Srinagar, May 18 (KNS): In connection with the Hafta Shohda Pro- gramme to remember shaheed-e-Milaat Moulvi Mohammad Farooq, Sha- heed-e-Hurriyat Khwaja Abdul Gani lone, mar- tyrs of Hawala and en- tire Kashmir, Hurriyat Conference (M) today organized a seminar ti- tled “Hawal incident: a bloody chapter in Kash- mir history” at Hurriyat headquarters at Rajbagh. Hurriyat Conference (M) Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq In his in- augural address, while paying rich tributes to Shaheed-e-Milaat, Sha- heed-e-Hurriyat, martyrs of Hawala and entire Kashmir, said that their sacrifices for the cause were the priceless assets of the freedom struggle. In connection with Kash- mir solution, Mirwaiz stated that Hurriyat has a clear stand. He said that if Government of India bases its policy on reality and initiates a meaningful dialogue by inviting Pakistani lead- ership and Kashmiri re- sistance leadership, Hur- riyat would lend its full support to the process. But if they continue their policy of suppression and military repression it will be resisted strongly at all levels. He said that the Indian defence expenditure was increasing year after year as billions of dollars were being spent on buy- ing weapons and arms while around half of the Indias population was living below the poverty line. Mirwaiz stated See Mirwaiz on pg 07 SRINAGAR, MAY 18- Chief Minis- ter, Omar Abdullah today directed the concerned road communication Agency to reopen the Mughal Road and restore plying of traffic on it as early as possible. The road was closed due to the heavy snowfall and inclement weather during the win- ter. Talking to the deputation compris- ing people from Poonch, Rajouri and Shopian, which called on the Chief Minister here and made a request in this regard, Omar Adbullah direct- ed the Authorities looking after the Mughal Road to fast track the repairs and restoration of damaged road stretches as early as possible so that people are benefitted by this import- ant road communication connecting Poonch, Rajouri and Jammu to the valley via Shopian and Bafliaz. The deputation expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister for his imme- diate response to their request and highlighted the need for making the Mughal Road all weather double-lane alternate National Highway. Srinagar, May 18: Peoples Demo- cratic Party (PDP) patron Mufti Mo- hammad Sayeed, on Sunday said that people of Kashmir through their clear mandate in favour of PDP has further strengthened the party’s resolve to work towards ac- complishing its unfinished agenda of securing dignified peace, lasting stability and inclusive prosperity for the people of Jammu and Kash- mir. According to a statement issued to KNS, Mufti while congratulating Narendra Modi for his overwhelm- ing success across the country hoped that Modi’s developmental agenda will be intensive and po- litical agenda inclusive. “We con- gratulate Mr Modi and his party on their outstanding victory. We hope his developmental agenda is inten- sive and his political agenda is in- clusive. That is what is needed and expected of him in his new role,” Mufti said. He hoped that the new Government at the Centre, under the leadership of Modi, will take tangible mea- sures to address the causes of alien- ation and trust deficit in Kashmir and work towards finding long-last- ing solution of the problem plagu- ing the region for the past more than six decades. “At the national level also people have voted and given a decisive mandate to the BJP for a strong and stable government at the Cen- tre. Mr Narendra Modi has got the political and electoral legitimacy to head the new Government as the Prime Minister. We must all re- spect this legitimacy that has been accorded to him by the people of the country.” Meanwhile, the PDP patron and the former chief minister said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir have spoken– and ‘spoken decisive- ly’. “As I extend my gratitude to the people for reposing their faith and trust in Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and ensuring a remarkable and historic victory for the party, I am in no doubt, at all, as to See Mufti on pg 07 C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K MONDAY 19 May | 2014 | 19 Rajab, 1435 AH | PAGES 08 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 138 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa) Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K http://www.zabarwantimes.com WEATHER TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM MINIMUM SUNSET ON(MONDAY) SUNRISE ON (TUESDAY) 05:27AM 07:29PM 10.9 0 C 20.9 0 C FORECAST FOR NEXT 24 HRS: FORECAST OF SRINAGAR: Light to moderate rain/ Thundershower would Light Rain/Thundershower.Maximum & Minimum temperatures will be around 20°C & 11°C respectively. Inside story See More On Pg 07 See More On Pg 07 Egypt court jails 163 Muslim Brotherhood supporters Egypt May 18:Days ahead of the pres- idential elections set May 26 and 27, Egyptian courts Sunday sentenced 163 supporters of toppled president Mohammed Morsi to 10 to 15 years in prison over violence that erupted last year, Xinhua reported Sunday. A court in Kafar Sheikh Delta prov- ince sentenced 126 Muslim Brother- hood supporters to 10 years in prison over violence that erupted last August in the province. The defendants were accused of storming police stations and inciting violence following the ouster of Morsi in July last year.Another court in the capital Cairo sentenced 37 supporters of Morsi to 15 years in prison over storming a metro station in NC condemns murder of youth in Sopore PG 06 PG 07 PG 06 SEOUL, South Korea — A 