有限公司、北歐飛揚旅遊有限公司、法國歐亞情旅行社、西班牙歐亞國際旅行社、捷克 GLORY 旅行社、俄羅斯貝里斯國際旅行社等 11 家著名的國際旅行社所組成。這些旅行社都是歐洲從事 10-20 年旅遊經驗的華人旅行社專家,經驗豐富,獨具專業素養。歐洲各國風光秀麗,景色如畫,氣候宜人,古蹟遍地,歷史文化悠久,是世界旅遊者首選的旅遊勝地,也是華人遊客最愛的旅遊目的地國家。


單位地址 / Add: 北京市朝陽區甘露園國際創展中心 902 室

電話 / Tel.: 86-010-85592100

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

European Tourism Union

展位編號Booth No.B06/B15

簡介 / Introduction:


Athens Silk Road International Travel, Greece

展位編號Booth No.B06/B15

單位地址 / Add: 4 Floor No.8 ErmouAthens Greece 10563

電話 / Tel.: 30-210-3310036

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

網頁 / Website:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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Birke Travel Solutions

展位編號Booth No.B06/B15

單位地址 / Add: Laurenzgasse 1, A-1050 Vienna, Austria

電話 / Tel.: 43-1-5030076

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

網頁 / Website:


CT Poland Biuro Podrozy

展位編號Booth No.B06/B15

單位地址 / Add: Al. Jana Pawla II 61 lok.201-031 Warszawa, Poland

電話 / Tel.: 48-22-6545133

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

網頁 / Website:


De Hua Touristic GmbH

展位編號Booth No.B06/B15

單位地址 / Add: Spitalerstrasse 4, 3. OG, 20095 Hamburg, Germany

電話 / Tel.: 49-40-188812410

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

網頁 / Website:


First Travel APS

展位編號Booth No.B06/B15

單位地址 / Add: Business Center Nord Lyngbyvej 20 2100 Copenhagen Denmark

電話 / Tel.: 45-33163100

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

網頁 / Website:

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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



Wang Dynasty Group

展位編號Booth No.B06/B15

單位地址 / Add: 48 George Street, Manchester M1 4HF UK

電話 / Tel.: 0161-2287280

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

網頁 / Website:


我們定制的行程包括歐洲不同城市,如阿姆斯特丹、巴塞羅那、倫敦、巴黎等等。除此之外,還提供私人獨立團(每團最多 8 人)、私人中文導遊、豪華五星級酒店,以及餐飲、交通、景點觀光和各類活動(直升機巡遊、豪華船遊)等等的服務項目。價格包含所有項目,不收取任何額外費用。富貴豪旅承諾,我們將竭盡全力為顧客服務,讓來自中國的旅客在歐洲體驗一生難忘的奢華旅行。

FGL Travel provides high class All-inclusive city VIP trips focused on Chinese market. Our mission is to let Chinese people dream with their eyes open. We prepared a travel product what is ready to be sold by Chinese travel agents.

The travel product includes visiting different European cities as Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, Paris and many more. All trips are private (max 8 persons), will have a personal (Chinese speaking) guide, best 5 star hotels, all food, transport, attractions and special events (Helicopter flights, luxury boat trips) are included for 1 fixed price. FGL travel will make sure the Chinese customers have their best travel experience in Europe ever without any unexpected costs.


單位地址 / Add: Krombos 1, 5406AP Uden

電話 / Tel.: 0031(0)646032636

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

FGL Travel

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 越南廣寧省芒街市海華坊 3 號

電話 / Tel.: 0756-8180917

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Gate International Travel Joint Stock Company

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: No.71, Main Block, Bogyoke Market, Yangon

電話 / Tel.: 09793103345

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Golden Flying Tiger Jewellery Shop

展位編號Booth No.C18/C19

Established in 1996.簡介 / Introduction:

Established in 2003.

單位地址 / Add: No.118, Nawarat Hall, Bogyoke Aung San Market, Yangon

電話 / Tel.: 95-9420233988

Grace Jade & Jewellery

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

單位地址 / Add: Av. Engº Duarte Pacheco, Torre 2, Piso 4

電話 / Tel.: 361-917914405

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Grand Tour Tourism, Lda.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:Tourism agency specialized in incoming of groups for various cultural, wine-gastro and investment

consultancy programs in Europe.

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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


簡介 / Introduction:Great Lakes Safaris Limited was founded in 2001 by a young professional entrepreneur, Mr Amos

Wekesa. He set up a professional company with the intention to improve the quality of tour operation in Uganda and the Great Lakes region of Africa. The company began with meagre resources, but over the years it has grown leaps and bounds to join the ranks of some of the leading tour operating companies in East Africa.


單位地址 / Add: P.O. Box 99527-80107 Mombasa, Kenya

電話 / Tel.: 254-720631113

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Great Lake Tours And Safaris Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: No.313/C, Pyay Road, San Chaung Township, Yangon

電話 / Tel.: 095136889

Green Heaven 2 Jade & Jewellery

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:Established in 2004.

廣州大酒店位於烏干達首都富人區 - 可樂羅 (Kololo),是一家以粵菜為主的餐飲企業,經營範圍有住宿、餐飲及旅遊諮詢。

廣州大酒店 ( 烏干達)

單位地址 / Add: Pla13 Kololo Hill Drive Road, Kampala

電話 / Tel.: 256077658688

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Guangzhou Hotel (Uganda)

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 1st Floor, Lugogo Plaza, Lugogo by Pass, Kamplal, Uganda

電話 / Tel.: 256-705126526

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Home Hippo Limited

展位編號Booth No.


經營烏干達旅遊房產、地產、島嶼、住宿。Trending in tourism real estate, rentals.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門氹仔偉龍馬路澳門國際機場二層 12052 室

電話 / Tel.: 88982537

Jeju Air

展位編號Booth No.


濟州航空是一間總部位於韓國濟州的廉價航空公司。創立於 2005 年 1 月,於 2006 年 6 月 5 日起正式營運。國際線以首爾仁川為主基地,飛往日本、中國、東南亞及大洋洲。

Jeju air is a South Korean low-cost airline. As well as between Seoul and international destinations including Japan, the China and various Southeast Asian countries.

簡介 / Introduction:

簡介 / Introduction:

單位地址 / Add: House No 8, Street 294, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

電話 / Tel.: 855-23223912

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

K.U. Travel & Tours

展位編號Booth No.


Has been established since 1995, one of the leading in-bound, out-bound tour operator, a full range of travel services company.

簡介 / Introduction:

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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 2-2-2, Nakanoshima, kitaku, Osaka 530-0005, Japan

電話 / Tel.: 81-6-6223-5400

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Kansai Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.


Kansai Tourism Bureau is an official organization to promote all Kansai, consists of ten prefectures-Fukui, Mie, Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama, Tottori and Tokushima, is the heart of Japan, nowhere else in the country can you find so much of historical and culture interest.

單位地址 / Add: Flat 46, 12 Bermondsey Square, SE1 3FD London, U.K.

電話 / Tel.: 56089440

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Lollies Lifestyle Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

簡介 / Introduction:Lollies is founded in London, United Kingdom. We are a company specializing in travel & photography,

producing tailor-made minim on package to Asian clients.


單位地址 / Add: 7 Horace Cameron Street, Vereeniging JHB R SA

電話 / Tel.: 27 (16) 428 1999

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Ludiaana Guest House

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

Ludiaana Guest House is serene and elegant Landmark that is welcome and rich with hospitality what is situated on outskirts of S.A Famous Three Rivers.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: No (132), 20 St. Latha Township, Yangon, Myanmar

電話 / Tel.: 959965182598

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Lucky Royal Company Limited

展位編號Booth No.


Established in 2009.

簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 澳門宋玉生廣場中土大廈 8/F

電話 / Tel.: 28356698

電郵 / Email: [email protected]


展位編號Booth No.B12/B13/


簡介 / Introduction:

澳門亞太拉美交流促進會 (MAPEAL) 為一私人、非牟利的民間社團,協會的宗旨與及從事活動具體分為以下四項:(1) 促進澳門在中國、亞太地區與拉丁美洲之間的中介功能;(2) 開展關於此種功能的研究工作;(3) 舉辦與上述地區相關機構的各類研討會;(4) 建立資料庫,推動上述地區在經濟、旅遊、文化等方面的交流活動。MAPEAL 在澳門特區政府的支持下進行了不同的活動以促進澳門、中國與拉丁美洲之間的連繫。具體實踐特區政府將澳門建成為服務中介平台的策略構想。

MAPEAL is a private, non-profit organization established in Macau for the objectives of (1) promoting Macau's bridging role between China, Asia-Pacific and Latin-America; (2) conducting research on Macau's Bridging Role; (3) collaborating with institutes from the above-mentioned regions in organizing various symposiums; and (4) promoting exchange of activities between the above-mentioned regions in terms of business, tourism and culture.


Mill Orchard Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:磨坊果園 (Mill Orchard) 致力於生產高品質 100%的純天然果汁,所有的果汁產品都是使用新鮮、


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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


Mill Orchard is dedicated to producing high quality 100% natural juices and fresh fruit throughout New Zealand.

All of our juices are made from fresh, natural New Zealand grown fruit with absolutely: NO added Sugar; NO added Preservatives; NO added Colours; NO added Flavours; NO Concentrates; 100% New Zealand Made!

簡介 / Introduction:Governamental entity ministry of tourism of Guinea-Bissau.


單位地址 / Add: AV. Dos Comsatentes Da Liberdade Da Pátria

電話 / Tel.: 245-956077674

Ministry of Tourism of Guinea-Bissau

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:Established in 2002.

單位地址 / Add: No.913, Room (C3), Nacoaday Street, Dagon Township, Yangon

電話 / Tel.: 09254088118

Myanmar Tourism Resources Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 澳門南灣湖 5A 地段澳門財富中心 13 樓

電話 / Tel.: 87913333

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

O Fórum para a Cooperação Económica e Comercial entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa (Macau)

展位編號Booth No.


保證:1. 不添加糖 2. 不添加防腐劑 3. 不添加色素 4. 不添加香精 5. 非濃縮果汁 6.100% 紐西蘭製造。

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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簡介 / Introduction:

中國—葡語國家經貿合作論壇(澳門),(以下簡稱中葡論壇),於 2003 年 10 月在澳門創立,由中國中央政府發起、中國商務部主辦、澳門特別行政區政府承辦,安哥拉、巴西、佛得角、幾內亞比紹、莫桑比克、葡萄牙、聖多美及普林西比 ( 聖普於 2017 年 3 月正式加入論壇)和東帝汶等八個葡語國家共同參與,是以經貿促進與發展為主題的政府間多邊經貿合作機制,旨在加強中國與葡語國家之間的經貿交流,發揮澳門聯繫中國與葡語國家的平台作用,促進中國內地、葡語國家和澳門的共同發展。

中葡論壇分別於 2003 年 10 月、2006 年 9 月、2010 年 11 月、2013 年 11 月和 2016 年 10 月在澳門成功舉辦了五屆部長級會議。會議均簽署了《經貿合作行動綱領》,確定了在政府間合作、貿易、投資、產能、農業、基礎設施、能源、自然資源、教育與人力資源、金融、旅遊、運輸與通信、文化、衞生、海洋、省市間合作及澳門平台作用等諸多領域的合作內容和目標。在第五屆部長級會議期間簽署的《中葡論壇關於推進產能合作的諒解備忘錄》,開啟了中國和論壇葡語國家經貿合作新模式。自論壇成立以來,與會國積極落實行動綱領,不斷提升中國與葡語國家的經貿合作水準。

作為以經貿促進與發展為主題的多邊經貿合作機制,中葡論壇自 2003 年成立以來,已成功召開了五屆部長級會議,各方積極落實會議簽署的行動綱領,所取得的成績有目共睹。各方在論壇框架下,合作領域、深度、範圍、方式、途徑都不斷擴大和深化,澳門國際地位也不斷得到提升,澳門作為聯繫中國和葡語國家的橋樑和紐帶作用也不斷顯現和強化。

2016 年,在中葡論壇第五屆部長級會議開幕式上,李克強總理在發表主旨演講時將中葡論壇譽為以語言文化為紐帶、以經貿合作為主題、以共同發展為目標,充分發揮澳門的獨特優勢和平台作用的“一座無形的橋樑”。

O Fórum para a Cooperação Económica e Comercial entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa (Macau), adiante designado por 'Fórum de Macau', foi criado em Outubro de 2003, por iniciativa do Governo Central da China e em coordenação com sete Países de Língua Portuguesa, nomeadamente Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, Portugal e Timor-Leste, e com a colaboração do Governo da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau (RAEM), tendo acolhido, em Março de 2017, São Tomé e Príncipe, que se tornou o oitavo País de Língua Portuguesa participante. O Fórum de Macau é um mecanismo multilateral de cooperação intergovernamental, e tem como objectivo a consolidação do intercâmbio económico e comercial entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa, utilizando Macau como plataforma de ligação entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa, promovendo o desenvolvimento comum do Interior da China, dos Países de Língua Portuguesa e de Macau.

Foram realizadas, em Macau, Conferências Ministeriais do Fórum de Macau, respectivamente, em Outubro de 2003, Setembro de 2006, Novembro de 2010, Novembro de 2013 e Outubro de 2016, tendo sido assinados Planos de Acção para a Cooperação Económica e Comercial que definiram objectivos e conteúdo para a cooperação nas seguintes áreas: cooperação intergovernamental, comércio, investimento, capacidade produtiva, agricultura, infra-estruturas, energia, recursos naturais, educação e recursos humanos, área financeira, turismo, transportes e comunicações, cultura, saúde, domínio do mar, cooperação entre províncias e municípios, bem como o papel de Macau como plataforma. Por ocasião da 5.ª Conferência Ministerial, foi assinado o 'Memorando de Entendimento sobre a Promoção da Cooperação da Capacidade Produtiva do Fórum de Macau', abrindo caminho para um novo modelo de cooperação económica e comercial entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa do Fórum de Macau. Desde a criação do Fórum de Macau, os Países Participantes têm implementado integralmente os Planos de Acção, contribuindo, de forma activa, para o

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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: Suite 110, 4-10 Goulburn St, Sydney 2000

電話 / Tel.: (61) 424338298

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Premier Vacations Pty Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


RTR Tours was founded in 1996 and has since been the leading travel agency company in Cambodia. The company is continuously extending its horizon by affiliating with many of the world's travel companies to gives its clients superb and authentic travel experience.

incremento da cooperação económica e comercial entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa.Desde o seu estabelecimento em 2003, tratando-se de um mecanismo de cooperação económica e

comercial multilateral com o objectivo principal de promoção e desenvolvimento económico e comercial, o Fórum de Macau já realizou com sucesso 5 edições da Conferência Ministerial. As partes envolvidas têm concretizado activamente os Planos de Acção assinados nas Conferências Ministeriais com resultados visíveis para todos. No enquadramento do Fórum de Macau, as partes têm aprofundado continuadamente a cooperação em várias vertentes, desenvolvendo novos modelos e vias de cooperação; o estatuto de Macau como cidade internacional tem sido consolidado gradualmente; o papel de Macau como ponte e eixo para ligar a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa tem sido visível e afirmando-se.

Em 2016, na cerimónia de inauguração da 5ª Conferência Ministerial do Fórum de Macau, Sua Excelência o Primeiro-Ministro do Conselho de Estado, Dr. Li Keqiang elogiou, no seu discurso temático, o Fórum de Macau, que tem a língua e cultura como o laço, a cooperação económica e comercial como tema principal, e o desenvolvimento comum como o seu objectivo, aproveitando de forma plena a vantagem única e o papel de plataforma de Macau, que é uma ponte intangível.

單位地址 / Add: #263Eo, St 93 Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Orussey 4, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh

電話 / Tel.: 023210469

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

RTR Tours Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 39Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

Government Entity.簡介 / Introduction:

單位地址 / Add: Av. Marginal 12 de Julho

電話 / Tel.: 2392221542

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Sao Tome and Principe Tourism Board

展位編號Booth No.




單位地址 / Add: 146B Paya Lebar Road #02-01 ACE Building Singapore 49017

電話 / Tel.: 2392221542

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Sea Rainbow Pte Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: #186, St.110, PSA Chas, Khan Doun Penh, PNA

電話 / Tel.: 855-23222467

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Services Excellent Tours Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


Established in 2008 with excellent experience in providing best services in travel & tour industry.簡介 / Introduction:

單位地址 / Add: No.104 Nawarat Building, Bogyoke Market, Yangon

電話 / Tel.: 0962403364

Shwe Lamin Jade & Jewellery

展位編號Booth No.


Established in 2008.簡介 / Introduction:

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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


單位地址 / Add: 69, West (B) Block, Bogyoke Market, Yangon

電話 / Tel.: 095506346

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Shwe Maha Pearl & Jewellery Shop

展位編號Booth No.


Established in 1993.簡介 / Introduction:

Sino African International Travel Agency is a Destination Management Company (DMC) legally registered by the Rwanda Developed Board to offer destination management services.



單位地址 / Add: No. 145 KG 9 Avenue, Nyarutarama, Kigali

電話 / Tel.: 250-733888800

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Sino-African International Travel Agency Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

Sky King was established in 2010 up to now. Sky King provides services such as Inbound, Outbound Tour, Golf Package, Incentive, MICE for Asians, European Market.

天皇旅行社成立於 2010,主要做出境、入境地接、高爾夫團、獎勵團等,專門在亞洲、歐洲和美洲。


單位地址 / Add: #401, St.128, Mittapheap, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

電話 / Tel.: 855-23722138

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Sky King Travel & Tour Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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SOPHIYA Travel & Tours – CAMBODIA is a boutique Travel Agency & Tours Operator that was founded by Oknha SREAT Mom Sophear as an independent operating business in 2005. SOPHIYA Travel & Tours - CAMBODIA is registered with the Cambodia Ministry of Commerce (MOC) and Ministry of Tourism (MOT) and is a member of the Cambodia Travel Association Cambodia (CATA) and Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). Our headquarters is located in the prime location of Phnom Penh with an operating office in Siem Reap – Angkor Wat and alliance offices in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar. We are a creative tour company with more than 10 years of successful experience, in providing expert quality services to our customers in the tourism industry. We are a pioneer in the tourist-orientated services and recognized as a leading holiday and vacation organizer arranging private group & individual tours in CAMBODIA, VIETNAM, LAOS, THAILAND and MYANMAR and in other exciting world locations.

單位地址 / Add: # 216B, St. 63 (Trasak Pa-em), Boeung Keng Kang 1, Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

– PO Box. 871

電話 / Tel.: 855-23222455

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

SOPHIYA Travel & Tours

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

單位地址 / Add: 77 Frere Si Cradock, South Africa

電話 / Tel.: 0488813308

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tam Safaris

展位編號Booth No.B18/B23

Tam Safaris is a 60,000 acre tourist reserve offering photographic viewing and hunting safaris to overseas clients.

Tam Safaris is situated close to Cradock in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. This family owned operation is owned by a South African Chinese family whose great grandfather owned operation is owned by a South African Chinese family whose great grandfather immigrated from Foshan, China in 1899. This beautiful are boasts three of the big 5 and also more than 30 other species of animals. The accommodations and service is five star and need to be experienced to be fully appreciated.

Tam Safaris will make sure that you have an unforgettable African wildlife experience.

簡介 / Introduction:

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 1-220 Higashimachi Tottori-shi Tottori-ken Japan

電話 / Tel.: 0857-26-7310

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tottori Prefectural Government

展位編號Booth No.C09/C10

簡介 / Introduction:

Tottori has the smallest population of all the prefectures in Japan, but it also boasts one of Japan's largest sand dunes, the Tottori Sand Dunes (Tottori Sakyu).

Thanks to its rich natural surroundings, the prefecture even offers delicious cuisine. Seafood such as crab and tuna are at the top of the list for things to savor here.

Tottori is also known for being the hometown of manga artist Shigeru Mizuki, who is best known for his GeGeGe no Kitaro series. It's also the home of the author of Detective Conan: Gosho Aoyama. You'll see characters from these manga series all around the prefecture.

鳥取縣是日本人口最少的縣,但卻有日本其中一個最大的砂丘 – 鳥取砂丘。鳥取縣豐富的大自然,孕育出松葉蟹和吞拿魚等頂級美食。鳥取同時也是《咯咯咯的鬼太郎》作者水木茂和柯南作者青山岡昌的故鄉,在縣內各地可以找到這些漫畫角色的足跡。


單位地址 / Add: Room 2101 Prosperity Tower, 39 Queen's Road, Central HK

電話 / Tel.: 852 28680732

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tourism Authority of Thailand

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

An organization called the Tourism of Thailand was founded by Prince Purachara Jayakara, the Prince of Kamphaengphet. When sitting as a train commander, the prince sent stories about Thailand to get published in the USA. In 1924, he set up an advertising department for the State Railway of Thailand to help tourists who visited Thailand and promote Thailand among foreigners. The office was originally at the State Railway of Thailand but was later moved to Hua Lamphong Railway Station. Subsequently after Prince Purachara

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場 刊 43Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

Jayakara went to work for the Ministry of Commerce and Transport, the office also moved there but it was still working closely with the State Railway of Thailand.

