  • Slide 1

2012 Slide 2 Part 1 Summary Categories Getting to know you Talking about your education Talking about your career Talking about your (leisure) activities Talking about your hometown Slide 3 Work or study What is your major? Why did you choose it ? Im majoring in arts/science/English/ computer science Interests (internal factors) Im very much into/ Im crazy about Im fascinated by/about/ I really dig into/ Slide 4 Im passionate about/ is the greatest passion in my life Money (external factors) It is profitable/ promising It is big money in. Slide 5 I like my (major/work) primarily/mainly/chiefly/principally because Im very much into the stuff (taught in class). Besides/Plus my parents always encourage me to study it/work hard. In addition/Also, this is a very promising major/job that is bound to bring me much income (in the future). So/therefore that is exactly/precisely why I like my major/work. Slide 6 Do you think that's a difficult subject to study Frankly speaking, its not that hard for me. Cos I am a people person. When I was young, I was the center of my peers. In school, Im also the chairman of student union; therefore I dont feel hard to understand the theory in the classroom/ communicate with my clients. Slide 7 As I told you, I love art when I was young, its one of my interests. Plus, there is a saying that one picture can tell a thousand words. and Art design is all about how to create that picture. Besides, the company/this major offers me a promising prospect. Slide 8 Food and Cooking General questions asked about food: What kind of food do you like? Do you like cooking? Describe the food in your region. Who does the cooking in your family? Do you prefer to eat out or eat at home? Slide 9 What kind of food do you like? As for food, anything fresh and tasty is a good one. Yet to pick the favorite is quite a matter of personal choice and mine is placed on home-made soup with Cantonese/fried rice with Southern Chinese flavor. Slide 10 My mother used to make this kind of soup/dish for the whole family twice a week. So I Managed to learn how to cook several types of soup/dish, like lotus roots and pork soup/ stir fry chicken with honey. Slide 11 House or flat General questions asked about house or flat: Do you currently live in a house or a flat? Yes,I live in dormitory of our university. That's a very narrow and small space. What are the differences between house and flat? A house is expensive, spacious, far from town. And a flat is affordable, cramped, near town. Slide 12 Bike Do you often ride bikes? Why do many Chinese often ride bikes? Reasons: Affordable Eco-friendly Physical exercise More convenient than bus and less likely to be jammed in traffic In china, biking is more like a mode of transport. Slide 13 Weekends and how to spend time Well, there are many different things I do on weekends, from watching TV to hiking to the nearest mountain (or lake), from hanging out with friends to going out shopping. You see, I like to do different things in different times. But here is the rule: if Im in a mood of going out, Id either play some sports or just hang out with friends; if not, Id rather stay at home, watch some TV or just take a rest. Slide 14 Shopping Who does most of the shopping in your family? In my home, its my mother who does most of the shopping. She likes to go to the market around 10 oclock when it is not rush hour. When she goes to the market, she doesnt like to bargain with vendors, because she think its a waste of time. In her opinion, the money saved here is not worth the effort. Time is money. Slide 15 Do you often look for bargains and special? Yes. I enjoy looking for real bargains or special sales because they are cheaper but the quality is quite good. It undoubtedly takes a lot of time, and you have to hunt for bargains. Once I bought a pair of leather shoes at half price. I felt very happy. But there are also cheating things in bargains. You have to be careful in buying bargains. Its also wise never to buy anything you don't really need just because its Cheap. Slide 16 Clothing General questions asked about clothing Do you wear different clothes for work and for leisure? Do you have a special set of clothes for special occasions? Which kind of clothes do you prefer to wear? Slide 17 How important do you think it is to be fashionable? I think it can be very important. Studies Show that fashionable and well-dressed People can get better jobs and more respect. If you look at people who are well- dressed, such as business people, they often seem to have plenty of confidence Are they confident because they are wearing nice clothes? The situation with women is even clearer. A woman who wears beautiful, stylish clothes will get a lot of attention even from other women! Perhaps they are jealous! Slide 18 Is there anything special about the history of your hometown? Yes, it is a city of a very long history. It was the capital city of Shang Dynasty 3500 years ago, and together with ancient India, Egypt, was considered as one of the oldest civilizations of the world. Slide 19 Formula 1 Do you prefer X to Y? Do you prefer writing letters