23-story apartment building that may have housed more than 90 families col- lapsed in Pyongyang, the North Kore- an capital, last week, a South Korean government official said on Sunday, after the North reported a “serious” accident at a construction site. Earlier Sunday, the North’s official Korean Central News Agency report- ed that the accident occurred at an apartment construction site in the Pyongchon district of Pyongyang on Tuesday, blaming “sloppy building” and “irresponsible supervision and control.” It said there were “human casualties” but did not give figures. But confirming the news to the South Korean news media on North Korea Admits to ‘Serious’ Building Collapse Poonch-Rajouri-Shopian deputation call on CM Mufti hopes Modi will address alienation, trust deficit in Kashmir Plans to spend vacations in US Body recovered in Budgam Youth found dead in Sopore Mentally unsound person missing Srinagar, May 18: Budgam po- lice recovered dead body of Tariq Ahmad Wani son of Mohammad Shaban resident of Bunpora, Sholipora Budgam at Chandpora Nallah.Police has started investi- gations under section 174 CrPC to ascertain the cause of the death. Srinagar, May 18: Sopore police recovered a body of a youth Adil Ahad Wani son of Mohammad Akbar resident of Krankshivan, Sopore from a nursery in Tarzoo area. The body bore bullet inju- ries. Police has registered a case and started the investigations. The body has been sent for Post Mortem. Meanwhile The Peo- ples Democratic Party (PDP) has strongly condemned the brutal killing of Aabid Nabi Dar, 24, of Sopore. In a statement, a party Spokesman said by splashing the blood of innocents on the ground nothing can be achieved. “Such killings only result into See Youth on pg 07 Srinagar, May 18: A mentally challenged person is reported to be missing from his home in Uri, Baramulla.Abdul Aziz Malik resi- dent of Nambla reported in police station Uri Baramulla that his 21 years old mentally unsound son Parviz Ahmad Malik is missing since 10-05-2014. Anybody having any information regarding the missing person may please inform Police Control Room, Srinagar on Dial 100. If GoI bases its Kashmir policy on reality, will lend full support: Mirwaiz “Non-NDA parties may have to form alliance for opposition status” New Delhi, May 18:Senior BJP lead- er Narendra Modi has said that this would be for the first time in the history of the country when parties outside the ruling coalition may have to form an alliance to formally attain the status of an opposition in Parliament. Addressing a gathering on the banks of river Ganga during his first visit to the temple town, a day after win- ning the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat he said that this is also a turning point in the country’s history as for the first time the leadership is going to fall in the hands of a generation which was born in the post-Indepen- dence era. Delighted over the massive major- ity gained by his party in the Lok Sabha polls, he said that first time a non-Congress party has been given clear majority to form the govern- ment. He said that except for the pe- riod under Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s rule, the country has always been ruled either by the Congress or by lose coalitions headed by people as- sociated with the Congress. Reports say that in his 30 minutes speech at the Dashashwamedh Ghat BJP leader said that he is commit- ted for the cleaning of river Ganga make it pollution free but this task could be completed with the help of people. Remembering father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi he said that in the year 2019 country will celebrate his 150 birth anniversary and it will be great homage to him if we start im- plementing his principle of Clean- liness and make Varanasi a clean city. Modi said that Spiritual Develop- ment and Economic growth are not contradictory terms. He said coun- try may become an economic super power along with its spiritual devel- opments. He reiterated that efforts will be made to establish Varanasi as Spiritual Capital of the country and said that it could be done with the cooperation of people. Reports say that a huge swarm of party supporters and local residents greeted Narendra Modi on his vis- it to temple town. Accompanied by party president Rajnath Singh and general secretary in-charge of the State Amit Shah, Modi was greeted by a sea of humanity. He spent nearly 45 minutes at the Kashi Vishwanath temple where he took part in Rudrabhishek See Alliance on pg 07 NC starts introspection, calls Core Group, office bearers meeting Srinagar, May 18 : After facing a com- plete rout in Lok Sabha elections, the National Conference is all set to go for a formal retrospection at party level and a series of meetings have been called in this regard. Reliable sources in the party told KNS that the party presi- dent Dr Farooq Abdullah will chair a meeting of the party core group comprising of over 20 members including some spe- cial invitees at party headquar- ters. Pertinently, Dr Farooq who was in Delhi to attend the last union cabinet meeting is arriv- ing in valley on Monday. According to a senior NC leader, the core group is scheduled to deliberate on various important issues that have surfaced after the ‘unexpected’ results in juts concluded Lok Sabha elections. A senior NC leader said as to know what led to a humiliat- ing defeat of all three NC can- didates despite having a good network of its cadres across the Valley, on Tuesday the Nation- al Conference high command has called for a meeting of its state, provincial, dis- trict upto block level party office bearers besides its