In 1936, the Tourism of Thailand was the focus of changes when the Ministry of Economics presented a Thailand Travel Promotion project to the cabinet, which had three main directives: 1. To promote tourism; 2. To accommodate tourists; 3. To maintain tourist locations and accommodations.

The Ministry of Economics gave the responsibility to the Department of Commerce because they already had a commerce and travel sector. The Ministry of Economics took the helm until World War II when the main office was bombed and work on their projects had to be ceased.

In 1949, the Department of Advertising made a deal with the Ministry of Economics, then the Ministry of Commerce and Transport, to transfer the tourism business to the Office of the Prime Minister.

In 1958, while Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat was recovering at Walter Reed Hospital in the USA, he was interested in a tourism business and took the opportunity to study about it out of a wish to support his homeland's tourism industry. A year later, when he assumed the position of the Prime Minister of Thailand, he also sat as the president of the tourism association and turned it into an independent organization.

Subsequently, as the tourism industry was booming and developing exponentially, the scope of the organization grew with it, extending to development and conservation of tourism resources and promotion of travel. A rebranding occurred once again and the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) was finally established on 4 May 1979.

單位地址 / Add: Suan Homeesook 8 Moo 4 T Kachat A. Moeng Rayong, Rayong Province. 21100

電話 / Tel.: 6681-8890331

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

網頁 / Website:

AGARWOOD Farmer Group

展位編號Booth No.


電話 / Tel.: 852-97804544

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Andy Anne Global Style Limited

展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


單位地址 / Add: 153/2 Soi Mahatlek Luang 1, Ratchadamri Road Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand

電話 / Tel.: 66-20919000

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

網頁 / Website:

Grande Centre Point Hotel Ratchadamri, Bangkok

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: Baan Pae Pire, Rayong Province Thailand

電話 / Tel.: 66-839022022

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Koh Keaw Pisadan Ferry Co., Ltd / Thai Alloy Boat Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: 33 Moo 7 Tharuea Raad, T Saithai, A Moung Krabi, Krabi Province Thailand 81000

電話 / Tel.: 66-75627111

網頁 / Website:

Krabi Province Administrative Organization

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: 289/22 Utarakit Road, T. Paknam A. Moung Krabi, Krabi Province Thailand 81000

電話 / Tel.: 66-75623944

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

網頁 / Website:

Krabi Tourism Association

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 45Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

單位地址 / Add: 131/44 Moo 1 Chang Puek, Muang Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Province Thailand 50300

電話 / Tel.: 66-53920123

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

網頁 / Website:

Oasis Spa Destiny Enterprises Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: 135 Soi Naiyang 2, Niyang Beach, Taland, Phuket 83100

電話 / Tel.: 6676 380 499

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Proud Phuket Hotel

展位編號Booth No.


Rayong Marriott Resort & Spa

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: 99/5 Moo 2, Pae-Klaeng-Kram Road, Chakpong, Klaeng Rayong, Thailand 21190

電話 / Tel.: 66 38 998 000

單位地址 / Add: 33/4, 28th Floor, The Ninth Tower Grand Rama 9 Building, Rama 9 Rd, Huay Kwang,

Bangkok 10310

電話 / Tel.: 662 020 7462, 662 168 1368

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Savoey Group

展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 22-3A & 24-3A, Jalan Puteri 1/5 Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong Selangor Darul Ehsan,


電話 / Tel.: 6012-372 9983

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Wonderbucks Berhad

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: Baan Pae Pire, Rayong Province Thailand

電話 / Tel.: 66839022022, 66959503202

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tara Ferry/ Thai Alloy Boat Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: Ggaba Road, Kampala, Uganda

電話 / Tel.: 256-77658688

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

WEISH A.S.T. (Uganda) Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

WEISH ( 威水漁業 ) 是駐立於東非三國:肯尼亞、烏干達、坦桑尼亞, 於採購,加工,批發一體的企業,立足非洲提供當地人就業求職,把非洲豐富的特產介紹給中國,主要對象是香港、新加坡、澳門與中國大陸。

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場 刊 47Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue


單位地址 / Add: 越南峴港市五行山郡華貴坊東方園路 Lb.26, B2.17

電話 / Tel.: 84-943182006

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

YoYo Metoo Travel Services And Trading Company Limited

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 5 Harling Street, Mulbarton Ext3, Johannesburg

電話 / Tel.: 27-11432-2789

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Woodton International (Pty) Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

簡介 / Introduction:


本公司主營中國和南非兩地的出入口業務,歡迎與我們洽商,公司地址:南非約翰尼斯堡市。We located in Johannesburg RSA. We facilitate trading between China and South Africa. Please do

contact us for more information.

單位地址 / Add: No.653 (C), Myakanthar Street (1), Ward No (2), Kamayut Township, Yangon

電話 / Tel.: 095523888

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Yoko Sun Company Limited

展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 安徽省合肥市馬鞍山路 509 號政務大廈 B 區 17 層

電話 / Tel.: 0551-62999584

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Anhui Provincial Commission of Tourism Development

展位編號Booth No.


安徽旅遊資源豐富,風景秀麗,名勝古蹟眾多,民俗風情濃郁。最著名的風景區有黃山、九華山、天柱山、天堂寨、琅琊山、齊雲山,都是國家級風景名勝。1990 年,聯合國教科文組織將黃山列入世界文化和自然遺產名錄。2000 年,西遞 - 宏村景區也被列入其中。此外,安徽還有新安省、太平湖和巢湖水上樂園等旅遊景點。



Anhui Province has abundant tourist resources with beautiful landscape, many places of historic interest, and rich folk customs. The most famous scenic wonders include Mt.Huangshan, Mt.Jiuhua, Mt.Tianzhu, Heaven Village, Mt.Langya, and Mt.Qiyun, all of which are national scenic spots. In 1990, UNESCO put Mt.Huangshan on the list of the World Cultural and Natural Heritages. In 2000, Xidi & Hongcun was listed in the World Cultural Heritages as well. Other tourist attractions are the Xin'an River, Taiping lake, and the Water Park on Chaohu Lake etc.

Anhui Province is propitious for giving birth to great men, including Laozi, Zhuangzi, Guanzi, Cao Cao, Hua Tuo, Bao Zheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, Wu Jingzi, Chen Duxiu, and Hu Shi. It has five state-level ancient cultural cities, including Shexian, Shouxian, Bozhou, Anqing and Jixi and six nature reserves. The long history has left behind a great number of historical sites, such as Xuguo Stone Arch and Tangyue archways in Shexian, the ancient residences in Yixian, and the opera theaters in Bozhou. Moreover, Anhui is famous for arts and crafts, four treasures of the study, iron pictures, and bronze wares.

The people of Anhui are always ready to welcome tourists from all parts of the world!

簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 51Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue


單位地址 / Add: 安徽省亳州市譙城區希夷大道厦 588 號 6029 室

電話 / Tel.: 0558-5555323

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Bozhou City Culture Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.


亳州市文化旅遊控股集團展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 安徽省合肥市政務區天鵝湖萬達一號寫字樓 1806、1807

電話 / Tel.: 15056937223

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

CYTS Anhui International Travel Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 安徽省池州市長江南路紅森國際大廈 B 座 7 樓

7 Floor, Block B, Hong Sen International Mansion, the Yangtze River South Road, in Chizhou

City of Anhui Province

電話 / Tel.: 0566-2088351

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Commission of Tourism Development of Chizhou City

展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 安徽省黃山市屯溪區長干東路 208 號 1-1 商鋪

電話 / Tel.: 0559-2322228

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Huangshan Guanjiangnan International Travel Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


九華山風景區管委會旅遊市場宣傳中心展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 安徽六安金寨縣玖隆財富廣場 B-50 號

電話 / Tel.: 0564-7192233

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Shanghai Youfu CITS Jinzhai Branch

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 廣東省惠州市博羅縣湖鎮鎮響水下洞寸

電話 / Tel.: 0725-6656144

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:怡情谷溫泉酒店是一所按國際五星級標準設計與建造的集旅遊渡假、餐飲住宿、保健養生、休

閒觀光及溫泉療養的一體的特色大型溫泉渡假村。渡假村占地面積 18 多萬平方米,一期工程建築面積 10 多萬平方米。各種大中小型會議室、宴會廳、中西美食餐廳、特色酒吧、豪華 KTV,更有別出心裁創造設計的大小溫泉浸泡三十餘款,可一次性同時接待 500 餘名賓客。實為社會各界人士商務會議、旅遊渡假、休閒養生、賓客接待之最佳選擇。

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 53Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

單位地址 / Add: 重慶渝中區民生 283 路

電話 / Tel.: 02363235096

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

展位編號Booth No.



Chongqing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development

重慶是中國西部唯一的直轄市,是一座具有 3000 多年悠久歷史的文化名城,是世界上最大的山水城市,也是聞名遐邇的山城、江城、不夜城。重慶擁有世界文化遺產大足石刻、世界自然遺產武隆天生三礄和南川金佛山、世界最壯美內河大峽谷長江三峽和充滿民族風情的烏江畫廊,有 25900多處文化遺址、古城古鎮、古村,有 200 多個國家 A 級景區和一批旅遊渡假區,是世界溫泉及氣候養生聯合會命名的世界“溫泉之都”,有 300 多家 3 星級以上酒店,600 多家旅行社。

近年來,全市旅遊行業以建設國際知名旅遊目的地為目標,著力打造“1+4+10”旅遊品牌形象體系:即“山水之都•美麗重慶”國際旅遊品牌,山水都市巴渝古城天空之城不夜之城觀光休閒之旅、渝西走廊遺產畫廊親山樂水養生養心之旅、渝東南武陵風光邊城古寨世外桃園民族風情之旅、渝東北環長江三峽人文奇觀湖光山色之旅“四條主題線路”和山水都市、長江三峽、郵輪遊艇、紅岩聯線、溫泉之都、渝西走廊、烏江畫廊、世界遺產、巴渝古鎮、美麗鄉村“十大旅遊名片”,取得了顯著成績。2017 年全市共接待海內外遊客 5.42 億人次,其中入境遊客 358.35 萬人次;實現旅遊收入 3308.04 億元,其中旅遊外匯收入 19.48 億元。全市旅遊接待總人次、旅遊總收入、入境旅遊人次年均增長等各項旅遊經濟指標連年保持在 10% 以上。

簡介 / Introduction:

重慶市武隆喀斯旅遊 ( 集團 ) 有限公司

單位地址 / Add: 重慶市渝北區泰山大道東段 119 號龍頭寺旅遊集散中心 7 樓

電話 / Tel.: 02363811176

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Chongqing Wulong Karst Tourism Group Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


武隆喀斯特旅遊區,位於中國重慶東南 130 公里的烏江下游,同時擁有世界自然遺產、國家AAAAA 級景區、國家地質公園等稱號。武隆擁有罕見的喀斯特自然景觀,包括溶洞、天坑、地縫、峽谷、峰叢、高山草原等。同時,由張藝謀、王潮歌、樊躍“印象鐵三角”傾力打造的大型實景演出《印象武隆》,每晚都在景區華麗上演。

天生三橋——世界自然遺產核心景區、國家 AAAAA 級旅遊區、國家地質公園。以規模龐大、氣勢磅礴的三橋夾兩坑景觀稱奇於世。


簡介 / Introduction:

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


簡介 / Introduction:



阿依河風景區先後榮獲“全國民族文化旅遊新興十大品牌”、“中國之美十大自駕黃金線路”、“中國旅遊品牌總評榜•年度最具魅力景區品牌”、“影響重慶旅遊發展貢獻獎•十大景區”,“巴渝新十二景”等殊榮,被重慶市旅遊局評為“清涼勝地”、“消費者值得信賴品牌景區”、“誠信景區”、“我最喜愛的重慶景區”、 “最美重慶•年度最受歡迎景區”“平安示範景區”等殊榮,2013 年 4月 25 日成功創建“國家 AAAA 級旅遊景區”。現正積極創建國家 AAAAA 級旅遊景區。


單位地址 / Add: 重慶市江北區北濱一路 526 路

電話 / Tel.: 023-67507918

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Chongqing Wujiang River Gallery Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


底,谷寬 1-10 米,兩岸刀壁聳屹,仰頭望天一線。仙女山國家森林公園——國家 AAAAA 級旅遊區,有“東方瑞士”、“南國草原”、“落在凡間

的伊甸園”之稱,平均海拔 1900 米,氣候宜人,林海、奇峰、草場、雪原被遊客稱為仙女山四絕。芙蓉江——面積 152.8 平方公里,主要遊覽河道 20 公里,遊船遊程 3 小時。景區以獨特水上原

始森林和 U 型峽谷、江河風光為主。芙蓉洞——中國唯一洞穴類世界自然遺產、國家 AAAAA 遊區、國家地質公園。擁有“珊瑚瑤池、


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 重慶龍頭寺遊客集散中心 5 樓

電話 / Tel.: 023-63018668

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Chongqing Jiuli Tourism Holdings Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


世界苗鄉養心彭水,彭水縣位於重慶市東南部,距重慶主城 180 公里,約 2 小時車程。地處武陵山區,居烏江下游,北接湖北、南連貴州,總人口約 70 萬,其中苗族人口約 33 萬,是中國苗族人口第一大縣。民族、生態、文化是彭水的三大名片,境內擁有蚩尤九黎城、摩圍山、郁山古鎮、烏江畫廊、阿依河等 5 大精品景區。

蚩尤九黎城距彭水縣城 3 公里,距離重慶主城 2 小時車程。核心景區 430 畝,總建築面積 11 萬平方米,總投資約 8 億元。按國家 5A 級景區建設,已是國家 4A 級景區。蚩尤九黎城核心景區建築面積 9 萬平方米,其中九道門、九黎宮、九黎神柱三項建築已列入上海大世界基尼斯之最。蚩尤九黎城是展示和傳承苗族文化的視窗和基地,彰顯出的是苗族文化的厚重和豐富的內涵,其項目具有獨特性。

摩圍山景區地處彭水縣南部,距彭水縣城 25 公里,距重慶主城 2.5 小時車程。平均海拔 1600米,面積 10 萬餘畝,森林覆蓋率達 91% 以上,年均降雪 40 餘天,負氧離子含量高達 11 萬個 / 立方釐米,2016 年榮獲“中國森林氧吧”稱號。 摩圍山景區內資源以森林、古樹、石林、絕壁、天坑、地縫、 溶洞、高山草場、漫山雲霧、日出日落等生態旅遊為主,同時兼有民俗、宗教、人文遺蹟等人文旅遊資源。

簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 重慶市萬盛經開區國能天街 8 號樓 22-16

電話 / Tel.: 023-48281215

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Chongqing Black Valley Tourism Investment Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:重慶黑山谷旅遊投資有限公司於 2008 年註冊成立,是國有獨資企業,註冊資金 5 億元,總資產

60 億元,現有在職員工 700 餘人。由重慶市萬盛經濟技術開發區管委會按正處級國有重點企業直屬管理。

黑山谷全長 13 公里,有“五峽、七區、十二峰、三十六橋、九十九瀑、一百零八潭”等絕美景觀。山頂與谷底高差最大在 1200 米左右。河谷兩岸坡度一般達 70-80 度。谷中森林覆蓋率高達 97%,負氧離子濃度高達 11 萬個/立方釐米,如同一個天然大氧吧,被譽為“中國最美養生峽谷”。

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


Chongqing Black Valley Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. is a solely state-owned company incorporated in 2008. The registered capital of our company is 500 million RMB, and the total assets are 6 billion RMB. There are more than 700 employees work in our company. As a key state-owned enterprises of division level, our company is directly under the managed of Chongqing Wansheng Economic and Technological Development District Management Committee.

The black valley tourist attraction is 13km in length. There, tourists can enjoy the beauty of 2 rivers, 5 valleys, 12 mountains, 36 bridges. 99 waterfalls and 108 ponds.

The wan shen stone forest tourist attraction has typical karst topography. It was formed about 465 million to 600 million years ago. During Phanerozoic Cambrian and Ordovician. It is the oldest stone forest in china. featuring stone forest, underground karst caves and fossils of animals and plants.


單位地址 / Add: 重慶市南岸區江南大道 8 號萬達廣場寫字樓 1 棟 5 樓

電話 / Tel.: 0086-23-629835

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Chonqgqing Grand Cruises Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

重慶冠達遊輪有限責任公司(以下簡稱:世紀遊輪)始創於 1992 年,公司歷經 20 餘年風雨歷程,從最初的代銷遊輪船票發展成為中國高端豪華遊輪領導者,現已是具有百億元優良資產、員工人數逾 100 人的集遊輪、旅遊產業、金融投資業、產業開發為一體的大型綜合性國際化企業集團。


作為中國遊輪旅遊業的龍頭企業,世紀遊輪一直致力於中國遊輪旅遊業的提檔升級,斥鉅資打造了 7 艘長江新一代、世界領先水準的系列遊輪。白金系列——世紀神話、世紀傳奇,在長江首次採用“電力推進和舵槳合一”的世界一流遊輪技術,搭載 7 大高新技術與 5 大長江奢華首創,成為世界內河僅有四艘中的兩艘電力推動豪華遊輪。

2017 年 11 月,第八艘全新豪華遊輪“世紀榮耀”正式動工建造。沿用世界造船行業一流的電力推進系統、搭載全新科技,以“安全、綠色、智慧、舒適”為標準打造,預計將於 2019 年完工。世紀天子從 2018 年 4 月 8 日 12 月 31 日全年上海 / 南京往返航線,華東新玩發,遊船遊江南,不一樣的體驗。

萬盛石林是典型的碳酸鹽岩溶蝕喀斯特地貌,以地表石林、地下溶洞、古生物化石等景觀為主,形成於距今 4.65-6 億年顯生宙的古生代之寒武紀和奧陶紀時期,是中國至今發現最古老的石林。

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 貴州省赤水市遊客接待中心

電話 / Tel.: 86-18982785360

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Chishui Tourism Development Corporation Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:赤水旅遊發展股份有限公司是開發經營旅遊的國有股份公司,位於赤水市城西 30 裡河濱路中段,

占地面積約 200 畝。公司經赤水市人民政府批準,始建於 2011 年 11 月,註冊資本 1 億元,總資產近 23 億元,現

有員工 460 餘人。公司總部設 1 室 9 部 3 中心,領有遵義市旅行社以及全資子公司赤水雲遊航旅發展有限公司和控股子公司赤水紅色旅遊文化傳播有限公司。

公司獨家開發經營中國丹霞赤水世界自然遺產地、赤水國家級風景名勝區、赤水國家級桫欏自然保護區、赤水國家森林公園和國家地質公園。現擁有著名的赤水丹霞旅遊區(大瀑布、佛光岩、燕子岩)4A 級景區、四洞溝 4A 級景區、赤水竹海國家森林公園 4A 級景區以及赤水中國侏羅紀公園桫欏景區等,地域面積 433 平方千米。公司主要從事景區開發建設、旅遊地產和旅遊商品開發、旅遊客運和旅遊酒店管理等旅遊業務。景區道路交通、索道、棧道、觀光遊覽車、船、站、台及停車場、公廁等基礎設施完善。


單位地址 / Add: 江蘇省常州市天寧區延陵中路 578-3 號

電話 / Tel.: 0519-86188663

Changzhou Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.C101-C105

常州市旅遊局是市政府主管旅遊業的直屬機構。常州是中國優秀旅遊城市,是一座有著 2500 多年文字記載史的江南文化古城。常州素有“三吳重鎮、八邑名都”之譽。常州城裡,故居舊館遍佈,人文古蹟仰俯皆是;美景流韻,山水含情,處處流淌著江南婉約;現代繁華,意氣風發,處處浸潤著蓬勃朝氣。目前,全市有環球恐龍城、天目湖旅遊渡假區、春秋淹城、天寧禪寺、東方鹽湖城等國家 5A 級、4A 級旅遊景區(點)以及一批全國工農業旅遊示範點。

簡介 / Introduction:

The Changzhou Tourism Bureau is directly under the municipal government in charge of tourism.Changzhou is "China Excellent Tourism City". Her 2500-year-old history leaves profound legacy to

inherit. Dating back to ancient times, Changzhou stood as a city of strategic importance and the capital of eight well-known counties across the region. It is home to many nation or world wide famous people. Nowadays, Changzhou has developed into a prosperous city with enduring traditions. It boasts one national 5A-class tourist attractions, eleven national 4A-class tourist attractions and a group of national agricultural & industrial tourism demonstration sites.

