ZKK& dKW >Ky ^W/&/d/KE^ ZĞĐLJĐůĞĚ WŽůLJƉƌŽƉLJůĞŶĞ ŽƉŽůLJŵĞƌ Body Material Black UV stabilized Polypropylene Copolymer .100" to .135" wall thickness Base Material 1" thick by 25psi, type 4 closed cell structural foam Dimensions Weight 8-7/8" square by 4-1/2" high, top accessory adds 1-1/2" to height for 6" height require- ments, Blox interlock end to end for wide multi-piping platforms. Weight: 1lb per Blox Load Bearing Max load per Blox—Single Point Load: 250lbs./113 kg—Dual Point or Strut-Mounted Load: 350lbs./158 kg. Apply STR-04 slotted steel strut channel under heavy loads over 250lbs. Spacing Space Blox approixmately every 7 feet along all piping. Pipe Fastening Screw indents guide fastening screws into special internal engineered thread gripping Fastening feature. #10 sheet metal screws recommended. Blox supplied with 3/4" galvanized universal quick clamping strap for up to 2" pipe. Top surface easily adapts to all types of piping clamps, clips, slotted strut and 3/8" or 1/2" threaded rod. All pipe fastening and adjustments done from top side only. Accessories 1-1/2" Polypropylene top height extender, 10" slotted steel strut, 12" threaded rod, pipe rollers, securing brackets, M-1 adhesive, and primer for M-1 adhesive. Warranty 20 years Roof Top Blox replacement against manufacturer’s defect. Applications Blox engineered to install on flat roof surfaces for supporting gas, condensate or refrigeration lines, electrical conduits, ductwork or roof top walkways and mechanical equipment. Rated for temperatures up to 200oF/93oC. Roof Top Blox Product Specifications Suggested Engineering Specification Products Available Roof top support blocks for gas piping, plumbing, HVAC, conduit, cable tray, and mechanical equipment shall be Roof Top Blox (RTB-01). The support blocks must be designed to eliminate roof penetrations, flashings or damage to roofing membrane. Support body shall be made of recycled UV-resistant Polypropylene Copolymer. Base platform material shall be 1” thick, 25psi, type 4 closed cell structural foam to distribute and evenly cushion loads. Support top surface shall have molded in pipe organizing saddles and strut mounting cradle. The top surface shall also have screw guide indents and engineered internal screw thread gripping feature. Block must accept 3/8” and 1/2” threaded rod (ROD-03) using side entry nut slots to allow fast top side assembly and piping height adjustments. Aluminum rollers (ROL-05 or ROL-06) shall be installed on long piping runs. Securing brackets (SBC-07) and adhesive (ADH-12) recommended for permanently securing Blox into its final installed position, anchoring against wind, rain and snow loads. ZdϬϭ ZŽŽĨ dŽƉ ůŽdž ;/ŶĐůƵĚĞƐ ĐůĂŵƉŝŶŐ ƐƚƌĂƉͿ ďƵŶĚůĞĚ ŝŶ ϴ-ƉĂĐŬ ƚŽƚĞƐ ydϬϮ ϭϱ ůŽdž ,ĞŝŐŚƚ džƚĞŶƐŝŽŶ &ĂƐƚĞŶƐ ĚŝƌĞĐƚůLJ ŽŶ ƚŽƉ ŽĨ ůŽdž ǁŝƚŚ ηϭϬ ƐĐƌĞǁƐ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚ Žƌ ĞůĞǀĂƚĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ĞdžƚĞŶƐŝŽŶ ƌŽĚƐ ZKϬϯ ϭϮ džƚĞŶƐŝŽŶ ZŽĚƐ ;ϮͿ ϭϮ ƚŚƌĞĂĚĞĚ ƌŽĚƐ ;ϴͿ ŶƵƚƐ ;ϰͿ ǁĂƐŚĞƌƐ njŝŶĐ ƉůĂƚĞĚ ^dZϬϰ ϭϬ 'ĂůǀĂŶŝnjĞĚ ^ůŽƩĞĚ ^ƚĞĞů ^ƚƌƵƚ ŚĂŶŶĞů ZK>Ϭϱ ^ŵĂůů WŝƉĞ ZŽůůĞƌ ;ĂůƵŵŝŶƵŵͿ ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚƐ ϭ ƚŽ ϯ ƉŝƉĞ ZK>Ϭϲ >ĂƌŐĞ WŝƉĞ ZŽůůĞƌ ;ĂůƵŵŝŶƵŵͿ ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚƐ ϰ ƚŽ ϲ ƉŝƉĞ ;ŝŶĐůƵĚĞƐ ƐƚƌƵƚ Θ ŵŽƵŶƟŶŐ ƐĐƌĞǁƐͿ ^Ϭϳ ^ĞĐƵƌŝŶŐ ƌĂĐŬĞƚƐ ;ƉŽůLJĐĂƌďŽŶĂƚĞͿ ;ϮͿ ďƌĂĐŬĞƚƐ ƐĞĐƵƌĞ ůŽdž ĚŝƌĞĐƚůLJ ƚŽ ƌŽŽĨ ǁŝƚŚ D-ϭ ĂĚŚĞƐŝǀĞ hƐĞ ďƌĂĐŬĞƚƐ ĨŽƌ ǁŝŶĚ ǁĂƚĞƌ ĂŶĚ ƐŶŽǁ ůŽĂĚ ĐŽŶĚŝƟŽŶƐ ;ůŽdž ŶŽƚ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚͿ ,ϭϮ D-ϭ ^ƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĂů ĚŚĞƐŝǀĞ ;ŐƌĂLJͿ ,ŝŐŚ ďŽŶĚ ĂĚŚĞƐŝǀĞ ĨŽƌ Ăůů ƌŽŽĨ ŵĞŵďƌĂŶĞ ƐLJƐƚĞŵƐ ƉƉůLJ ƵŶĚĞƌ ^ĞĐƵƌŝŶŐ ƌĂĐŬĞƚƐ ;^ϬϳͿ ϭϬ Žnj ƚƵďĞ ďŽŶĚƐ ϭϬ ƉĂŝƌ ^Ϭϳ Žƌ ϮϬ ZdϬϭ WZ/ϭϯ WƌŝŵĞƌ ĨŽƌ D-ϭ ĚŚĞƐŝǀĞ WƌŝŵĞƌ ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ ĨŽƌ ďŽŶĚŝŶŐ ƚŽ dWK ƌŽŽĨ ƐLJƐƚĞŵƐ ϭ ƉŝŶƚ ĐĂŶ ŝƐ ĞŶŽƵŐŚ ƚŽ ďŽŶĚ ϯϱ ƉĂŝƌƐ ŽĨ ^Ϭϳ ďƌĂĐŬĞƚƐ ZdϬϭ ZŽŽĨ dŽƉ ůŽdž hŶŝƚ ϰ-ϭϮ ϴ-ϳϴ ϴ-ϳϴ ydϬϮ ϭ-ϭϮ ƌŽŽŌŽƉďůŽdžĐŽŵ ϱϬϬ ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶ WĂƌŬǁĂLJ ŽůůŝĞƌǀŝůůĞ dE ϯϴϬϭϳ WŚŽŶĞ ϴϬϬ-ϴϴϴ-ϴϯϭϮ &Ădž ϵϬϭ-ϴϱϯ-ϱϬϬϴ ZdϬϬϰͺZĞǀ ϮϬϭϳϬϭ ZK>Ϭϴ ^ŵĂůů WŝƉĞ ZŽůůĞƌ ǁŽ ŽŶƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚ ďĂŶĚ ;ĂůƵŵŝŶƵŵͿ ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚƐ ϭ ƚŽ ϯ ƉŝƉĞ