or sending emails? Do you prefer talking on the phone or chatting online? Do you prefer to travel by bike or on foot? Slide 20 Answer Order State which one you prefer. Compare the two things the examiner mentions. Give reasons and examples to explain why. Language Steps Master prefer +doing I prefer walking.) and prefer + to do (I prefer to walk.). Use comparatives of convenience or greater benefit like a native speaker. (Traveling by bus is faster than going by car.) Slide 21 Do you prefer to travel by bus or by bike? I prefer cycling to traveling by bus. Cycling is so much more convenient than taking the bus if you are not traveling too far. Actually, its often faster to go by bike because you dont get stuck in traffic jams! Cycling is also better for my health than all other means of transport, including buses. Slide 22 Do you prefer chatting online or talking on the phone? Generally I prefer chatting online. I nearly always find that chatting online can be more sociable as you can speak to more than one person at the same time. Also, chatting online is often much more fun because you can send smileys, photos and even videos. Slide 23 Formula 2 What do you usually/normally do? What do you do on an average day? What is your normal daily routine? Can you describe your typical day? What do you usually do on weekends? Slide 24 Answer Order Say what you do at the time the examiner asks you about. Say how often you do these things. Language Steps Use adverbs of frequency like a native speaker to show how frequently or infrequently you do things. (I often meet up with my friends./ I sometimes go shopping.) Use the present tense & times of day correctly for general habits. (We have dinner together in the evening./ I ride my bike everyday at 2 oclock.) Show that you can use one or two common sequence markers. (Before class starts we talk./ We then go to bed.) Slide 25 Tell me about your usual daily routine. Well, usually I wake up around 8 a.m.. I always have a cup of coffee while I review my study notes over breakfast. Then I normally ride my bike to school, apart from in winter, when its way too cold. Before class starts I often meet up with my classmates in the corridor and we gossip a bit about life and school, I always go straight home and then start on my homework while my mom cooks me dinner. I usually go to bed at about 10 p.m.. Slide 26 Do you do the same thing at the same time every day? During the week, I have a regular schedule because of my job. I always wake up just after 7 in the morning, then eat my breakfast on the way to the subway station. I get to work at 8 oclock sharp, and usually work until 5, sometimes I work overtime until 7 or 8. After I get home I normally eat dinner with my wife and after that either hang out with friends or watch TV before going to bed at about 11. Slide 27 Formula 3 What do you like to do (in your spare time)? What do you like to do in your spare time? What do you like to do when you are on holidays? What do you like to do when you are not working? Slide 28 Answer Order Identify a couple of things you like doing. Describe why you like them. Language Steps Use either enjoy/like doing or like to do. (I like studying English. / I like to study English.) Use one or two native speaker phrasal verbs to say I LIKE. (Im quite into playing guitar. / Im really keen on studying English.) Use some adjectives of positive feeling to show the degree of your interest. (I like playing football. Its exciting. / Im quite into learning new languages. I find it fascinating.) Slide 29 What do you like to do in your spare time? Well, I have lots of hobbies I like to do in my spare time. Im very interested in studying English and Im also quite into movies sometimes I combine these two interests by watching British or American films. What I particularly enjoy doing, though, is playing football its so exciting! Slide 30 What do you like to do in the evening? I work really hard during the day so in the evening I like to relax and unwind. Im a big fan of hip-hop and rock music, and I like hanging out with friends and watching gigs. Im also keen on reading novels and short stories. Im involved in a reading group at my university and every so often we get together and discuss the latest books weve read over dinner its so stimulating to talk and hear different views about the books weve all read. Slide 31 Formula 4 What do you dislike about X? What do you dislike about parties? What dont you like about your jobs? What do you dislike about eating in restaurants? Slide 32 Answer Order Identify which aspects of the topic you dont like name just one or two things. Describe the degree of dislike you have for them. Give examples why you dont like them. Language Steps Use native speaker expressions of dislike. (Im not keen on sports.) Use native speaker degrees of dislike words and phrases. (I absolutely hate going to the cinema.) Use very much correctly to express dislike. (I dont like basketball very much.) Slide 33 What do you dislike about parties? Well, I generally enjoy the parties I go to, but there are a few things I dont like. I dont like all the drinking that