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Chang Zhou Chun Qiu Amusement Land Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.C101-C105


Jiangsu Jing Shang International Travel Agency Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.C101-C105


Jiangsu Wujin Taihu Lake Bay Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.C101-C105


Oriental Salt Lake Resort

展位編號Booth No.C101-C105


Tianmu Lake Tourist Resort

展位編號Booth No.C101-C105


單位地址 / Add: 重慶市北部新區金開大道西段 135 號互聯網產業園 8 號樓 6 樓

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Chong Qing Bjgc Internet Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:


BaJie Engineering Network ( is a leading crowdsourcing platform for the engineering

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industry in China, and is also the nation's first online designing institute. The BaJie Engineering's Tourism Industry Institute, which provides comprehensive solutions for tourism planning, marketing, and smart tourism, is widely recognized by the government and enterprises.


單位地址 / Add: 四川省德陽市產陽區泰山南路一段 17 號

電話 / Tel.: 0838-2206420

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Deyang Municipal Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:德陽市旅遊局成立於 1991 年,為德陽市政府直屬事業單位。主要職責制定並組織實際全市旅遊


ETC 君萃旅行

單位地址 / Add: 廣東省珠海市香洲區紅山路 165 號

電話 / Tel.: (86)021-60447122

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Elite Travel Connection

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:ETC 君萃旅行網是一家專注於開發中國高端旅遊市場的線上媒體機構,致力於向積極開發中國

豪華旅遊出境市場的旅遊業者及追求高品質境外新鮮旅遊體驗的精英傳播高端旅行理念,提供高端旅行與商旅資訊、目的地與產品資訊。網站旗下《ETC E-Journal》電子月刊內容涵蓋本月亮點/ 專訪、君行天下、酒店臻萃、海陸空全紀錄、線路優選等,發行對象為中國旅遊行業專家及 Elite Travel Club 會員,包括企業高管、私營業主、高級白領、自由職業等追求新奇、高端旅遊體驗的精英人群。Elite Travel Club 君萃精英俱樂部是高端人群休閒主題俱樂部,為會員組織旅行分享會、設計旅行產品、安排會員進行旅行體驗。

Elite Travel Connection (ETC) is one of the foremost luxury travel media and marketing organizations in China, targeting sophisticated travelers seeking unique travel experiences. The ETC website and the ETC e-journal inspire readers with emerging destinations, distinguished hotels, luxury modes of transportation, and one-of-a-kind adventures around the world. ETC has established long-term promotion and advertising partnerships with tourism boards, tour operators, travel agencies, hotels and resorts as well as many other tourism related organizations worldwide.

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


Elite Travel Club is a sharing platform for elite travelers. It offers outbound travel products to members and organizes events for them to share travel experiences.


單位地址 / Add: 福建省福州市東大路 36 號人才大廈 9-11 層

電話 / Tel.: 0591-87671957

Fujian Provincial Tourism Development Commission

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

福建山海交融,歷史悠久,人文薈萃,是中國大陸距離台灣地區最近的省份。福建擁有世界遺產 4 處:世界文化與自然雙遺產—武夷山,世界文化遺產—福建土樓,世界自然遺產—泰寧丹霞,世界文化遺產—鼓浪嶼;世界地質公園 2 處:泰甯、寧德;以及 9 個獨特資源:世界茶鄉、神奇土樓、綠色生態、廟宇朝聖、海絲紐帶、閩台淵源、夢幻海洋、溫泉養生、多元文化。

景區和旅遊目的地:4 座國家歷史文化名城,8 座中國優秀旅遊城市,18 個國家級風景名勝區,2 個國家旅遊渡假區,199 家 A 級旅遊區(5A 級景區 9 家 10 處),10 個國家地質公園,15 個國家級自然保護區,29 個國家森林公園,137 個全國重點文物保護單位,29 個全國休閒農業和鄉村旅遊示範縣(點),16 個全國和省級特色景觀旅遊名鎮名村,11 個國家和省級生態旅遊示範區等。

旅行社:全省現有 962 家旅行社,其中,赴台遊組團社 19 家;出境遊組團社 108 家。2016 年進入全國百強旅行社 8 家,旅行社營業收入超億元的有 22 家。

酒店:全省現有 384 家星級飯店。其中,四星級 146 家,五星級 51 家,五星級飯店數量居全國第 6 位(2016 年)。

Fujian is famous for its long history and as the birthplace of a galaxy of talents. Rivers are running through hills and mountains which stretch into the vast sea. It is the closest province in the Mainland to Taiwan region. Fujian has 4 world heritage sites: Wuyi Mountain—World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site, Fujian Earthen Building-- World Cultural Heritage Site, Danxia Landform at Taining--World Natural Heritage Site, and Gulangyu Island--World Cultural Heritage Site; 2 World Geoparks: Taining and Ningde; and nine unique resources: Tea Homeland of the World, Tulou (also known as "earthen building"), Green Trees, Temples, Ties of Maritime Silk Road, Roots with Taiwan region, Fantasy Ocean, Hot Springs, and Multi-cultures.

Scenic spots and tourist destinations: 4 National Historical and Cultural Cities, 8 Excellent Tourist Cities in China, 18 National Scenic Spots, 2 National Tourist Resorts, 199 A-Level Tourist Areas (of which 9 out of 10 places are 5A-level), 10 National Geoparks, 15 National Nature Reserves, 29 National Forest Parks, 137 Cultural Relics Cites under State-level Protection, 29 Demonstration Counties (Zones) of National Leisure Agricultural and Rural Tourism, 16 National and Provincial Famous Towns and Villages Featuring Unique Scenic Spots, 11 National and Provincial Eco-tourism Demonstration Zones.

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Travel agencies: There are 962 travel agencies in Fujian, among which 19 are tour groups to Taiwan region and 108 are outbound tour groups. In 2016, there were 8 travel agencies ranking top 100 in China. The operating revenues of 22 agencies boasted over one hundred million yuan each.

Hotels: There are 384 starred hotels in Fujian, with 146 four-star hotels and 51 five-star ones. The number of five-star hotels ranked sixth in the country in 2016.


單位地址 / Add: 甘肅省蘭州市城關區農民巷 2 號

No.2, Nongmin Road, Chenguan District, Lanzhou, Gansu

電話 / Tel.: 0931—8416588, 13993821307

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Gansu Provincial Tourism Development Commission

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 貴陽市中華北路 22-5 號

電話 / Tel.: 0851—6817801, 6818102

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Gui Zhou Tourism Development Commission

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:貴州省旅遊發展委員會是貴州省人民政府主管旅遊的直屬機構,負責全省旅遊政策和規劃制定、


安順市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


百里杜鵑管委會展位編號Booth No.


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畢節市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


貴陽市旅遊產業發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


貴州黃果樹旅遊集團股份有限公司展位編號Booth No.


黃平縣旅遊產業發展委展位編號Booth No.


赫章縣阿西裡西風景名勝區展位編號Booth No.


黎平縣旅發委展位編號Booth No.


江口縣旅遊局展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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黔南州旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


黔東南州旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


黔西南州旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


仁懷市旅遊局展位編號Booth No.


銅仁市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


遵義市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


遵義市習水縣旅遊局展位編號Booth No.


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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 南寧市青秀區金湖路 24 號自治區旅遊發展委員會

電話 / Tel.: 0771-5529019

Guangxi Tourism Development Commission

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:自治區旅遊發展委員會是自治區人民政府組成部門。主要職責是:( 一 ) 貫徹執行國家發展旅遊業的法律、法規、規章和方針政策。起草有關旅遊業地方性法規、

規章和規範性草案並組織實施。負責旅遊行政執法監督、行政覆議工作;( 二 ) 負責擬訂全區旅遊業發展和改革的戰略、政策、措施並組織實施。負責全區旅遊業發展的綜合協調,推動旅遊管理體制、運行機制、投融資機制創新,促進旅遊與相關領域的融合發展,開發培育旅遊新產品、新業態;( 三 )負責制訂全區旅遊整體形象推廣戰略並組織實施,組織和指導全區重大旅遊宣傳促銷活動。負責旅遊對外交流,推動區域旅遊合作。分析國內外旅遊市場動態資訊並提出對策;( 四 ) 負責全區旅遊資源的普查、規劃,指導、協調旅遊資源開發利用和保護工作。負責優化全區旅遊產業結構和產品結構。指導重點旅遊區域、旅遊目的地和旅遊線路的規劃開發,引導休閒渡假。指導旅遊渡假區、特色旅遊縣建設,指導鄉村旅遊、紅色旅遊工作;( 五 ) 指導全區重大旅遊項目建設工作。會同自治區財政部門編制旅遊發展資金計劃。監測旅遊產業經濟運行,負責旅遊統計、分析和資訊發佈工作;( 六 ) 負責推進全區旅遊公共服務體系規劃、建設和管理工作。指導旅遊行業精神文明建設和誠信體系建設。指導旅遊行業組織工作;( 七 ) 負責規範全區旅遊市場秩序、監督管理服務品質、維護旅遊消費者和經營者合法權益。負責全區入境、出境、國內和邊境旅遊業務管理。負責旅遊行業標準化工作。指導旅遊投訴處理工作;( 八 ) 負責全區旅遊安全的綜合協調和監督管理,指導旅遊應急救援工作。協調和指導假日旅遊工作;( 九 ) 負責制定全區旅遊人才規劃,指導全區旅遊行業教育培訓工作。指導全區旅遊人才交流工作。會同有關部門組織實施旅遊從業人員的職業資格標準和等級標準;( 十 ) 承辦自治區人民政府交辦的其他事項。

百色市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


百色市文化旅遊發展有限公司展位編號Booth No.


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崇左市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


防城港市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


廣西貴港市銅鼓灣溫泉旅遊發展有限公司展位編號Booth No.


廣西旅遊發展集團有限公司展位編號Booth No.


貴港市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


賀州市旅遊實業集團有限公司展位編號Booth No.


賀州市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


南寧市馬山縣旅遊發展局展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


欽州市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 廣州市大道西 463 號

電話 / Tel.: 15602666816

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Guangdong Recreational Vehicle and Camping Association

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:本會是由廣東省房車運營企業、自駕遊組織、汽車露營地運營企業、房車俱樂部、房車生產



單位地址 / Add: 海南省海口市海府路 49 號

電話 / Tel.: (86) 0898 65373095

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Hainan Provincial Tourism Development Commission

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

海南,北緯 18 度。海南是中國唯一的熱帶島嶼省份,也是中國最受歡迎的熱帶濱海渡假勝地。作為擁有海洋面積最大的省份,海南擁有 3.54 萬平方公里起伏的陸地、約 200 萬平方公里浩瀚的海域、1823 公里綿延的海岸線、68 處精彩的海灣、81 座海拔千米以上峻挺的山峰、170 多萬畝的國家級森林公園、70 多處天然的溫泉海南旅遊資源獨特且豐富,更打造了十大精品旅遊產品體系以滿足不同旅客需求:海洋旅遊、康體渡假旅遊、文化體育旅遊、會展旅遊、鄉村旅遊、森林生態旅遊、特色城鎮旅遊、購物旅遊、產業旅遊、專項旅遊加上遍佈全島的海島美食,總能滿足不同的渡假計畫。這裡四季無冬,陽光充沛,空氣清新,水質純淨,堪稱人間天堂、南海明珠。它用藍天、白雲、陽光、大海擁抱著每一個不遠萬里而來的朋友。

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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Hainan is located at 18° N and is China's only tropical island province, as well as China's most popular coastal tourism resort destination. Hainan's sea territory is the largest of any Chinese province. Hainan has 35,400 square kilometers of land, around 2,000,000 square kilometers of ocean territory, 1,823 km. of continuous shoreline, 68 excellent bays, 81 peaks reaching 1,000 meters or more above sea level, more than 1,133 square kilometers of national level forest parks, and over 70 natural hot springs. Hainan is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, and has set up a system of ten major tourism types in order to better serve the needs of travelers: Ocean Tourism, Health Resort Tourism, Cultural and Sports Tourism, MICE, Rural Tourism, Ecological Forest Tourism, Small Town Tourism, Shopping Tourism, Industry Tourism, and Specialized Tourism, plus cuisine from all over Hainan. Here, it's summer all year round, with plenty of sunshine, fresh air, and clean water, a real pearl in the South China Sea.

儋州鴻記港之味餐飲服務有限公司展位編號Booth No.


海口谷穗文化傳播有限公司展位編號Booth No.


海口龍華海藝家商行展位編號Booth No.


海南堯香堂文化創意有限公司展位編號Booth No.


海南海之漫進出口貿易有限公司展位編號Booth No.


海南廣電綠農農業科技有限公司展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


海南熱島風情國際旅行社有限公司展位編號Booth No.


萬甯萬城鴻記粵菜餐廳展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 湖南省長沙市東二環二段 40 號

電話 / Tel.: 0731-84725408

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Hunan Provincial Tourism Development Committee

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:湖南省位於中國的中南部,長江中游,周邊與江西、重慶、貴州、廣東、廣西、湖北交界。因






湖北省旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 江蘇省淮安市經濟開發區南馬廠大道 99 號

電話 / Tel.: 0517-89959082

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Huaian Xiyou Industry Group Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:淮安西游集團緊緊圍繞市委市政府提出的“城市功能內核、功能建設主軸、創意文化實踐、文

化聯動示範、商業運作典範焉江蘇題材之最”的戰略定位 ` 以西游文化為主線以西遊樂園為核心,以創建古淮河西遊記文化旅遊區國家 5A 級景區為抓手,通過整含並做大做強文化旅遊、娛樂教育、演出演藝、動漫影視、商貿餐飲、休閒渡假等產業鏈,逐步把企業打造成國內一流的綜合性文旅集團。

Closely around the strategic positioning of "city functional kernel, principle axis of function construction, creative culture practices, and tourism integration demonstration, model of business operation, and the best Jiangsu theme" proposed by the municipal government, Xiyou Group, with the culture of Journey to the West as the as main story line, the Journey to the West Theme Park as the Core, and the construction of Ancient Huaihe. Journey to the West National 15A Cultural Tourist Attraction as the starting point, gradually build the enterprise into a domestic first- class Comprehensive cultural tourism group through integrating and strengthening the cultural tourism, entertainment & education, performance & show, animation & television, business & catering, leisure and other industrial chain.


單位地址 / Add: 江西省南昌市福州路 183 號

電話 / Tel.: 0791-86227631

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Development Commission

展位編號Booth No.



面積 16.69 萬平方公里,人口 4,600 萬,自古被譽為“物華天寶、人傑地靈”之地。江西是生態王國和人文殿堂,全省森林覆蓋率達 63.1%, 居全國前列。這裏旅遊資源豐富,名

山大湖星羅棋佈。世界文化景觀廬山、世界自然遺產三清山、龍虎山、龜峰分列全省,中國最大淡水湖鄱陽湖,以及廬山西海、仙女湖煙波浩渺。千年瓷都景德鎮、千年道教祖庭龍虎山、千年名樓滕王閣、千年書院白鹿洞書院等歷史文化悠久燦爛。江西境內現有 4 處世界遺產、4 處世界地質公園、1 處國際重要濕地、18 處國家級風景名勝區,生態環境卓越,正成為中國中東部重要的旅遊休閒勝地。

簡介 / Introduction:

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


As a government department, one of the tasks of Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Development Commission is to market and promote Jiangxi as a travel destination worldwide.

Jiangxi is located to the south of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and adjacent to the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Economic Zone on the Western Coast of the Taiwan region Straits. Covering a total area of 166,900 square kilometers and having a population of 46 million, Jiangxi has been reputed as a land of attractive resources and magical power and a birth place of creative minds and gifted talents since ancient times.

Jiangxi enjoys the fame of the Kingdom of Ecology and the Palace of Humanity. Forests cover 63.1% of the entire province, ranking the top in the country. Rich in tourist resources, Jiangxi is dotted with famous mountains and lakes, such as the world cultural landscape Mt. Lushan, the world natural heritage sites like Mt. Sanqingshan, Mt. Longhushan and Mt. Guifeng, Poyang lake which is the largest freshwater lake nationwide, as well as the picturesque lakes like Lushan West Sea and the Fairy Lake with a vast expanse of misty, rolling waters. Boasting its long history and splendid culture, Jiangxi embraces numerous historical and cultural sites dating back thousands of years, such as Jingdezhen which is regarded as the world Porcelain Capital, Mt. Longhushan which is the Birthplace of Zhengyi Sect of Daoism, Tengwang Pavilion and White Deer Cave Academy. Thanks to its favorable ecological enviroment, Jiangxi is gifted with four world heritages, four world geological parks, one international wetland, eighteen national-level scenic areas, and thus becoming an important tourist resort in central and east China.


單位地址 / Add: 廣東省江門市江海金甌 1 號聯檢大樓二樓

電話 / Tel.: 0750-3698899

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Jzz Yacht Club

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:


Zhong Xing group Company, Strive to Building the coastal tourism project of Jiang Men city. The Strategic Concept on one Centre11 and three points layout to the project. Jzz Yacht Club, Yallen tourism culture Comprehensive project, and the seaside tourism project are the three points in the layout. The development pattern are combination of forming point and lines, vertical clear.

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 南京市中山北路 255 號

電話 / Tel.: (86-25)83421639

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Administration

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:江蘇省地處中國大陸經濟發達的長江三角洲地區,毗鄰上海。長江、大運河縱橫其間,氣候

溫和,素有“魚米之鄉”的美譽。全省面積 10 萬多平方公里,人口 7,900 多萬,是中國最富裕的省份之一。

江蘇旅遊資源極其豐富,旅遊產品多元多彩。擁有以南京明孝陵、蘇州古典園林和大運河江蘇段為代表的世界文化與自然遺產 10 多處,以及蘇州昆曲、古琴和南京雲錦等世界非物質文化遺產代表。


Jiangsu Province is located in the Yangtze River Delta, adjacent to Shanghai. It has the Yangtze River traversing from west to east and the Ancient Grand Canal stretching from north to south. The province is very flat and low-lying, known as "the land of fish and rice". It is the most prosperous region in Mainland China enjoying rapid economic development. It occupies an area of more than one hundred thousand square kilometers with a population of seven point nine million people.

Jiangsu boasts a diversity of tourist products, incorporating ten World Cultural Heritage sights such as Nanjing Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty, Suzhou Classical Gardens, and Jiangsu Section of the Grand Canal, and the world intangible cultural heritage as Kunqu Opera, Chinese Guqin Zither and Nanjing Cloud Brocade.

Tens of festivals characterized by unique glamour and strong local culture are held in all areas in Jiangsu each year, which attract a large number of tourists both from home and abroad. Jiangsu province is one of the most charming and attractive tourism destinations in China with its wonderful natural scenery and profound history and culture.

淮安市旅遊局展位編號Booth No.


南京市旅遊委員會展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


南通市旅遊局展位編號Booth No.


宿迁市旅遊局展位編號Booth No.


泰州市旅遊局展位編號Booth No.


無錫市旅遊局展位編號Booth No.


揚州市旅遊局展位編號Booth No.


鹽城市旅遊局展位編號Booth No.


鎮江市旅遊發展委員會展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 東城區朝陽門北大街 10 號

Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 邳州市长江路沙沟湖新區行政中心 1 號樓

電話 / Tel.: 0516-86629315

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Pizhou Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:邳州環境優美、生態宜居。城市建成區 50 平方公里、人口 50 萬,城鎮化率 51.4%。境內艾山

九龍風景區、土山關帝廟、京杭大運河、天下水杉第一路、銀杏湖風景區等國家 4A 級景區、3A 級景區交相輝映,“楚韻漢風、詩意田園”的城市特色日益彰顯。深入實施“銀杏旅遊 +”,放大 30萬畝連片銀杏林海的生態資源優勢,傾力打造人文自然交融、富有魅力的銀杏小鎮片區,年吸引遊客 350 萬人次,全面打響“邳州銀杏甲天下”生態品牌。

Pizhou has a beautiful environment and a good ecological environment.The urban built-up area is 50 square kilometers, with a population of 500 thousand, and the urbanization rate of 51.4%. In its churchyard, Aishan Jiulong Scenic spot, Tushan Guan emperor temple, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, World Metasequoia first way, Ginkgo Lake Scenic spot and other national 4A and 3A scenic spots,all add radiance and beauty to each other; The urban features of "Chu-rhyme-Han style and poetic pastoral garden" are becoming more and more obvious.We deeply implement the"Ginkgo tourism+", enlarge the ecological resources advantage of 300,000 mu of Ginkgo biloba forest sea,make the humanities and nature blend, full of charm Ginkgo biloba small town slice area, attract 3.5 million tourists every year, make the ecological brand of "Pizhou ginkgo biloba world first" in an all-round way.


單位地址 / Add: 山西省太原市濱河西路南段 129 號雙創基地 B 座

電話 / Tel.: 0351-7325156

Shanxi Province Tourism Development Committee

展位編號Booth No.


