¯ - _ years to beeomo suecesefully estab!Jshed, in ......... +.+ +u,op.;.h,eh-p.+,’.es to h, of.no.- m,-,.,ra,lo- remoree,..,y In +,h. O’,.,.o.a. hos,,,..gag bTan +.o-;+St / .aa, ,roi. gro.io+. ,od then ,he prefl, may " " otter h s s P .......... be lig~+ur~lgmlAs-tn-be-firet-pul~in=geod IMo~e bene§t to.both oountl4eo. Beef in Lon- been fashlonsble for membere of Congreez eud ed loed[og and firing his musket, thinking only thaLmany neraons do not reaouy-aeteet-tne <stt-+ ~iti A 1 t’e " + -~ - - _,. e u on. pp y o mauUre hooraily, even don mtAlle ..t .from ~1~ *o 40 eents per pouud, oity mngnstee to quarter their frleuds upon-the -ofk{lltsg-as-many-orthe-~e-d~~bl~. ferenoe between it and o.-dinerv butter, wmeu i o ~ .... , - - + - . . /you uare eoougu ior one aore Only. ’L~O 0 whleb pgtl l~ eaLof_the+reaeh-nL,the lahormg ~t~in New York, till It was overrun wbeu hl, regiment wu ordered to retreat; bet ittle s o/re~ pr:~r~e~ t~,?: t et~7~o~Fat~zt~e~’. +lo.ly.’" 0bruinthe hee-i~ari,tles of fruits, as " " . " . ¢" -- I ~ -farla+iu-yourlpower~-ffffdloo~-~/disfied to make ¯ ,rarity, The eteamers wore wlthholdereofslnecu’rea. Then are thoueands wbloh’movementwasnoc pereetved byblm, eo resnlt of Ibis s*ate-0fthm~s, or what snoutd .a mero living. Beware st" aettiog varieties. llanhsg from Nnw York to Liverpool w4th very. of menon_thelpny.rol] of-tbat~snng berbor fer_ _ engro.ed ~vaS ~he.wlth the. bueiness ou beud. we naturally expe~t. ? Would tt not have. A aer* tbat aru not adapted to your climate ¯ l~r in- ¯ _litlllt .... elrgml, an~l the p,,.smnger ~usInoss btA etrikere aod broken down politiclaoe from all The rs~|t wa. that he was 0arrounded aud tak. moralizml~" influence on. the butter traae--. ,- ..e. ..’tancn, ra- spberr/es t’bat may Do" very, "~ucnesetol dueing pr~eee of the ~enu~ne article ? tuaee~t, in o’~e -la-- too- n t "e wo th +"n ¯ ~l~loff.terl4blyintbel~kard t|mos. Beef p’srtl0ftheState, who never ehow themselves enprls0ner, muchtohJssetocishment. Look¯ :. , " .... t, ,;~ 7. o u r anytn] gmano ’ " may not the eztraard;eary weakness mantres .~thnr localit nnc~the" " " -- f~ tha" eareamo had TO~n t~p0~ed, from the+ in the building ezcept on. mouthly pay.daye, ing arouud him in surprtse and not seelng~ ¯ " " " " " tim " - _~k_qL~.~m.~aom~ - ~- " ~= ....... errJee, blackberries, grapes,’ ¯ " +.- ~ |o some mns.~nrn at[rlnulaole [0 toe Oleomarga- ’~0 .... " - ~ -" " "-" "- ................ = t QIIt~IVY~ tn |oma o~a. O+WhyLJSOt to the employe~l to the striet requirements of the where’s hn rest of ue !" Thereador ean apj+ly riue prcd u~.t|+o~.?...If its. mznufaetum..gmm-+ofi-:---- "+ ........ ~ ..... ~ ........ ~ ...... [ [ " "11~1110~ |U sol.rater Iteamere ?" And e0 busioeso ptr|kt~lLterrorLto.the-hoarte efthe+llnlw +tSb’H~lld. .................. ............. ifi~iug in. the ratio that it her .during tSe xAnunn rnn rnuxT ~nus., ¯ " ’,. " . " est ear or so the’buttter dsirvmen of the. T~-- ..~ ..... ,., +, - -," ..... ~" - " ................ p y . . . f + ue wes~©xn A~ev xorx amor~loulmrn, I:iOoz- " .+ ~*llmqlrl q~,e-iitted ~sp:fo r tim lrtuspor~aflon- eurtets, eepee|a|ly as they know It will be done. nsw. w.Dn°l + LIgTT~R~, eouutry maywell fear for the|r .interestm or+, ety lately ,ltseussed Ihe questiou of manure for " : 41f.~llh belf ud the hulh~U begen.mllattle And the thoulandl who expeotod to be plaoed, To t]~0so in Washington who bore an Intl. the b.ve ¯ dnn erou8 eompetitnr in tbls nsw fr -:~ t .... +~n .... ~’-- = ...... "-- lll~bto*ght frn-,:th, far welt to’CMeagn, To- " Y ~ ~ p.p,; ~ " : + ................. " ’ " L" " ’ " " " " "I ¯ ,ut.ho..,,at..do.thi..dmlo,.,ra,on t,.re ..,o .,..,.,a.o+ .,,h B.a.W.d.. o, Oh,o, , l~do~ and oth,r -I~dnelped pointe..fod on ohesp Is no ehaneefor it, are alsbiudigoenF.. Wh+n--and.am famHimr with hts eccentrleitles, the text keereperts, our renders wtl" have observe~l thet!+. Lbenefit resulting from superphosphate the see- , ¯ " eolrus¯udllnlhtered|¯the°efeubelptekedln eyeryou, keara~entlemao,’withann0eat all ofbls]etteraddressedtoeseofhlsfrlendsbere, oleomsrgarine, orsrti§e|al butter tsqumeoinlondyearthau the first, espe0ially when the .~pt~,tor ear% brougbt to New York, put l~’~b the hold of+the 8teemere, nnd in ~n dsya red, ted not addteted to labor, expru!an opin. In wh|0hhe la s~.)d to bzvn erltlelrud with some the Loudon markets at a pr~eo pot~uch ~e!ow [ first w~e ~rd~ ~a,on~no~ber=membe~T+pru~ ion that the Prenldent’o eouthern pnl|ey will reverltp+ lhePneideot’s southoru.poliey,~s+Iook~ ~--m~t~ea~’~n+ d-w+-ar+!n-f°-r~e+d- t1+atn~+~ep~e+l-f~:7~d-a~i’es"+’ tle:omee.ed+t~00-h-uhel. ................. ~";+ +-=~- "i/temoat wu ezpo,ed for male ln:~ondou, es =~_~ql~b.ether=balfia---~- ~ed~-~=w~h=~-+oe6rd to the -qua~tltle~+ftble:aii|ele are constz Y"...l~[0tleaohodasSes~on tbesaudy 8oilofkie.oreh- " -- i ¯ ut Iolo Brttteh onnrumtion That the ,rttoze ~ ¯..a - d v’-=- -J -’;~ - " " I " ] P - " P " ~ s-,- +an ,u©.varu. wstu very grsat aavanmge~ ~J~le effeel Wall (remendoes..A morlcah bee! w.l or :wlm nat reoently au app|ielmt for a p0.it|nn, he m.y +xpress h|mself |n~uguage"rough" yet t Ll~l~ t P:~ a/rn~l+ ¯ ,: , ¯ , sold fn London for twelve.and fou~teeneentA ¯ we eon Ioarn, it 1[+.lll+ely to be" r Y I was muoh impt0ved, +t~utber .member o0a .... ¯ + pouod, ond tile mouopolllta were troub|ed. They Xu thll 0ity party lines am being r~’pld|y oblit- jly_ong." His long and eveatfu| pubhol|fe, the reteioed ak an article of food’uoder the name q aidnnd barayard maaure ~ the most -rofltabl. " " "+ - emted nmpng good men, an-d-for that mstter eouk|sttn0y wh|oh bea mzrked bin political of "Margar|ne. ’, . . | fertilizer for fruit tree., ~ it furnldhce all tho " ! [ wldm’took to deery It el Inforior, but a trialdil ~mong bad oezs. For the Democrats who would ,oareero and US8 devotloo tb theintensts of his ’ ¯ la]LK noovs. . | dem’enta requite,i ¯for growth stud fert|t[ty._ ¯ _ ...... "+ Idpated tb,t notion, and now England Js .very -. ¯ ¯ J ...... : ~..I ,1W~-~-W-ITrult.grOwelPs-ahoold-th~]~oro~l~.eturu all " "A’neqoantlgF ol eream ]~r qQeea y m a ¯ ¯ Illiplly-dspendenL_upon~thll-eountry-fo¢-itl have had p|~oel if Tildeu had hee~ eleeted, jo|o party-AIvLblm.n l+rommeut.-4u~slt~>n-among ¯ - .... .I .... +4. ~.a~l. ^. ,h...;,, otlo- nf the milk [ the munurothey ean,. by keeping horse l.nattle, j lanot. -The efeot of tSis trade upon tho eouw in ©ure|ng Haye~, the Ropublieaue who have Repuhltcln ]eadere, Free expreesion ef npln. ~o~m,"- ~e~nl".~ry’room’+i~’the"eellar, if it be [ p+igs,opoultry, Undul:the,rmg uP+ia+ll the lira+r. "~:"~£SJ try eaenot’be over.ostlmated, Already ovor two been unonremu,~lously t~rued out. The Preal- len.by th0 repreeentntive men of the Repuhli. . ...... ;" " " " o th .... ¯ ’ ~e:, rut tnn ma ~t~p~~~-~ . , olgn ano ~tecl. und..on:.l_~,r~n~xu ~m "- : ......... , =-~ ¯ . - "... : ¯ adshalfmiillonl ofdoll.rs worth bsa been deuteanendure’tbed|spleA,uteofhntholassel. ~$sut~o. ie st++..tS.|kJt~_._.~_+uly~ul~-~ ....... + -~^ v v -e" "~.., o. -n^o.|-~tante ~o.maxemtem[ee mumug a:tmcmttng , ............ "~"’’’ ....... ------ .+ .,,, Zo., = o’+ I o-"-" "’ """’:°" for frult orops. , . .... ¯ ; ...... dl~fill r.pidity, ]Prom tbla Ilmo forward, tbere -+s-not so good u I bad expeote4, hut tho roof or shou~d|oe~ etandtnu heonuse of eu cut. spo- vecetahles should be allowed t,) enter it. Milk | . nAnXe?ABl+ns. ¯ . . ¯ ’ , wnlbetregulsrdsmaudforeattleforo~porta, ehantsstlll hope for a fair epring tre,le. The ken expre:~ieeof h4e e+mv|ot|nue. Osttzelsm room~ are nfmu o~nstruoted e hove. ground [ [t is an estahlhhed fact that dark, at-bles ¯ ’ " tomet|mes eonneotea w|th the *lWelllUf anam ’ond +e-r-d--- Ni -a-~.- ;- an,~-t. A --, _u ..... ~one and Amerlea will baro anetber source of eottlnment of the eoutberu troubtee, and the wilt nn~ fdllo+~ a~mouh4on, if the Istter he .... eOUle~hnes seperate ; hul~ they should, a~wsys-be_. | ~;~’ffe-;,. ’7 e’~r-~0ns ~avs~ : "Darknees__ .-t~rmtneM ..... t " " " zhaded 5 trees or otherwise When thb larce ¯ ~-- ~vonaeTItOl~ethlag more Go beOa.b~6i+~and pr~peet of-a good, otable governmeut, they +i|ven for ihe puhlla good. . Y . ¯ ’ . [ blindness, beeauso nature is utraged in the ..... : torforelgngoods. Itwlllboablgbe)ptoour argue, mnlt*hrlogaboutarevivel ef busLuesl. ~Ultq’USKO-UtS,SIA~ WAlt, mnaern..pansare..use~l, al~.o~tdoor.’room 1sin faetthatthesLght’.ufj~thn eyei,t deetroyedlty -’ ’ " :" , prelerenle 1o a Oell~r, e+tpeotl~llV |f the waler [ want ~1 iit+ht to nre¯a~t himeta nroi’mrlr tn Ih~ " " " ~’ nlprleahur.llatsrelt, Idonotmnant+,ay that tredo Is.aStolutely . ItlseStreeterte,looftbapenpleofthLeoenn- fromaeoolsprlo+eenbehr+ugh’undergroundl.~.~ .... ",5;,. K+-oo~ll~"-£’~d’lm’++ti" +-- ~ ¯ ’’ "" Yill MANDnnlILT-WlLL. . - bad, ou]yltlenetwhat wazhoped itwould be. try. toeXprezs etrong eympathy¯w|t~ onoo. undmzdeto¢ln, ultte-un~er an,l nruund the a-~tuie--bllmi ~-.,- " -~’-" -r " " " The Vsnderb|lt will is. not settled. It wae hy thle time. There muat be a. revival very othar n,tloo eu~u~ed |rt_OrtfJ~t~,~g~ .... ¯ - -- imperfect v|slon~ l~rodaned by an over.action of Joma.-.-T-h~te~h~mercuautl tn l~raueo P+uesleu wnr, which Was declared ~n nnr.et,1~o M.tnss. light upon tho retina ,,I Ibe eye, ss is alway. ’: IIseh of tbs other helre a mllllnn, in addition to the ioterlor are very light+ aud they must bnve July 15, 18~0, eud termiuated February 15, +71, Theb.st nge o’ mtsrea for breeding Is from sir tho c,~eo whoo light la admitted by a window. what.was gleen to th*m’by their father, aud goodl. It Is Ilululer :her South 0arolluamet’- ,llsllng tl0 days, the pr~pooderanoe of sym a twelve years ; hut lhey oflen prodnce eolls dJreetly J. front of tho horse. ~qothlajg hi .... wheafifteen to eighteen 7e’.rs. It Is n douhtfnl W’urse Iha~ th3s light so adtnit{od. Nature Ih.t In ooolidsr.tlou ell proeeedinge wore to be oSante have made their eppearauea here mueh palh) In tSe United Statel was with Germany. leolloy to e|low nld, bro~ten down maPes t~ hrend outraged~ aud as a penalty we have narvotl~ illeppnd." Bo lettled w|lh all ol them but Mrs. more t~.eo|y Iinee the isttlement of Iho trouhlel This tony 5e aoeeunted for mainly from the unle.s they post~es, some remerkalde gond fretful hersea, shyere, cribber,, balkor~, runA* i! l+.]laoted(Yornullnl, llool~eredMre. LeBte lu that State, The tSeatres nnd other plaesl ,fsetthats01n:~eapart of our eitisens of for+ q.alillos, beeeu~e s Ynl.aMn horse een be whys, and anything but a re]iable, pleuant laermooey, butaebedoltyedtoesttlew|th(]or, ofzmusementareruoolng very light, ted the elgu’blrtS|eoomposedof omlKrsnts from that ralned, worthfr,+m$~00to 500, ss eheaply at horro," one worth $5[ s. In +torso hka prodtlee+ like to~ - neJluseberefusedtotako|tnnt|lhahadeettled retalltradeoflheeoltyls down to ,ero, But land. Thh ennslderatlon over.ruled the feel. u~err|og|v to ~pen4 much mcmey lU rzl~log Thegnat Jmportanoe of mottlementeflhe -. ~l|th hSm. Thle h. hM not done, and ao Lt lz ae all eXpeot an Improvement soon, /.~ Ing of gntltude to Franee for her e§Ioleot aid po,+r animals, Broken wi,d, swtv n, rlnghnne, Jn ~probeble that the wholemattor wLIL be re opeu- " ¯ Pl~ra0. in our early slroggle for Independenee. foundsr, sod hlindnos~ In a dam Is trentmisd, unfortunate oontroverslea South CorolJtm hie’to Ihe eelt. So, alan. Is ths tempsr nod do- nod Louisiana so that the dual governments in ~1. Oor~ellus’ .ttomeye ula|m the most gross [u tbeo0mlngooetest, if It he eonflned le tbo feets Io her form. One of lb. best Enstllsb" eaoh rosy be resolved into one. a.d dml I~netlne I. the matter, aud the way tSe will Is Washington Items. two na|lenl whloh preolpltate II, our best wishes wr[terl ~n this subJeot says : "Brsod as maeh word~dW|l[lamls not oompdled to live hie WAsiiIllnr~lv,,D.C.. Apr, 18, 1677. will bo forlbo suooees of Ihe Russian arms, aapnsmlblewllh,purebl.nd ofthe flight kind, r/~rAt one, mayboestlmated from tkooomWmb and brred what Is teohsleally e~tlled up, not tlvely fortuualo termioallon of tho late dlmml~ - hi*thor ¯ eont of mouey for dlepostla, he vno IPaletnls]qv’l POLICY. ThJemay botraeed tomere chart one oau~e, doWnlthat|s, bvSres,||n~themantoa mele tleslnFIodde. A|l information from that mm- eh~mll~S. "The31 olatm|tmakesOorne)luaslmply WSthln the memory of your oorrespondout, Thsnaretutvery few from elthereounlry who 0uperlor, nntlnferlor bleodtoher self i exo*pt tloarepreaontsthat thopeoplo ar~now~op. tho panl|OnSr of.hLe brother’l bounty, a~ iu, wh|eh novere many yol+r, of the past° them has h.tl made homes on our moll, but BuJsla has whereIt Is dwired to breed llko to Ilko. fa. the tll~d,T delmndqnt upou him, whleh, ao the father not beou wan|festt<l Su pollqoal o|relee at tbe been our fmtt fi’lend under’ell elreamsteeees, )urpo*e of perpelual|nl~ n pure stream of any leg peaoe and are auoeossfu|ly develop|ug thit ~artled|er variety wh|oh IA needful, A ba|r. magn|floent re*ourles of the Btato. That 51 nat d[td worth one huudred millivuo of dollarl+ they ~apltal, so meeh unoetta4nty aJ to the ebe~o- and we naturally feel kindly IowardJ h*r. Oo ~reed ~aro shnuld never he vmt te r. hzlf.hreed a result of ths aecendenoy of n pattle~lar imlt~ think I, rather herd. Ae the mattor looks now ttr of the party lines wh|eh will heren(~or dl- the other 5snd, Turkey is looked upon as a slallion, so In that oase the produet In nlno barrier toth0progreeaofCbrlatlenolvlllsatloo, eases out often deltenerntes below the dam. io the state government, but aaaoon.eqnmum there will be. big Jlht aud an ug)y o,e. Wll- v|detbaprnm|nent, polltlolaoe nf the oouutre as Her form ofgovernmont and 15e peeullar traJll wherrel If phi, he bred to. ~ th~roult~-brod of thn eettlemnnt of a eontentlon thet bed eli- /,.: sla$$|en, the product w||l be euper|or. A~ethar vetted publ|o attent|eu from tha proteentt~ |lima ¯pp~rlvh|ons nf thed°terminedwill an41 dot°nothlngearry more,°ut theexoeptPro, ofa’lstepretldentnt thlSllsye~hour.noPrlOrone.e|e¯rlytn thn |nauguvatlOndoltned what of ehereolet whloh dietl.guhh her people from, error Is, to breed from mores that have beoemo of’homo industrhnl. Wohope in the heel f~- " ’ other Eur0p,ans ,Lie distaeteful to us, In the haled for their speod, Somepersons will plok ¯ obi’ehooee., ted goad lawyers belleye tSoy would he h|8 pol|ey furth~’r tGae, what wM.ln, fleroe slrlfe about to be Inaugnrated we will up somo Iong.la~ge~, brok,.n d.wn, IrottlnR turn to w[tneee I|hn nlmlte in 8onth Cer~lin¯ t +. oaa bl’~ak it. dleated In the letter of aooeptance, X++that reJnlee, Ir a’natlon, to k.ow (hat vlotnry bai mare, wh|oh oouJd psrheps trot her mllelu 1,S0 aad LOuiliana. Tb|l w||l oomn if tha vo~a of thlok|ug ta produee eot~ath|ng very flna. t me~erity, legally elpreemd through the b -I - viii ~llWl0Tr v.aonDr, AND DIKr, oommnn|eat|on he pnrtrayed/, to general terme, perehed upon the Russlno banner. I ~. no olty NnlhlnK ean be.more IIIJudged, as In tha ma, lot.box, be pormitt~4 ta d|reot pnbllo aftVk a The Intlre Ioe0101enoy of the poliee ef New the leedlng ehJeeta of htt ~ulmLabtratloit If In tho U,il,d Btates will Iht0 preferoneo be orlty nf |eatauoee it Is eure In e.d In dlsap, York, Is ehown Jn thedzlay th getting tey!hlog eleotod, but he d|d ~n.t give utterause tn thn manlfeeted with morq enlbullasm Ihan at t~e )olelme,d, A mere, with sll the ~sst bleod In w|th|u eueh 8tat~ If ~’butl-d~zlnlt" be ftowued I" In relation to tho Jewett trsgedy. Ilem were meane h ¯ would adopt to seeure hnme rule to "Oapital. " +er vel,~s, If she hes net got trm~d shape ~ud, dewu, it threeta hu eeoffa4-at u Idle worde, emd !, three wesllby mea fouud .on the floor of a prJ the 8outh, net d|d he dearly de0ne what hlo ~oo4 polols, li not fit for a Jtslllon," |ftSe righta be held up by the atroug wrm of l WOlU[ o’oit Tan uNaiiPI,UrUD, nXPMMIMII~rn MITn Piioa|’nAvn, the Qeaer~l I]evot~monk the ,~¯ of p~qmtl~ ’. ~11 o~ee of n Iroal Ileal s two dsad and one Inl+r~retat|en el home ale wuuld be. The onl Xu vfow sflhe fuel Ihat Ihe pobllo interest ’livJag, wltk revel,ere and the fregmsnt~ of a and the other art nowbela I elearly devrloped, Am s m*itlng of Ihe western New York Far. Lay wiLl Hoegtadea the people el thele ubapp.y hmad,greul.leou the floor, Wballlltlo Iikuown and it la tho apprsval or dlstpprovel of, them* roqulrel the oompletion of many publlo’lm, merl (]lab, a member reported that In 18}’4 Ire about I1 wu k,,awn before tho kllllnl, Xt Is by hll polltled ~4end+l whleh l~liollhll the provemeuO, ¢oaeoomollsh whlek~rwlll sequlro used |P.Iqbs. afphnsphate to the aore on a field 8tatol. It Ls thedut~ of the Nttlonal Admh~- kaown Ihat lhe yannllr 9f the Jewatu wls ou Ihlmel for dlmusdnu. All l~pnblJooel wha a large amount of labor, It needl no argumenl °¢ber|ay’ and I~eured 4’I ?-I0 huehola per zere ietrtt|un to reoolnlae attd +lph01d that tllltt~ ¯ galnst 18 I ? .bumhels when tho pbospbate |evemmoutin eaoh’whloh the maJorltyofl*- +’ to proyo Ihll wheu wages are at a low fllUre It wal not used, In 1875, oo twe.rewed bqrl*y, ,gal votes orated. We kave no eon0desse ia had lerme wllh hil uuoleaod Ihe other parluer, werked for theelootlou of Pr*ei,lent Ih~yls sla. |1 advlsah|0 Is proesruts tha work, Thnre lea be raised 42 8,8 busSsls, agulnet 15 5.8 on niid th.t Jt hid t, oen deoJded to buy him out, eer~ly desire thai I,eOSU ~nny orowe hll e~orll double reemOSwhy thLa shoul,I he done mow, land net Io manured, lie hullaVel in i~eelel the muir. tied them the meeting tbnt mor.lug wan to esa Io reltore proaperlty to the eoantry I hqt It il " elude the .rreugem¯ol, Who killed the Iwo nol Io be dlsgulesd that menyof ,’he It~teoksst It would ho,+ore economloul to do so, aed In fertllleere, and 5>reposes the eemlng year to -- use 500Pea. sown broadsest on pototoes l 15eu A eoup)e ef ye~a ago the Demoeretit Qev* addltlou It w0nld ~lieee n vast amount er ruf. mtX 100 Ibs. with wood embes end epply In the ¯ 114Ma Ilqd Io felrfully wounded the other I1 not orh’e party appreSsed eyll retulll. The P~Io feting result|~ I from the formed Idleness of a hi|l. ba.ther member sa|d t "We ought tn .reef of New llsmpehim~ Io give h t- I~ knowu, and at Ihe preeont rote or Jnvoltlgetlon dent+ howover~ iIilr[i that his polloy Jeoely an lar~ nemher of eur people wbe would rather for potnt~J, but a farllllser doh iu potamh--lf puhlloapl l~l.to Senate be+auoe be bad Iml el.. probably never will be, The poli6e eith.r oau. experlmenl,.end if the future makes It mael knaw what wa kuy the epeelal ferttlh,r for--If power, refund to @ertif~ the uleotlo¯ of a ~ , + , ’+"~ notorwill~ollSudoutanylhlllgaJbonttt. Ia fNIthathehaeb,enwrmg, kewlllretr’eeehla wurkthanbellbreaa. EVA, forw+heabonerlohJa FSo~pborlosold," eeled~ Melt. Uutd~whtl kkfull ham ore , ! ~Pir~l the myelery would iravl beea so|redin e(Ipl. Beth tholnwho have oonndoooe |U the "~Lu L vvau,rlo ~ath~itle I~d gave Iheoerllltoalo to hil two bourn+ ,i~nd ipaldllol of thl e|t.y .atborl- aorreo~e ef hll views, and those whe prog. rl~ Topic+. Turkeys sbould uot be bred in.endolu longer ooretlo empeUtor. New ses how Ibe abldmm i U~s tke etreet eommteslonerearl the Izst to aoetlmlto fl|lllreareintereJled, lleuoelheee, . than tweet thY~l 7nars, wbnn a ohenl~ of aomtl homete ~L I’mak Joae~ Dem~lum tlot~rioan++vetheulln I. Dur|ngtho)aetweek ainu| aaalely elpressld It)’ the entbsslaslln [Wrllteaferthe3,mlj~J, rs,vB~publ~em+hy meleslseeeessary, l[-os.bentaysaroldnre one of the motlaxpertauoed (e~era, gardeners bast for breedmi~, but Ibe 7 oflan ley 40 or 50 btem eleetod to 0on&’l~s0 b.t tim lu~*s ~ sed frult.glt,sreJ~ Ihe United glates,] . . elgs baforqsettlng. Older heus ley INs. Re, h k~ bnu very dry ud yery windym and the sod I I~ r, erl~l, name It IPmklia. The loremel b n l~l~k- ’~ move the eggs da$1y, l*sv|ng a Uh|ua egg la ]11~11. ~lppom hl lhmlld np@n tha .trent4 beve beeu w.do wail nlghlmpmabte by vns os-rxAn vom£s., vn, mqomr .ALVv,,a nuvra., tkeusat. All abet am te be ndte.ed to sit, almt~ of the vlleat duet that ev~ Illed the air. It kas been enid that le life netblag is awe At a lats meatlag of the Natloual Butter, should bzleh by the nrst orJune, avery youez preoetanl give the e*r/lleat* to Fmak’nanm. Dlte4 re.d, th. offal ~1 thee~ndo of boreas,-- e~rlaiutban doalh, tod it may. with equaltrutb, Cheese and Elg Asaooialloe le Ckleego, Ihe lurkey under four wNke ole abould be gelharui petller. I~oul4 the Demoere~y ~mmldsln P I~1 Ill Ikl~ the Io~ululll|enl of a wln~r, gl|ed be luld Ihl~ aothln I In the so~sllvl evenll of qaestloa oamelp lu re~ard Is 1he best lall to Itl hdd bolero luuds~in lad 8hu, la, L~lm 11 wonld be In meal n Wl~n I I,, ~ ~ fer deity hal aud tb~ deohloe Itu that A,h. them to I’e iptetl~ an that yeo eaa plok tam tile IIIlot. Now tht elly plTI Iollo0t|nll JUle’ the day Js mere *moerlala thlm ~ yet mira. tou’o +~,dvglpe~l Io the beet. I qoote n few re- lip .rid pot Ihem aader thak mothsl~a whigs, ff In O1.1 atl+stt lloa~ : : .... ..