usually happens and Im not keen on meeting lots of new people at parties. If there are too many strangers at a party I find myself having the same conversation again and again: Where are you from? Whats your major? Whats your job? I cant stand repeating myself and this kind of conversation is very superficial; you dont really get to know the person at all. Slide 34 What dont you like about your job? I dont particularly like my job. Im not interested in the field I work in, and I dont like my line manager or many of my colleagues very much they are all so boring. But what I absolutely hate about my job is the commute. It takes me about two hours to get to work; I have to travel during the rush hour on the subway and public buses which are always jam-packed with people its terrible Slide 35 Formula 5 How often do you do X? How often do you read books? How often do visitors come to your home? How often do you go out to dinner with friends? Slide 36 Answer Order Say how frequently you do the activity the examiner asks you about. Explain why you do it that frequently. Language Steps Use a range of different adverbs of frequency correctly. (I never go to the cinema. / I regularly watch DVDs.) Use a variety of adverbs of infrequency to describe something you dont do often. (I dont always eat at home./ Every once in a while I play sports.) Slide 37 How often do you socialize with friends? I used to go out to dinner with my friends all the time, but Im in my last year of university now and Im really busy I dont often have the chance to take a break and spend time with my friends. Once in a blue moon, Ill have someone over for coffee, or Ill go to a friends house and hang out. I hope Ill have more time to socialize after I graduate! Slide 38 How often do you read books? To be honest, Im always reading books; Im a complete bookworm! I usually read novels, but sometimes I mix it up slightly and read books about history or nature. I prefer reading novels because they are a great way to relax and escape from daily life, but I also enjoy history and nature books because they help me learn more about the world we live in. From time to time I might read some poetry, but I have to be in the right mood. Slide 39 Formula 6 What do you like most about X? What do you like most about student life? What do you like most about your job? What is the best thing about your city? What is your favorite type of weather? Slide 40 Answer Order Say which aspect of X you like the most. Explain why. Language Steps Use adverbs modifying verbs to express degrees of like. (I especially like playing the piano. / Students particularly enjoy going to bars and restaurants. ) Use parallel structure correctly. (I like going to the cinema, watching TV and playing video games.) Use simple linking words accurately. (Although Beijing has developed very fast, its still not very expensive. / I dont like traveling to work, but I enjoy my job.) Slide 41 What do you like most about student life? What I particularly like about student life is the golden opportunity it gives me to expand my horizons. At university I can not only increase my knowledge about my major and learn new things like Salsa and yoga, but I can also meet lots of new people. Slide 42 What is the best thing about your hometown? My hometown is Xiamen, in Fujian Province. The best thing about my hometown is its location. Its right on the coast, and from most places in the city there are beautiful views of the sea. Although we get the odd typhoon every year because we are by the seaside, we also enjoy light sea breezes during the summer. But what I especially value about Xiamens location is the fresh seafood we can eat all year round. Slide 43 Formula 7 Is X popular in your country? Are bikes popular in your country? Is watching team sports popular where you live? Is playing sports popular in your university? Is music popular in China? Slide 44 Answer Order Show you understand the question which is asking about PEOPLE IN GENERAL and not YOU. Talk about TYPES of people in society like a native. Talk about how MANY people like to do X. Language Steps Talk about types of people. (People of all ages like to ride bikes. / Most businessmen own cars.) Use quantity words to talk about how many people like X. (I think most people ride the subway. / The majority of British people drink milk with their tea. ) Use one or two expressions of habit like a native. (In general, Sichuan people enjoy spicy food. / As a rule, older generations are more traditional. ) Slide 45 Is basketball popular in your country? Yes, basketball is extremely popular in China. Generally speaking, I would say that the majority of high school and university male students regularly play basketball, I think most Chinese men under the age of, say 30, frequently watch NBA matches. Although it sounds a bit sexiest, I dont believe basketball is very popular with many Chinese women. Slide 46 Is music popular in China? I think it depends on what kind of music you are talking about. Most people in China listen to music every day. As a rule, the younger generation usually listens to pop, rock or hip- hop music, whereas older people tend to listen to older Chinese songs or folk music. I think many wealthy people listen to music, sometimes going to live concerts. Slide 47 Formula 8 What is the best time (of year) to do X? What time of year is best for outdoor activities where you live? What is the best time of day for studying? What time of year is best for traveling in your country? Slide 48 Answer Order Tell the examiner which time is best for X. Describe what the conditions at that time are. (i.e. weather, social conditions) Explain WHY thats the best time. Language Steps Use superlatives correctly. (Gulin is the most beautiful place in China./ This is the best time to travel.) Use prepositions of time correctly for times of day, month and year.