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簡介 / Introduction:




單位地址 / Add: 中國山東省濟南市經十路 17386 號

電話 / Tel.: 86-531-82676466

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Shandong Tourism Development Commission

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

山東是中國東部的旅遊大省,歷史悠久、文化燦爛、名仕眾多,風光壯美,旅遊資源非常豐富。15 萬平方公里的土地上星羅棋佈了 783 家景區景點,泰山、“三孔”、蓬萊閣、嶗山、台兒莊、天下第一泉、沂蒙山、八仙過海景區、劉公島、南山早已蜚聲海內外。溫泉、高爾夫、葡萄酒莊、滑雪場、曲藝表演和實景演出等旅遊新業態五彩繽紛。歡迎五湖四海的朋友歡聚山東,領略“孔子家鄉”的無限魅力、“好客山東”的深情厚誼!

Shandong is a major province of tourism in East China with rich tourism resources. It boasts time-honored history, splendid culture, numerous celebrities and magnificent sceneries. Some 783 scenery areas or spots are scattered all over the province's land area which reaches 150 thousand square meters. Mount Tai, the Three Kong (Confucius Temple, Mansion and Cemetery), Penglai Pavilion, Mount Lao, Taierzhuang, The First Spring under Heaven, Mount Yimeng, The Eight Immortals Cross the Sea Scenic Area, Liugong Island, Nanshan are among the most well-known ones. New tourism formats such as artistic shows and live performances are springing up in the province. Friends across the world are welcome to visit Friendly Shandong and experience the unique fascination of the Hometown of Confucius.

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 陝西省西安市長安北路 15 號

電話 / Tel.: 86-29-85261289

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Shaanxi Provincial Tourism Development Commission

展位編號Booth No.



Shaanxi (Chinese: 陝西 ) is a province of the People's Republic of China, officially part of the Northwest China region. It includes portions of the Loess Plateau on the middle reaches of the Yellow River in addition to the Qin Mountains (Qinling) across the southern part of this province.

In the long history of the Chinese civilization, 13 dynasties established their capitals in this area and 73 emperors were in power in this area. It was a long and prosperous history, and countless rare historical and cultural heritages have been leftover. In the Shaanxi Province, more than 2 million pieces of cultural relics of various kinds and more than 35,750 sites of cultural relics are preserved. The number, level and sorts of the cultural relics are largest, highest and most in the world. The Shaanxi Province has not only the splendid cultural relics and deep cultural accumulation but also magnificent rivers and mountains. The middle section of the Qinling Mountain, where the panda, golden monkey and many other rare animals live, is in the Shaanxi Province. The Mount Huashan, which is known for its steep landscapes, is in the Shaanxi Province. The Yellow River, which is the mother river of the Chinese nation, also flows through the province and has given the province many majestic landscapes, such as the Hukou Waterfall. The ancient, beautiful and splendid Shaanxi Province is waiting for you sincerely!

簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 陝西省渭南市華陰市集靈路中段

電話 / Tel.: 09134366652

Shaanxi Huashan Tourism Group Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


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單位地址 / Add: 深圳市福田區中三路市民中心 C 區

電話 / Tel.: 0755-88103203

Shenzhen Municipal Administration Culture, Sports and Tourism

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:深圳市文體旅遊局是深圳市政府工作部門,負責深圳文化體育藝術、廣播電影電視、新聞出版、


Shenzhen Municipal Administration of Culture, Sports and Tourism is a government department which administrates Shenzhen's culture, sports and tourism industry.


Shenzhen Meridian View Centre

展位編號Booth No.


深圳市深中國際旅行社展位編號Booth No.



Shenzhen Chuang Shun Travel Agency Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Shenzhen Airport Ferry Terminal Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Shenzhen Mike Trip International Travel Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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Shenzhen YouYou International Travel Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Shenzhen Yipeng Convention and Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Shenzhen Professionals-Workers' International Travel Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Shenzhen Oriental Secret Cultural Industries Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


深圳市中絲園文化產業有限公司展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 上海市大沽路 100 號 10 樓

電話 / Tel.: (86)-21-2311517

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

上海市旅遊局負責將上海作為一個理想的旅遊目的地向海內外遊客進行宣傳推介,專注於吸引招徠各類海內外會議、獎勵旅遊和盛事活動等在上海舉辦,並給予支持和協助。2017 年來上海的海外遊客達到 873 萬人次,上海市旅遊局的最終目標是將上海建設成為世界著名的旅遊城市。如欲瞭解更多資訊,請登陸。

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration is in charge of marketing Shanghai as an ideal destination for leisure travel, business travel and meetings, incentive travel, conventions, events etc. and provides supports and assistants for those organizers. Shanghai received 8.73 million overseas visitors in 2017 and our target is to build Shanghai as one of the world's great cities essentially. For more information, visit


China MICE Planners

展位編號Booth No.



The Portman Ritz-Carlton

展位編號Booth No.



Marriott International Inc.

展位編號Booth No.



Top of Shanghai Exhibition Hall

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 廣州市越秀區東風路 767 號東寶大廈 14 層

電話 / Tel.: 020-38327170

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Success Overseas Group

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:


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每一個客戶提供全方位的海外服務。Success Overseas Group is a comprehensive overseas service provider for Chinese citizens to provide

overseas immigrants, overseas property, overseas education, international exhibition and overseas exchange. We have with governments, investment promotion agencies, overseas Chambers of commerce, immigration, the embassy, overseas colleges and universities, education institutions, the consortium of Banks and other relevant institutions have established a long-term close relations of cooperation.

With reliable international resources, senior industry background, professional executive team and sincere service concept, Success Overseas Group can provide all-round overseas service for every customer.


單位地址 / Add: 四川成都武侯區長益路 13 號藍海 Office C 座 706

電話 / Tel.: 028-85108510

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Sichuan Dinglong International Travel Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 寧夏銀川市興慶區北京東路 375 號

電話 / Tel.: 0951-6732838

Tourism Development Commission of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

展位編號Booth No.



Tourism Development Commission of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is directly under the People's Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and undertakes the functions of making overall plans and coordinating the development of Ningxia tourism industry, cultivating the domestic, inbound and outbound tourism market, planning and exploiting the tourist routes and areas, standardize the tourism order, improving service quality, supervising and coordinating the tourism security, training the tourism practitioners, promoting the construction of tourism Informatization and so on.

簡介 / Introduction:

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 遼寧省錦州市市府路 68 號

電話 / Tel.: 86-416-3872058

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tourism Development Commission of Jinzhou

展位編號Booth No.


錦州位於中國渤海最北岸,遼西走廊東端,是連接中國華北和東北兩大區域的交通樞紐城市,以山海福地、錦繡之州、英雄城市、歷史文化名城著稱。兩千多年的歷史承載了燕遼明清印記,融合了漢滿鮮卑契丹民族文明。錦州是中國優秀旅遊城市,境內擁有海洋、森林和濕地三大地球生態系統,現有景區 48 個,其中 AAAA 景區 12 個。以錦州燒烤為代表的小吃馳名中外。

With a population of about 3,120,000 and a coastline of 124 kilometers, Jinzhou, a seaside city located in western Liaoning Province, and on the eastern end of "Western Liaoning Corridor", covers an area of more than 10,301 square kilometers. Jinzhou boasts its long history and multiple cultural traditions. It witnessed such dynasties as Yan, Liao and Qing, and its culture is a combination of cultures from nationalities as Han, Man, Xianbei, etc.

Jinzhou is a city of rich tourism resources such as the ocean, forest and wetland. It also has 48 scenic spots. Jinzhou barbecue is quite famous all around the world.


單位地址 / Add: 遼寧省盤錦市遼東灣新區行政中心 A 座 9 樓

電話 / Tel.: 0427-2810663

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tourism Development Commission of Panjin

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 桓仁縣黃河大街 6 棟 28 號

電話 / Tel.: 024-48161777

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Liaoning Wunv Mountain Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 83Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

廣東,這個地處中國南大門,海上絲綢之路起點的美麗地方。廣東瀕臨南海,毗鄰港澳,是中國文化和經濟最具活力的地區之一。這裡有繁華璀璨的國際大都市,也有古樸自然的古村落;有渾然天成的自然風光,也有傳承千年的文化遺產;有現代時尚的主題樂園,也有休閒放鬆的渡假溫泉;有最浪漫的濱海沙灘,也有多姿多彩的少數民族風情。可以說,廣東已發展成為全國乃至亞太地區最重要的旅遊客源地、旅遊目的地和旅遊產業集聚地之一。廣東的交通及旅遊配套服務設施也日臻完善。目前全省 8 個機場共擁有 400 多條國內航線和 150 多條國際航線,每年客流超過 1 億人次。同時,廣東的港口、高鐵、城際輕軌、地鐵、高速公路都十分發達,是我國最重要的航空、鐵路、公路和海運樞紐之一。總之,在廣東,你可以方便快捷的到達你想去的地方。


單位地址 / Add: 中國廣東省廣州市天河區黃埔大道西 463 號

電話 / Tel.: 020-87513700

Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

Guangdong, the south gate of China, and is also the start of Chinese Maritime Silk Road. Located by the South China Sea, Guangdong Province borders on Hong Kong and Macao. It is one of the most vigorous areas in terms of culture and economy in China. There are prosperous and splendid international metropolises, simple and ancient villages, excellent natural sceneries and millennium-old cultural heritages. There are modern fashionable theme parks, holiday hot spring resorts, romantic beaches and colorful minority ethnic customs. Guangdong is now one of the most important tourist generating areas, travel destinations and tourism industry clusters in China and even in the Asia-Pacific region. Guangdong is perfecting its transport facilities and tourism supporting service. Currently, it has 8 airports with more than 400 domestic routes and more than 150 international routes, serving more than 100 million person-times of passengers every year. As one of the most important hubs for air, railway, road and sea transportation of China, Guangdong boasts developed ports, high-speed railways, intercity light rails, subways and expressways. So, you can reach the place where you want to go conveniently and efficiently in Guangdong.


Albion Resort & Spa Greenland and Nar Golden Valley

展位編號Booth No.



Celeste Palace International Hotel

展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



China International Travel Service (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Chishi Sightseeing Cable Car

展位編號Booth No.


大角灣國家 5A 級景區

Da Jiao Bay National AAAAA Level Tourism Attraction

展位編號Booth No.



Dafang International Travel Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Dongguan Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



Foshan Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



Equal Tangerine Peel Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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Grace Spring Resort

展位編號Booth No.



Guangdong Jia Shi Li Food Group Limited

展位編號Booth No.



Gu Lao Shui Xiang Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Guangdong Kaiping Diaolou Tourism Development Corp Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Hakka Park Scenic Spot

展位編號Booth No.



Heshan Yingfeng Ecotourism Development Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Heyuan Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



Jiang Men Jiao Tong Guo Lv

展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



Jiang Men Breoe Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Jiang Men Comfort International Travel Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Jiangmen Qiao Guang Travel Service CO., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Jiangmen Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



Jieyang Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



Jiangmen Tourism Industry Association

展位編號Booth No.



Lavande Hotels

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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Long Chan Resort

展位編號Booth No.



Maritime Silk Road Museum of Guangdong

展位編號Booth No.



Molly Hotel

展位編號Booth No.



Meizhou Tourism Administration

展位編號Booth No.



Pan Tower International Hotel

展位編號Booth No.



QiaoGuang Travel Service

展位編號Booth No.



Qingyuan Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



Shan Shui International Travel Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



Shantou Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



Shaoguan Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



Sunrise Hot Spring Hotel

展位編號Booth No.



Taishan Chuanshan Islands Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



TinWei Advertising Planning

展位編號Booth No.



Yang Jiangshibazi Group Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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Yangjiang Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



Zhanjiang Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



Zhongshan Municipal Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



Zhaoqing Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 天津市河西區水道增 9 號渤海發展中心 A 座 7 樓

電話 / Tel.: 022-28209049

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tianjin Municipal Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.


天津市旅遊局為市政府直屬機構,承擔全市旅遊業的規劃、管理各行業促進工作。Tianjin Tourism Administration, the organization under the direct control of Tianjin Municipal

Government, is responsible for the planning, management and marketing of Tianjin tourism industry.

簡介 / Introduction:


Tianjin Rongjin Technology Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



Tianjin Five Avenue Tourism Resource Management Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 廣東省廣州市東風西路 140 號 13 樓 103 室

電話 / Tel.: 020-81074221

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tourism Administration of Guangzhou Municipality

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:廣州市旅遊局是廣州市人民政府主管全市旅遊業的工作部門。職能之一是負責廣州城市旅遊形

象的宣傳推廣和做好繁榮入境遊、出境遊、國內遊三大旅遊市場的促進工作。Tourism Administration of Guangzhou Municipality is the functional department in charge of tourism

industry authorized by Guangzhou Municipal Government. One of its main functions is to be responsible for the promotion of Guangzhou tourism and the prosperity of three large tourism markets, inbound, outbound and domestic tourism.


Guangzhou Zengcheng Tourism Development

展位編號Booth No.



Guangzhou Yang Stall Food Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


廣州市越秀區余同號餅印雕刻服務部展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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Country Garden Phoenix International Hotels Management Company

展位編號Booth No.




Former Residence of Liang Qichao

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99


單位地址 / Add: 廣東省江門市新會區會城古榕路 7 號

電話 / Tel.: 0750-6633095

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tourism Bureau of Xinhui District of Jiangmmen City

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99

簡介 / Introduction:


GuDou Hot Spring Town

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99


Jiangmen Spring & Autumn lnternational Travel Agency

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99


Jiangmen Xinghui International Travel Agency Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


參展商名錄(名錄由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序)Lista de Expositores (Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores listados pela inicial em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Ingelês ou o Chinês Pinyin)Exhibitors Directory (The contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed by the initial in alphabetical order in according to English or Chinese Pinyin)

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6th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo

場 刊 93Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



Xinhui Baojun Xiaogang Incense Center

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99


Xinhui Livistona Chinensis Exposition Park

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99


Xinhui Classical Furniture Mall

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99


Mt. Guifeng National Forest Park

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99


The Birds' Paradise

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99


Yamen Naval Battle Cultural Tourist Resort

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99


Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall

展位編號Booth No.C96-C99

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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台山市那琴半島地質海洋公園(酒店)位於台山市北陡鎮南部海灣的海豚保護區上,是海上絲綢之路的重要驛站。那琴半島地質海洋公園海岸線全長 6000 多米,海灘共有 5 個,包括浪琴灣、廟灣、柑果灣、白馬灣和峽灣。這裡奇形怪石令你盡情發揮空間想像力,有震海神獅、靈兔望月、佛腳石、仙猴望海等。半島風光迷人,有沙質優良的天然海灘,有風光旖旎的海灣,也有奇特山景石林,包括坐官山、企官山、水井山、牛頭山、桌子山等山奇石林立。這裡有“不到坐官山,枉到那琴行”的傳說。每年 5 月到 10 月是觀賞成群中華白海豚出沒的最佳時節,讓人感受地球生態的自然魅力。酒店是珠三角集住宿、商務會議、休閒娛樂、游泳、爬山、觀海、釣魚、品嘗海鮮、食地道農家菜等的旅遊渡假聖地,那琴半島地質海洋公園(酒店)被譽為當今世界上地質海洋旅遊觀賞的最佳景點之一。


單位地址 / Add: 廣東省台山市北陡鎮那琴半島海景 1 街 1 號

電話 / Tel.: 0750-5789555

Taishan Naqin Peninsula Hotel Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

Taishan City Naqin Peninsula Geological Ocean Park (Hotel) is in the southern part of Taishan City Beidou Town which is the Dolphin protective zone. It is also a most important courier station of the Maritime Silk Road. Naqin Peninsula Geological Ocean Park (Hotel) has a total of 6000 meters coastline which includes 5 beaches such as Langqin Bay, Miao Bay, Ganguo Bay, White house Bay and Xia Bay. The odd shaped stones here can inspire your imagination. Some of the stones here look like lion, rabbit, feet, monkey etc. Naqin Peninsula is gorgeous with natural beaches filled with soft sand, lovely scenery and special stone-forest. There are not only 5 beaches here, but also 5 hills. They are called Zuoguan Hill, Qiguan Hill, Shuijing Hill, Niutou Hill and Zuozi Hill. There is a legend in the village that "you couldn't say you've been to Naqin if you didn't climb up to the top of the Zuoguan Hill". May to October every year is the best time to watch the Chinese white Dolphin playing on the sea in Naqin. While you are watching the Chinese white Dolphin, the charming of the nature environment also impresses you. You can have business meeting, entertainment, swimming, climbing, fishing, tasting of seafood and local food here. Naqin Peninsula Geological Ocean Park (Hotel) is called one of the best views of Geological Ocean Park in the world.


單位地址 / Add: 上海市楊浦區惠民路 694 號 310 室

電話 / Tel.: 021-55380190

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Travel World China Network Marketing Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


環球逸旅是中國領先的旅業媒體和公關公司,服務於境外旅遊局、精品酒店、航空公司、高端簡介 / Introduction:

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


Travel World China is a long-established (since 2005) tourism media and PR/networking company in China. We provide latest media consultation, marketing advice and develop cost effective yet innovative programmer that drive outbound Chinese tourists (now investors!) to your business, destination or product.

Over the years we have developed an in depth understanding of the target market segment - the "high-yield", urban wealthy, well-educated, digitally suave consumer. We have the knowhow to design, implement and achieve ultimate result via coordinated marketing programmers.

Contact us to see how we can assist you grow your business from China!


單位地址 / Add: 北京市朝陽區朝陽 199 號摩碼大廈 1398 室

電話 / Tel.: 010-85983220

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Travel Trade China

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:國際旅遊交易網 是一家專門服務於出境旅遊行業的 B2B 平台,平台擁有全

球最大的海外旅遊資來源資料庫、最新的出境旅遊行業資訊,是同業間相互交流合作,產品和服務分銷以及獲取最新出境旅遊資訊的電子商務平台。 service in outbound tourism industry B2B platform. We have China's largest database of overseas tourism resources and the latest information on the Outbound Travel. Specially service in: Travel Product and service distribution, Global Sales Agent (GSA), professional branding promotion, e-commerce media.

西藏自治區旅遊局展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 雲南省昆明市滇池路 678 號

電話 / Tel.: 0871-64603832

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Yunnan Provincial Tourism Development Commission

展位編號Booth No.


旅遊機構等,策劃和執行其在華市場發展。環球逸旅網月點擊率達百萬次以上,出版《環球逸旅》VIP 高端旅遊和生活方式電子雜誌。

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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雲南省旅遊發展委員會成立於 1978 年,隸屬於雲南省人民政府。其主要職責是擬訂旅遊業發展的戰略目標和政策,編制旅遊業發展的中長期規劃和年度計劃;擬訂國內外旅遊市場開發戰略,組織、指導旅遊節慶會展的產品開發、品牌培育;組織、協調旅遊宣傳促銷活動;承擔對外交流與合作的有關工作。指導重點旅遊區域、目的地和線路的規劃開發;會同有關部門管理旅遊發展資金及其他旅遊開發建設資金,引導旅遊業的社會投資和利用外資。

Established in 1978, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Development Committee is an administrative organization under the direct leadership of the People's Government of Yunnan Province which Responsible for making the goals, policies and regulations of the tourism industry development; draft the middle-term & long-term plan and the annual plan of the tourism industry development; and the draft the strategic plan for developing the domestic and international tourism source markets; organize and coordinate the tourism promotion activities; be responsible for the tourism foreign affairs, the international liaison, organizing the research, development and protection of the tourism resources within the province; guide the planning and development of the travel zone, scenic spots and the holiday zones; coordinate and management the governmental tourism development fund and other funds; guide the social and foreign investment to the tourism industry.

簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 浙江省杭州市石函路 1 號

電話 / Tel.: 0571-85212798

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Zhejiang Provincial Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.


杭州市旅遊委員會展位編號Booth No.


舟山市旅遊委員會展位編號Booth No.


烏鎮旅遊股份有限公司展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 廣東省珠海市香洲區紅山路 165 號

電話 / Tel.: 0756-2636702

Zhuhai Culture Sports and Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.


珠海屬南亞熱帶海洋型季風氣候,年平均氣溫 22.4℃,宜居宜業宜遊。市轄香洲區、斗門區、金灣區三個行政管理區以及五個經濟功能區,全市常住人口 160 多萬,總面積 7,653 平方公里,海岸線長 691 公里,146 個小島星羅棋佈,素有“百島之市”美譽,是中國首個獲聯合國“國際改善居住環境最佳範例獎”的城市。

Zhuhai is of south subtropical marine monsoon climate, with an annual average temperature of 22.4℃. It is a pleasant place for habitation, tourism and business initiation. The city has 3 administrative districts, i.e. Xiangzhou, Doumen and Jinwan, and 5 economic functional zones. It has a permanent population of over 1.6 million, and a total area of 7,653 m2. With a coastline of 691 km2 , Zhuhai is known as "a city of hundred islands" for its 146 islands and China's first city that own the Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment from UNCHS.