Zo., I o-- ’ ’:° · PDF fileONITHEHEAqTH Insur~uce. M ILLV,IL L’E MUtuai Marineand Fire For Throat’ ¯Lungs, ~l’@lltlerlul DlleoVelY ofthe Age It will ~*ten,I en Its ,)wn

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MUtuai Marineand Fire

For Throat’ Lungs,¯

~l’@lltlerlul DlleoVelY ofthe Age

It will ~*ten,I en Its ,)wn me’Ira. The llealleI, Matin le sompouede4 frum Nalureo It oen b

tldl.m by the )’~ung*at Io the old*It wl.h per/eetssf~ty, All we esk el tha i,ubne I. to glyeJr" trial, and we believe the ery will ba tkat

hall ’,~,I never been .to|4 of tlle WOll~lerIl~kudlui proporflel thut b+long to the lle¯l,ngJldm,

The mlstore el pot tip lU b~ eeut aad SJ 00ktt|+. Evar~ hottlb labelle,l~ wltlt d|reotloal

11.. lls lo,tk Wllllryel,PIIILADBLI’MIA¯

All tlloel who eouslle frull or prod.oe or aey

iklld le thle keuaa eee reJt assured ef promplaltaatlen and quSek rotanl. 6hIpp|ng eardso¯e be ohcalued -t A, O. Olarh’l, w~ll wlll bekopt laferm~i ef the ilekl ef the market dldly.and to wkem retoral will be muds. 5|,118

Havtnl re~etved the rlgSt te manuf.etnrs emd~.11 this Fa,,,,r(te ~s in the oeunlle~ olOamdell, Burllngren, Ooetn, Atlantlo and O~vpMay, Thoreby glra n.tloo that X am prepaidto §ll orderl at fo||ow|ug rates I

lqO, ! MAt’IIINB, ItelLIIO.NO S " -’ ’ SSO0.

Pkeea MoeA(.s. ur* Ware~.¯lo~ le 6e IAe BJ~J~fin rA, mm?ke~.

For p.rtleulare eeud tot elroulat,O. W. pBneagY,

lmammoaton, M [ Invmto~ It Mannfr.|0.tf

Commission MerchantsN, Dolaw~re Ave. Market~

’(V~ot ef Vlue 8trent) ’


Bertlu a npwJally.’ ltalr de+dial and prempIreturns.