legislators and the candidates who in vain fought the Lok Sabha elections this year at Nawah-e-Subh complex. The meeting will deliberate on the probable reasons behind the defeat of coalition candidates es- pecially in Kashmir valley. “All the MLAs, MLCs, district presi- dents, block presidents, district secretaries and the candidates who lost the elections have been invited to attend the meeting,” a senior NC leader told KNS wish- ing not to be named. He said that the meeting will de- liberate on key issues from pre- poll alliance with its coalition partner Congress, cross voting, impact of national issues, Afzal Guru hanging, 2010 killings, See NC on pg 07 C M Y K Would like to know reasons for debacle, tweets Omar Thanks people for historic verdict Srinagar, May 18 : Under civic ac- tion programme, a function was held by J&K Police department in the premises of society of Human Welfare and Education at School for differently able children at Solina near Ram Bagh Bridge, Srinagar. The function was orga- nized by Central Kashmir range Police Office Srinagar under the chairmanship of DIG CKR Sri- nagar Syed Aafad-ul-Mujtaba. According to a statement issued to KNS, speaking on the occasion, the DIG said that it is our humble attempt to help the school. Since it is a challenge to run this school, we have got some requests from the administration, and we will look into these requests. He said these articles meant for the spe- cially abled students are a token of love and assistance from police. We will try to help the school, in future as well. In his address he said that Police- men are friends of the society, however, while discharging his duties or enforcing the law, it has to get tough and it is this tough image which gets covered and presented before the people. The softer approaches and skills of the policemen remain unnoticed. Po- lice is a part of the society, See Study on pg 07 New Delhi, May 18: As Congress is shell-shocked over its worst-ev- er tally of 44 seats in Lok Sabha polls, the chorus for a thorough revamp and surgical actions to stem the rot have grown as its apex decision making body Con- gress Working Committee meets today. The meeting to be chaired by par- ty president Sonia Gandhi at the AICC headquarters is expected to last for around two hours and indications have it that the meet- ing could see a number of leaders raising uncomfortable questions about the performance of some key figures close to party Vice President Rahul Gandhi, who led the party campaign for 2014 Lok Sabha elections. Though there are murmurs re- garding the style of working of Rahul Gandhi itself, an exercise has already begun in the party to insulate him from the responsi- bility even as the Congress Vice President held himself responsi- ble for the poor show of the party in the elections. There are demands from the lead- ers that this time the customary practice of setting up a committee to go into the reasons for the de- feat and then forget it should not be repeated and accountability should be clearly fixed and action taken wherever there are individ- ual responsibilities. “Serious introspection is need- ed but surely not like in the past when suggestions arising out of the introspection were never im- plemented,” Anil Shastri, who is a Special Invitee to the CWC said on Twitter. Shastri, son of former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, has been maintaining ever since results were out that the party needs “serious introspection” and immediate corrective measures to check problems like party hop- pers managing to get tickets and old-time partymen being See CWC on pg 07 Study material distributed amoung specially-abled children CWC meets today in wake of poll debacle African leaders vow to wage ‘total war’ against Boko Haram militants in Nigeria New Delhi May 18: African leaders Summit in Paris have agreed to wage a war against Nigeria’s Boko Haram Islam- ic militants who had abducted 223 school girls in north-eastern Ni- geria last month, where it is based. The France Pres- ident Francois Hollande, who hosted the sum- mit, said region- al powers had pledged to share intelligence and co-ordinate action against the group. The summit was attended by President Francois Hollande, Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan and their counterparts from Benin, Cameroon, Niger and Chad. Thousands of people have been killed by Boko Haram in attacks in recent years and fresh attacks were reported in Nigeria and Cameroon overnight. EC to submit list of newly elected MPs to President Today The Election Commis- sion is to call on Presi- dent Pranab Mukher- jee this evening to submit the list of new Lok Sabha members. The list containing the names of all the 543 members of the Lok Sabha will be handed over to the President by a three-member Election Commission team headed by Chief Election Commission- er V S Sampath. The handing over of the list marks the See EC on pg 07 Decides to give tuff time to Board Fake sim card gang busted in Pulwama Srinagar, May 18 : Police busted a gang who used to make the fake voter ID cards and certificates, and using these documents for activat- ing the fake sim cards. They were using the fake stamp of a CRPF battalion. According to a police statement issued to KNS, these sim cards were then supplied to anti-national elements. Police has arrested Shabir Ahmad Naikoo son of Abdul Rafiq Naikoo resident of Aawneera Shopian present- ly running a Photostat shop (Zoon electronics) at Pulwama, Muzamil Ahmad son of See Fake on pg 07 ‘Policy of suppression, oppression will be resisted strongly’ Omar directs for early re-opening of Mughal Road

Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 19 May, 2014

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Mufti hopes Modi will address alienation, trust deficit in Kashmir Thanks people for historic verdict

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Page 1: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 19 May, 2014

Srinagar, May 18 (KNS): In connection with the Hafta Shohda Pro-gramme to remember shaheed-e-Milaat Moulvi Mohammad Farooq, Sha-heed-e-Hurriyat Khwaja Abdul Gani lone, mar-tyrs of Hawala and en-tire Kashmir, Hurriyat Conference (M) today organized a seminar ti-tled “Hawal incident: a bloody chapter in Kash-mir history” at Hurriyat headquarters at Rajbagh.Hurriyat Conference (M) Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq In his in-augural address, while paying rich tributes to Shaheed-e-Milaat, Sha-heed-e-Hurriyat, martyrs

of Hawala and entire Kashmir, said that their sacrifices for the cause were the priceless assets of the freedom struggle.In connection with Kash-mir solution, Mirwaiz stated that Hurriyat has

a clear stand. He said that if Government of India bases its policy on reality and initiates a meaningful dialogue by inviting Pakistani lead-ership and Kashmiri re-sistance leadership, Hur-riyat would lend its full support to the process. But if they continue their policy of suppression and military repression it will be resisted strongly at all levels.He said that the Indian defence expenditure was increasing year after year as billions of dollars were being spent on buy-ing weapons and arms while around half of the Indias population was living below the poverty line. Mirwaiz stated

See Mirwaiz on pg 07

SRINAGAR, MAY 18- Chief Minis-ter, Omar Abdullah today directed the concerned road communication Agency to reopen the Mughal Road and restore plying of traffic on it as early as possible. The road was closed due to the heavy snowfall and inclement weather during the win-ter. Talking to the deputation compris-ing people from Poonch, Rajouri and Shopian, which called on the Chief

Minister here and made a request in this regard, Omar Adbullah direct-ed the Authorities looking after the Mughal Road to fast track the repairs and restoration of damaged road stretches as early as possible so that people are benefitted by this import-ant road communication connecting Poonch, Rajouri and Jammu to the valley via Shopian and Bafliaz.The deputation expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister for his imme-diate response to their request and highlighted the need for making the Mughal Road all weather double-lane alternate National Highway.

Srinagar, May 18: Peoples Demo-cratic Party (PDP) patron Mufti Mo-hammad Sayeed, on Sunday said that people of Kashmir through their clear mandate in favour of PDP has further strengthened the party’s resolve to work towards ac-complishing its unfinished agenda of securing dignified peace, lasting stability and inclusive prosperity for the people of Jammu and Kash-mir.According to a statement issued to KNS, Mufti while congratulating Narendra Modi for his overwhelm-ing success across the country hoped that Modi’s developmental agenda will be intensive and po-litical agenda inclusive. “We con-gratulate Mr Modi and his party on their outstanding victory. We hope his developmental agenda is inten-sive and his political agenda is in-clusive. That is what is needed and

expected of him in his new role,” Mufti said.He hoped that the new Government at the Centre, under the leadership of Modi, will take tangible mea-sures to address the causes of alien-ation and trust deficit in Kashmir and work towards finding long-last-ing solution of the problem plagu-ing the region for the past more than six decades.“At the national level also people have voted and given a decisive mandate to the BJP for a strong and stable government at the Cen-tre. Mr Narendra Modi has got the political and electoral legitimacy to head the new Government as the Prime Minister. We must all re-spect this legitimacy that has been accorded to him by the people of the country.”Meanwhile, the PDP patron and the former chief minister said that

the people of Jammu and Kashmir have spoken– and ‘spoken decisive-ly’. “As I extend my gratitude to the people for reposing their faith and trust in Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and ensuring a remarkable and historic victory for the party, I am in no doubt, at all, as to

See Mufti on pg 07




MONDAY 19 May | 2014 | 19 Rajab, 1435 AH | PAGES 08 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 138 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa)Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&Khttp://www.zabarwantimes.com



07:29PM 10.9 0C 20.90C



Light to moderate rain/ Thundershower would

Light Rain/Thundershower.Maximum & Minimum temperatures will be around 20°C & 11°C respectively.