ZKK& dKW >Ky ^W /&/ d/KE^ZKK& dKW >Ky ^W /&/ d/KE^ Z Ç o W } o Ç } Ç o v } } o Ç u } Ç D ] o o l hs ] o ] Ì W } o Ç } Ç o v } } o Ç u X í ì ì } X í ï ñ Á o o Z ] l

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Page 1: ZKK& dKW >Ky ^W /&/ d/KE^ZKK& dKW >Ky ^W /&/ d/KE^ Z Ç o W } o Ç } Ç o v } } o Ç u } Ç D ] o o l hs ] o ] Ì W } o Ç } Ç o v } } o Ç u X í ì ì } X í ï ñ Á o o Z ] l


Body Material Black UV stabi l i zed Polypropylene Copolymer .100" to .135" wal l thickness

Base Material 1" thick by 25ps i , type 4 closed cel l s tructura l foamDimensionsWeight

8-7/8" square by 4-1/2" high, top accessory adds 1-1/2" to height for 6" height require-ments , Blox interlock end to end for wide multi -piping platforms. Weight: 1lb per Blox

Load Bearing Max load per Blox—Single Point Load: 250lbs ./113 kg—Dual Point or Strut-Mounted Load: 350lbs ./158 kg. Apply STR-04 s lotted s teel s trut channel under heavy loads over 250lbs .

Spacing Space Blox approixmately every 7 feet a long a l l piping.PipeFastening

Screw indents guide fastening screws into specia l internal engineered thread grippingFastening feature. #10 sheet meta l screws recommended. Blox suppl ied with 3/4" ga lvanizeduniversa l quick clamping s trap for up to 2" pipe. Top surface eas i ly adapts to a l l types ofpiping clamps, cl ips , s lotted s trut and 3/8" or 1/2" threaded rod. Al l pipe fastening andadjustments done from top s ide only.

Accessories 1-1/2" Polypropylene top height extender, 10" s lotted s teel s trut, 12" threadedrod, pipe rol lers , securing brackets , M-1 adhes ive, and primer for M-1 adhes ive.

Warranty 20 years Roof Top Blox replacement aga inst manufacturer’s defect.Applications Blox engineered to insta l l on flat roof surfaces for supporting gas , condensate or

refrigeration l ines , electrica l conduits , ductwork or roof top walkways andmechanica l equipment. Rated for temperatures up to 200oF/93oC.

Roof Top Blox Product Specifications

Suggested Engineering Specification

Products Available

Roof top support blocks for gas piping, plumbing, HVAC, conduit, cable tray, and mechanica l equipment sha l l be Roof Top Blox (RTB-01). The support blocks must be des igned to el iminate roof penetrations , flashings or damage to roofing membrane. Support body shal l be made of recycled UV-res is tant Polypropylene Copolymer. Base platform materia l sha l l be 1” thick, 25ps i , type 4 closed cel l s tructura l foam to dis tribute and evenly cushion loads . Support top surface sha l l have molded in pipe organizing saddles and strut mounting cradle. The top surface sha l l a lso have screw guide indents and engineered internal screw thread gripping feature. Block must accept 3/8” and 1/2” threaded rod (ROD-03) us ing s ide entry nut s lots to a l low fast top s ide assembly and piping height adjustments . Aluminum rol lers (ROL-05 or ROL-06) sha l l be insta l led on long piping runs . Securing brackets (SBC-07) and adhes ive (ADH-12) recommended for permanently securing Blox into i ts fina l insta l led pos i tion, anchoring aga inst wind, ra in and snow loads .














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