Whe~ the property Is n.l met e. III, ’l~lnIle,I tS~n on° eeel per year teosek meibor.are paid wltheot eatta ebarge, led e.tended soel to oavolP aS1 pol|ulel that are ~tlnml and o~It-nteudlui.

,¯ o.o

............... ~.t,, .......... ;T":~a+’.~

¯ - _ years to beeomo suecesefully estab!Jshed, in......... +.+ +u,op.;.h,eh-p.+,’.es to h, of.no.- m,-,.,ra,lo- remoree,..,y In +, h. O’,.,.o.a. hos,,,..gag b Tan +.o-;+St/ .aa, ,roi. gro.io+. ,od then ,heprefl, may" " otter h s s P .......... be lig~+ur~lgmlAs-tn-be-firet-pul~in=geodIMo~e bene§t to.both oountl4eo. Beef in Lon- been fashlonsble for membere of Congreez eud ed loed[og and firing his musket, thinking only thaLmany neraons do not reaouy-aeteet-tne<stt-+ ~itiA 1 t’e ’ "+ -~ - - _,. e u on. pp y o mauUre hooraily, even

don mtAlle ..t .from ~1~ *o 40 eents per pouud, oity mngnstee to quarter their frleuds upon-the -ofk{lltsg-as-many-orthe-~e-d~~bl~. ferenoe between it and o.-dinerv butter, wmeu io ~ ’ .... , -- + - . . /you uare eoougu ior one aore Only. ’L~O 0whleb pgtl l~ eaLof_the+reaeh-nL,the lahormg

~t~in New York, till It was overrun wbeu hl, regiment wu ordered to retreat; bet ittle s o/re~ pr:~r~e~ t~,?: t et~7~o~Fat~zt~e~’.

+lo.ly.’" 0bruinthe hee-i~ari,tles of fruits, as" " . " . ¢" -- I ~ -farla+iu-yourlpower~-ffffdloo~-~/disfied to make¯ ,rarity, The eteamers wore wlthholdereofslnecu’rea. Then are thoueands wbloh’movementwasnoc pereetved byblm, eo resnlt of Ibis s*ate-0fthm~s, or what snoutd .a mero living. Beware st" aettiog varieties.

llanhsg from Nnw York to Liverpool w4th very. of men on_thelpny.rol] of-tbat~snng berbor fer_ _ engro.ed ~vaS ~he.wlth the. bueiness ou beud. we naturally expe~t. ? Would tt not have. A aer* tbat aru not adapted to your climate ¯ l~r in- ¯_litlllt ....elrgml, an~l the p,,.smnger ~usInoss btA etrikere aod broken down politiclaoe from all The rs~|t wa. that he was 0arrounded aud tak. moralizml~" influence on. the butter traae--. ,- ..e. ..’tancn, ra- spberr/es t’bat may Do" very, "~ucnesetol

dueing pr~eee of the ~enu~ne article ? tuaee~t, in o’~e -la-- too- n t "e wo th +"n ¯~l~loff.terl4blyintbel~kard t|mos. Beef p’srtl0ftheState, who never ehow themselves enprls0ner, muchtohJssetocishment. Look¯ :. , " .... t, ,;~ 7. o u r anytn] gmano’ " may not the eztraard;eary weakness mantres .~thnr localit nnc~the" " " --f~ tha" eareamo had TO~n t~p0~ed, from the+ in the building ezcept on. mouthly pay.daye, ing arouud him in surprtse and not seelng~ ¯ " " " " " tim " -

_~k_qL~.~m.~aom~ - ~- " ~=....... errJee, blackberries, grapes,’ ¯ " +.-

~0~..~ ~ |o some mns.~nrn at[rlnulaole [0 toe Oleomarga- ’~0 .... " - ~ -" " "-" "- ................ =t QIIt~IVY~ tn |oma o~a. O+WhyLJSOt to the employe~l to the striet requirements of the where’s hn rest of ue !" The reador ean apj+ly riue prcd u~.t|+o~.?...If its. mznufaetum..gmm-+ofi-:---- "+........ ~ ..... ~ ........ ~ ...... [ ’ [ "

"11~1110~ |U sol.rater Iteamere ?" And e0 busioeso ptr|kt~lLterrorLto.the-hoarte efthe+llnlw +tSb’H~lld. .................. .............ifi~iug in. the ratio that it her .during tSe xAnunn rnn rnuxT ~nus.,

¯ " ’,. " . " ’est ear or so the’buttter dsirvmen of the. T~-- ..~ ..... ,., +, - -," ..... ~" - "................ p y ’ . . . f + ue wes~©xn A~ev xorx amor~loulmrn, I:iOoz- " .+~*llmqlrl q~,e-iitted ~sp:for tim lrtuspor~aflon- eurtets, eepee|a|ly as they know It will be done. nsw. w.Dn°l+ LIgTT~R~, eouutry may well fear for the|r .interestm or+, ety lately ,ltseussed Ihe questiou of manure for " :

41f.~llh belf ud the hulh~U begen.mllattle And the thoulandl who expeotod to be plaoed, To t]~0so in Washington who bore an Intl. the b.ve ¯ dnn erou8 eompetitnr in tbls nsw fr -:~ t .... +~n .... ~’-- = ...... "-- ’ ’lll~bto*ght frn-,:th, far welt to’CMeagn, To- " Y ~ ~ p.p,; ~ " : + ................. " ’ " L" " ’ " " " " ’

"I¯ ,ut.ho..,,at..do.thi..dmlo,.,ra,on t,.re ..,o .,..,.,a.o+ .,,h B.a.W.d.. o, Oh,o, ,l~do~ and oth,r -I~dnelped pointe..fod on ohesp Is no ehaneefor it, are alsbiudigoenF.. Wh+n-- and.am famHimr with hts eccentrleitles, the text

keereperts, our renders wtl" have observe~l thet!+. Lbenefit resulting from superphosphate the see- , ¯ "eolrus¯udllnlhtered|¯the°efeubelptekedln eyeryou, keara~entlemao,’withann0eat all ofbls]etteraddressedtoeseofhlsfrlendsbere, oleomsrgarine, orsrti§e|al butter tsqumeoinlondyearthau the first, espe0ially when the.~pt~,tor ear% brougbt to New York, putl~’~b the hold of+the 8teemere, nnd in ~n dsya red, ted not addteted to labor, expru!an opin.

In wh|0h he la s~.)d to bzvn erltlelrud with some the Loudon markets at a pr~eo pot~uch ~e!ow [ first w~e ~rd~ ~a,on~no~ber=membe~T+pru~

ion that the Prenldent’o eouthern pnl|ey will reverltp+ lhePneideot’s southoru.poliey,~s+Iook~ ~--m~t~ea~’~n+ d-w+-ar+!n-f°-r~e+d- t1+atn~+~ep~e+l-f~:7~d-a~i’es"+’ tle:omee.ed+t~00-h-uhel. ................. ~";+ +-=~-

"i/temoat wu ezpo,ed for male ln:~ondou, es =~_~ql~b.ether=balfia---~- ~ed~-~=w~h=~-+oe6rd to the -qua~tltle~+ftble:aii|ele are constz Y"...l~[0tleaohodasSes~on tbesaudy 8oilofkie.oreh-" -- i

¯ut Iolo Brttteh onnrum tion That the ,rttoze ~ ¯..a - d v’-=- -J -’;~ - " " I " ]P - " ’ P " ~ s-,- +an ,u©.varu. wstu very grsat aavanmge~

~J~le effeel Wall (remendoes..A morlcah bee! w.l or :wlm nat reoently au app|ielmt for a p0.it|nn, he m.y +xpress h|mself |n~uguage"rough" yet t Ll~l~t P:~ a/rn~l+ ¯ ,: , ¯ ,

sold fn London for twelve.and fou~teeneentA ̄ we eon Ioarn, it 1[+.lll+ely to be" r Y I was muoh impt0ved, +t~utber .member o0a .... ¯ +pouod, ond tile mouopolllta were troub|ed. They Xu thll 0ity party lines am being r~’pld|y oblit- jly_ong." His long and eveatfu| pubhol|fe, the reteioed ak an article of food’uoder the name q aidnnd barayard maaure ~ the most -rofltabl. " ’ " "+

- emted nmpng good men, an-d-for that mstter eouk|sttn0y wh|oh bea mzrked bin political of "Margar|ne. ’, . . | fertilizer for fruit tree., ~ it furnldhce all tho " ! [wldm’took to deery It el Inforior, but a trialdil ~mong bad oezs. For the Democrats who would ,oareero and US8 devotloo tb theintensts of his’ ¯ la]LK noovs. . | dem’enta requite,i ¯for growth stud fert|t[ty._ ¯ _ ...... "+

Idpated tb,t notion, and now England Js .very -. ¯ ¯ J ...... : ~..I ,1W~-~-W-ITrult.grOwelPs-ahoold-th~]~oro~l~.eturu all " ’"A’neqoantlgF ol eream ]~r qQeea y m a ¯ ¯

Illiplly-dspendenL_upon~thll-eountry-fo¢-itlhave had p|~oel if Tildeu had hee~ eleeted, jo|o party-AIvLblm.n l+rommeut.-4u~slt~>n-among

¯ - .... .I .... +4. ~.a~l. ^. ,h...;,, otlo- nf the milk [ the munuro they ean,. by keeping horse l.nattle, j

lanot. -The efeot of tSis trade upon tho eouwin ©ure|ng Haye~, the Ropublieaue who have Repuhltcln ]eadere, Free expreesion ef npln. ~o~m,"- ~e~nl".~ry’room’+i~’the"eellar, if it be [ p+igs,opoultry, Undul:the,rmg uP+ia+ll the lira+r.

"~:"~£SJtry eaenot’be over.ostlmated, Already ovor two

been unonremu,~lously t~rued out. The Preal- len.by th0 repreeentntive men of the Repuhli. . ......;" " " " o th .... ¯ ’ ~e:, rut tnn ma ~t~p~~~-~. , olgn ano ~tecl. und..on:.l_~, r~n~xu ~m "- : ......... , =-~ ¯ . - .° "... :

¯ adshalfmiillonl ofdoll.rs worth bsa beendeuteanendure’tbed|spleA,uteofhntholassel. ~$sut~o. ie st++..tS.|kJt~_._.~_+uly~ul~-~ ....... + -~^ v v -e" "~.., o. -n^o.|-~tante ~o.maxemtem[ee mumug a:tmcmttng ,

............ "~"’’’ ....... ------ .+ .,,, Zo., = o’+ I o-"-" "’ """’:°"for frult orops. , . .... ¯ ;

...... dl~fill r.pidity, ]Prom tbla Ilmo forward, tbere -+s-not so good u I bad expeote4, hut tho roofor shou~d|oe~ etandtnu heonuse of eu cut. spo- vecetahles should be allowed t,) enter it. Milk | . nAnX e?ABl+ns. ¯ . . ¯ ’ ’ ,

wnlbetregulsrdsmaudforeattleforo~porta, ehantsstlll hope for a fair epring tre,le. The ken expre:~ieeof h4e e+mv|ot|nue. Osttzelsm room~ are nfmu o~nstruoted e hove. ground [ [t is an estahlhhed fact that dark, at-bles ¯ ’ "tomet|mes eonneotea w|th the *lWelllUf anam ’ond +e-r-d--- Ni-a-~.- ;- an,~-t. A --, _u .....

~one and Amerlea will baro anetber source of eottlnment of the eoutberu troubtee, and thewilt nn~ fdllo+~ a~mouh4on, if the Istter he ....eOUle~hnes seperate ; hul~ they should, a~wsys-be_. | ~;~’ffe-;,. ’7 e’~r-~0ns ~avs~ : "Darknees__ .-t~rmtneM ..... t ’ " "" zhaded 5 trees or otherwise When thb larce ¯~-- ~vonaeTItOl~ethlag more Go beOa.b~6i+~and pr~peet of-a good, otable governmeut, they +i|ven for ihe puhlla good. . Y . ¯ ’ . [ blindness, beeauso nature is utraged in the ..... : ’

torforelgngoods. Itwlllboablgbe)ptoourargue, mnlt*hrlogaboutarevivel ef busLuesl. ~Ultq’USKO-UtS,SIA~ WAlt, mnaern..pansare..use~l, al~.o~tdoor.’room 1sin faetthatthesLght’.ufj~thn eyei,t deetroyedlty ’ -’ ’ " :" ,

prelerenle 1o a Oell~r, e+tpeotl~llV |f the waler [ want ~1 iit+ht to nre¯a~t himeta nroi’mrlr tn Ih~ " " " ~’ ’nlprleahur.llatsrelt,

Idonotmnant+,ay that tredo Is.aStolutely . ItlseStreeterte,looftbapenpleofthLeoenn- fromaeoolsprlo+eenbehr+ugh’undergroundl.~.~ .... ",5;,. K+ -oo~ll~"-£’~d’lm’++ti" +-- ~ ¯ ’’ ’"" Yill MANDnnlILT-WlLL. . - bad, ou]yltlenetwhat wazhoped itwould be. try. toeXprezs etrong eympathy¯w|t~ onoo. undmzdeto¢ln, ultte-un~er an,l nruund the a-~tuie--bllmi ~-.,- " -~’-" -r " " "

The Vsnderb|lt will is. not settled. It waehy thle time. There muat be a. revival very othar n,tloo eu~u~ed |rt_OrtfJ~t~,~g~ ....