Inside story

See More On Pg 07

See More On Pg 07

Egypt court jails 163 Muslim Brotherhood supporters

Egypt May 18:Days ahead of the pres-idential elections set May 26 and 27, Egyptian courts Sunday sentenced 163 supporters of toppled president Mohammed Morsi to 10 to 15 years in prison over violence that erupted last year, Xinhua reported Sunday.A court in Kafar Sheikh Delta prov-ince sentenced 126 Muslim Brother-hood supporters to 10 years in prison over violence that erupted last August in the province.The defendants were accused of storming police stations and inciting violence following the ouster of Morsi in July last year.Another court in the capital Cairo sentenced 37 supporters of Morsi to 15 years in prison over storming a metro station in

NC condemns murder of youth in Sopore

PG 06 PG 07 PG 06

SEOUL, South Korea — A 23-story apartment building that may have housed more than 90 families col-lapsed in Pyongyang, the North Kore-an capital, last week, a South Korean government official said on Sunday, after the North reported a “serious” accident at a construction site.Earlier Sunday, the North’s official Korean Central News Agency report-ed that the accident occurred at an apartment construction site in the Pyongchon district of Pyongyang on Tuesday, blaming “sloppy building” and “irresponsible supervision and control.” It said there were “human casualties” but did not give figures.But confirming the news to the South Korean news media on

North Korea Admits to ‘Serious’ Building Collapse

Poonch-Rajouri-Shopian deputation call on CM

Mufti hopes Modi will address alienation, trust deficit in Kashmir

Plans to spend vacations in US

Body recovered in Budgam

Youth found dead in Sopore

Mentally unsound person missing

Srinagar, May 18: Budgam po-lice recovered dead body of Tariq Ahmad Wani son of Mohammad Shaban resident of Bunpora, Sholipora Budgam at Chandpora Nallah.Police has started investi-gations under section 174 CrPC to ascertain the cause of the death.

Srinagar, May 18: Sopore police recovered a body of a youth Adil Ahad Wani son of Mohammad Akbar resident of Krankshivan, Sopore from a nursery in Tarzoo area. The body bore bullet inju-ries.Police has registered a case and started the investigations. The body has been sent for Post Mortem. Meanwhile The Peo-ples Democratic Party (PDP) has strongly condemned the brutal killing of Aabid Nabi Dar, 24, of Sopore. In a statement, a party Spokesman said by splashing the blood of innocents on the ground nothing can be achieved. “Such killings only result into

See Youth on pg 07

Srinagar, May 18: A mentally challenged person is reported to be missing from his home in Uri, Baramulla.Abdul Aziz Malik resi-dent of Nambla reported in police station Uri Baramulla that his 21 years old mentally unsound son Parviz Ahmad Malik is missing since 10-05-2014.Anybody having any information regarding the missing person may please inform Police Control Room, Srinagar on Dial 100.

If GoI bases its Kashmir policy on reality, will lend full support: Mirwaiz

“Non-NDA parties may have to form alliance for opposition status”

New Delhi, May 18:Senior BJP lead-er Narendra Modi has said that this would be for the first time in the history of the country when parties outside the ruling coalition may have to form an alliance to formally attain the status of an opposition in Parliament. Addressing a gathering on the banks of river Ganga during his first visit to the temple town, a day after win-ning the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat he said that this is also a turning point in the country’s history as for the first time the leadership is going to fall in the hands of a generation which was born in the post-Indepen-dence era.Delighted over the massive major-ity gained by his party in the Lok Sabha polls, he said that first time a non-Congress party has been given

clear majority to form the govern-ment. He said that except for the pe-riod under Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s rule, the country has always been ruled either by the Congress or by lose coalitions headed by people as-sociated with the Congress.Reports say that in his 30 minutes speech at the Dashashwamedh Ghat BJP leader said that he is commit-ted for the cleaning of river Ganga make it pollution free but this task could be completed with the help of people. Remembering father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi he said that in the year 2019 country will celebrate his 150 birth anniversary and it will be great homage to him if we start im-plementing his principle of Clean-liness and make Varanasi a clean city.