簡介 / Introduction:


Cultural and Sports Tourism Bureau of JinWan District

展位編號Booth No.



Cultural and Sports Tourism Bureau of WanShan District

展位編號Booth No.



Cultural and Sports Tourism Bureau of Xiangzhou District

展位編號Booth No.



Hengqin New Area Bureau of Social Affairs

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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Zhuhai Tourism Development Center

展位編號Booth No.



Tourism Bureau of Doumen District

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 大連市莊河市世紀廣場 1 號

電話 / Tel.: 041189706215

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Zhuanghe Tourism Bureau

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 珠海市拱北聯安路 115 號 2 樓

電話 / Tel.: 0756-3368000

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Zhuhai China-Macau International Travel Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


珠海中澳國際旅行社有限公司成立於 2007 年,位於拱北聯安路 115 號二樓全層。主要經營:出境旅遊、入境旅遊、國內旅遊、商旅會議、會展策劃、旅遊汽車運輸服務和機票、酒店、景點、高端旅遊、私人訂制等各類代理業務。


簡介 / Introduction:

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 珠海市香洲區拱北夏灣粵華路 370 號 202

電話 / Tel.: 0756-8887755

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

展位編號Booth No.




簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 珠海市金灣區三灶鎮琴石工業區安基中路三號

電話 / Tel.: 400-0756-136

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Zhuhai Jialinfood Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.E84/E85

簡介 / Introduction:珠海佳霖食品有限公司創建於 1992 年,集食品調味料的研發、生產與銷售為一體的專業食品調


公司位於珠海市三灶鎮琴石工業區,碼頭與高速公路口近在咫尺,物流配送方便,背山面水,環境優美,擁有良好的自然生態環境,確保了所有產品自然無污染,公司通過了 ISO9001:2015 品質管制體系認證和國家高新技術企業認定,部分產品獲廣東省品牌稱號,擁有強大的配送隊伍及業務銷售團隊,並成為了廣東省珠江三角最大的食品調味料公司。

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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Zhuhai Jia Lin Food Co., Ltd. was founded in 1992, production and sales of R&D, seasoning food as one of the professional food seasonings enterprises, the company has been set up to the market as the guidance, take the customer as the core, actively involved in food and beverage condiment industry research and development work, and establish a new concept of consumer food condiment industry, to shake the strong role in the food industry to increase the competitiveness in the market, the company is committed to developing Chinese delicacy culture, establish the delicacy standard, determined to do the catering industry leading brands China seasoning.

The company is located in Zhuhai Sanzao Qinshi Industrial Zone, port and highway port logistics convenient, close at hand, surface water, mountains and beautiful environment, has a good natural environment, to ensure that all products of natural and non pollution, the company passed the ISO9001:2015 quality management system certification and the national high-tech enterprises, some products in Guangdong brand title, distribution team and sales team with strong, and become the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong province's largest food seasoning company.

Companies adhering to the "never-ending continuous improvement, perfect and sincere service, to provide customers with a satisfactory product" business philosophy. According to the different customer demand area, to provide the most suitable and perfect service for each market.


單位地址 / Add: 廣東省珠海市華威路 321 號

電話 / Tel.: 0756-8589190

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Ka Vo Food International Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


嘉和食品國際有限公司 ( 下稱嘉和 ) 於 1988 年在香港成立,30 年來以經營高品質小食為主要業務,旗下品牌楓葉 ® 小食系列以品味和品質廣受大中華地區客戶歡迎。作為一家以誠信經營為本的香港企業,嘉和食品一直都與時並進,跟隨社會發展步伐,與國內成立的全資子公司-珠海市嘉信食品發展有限公司。

在巨大的中國內銷力量推動下,嘉和食品與夥伴把產品線增至更完善組合:堅果、乾果、曲奇、巧克力和中式禮餅。為加強行銷效果,讓優質產品直達消費目標,嘉和新增了專門店和線上商城兩套行銷模式,滿足現代的 B2C、O2O 和 B2B 等不同方位需求,亦整固優化國內的供應鏈,讓產品與消費者有更直接和互動的接觸。


簡介 / Introduction:

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


Kavo Food International Co., Ltd. was established in Hong Kong in 1988. And for 30 years we've been producing and selling high-quality snacks for China and the world. We started producing our Maple snack series in the late 80's, and it was widely enjoyed by consumers in Greater China. Over time, we have grown. And this has led to the establishment of our wholly-owned subsidiary—Zhuhai Jiaxin Food Development Co., Ltd.

Since the beginning of this decade, we've focused on adding product lines and expanding our mix. We now produce nuts, dried fruits, cookies, chocolates, and Chinese gift cookies. We've established our own retail stores and moved into e-commerce. We've optimized our domestic supply chain. Our goal is to get our products into every Chinese household so that Chinese consumers can enjoy safe, high-quality, and delicious food. We've worked hard to inject innovative thinking into our company and produce new products that our customers will love.


單位地址 / Add: 珠海市香洲區吉大九洲大道東石三巷 3 號吉南大廈第二層東側 203 號

電話 / Tel.: 0756-3222329

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Zhuhai Quanle Live Trading Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


1992 年,諾貝爾瓷磚在美麗的杭州誕生,從此開始以人性化的“諾貝爾”產品創造完美的品質空間。公司總投資 4.3 億美元,占地 2,300 餘畝,廠房面積 80 萬平方米,員工近萬人,年生產規模近 5,000 萬平方米,產品深受國內外消費者的青睞。


諾貝爾始終堅持創新驅動發展的戰略,以技術研發帶動產品創新,以產品創新帶動公司發展,在裝備技術、綠色技術、設計技術、新產品開發技術和標準化技術等方面取得了重大突破,引領建築衛生陶瓷行業綠色發展。2010 年諾貝爾技術中心被國家五部委授予“國家認定企業技術中心”,公司先後獲得 “全國企事業智慧財產權試點單位”、“浙江省創新型試點企業”、“浙江省博士後科研工作站”、“國家智慧財產權優勢企業”等稱號。

簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 103Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue


單位地址 / Add: 珠海市香洲區三台石路 31 號世邦家居 5 號廳一層 1032 號

電話 / Tel.: 075-8989366

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

展位編號Booth No.


藍比斯公司秉承“為顧客創造價值、以價值創造者為本”的經營理念,通過不斷的技術創新和匠心精神,運用人體工程學、採用納米抗菌材料、3D 變頻加熱技術、流體力學等多項黑科技,設計出具有極簡風格、極致體驗感的藍比斯智慧座便器,讓廁所成為享受、智慧的空間。匠心和團隊創新精神是公司的核心競爭力,讓座便器更好地為人類健康服務是公司的一致追求,藍比斯智慧座便器的新起點——人工智慧、人機交互、健康干預,為此我們已起航!藍比斯人因智能座便器、為更多人健康!

簡介 / Introduction:

BLUEBIS adhering to the business philosophy of "Create value for customers. Value creator oriented''. BLUEBIS through constant technological innovation and ingenuity, using ergonomics, Nano antibacterial materials, 3D frequency conversion heating technology, Fluid mechanics and many other more black technologies, to design BLUEBIS smart toilet with minimalism style and top sense experience. We make toilet become a place full of enjoy and wisdom. Ingenuity and team spirit are our core-competitiveness. Our pursuit is to make the toilet offers better services for human health. We have already set sail for BLUEBIS smart toilet's new beginning, that is Artificial intelligence, human - computer interaction, health intervention. BLUEBIS smart toilet offer health for more people !

單位地址 / Add: 廣東省珠海市拱北迎賓南路華僑賓館行政樓 506 室

電話 / Tel.: 0750-8136504/13928005616

傳真 / Fax: 0756-8136504

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

展位編號Booth No.


珠海市印僑青會一帶一路促進會Zhuhai Municipal Overseas Chinese Youth Association for the Advancement of All The Way

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


單位地址 / Add: GPO Box 6790 Hong Kong

電話 / Tel.: 852-82082012

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Hong Kong Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions

展位編號Booth No.D11/D12


單位地址 / Add: 13 On Kui Street, On Lok Tsuen, Fanling, HK

電話 / Tel.: 852-27303681

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Hoi Tin Tong Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:1991 年,吳耀明博士在香港佐敦寶靈街成立第一間海天堂鮮制龜苓膏,之後分別在香港及惠州



經過二十多年光景,海天堂分店遍佈香港、澳門及廣東省一帶,並獲得了“廣東省著名商標”、“惠州市知名商標”及“香港品牌”等榮譽。“正宗龜苓膏,認住佢鬍鬚”成為街頭經典的廣告詞。2014 年 7 月,海天堂惠州廠房通過廣東省食品藥品監督管理局的 GMP 認證及 ISO22000,以國際化高標準來生產健康安全食品。

自 2013 年起,海天堂工業旅遊專案正式開始試行,參觀遊客通過參觀景區可以瞭解海天堂產品如何從傳統工藝走向高規格現代化生產,體現海天堂“以質為本,以效為先”理念。在園區內規劃了專門的參觀路線,主要參觀點包括:模擬養龜場、生產車間、龜及中藥材博覽館等,並配備了專業講解員。自開放以來,海天堂園區已累計接待香港、中國大陸及國外遊客人次超過 50 萬。除了與

旅行社合作以外,海天堂還舉辦了自駕遊活動、攝影活動等,吸引廣大遊客前來參觀。一路以來總結經驗,不斷整改升級,於 2016 年 7 月,本園區獲得全國旅遊景區品質等級評定委員會評為“AAA 國家級旅遊景區”。


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 香港:九龍荔枝角長沙灣道 883 號億利工業中心 7 樓 707 室;

深圳: 福田保稅區長平商務大廈 25 樓 2510 室

電話 / Tel.: 852 6223 6556, 86 147 1603 7204

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Guangdong-HK-Macao Greater Bay Area Tourism, Hotels & Catering Union

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:香港遊樂園及景點協會以聯合亞洲各主題公園及旅遊景點為宗旨,攜手促進旅遊業、加強會員

與廠商及供應商的聯繫,為年輕專業人士及業界菁英提供培訓。HKAAPA 將以成為業界代表為使命,致力建立旅遊業界的正面形象,並與政府和大眾緊密溝通業界事宜。HKAAPA 創會會員及董事局成員包括亞洲國際博覽館、香港迪士尼樂園、香港杜莎夫人蠟像館、昂坪 360、香港挪亞方舟、香港海洋公園、天際 100 香港觀景台、香港賽馬會,山頂纜車及凌霄閣。

The Hong Kong Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (HKAAPA) is an association with a mission to unite Amusement Parks and Attractions in Asia, working closely together to promote tourism, connecting members with manufacturers and suppliers, and developing young professionals. We serve as ambassadors to promote a positive image of the industry and be a voice to the government and public on industry matters. Founder Members and Board Members of HKAAPA include AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, Madame Tussauds Hong Kong, Ngong Ping 360, Noah's Ark Hong Kong, Ocean Park Hong Kong, sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck, The Hong Kong Jockey Club and The Peak Tram & The Peak Tower.

場 刊 107Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

簡介 / Introduction:粵港澳大灣區旅行社、酒店及餐飲業聯盟雲集業內高端財智,會員包括單位會員和個人會員。



單位地址 / Add: 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道 22 號俊匯中心 8 樓

電話 / Tel.: (852) 2722 2888

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Sunflower Travel Service Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile

簡介 / Introduction:新華旅遊始創於 1974 年,是香港知名的旅行社,憑著以客為尊的宗旨,在旅遊界建立深厚根基,


Founded in 1974, Sunflower Travel is one of Hong Kong's leading travel agencies, well-acclaimed for its worldwide escorted leisure tours, independent holiday packages, and luxurious cruise holidays. Our vast range of services also includes business travel, meetings and conferences, incentive travel, destination and event management, educational travel, and overseas wedding. As an accredited travel agent of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the company has built strategic partnerships and extensive network with international airlines, providing proficient airline ticket issuance and full range of quality services to both retail and wholesale markets.

More information of Sunflower Travel is available at:


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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6th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

場 刊 109Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

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簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 台北市大同區延平北路三段 72 號 2 樓

電話 / Tel.: 02-25996737

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Enjeweled Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 新北市新莊區五工路 1 號 7 樓

電話 / Tel.: 02-22990850

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Coville Food Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


“堅果泛指有外殼保護的種子,與紅豆、綠豆等不同的是,每顆堅果都能長成一棵大樹,可見其所蘊含的滿滿能量 " 雖然家中從事堅果原料事業已三十餘年,堅果雖然好吃,但往往吃了幾顆後,便很快覺得口渴,甚至是有點上火的感覺,後來才知道,其實是礙於當時的加工技術及成本考量,堅果的加工方式,不外乎就是高溫烘烤及油炸 !

堅果以加工方式,用“低溫烘焙 " 的技術開始運作;把溫度降低,時間拉長,以最天然的古早概念,保持食材的原色、原味,最重要的是,保留更多的營養 !

2019 年,獲得大葉大學生技研發中心提攜,以獨步全球的技術,共同研發出“雙活菌系列商品 ",讓現代注重品質的朋友們有了更棒的選擇 !

為了能與消費者們一同專注在健康、養生商品的推廣,我們決定以“健康•活力•養生•天然" 的概念出發,於 2011 年 1 月 1 日成立了可夫萊堅果之家,持續的將高品質的堅果系列商品,介紹給每一位消費者,讓大家都能購買的安心、送的開心、吃的放心 !

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


衣姵絲股份有限公司 ( 真花傳情 en Jewel) 採用天然花卉為素材,將每一鮮朵花綻放的瞬間永久保存,加上華麗的珠寶設計,以特殊的製程及手工技術,替珠寶飾品詮釋出新的定義,消費者毋須花費高昂的代價取得玉石,而是以附有生命力的花卉,展現出個人獨一無二的美。本公司於 2010 年成立,並於 2016 年獲得真花飾品製作專利,成為台灣地區唯一的真花飾品供應商。我們深信世界上最美的事物來自於大自然,並以 "Nature to Treasure"“珍愛大自然 " 為理念,將花卉的生動及美感封存,每件珍貴特殊的真花飾品都是傳遞情意的最佳表徵。

簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 新北市中和區中山路 2 段 415 號 6 樓

電話 / Tel.: 0937839335

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Eewin International Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


誼源國際是多年以上專業印刷知識及技術,結合各種材質應用製作出不同客製化禮贈品。 適用客製化禮品贈品需求包括,迪士尼、7-11 等知名企業都是我們的客戶,包含名片、型錄、小冊子、整組規劃,經濟實惠,為您設計出良好形象,創造公司品牌知名度。

依據客戶的需求,提供一系列的整合規劃並設計一系列的服務,滿足您一次購足的需求 ! 不管是運動束口袋、環保購物袋、禮品包裝袋、活動徽章,客製化服務等禮贈品整體設計,免費提供企劃,預算自己抓;企業提袋做得好,形象廣告到處走。

Our real flower jewelry is the integration of gorgeous jewelry with real flowers from the nature to create classic and modern designs to bring out the charm of personality of people who wear it and to create the unique flavor of fashion. The company was founded in early 2010 and we constantly look for materials from nature and transforms the various materials to a new form of life. Therefore, each design has its own unique story and concept about nature.

場 刊 111Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue


單位地址 / Add: 新北市樹林區水源街 32 巷 33 號

電話 / Tel.: 886-2-86857971

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Fu Li Hi-Technology Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

公司成立於 1988 年,現有員工 16 人。主營品牌產品:曾老爹金門一條根系列、純手工皂系列、馬油系列、晶礦溫泉浴包等。創始人為著名中醫學家、國際發明家、前台灣地區發明協會會長曾福力(本名曾富清)先生,擁有 15 項產品的專利證書,一套完整的銷售體系。



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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


單位地址 / Add: 雲林縣古坑鄉草嶺村 25 號

電話 / Tel.: 0988519438

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Grass Ridge Young Creative Workshop

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 高雄市楠梓區藍田 1080 巷 6 號

電話 / Tel.: 07-3652090

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Hai Jing Fu Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

簡介 / Introduction:

創辦人李家珍結合了早期經營服裝飾品與畫廊對美學累積的敏感度,遂投入設計創作之領域。於 2005 年成立典雅寶石設計工作坊 2006 年攜其作品參加台北世貿展覽打開品牌知名度。2009 年開始進軍中國至上海,北京等一線城市參展,由於作品精緻唯美,風格典雅古樸,廣受青睞。成功打入中國市場至今。2013 年 3 月遷址於台北市南京西路 191 號更名為典雅設計工作坊,並於 189號另成立典藏設計工作坊以應付日漸擴張之業務需要。



銷售產品以自然、健康、新鮮、營養為取向,品管嚴格,值得顧客信賴!提供消費者 - 健康、自然、新鮮、好滋味的水產和農產品,讓消費料理方便,不過多的添加調味和繁複的烹煮,對身體無負擔,食得安心、自然、健康的鮮滋味。


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 113Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue


單位地址 / Add: 台北市大安區通化街 143 巷 30 號

電話 / Tel.: 0227362289

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Hua Yuan Culture Industry Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.E03/E04

簡介 / Introduction:太麻里,原住民語意為“日升之處”,是台灣地區迎接第一道曙光之地。台灣地區電影導演黃


太麻里因為地理位置關係,咖啡受日照時間短,直接曝曬機率少,加上太平洋海風吹拂來的水氣滋潤,得天獨厚的島嶼環境,培育出溫潤的甜香氣息與柔和海洋鹹味,微酸平衡,成就太麻里海洋咖啡的特殊風味。我們精選太麻里地區,海拔 600 ~ 1000 公尺的咖啡莊園,將其有機栽種的優質咖啡果,精心照護,不但獲得環球有機認證,烘焙出的精品級咖啡豆,在台灣地區更多次獲獎。


單位地址 / Add: 桃園市桃園區中埔六街 171 號

電話 / Tel.: 04-7773386

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

IVStrategy International Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.E09/E10

簡介 / Introduction:本公司早期投入創業輔導與設計服務相關領域,近年積極協助與代理台灣地區文化創意產業業



單位地址 / Add: 台中市西區台灣大道二段 359 號

電話 / Tel.: 0086-937706585

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

La Fatté Bridal

展位編號Booth No.


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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile

簡介 / Introduction:“蝶”象徵蛻變、自由、浪漫,也隱喻美與愛情。法蝶帶給您見證人生蛻變、充滿雋永價值的

人生記錄。以精緻服務與高級婚紗著稱,更擁有專業、資深的服務與攝影團隊。超過 2000 對港、澳、新、

馬等地新人的選擇,是您一生一次婚照值得的最高品質台灣地區旅拍!Reputable & High QualityLa Fatté is well-known in Taichung for its attentive service, professionalism, and beautiful dresses. You

can expect the same high quality service and productions for your pre-wedding photos in Taiwan region!Abundant Experience with Foreign Clients Not only are most of our staff seasoned pros and veterans,

we have also served more than 2,000 couples coming from Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, and many others! Special procedures and scheduling that are condensed, but with maintained attention to details, have also been developed specifically for foreign clients.


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau



單位地址 / Add: 新北市鶯歌區重慶街 116 號

電話 / Tel.: 02-26709654

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Leader China Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

益德公司集結多位獨特創作風格之台灣地區藝術家和工作者,推出表現個人藝術思考與風格之作品,將其推至更廣的延伸。茶具創作我們秉持生活茶藝的實用需求,強調工藝實用手作之美,更致力於推廣融合藝術表現手法的台灣壺,結合現今世代的美學觀念,不斷開發創作,不同造型,不同意境的茶壺茗具。冀望陶藝創作在生活美學裡能踏踏實實在我們生活裡體現出來 !


單位地址 / Add: 台北市文山區和興路 78 巷 19 號

電話 / Tel.: 02-22361907

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Le Cute Corp.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉龍潭村漳福路 25 號

電話 / Tel.: 03-928-9096

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Long Tan Food Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:本公司為台灣地區百年釀醋世家“工研醋”的第三代,於宜蘭礁溪龍潭湖畔成立觀光工廠“潭


Hsu's Legend, opened a tourism factory near Long Tan Lake in order to procure pure water and agricultural products such as brown rice to produce vinegar. In addition, the company strictly adheres to the practice of using a traditional three step fermentation process to make vinegar while integrating advanced fermentation techniques.