( Beijing is beautiful in the late fall. / Beijing is beautiful at any time of year.) Use a few colloquial expressions for conditions. (The winter months are ideal for skiing. / The summer is perfect for cycling in the mountains.) Slide 49 What time of year is best for outdoor activities where you live? I think the best time to do outdoor activities is either in the summer or in the winter, because it depends on what activities you would like to do. The weather between June and early September provides the best conditions for rock climbing, hiking, mountain biking or playing sports like tennis and football because it is warm, sunny and bright. However, if you are into winter activities like ice-skating, sledging, and snowboarding then the depth of winter is the best time to do them. Slide 50 What is the best time of day to study? I think the best time of day to study is in the very early morning, just after dawn. This is the quietest time of the day, when there is no one else around and everywhere is completely silent. This means I am able to really get into what Im studying and not be distracted by friends or family. Its definitely the most productive time of the day for me, I just find it difficult to get up so early! Slide 51 Formula 9: Why do some people like X? Why do some people like cooking? Why do some people enjoying reading? Why do some people like gardening? Slide 52 Answer Order Describe why some people enjoy X or doing X. Say which type of people or personality enjoy it. Explain why its good for them and why they might like it. Language Steps Use native words to talk about types of people. ( Most teenagers enjoy listening to pop music.) Use native personality adjectives. ( Creative people tend to enjoy going to the theatre and art museums.) Use native activity adjectives. ( Volunteering at the hospital is very rewarding.) Slide 53 Why do some people like cooking? I think people of all ages like cooking, especially creative people. For those who love to create new things, cooking provides a great way to express themselves as they can experiment with different dishes and ingredients. Even quite conservative people like cooking; as everything needs to be created from scratch. It can be very satisfying to successfully cook a whole meal from start to finish. Slide 54 Why do some people like gardening? Gardening is most popular with middle-aged and elderly people, probably because gardening is a very therapeutic and relaxing activity. Members of the older generation are generally more patient and often prefer less energetic activities gardening is a good way to unwind whilst making their home more beautiful. Slide 55 Formula 10 When was the first/last time you did X? When was the first time you used a computer? When was the last time you went on holiday? When was the last time visitors came to your house? Slide 56 Answer Order Say when you first/last did it. Say why you did it. Describe what the experience was like. Language Steps Use prepositions and adverbs of time correctly. ( The last time I went fishing was about three years ago./ The first time I used a computer was in high school in 1984.) Have great control of the past simple to talk about completed events. ( I went on holiday last May./ My father bought me a computer when I was 10.) Use varied adjectives of experience to sound more like a native. ( Camping in the USA was so boring./ I thought acting was so intriguing.) Slide 57 Part 2 POPE People Object Place Event Slide 58 PEOPLE 1 10 Describe a famous person you admire. Describe a family member/neighbor. Describe a teacher who helped you before. Describe a successful leader who you know. Describe an artist / a singer / a movie star. Describe your best friend. Slide 59 driven ambitious intelligent talented approachable easy-going diligent conscientious peaceful optimistic refined introspective role-model perfectionist Slide 60 Exercise Describe a person who is controversial You should say Who the person is What does he/she do Why is he/she controversial What do you think of him/her Slide 61 Well, I would like to pick Michael Jackson as my topic. I presume that you have read the news about Michael Jacksons death. He was a very controversial person. On the one hand, he was a successful singer as many mainstream media dubbed him the king of pop, and he was known for his charity activities all around the world. Slide 62 