Modi said that Spiritual Develop-ment and Economic growth are not contradictory terms. He said coun-try may become an economic super power along with its spiritual devel-opments. He reiterated that efforts will be made to establish Varanasi as Spiritual Capital of the country and said that it could be done with the cooperation of people.Reports say that a huge swarm of party supporters and local residents greeted Narendra Modi on his vis-it to temple town. Accompanied by party president Rajnath Singh and general secretary in-charge of the State Amit Shah, Modi was greeted by a sea of humanity. He spent nearly 45 minutes at the Kashi Vishwanath temple where he took part in Rudrabhishek

See Alliance on pg 07

NC starts introspection, calls Core Group, office bearers meeting

Srinagar, May 18 : After facing a com-plete rout in Lok Sabha elections, the National Conference is all set to go for a formal retrospection at party level and a series of meetings have been called in this regard.Reliable sources in the party told KNS that the party presi-dent Dr Farooq Abdullah will chair a meeting of the party core group comprising of over 20 members including some spe-cial invitees at party headquar-ters. Pertinently, Dr Farooq who was in Delhi to attend the last union cabinet meeting is arriv-ing in valley on Monday. According to a senior NC leader, the core group is scheduled to deliberate on various important issues that have surfaced after the ‘unexpected’ results in juts concluded Lok Sabha elections. A senior NC leader said as to know what led to a humiliat-ing defeat of all three NC can-didates despite having a good

network of its cadres across the Valley, on Tuesday the Nation-al Conference high command has called for a meeting of its state, provincial, dis-trict upto block level party office bearers

besides its legislators and the candidates who in vain fought the Lok Sabha elections this year at Nawah-e-Subh complex. The meeting will deliberate on the probable reasons behind the defeat of coalition candidates es-pecially in Kashmir valley. “All the MLAs, MLCs, district presi-dents, block presidents, district secretaries and the candidates who lost the elections have been invited to attend the meeting,” a senior NC leader told KNS wish-ing not to be named.He said that the meeting will de-liberate on key issues from pre-poll alliance with its coalition partner Congress, cross voting, impact of national issues, Afzal Guru hanging, 2010 killings,

See NC on pg 07


Would like to know reasons for debacle, tweets Omar

Thanks people for historic verdict

Srinagar, May 18 : Under civic ac-tion programme, a function was held by J&K Police department in the premises of society of Human Welfare and Education at School for differently able children at Solina near Ram Bagh Bridge, Srinagar. The function was orga-nized by Central Kashmir range Police Office Srinagar under the chairmanship of DIG CKR Sri-nagar Syed Aafad-ul-Mujtaba.According to a statement issued to KNS, speaking on the occasion, the DIG said that it is our humble attempt to help the school. Since it is a challenge to run this school, we have got some requests from

the administration, and we will look into these requests. He said these articles meant for the spe-cially abled students are a token of love and assistance from police. We will try to help the school, in future as well.In his address he said that Police-men are friends of the society, however, while discharging his duties or enforcing the law, it has to get tough and it is this tough image which gets covered and presented before the people. The softer approaches and skills of the policemen remain unnoticed. Po-lice is a part of the society,

See Study on pg 07

New Delhi, May 18: As Congress is shell-shocked over its worst-ev-er tally of 44 seats in Lok Sabha polls, the chorus for a thorough revamp and surgical actions to stem the rot have grown as its apex decision making body Con-gress Working Committee meets today.The meeting to be chaired by par-ty president Sonia Gandhi at the AICC headquarters is expected to last for around two hours and indications have it that the meet-ing could see a number of leaders raising uncomfortable questions about the performance of some key figures close to party Vice President Rahul Gandhi, who led the party campaign for 2014 Lok Sabha elections. Though there are murmurs re-garding the style of working of Rahul Gandhi itself, an exercise has already begun in the party to insulate him from the responsi-bility even as the Congress Vice President held himself responsi-

ble for the poor show of the party in the elections. There are demands from the lead-ers that this time the customary practice of setting up a committee to go into the reasons for the de-feat and then forget it should not be repeated and accountability should be clearly fixed and action taken wherever there are individ-ual responsibilities. “Serious introspection is need-ed but surely not like in the past when suggestions arising out of the introspection were never im-plemented,” Anil Shastri, who is a Special Invitee to the CWC said on Twitter. Shastri, son of former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, has been maintaining ever since results were out that the party needs “serious introspection” and immediate corrective measures to check problems like party hop-pers managing to get tickets and old-time partymen being