¯ - --imperfect v|slon~ l~rodaned by an over.action of

Joma.-.-T-h~te~h~mercuautl tn l~raueo P+uesleu wnr, which Was declared ~n nnr.et,1~o M.tnss. light upon tho retina ,,I Ibe eye, ss is alway. ’:

IIseh of tbs other helre a mllllnn, in addition tothe ioterlor are very light+ aud they must bnve July 15, 18~0, eud termiuated February 15, +71, The b.st nge o’ mtsrea for breeding Is from sir tho c,~eo whoo light la admitted by a window.

what.was gleen to th*m’by their father, audgoodl. It Is Ilululer :her South 0arolluamet’- ,llsllng tl0 days, the pr~pooderanoe of sym a twelve years ; hut lhey oflen prodnce eolls dJreetly J. front of tho horse. ~qothlajg hi ....

whea fifteen to eighteen 7e’.rs. It Is n douhtfnl W’urse Iha~ th3s light so adtnit{od. Nature

Ih.t In ooolidsr.tlou ell proeeedinge wore to be oSante have made their eppearauea here mueh palh) In tSe United Statel was with Germany. leolloy to e|low nld, bro~ten down maPes t~ hrend outraged~ aud as a penalty we have narvotl~

illeppnd." Bo lettled w|lh all ol them but Mrs.more t~.eo|y Iinee the isttlement of Iho trouhlel This tony 5e aoeeunted for mainly from the unle.s they post~es, some remerkalde gond fretful hersea, shyere, cribber,, balkor~, runA*

i!l+.]laoted(Yornullnl, llool~eredMre. LeBte lu that State, The tSeatres nnd other plaesl ,fsetthats01n:~eapart of our eitisens of for+ q.alillos, beeeu~e s Ynl.aMn horse een be whys, and anything but a re]iable, pleuant

laermooey, butaebedoltyedtoesttlew|th(]or, ofzmusementareruoolng very light, ted the elgu’blrtS|eoomposedof omlKrsnts from that ralned, worthfr,+m$~00to 500, ss eheaply at horro,"one worth $5[s. In +torso hka prodtlee+ like to~ ’ -

neJluseberefusedtotako|tnnt|lhahadeettled retalltradeoflheeoltyls down to ,ero, But land. Thh ennslderatlon over.ruled the feel. u~err|og|v to ~pen4 much mcmey lU rzl~log Thegnat Jmportanoe of mottlementeflhe -.~l|th hSm. Thle h. hM not done, and ao Lt lz ae all eXpeot an Improvement soon, /.~ Ing of gntltude to Franee for her e§Ioleot aid po,+r animals, Broken wi,d, swtv n, rlnghnne,

Jn~probeble that the wholemattor wLIL be re opeu- " ̄ Pl~ra0. in our early slroggle for Independenee. foundsr, sod hlindnos~ In a dam Is trentmisd, unfortunate oontroverslea South CorolJtm

’ hie’to Ihe eelt. So, alan. Is ths tempsr nod do- nod Louisiana so that the dual governments in~1. Oor~ellus’ .ttomeye ula|m the most gross [u tbeo0mlng ooetest, if It he eonflned le tbo feets Io her form. One of lb. best Enstllsb" eaoh rosy be resolved into one. a.d dmlI~netlne I. the matter, aud the way tSe will Is Washington Items. two na|lenl whloh preolpltate II, our best wishes wr[terl ~n this subJeot says : "Brsod as maeh

word~dW|l[lamls not oompdled to live hie WAsiiIllnr~lv,,D.C.. Apr, 18, 1677. will bo forlbo suooees of Ihe Russian arms, aapnsmlblewllh,purebl.nd ofthe flight kind, r/~rAt one, mayboestlmated from tkooomWmb

and brred what Is teohsleally e~tlled up, not tlvely fortuualo termioallon of tho late dlmml~-

hi*thor ¯ eont of mouey for dlepostla, he vno IPaletnls]qv’l POLICY. ThJemay botraeed tomere chart one oau~e,doWnlthat|s, bvSres,||n~themantoa mele tleslnFIodde. A|l information from that mm-

eh~mll~S. "The31 olatm|tmakesOorne)luaslmply WSthln the memory of your oorrespondout,Thsnaretutvery few from elthereounlry who 0uperlor, nntlnferlor bleodtoher self i exo*pt tloarepreaontsthat thopeoplo ar~now~op.

tho panl|OnSr of.hLe brother’l bounty, a~ iu, wh|eh novere many yol+r, of the past° them hash.tl made homes on our moll, but BuJsla has where It Is dwired to breed llko to Ilko. fa. the

tll~d,T delmndqnt upou him, whleh, ao the father not beou wan|festt<l Su pollqoal o|relee at tbe been our fmtt fi’lend under’ell elreamsteeees, )urpo*e of perpelual|nl~ n pure stream of any leg peaoe and are auoeossfu|ly develop|ug thit~artled|er variety wh|oh IA needful, A ba|r. magn|floent re*ourles of the Btato. That 51 nat

d[td worth one huudred millivuo of dollarl+ they ~apltal, so meeh unoetta4nty aJ to the ebe~o-and we naturally feel kindly IowardJ h*r. Oo ~reed ~aro shnuld never he vmt te r. hzlf.hreed a result of ths aecendenoy of n pattle~lar imlt~

think I, rather herd. Ae the mattor looks now ttr of the party lines wh|eh will heren(~or dl- the other 5snd, Turkey is looked upon as a slallion, so In that oase the produet In nlnobarrier toth0progreeaofCbrlatlenolvlllsatloo, eases out often deltenerntes below the dam. io the state government, but aaaoon.eqnmum

there will be. big Jlht aud an ug)y o,e. Wll- v|detbaprnm|nent, polltlolaoe nf the oouutre asHer form ofgovernmont and 15e peeullar traJll wherrel If phi, he bred to. ~ th~roult~-brod of thn eettlemnnt of a eontentlon thet bed eli- /,.:

sla$$|en, the product w||l be euper|or. A~ethar vetted publ|o attent|eu from tha proteentt~ ’|lima ¯pp~rlvh|ons nf thed°terminedwill an41 dot°nothlngearry more,°ut theexoeptPro,

ofa’lstepretldentnt thlSllsye~hour.noPrlOrone.e|e¯rlytn thn |nauguvatlOndoltned whatof ehereolet whloh dietl.guhh her people from, error Is, to breed from mores that have beoemo

of’homo industrhnl. Wo hope in the heel f~- " ’other Eur0p,ans ,Lie distaeteful to us, In the haled for their speod, Some persons will plok¯ obi’ehooee., ted goad lawyers belleye tSoy would he h|8 pol|ey furth~’r tGae, what wM.ln, fleroe slrlfe about to be Inaugnrated we will up somo Iong.la~ge~, brok,.n d.wn, IrottlnR turn to w[tneee I|hn nlmlte in 8onth Cer~lin¯ t

+.oaa bl’~ak it. dleated In the letter of aooeptance, X++ that reJnlee, Ir a’natlon, to k.ow (hat vlotnry bai mare, wh|oh oouJd psrheps trot her mllelu 1,S0 aad LOuiliana. Tb|l w||l oomn if tha vo~a of

thlok|ug ta produee eot~ath|ng very flna. t me~erity, legally elpreemd through the b-I -viii ~llWl0Tr v.aonDr, AND DIKr, oommnn|eat|on he pnrtrayed/, to general terme,perehed upon the Russlno banner. I ~. no olty NnlhlnK ean be.more IIIJudged, as In tha ma, lot.box, be pormitt~4 ta d|reot pnbllo aftVkaThe Intlre Ioe0101enoy of the poliee ef New the leedlng ehJeeta of htt ~ulmLabtratloit IfIn tho U,il,d Btates will Iht0 preferoneo be orlty nf |eatauoee it Is eure In e.d In dlsap,York, Is ehown Jn thedzlay th getting tey!hlog eleotod, but he d|d ~n.t give utterause tn thnmanlfeeted with morq enlbullasm Ihan at t~e )olelme,d, A mere, with sll the ~sst bleod In w|th|u eueh 8tat~ If ~’butl-d~zlnlt" be ftowued I"In relation to tho Jewett trsgedy. Ilem were

meane h̄ would adopt to seeure hnme rule to "Oapital. " ’ +er vel,~s, If she hes net got trm~d shape ~ud, dewu, it threeta hu eeoffa4-at u Idle worde, emd !,three wesllby mea fouud .on the floor of a prJ the 8outh, net d|d he dearly de0ne what hlo ~oo4 polols, li not fit for a Jtslllon," |ftSe righta be held up by the atroug wrm of lWOlU[ o’oit Tan uNaiiPI,UrUD, nXPMMIMII~rn MITn Piioa|’nAvn, the Qeaer~l I]evot~monk the ,~¯ of p~qmtl~ ’.~11 o~ee of n Iroal Ileal s two dsad and one Inl+r~retat|en el home ale wuuld be. The onl Xu vfow sflhe fuel Ihat Ihe pobllo interest’livJag, wltk revel,ere and the fregmsnt~ of a and the other art now belaI elearly devrloped, Am s m*itlng of Ihe western New York Far. Lay wiLl Hoegtadea the people el thele ubapp.yhmad,greul.leou the floor, Wballlltlo Iikuown and it la tho apprsval or dlstpprovel of, them*

roqulrel the oompletion of many publlo’lm, merl (]lab, a member reported that In 18}’4 Ire

about I1 wu k,,awn before tho kllllnl, Xt Is by hll polltled ~4end+l whleh l~liollhll theprovemeuO, ¢oaeoomollsh whlek~rwlll sequlro used |P.Iqbs. afphnsphate to the aore on a field 8tatol. It Ls thedut~ of the Nttlonal Admh~-

kaown Ihat lhe yannllr 9f the Jewatu wls ou Ihlmel for dlmusdnu. All l~pnblJooel whaa large amount of labor, It needl no argumenl

°¢ber|ay’ and I~eured 4’I ?-I0 huehola per zere ietrtt|un to reoolnlae attd +lph01d that tllltt~¯ galnst 18 I ? .bumhels when tho pbospbate |evemmoutin eaoh’whloh the maJorltyofl*- +’

to proyo Ihll wheu wages are at a low fllUre It wal not used, In 1875, oo twe.rewed bqrl*y,,gal votes orated. We kave no eon0desse ia

had lerme wllh hil uuoleaod Ihe other parluer, werked for theelootlou of Pr*ei,lent Ih~yls sla.|1 advlsah|0 Is proesruts tha work, Thnre lea be raised 42 8,8 busSsls, agulnet 15 5.8 onniid th.t Jt hid t, oen deoJded to buy him out, eer~ly desire thai I,eOSU ~nny orowe hll e~orlldouble reemOS why thLa shoul,I he done mow, land net Io manured, lie hullaVel in i~eelel the muir.

tied them the meeting tbnt mor.lug wan to esa Io reltore proaperlty to the eoantry I hqt It il ’ "elude the .rreugem¯ol, Who killed the Iwo nol Io be dlsgulesd that menyof ,’he It~teoksst

It would ho,+ore economloul to do so, aed In fertllleere, and 5>reposes the eemlng year to --use 500Pea. sown broadsest on pototoes l 15eu A eoup)e ef ye~a ago the Demoeretit Qev*

addltlou It w0nld ~lieee n vast amount er ruf. mtX 100 Ibs. with wood embes end epply In the¯ 114Ma Ilqd Io felrfully wounded the other I1 not orh’e party appreSsed eyll retulll. The P~Iofeting result|~ I from the formed Idleness of a hi|l. ba.ther member sa|d t "We ought tn .reef of New llsmpehim~ Io give ht- I~knowu, and at Ihe preeont rote or Jnvoltlgetlon dent+ howover~ iIilr[i that his polloy Jeoely anlar~ nemher of eur people wbe would rather for potnt~J, but a farllllser doh iu potamh--lf puhlloapl l~l.to Senate be+auoe be bad Iml el..probably never will be, The poli6e eith.r oau. experlmenl,.end if the future makes It mael

knaw what wa kuy the epeelal ferttlh,r for--If power, refund to @ertif~ the uleotlo¯ of a ~ , + ,

’+"~ notorwill~ollSudoutanylhlllgaJbonttt. Ia fNIthathehaeb,enwrmg, kewlllretr’eeehla wurkthanbellbreaa. EVA, forw+heabonerlohJa FSo~pborlosold," eeled~ Melt. Uutd~whtl kkfull ham ore, ! ~Pir~l the myelery would iravl beea so|redin e(Ipl. Beth tholnwho have oonndoooe |U the


L vvau,rlo ~ath~itle I~d gave Iheoerllltoalo to hiltwo bourn+ ,i~nd ipaldllol of thl e|t.y .atborl- aorreo~e ef hll views, and those whe prog. rl~ Topic+. Turkeys sbould uot be bred in.endolu longer ooretlo empeUtor. New ses how Ibe abldmm

iU~s tke etreet eommteslonerearl the Izst to aoetlmlto fl|lllreareintereJled, lleuoelheee, . than tweet thY~l 7nars, wbnn a ohenl~ of aomtl homete ~L I’mak Joae~ Dem~lum

B;NjAOML.~gllleppAKD, ppe~e~itl,tlot~rioan++vetheulln I. Dur|ngtho)aetweek ainu| aaalely elpressld It)’ the entbsslaslln [Wrllteaferthe3,mlj~J, rs,vB~publ~em+hy meleslseeeessary, l[-os.bentaysaroldnre

one of the motlaxpertauoed (e~era, gardeners bast for breedmi~, but Ibe7 oflan ley 40 or 50 btem eleetod to 0on&’l~s0 b.t tim lu~*s ~

sed frult.glt,sreJ~ Ihe United glates,] . . elgs baforqsettlng. Older heus ley INs. Re,h k~ bnu very dry ud yery windym and the sod I I~ r, erl~l, name It IPmklia. The loremel b n l~l~k- ’~move the eggs da$1y, l*sv|ng a Uh|ua egg la

]11~11. ~lppom hl lhmlld np@n thaMIINBY It. LUPTO~f s ~+ .trent4 beve beeu w.do wail nlghlmpmabte by vns os-rxAn vom£s., vn, mqomr .ALV v,,a nuvra., tkeusat. All abet am te be ndte.ed to sit,AGE~Tft ~Ic. MU’IKVI~I~OH.’

almt~ of the vlleat duet that ev~ Illed the air. It kas been enid that le life netblag is awe At a lats meatlag of the Natloual Butter, should bzleh by the nrst orJune, avery youez preoetanl give the e*r/lleat* to Fmak’nanm.Dlte4 re.d, th. offal ~1 thee~ndo of boreas,-- e~rlaiutban doalh, tod it may. with equaltrutb, Cheese and Elg Asaooialloe le Ckleego, Ihe lurkey under four wNke ole abould be gelharui petller. I~oul4 the Demoere~y ~mmldsln P I~1

010. W, PI~IYo ~ml+"~l~ ~P, ,I. Ill Ikl~ the Io~ululll|enl of a wln~r, gl|ed be luld Ihl~ aothlnI In the so~sllvl evenll of qaestloa oamelp lu re~ard Is 1he best lall to Itl hdd bolero luuds~in lad 8hu, la, L~lm 11 wonld be In meal n Wl~nI I,, ~ ~fer deity hal aud tb~ deohloe Itu that A,h. them to I’e iptetl~ an that yeo eaa plok tamUtlO, W,taAWYMI~ flmJerCem+ ~. J. tile IIIlot. Now tht elly plTI Iollo0t|nll JUle’ the day Js mere *moerlala thlm ~ yet mira. tou’o +~,dvglpe~l Io the beet. I qoote n few re-lip .rid pot Ihem aader thak mothsl~a whigs, ff In O1.1 atl+stt lloa~

A. L, X§ZAKD, Nnl~ £dad~’gs ~. J’

d ’ : : .... ..

~IP $ -.

