zie Web view08.04.2017 · Skills focused. Target Learning Outcomes. Suggested Strategies. Speaking. Writing. Listening. Concern for immediate environment. To

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Subject: ENGLISH

Level: B1

Class VII

Lesson 1: The Tiny Teacher

Lesson 2: Bringing up Kari

Worksheet I

Skills focused

Target Learning Outcomes

Suggested Strategies




Concern for immediate environment.

To compare and contrast ideas in the text.

To read, identify and relate ideas with personal experiences.

To listen to and engage in conversation with people.

Responds to variety of questions on a passage for listening comprehension.

To describe feelings/ views from written and visual inputs.

Individual task

Pair / Group work

(TLO: To observe and think creatively and write a story correlating with real life.)


Look at the following pictures of ants and their activities. Work in pairs and write a short story using your imagination depicting the qualities of ants. Give your story an interesting title. Read aloud your story in the class.


(TLO: To compare and contrast objects and express it using correct sentences.)ACTIVITY II

Observe the following pictures carefully. Based on your understanding of the pictures, fill in the blanks using the correct form of the word given in brackets. Read aloud your sentences in the class.

1. Smita got A+ grade in Spoken English and Rekha got a B grade. All the other students got C grade. Smitas grades are than Rekhas grades. We can say that Smitas grade is the . (good)

2. Laptop is the gadget. An Abacus is still but a calculator is than it. (useful)

3. Summers have days. The days are often than the evenings. The noon time is the time during summers. (hot)

Make sentences of your own using the following and read aloud your sentences in the class.

1) Happyhappierhappiest

2) SweetSweeterSweetest

3) FastFasterFastest

4) PopularMore popularMost popular

5) DifficultMore difficultMost difficult

(TLO: To identify and explore sounds of various animals and birds and make sentences by mimicking them.)


Look at the pictures of animals and birds given below in groups and try to mimic the sounds they produce. Try using the sounds in your own sentences as noun and verb. Make a list of sounds produced by some more animals, birds and insects and read your list aloud in the class.

Sl. No

Picture of animal / bird

Sound produced









Cluck, Crow, cock-a-doodle-doo



Oink, Snort




Subject: ENGLISH

Level: B1

Class VII

Lesson 3: The Desert

Lesson 4: The Cop and the Anthem

Worksheet I

Skills focused

Target Learning Outcomes

Suggested Strategies




Concern for immediate environment.

To read, listen and enjoy story and identify the use of grammar in context.

To collect and read books from different sources.

To show interest in listening to different experiences and incidents.

To respond to textual questions.

Pair / Group work

Individual work


(TLO: To read the story with understanding. Draw moral values and imagine a new story.)


Read aloud the story given below in the class.


Once, it so happened that a Lion and a Bear were resting not very far from each other. They both chanced to see a strong Kid nearby. The great Bear rushed to seize the Kid from one direction and the Lion came towards it from the other.

Since both the Lion and the Bear wanted the prey, they fought savagely for it. In the battle, both received so many wounds that they sank to the ground, as they were too exhausted to continue the contest.

Just then the clever fox came by. The fox dashed up, seized the Kid in his jaws by his teeth, and whisked it off.

The mighty Lion and the powerful bear could only watch with helpless rage as a much weaker animal managed to get the prize, which they had themselves set their eyes upon.

It would have been much better, agreed the Lion and the Bear, to have shared the prey between us ourselves in a friendly spirit, rather than lose it to a third party!

On the basis of your reading of the story, answer the following questions and read aloud your answers in the class:

a) Do you think the fight between the Lion and the Bear was appropriate? Why?

b) How was the fox able to get the Kid?

c) Why, do you think, the Kid did not try to run away and save his life?

d) What lesson did the Lion and he Bear learn by their own action?

e) If the Lion and the Bear had not fought, the story would have been different and more interesting. Use the imagination and write your story in this situation. Tell your story in class.

Discuss the following moral values of the story in your group in class.

a) In a contest between two, it is often the third that stands to gain.

b) It is better to share in a friendly spirit, rather than lose the prize to someone else.

(TLO: To identify and explain various people in society and tell their details.)ACTIVITY II

Look at the pictures of people given below carefully and name their profession. Co-relate them with the people you see and meet. Write a short paragraph on each of them and read your answer aloud in the class.

(TLO: To appreciate two places and differentiate between them by using life skills.)


Observe the two sets of pictures given below carefully. Make a list of the ideas that strike your mind about both of them. What message do the pictures reveal to you? Read aloud your answer in the class.

A house and a family

A prison, a prisoner and a cop.

Subject: ENGLISH

Level: B1

Class VII

Lesson 5: Golu Grows a Nose

Lesson 6: I Want Something in a Cage

Worksheet I

Skills focused

Target Learning Outcomes

Suggested Strategies




Concern for immediate environment.

To identify main idea and locate details.

To take interest in setting up class libraries reading corners and write stories from own imagination.

To create basic texts in a variety of forms.

To narrate personal experiences / anecdotes / stories.

Use words & phrases in an appropriate way.

Individual work

Pair / Group work

(TLO: To identify various animals and their young ones.)ACTIVITY I

Look at the pictures of animals given below. Identify them and read aloud the names of their young ones. Find out the names young ones of some more animals and birds and conduct a quiz in the class.

The young ones of a Hen are called Chicks.

The young ones of a Frog are called Tadpoles.

The young one of an Owl is called Owlet.

The young one of a Lion is called Cub.

The young one of a Sheep is called Lamb.

The young one of a Goat is called Kid.

The young one of a Horse is called Colt.

(TLO: To know about various kinds of stories and categorize stories appropriately.)


Look at the table given below. Read the details carefully and categorize the stories of your text books as per the details. Read some more stories of each type and make a record of your readings.

Sl. No

Types of story




Myths are legendary stories that ancient people created to explain the mysteries of life, death, the beginning of the world, and natural powers. Myths are imaginary stories, they have imaginary characters in them like dragons, monsters, fairies, giants, and gods.



Saga is a story of heroic deeds of a medieval Norwegian hero. The heroes may be real or half-real and half-imaginary, but on the whole, the frame work of the main story is based on truth.



A fable is a short tale which involves animals as essential characters in it and carries a moral for the readers.



Folk-tales are light imaginary stories handed down orally from generation to generation. They are popular because they describe the hopes and fears of common people in a natural fanciful way.



A Parable is a short, simple story, usually of an occurrence of a familiar kind, from which a moral or religious lesson may be drawn.



Science Fiction is based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes, frequently portraying space or time travel and life on other planets.

(TLO: To use dictionary to understand and use synonyms and antonyms.)


Given below are some words along with their meanings or opposites. Read aloud the words and identify the pair as synonym or antonym. Look up their meanings in a dictionary and use them in sentences of your own. Read aloud your sentences in the class.

Big Large

Open Closed

Cold Freezing

Argue Squabble

Windy Calm

Noisy Quiet

Guess Estimate

Bottom Top

Huge Gigantic

Easy Difficult

Sink Float

Unhappy Sad

Subject: ENGLISH

Level: B1

Class VII

Lesson 7: Chandni