See CWC on pg 07

Study material distributed amoung specially-abled children

CWC meets today in wake of poll debacle

African leaders vow to wage ‘total war’ against Boko Haram

militants in NigeriaNew Delhi May 18: African leaders Summit in Paris have agreed to wage a war against Nigeria’s Boko Haram Islam-ic militants who had abducted 223 school girls in north-eastern Ni-geria last month, where it is based. The France Pres-ident Francois Hollande, who hosted the sum-mit, said region-al powers had pledged to share intelligence and co-ordinate action against the group. The summit was attended by President Francois Hollande, Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan

and their counterparts from Benin, Cameroon, Niger and Chad. Thousands of people have

been killed by Boko Haram in attacks in recent years and fresh attacks were reported in Nigeria and Cameroon overnight.

EC to submit list of newly elected MPs to President Today

The Election Commis-sion is to call on Presi-dent Pranab Mukher-jee this evening to submit the list of new Lok Sabha members. The list containing the names of all the 543 members of the Lok Sabha will be handed over to the President by a three-member Election Commission team headed by Chief Election Commission-er V S Sampath. The handing over of the list marks the

See EC on pg 07

Decides to give tuff time to Board

Fake sim card gang busted in PulwamaSrinagar, May 18 : Police busted a gang who used to make the fake voter ID cards and certificates, and using these documents for activat-ing the fake sim cards. They were using the fake stamp of a CRPF battalion. According to a police statement issued to KNS, these sim cards were then supplied to anti-national elements. Police has arrested Shabir Ahmad Naikoo son of Abdul Rafiq Naikoo resident of Aawneera Shopian present-ly running a Photostat shop (Zoon electronics) at Pulwama, Muzamil Ahmad son of

See Fake on pg 07

‘Policy of suppression, oppression will be resisted strongly’

Omar directs for early re-opening of Mughal Road

Page 2: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 19 May, 2014

07 Srinagar, Monday 19 May 2014 Zabarwan Times


Owner , Printer & Publisher: Suhail Malik Editor -in-Chief: Shahana Malik RNI NO. JKBII/2011/39764, Email: [email protected] Publised at Govt. Quarters , M-13 Magarmal Bagh Srinagar-190001 J&K, Printed at:- Sangarmal Offset Press Humhama Sheikhpora Tele/Fax: 2478370 Cell No. 09999964750, 9796 787844









what it means.I am especially humbled by the overwhelming en-dorsement of my party’s political and economic agen-da by the State’s young population who have started playing decisive role in democratic exercises as is ev-ident from the results of the recent Lok Sabha polls. Time has come for the State’s youth to fully assert themselves to become active partners in political de-cision-making processes.”Mufti said: “I compliment the PDP cadres from the core of my heart for having successfully and effective-ly carried the party’s political and economic agenda to the grassroots level. They sacrificed their personal in-terests for the larger objective of ensuring peace and dignity for the State and its people and it is because of the untiring efforts of the PDP cadres that their par-ty has today become a real people’s movement across Jammu and Kashmir. I also express my appreciation for the Election Commission of India (ECI) for ensur-ing by and large free, fair and peaceful elections in Jammu & Kashmir with the endorsement of the Cen-tral Government led by Dr Manmohan Singh. Equally commendable is the role played by the State Adminis-tration in accomplishing this drawn-out and massive democratic exercise smoothly.”The PDP patron said that the results of the Lok Sabha polls make it amply clear that the people of the State have come together with their powerful voice and expressed their will in un-ambiguous verdict. They have affirmed our course. They have told us to move forward.Jammu & Kashmir is at the threshold of a momentous transformation and it today needs, more than ever be-fore, a caring government, which only a truly commit-ted political party can provide. I reiterate my party’s resolve to work hand-in-hand with the progressive and democratic forces in the country and the region to facilitate dignified resolution of the Kashmir issue and the issues confronting Jammu and Kashmir.“I visualize a space of dignity, opportunity and pros-perity for the people my people in the paradigm of friendship and cooperative relationship between India and Pakistan as envisioned in PDP’s Self-Rule document. The State can’t remain aloof from the mas-sive economic progress taking place in the country and the region and our enterprising young genera-tion has to be provided a more congenial atmosphere to flourish and assimilate into the free and flourish-ing global market economy.”The statement added: “I assure my people that PDP would work towards ac-complishing its unfinished agenda of securing digni-fied peace, lasting stability and inclusive prosperity for the people of Jammu and Kashmir, who have suf-fered countless miseries over the years. It would be our endeavor to carry the voice of Jammu & Kashmir to all parts of the country and use all forums includ-ing the Assembly, Parliament and other democratic platforms to secure the political and economic rights of the State and its people.”Mufti said that he urged everybody, cutting across the political divide, let us make a new beginning, and move forward to confront the great challenges people of Jammu and Kashmir are facing. Let us rise as one to meet these defining challenges of our time, so that our future generations, thank us and say truly this was the turning point in J&K’s turbulent history. (KNS)