單位地址 / Add: 台中市西屯路福星路 228 號

電話 / Tel.: 0919573319

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Our Story International Trading Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

我們有故事旅店位於台中逢甲,旅店特色將台中 12 個文化故事與介紹融入旅店裝潢、佈置內,希望進一步能為旅人認識與喜歡台灣地區的文化。我們有故事旅店同時也提供在地文化導覽等地方深度旅遊體驗,希望透過體驗從而推廣地方文化與特色旅遊觀光。


單位地址 / Add: 台北市北投區文林北路 256 號 1 樓

電話 / Tel.: 02-28213822

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

PIXIN Technology Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


簡介 / Introduction:“品京科技有限公司” 成立於 2016 年 6 月。主要服務項目為產品設計以及平面視覺設計文創

設計。於 2012 年,創立自創品牌“INPET 寶貝專屬”,致力於客製化以及文創類商品。於 2013 年,

與藥廠合自創品牌“京鑽一條根”,推廣一條根精油成分相關產品。於 2017 年,創立自創品牌“inFoods 寶貝鮮食”,致力創造更天然的寵物鮮食飲食。經營理念為“專業輔佐專業”,分工執行每個專案,將商品完美商業化。



單位地址 / Add: 台北市信義區基隆路二段 77 號 6 樓

電話 / Tel.: 02-23772388

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Sun Shine Multimedia Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:本公司是一個多元行銷及創意的公司。長期致力於創意產業的概念下,以專業化、制度化、國


展出商品為柴燒及汝窯茶器,真正以土、火、柴、窯結合而成,賦予 1280 度高溫的生命,給予意義、傳達意念;在安全兼具養生特色的茶道具,提倡創作藝術與茶道和諧美學之推廣。


單位地址 / Add: 台北市中山區松江路 131 之 23 號 12 樓

電話 / Tel.: 02-66188995

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Seed-Green Future Media Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

勝茂國際股份有限公司是一間多元發展的企業,跨足 IT、教育、文創以及生技產業,而好事文創以台灣地區為核心,輻射兩岸市場,運用專業的行銷商業理念、具備實力團隊、豐富的本土實戰

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 台北市敦化路 405 巷 123 弄 3 號 5 樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-66950355

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tigerair Taiwan

展位編號Booth No.C44/C45

簡介 / Introduction:臺灣虎航是台灣地區唯一且第一的平價航空公司(Low-cost Carrier, LCC),由中華航空集團

(China Airlines Group)百分百投資,營運航點包括澳門、東北亞及東南亞等地區。虎迷們搭乘臺灣虎航時,可依個人需求,自行決定是否加購“行李託運服務”、“機內餐食”、“旅遊平安險”等服務。藉由臺灣虎航完成您每一次的旅行,並獲得更貼近您個人的需求服務,您現在可經由臺灣虎航官方網站完成購票。臺灣虎航將以嶄新的 A320 機隊,帶您感受全新自主的飛航經驗,體驗更多美好的旅遊回憶!

Tigerair Taiwan is Asian leading Low-cost Carrier (LCC) and travel partner connecting people across Asia Pacific region. We are warm, genuine and passionate. Tigerair Taiwan flies in a very crazy low, low fares to your favorite destinations! Your participation is most welcome and we hope to enrich your LCC travel experiences. Decide your own travel way, feel more with Tigerair Taiwan.


單位地址 / Add: 台北市中山區民權東路二段 9 號 5 樓

電話 / Tel.: (02) 25995088

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Travel Quality Assurance Association

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:旅行業品質保障協會 ( 以下簡稱品保協會 ) 成立於 1989 年 10 月,是一個由旅行業組織成立來

保障旅遊消費者的社團公益法人。現有會員旅行社,總公司有 2,663 家,分公司有 807 家,合計3470 家,約占台灣地區所有旅行社總數九成以上。


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


The Travel Quality Assurance Association (hereafter referred to as TQAA) was established in October 1989, as a community public good organized by the travel industry for consumer protection. TQAA presently has 2508 travel agent companies and 765 branch comprises as members, for a total of 3273 members. This comprises over 95% of the travel agencies operation in Taiwan region.

The objective of the establishment of TQAA was to raise the quality of tourism and protect the consumer rights of travelers.

TQAA is a self-regulating, public service organization formed by the travel industry itself to protect consumers. The organization has given consumers full protection, and also given reasonable business space to the member travel agents. The goal of this association will continue to be to serve as a bridge between consumers and the travel industry. Through the efforts of all groups, we hope to be able to allow our tourism industry to have a sustainable and prosperous future.


單位地址 / Add: Rm. 4, 12F., No. 40, ChangChun Rd., Taipei104

電話 / Tel.: 886-2-2581-9692

Andy Lim Travel Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:Andy Lim 旅遊有限公司成立於 2012 年 9 月。負責人 Andy Lim 總經理帶領旅遊經驗已有 20 多

年的歷史。他從導遊開始做起,他可以了解客戶的需求,進而他成為了一名旅行社的經理,所以他更了解旅行社的內部運作。 從過去他服務接待無數香港、新加坡人、馬來西亞人、美國人來台旅遊。負責人 Andy Lim 總經理是馬來西亞長大的華人,所以他可以了解熟悉新加坡和馬來西亞的華人,因為他是從基本導遊開始做起的,所以他對台灣地區當地的景點和地理位置也比較熟悉。

Andy Lim Travel Service Co., Ltd. was established in September 2012. The responsible person, Andy Lim general manager at Travel experience has more than 20 years. He start from the tourist guide because it can be understand the customer demands, then he become a travel agency manager, so he even more understood regarding the travel agency interior work. Since the past he has received innumerable group of Hong kong, Singapore, Malaysian, the American come to Taiwan region traveling. The responsible person Andy Lim is locally born Malaysian, so he can understanding of Singapore and Malaysia's chinese people. Because he is start from the basic tourist guide, so he is more familiar regarding Taiwan region's local attractions and location.

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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昇恆昌免稅店是由台灣地區居民百分之百投資經營的免稅店,創辦人江松樺先生為了展現台灣地區特色、貼近台灣地區居民需求,於是號召多位觀光、旅遊界人士,在 1995 年 9 月 27 日成立“昇恆昌股份有限公司”,正式進軍免稅零售服務業,以“經營國際化、服務在地化”的精神,把台灣地區免稅產業推向國際為職志。

昇恆昌免稅店於 1997 年首先標得高雄國際機場免稅店經營權,並陸續標得桃園國際機場 ( 第一、二航廈 )、台北市區免稅商店 - 民權店 / 內湖店、台北松山機場、台中機場、高雄國際機場、金門水頭商港等營運據點,緊接著在桃園國際機場與高雄國際機場開設 homee 好饗廚房。此外,以旗艦店規模策劃的“昇恆昌免稅廣場”已於 2012 年 11 月開幕,提供寬敞舒適的購物空間, 讓台灣地區免稅商店服務更臻完善,提升市區預購、機場提貨的頂級服務品質,真正落實公司“放眼國際、與世界接軌”的目標。


單位地址 / Add: 台北市內湖區金莊路 129 號

電話 / Tel.: 080 009 8668

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Ever Rich Duty Free Shop

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

Ever Rich D.F.S. Corporation is a 100% Taiwanese owned and operated duty free business. To highlight Taiwan region unique features and better meet the needs of Taiwanese travelers, Ever Rich's founder Mr. Simon Chiang recruited several investors in the tourism and travel industry to establish the "Ever Rich D.F.S. Corporation" on September 27 1995. The company set its sight on the duty free retail & service industry, and insists in developing Taiwan region duty free service industry even more competitive internationally with its central belief of "International enterprise with localized service".

In 1997, Ever Rich Duty Free Shop first obtained the operating concession for the Kaohsiung International Airport, and successively obtained the operating concessions for other operating spots, such as Taoyuan International Airport (the first and second terminal), Taipei downtown duty-free shop of Minquan Store/Neihu Store, Taipei Songshan Airport, Taichung Airport, Kaohsiung International Airport, Kinmen Shuitou Commercial Harbor. In addition, we established a restaurant, Homee Kitchen, at Taoyuan International Airport and Kaohsiung International Airport. Besides, we plan to launch a flagship scale of duty-free store, "Ever Rich Duty Free Square" in October, 2012, providing a spacious and comfortable shopping area in order to improve Taiwan region service in Duty Free Shop, enhance the top quality service of making order anywhere and pick-up the product at the airport, thus to reach our goal of "envision internationally and bridge to the world."

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


簡介 / Introduction:金湖飯店是金門首座結合免稅及購物商場,兼具觀光、休憩、購物和娛樂的頂級商務渡假飯店。



單位地址 / Add: 金門縣金湖鎮太湖路二段 218 號

電話 / Tel.: 886 82 379666

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Golden Lake Hotel

展位編號Booth No.


Golden Lake Hotel is the first hotel on Kinmen to be integrated with a duty-free shopping center. Through a combination of tourism, leisure, shopping and entertainment it serves as both a business and resort hotel. Advanced, comprehensive facilities together with caring, professional service not only promote Kinmen tourism but also help turn Kinmen into a world-class vacation island.

簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 台北市長安東路二段 52 號 9 樓

電話 / Tel.: 886 2 2567 5298

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Hong Hai Travel Service Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


本公司鴻海旅行社股份有限公司,成立於 2002 年 12 月,為旅行業品質保障協會之會員; 專營國內外團體旅遊、商務訂房、國外機票及港澳、大陸人士來台觀光、參訪、醫美健檢等相關目標旅遊業務。隨著時代的不斷進步,旅遊 e 化、自主化及更彈性化的需求不斷提升,我們亦已提升業務精緻服務的品質,所獲得的口碑絕非幸運!因為用心,希望能深得您心!所以當您需要任何資訊或疑問解答時,我們熱情希望能夠幫得上忙!讓我們伴您擁有美好的旅遊回憶!每一次的交流,都是一個緣份的開始,期望能與您有建立友誼及相互配合的契機。

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 澎湖縣馬公市中山路 65-1 號

電話 / Tel.: 886 6 9263035

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Penghu Tourism Association

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 台中市西區公益路 367 號 7 樓之 1

電話 / Tel.: 04-23199006

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

Taiwan Tour Bus offers 36 itineraries along the major scenic spots of Taiwan region. We will take you to experience Taiwanese friendliness and hospitality, our bustling city life, our fun leisure farms, the spectacular scenery, hot springs and delicious food, world-class shopping and traditional festivals to show you why Taiwan region is also called 'Formosa' (the beautiful island). Roughly the same size as Maryland or Switzerland, our island nation offers great weather and good fun all year round.

Taiwan Tour Bus offers convenient and reliable sight-seeing services to foreign and local independent travelers. Our certification assures you of the quality we provide. You won't need to worry about the size of your traveling party, planning figuring out schedules, buying tickets and insurance. Simply leave it to us.

“臺灣觀巴”集合全台灣地區各大景點,規劃多種精采旅遊行程,輕鬆優遊台灣地區 FORMOSA這個美麗島的 - 時尚城市風華、溫暖風土人情、深度農村生態、極致天然美景、溫泉美食、購物與節慶活動,讓您重新發現台灣地區無限魅力所在 ! 地球村的風潮下“台灣地區”是亞洲地區極具觀光魅力的美麗寶島,約 3.6 萬多平方公里內,一年四季都有憾動您的好風采 !

為提供國內外旅客在台灣地區的便利觀光旅遊服務,由交通部觀光局輔導旅行業者依自由行旅客之需求,規劃統一品牌形象的“臺灣觀巴”旅遊服務。您不必擔心人數太少,也不用耗費心力辦理保險與行 程規劃,“臺灣觀巴”提供各觀光地區便捷、舒適友善的觀光導覽服務,直接至飯店、機場及車站迎送旅客並提供全程交通、導覽解說 ( 中、英、日文之導遊 ) 和旅遊保險貼心服務,讓您能輕鬆盡享觀光的樂趣。

透過“臺灣觀巴”的引領,帶您暢遊全台灣地區得天獨厚的地理景觀,體驗海濱與高峻的山脈景緻豐沛的自然生態、溫馨熱情的民風、精緻迷人的美食特產、懷舊的人文古蹟、節慶的感動與藝文的熱力多樣化豐富的行程融合歡樂時尚、文化活力,輕鬆帶您遊遍台灣地區的城市與鄉間,享受寶島的媚力與感動 !

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參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau


We offer speedy, convenient, and friendly tour services, straight from the moment you land at the airport. We offer airport transfers and sight-seeing tours in Chinese, English, and Japanese. Our complete insurance coverage and friendly and professional service ensure you of a smooth and unforgettable journey.

Let Taiwan Tour Bus take you around our beautiful island, from our pristine beaches to the majestic mountains and all the lush landscapes in between, to our wholesome hot springs, from night markets to fine dining, monuments and museums, to temple festivals and outdoor concerts--you may compose your trip the way you like it, and we'll make your dream come true.

簡介 / Introduction:霆益國際創立於西元 2008 年,創立以來,堅持藝術生活化,商品平價化,每樣商品都有其獨特





單位地址 / Add: 新北市新莊區思源路 192 巷 66 號 6 樓

電話 / Tel.: 02-29903538

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 台北市中山區松江路 362 巷 2 號 2 樓

電話 / Tel.: 0975638759

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Uday Art Center

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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右岱文創團隊擅長品牌經營、策展規劃、工藝創作、媒體公關之跨領域整合。2007 年底在台灣地區以創意市集出發,開始文創商品創作。數年之間參加過海內外數十場相關市集展覽活動。累積數年經驗後,開始朝向品牌經營之路。

簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 台中市五權路 2-57 號 2F

電話 / Tel.: 0423730095

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

雅蔓妮國際婚禮成立於 1989 年位於充滿藝術人文氣息的美術館商圈,並以專業熱忱為公司最高的服務準則,在不斷的提升公司品牌及產品內容優質化,給客戶盡善盡美的品質,讓雅蔓妮國紀婚禮在業界屹立不搖。

並於 2008 年獲得經濟部商業司肯定為優質服務店家,頒獲 GSP 認證;2009 年獲得台中市商業總會頒獲資深愈良店家,2015 年獲台中市政府頒優良企業。雅蔓妮攝影本著同業為師、異業為友的精神,不斷地學習成長、提升自我品牌,讓客戶大眾獲得最佳的服務品質。

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


單位地址 / Add: 澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 398 號中航大廈 13-18 樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-8396 6217

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Air Macau Company Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:繼 2005 年“澳門歷史城區”獲聯合國教科文組織列入“世界遺產名錄”以後,2017 年澳門再


澳門航空自 1994 年 9 月 13 日正式成立以來,一直堅守崗位並且不斷追求進步。除了積極拓展航網以外,更加強並提供更多優質的服務,希望讓所有選擇搭乘澳門航空航班的旅客,均能感受到澳門航空的努力與用心。

成立 23 年以來,澳門航空的航班已經遍及中國大陸、台灣地區、東北亞、東南亞等多個城市。目前包括:北京、天津、上海、南京、杭州、寧波、合肥、成都、重慶、南寧、廈門、太原、鄭州、貴陽、常州、台北、高雄、東京、大阪、福岡、首爾、曼谷、河內、峴港等。同時也借助母公司中國國際航空公司的豐富航網資源,除了將更多國內及國際的旅客帶入澳門以外,也為澳門居民搭建更便捷的通道前往歐美。未來澳門航空將會繼續開通更多值得探索的航點,以提供居民更多的出遊選擇。

今年澳門航空很榮幸再次獲得澳門國際旅遊 ( 產業 ) 博覽會主辦方的邀請,參加本屆的會展。會展期間將安排同仁在澳門航空展位接待,並將準備各項宣傳資料及精美小紀念品供參展的民眾免費索取,數量有限,如何獲得,歡迎大家踴躍光臨澳門航空展位參觀及詢問。


單位地址 / Add: 澳門友誼大馬路 1023 號南方大廈 2 樓 C 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2855 5939

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Agência De Viagens E Turismo Leão, Limitada Macau

展位編號Booth No.E50/E51

簡介 / Introduction:雄獅旅行社有限公司,自公司成立起不斷探索和發展品質與享受相結合的專業旅遊服務道路!


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 澳門卑第巷 7 號海港大廈地下 C

電話 / Tel.: 853-2897 2505

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Able Tours Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

Our Company is the agency of Air Aisa in Macau. Air Asia domestic flights and international flights are cover more than 165 destinations in 25 countries. Macau direct flights are increasing. Now everyone can fly!

本公司為亞洲航空澳門代理商,現今國內及國際定期航班已共超過 165 個航點,遍佈 25 個國家。澳門的直飛航線也正在增加,實現人人都在飛!


單位地址 / Add: 澳門宋玉生廣場 249-263 號中土大廈 11 樓 F 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2855 5040

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Agência de Viagens Cheong Kong

展位編號Booth No.


長江旅行社創基於澳門,於 2014 年成立。公司的宗旨是為澳門的旅遊業帶來新的動力,提升旅遊品質及樂趣。


簡介 / Introduction:


A Porta Da Arte

展位編號Booth No.E66/E67

單位地址 / Add: 澳門關前正街 42 號簡介 / Introduction:

位於關前正街 42 號的文藝門前身是一家名叫《榮記》的白鐵工廠,通過本澳藝術家百強的精心設計將這幢擁有 60 年樓齡的老房子重新定義,成為一棟新舊交融的文創綜合體。文藝門等於文學,

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile

A Porta Da Arte, suited at Rua dos Ervanarios no. 42, was previously a historical building older than 60 years. Through the designs of the local artist Fortes Pakeong Sequeira, A Porta Da Arte becomes a vintage and cultural creative building that gets along with the new and old in Macao. A Porta Da Arte equals literature, culture, art and Macao. Different elements that get along with one another make this place full of lasting charm.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門龍嵩街德泰大廈 105 號地下

電話 / Tel.: 853- 2897 4198

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Alua e Comidas Portuguesa Kam In

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:金燕西洋牛油糕葡式食品,葡式糕點在澳門已經經歷百多年的歷史,至今已經傳位到第三代傳

人,店舖中的產品都是用自家古法手工製造。在 2012 年,這些土生廚藝更被列入澳門非物質文化遺產,當中的葡式糕點:西洋牛油糕、豆撈、面龜、蟲仔餅等,都成為澳門唯一家獨家製作的特色商舖。

ALUA E COMIDAS PORTUGUESA KAM IN, Since the Portuguese Pastry have already been experience a years of history in Macau and it has been passing down to the third generation of successor. All the products are produced by handmade which was using the old method. In 2012, these home-grown pastry have also been listed as a world Intangible Cultural Heritage, Among the products, Alua, Lado, Bolo robalo, Bicho Bicho…have come the characteristics and unique in the store because it were exclusive manufacturing.

艾倫餐飲管理有限公司展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 澳門蘇亞利斯博士大馬路 323 號中國銀行大廈 28 層

電話 / Tel.: 853-2878 5222

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Banco Well Link S.A.

展位編號Booth No.



簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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簡介 / Introduction:立橋銀行成立於 1996 年,是澳門的一家全牌照商業銀行。立橋銀行前身是葡萄牙第二大市值銀行聖靈銀行 1996 在澳門成立的子行 -- 必利勝銀行股份有限

公司,2014 年更名為新銀行亞洲股份有限公司。新銀行亞洲股份有限公司自 2017 年 9 月起更名為立橋銀行股份有限公司。



Well Link Bank was established in 1996 in Macau and is operating with a full banking license.The predecessor of Well Link Bank is Novo Banco Asia, a subsidiary of Portugal's Novo Banco, S.A. in

Macao. Novo Banco Asia has been renamed as Well Link Bank since September 2017.By virtue of the relationship with Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Portugal, Well Link Bank

strives to build the linkage platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, and is committed to serve the local and Pearl River Delta's enterprises, institutions and individual customers. We aim to help Chinese enterprises develop toward the world stage and facilitate overseas companies to invest Macao and Zhuhai-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and contribute to the whole area's economic development.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門宋玉生廣場 180 號東南亞商業中心 14 樓 F 室

電話 / Tel.: 853-2857 5866

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Beijing Capital Airlines Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

北京首都航空有限公司於 2010 年由海航集團和北京市政府共同出資成立,註冊地和主基地位於首都北京,並在瀋陽、西安、南京、杭州、廣州、麗江、海口、三亞、青島、重慶等地設有運營基地 / 分公司,年保障進出港旅客超 1600 萬人次。目前擁有空客系列飛機 76 架,其中,空客 A319飛機 20 架,空客 A320 飛機 34 架,空客 A321 飛機 14 架,空客 A330 飛機 8 架,是中國最年輕和最大的空客機隊之一。自開航以來,北京首都航空始終貫徹“安全是生命線和高壓線” 的理念,安全運行超過 8 年,累計安全飛行超過 119 萬小時,保持了良好安全記錄。

從 2010 年開航至今,北京首都航空累計開通了 300 餘條國內外航線,通航城市近 90 個。國內航線覆蓋全國一、二線主要城市及熱門出行城市。國際及地區航線在飛 24 條,北京首都航空以“首

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile

Beijing Capital Airlines is committed to the development of international tourism routes. It is constantly opening international air routes to East Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe and United States and so on. Beijing Capital Airlines has opened totally 14 new international routes in 2016. And it opened up the first North American routes (from Hangzhou to Qingdao and reaches Vancouver), and the Australian airline (from Qingdao and reaches Melbourne), which opens up a new situation of network-distributed international airlines. It also plans to open some new international airlines to further improve the network-distributed international airlines, such as the route from Beijing to Sydney Qingdao to Moscow, London, Hangzhou to Saipan etc. In the future, Beijing Capital Airlines will be leveraging the Chinese outbound tourism market, developing more tourism products, further improving the domestic and international route network. Beijing Capital Airlines wishes to make an important contribution to domestic and international cultural exchange and development.