......... :..pre+ei~ent.ehMLdevolve..on.the~enlor~trtmtee,- I- riskasnd ~.iech~.ge:ite ...................... ¯ ortbe time being, who shall ocenpy the esmo ] or hs o~ opmxon ma~ any suou nm. li~e cr otne~

~intil th~ r~tUm ~r recovery of the president, t ’+ ’--"°"" "° they smhy r, +ed toor the else:ion of auothcr. " " "

6. And be it e~acted, That such corporation a~ to render its continuance of fiusinees ha~- i file, ~eforo toe thirtieth day of. Juno

- .. may elect ~nuually, or s. often as they shMl ardous to the public,or those holding its poll-i nsxt~ mually thereafter within thirty

deem it ~ece~ssry or expedient, a .ecret~ry, oies, or that the officers of anyeueh corporation days he usual use of the aunual oleo-whu shall keep the minutes and enter the .ore, have violated or failed or neglected to comply, tton of. dircct0re, managers, or trusteesand

¯ . orders end proceedings in a beck to bc kept with the provisions of its charter, th# .ot~cere thereof, whether such ..electionfur that purpose, and who shall have the cue- ized under general ~we, the shall" have been

nplaud of such tlmt

et~ used for eueh riciht of ~¯y fromiged ~s maintained ou any such owner ef the l~ndso~ubJeot to bush right

other .railroad. either w~thin er without thisnf way shall bd held to be- the rti~ri~ e~ier

elate, shelL!oluse or neglect, in the c~3uzeo of for the purpose of ree~.iving any srt~Jt or

his employment, .to aid in the mov6ment-over lease horetof?ro or hereafter made of lands ef

and upon the tracks of tl~o company employ-the state under wa~r, er for t~e purpose o~ re-

the ~ct to wliich thLelug hi~ of the oars of such other ral~o¯d c~m- or, the ~u thereto.

reeeived therefrom in the cunxse

of the common

i the

ized b:sand dollars

¯ ,form olerk’b, o~e ofmsurt blocated;

.ohUd or ,~hlldren to’ them; ctflld

shtRbe eho~en; at-every ele0tfoU0f dJreotersthe.books ̄ .u+d papor~ of enehbe .exhibited to"

df the stockholders

"~at th0 diric~re

the ot~ld or elifl~lren as ifthe uss of water, rand iotmmmt o h~

Fl~en bern to tlmm

~f ~ter rents, as may remain ~ter lu Itwful wadleek (~andthe ! ~tld or Children~hsll.be-iKveste(

water works and

Ot ~.ueh adopting!them tn la~f~d

and said ohlld¯ 0f:the worts. Of takl~

and eeeretsry and treasurer,said board df~ directors shaU

7. And ba it.enacted, :That the .direotommay require the subscribers to"the cap/restunk of the-oompaoyt0 ’pay tho:amonnr. 17them ~spectively eUbeeribe~ i~ aneh manneandin endh installments ae


, be:.anthorized ~o h~ stock and all. previous, p¯yments thereon forfeited forI the use of the oomvany, but they shall notdeniers ic eo forfeited until ’they el~L[ hareCaused & notice : :~to be served on

;the :asme in

m~ko euohe epe ,.’d i

noises, and that if he fail to me1 the easeh.is st~k and all p ~eI "/ore ps rm.~will: b ~ forfei ~dfo ’ i h-6-~ i~~ f" t

Or ohildren sO .which notion shall be nerved aswithout issue, the ] v of such adopting

ehtll descend tothe next’of ki~ofnot to the next of forfeited, ] stockholder

child oroh0drer+ ; and provld, sbadbe individually ~ to enid companysuehadopUogpsrent or parents for the amount unpaid upon the sto~k so held

shall have.o~,herohfld or olfildron, thoir’e by .by him untLL the whole amountof the capitalbtxth; then mad in that ~me, the ~10pted obitd meek’on held by. him shall be paid¯ ’to the com-er ehildren shall f~haro the inherit~noe .with pany’. ’ ’ ’

" ~ " k f.the~ohild or ohfldren born to th? adopting 8. And bo ~ en~ted,-Tn~.t..the .eto0~ .op~reut or parents, in 3vhien ease no, one or every ~mpany rprmpa t~a~ ~ms.act e ann vethey, :shall reepee tively innerit from ann. uesmen peraon~ estate, ana De transzer~oJothrough each other as If all had been ohUdreu ~-in the manner pt eecribed by the by-laws of the

’of the e~me~parenta born in lawful wedlock.. [ eom.pa.ny, but no shares shall be t.ransferable.5. And he it enacted, .That all the.expense or i tmttl aa prevxous eats mereon sna~t nave oean

the ~fore~aid proeeedinga eh~l be .borne by I fuJly paid hL . .: . : ’the petitionbr or petitioners. - : ’-[ 9. And be it enacted, Thatin’case the ospitai

¯ 6. And be It ’cuadted, That this act shall ] s~3ck.of any company formed under this act~t~e: e~ut immediately. " , ’. [ is found to be ilasU~, cian+~ for c6nstructing ~+n.d¯ Approved M~roh 9 1877. . I operating-is ~cana£, .suow company m~y, wn~n

: . -: ~ . . ~ the concurzenoe of two-thbrde in amount of all¯ . " ’--. ? " ite steckt/oldere iunrea~e its capital dtock from

¯ CHkPXEI~ Y~XX7 ¯ f th’ . ¯ . " time to time to¯ny ~monnt reqmred or eAn_acktoJmthorize~theforamtion-df~oanal :Purpose-o’-conatraoting. maintaining and

-- Companies and to regulate the same+ . operstmg its. eSuM ; such .inerea.e may. be1. Be it enacted by the Senate aud General sanctioned by.a vote in person or by prosy of

Assembly of; the Ste.tas. of two;thirds in annualof ell the stockholdersor. pemone, not less of the company, a of such steck-

holdem called by

meroh~mdiae .or passengers upon water; prc~sided, however, that e~d .caned shall not ex-

’-make ̄ ud sigtstated the name of the corn

pany ; the number of years the came is tocontinue,the Ithe sat

is made or intended to be m&dc~..the-sanest of- eapitalstook+-ort~e-~oi~I3~y,whloh nhall not be legs thou ten thousanddolism for every mile or fraction thereof, ofeaidoanal constructed or proposed to be oen-

¯ etreeted,~knd the number of.shares of whichenid cap/tel Stock shall.consist, and the namesand plteesofre~Ide~ce of: seven+ directors ofthe eoml~ny~ a majority ,of whom shall be

re.ideate, of this state,.’#ho shall man.a~atmfor the f~etycar and until

subscribe-hi.learns;"ieeldenee ¯ aKd the number ’of

3 ’~ with the procaines of~c and eeotion five of this act;

such artiohm ~f a~o0htion may bo filed in the, office of the eeeretary of state, who~htll iu-

doren thereon the day they were~ filed, and re-eora the same in’a book to be


eush notice must elate the time and place ofthe meet~ug and its object, and the amount towl~ch it is proposed to increase tt~e capital

0f the

.a voto of two-thirds inamount of all the etocltho/dere of the companyaa aforesaid. ". .... ¯ " : ’

10, And be it ensured+ That any canal non-etrn0ted under l~s prov~sione of this ant ehall-not exceed one hundred feet in .width ; and itshall be_JawTul ~for said company, its 4+gents,eogineer~, superintendents or .Others xn itsemploy, to enter ¯t a)l times.upon aU’lands or

no uonocessary injury t~ private or otherproper~y, a~d within such limitations as haveboca hereinbefore provided ; and when .themute or routes of ~uoh canal shallha~e beendetermined olin, and Survey of eu0h route orroutes, location or locations dep’o~lted in theOf~ao of the secretary of state.’ then it shall be

actt upon payment or tender of snch compcn-eatton as ts hereinafter ~ byite officers,

engineer.,tn their

drudge mtt any.waters, and to ernst embank-meute~ brid gg~_a~}d_~al 1__9_thor+noces,ary_worhs/

"’~i/d?:~ d0 sit other thiuge which may bo mr{t-

or rnac~tgomcnt of +aid ctmal; ned tho non-atractiot|, eomp]otim|, rop.lra and manage-ment of .aid work~, buildings and strustureehereinbefore mentioned, and for the convey-ance-of"freight- and"p~sscngers to/~n’d fromthe terminus of maid canal, andre the land ofsaid compauy adjacent to s~Ld canal by steamor other motive power, and for the construe- [lion, oom~lotlo~ aud repairs of such othertworks aa" may be hereinafter met~tioned ; and Ilc sha~l bo lawful for said eompang, tt, oiliest., Istouts, onRinnore, euperiuts.dente, workmenand other poison. In their employ at anytime ItO outer upon and take pos.eseion of,+h’avo, Ihold, use attd, o~upy ~1 and singular suahIwetera and .treas. as Way be uscf|tl for asidcanal ~ubJoot to nuoh o,~mponealtou as is here-i.aftor directed ; provided, however, that no [property new need b~ sanale already construct- |ed and ~tt operanon m this state shall be takes}, Inor shall any oantl be out into or Jn any r’ay Iinterfered sxith, unless the consent of the nora- ]panLca hy "~h~}maaid oanals are malntahmd and q,|perated shslk be fl~t l a~F’and obt~h cd 1 an I ’provh|~d, also, titat the payment t~l~toudcr of ipaym,mt Of alL damages for the oeottpas cy n{all" laml~ whether covered by water or not,’through, uudsr or upon whloh the.a~d eanaand Its conveniences, al)pttrlensnoos, al)ltend-

ego.,worka a,,,l structures adJauont tosaidotnalmay be laid out or locate|! or eoustntoted, b0made bororo~ the said oompeny or any poleonmeier the~i" dlruutLo~ or employ ahail enterupon or brisk ground In the l|rnmlms, ex0optfor the I}~rposo of snrvoyl.g and layingoutsaid oanat attd its couvenioncos~ apl}urlnuauoosanti appandegee, attd the work. and strtt0turnsOn lal|de of the omnplo|y adJtcent tO saJdoanal,and of lo0a~+lng the eamu nltloas tho OOXleoot t,fthe owxlur or oWlsera ef~sttoh land he filet hadand o~tah}ed.

11, And bo It enl~tsd, ’Pilot when the ’said

court of eompeteat~ jurisdiction, in a suit to.be f0netituted, against the company, ff theyshall neglect or refuse to pay tbe esmefortwenty days after’ the: demand mode of their ’trc~urer, and shall, from time to time, con-etLtute a li~m upon the +property.of the ecru- ~ .pauy in the nature of a mortgage; :and the.said Justice of the supreme eourt eha~], onapplication of either p~, and ou reasonablenotice to the o:her, tax and allow suoh costs. " ¯fees and expensesto the J entice of the Impresscourt, commissioners,, olerks and other.per- .... ¯sons performing any of the duties presonoed .’- . ¯in this section, a~ thev shall think equitableand right, wb/oh shall be paid by enid eo~npany.

1~ And be it enacted, That in ca~e .the said ’ ¯ ̄company or the owner orowners of. the enid ’-land~ cr mateHalsshall be diasati.fled ~sith therop0~ of th0 eommissioners named in the pr~-vedingeection,.andshail apply to the justiceOf the supreme court at the uext. terIn-after ...... ++~:-+:+ : "tho filing cf the said report, the court shall ¯ " . ¯ "have the" power, .upon good cause shown, toeel the same sside..and thereupon to.direct a r

¯proper issue forthe trialof +the enid centre- . , ¯,vemy to be f0rmed.betweentho asidl~artiss,aud to order a jury to be str~o~, a~damlew_o~ -

-tho-premises~or~mato-HaITobe~b~had, aud the " ¯ ’ " isaid issue to be tried a~, the next olreRit eou~ ¯ ’to bOholden in the said oouuty, upon the like " ¯ ~ " i "notice and in the eamq+manner~ae-other-issucs=-~._~..-z_

and 41 shall betheof the said. value of the.

damages etmfidned,and if.they shail finn a ~eat+r sum than thee0mmissioners nhall have awarded in favor of : "

w~th beets, shall

.jury ~hal] be applied for by the . ’ " ’ . .said owner er o~vnem, and Sball find thd sameor a lees Sum than the c~mv~ny ehMl haveofferedor the e~l~ commi~ePonem swarded, " .- . :then the said costs to +be pald by said app]ieunt . ." -:- , .or appllgants, and, either deducted out of thesaid Sum found by -the said jury or executiou ¯. .awarded therefor,, as the court ’shall direct ;.

,.but such’ epplioatien ~hall not. the ., ’ t:

.the-vtlue andpaid, or upon L refuel! to

receive the same., upon’a tender thereof, orthe owns.re thereof being uuder an+y legal dis-

Iy, the s~me being first paid into the courtmoor~. " ~ : " " -Aod be it er That it shall be theof the sa|d to eonstr~ct andin repair and

other, road shall eroes the e~ane/the passage of earrings., horses and ’


cattlo, :on the enid road shall not bo impededthor0by ; and also where the asLd oanal shall.intersect auy farm bmda of individual, to .:

,~ or said canal, hut the . :

which, event, a Jnatiog~of=tb~=enpreme:r, ourt~==:=:::: .+:may spp0int e0mniiee~onem to asesse the dam-ages to the owner of said lands~ as provided in ..section fourtseti of tlile act. ’ ". ;,

14, Aud be It emoted, That any eompanyIncorporated uudor this set~shall-h]+~b-"powerto borrow Such enm or eum

, no exoeed in the who]o its

Iormcd Undersot forth articles of aesocia;lon

father or mother or an act eutlflud, or within andboth ILv[og ; lu Case he, she orithey arealive

the planetown, or ell

’ works nccaseary for the full ,acoer~ then the ntme or names endplace of residenoe havethoreoI,.nd of all o: pen ken hcidout of euehfatheraud mother mast begiven,uuless :and- -that purpose to, enter upon,- take possessionao,l to eeottto the payment thereof p3Poved to ba-,unknown to the =petl~lo~ter or+ to :bo made ae"may be of, have, hold, use, occupy+ possess and unJoy.