On the other hand, he is notorious for the scandal of his sexual abuses of children and other abnormal behaviors. In my opinion, the reasons behind his controversial behaviors are mainly the following two: For one thing, his early success leads to his immaturity in personality which inevitably resulted in his loss of balance in life. Slide 63 For another, as a human being, he also needs love and care like everybody also does, but he doesnt have the chance because he is a superstar. No matter what others may think, he is a legend and should be respected for his good deeds as no one is perfect in this world. Slide 64 1 Be yourself !!! OPENER If , I would If I get a chance to meet someone famous, I would prefer to choose J. K. Rowling, who is the famous British writer. Slide 65 There is a large poster stuck on the wall of my pop idol J. K. Rowling. If I want to have coffee/dinner with someone, I will choose J. K. Rowling. If I host a party at my house, I will first invite my idol J. K. Rowling. Slide 66 POSSIBLE VERSION First of all, I believe J.K. Rowling is a very successful writer. Harry Potter is a fantastic novel series, which enjoys a tremendous popularity. She teaches us that love is powerful. She earns a large fortune out of it. Slide 67 2 First of all, I believe J.K. Rowling is a very successful writer. Because Harry Potter is a fantastic novel series, which enjoys a tremendous popularity. In the books, she teaches us that love is powerful. As a result, she earns a large fortune out of it. Slide 68 3 Harry Potter is an educational novel series. great fantastic interesting magical Harry Potter is awesome. awesome Standing in awe before the lightening, he tremble terribly. Slide 69 Harry Potter is an eminent novel series. Harry Potter is an renowned novel series. Harry Potter is a notorious novel series. 1. Eminent is used especially of people who are famous for serious work in science, the art etc. an eminent surgeon Slide 70 Places and people are renowned for a particular quality, characteristic, or skills. Florence is renowned for its beautiful building. If someone is notorious they are famous for something bad. Many politicians are notorious hypocrites. Slide 71 POSSIBLE VERSION Secondly, she is a great mother, who has a great sense of responsibility. She was even a single mother when she wrote the books and she brought up her kids alone. Fortunately, she was remarried and now lives a happy life. Slide 72 PEOPLE POPULARITY template As a (an) ______, he / she is liked and respected by all _____, and few would deny that not only has he influenced the lives of many people who have _____, but also those of their friends, family members and even children. manager, his subordinates, worked in his/her team Slide 73 CHARACTER template Once you hear his/her ____ remarks you cant help being attracted by his/her personality/character that seems contagious to people around him/her. Humorous (has a sense of humor) witty thought-provoking innocent Slide 74 PLACE I love Hangzhou Because 1. It is an ancient city with a long history. 2. It is a tourist city with beautiful scenery. 3. People in Hangzhou are really kind and polite. Slide 75 NO.2 A Historic Site Describe an interesting historic site (in your country) that you visited. where it was what you saw at this site (or, what it looked like) what role it played in history and explain what interested you about that place Slide 76 :Place : , . , , . : :Describe a museum/an old building/your favorite building/an important traditional building , , , , . Describe the best tourist attraction in China, an interesting exhibition, , . Slide 77 The Summer Palace This is a beautiful spot with exuberant wood and grass at the foot of the West Hill in the western outskirts of Beijing. From the Ming Dynasty on, many high taste nobles built their private gardens in this place. In the Qing Dynasty perhaps because the Manchu aristocrats who had just left their forests and grassland had not accommodated themselves to the environment of the palaces, they built great imperial gardens there. Slide 78 The Summer Palace that has survived calamities in history is one of those architectural masterpieces. This is a marvellous conception of a paradise on the earth.The Long Corridor and the Seventeen Arch Bridge are like ribbons. They frame the Kunming Lake and turn it into a beautiful picture. With the Buddha Fragrance Chamber on the Longevity Hill as the highlight, the lake and mountains become a lively whole. Slide 79 The West Hill and the pagoda on top of the Jade Spring Hill blot out the limit of the garden and fuse it into an open expense. Spring in the Summer Palace is merrily colourful, the summer is leisurely exuberant, the autumn sentimentally bright and winter sober, tranquil and clean. I think the Summer Palace is a great historic site in our country. Slide 80 1. It looked X when I first visited it in Y. It looked peaceful when I first visited it in the summer of 2001. 2. It is the place where I X. It is the place where I first met my boyfriend. Slide 81 3. The reason why I am attracted to it so much is X. The reason why I am attracted to it so much is the traditional houses along the river. 