Beijing Capital Airlines' operational scope has continued to expand since the very beginning. A regional route network structure was built, connecting surrounding areas, including first and second tier business and tourist cities, based in Beijing, Guangzhou, Sanya and Xi'an as the centers.

百聚西廚展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 士多紐拜斯大馬路魯彌士葡文幼稚園大廈二樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-82993827

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Confraria da Gastronomia Macaense

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:Founded in 2007, the Confraria da Gastonomia Macaense, also known as the Macanese Gastronomic

Brotherhood (CGM) in English, is a non-profit association in Macao that encourages dissemination of Macanese gastronomic heritage through recipes, traditional cooking techniques, research of old food houses, famous, chefs, and evolution of dishes that affirm the aspiration of authenticity. Currently, the CGM has 200 effective members.

CGM joined the European Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods Council (CEUCO) in 2007 and become


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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an active member in all its congresses and annual meetings since then. It received the Best European Oenogastonomic Award in the XII International Congress of CEUCO held in 2014 at the city of Liège, Belgium, in view of its fundamental principles, among other reasons, the bonds of friendship that unites the region with numerous European cities, the interest in maintaining the ancestral customs in regional gastronomy, in the development of collaborative initiatives of exchange in cultural asset, as well as the innovation in culinary aspects maintaining the Macanese traditions to avoid its loss over time.

A more recent achievement that showcases the talent and artistry of Macao's local chef's, Mr. Carlos Cabral aka "Calito", when he receives that Best Chef's Award during the XIV International Congress from CEUCO in 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal. As in the following year, our Chef Neta- Miss Antonieta Manhão, also was awarded at the XV International Congress is Córdoba – Spain, with the same title.

Publication of articles and books of an international character disseminating of Macanese customs and the enrichment of cultural values intrinsic to the region also play a very important role in the education and contribution to sustain the uniqueness of Macanese cuisine and gastronomic traditions.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門南灣大馬路 315 號南粵商業中心五樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-2832 3983

China International Travel Service (Macau) Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.E86-E95

簡介 / Introduction:澳門中國國際旅行社有限公司(簡稱「澳門國旅」),1995 年在澳門註冊成立,由中國國際旅




單位地址 / Add: 澳門羅理基博士大馬路南光大廈 1 樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-879 98147

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

China Travel Service (Macao) Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile

簡介 / Introduction:澳門中國旅行社股份有限公司(以下簡稱:“澳門中旅”)成立於 1961 年 6 月,註冊資本 3,000

萬港元, 資產總額近 15 億港元,職工逾 2,200 人,澳門中旅經營業務有:旅遊及會展服務業務、證件業務、客運業務、商品零售業務、洗衣業務及中國法律服務業務等, 在澳門、珠海、上海、台灣地區、香港等地設有下屬企業 20 家,是澳門知名綜合性旅遊服務供應商。

China Travel Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Macao China Travel") was established in June 1961 with authorized capital of HK $ 30 million and a total assets of approximately HK $ 1.5 billion and more than 2,200 employees. China Travel Service Co., Ltd. major business: including tourism services, conventional and exhibition services, inland China Visa entry, passenger transportation, retail business, laundry service and provide China legal services etc., We have 20 subordinate enterprises which located at Zhuhai, Shanghai, Taiwan region and Hong Kong, and also well known comprehensive tourism services supplier in Macao.

華霖影視技術 ( 澳門 ) 有限公司

單位地址 / Add: 澳門夜呣街 16 號 B 安業大廈 2 樓

電話 / Tel.: 852-2744 1186

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Chinam Cinema & TV Technology (Macau) Limite

展位編號Booth No.


本公司華霖影視技術 ( 澳門 ) 有限公司 Chinam Cinema & TV Technology (Macau) Limited 是香港華霖影視技術有限公司 (Chinam Cinema & TV Technology Ltd.) 的澳門分公司代理廣播或專業級之影視設備,適合用於電影、多媒體、廣告、現場影視製作或串流直播。

Chinam Cinema & TV Technology Macau Limited is the subsidiary of Chinam Cinema & Technology Limited located in Hong Kong. Our business strategy is to specialize in broadcast from video and audio capture, recording, processing, transmission distribution and all the way to storage and display.

簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 廣東省惠州市惠城區江北新瀝路 40 號雙城國際北區 8 棟 1501,郵編 516000。

電話 / Tel.: 86-135-2179-3885/ 886-930-671-369

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

DOGI International Group

展位編號Booth No.E14/E15

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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簡介 / Introduction:

多奇國際集團,為中國主題樂園解決方案提供方,集合概念設計、方案設計、內裝設計、建築規劃、遊戲裝置設計、智慧化系統、運營管理的一條龍服務專業公司。公司在中國 ( 包括台灣地區和香港 )、美國和日本等地都有分支公司,主要是發展全自我版權的數位動物園、航太主題樂園、共同開發的熊貓主題樂園。

DOGI International Group is one of the most famous theme park solution providers in China. DOGI has professional theme park total solutions including concept design, project design, interior design, building planning, game equipment design, intelligent systems design, and operation management. DOGI has branch companies and offices in China (including Taiwan region & Hong Kong), US and Japan, etc. DOGI owns proprietary IPs including Digital Zoo, Space Theme Park, and a co-IP project Panda Theme Park.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門北京街 126 號怡德商業中心 25 樓 E-F

電話 / Tel.: 853-2872 8050

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Estoril Tours Travel Agency Limited

展位編號Booth No.D36-D45

愛都旅行社成立於 1965 年 3 月,為澳門首間政府認可旅行社。主要公司業務:安排獎勵旅遊、會議及展覽活動;接辦澳門本土旅遊;香港及珠三角旅遊;代訂澳門及世界各地酒店;代訂國際及國內機票 ( 個人及團體 );租車及接送服務;高爾夫球及團隊建設活動;代訂往返澳門、香港、內地噴射飛航船票及直升機票、精通各國語言之專業導遊服務。

簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add:

電話 / Tel.: 853-6298 8838

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Estabelecimento De Comidas Medan

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:「美丹小食店」由印尼歸僑於 1970 年開業,美丹小食店為超過四十年老字號,主要經營印尼傳


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


單位地址 / Add: 澳門黑沙環第六街 23 號永昌工業大廈 4 樓 B 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-28765297

Food Macau

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:食在澳門成立於 2011 年,致力於推動澳門本土美食文化及電子商務發展,並成為澳門第一手機


“發現澳門”為“先皓科技”重點開發的智慧旅遊平台項目。“先皓科技”專注於客戶聯系支持解決方案,定位服務 (LBS) 移動應用,IP/SIP 通信服務,電子高務系統集成和企業系統開發。“先皓科技”致力創造適合於公共行政、金融、通訊、旅遊以及服務菜等領域的智能化、信息化之資訊科技應用系統。力爭成為領先的電子資訊科技解決方案提供以高性能、高質量的技術、產品以及服務為客戶創造最大的效益。


單位地址 / Add: 澳門上海街 175 號中華總商會大廈 17 樓 E 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-6662 5049

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Find Macau

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:


單位地址 / Add: 澳門水坑尾街 179 號地下

電話 / Tel.: 853-2833 6611

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Gray Line Tours (Macau)

展位編號Booth No.E48/E49

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 135Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

簡介 / Introduction:

澳門錦倫旅行社有限公司於 1996 年設立,同時獲註冊成為 GRAY LINE 品牌 之澳門區的特許經營權。此商標網絡遍佈全球 250 多個城市,是一個全球公認為忠誠可靠的旅遊服務標誌。為配合不斷發展的旅遊業,我們不斷與香港總公司合作。特別精心設計了多個嶄新獨特的行程,讓旅客可以在最短時間遊覽香港和澳門,體驗兩地的旅遊特色,無憂無慮地享受一個愉快旅程。

Gray Line Tours of Macau Limited has been in the travel industry and operating under the world famous trademark since 1996. With the headquarters based in Hong Kong, we offer a variety of half/full day tours tailored to ensure a memorable experience for all our guests.

With all the excitement in Macau and Hong Kong, it would be challenge to see everything in a short period of time. We have specially designed a range of innovative and unique itineraries for you to explore these two fascinating cities in one trip. Want to have a great time Gray Line Tours is your choice. Book our tours today!


單位地址 / Add: 澳門羅理基博士大馬路第一國際商業中心 19 樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-8799 9555

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Global International Tourist Company Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

澳門環宇集團控股有限公司成立於 1997 年,是澳門註冊的大型集團公司,是澳門規模最大的旅遊機構之一,在澳門市區、國際機場、港澳碼頭、關閘口岸設有 10 間分社,在廣東、福建、台灣地區設有 5 間附屬公司或辦事處,是澳門擁有最多分社的旅遊公司。


環宇國際旅運有限公司具有較強的經營實力,多年來,與航空公司合作,前後相繼開通了澳門至國內各大城市 10 多條航線,其中包括澳門至廈門、福州、杭州、昆明、桂林、海口、北京、無錫、長沙、貴陽以及香港 - 長沙、南寧等。

2006 年,榮獲“中國澳門旅遊市場消費者滿意最佳服務品牌”稱號。環宇集團將以 21 年從事旅遊服務的優良品牌和豐富經驗,以多元化、多層次的服務體系和網絡,


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


單位地址 / Add: 澳門友誼大馬路南方大廈 4A

電話 / Tel.: 853-2878 3864

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:好時節雅舍是澳門本地中式文創品牌和不同國內中式品牌及本地藝術家合作,訂製屬於澳門的



單位地址 / Add: 澳門馬場海邊馬路 6 號錦繡花園地下 B 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2840 0783

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Happiness International Travel Agency Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:本旅行社已在澳開業 9 年, 主要業務有 : 澳門旅遊接待、入境商務接待、公務考察、代訂各國



單位地址 / Add: 澳門漁翁街 402 號南豐工業大廈第一期 9 樓 C

電話 / Tel.: 853-2835 5396

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Long Prosperity Company Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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紅悅健康食品有限公司展位編號Booth No.


好好市集展位編號Booth No.


金譽茶餐廳展位編號Booth No.


聚點展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 澳門友誼大馬路 1023 號南方大廈 2 樓 AC

電話 / Tel.: 853-2857 5938

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

League Travel Agency Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

合金旅行社有限公司於 2011 年成立,以經營票務及組織出、入境等旅客為主要業務,當中包括旅行團、自遊行、本地遊、代訂機票及酒店、私人及公司包團、代辦旅遊簽證及旅遊保、代售澳門各大景點門票、自助餐等。

Major business: Established in 2011, League Travel Agency Limited focuses on the management and organization of travelers, including travel, self-travel, Bend you, booking tickets and hotel, private and corporate contracts, travel visas and travel insurance, selling tickets to all the main attractions of Macau Gate, and buffet.

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


單位地址 / Add: 澳門蘇亞利斯博士大馬路 47 號

電話 / Tel.: 853-8799 4380

Luso International Banking Limited

展位編號Booth No.C30/C29

簡介 / Introduction:

簡介 / Introduction:

澳門國際銀行(LIB)於 1974 年 12 月 4 日在澳門註冊成立,並於 1985 年成為中國第一家中外合資銀行--廈門國際銀行的全資附屬機構。2015 年,本行完成增資擴股,成為以澳門資本為主的本土法人銀行。截至 2017 年 12 月末,總資產突破澳門幣一千六百億,資產質量保持良好。


Luso International Banking Limited (LIB) was established and registered in Macau in 1974. In 1985, LIB became the wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiamen International Bank, the first joint-ventured bank in China. In 2015, LIB successfully completed the capital injection process and has become a truly local bank in terms of shareholdings.

As of the end of December, 2017, total assets amounted to MOP 160 billion, the bank's asset quality continued to maintain at optimal level.

情路 9 號

Love Avenue No.9 Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


單位地址 / Add: Rua de Hac Sa Long Chao Kok No. 228-E560 Edif. Vivenda Peninsula Moradia 9 Coloane Macau

電話 / Tel.: 853-28573224

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

李家菜有限公司展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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單位地址 / Add: 澳門宋玉生廣場 1335-341 號獲多利大廈 12 樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-28305566

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macao Government Tourism Office

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:配合澳門特別行政區建設澳門成為「世界旅遊休閒中心」的發展定位,澳門特別行政區政府旅


In accordance with Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao SAR) Government's strategy of positioning and developing Macao as a World Centre of Tourism and Leisure, Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) serves as the public entity responsible for implementing, analyzing and assisting in formulating the tourism policies of the Macao SAR to enhance Macao's reputation as a quality destination. Locally, MGTO plays an important role in fostering the improvement and diversification of tourism products as well as promoting, coordinating or facilitating a variety of tourism projects and mega events. There are 11 MGTO Representatives and 3 MSAR Delegations around the world at present.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門南灣大馬路 804 號中華廣場 1 樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-2837 0777

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macao SAR Identification Services Bureau

展位編號Booth No.B24/B25

簡介 / Introduction:澳門特別行政區身份證明局受行政法務司監督,職能包括: 統籌及執行關於澳門特區居民民事

與刑事身份資料的活動; 發出身份證及刑事紀錄證明書; 依法就紀錄所載的事實發出證明書; 向澳門特區居民發出護照和其他旅行證件;處理澳門特別行政區居民有關國籍的申請;接收、審批居留權證明書的申請,以及發出有關證明書;組織具法律人格的社團及財團的登記及發出有關證明書,以及履行法律賦予的其他職責。

The Identification Services Bureau of Macao SAR is under the supervision of the Secretary of Administration and Justice and responsible for the overall planning and operation of activities relating to the civil and criminal identification of Macao residents. It issues ID cards and certificates of criminal

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile

record, and issues certificates to substantiate the facts stated in official record in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. It also issues MSAR Passports, and other travel permits to Macao residents. It handles the nationality applications of MSAR residents, receives and approves applications for the certificate of entitlement to the right of abode and issues relevant certificates. Besides, it is responsible for organizing the registration of association and foundation with juridical personality and issuing relevant certificates, and also exercising other duties conferred by the law.

簡介 / Introduction:澳門萬國控股集團,歷盡 25 年發展,現已擁有二級企業 65 間,員工 4,000 餘名。其中資源板

塊擁有四家上市公司、147 個礦權及頁岩氣田;投融資板塊參與兩家地方銀行和兩家涉及地產和文創的基金;實業板塊包括地產發展、旅遊連鎖等 17 個行業。集團投資及經營地域涉及澳、港、台灣地區、中國內地、澳大利亞、美、日、緬、柬、波黑等 25 個國家和地區。


單位地址 / Add: 澳門友誼大馬路 1023 號南方大廈四樓 A 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2871 8829

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Multinational Holdings Group Limited

展位編號Booth No.


Multinational Holdings Group is based in Macao, which has a large and diverse holdings portfolio with over 25 years, with 65 secondary companies and more than 4,000 employees. Among them, there are four listed companies with 147 mining rights and shale gas fields in resources sector. For investment and financing sector, Macao Multinational Holdings Group involves its business of two banks and two funds related to real estate and cultural creativeness. It has 17 industries of the traditional business including land development, travel related industries. The company's has a global interests which branching itself for over 25 countries and regions including Macao, the Mainland of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan region, Australia, United States, Japan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The constant business development, diversification and geographic expansion have proven the success of the company.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門新口岸北京街金融中心 8 樓 I, J 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2870 3030

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macau Cheng Loi Group Company Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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簡介 / Introduction:澳門青旅集團(JIT)成立於 1992 年,由張志民先生和陳麗華女士共同創立。到目前為止,澳

門青旅集團已經進入了第 25 年的運作,我們的努力和經驗使我們成為澳門旅遊業中的領跑者之一。澳門青旅集團的宗旨是“誠信為贏,顧客至上”。今天,澳門青旅集團已經發展成為一個多元化發展的綜合性旅遊企業,服務包括出入境旅遊、會議展覽、境內和海外酒店預訂、穿梭巴士服務、汽車租賃、廣告傳媒等,旅行社更是成為澳門領先的旅行社!除了澳門,澳門青旅集團的服務同時擴展到中國大陸、日本、泰國、歐洲和美國等。在過去的 25 年裏,澳門青旅集團創收了超過 1200 萬的遊客。在接下來的日子裏,澳門青旅集團主要將目標放在“創新和定制旅遊”的發展,繼續發揚集團精神,為顧客提供優質的服務,以服務世界各地的遊客為中心目標不斷努力。

( 澳門 ) 星際旅遊有限公司

單位地址 / Add: 澳門巴素打爾古街合發大廈 342 號地下鋪

電話 / Tel.: 853-2843 0888

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

(Macau) Astro Travel Company Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:星際旅遊有限公司是澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局批准成立的,准照編號 : 0113。公司主要經營 :

接待外國遊客及中國遊客在澳門旅遊、承辦各種大型會展策劃、會議和活動、各種旅遊線路、會展、國情教育和學校師生交流、夏令營、自駕遊、票務、酒店住宿、導遊、租車等等。多年來,公司堅持 〝以客為尊,服務至上” 的服務宗旨,以 “誠信、穩健、規範、創新” 的工作作風贏得業內人士的一致好評。


單位地址 / Add: 總部:澳門友誼大馬路 1023 路南方大廈四樓 I 座

分部:南灣大馬路 778 號中華廣場地下 I 鋪

電話 / Tel.: 總部: 853-2870 1913;分社: 853-2883 9909

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macao Multinational Travel Group

展位編號Booth No.

E46/E47/ E54/ E55

簡介 / Introduction:萬國旅遊集團於 1997 年組建,屬下擁有 29 家旅遊連鎖公司,與國內外過千家旅遊、航空、酒


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile

Multinational Youth Travel Agency Limited was found in 1997, based in Macao the company has 29 travel secondary companies, which has daily contacts with over one thousand local and international travel, airline, hospitality and transportation agencies. With close cooperation the enterprise is able to provide all around service such as group tour, reception, room booking and ticketing for the market.