..... b~ude-not exceedinRTthe amount ,peliflonere’; the peace or per~oen petitioning necessary to the eole0tl0n or the most advan, and to excavate and dtg out any land~ and" nndor the k’6af of .said ohyt.aud the a. aforesaid shall be at le+mt fifteen yearaold0r tagooue route’ and far ouch purposes by its

of the mayor ann other proper umoo than the child or chL/dren t~onght to he adopted, efl[ecrs and servants to enter tt I~ou thn lands orcity, bo~mg Intero+t at the rate ant and the~eti~qn ~b~.tL~J~.dxlJy-~mri~sd-ao0ord-~wa~le’ef=¯uTporeon, but ~uUJ~ot’t~-~Of/~i~-

...... e~veu..per enema.per ennum+-pay~ l~-~b-l~W~:- ’ . . . b[I/ty ~1 area -a’nnu.~ty, ~d to pledge Ih0 re_err ..~l-I~tren , " - o ,’t’h’-~"6"t~" "

- no paymoog ox me a tiou of euuhuetition to the ’oottrt tbu asmo II. TO purohaeo,.hotd aud uso all ouch real~p+ o ~debt civil be,’ shall be or~[ored filed wire the clerk of said us~ato andotltsr pmper~v a. may be nec0.saryperiods riot les~ than’t0n nor more court aud the court shall appoint r~o day for In the construction, oporatiou and mainten-

,yoars~rOnotsdo~tfc,tan~alth~,p~oet~y~r ofuld c tie hearlng ot ead petition and tlm examLo~~I,00 Of eald eenai, noooaeary.fOr+ tho-full a~dmay u ep ne 111’oo a e!tBor put lion under-o~th of the’part/as in lntoreeh ~/ot free euJoyment of sa/d oanai. ’*or private sale for the beet prims that eau lees titan ten or more than th|rty days from IIL ~o ooun~uot said o~nal, t~ hereby pro-obtalntd, but lit not leas thau theh" par cattle ; the filing of thu potttion I end It shall be st the ~vided, and to t-’ke euoh laud a~ may be ~ooos-tltat rooord of a~l .aid bonds eo issued and die. option of the oourt to ~dJonm the hearing of ~ary therefor wilhln the limits heremafter pro-posed of .hall be kept by tire eMd r~sl~urer, call pctltLou or the examtnatiou of the ptrttea vided. . . :nod all moneys received t!torofrom shall be in interest from.time to t/me+ ms the nature IV. To use and lot to others to uec e~dddepu~lted by said t~easurer tn any bank or of tim case may require ; and If It nhallbe | ea~ al sud to charge toll~.b~lJIm to bodmdgnated from time to timo by a nes|ms,~ry uud~ tho nrovisLone of this ae¢ that I Y. To do ¯ny oth~,~aot neeeeslUT for the fullmajority of eaidboard of ~dol’mon or noun,on a dleoreot an,| Imitab~el}oraon shall be Slqt0htb I an~J free nee aud ol~Jbym’ent hy any enoh usualcourted, and ahalL ba drdwtt nl~is by eldd d aa uext frLottd to the child or ehiL4rsn naught |oompany of the franohise~ hereby granted.troaeuro~, for the purposes of this set solely, to be adopted, then aud in| that oleo the oo|trt ] 2. And bo it ena0tod. That .uch artieles ofmad for none other, and only wbou eald tress- ai|a/l order a |,otlco of the i~tllion attd of the I uaeoi~tlon el, all not be flied a,d recorded Innrorahall be on ordered bypropor warraut or thuo and pls~0o when attd whore the appoLnt-[ theeffioo "of the secretary of state untd atwarrants Issued by said board[ Of alderman, aunt of .tilt friend will h~ aide, to bu pub- I least five thousand dollars of stunk for everyOouumi or o~er Leg4~Latlve body of said city. llshed in two newepapele oir0ulath}g In the mile or fraction th0reof of said sane| proposed

’J, And be it on~0ted, Th.t the olsveotlt eo~- on|sty whore said eort le located, oo0o a week [ to be ~sdo Is nubsoribPA tlterct~, an~l ton pertien of the act to whlo££ ,this is a supplement, for three weeks enoec.alvo]y; attd at the lime I oentum I|ald thoroou It} good faith aud In cash,and whish rel~is ~e follows, to wit : and plane nn ¯untasted au|~uDon dtte prt:of of to the dlrcotora named tn said artleles of ae~o-

"11, And bo it onacted~ That tho botrd of the publloatlon of suoh nottoc, the ooort Ihlatlou, t~or until there Is lndor+-+d thereon,aldermen, oounod, or other legislative body ef shall maku such appoh|cmant, and nhall tl,oro. ~ or aunoxod thereto, all aAldavlt made by atsaid otis, bu and tl+ey are hereby &uthorlsed| ouan ~.l.. a day for tl|o ltoarlng of eakl po- | leant five of the direotorenamod In| .aid arttoleeand empowered by ordmanoo to ohargo the I U~tOll au~ exltmhla~on of thovm’flo, ill Inter- | that the amount |)f stunk requ|red by this .ee-owners <+f .any’ and every bufldin K ereot~ [eah not lees%hen tou or mbro t]~u thirty d*ys ~ tiou i~as been |U gOod fa~tU aub.orihcd, andalong the line of any stro0t, road. hen, alley I from the time of appointing the next friend I [ ten per oontum paid itt oa~h thorooo~ ae afore-tn said oLty In whioU any water pipe al|~d! be I and upon the day an appointed, the court shall I said. , .laid by 0r~or of ettd oommon oouno/I, altd| preened to ¯ fn|| hoarlug of the pottttoa altd| ~. And be it enacted, That a oopy of auyshall not have tho water lotroduoed on tho/ the examlnalion of the parties Au lotoree h ] artlo)ce of aa.ooistion flied and recorded inpromhes, a water gout not exeee<lin8 the rout ~ under oath. with the right ae aloresald, of aC- } pur.uauoo ot this aoh or ot the rooords thereof,ott trged by said o[ty’for a single hydrJmt, aud [ Journhtg the he.lug sad examittat[0t| from I wit~ a oopy of the alUdavltaforo .aidt icdoreedcolneot tits same In ~ne Inaunor neretunorere / time to ttma ae the nature el the ease may re- I thereon or aunoxed thereto, and oortiflcd tubeprovtdtd for rcr the 6olLoottouof water ronUt | suite t au~ It the eourt from the tos~tmouy | a oopy by the neoretary of state, shall be pai-nt arretra," be and the esm0 is hereby am0nd. / s’hall be of the opluLon that the fonts stated In I sumpi|vo ovldcu~e of tile looorporatton of suched an ms to toad ~ follows, to Wit: | the puthlon arc tree, and If upon exalnlnt- | ooxnpal|y, and of the f.ots therein eletod,

11, And he It ensured, That the boarder| Uouthooourtisaatlafiedthattbopotl~olteror| 4. &udboitot|~0ted, That’whouan~hartieloealdermen, oommou eounofl, or other legbist|vo / petitioners m or are ot Kend moral oharanter / or n~.o0iat/on at d afll |avlt, a }d suoh etheri~dy of ea|d o|ty, bs end they are hereby | andof reputable stattdlngln the oommunlty and I preroqnlnitea an may bn hervineftcr mnntiunud :

, atttltoriaod and empowe+ed ’ by ordioaaos I~ I of ability t~} nro~)orlv malnttin sud edoo~te the / are filed elsd reeerdod iu the office of seoretarycharso tbn ow..or¶.ol uny end every bulldit|g | child or ohll~ron sOugtlt to bo adopted having n of state, the dlrootole ;~amod In ea/,I arllolop oomp,tny, or Its agonls, no|mot agree with the oompeuy sad its SUOOUSlorI~ I~slsna, for andereotedaiungtlmnuoo/anYstreet, roadtlane{ I~eferen0o to the dea~oand condttionitlllfo| ofaeec~atiou may in easothe wt|olnef tit~ owucr Or ¢}WL}Oh~ of stteh re<luffed latLds or durh|gthooonthtuenms of.thotimelhn[tedkynr ~llt~ in .aid nit , lu WhlOh a+ water eM ’ " ’ I| a II ~o ’1, | b ,~ o tttiiY Y Y. PP | orthoohJ.ldeorohlldronaparont4ha df rter-/ o+pRal stt~k is not L fol el sc|’lb I, o i||o nlato, lal., fortho u.e ,|rlmrotta.ethcroof, or Rsart~oleeof MeomaUol~ rot eheoontluuanceare tJU# laid, or illisll her0after Ice |aid t b~l mere’final ,the bhet lntertmt O~l~hn ohlid nr| to’roooive sul,.crq)tions tlU||l the txhn~tt oapttal when, by roMott nf the I,.l{at mOal).olty or ab- , of .aht eomp~ny~ "aud ~ extt~t~stt~ nf saidorder of said board of Idd0rmoa or neurone,| chlhlrou would be nromoted by ~ ~dcp~ou / .tuck ie .ubsurlbod I at the thno bt subsord t g nones of euoh owner or owoor~, no ruolt agree- I tune which may horot~tl~ be granted.eounoll, aud shall not have the water httro.’ I then and in oUCh a" ease the ooort shall mFko| every subscriber shall pay to the diteotord ton mo|,t cau be me,in, a ptrt[oular desuript|nn uf 17. An+| be It onteted, That the preeldet|ttinned ou the prsml~et, n water !out Itutt~t- / ¯deeree [ls<~tlu 8 the flkott at |augtltaudthe| per oontumouthaameunt sub,tt~tl)rtl by hhn the|aud O! materials eorequL!ed for thotme and dtrtotoru of any company tee.|rporetedcoodlug, the re,it oharg.0d bY said oily for a | name up names by whloh the child ot ohlhlron/h, money, at|d I}o eub.urll~tlon shall be re- of said company, shall be gLvo|t In wrilhrg,’ I under this ant a||atl de~isre and make sethsbtgiu hydra+t, and OO*l~ot tl~e ee, me In the| iha/I therol~fter be known, deelaxl.,8 and ad-/ooJVod or takont without .|lUll I,aytnoot. under the oath or il~lrmation of ltqne Sl|gl- divide|ida aa I~oy may dolm prudeat andmauner hereinbefore provided for, for the col./Judg|ngthat fl~ ttto date ot suoh tltmruo, the/ 0. And bott oriented, That thure at|all bo a noer+ or proper agent of the oompany, at|d | proptr from lime to time out of Iho net profileluntton of weter rants in a~omm I and that the/rlghm, duties, nrivllo~ee and foist|nee thcleto-[ bolrd of seven dtlootore of o~o|’y oorl,t,ratlon also the name or names of th0 oeoul|ant or tm- fuf Ih,t .at,I clund mid lie api|endasea sad sp.bn.rd ef aldermen, co.sun eenueti, or.other[ forooaisl~}g’l~etwee~ the 0hlhl orohtldlen and| formed mtdcr tide eel t|tm.~cago Ius ~lY~lrs I cupants, It tny there be, and of the owner t,r purlenat~qt’., and the worb, etrttctaroa and,Jegl.lativo bony o! aMd oily, may from tt~o to/his or tho~rplzont or ntrout~ shall be In all ro.~ said directors shall be 0hones ann||~Lly by it owners, It konwn, and their rssidenoe, if the | l~pro.,onlrn’s lulJacent to said ¢lmaJ It.d 6nttmuflabyvldtnsneolteum to Immmaedeu-/epoete&tan end, exoe’ptu|g’the|lght of inherl-| maJerlty of the vote. nf the .tt>el|hehlttrl+, sau|ooauboea~rtahtod, toouoofthoJueth’e, thul,roper,yutthosaldoompsny.nuail n |on all vaoant tote llttuel~ &lou the t~ dutLes rlvt ¯ t~ at s eh tm } | ~ t a~+ t~ ¯ t ~aY l . , . g ..|ttU~lltndf~rthe~r, thattherigh , ,t+ - vnt II u el tttnit,tel tu || ra t y nftheitup!omeoourt nf thth iI~tte, wl|uebattl 18. Andl~lit enl o~dt.+~h$~.MerllQ01~lwIl~..lilts or at|y street, roe,J, faun’ or attly In IMd| Jelles.ndrehtflons, betwcel|lhe01dldo, ohlldron be pre.orlbed lp the t,y.h~ o! th" COtl|U~a- ~tuas the sMd o~|mlutny to I~iw~oties rt|eroof I canal ormyp~t thereof m m oi~vranon, tencity tn wnil~|t any water plpel are now |aid t or| lad ldlk hey or,tllelr -I~al~nl or~. parsers’by ’ I~un. and they may a’}ld s| .ll c,tm |tun to be to the lateen intoruetm|, tf kuown, and |11 thi. i ; rrstdent oi said eompany ah~i file. mulet ’at|all horns(tot be laid,"by order of ~ald b~’dI adopt[oft sh~dl thonooforth In all rospocl~ be dtrtmtora nnt~i oft|eta are nh.otvd it| lht,|r sllt|t h or If u known, or not uf th|tt state, to I oath t~r aAJrmatton, a t, latemont of the ~cmt efnf aldertaon or oommou non.oil, which .usa/the same /nohldlm+ the rlltht olaul|erl~noo ItS I|laope I lu tl|o eleotlott o¢ direutttr,+ t, aoll .toPk- m.ko pabllcath,n thereof, ea he ,hall d r.o|. , the told Oldl~ll, lnolndl~ t,lUlpmOhle tied all.o uaed and a, utesaOd shall be donnmi||ated| if the uh~d or o+,lf~rott had beeu born tosu0b hu|d’er sitall be entlth,d t~ tn}e ~’cto fur uach tar a|ty tiun~ net lees than t4tu d~y., tt}d it+ t,~pett.es, tn the ofltoeol the ot,mpt|td~r t+f

sssJgu it i,articular tmm a|td plw.sO tttr |]|e el’- Iltu state, end annually thtrtstfter, on the el~t’tUtlltlneut nr thu o,)mnli~s.lnJl@le hurlhlmf~, r’ ’i’uc~|ay tn Jaltoar~ o| vleh ylutr, hi ahsii,

filleted, at, wh~ott time aIM Idao¢, UpOlt ra’+l,- ||t|d~f oath or effilmatlou, make a etltSl~el+tOre;cry evidence t,} him ol tho publtdeti~n or t,, the eomptrolhmr ot the stets of the m~t,service nl such nottoo afo|’eaad, he shal| ap- .,l,+i~menh aplmUdallea and tx~tneraef uatd.Is|lilt nmtsr hie hind and s:,al, three dt.mter- ,,.,tMo and afle~ th** p~td OaUal, Or idy ~1~,.,ted, lmpartiai ~nd Jumolotm fr~holdole, teal- -

water r~nte, and a/tall be oolloeted lu the mao.s~ adopted l~went or tmrex|ts lu lawful ~edlocit,|nur hereinbefore provided lur lor thot~le0Uon aa~pt only Jut cthdrwlao-nrovldod nt thte mot,of water rents. ’ [ 4. Aud ~e |t enaetod, qJl|st the petition, tie-

p,dd up capital stoo~, ~a ebail bs necessary tobuild, ooustruct and repatr their eanal, and thew,,rka and etructure~ en the isude adjacent ttrsold e~nld~ ~.hd ~o eeeure the payment thereof ....by the exeout[on, negotlatitm, and sale ofany bond or bonds, and ensured hy mert~agoOil said lands, privileges, franchises and ap-pnrtonancas of and belonging to the said com-panYl provided, that said beads shall eon-etituto a Hen on the elma/, its real aststoand franohi.ee, and the prooeeda of asidt ends shall be used for tlto purpo~ aboveepto~fied.

15, Audbo it ouantcd, That It eha~lbe ~wfulfor the said usual company, at any time duringthe period named ix| its articles of a~sooletlo~for the eoutinu~ee of the ease, to mane non-aleuts and enRagemente with any other oor-p teflon, or with individuals, for tranepertlug

,or eaten stag auy kiud of anode, pmduee.’ morchendlee, freiKht or paefengere, IS4 tO en-force fulfillment oz ench ooetraot,

18, And be It enacted, That enyeompany[oo,trporatad under’thin eel shall have powerto have co~etruoteu or to’ purebase with thetends of the eempmty ~1! boats, machinerya.d other property .p.eessasry for the buelno.eto be otrrLed oa upon. and upon the Ilmds a~l-j.eeet to Ute todd e~nai~ and.anye.nohoem-pany shall be aut honaed to oem~uo ima ro-oeLvo asoh euma or money for.the transporta-tLou of pel~oue Itad property,on its sa/d landsand oant~ lind fo~ auy other ee~’lcas connectedwith Its business of transportation, u It shallfrom time to l~me think t’e~unsble and proper ;and the said eans], with the appendqles andappertentanee to said oena/, and the landsover and on whloh the eamc ehMi be oomtreot*ed, aud all the work~ and struoture~, and Im-Itrovemants. and all other property whatsO-ever belongleg to. the oompeny, shall be andale hereby deolared tO be vested In the ethl

sitaro of Iltook h~hl by hltu tit hcr ; ¥1tcano|elt11| the bnartf’nf dtlt, ctors .had l,. lillod in .uohmau,~r aa.ltall bel,re~orthud t,)the by.lawsOf the oorporatlon I tile lllS|leott,r,t Of thgl ih’lltehlotlun Of dlreetole .hall be a|,p.’|tttt+,l hk" thebuard of dlreetole named |o the art+¢loa efaseooistlcn i no purees shall be a dtreetor (Om~h.&d~,t~/~)

_’ ~ - t




1L’~. BowLm, M. D:, " Editor ~; Peop.’r. i

~.’:: B&TURDAYI APRIL 21~ 1877. ¯- ~ ~ .== =~= :2FF.&II~MONTOI~, A.Tr.A2fTIO CO., ~’.’J

~r~r is e0nstantl.z ex2.imct&l between.the RUS and the Turk.