4. I am highly impressed by X. I am highly impressed by the natural beauty of the beaches Slide 82 5. The Park is located in the downtown of Hangzhou, covering an area of xxx. It is originally built for the commemoration ( memory) of ______ who _________. 6. When you visit the park, the most eye-catching landmark ( )is the monument which is situated at the centre of the park. Slide 83 7. It is made of marble ( ) with fences around the monument and a museum at the base. Its structure resembles that of an obelisk in Paris. ( ) Obelisk , Slide 84 8. In the morning, the senior citizens gather at the square in the front gate of the park to do morning exercise and socialize with each other. Some exercise Qigong, some old couple will dance a little dance, some walk their pets in the lawn. The air is fresh, and people are all enjoying a wonderful time in the park. Slide 85 NO.4 A Place Not Polluted Describe a place which is not polluted. where this place is what it looks like what kind of place is not polluted and explain what you think about pollution Slide 86 :Place : , , , . , , , . : , , , . , . Slide 87 9. Another feature of the lake is the artificial lake. It is no match with the west lake in Hangzhou though the locals do like it as it serves as a cooling place during the summer heat in a crowded city. Slide 88 10. Visitors often choose to go boating on the lake and enjoy the fun and privacy. Along the lake, rows of willows are planted which becomes a paradise for the birds. Slide 89 Tongli is a small town with hundreds of years, characterizing the typical river town scenery of South China, featured by small bridges, murmuring streams and elegant dwellings. It is well-preserved up till now, really a good place for recreation, spending holidays and traveling. Slide 90 EVENT On the night of the festival, people eat a kind of sweet dumpling as the traditional food for the day, made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing. After dinner, they go on streets with a variety of lanterns under the full moon. In some places, people can watch a parade of lion dancing. Slide 91 In some towns, some lantern riddle gathering is held for people to watch. There are all kinds of lanterns with a riddle on each of them. People who guess them right can get a small gift. I always eat many sweet dumplings on the day as I like the food a lot. I also enjoy the lantern scene on the streets, which adds to the beauty of the town and symbolizes good luck of a new year. Slide 92 NO.1 A Good Law Describe a (piece of) (good) law in your country. what the law is how you first learned about this law who benefits from this law (or, who is affected by this law) and explain why you think this is a good law Slide 93 :Object : . , , . Part 3 ,Part 2 . : , , . , , , . , , "one-child policy", , , . Slide 94 NO.3 A Success Describe a particular success you would like to achieve (in the near future). what it is how difficult you think it will be what you should do to prepare for this and explain why you want to succeed in doing this Slide 95 :Object : , . , , . : Part 3 , Part 2 , , , , , . . Slide 96 NO.5 A Stage of Your Life Describe an important stage of your life/an enjoyable stage of your life. how old you were where you were living at the time what you were doing during this stage and explain why you think this was an important/enjoyable stage of your life. Slide 97 :Event : , , . , , , , . : , , :Describe the most enjoyable moment in your childhood/Describe a busy time in your life , , , , , , , . Slide 98 NO.6 A Sculpture/A Work of Art Describe a sculpture or other work of art that you have seen. when you saw this work of art where you saw it what it looked like and explain your impression of it Slide 99 :Object : , , , , . . : , , , , . work of art, sculpture or drama, performance and show a traditional art, , , . Describe a poem . Slide 100 NO.7 A Musical Instrument Describe a musical instrument. what the instrument is when and where you first play it how you can play it and explain why you enjoy it Slide 101 :Object : , , , favorite band or musical group, , , . , , . : , , . , , , , , , . Slide 102 NO.8 An Educational Trip Describe an educational trip you take in your school or university. where you go what you do what you have learned and explain your impression of it Slide 103 :Event : educational trip , ? ? . :educational trip educational excursion, educational tour or study trip, , , , . , , . . Slide 104 NO.9 A Change Describe a recent change in your life. what the change was when and where this change happened what the result of this change was and explain how you felt about this change when it happened Slide 105 :Event : . , , , , , , . :" " , "recent" , . , , . , , , , . . Slide 106 NO.10 An Electrical/Electronic Product Describe an electrical machine or device you would like to buy. what special features you would like it to have where you got to know about it how you would use this thing and explain why you would like to buy it Slide 107 :Object : , , . : , , except computer, . , , . , , , . Slide 108 , , , , , . , , , , , , , , .