For two decades, through the joint efforts of the team members, the group is able to maintain its competitiveness in the market by increase its scope size and, holding up it's professionalism and further integrate itself while building a strong online presentation.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門北京街 126 號怡德商業中心 17 樓 D 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2878 9936

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macau Easy International Travel Agency

展位編號Booth No.D32/D33

簡介 / Introduction:易達假期,多年來澳憑著優良的商務服務管理經驗和不懈的努力,已發展成為一個多元化的商

務、團體及個人的旅遊服務公司。本公司與時並進,於 2014 年成立了易達網,是珠海及澳門旅遊行業的先驅及佼佼者,我們透過互聯網即時確認客人預訂,提供旅遊同業 24 小時全天候的優質資訊服務,我們的宗旨就是照顧客戶隨時隨地的需要。

澳門中旅 ( 國際 ) 酒店管理有限公司

單位地址 / Add: 澳門羅理基博士大馬路 223-225 號南光大廈十一樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-8391 1140

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macau CTS Hotel Management (International) Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

澳門中旅(國際)酒店管理有限公司於 1987 年在澳門註冊成立,隸屬澳門最大的中資企業南光集團,公司經過二十多年的穩步發展,規模不斷擴大,全資擁有的澳門濠璟酒店、澳門富豪酒店、澳門帝濠酒店、澳門京都酒店、廣西桂林環球大酒店、加拿大蒙特利爾楓華苑假日酒店,控股西安華清愛琴海國際溫泉酒店,並受業主委託管理內地多家知名星級酒店。公司曾先後獲得“粵港澳十佳酒店 / 餐飲管理公司”、“最具發展潛力中國酒店品牌”、“全國飯店業優質服務白金五星獎”等十幾項榮譽。多年來公司嚴格管理、開拓創新,培養了大批高級專業酒店管理人才,擁有一支愛

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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Macau CTS Hotel Management (International) Ltd. is incorporated in Macau in 1987 and affiliated to the largest China-invested enterprise in Macao—Nam Kwong (Group). Over the two-decade steady development and continuous expansion, it is in charge of the management for the group's wholly-owned hotels of Hotel Riviera Macau, Beverly Plaza Hotel Macau, Emperor Hotel, Metropole Hotel Macau, Hotel Universal Guilin, and Holiday Inn Select Montréal Centre-Ville, and has holdings in Xi'an Huaqing Aegean International Hot Spring Resort & Spa; furthermore, it is entrusted by many a proprietor with the management of a number of renowned star-level hotels in mainland China. It has been honored with upwards of ten awards successively including "TOP 10 Hotels/Restaurant Management Companies in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau", "Most Promising Hotel Brands in China", and "Quality Services in the Hospitality Industry in China—Platinum Five-Star Hotels". Over the years, the company, by dint of its strict management and pioneering innovation, has cultivated a wealth of high-level professional hotel management talent under the guidance of senior hotel expert team, and boasts a core management team and the employee team who are devoted to and passionate about their work. The various hotels under the company have successfully provided catering and reception for the national leaders, political officials, and distinguished guests from the industry, culture, and sporting circles on many occasions. The company has won high plaudits from the various circles and has always been in the vanguard among the hotels of the same category in terms of comprehensive prowess. It has gradually built up the core competitiveness in the hotel industry in China and the good brand image in Macau.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門友誼大馬路 1023 號南方大廈 3 樓 R 室

電話 / Tel.: 853-2856 5028

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macau Explorer Cultural Travel

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

探索號文化旅遊(Macau Explorer Cultural Travel)由一組熱愛澳門及歷史文化的專業團隊組成,本著 “從旅客角度出發”的營運宗旨,誠意為已對一般走馬看花式旅遊感到乏味的遊人帶來更為深度、更高品位的旅遊體驗。除到訪本澳各主要景點外,我們還設計出不同主題的旅遊路線和特備活動,務求滿足旅客心中的旅程期望。無論閣下想手執相機遊走大街小巷追尋歷史痕跡,或想在暢飲著香檳的旅程中感受澳門浮華的一面,我們已為您準備就緒。

探索號文化旅遊業務多元,由家庭旅遊以至團體或私人包團均在服務之列。我們的業務範圍包括:澳門歷史城區 - 深度遊 4 小時 / 8 小時;本地旅遊巴士、豪華轎車租賃;本地酒店訂房、各類門票預訂;外地旅遊,團體或私人獨立包團,行程設計;外地酒店訂房、交通安排。

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


單位地址 / Add: 澳門宋玉生廣場 180 號東南亞商業中心 4 樓 E 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2872 3883

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macau Express Travel Limited

展位編號Booth No.D26/D35


單位地址 / Add: 澳門宋玉生廣場 180 號東南亞商業中心 11 樓 A 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2897 3131

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macau New Holiday Travel Limited

展位編號Booth No.E11/E12/


簡介 / Introduction:

簡介 / Introduction:

澳門假期旅行社創立於 2004 年 ( 牌照號碼 0121) 提供出境旅遊業務、入境旅遊業務、酒店、機票、客運、簽證業務、社團包團、學生遊等組團業務,為遊客提供價格優惠、體驗更好的旅遊產品。

澳門特速旅遊有限公司成立於 2007 年,是澳門旅遊行業中,首間提供休閒、商務和自助旅遊等多元化的旅遊公司。特以機票、酒店、自由行套票;概括亞洲市場,包括中國、日本、泰國、台灣地區、新加坡、馬來西亞、韓國、越南等國家。

從 2008 年開始至今,更是“澳門航空假期”唯一的獨家代理。提供全方位的旅遊服務,帶給旅客舒適滿意又難忘的旅程。

Macau Express Travel Ltd. was incorporated on 2007, is a leading travel service provider in Macau that offers a diversified range of travel services to both leisure and corporate travelers. Products of Air tickets, Hotels, Packages. Which is particularly strong in several outbound markets including China, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan region, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea and Vietnam. Macau Express Travel is also the exclusive GSA of Air Macau Holiday from 2008 to present. Macau Express Travel Ltd. as a fully accredited IATA appointed agency, offering full range of travel services and we facilitate travel arrangements.

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 147Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

簡介 / Introduction:本公司主要營業範圍:會議、會展、遊學、私人定制及出入境遊等多元化服務,涉及港澳台及

東南亞酒店、租車、票務預訂。我司一直秉承“細緻服務”的服務宗旨。Main service: Meeting, conference and exhibition, study tour, private tour, package tour, outbound and

inbound; and bus renting tickets booking, hotels booking form different oversea.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門友誼大馬路 1023 號南方大廈 2 樓 AC

電話 / Tel.: 853-6825 6675

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macau MTP Travel Agency Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:

明星百貨公司在澳門經營百貨業已 70 多年。銷售品牌手袋皮具、飾品、絲質產品、睡衣系列及泳衣等商品。本司憑藉在零售營運上的豐富經驗,堅守信譽,以及一貫堅持的優質服務,令到國內市民加深對本澳中小企業產品認識。

本司代理意大利 Fiorentino 香皂,韓國 Essence 養生腳貼,韓國 Bio 水份營養面膜,Smartcoat 納米二氧化鈦光觸媒抗菌抗病毒口罩及 A8 光觸媒長效抗菌除臭納米噴霧。


單位地址 / Add: 高尾街 4 號地下

電話 / Tel.: 853 -2833 3978

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Meng Star Co.

展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 澳門馬濟時總督大馬路 108 號珠光大廈地下 Z 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2837 6868

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macao Radio Taxi Services Limited

展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile

簡介 / Introduction:

澳門電召的士服務股份有限公司(簡稱澳門電召),於 2015 年 11 月 20 日成立,經營業務為電召的士業務,主要透過的士服務中心為乘客提供召喚特別的士服務,當中包括即時召喚及預約服務,並時提供召喚及預約無障礙的士服務及其他獲准經營的相關服務。



Macau Radio Taxi Services Limited (herein after "Radio Taxi" ) are approved to operate 100 Special Taxi for eight years started on 1st April 2017, which provides three ways to call or reserve taxi through phone, app and website.

Three types of Taxis:1.Standard Taxi: capacity up to six passengers; 2.Deluxe Taxi: capacity up to seven passengers or five passengers if four luggage are occupied; 3.Accessibility Taxi: capacity up to six passengers or three passengers if two wheel chairs are occupied.

滿庭軒餐飲管理有限公司展位編號Booth No.


莫義記展位編號Booth No.


澳門祐記龍鬚糖有限公司展位編號Booth No.


默咖啡展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 149Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue


單位地址 / Add: 澳門製造廠巷 5 號

電話 / Tel.: 853-28520335

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Macau Design Centre

展位編號Booth No.C31/C32

簡介 / Introduction:澳門設計中心由澳門設計師協會於 2013 年籌劃組成,2014 年 11 月起逐步投入運作,是澳門首

個推動設計發展的綜合服務平台,2016 年榮獲澳門商務大獎企業社會責任金獎。中心主要職責是向社會推廣設計的精神,推動及協助澳門本土設計師及文創產業發展,過去多次與中國內地、香港、台灣地區、日本、荷蘭、葡語系國家等的機構合作,主要業務包括創意設計媒合及商業配對、全方位設計服務整合、市場拓展顧問諮詢、光影投影表演籌辦、文化藝術表演、影視創意及製作、專題展覽及銷售活動策劃執行、商品銷售及市場拓展、媒體約談及公關服務、場地租借及活動策劃,曾於 2017 年聯合近百位澳門本地創作人組成製作團隊打造「澳門光影節 2017」。

中心大樓設有「My Good Goods 創意店」、「書攤」、「演嘢」、「嘆啡」、「睇展覽」、「講堂」、「私竇」、「好地方」、「客廳」、「遊花園」多個不同功能的特色場地,現有 26 間本澳從事影像設計及製作、產品設計、影視後期製作、2D 與 3D 動畫特效及製作、攝影服務、建築物光影投射、互動裝置設計、互聯網服務、平面設計、空間設計、時裝設計、多媒體廣告與展示等的工作室進駐,為自由工作者及設計學生提供穩定的工作空間,使用者可以互相交流,了解行業動向,促進彼此的合作。


單位地址 / Add: 澳門殷皇子大馬路 43-53A,澳門廣場 10 樓 K;

澳門約翰四世大馬路中華廣場 4A 地下 (S,T)

電話 / Tel.: 853-2812 8050

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

New Sintra Tours Limited

展位編號Booth No.D51-D55

簡介 / Introduction:

新新麗華旅行社成立於 1994 年 8 月為澳門合法營運機構及國際航空協會會員。主要公司業務:國際及國內機票據法個人及團體 )、外遊組團服務、代辦世界各地簽證、世界各地酒店代訂服務、郵輪假期、獨立包團 ( 全球 )、租車及代訂各種交通工具 ( 船票、火車票 ) 之服務、中國 2010 年上海世博會門票銷售中國澳門特別行政區指定代理商。

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile

簡介 / Introduction:新澳遊旅行社有限公司成立初期專注於澳門訂房以及機票預訂的同行業務,長期合作的旅行社

更是達到了 1500 多家;隨著在大陸市場的擴大,我們的客戶對象更是從同業延生到了散客市場,產品也涵蓋了港澳、國內和東南亞的酒店、機票、門票、餐券、租車、會議、簽證以及保險業務。


單位地址 / Add: 澳門羅馬街 12 號東南亞商業中心地下 W 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2878 9966

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

New Macau Travel Agency Company Limited

展位編號Booth No.


NEW MACAU TRAVEL AGENCY COMPANY LIMITED was established at the beginning of the focus in Macau Hotel booking and ticket booking peer business and long-term cooperation with the travel agency is to more than 1500; with the expansion in the Mainland China market, our target customers is extended from the industry to the individual market, product also covers the Hong Kong and Macao, the domestic and Southeast.


單位地址 / Add: 澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 181-187 號光輝集團商業中心 15 樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-2833 5678

OCBC Wing Hang Bank

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:澳門華僑永亨銀行為香港華僑永亨銀行之全資附屬公司。澳門華僑永亨銀行的前身為澳門永亨

銀行,成立於 1941 年,現時有約 500 名員工。


One Creative Arts Department Store

展位編號Booth No.


OCBC Wing Hong Bank Limited (Macau) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited (Hong Kong). Previously as Banco OCBC Weng Hang, S.A, OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited (Macau) was established in 1941 and has about 500 employees.

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 151Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

簡介 / Introduction:

單位地址 / Add: 澳門馬楂度博士大馬路 679 號南方工業大廈第三座 9 樓 H 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2833 1258

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Project Asia Corporation-Signature Events

展位編號Booth No.


Project Asia Corporations has three publications (printed): Macau Business, Business Intelligence, and Essential Macau, Also digital media: MNA, MBTV, It owns an event company- signature Events.


電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Pastelaria Han Van Loi

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:幸運來手信位於澳門最繁華鬧市的新馬路中心地帶及關閘廣場,是一間經營了超過二十年的正



單位地址 / Add: 澳門十月初五日街

電話 / Tel.: 853-6695 0355

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Pan Asia Trading

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:泛亞貿易行成立於 2015 年,公司成立初期主要與斯里蘭卡 AFGO 公司合作,入口當地及中東各


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


單位地址 / Add: 澳門慕拉士大馬路 195 號南嶺工業大廈 8 樓 E 座

Avenida de Venceslau de Morais 195, Edf. Industrial Nam Leng 8/E, Macau

電話 / Tel.: 853-2872 5065

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Platium Forca (Asia) Limited Pty Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.



PFA import Australia & New Zealand nature pure honey and juice, we strive to provide our customers with the highest quality food and beverage products.

簡介 / Introduction:

QQ 美食世界有限公司

單位地址 / Add: 澳門爹利仙拿姑娘街 54 號 M 鋪三勝商場

電話 / Tel.: 853-6226 8857

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

QQ Food World Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.B103/B104

簡介 / Introduction:

本公司註冊於澳門十週年是 100% 澳門人公司專門經營生產澳門特色手信食品馬拉盞系列受到中國內地、港澳客人歡迎。

慶記茶餐廳展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 153Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue


單位地址 / Add: 澳門十月初五日街 27 號德衡大廈地下 C 鋪

電話 / Tel.: 853-6664 6385

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:仁德堂,師承中山市四大草藥師之一何堯老先生,有 15 年中醫學經驗。仁德堂曾為經營家族傳

統小吃。為了讓中草藥的保健功效以及傳統小吃的傳承而惠及大眾,於 2015 年 3 月 2 日在澳門十月初五街開市至今經營著涼茶、養生湯以及傳統小食。一直受到澳門本地市民和遊客的好評和稱讚。以崇向自然享受健康為主。在 2017 年 4 月 15 日受邀加入康公廟夜市裡用車仔當售賣傳統美食;2017 年 7 月受邀加入澳門百老匯美食街。這兩個活動仁德堂吸引了大批遊客及街坊的光顧!傳承中華傳統小吃。


單位地址 / Add: Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, Man Kei Industrial Buliding, 10 floor, Macau

電話 / Tel.: 853-6685 5889

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Ron's Kichen

展位編號Booth No.


瑞興咖啡小食展位編號Booth No.


STDM 旅行社有限公司

單位地址 / Add: 澳門友誼大馬路 49-567 號澳門置地廣場 P10-08

電話 / Tel.: 853-2812 8050

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

STDM Tours Travel Agency Limited

展位編號Booth No.D46-D50

簡介 / Introduction:STDM 旅行社成立於 1994 年 8 月為澳門合法營運機構。主要公司業務:國際及國內機票個人及

團體 )、外遊組團服務、代辦世界各地簽證、世界各地酒店代訂服務、郵輪假期、獨立包團 ( 全球 )、租車及代訂各種交通工具 ( 船票、火車票 ) 之服務。

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


單位地址 / Add: 澳門友誼大馬路南方大廈 4A

電話 / Tel.: 853-2878 3864

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

SD Media

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:SD Magazine 雜誌由 Tio Inrestment Ltd. 天翱投資有限公司出版,是澳門第一的全方位免費休



單位地址 / Add: 澳門新口岸北京街 202A-246 號澳門金融中心十一樓

電話 / Tel.: 852-2859 3146

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Shun Tak Travel Services Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.




Shun Tak Travel Services Ltd. a subsidiary of Shun Tak Holdings Ltd. providing quality services to leisure travelers, corporate clients and travel trade partners.

Complementing to the group's hotels in Hong Kong and Macao, convention Centre, ferry and coaches services, we provide comprehensive services to our clients.

Our travel experts and event management staff in our regional offices have experiences in selecting the right budget accommodation, ground handling, productions and decorations, meals arrangements, entertainments, city tour or team building program held in different cities.

簡介 / Introduction:

簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 155Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue


單位地址 / Add: 澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 181 至 187 號光輝 ( 集團 ) 商業中心 10 樓 U 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2875 1030

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

San Hon Wai Travel Agency

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:澳門新漢威旅行社是自創品牌,創建於 2011 年,本著「以客為先」的服務宗旨,承諾為顧客提



San Hon Wai is one of the travel agency companies in Macau. We establish our business since 2011 and provide a full range of travel services and products for individual, family, government, and corporate customers. We pledge to build its business on trust and mutual respect, and to bring true value to a meaningful long-term partnership. By achieving our mission and by embracing our core value of : Commitment, Professionalism, Trust, Excellence, Customer Focus, Responsibility and Continuous Improvement.

A full range of services: flight reservations, visas, private tour, accommodation, car hire, leisure travel, travel insurance, concert/theme park ticket, dining package.


單位地址 / Add: Rua Um Da Cidade Nova, De Toi Sam, Ed. Jardim Cidade Kam Loi Kok, Bl17 15-And-N, Macau

電話 / Tel.: 853-6599 0650

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Soi Fong International Trading Company Limited

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:穗豐國際貿易有限公司經澳門商業登記局註冊,公司總部設於澳門,作為全球最開放的自由貿

易和投資體系之一的地區,具有自由港、單獨關稅、簡單低稅政策、國際市場網絡廣泛、葡語國家緊密聯繫,以及與內地緊密經貿關係 (CEPA) 等獨特優勢。

穗豐國際貿易有限公司專業經營酒店客房拖鞋、酒店客房用品、紀念品 & 禮品、海綿製品等進出口貿易。


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


單位地址 / Add: 澳門羅理基博士大馬路 223-225 號,南光大廈八字樓

電話 / Tel.: 853-2851 7758

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

TDM-Teledifusão de Macau

展位編號Booth No.B16/B17

Soi Fong International Trading Company Limited, established the approval of the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) and the General Administration of Customs. The company is headquartered in Macau, as the areas of trade and investment system, one of the world's most open, Freeport, separate tariffs, low and simple tax policy, an extensive network of international market, close contact with Portuguese-speaking countries, as well as with the Mainland Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) and other unique advantages.

Soi Fong International Trading Company Limited specialized in the import and export of hotel slippers, hotel room products, souvenirs & gifts and sponge products.

We sincerely look forward to working with you for your cooperation and efforts to make a point to the complicity of universal brotherhood.

亭一亭蔬食外賣店展位編號Booth No.


甜思思餅店展位編號Booth No.



單位地址 / Add: 澳門青洲大馬路逸麗花園第二座地下

電話 / Tel.: 853-6689 6305

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Tou & Na Shop

展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 157Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

簡介 / Introduction:我司成立多年,專業生產高檔時尚高低跟、休閒、真皮、特種材料的女裝馬靴、女裝鞋、涼鞋、



單位地址 / Add: 澳門南灣大馬路 367 號京澳大廈 13 字樓 B 座

電話 / Tel.: 853-2855 0138

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

United Union Corporation Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:聯邦有限公司自 1970 年起經營國際貨運及保險代理業務,兼營食品入口貿易、零售及批發


The company has started its business operation of international cargo forwarding and insurance agency since 1970 and thereafter expanded in food product trading, including wholesaling and retailing business acting as Macau general exclusive agent for Hong Kong on Kun International Ltd. to market brand-named ''On Kun Bee'' organic Health products from Peru.

VT 旅行社有限公司

單位地址 / Add: 澳門畢仕達大馬路 26 及 28 號中福商業中心 9 樓 C

電話 / Tel.: 853-2850 0299

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

VT Travel Agency Co., Ltd.

展位編號Booth No.D28/D29/


簡介 / Introduction:

2014 年在澳門成立 , 旅行社准照編號為 0251, 公司業務主要為代訂各地機票 , 酒店 , 門票 / 租用旅遊車輛 / 入境旅遊 / 出境旅遊 / 獎勵旅遊 / 商務及公務旅遊。成立以來 , VT 一直致力提供多種澳門特色主題旅遊團,如夜遊澳門、親子、煙花、賽車等主題。除了提供多種澳門特色旅遊路線外,同時也積極開發國內外路線,在香港 , 珠海 , 上海 , 深圳,日本等地設有分社及關係企業,擁有各地豐富的地接資源。VT 旅行社致力於為你,為你的家庭,為你的團隊,訂製一個不一樣的體驗之旅!

我們的團隊己有十多年為各商會、協會、公司、企業、學校等客戶。承辦各種會議、晚宴宴會、交流會、考察、團建、旅遊等活動經驗。提供多種出入境遊路線,如台灣地區學校交流活動,越南農莊體驗活動,中國貴州扶貧探訪等;為美國客戶公司圓滿承辦於澳門四日三夜、四千人會議接待活動,包括千人雞尾酒會、千人中式晚宴等;每月亦接待約數千人次的來自世界各地的客人遊玩,(以泰國、菲律賓、印尼、印度,美國和中國為主); 亦提供多種特色主題旅遊,包括有烹飪親子工作坊、

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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile


Village Macau

展位編號Booth No.E61-E65


單位地址 / Add: 澳門南灣大馬路財神商業中心 5 樓 G

電話 / Tel.: 853-2892 1600

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

Wing Lam Development Limited

展位編號Booth No.E76/E77

簡介 / Introduction:永林發展有限公司為碧桂園集團旗下控股之公司,主要業務為海外投資 / 置業服務,其他業務亦


吳廷記糕餅小食展位編號Booth No.


味膳館展位編號Booth No.



新好財運餐飲管理 ( 集團 ) 有限公司展位編號Booth No.


簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês PinyinThe contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin

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場 刊 159Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue


單位地址 / Add: 澳門鏡湖馬路 41 號雅儀樓地下

電話 / Tel.: 853-6851 8839

電郵 / Email: [email protected]

展位編號Booth No.


簡介 / Introduction:Ichiwa Trading Company was founded in 2012. We are Macau retailer supplying Macau style sausage,

fried cuttlefish, jerky, dried fruits and snack foods.

一帶一路出版社有限公司展位編號Booth No.E22/E23

181 號一人有限公司展位編號Booth No.


忠成餃子王展位編號Booth No.


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6 th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

參展商簡介 Perfil dos ExpositoresExhibitors Profile參展商簡介(簡介由參展商提供 , 排名按展商的英文或拼音字首順序)Perfil dos Expositores (Os conteúdos são fornecidos pelos expositores, listados em ordem alfabética de acordo com o Inglês ou o Chinês Pinyin)Exhibitors Profile (The contents are provided by the exhibitors, listed in alphabetical order according to English or Chinese Pinyin)

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6th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo6.ª Expo Internacional de Turismo (Indústria) de Macau

場 刊 161Catálogo OficialOfficial Catalogue

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