Gee. P~kard’s House andSenate, 83m~mbers preaent~: unanimously rejected|he proposition of the Democrats, and re-mh~l t0" stand ~by P~ka-rd" till -the -l~ st,

Boss Tweed hsa made hls confession inwhich he implicates in his robberies manymen high in Office, and supposed respeo t-

.... gbiJit~.. Tney..dqn_’t kno~ whether it is.ltolitice or worms that ails them. .....

Hen. Johu A. Kasson, ex-member of- 4~mgreas from Iowa, has been appointed,

and has accepted, the position of Minig.¯ lefts Spain. He willmakeaworthy suc-

cessor of the H on. C.~leb Cushing.

President Hayes has a formidable op 13o-

silica to his ~outhern policy in his ownstate. Judge Taft, Ben. Wade, Ben. Eg-

¯ -ton, of the Cincinnati Times, and oth-" ~ ,. = ~ublicans, Who denounc~ i~

S¢ lea~Itng p, ..... , ........ ¯

kx no mild terms.’

Wade Hampton, pleading for h~s poor,bleeding South Carolina, reminds the

¯ Burlington Ha~* of the man who killed his father and mother, and then, whenthe court asked him if he had anything to~y before sentence was passed on him,

.... was ;% poor orphan."

Items been the principle in this country.4tmt=,~hemajority rules~S’--But thePre~ident seems to think that in South Care-

and Louisiana the majority should

ern men and recently enfranchised blacks,who have not the military power to sus-

..... ~ them~es. TEe majorit~mr, ~d-’~-uSt-~ous ~op-le n’~t ~u~ed to miff=~

............... ~mT prowess,.xtorit~ because they are. Thisis strange~l~gic, but it may be sound to him who

. lm~ it, for a purpose, and that perhaps~ogain favor in the hearts of rebels. What-

" ~ver the object may be, nothing but evil- - ~ta come of it.

................. "W6 ~t6d -tw0-wee~k~ iigothatHRmi~ton-’sz~romise was only-a "rope.of sand, made

¯ - " ~ be broken." H~is already showinghand, and is doing just what he prora-

ted not to do, force duly elected and in-Itzlled officers of the State to resign their

...... 7-effmes; tliat hemayput men intheir places.:_ ........... A~hiaown feather, and this while await,-

Y~g the deeikion of the Court.i’" But the Republican State officials are

:~ tmaulmous in declaring Wade Hampton’s~’ ~m~duct to be a plain breach of faith, and.. ~regard for his most solemn and public.T; .........~’: ........-21d~lges; They lqxdW:itawbUld=b~ thus;TM

mul therefore are not surprised.

.............. ~o~-~.-~.-t~o--;

the gubernatorial election. The combathetwon-thetwowingaof the party depens~

.......... **What is known as the .Be~e party orlate House Ring, present ~s candidate,trudge Teese, of Newark, and Col. Rob-

.......... ~~mrt Hamlltgl~,_Qf~ussex. The anti-Ring’ amd ant|-Bedle party present John Mc-

~tregor, of Esbex, Senator Abbett, of]ffudsou, ox-Gov. Parker, and General41hss. T. Bird, of Hunterten. The lattermmbhmtion appears ~to strongest, but~e Bedle party are frnltfnl Is expedientslind in strategy, and may win In the end.t:i~, however, a very prcttylight as itrounds,

~otwithntandiug the fact that many ap.~kanta for office have folded their tent~,I~to q~oak, in despair and gone hom~,~mough still rentain to take ,tip much offm time of members of the Cabinet whoJml it their duty to ilntentotheir appeals~¢employmeut. It Is pitiful to watchtim crowds that throng the’ ante.rooms oftJm Cabinet officers waiting hour after

little ~ch made by the President

his supposed defcat~ he did hot-care forhimself, but he pitied the poor freedmen.Now One of his first official acts is tofuse to exercise that .plty, but turns the,freedmen over to their relentless and mer.’elless adversaries, who have only killed40,000 o~ 50,~0ffft~edmen in the last.doz-en years, have never

done much worse. But "men deal unad-visadly semetimes~-which afterhours giveleienre-torepent."

--For.a long- time.M~ure v of-the Phila.2~me# has abused and slandered Nathan-iel MeKay for his connection with theNavy Yard contracts, and has hunted himlike a beast of prey, and nothing has been

¯ too bad fSr the slanderer to say;. MoKaysought i~l~s~ in"~ae courts,- and did’not"get it. On Monday he attempted to whipMcClureon Chestnut street, butMcClurebeing a: man of huge.statue, prevented;McK~yThad friends who pummelled thebully of the ~mot and put him fronx aperpendicular to a horizontal position, inwhich process the bully got several severeblows, and he was saved a severe handlingby ifi-terfersnce of friends and policemenMcKay andlhishelpmeetwere arraigned atthe Central Station, and put _under bondE

of $1~000 f0~ appeai"ance at Courtfe~ ae-eault and batf~ry. ’

If men can be slandered with im..punityby unprincipled wretcheslike McClure andDana; and the law will not poot~ct theslandered, according to the sentiment ofthe city contemporaries, a man must

y . .-. .



( ~mtin,wd from (hfrd ~)t~Oe;)

thereof, shall be Jl~ the .~tdeor-itmr¯tien ebl|l~

.. ¯ | ,

. IInterestln~szlrom_H0me andLAbroad.:

the Gree~

tireR occurred imPatorson

oi..... t~ , .J Thousands orAmdavlt~." ’ ~ ~; "" ~’k -


o,, ....

b?" " "i



¯ mtato’n zlx one-hell of one ~.r centum on ion¯l’ b¯nk o[ New, York city H~m iltonmill, one p, lind a g(~’erous all " -~~r~.~,,..~ .. - ..... entioa.- ...... ~al. ,, / " ’ e ¯ .. the " - - " ~ ~ "

-~ - d "o "* - ~ --- - ~- ..., m silver eohl an en~ran ,e Wss also recommen&d .... ¯ - ....... " ....... , . ¯ ¯ ¯ ~- - ~,D llom1~. AU D l~ e e~etl, "l’/lal; Wlleno~or ¢!1o l " ~reu . ¯ I. "Fix the ~0ughts : on. some one 8trenA’th ~mnblned ’~dth Llghtne.n. s x co n ns tea I .g,, , " . ¯ :, . to the basement, cut ¯ ~h tim bal k " " ’ after hard f- " , ~.,h~ri~

"i .Imnteofealdcaua sl~:llcr0es¯hlghw¯y,t~rn, n~A,~.~ ~.a¢ .... a .... ^~+1,. , n,u ,-- t.,~... ..... .:. ~.t~,.,~- ..... toproventt~edmea~oknownweulax~- or montli~ ¯¯ ~ Phil, stfnmdynew~p~porpubhshed olghtpsgel.fl~y.

¯t~{~o "" T¢- ~,a~ /*an £ ~]~ tl~n~ ~v ÷~orn0n Urmn reoe pt of a Pint.office laoney order we will T,rms ~2 Per annum clubs of elv~¢en ~l~ Im IAII~I "........ J ...... .--..~. ’ ., lellver to’t~o express or. r&,lrosd-- ---- ..... ,,urn, f, ~.v,,.ce IIMASP[! ¯ .: ~k_e~r p!~u~__ro¯d0 *m oh htgh,¯y, t~t_,,ptl~oo~ on ¯ ~olI patronized thoroughf¯re’, and no~ by the bumlng of tile Snuthexn Hotel n:lent of the ]Iyer.; it-keeps the orglu~s In lurer~ 0~,?nI ~s~ :l~a~e is.. ~, " ’ - ........... ’ ....... : ’ ’ ~ -tWO t~iDgs. - .t~/~ ’Cfrt .~’" XOU e-A~t O~C~lly 4O ~/-Inch squure~eeth, 10~ Inches long for ~4,60 ¯, aary¢~o, z~_ ,~I’ECI3IEN COPY "(llgAq’i~4. ~-~" ! ’ ium,K r al ]m~y DO Oy aalo. compa, y~ carr.t~u , ’ vu~,r m~uyallx.

¯ ’~ " ¯ . . " . .... w~thst~ndm~ the office was oocn to view on Lonls, aa was at hr~t ,upnosed the mm~ber of a neatr, ny star, o, and the fow]s fondne~ .t.~r .... q’ .... " "r

dee ~ .40 ~-laoh square tooth 10,~inche~ 10ng, for 3,25 ¯ . ~ L ~ Nend Ibr R ~reuthm,,-:- -- - ¯..... @,~O.Ul,,ortaoc~a, ~.,¯ ~e~o.oa..~. ........, ’ .............. ~,~,,.~ ~,,oc.on, . , - ma~xtkem ~uory0a once ge~ to p. . ¯ - ~o=. ~o=~ ~tr~.ap SIMP]I,E.R£LL~t1BLI¢ ..... a -- a r~--s-~. ~ . .- ,~111~Iilldl~13~1 ~r s.~ ~o.,~e~..r. ....-."’ ., , ’ . Y . three mde~ . The. Walktug match of snx dea.d, hardly exce~lug/.!leben, alflmugh It ~s for ~t, as for the gravel, indicates,that used m-wt )r~ a ¯Uom, " ¯ " , " " ’ " ’ " ’ - " -- .... ’ ....... ’ ’~ ................ " ’’"¯ :’ ~ . ¯ °.~-z3/~en’: .... . - , - ... - days for ~5 000 a side between O’Leary and pos~ime ore uouies Wltt e~ xounu at the re- the r .... crowd the ’market , . that . /¯ "~ .~, ~ue~’ac enact~l, Th¯tt~eprovmmns _.. , ........ . ........ y eqm~exL., ...... ¯ . .. , . ar~i~p tntmentr . . . 2 Dontgo ~osleopw~th’your head ~w,~co.~8~mo~s~.~.Y. ,_ ~,~u~sa~~ .... ¯ I~.~ I1~ | ~-- ~,~. = ’~~ " ~i’.- ,’, " .... ’ ~" , . ...~.~., , ...... Weston, mL~ndon,’]~ngland resu]tedm.avm- movelefthodebm.~qftheruns Thestrilm A I’]n~-h~H: ~.~m,~.~lo;1A,~,~ o~w~ say there ~s no cure for catarrh ~ thee ¯ .. , .... ., . ¯ , ._ ~ ..... o ,_...: . ¯ I[.IN.E gl,4,_e, _S , ,. ...... , ..

~ ’,’ ’ ’ "~’~, ~’~e~un~;tr~e~i°~ e:fe~n"’r~k~a~v~.?~i~o[~z~tor~forO’Leary, who~alked520ndlenag¯instI ofthesilltwcaversinJer~oyCitya’n~Jffobokcn, mo~-7~"’’. .... ..~t.. __~.y~.:~.% ..%._ .rovoiL?Doesttnotr~therprovo~a~l~e;CZ~.;., a°wnagamsl;"n°/°°’ DOara,.°.r Y°u’ ’ee’

--: ] ¯ ~ ..... . . ~-~^rlt|tl 11~.|1~ .... "- -" = "---_1"1i~ "~l~re,gO" I-~byYA]~’D~"IInUI!,On*’~ZhLn’Oo.,1-~])nt~h’~°Ir-,.~" " ," ,

¯ dangling on the floor - It disturbs the [ . , - - . - - I AkLlhLASS,~zR.r~^sv0~l~ ~l~=u _ -~ - -.-: q , . ¯ ~-:~~ ~ . ~ .r ¢~’,"-- | - . ’ ~ .. g.. . . ’ . . Y - Weston’~ 510 At 2’u0 P ~. on Saturd¯v. N. ,J has ondt d moat of. the operativea re- . a~ as’~ao oneatpes~ nna.oess 1oo(1 .lor ~al ed to om,~lo~ the "; .......... -,- ’~ .~,l

" - ". ..... ¯ ..... - - -= - ~ a weel~ m your o rn term. T¢ r~n~ anu ,’n~ ~ ] v :’".... . " , ~m~|moraeym.oorporateaelty. . ; O’Learyhadcompletcd500xniles,. Westonw~ sunU gw.rkattlooldrates . Iutheinvcs- fattening foav]s. Oat meal, bran 4~nd ¯rethousand~’oi¢ o)l~’:~’Y[ho~:~v?,yr .tnere : " elo~trio fluids. .’ . : ........... " ll|’l~Ir~ilI411~l LOSSA#I~Ic0NVCI~I£NCrAV01DZD B’f ll~~t-~~~’~JB~ ¢ un~ n ~t^c~.:’t",’,~cO..1’,,,l.~,d SI~,o ’ . "4.’ ~ , " ,_~..’m ’And .....be ~, enacted, Th¯t lh s act el. ¯ Ii the,, "twenty-bwo miles" behlnd" ....... l{ev. Win. I tgatli "m~of thelulhegoftwc" ’ , ....nf themember~,fl ~L~d.dlmKs are best~or, tlm..-votm~, a~ow-~ avhocan" mnkaan-*tlld~vitthat~.Dr-~.,o~Pe I

. mtcd 8tate~ ..... . ......... ". " - 3. A writ~r.rdeomrnenda to snspend~, [ "_ -#- ’ - -’"~ " " - J[ fllql~’,l,l~.l ~MI~I~ iN [IN~p[~l~ ~ ~~~ ~ i. ’ ;~.~_~ ................. : ......... ~ammema~.~. .................. ..- ................. ¯ ................................... a .............. ~., ........... . .... ~ .... .¯~ , ¯ - . ........ . . .... ~ -" ~fir,~a-,4-¢,r~-a.;~¢.~b-fif.-Sdd--~tl{i~rwonr~, .l.~.~e~u~.2~.,.-~ ~...--~ .......... I~~_ ~Qi~i~ti~llll~]~t~l~ ~ ¯~oo.~..~~ #~p,-~,~vj~.~R~t’;~A~dg~t.;~a~.- .......... ~ .~ ~ .~-’... " ,, ¯ ....... . .~ .__,.. ~o.-. ¯ " 1 A~fgu~ttig 5rulflen~rg, ~1... D, draft, m .’New ] the fit m of~ ,re. elf, ~: goa~, m Ne~ ~ork, the m~ s~ock He furthermore ev-r, estofl t~x~h l~nlodv and Dr, Piorec’a Golnm, ~r.,~;.. " .... ..... ~ .......... ¯ ~ ...... ’ "’ ¯ ~,-, ¯ .. . ~ ’ .....FIRST p~EMIUM-q. ¯ , , ’ - .... ’.~-- ~,I’--, .... ,- ........ York, aged eigh~’-one y~,’~.. He waRthe[corol,cr*.~jlaryrd,lrnedaverdictthatGoorge t~,,=,, ....... ;v,~a ,,.,;H..C^ ¢^.,,-o~-: Di~eo~ic]azha’veeffectedtheh. dnFirf~.:,’~.,~?:’Y-"’ " ~:ca~[l;and 11otmd o,, .t~t~yo,~ fist. n#sne.sm Fo,,r Years, Coas-~a~G~ .~-~o.~ ~ ll~’~’~:~J~ ~.~m~?.~":’"~,~J.’,:’.:,°’.".,o;r.~"..a".’~.~..~ ,-,~"" ’ " ~ ~, ~ ~ ~1V I fonedei" of St Luke’s hospital mitt various [ W Jewett came to tlis death froni wounds re --x----;- ............ . ~;,~. ;v~u, nn¢t u~- lma lost" .n s-,,s. ~* -;.-^- :; ..... ?;. "Auanfl.. . ¯ ¯ --- - - .... ¯ ........ xrt,~. ,~-,N.-u,,,~ Cu.. e, tr...~o. =am~ ~ , , - , ::

’ " U~L,~..L- "XX " " ~ ..... ’ " " " " " "°~" ~"’ ~ v* c.sv.t, ,tOP lllOnMls an .! " ,, X.,~ ~ , .~x~ ~.~ .. [ other¯ charihtblo jnsUtnfions.inNe¯ York, ̄ nd I coivcd by a hand grcuade carHudto the store sal~huu m the drmklug .w~r, for .iecesof bone haa ,....,..,a, .......... ’ ~"l’(~w~].[ mducesound sleep., ’ . patioa and .inflaltnmalion o£ [ ~ ^M~lf~( IN~ffITUTL~ . -"’~’~--- - " -" "~ :--imitations ., ,~,, .;~

¯ for.blm.d people. Rolhng outer.bed flnedtomy Moore Two~rs, ] ~’~ pHII~A ~SlMP~I*~’~ I " , ~dP ~ I i,~]tq~ T .... ~Ur]qiO~~°"S"ton~ ........’ ;!

: may be sub.,ititut0d m such cases. ’ SOICOnld NOt Sleep %Villtont I ~_’.~?~FRAtlZ.~l~s’rl1~-n’~ar~ I: .L 3L-J[~Jl’l~Jl~. ~ ":. l~l~lln|Ul~DS7ehot$&00’~0styles./,t. 6’at. f ..... ~ ~ :~.~¯R ’Phfi’an~i.av in fa31inf, aaleev lies 2tIorphine One Packa~L].~ ~ ic~ ’~./ ....... .’.Z .... ’ .. _. =._ ~pn~.. ,ghica4~,m. ...... ~ ~ ~:

.. .... : .......... .~ .~-At~.~ ..... :---~o * ~ ~ ¯ ~ ....... .... ~- " " .............. :’ ::.~.=%!~: 1-.’~ ..... ---" ! ............ ~"3 ..... ’~r~:’xsr~vn’sneruan Umtmonur~u’~p~l~r~ds itr~’gn~/r -" .............................. 7 .... , ~ .:,~

" " ’ ’ L Beiton~ced by th,, Senate" an’d G~neral [we" e drowz ed . ". " The,tr gl " e ~" g[ r" ect ~ College ~tudcnt eloped with tlao same pnrpos0. " , ~Idn t nsoDoo---z~xs "Px~z^sT ~"ow~zn.’ with’": thi~"¯ ’~ ................ m-e~ ~o’ such snouJtt ..... = " , " r r- .’-- ..... .. ......... ~um=.~ I un tea~ta~es ~ ,nap .......... so ,~ppo~ wr o, -- - . ..... ~.

.~.^. ........ ~_:L~^. ~ .... ~.,~ t~ ~;mb Free fromn. Pain, nt~ler bei g ~ son i I UUV~_~-~ ~’ | wdlbesent ffoobyma,l to any sufforer on rece~pt of ~IQ ~. day at home. h~entawanted Out.fi~md ..... ,,[ , h~i~mblv of the Stat~ of New Jersey That it | brought to bear ou Prineo Bistnarclz to ioduco | daughter of ¯ wealthy I’hiladellqhia merchaat I -. " a, ,a . , ,,,,u ,, ,,,~t~ ,~,uu, ,.,.,-,.~-.,~,-, ....... .. ....... h., .,, ~,~,~,.... ....................... ,~j.. t~mm tree, ~"U~* CO Au ,,- ---, ¯ ".~

’’ i" ~" , .... " ’ - ~lv~sa ~Slt~J ~--J .......... I-- m~f..- : = "- . ~ .’= .;. - ,~ .|,..~Ocents, toprepaypos~ea~dl ,ckng. Regdarprtce,4~.Jt.am ~,~.ree. xztu~u.,~ugu~ct,~lt~tm. .. .

: . e]~d| be" a.~ful f,,f the board of ,Id,am:,n nr r h, u to fnego his h,tentio, of ]5,v! g th, |.. Char]e,..H. Gil,nu. a sewing madfiue I .,,a,,~ement oflllnu.re., l,,it~n ,g|~,~me~,t ~og~vo Order. h~.. ony, .~,d . ~ae& o11 ~. "" " "’" ~ t .... " ................. "~ ..... s.,. ~x a nlalnemauca] . ~ . ~, __." . ¯ ~ . , " . . WE~ LEnAXO~, .~dE., Feb, _’22, I[;7,,. . ..r ¯ - - - / ,.~1, Address l|r, O. PIIE1,P,~ III~O~VN, "t~c’s~ A DAY to A~nt~ Sam-lo free f~’,Y, ---- , "~ i:~

eommon council of eL d cities ~est ectivelv or |I’russmu councd for.a yuar for rdaxatit n will $ag mt was fouud murdered’in Roi~kport, 3Iass I ~ E p Eldredville l~enn ~n-ites ¯ l eortainb, Tr-" ;t ,,,a i,~ ....... ;. ,.,a o.. l)mmg la~0 ]s,a floor way o.t., an.o- AM~RI~IA.~ MEDICI~ECe.:.-7] hLvo been slck l~)r ~_ea~e~’f~ n~ed / ’21 (’rn.i, cl ~,o,-ol~,r~ev ( ]1)’, ~. Jo ~.~ Gataloguo. I~ ~’I,I,’.TCHF, I~. I.i’D~v ~*.N~. ’ - .;.?-! --~ ....... "t.~ .¢ , aa i,~,.,~,a .e .la,,.,-,,,~ ~,, [nrobabh’ ~rovo successful, and the c~ tueellor I ~ man nained Wililael% an elnplo~,,~-of the

¯ ¯ ’, , ., ¯ .,. ., ..... c ,."1 ",¢ ~u.v uututu ~ ...... ~ ....................... ’ -

- " " ’ " ’ " " ...... " ....... ’ " ¯ ~.#~I, ~.~’t ,..* ^, .,~1,;;,~ 41/m ,1or ~i’~. ye~ira+ u0nsupauon aria nulamman0n oz tno j;ow: .I ,,-~’~" J~O~50. Other gruat i,argl,els, " " . ~ " / -""~ , ..... Ju, ...... ~ ......... ~?~ ~ v IpI - ,-’IU ~iJ~,:lt’S ti’ay Forks ~’snd Farm Bo 1~ ~ I~ ¯ ",÷ g;" ," , eo~amon c0uucil, pf notlas~than th:ee iu hum- ~contenthimsclf witll a f~mr-nlonth vaeatioh..., nuu’dere~t man, ¯aa airrestcd on suspmi(m: ’, ]" have s0me ho.g" and clncken mmmre ~ . 7-~-" dying.: Iu ortter to 1all psieep vnmms- fonr yearn wlth.Dyspel,)~a,.an,t for. the p~ at l.nreo d ~l~U~ ~l.3{k ~owaer | ~..-i,~N-gg,~-=~,~-i~T~...;~-L.~r;~x~;~;~.~-~--~ ~F, Wr SICl/3~- ’ ~ J;

¯ ......... :],-: .... ’ " I~, for tMt"Urr~0se by reeo ution Lhnoih’te)J "t Thb~ pdac(/fllr Indfan chi¢~f S )o{td(l -Tair. who !¯ - ~, - -t .:- _ .......... :-- .......... :==-:-~ a.ll(l-aslleS, - -I Wlgll to- 1180 tnesaon my r " ¯ roel’ns~.mamm ~l.tno Thlefef,Llfif~: .......................... " -~ ........ Fpt~; ttvax ~ ~,,~. a-j-.~/5---~’-~--%~ 1"-- "ifls I lmvo ~fffl;~r’e 1 -all tl/d i~ n 1 doud emluro I II~0iU~~- Nearly newI 4 ~ela reed., ." s(ops, mmp.~s RV.LL TH~ AUTOBIOGRAPHY 0~’ " ~’oalet~ ~’ire,a.V. ~"~, It ’FISHEI/. CASTO.’¢ O. t {": ¯ f" " " * "--tO exsmll~0, rravlse.~- " ¯lter’¢ ¯tljlls~’ Lea’~rc ~n~pro’ ......w~°t "|llO’~¢e5 "h" .......~’os" "s., ,.to mnko t’)e tk o. SllC-[ fMI,ln° .grauu. ’, Jury, of. Caro]lue, eoln tv... 3Id, / ecru cro ). I. Would it be. best to mix’" "AS well ¯a of thno,, ¯ ~ton’t co( uct with a coul .gh,

¯ - vlous..~ .... .... an~rlslvae~nllcou i n0thaee been cdnllne / to I I ~loep nights w~tl ofitr°°n the° I~uso!* ~’U]]U/|||~ e~Lner ~3oO~op, l~ ~56o Hve octave Organ]°cta~’c°aPm’ bea.thm $.1 ~top ec C¢,vWllU" lAB" , [~’nn -~~l " m, m~ m ~ "l=l’Ot, V.TOU°amr~~"MAKE ~.~D. ~4.O. per Wo~k 8 .E~_ n. r a~rt~, ~^~, ~ ,~/’~ / "~,:~|:

" ,~.A o,I .~ ~.~ .;.^. ~.o~ ,h,~ ~ .... ~..o~ [ ceeded iu’~hl~, n ¯ in Cr~v IIor~e and 1 500 ( ed to indict Bennett alld May for dneimg la | theDt to~t¢.]m~ 9 "l’~ ;~ l~.Hm ÷,; ,~.n,,,,, [ a cnlc~ or an~ hmg or~hrent complan t With- ’..... " ’ ¯ | " " " " t that tounl’, the evldeuee 1)enlg nlb21fhclent t~ ..... ~’’’- o It even au hour sdelav ,rocuro "IIale’sZ ,¢, " ¯ - - , ¯ --’ ¯ - ’-’-" , - ~ wh;,., r.~ p r,, ........... ~ ~;r, ; ..... Iueta tt w tsurus I ec nas ~,e~un a suit for the ~ .......... , .... ~ ....... u,u, u~ uutow/of l.torcn¢ tma and Tar " Thert~’, ~,- m ...... ¯ The ftmeral of a Chinaman,- who was a~ past cure, I have tLkcn onc package o! Dlt. i [~l~hUIJ~JU[~ Thc nbove ~eeond.lmnd in~tr.- [ ~___’.~,~ ~* o- .a~. ........................ -7 ............ . " c"’,~: .: .........." ox wniea m~tv ne.aJ.putea.Dy’al y person or / ........." "" o~ ....... c ..... ¯ w..ut. ......:...ol’~ rico’, ",’erv o/ the" :~. nb.|onea~Lte~Ol)l)oalte~xtash_¯ "" "’ it.0 ........... el its optr trace A e 1re 1~1 the’: le~lta~’- " ..... ~ .......... " .XAA.:,¢I;,; ,;G~,lhi.rl,r ;~¢ ¯ .~o~. "h’%,o~,-.~:oo "OffAIW8 CO.’¢DrrlON PII t,8, end t ey.have done I .;~,~ -: ~en1~ ere tn I erfePt ordor~ nnd t use .............. ~.. ,¯~es, ~.r.ee ~.~.~o. "r~E31~III~I,~"P QUAR’rEnLY JOUI~SLLOFFASlUgnm- ............. ",=-~--’ " r~r~ocs or oornoration ¯ nro¢ided however ( oravx lg ~ o~ m zrt u e~ ~’eta at upp ’c J.u ~ . . " , ¯ " " ’ , .... / " ’ ~ ¯ ’. ~ ’ |o l~e- .t:~.,~,j .’ ............... .~ ~,~. ~..-.~;-’~ r ~e.more need thLn aft II e decrees L have had, I i |i,|Jy warranted (I,ut not o,~r own make), ltt~ra ,VOl¢i bl] ,~’t¢~’/.~er/ptA/oH oM~¢b", J~ "~ing o cop,~, ~ cts. Yeta-ly~. |O eLs..~o.s~ft~__ ¯ z~’!

’ ~l~a$ iu ,~ 1 citiee~vher, thdrn ex,s~(a board uf [ II "idtre i’d tl 0 horse too~ fright and ju, pi, g ~al~ ~’d f°~n~sdy" the some of It(d,ert E. Lee I have a horse that has soft bloodllko/s111~:: ~! 1,)" allflruggtt~t,, t’ ¯ seems toh we been quite a unlqus a]hm’, sleep wel .~ 0at we t a~ t l LYe no ~a~,. ’rh,,v r ...... t~. I,,,o,, (~,.. ie o.~!,,,,,a,:tor’.’~:..:’.~.~l~.~ntod ~- Add’. W. J~:.~s, .... D~.~,OR~:S~, ~7 E.~ 4m’st..~. ~. ,,. ~¯ The delal man held ~ keen-edged carver ¯ll tbcy are recom end~ o. , .. ¯ , " ,~aca for ,forage in onr Warer, mm~,ourim~enso trade [ .. ~ O~T ~-,ra ..... a ~ ;... "~II,ECTRIC BEi,~;’A NEW, CHEAP, PgR. , ,;~ ..:., . . "

linL.ee ̄ at taxation, or cO.mi~s,,,:u.r, ,’f the i,,to"tl,o canal, o,’ertt, m,ed the carriage and govcr; ,~,~’aii;s°~(~g4’r taxc~, ~,~.detidi]~tb~;atl~lO" [ swellil,gs, the size of a hen, egg, on tho I’ ,n, e s ±oomaeh0Drops chr0 in eno minute. ’. ,’ " ¯ m I t~ h I’ e~se se, ,~ n el BF.,TTY 1 IA.~O. .... th,,L.,a,~ ......... ~ no For,arth~" partio~l .... dd ..... " -- ~ ’.’’

/- ...... alnkin~ laud th¯t sueh .o,~rd i,r e,~ mi..i,,n- Ikilled both occupants. ¯ 3h’. Colmcr was vice- t,n trial for tim x;u~,’d’cr’of 3foi *a, ", ,, : I inside of e~h himl hook joint. These ] ,~ ¯ ;---~. , ¯ - ..... ’ . - ¯ ;. I,;. 1 .... 1 ,,.,1 . v.ll,.w ~l,,r. h~.r;~/e, ¯ tbroe l,aekLges, as two ot my ne,gnoore w,su to i i’;~ n,. d ..... the n ......... h.ncu t~, td ..... liberal ....... _.,t:...... %- ~,...:, a-n!.,mmL~., .. .1~ Fl,:~a’ Cure forp ....