local developmental issues and a wide disconnect with the youth. Meanwhile, the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah held a meeting with some of his cabinet colleagues and par-ty MLAs tacking stock of over political situation in the state. A senior leader of the NC who participated in the meeting said that they deliberated on various issues saying that a comprehensive strategy will be chalked out to gear up before the upcoming assembly elections in the state. Meanwhile, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today sought feedback from people in order to know the causes behind the rejection of NC candidates in Lok Sabha elections.Omar tweeted: “[email protected] is my email. I’d like to hear from you as to the reasons for the enor-mous setback (the) NC has faced in these elections.”The chief minister informed the public that he has already started retrospection following the surpris-ing defeat but wanted to have the feedback from the ground. “I’ve started the process of introspection and am listening to voices within the party but I need to hear from people other than colleagues (too). I want to learn, I need to learn. I’d like to try and make amends. I’ll give it my best shot and I’d rather fail trying than not try at all,” he wrote on the twitter.Sources in the NC said that the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has taken the defeat of NC candidate very seriously as according to sources the same can have a ripple effect in the upcoming assembly elections. “What the NC leadership is worried is that its own ministers have not performed well in their respective constituencies. This can have serious impact on the overall party performance in the upcoming assembly elections,” a senior leader in NC told KNS, pleading anonymity.

the rulers in Delhi should apprise people in India about the historical context to the Kashmir dispute. He said Kashmiris have already rejected the so called polls in Kashmir and have conveyed their mes-sage loud and clear.

Mohammad Khalil Wani resident of Banoor and Mo-hammad Yaseen Reshi son of Ali Mohammad Reshi running a shop Gowsia Telecom resident of Gadoora and recovered at least 100 sim cards, fake passbooks, school certificates, computer, scanner and printer from the spot. A case FIR number 108 under section 420, 467, 468, 471 and 120/B has been registered in this regard and investigation is going on. More arrests are expected. (KNS)

ignored in the process. Accepting responsibility for the poll debacle, Sonia and Rahul have conceded that the mandate in the Lok Sabha polls was “clearly against” Congress and said there was “lot for us to think about”. As several Union Cabinet ministers lost in their re-spective seats miserably, a senior party leader said that there was a total disconnect of the ministers with party workers and their “arrogance” is to be blamed for the backlash against the party. There is also a view that Congress has paid the price for not having strong regional leaders and “ignoring” a few of them, who could have held the fort. A general view in the Congress is that the issue of price rise and corruption went against the party and the situation was exploited to the hilt by Narendra Modi by tapping the anti-incumbency sentiment.

beginning of the process of government formation when the President can initiated moves in this re-gard.In the 2009 Lok Sabha polls, the “due constitution” list was handed over to President Pratibha Patil on May 18 after the counting of votes on May 16.

and I wish to request the civil society to come and help this school which is running for a noble cause. He praised the model under which differently abled children are being taught with the normal students.Sh. Syed Aafad-ul- Mujtaba distributed Braille Books along with full set of uniforms, stationary items and beddings among the differently abled students of the school, in addition other items of ration and first aid Medicines were also offered to the school authority.On the conclusion of function Mr. Qazi Moham-mad Amin (Retd-IAS) chairman of the society ex-tended his thanks for the Police Department in general and for central Kashmir range in partic-ular for conducting such programs in the school. Among others who attended the function includ-ed, Sh. Amit Kumar SSP Srinagar, SDPO Sadder Sh. Feroz Qadri, SDPO Shaheed Gunj Sh. Imran Fa-rooq, DySP Hqr’s Abdul Aziz Qadri, DySP DAR Sh. Riyaz Ahmad Wani, CPO Srinagar Sh. Ejaz Ahmad, SHO’s of south city Srinagar. (KNS)

ceremony performed by 11 highly-qualified priests. After performing Ganga poojan, he participated in Ganga Aarati and spent close to an hour watch-ing the exquisitely choreographed ritual of Ganga Aarati.Several newly elected candidates of the party from neighboring districts and even from Bihar were also present on the Ghat to welcome him.

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Srinagar, May 18 : National Conference Spokes-person Junaid Azim mattu has said that the party condemns the murder of a 24 year old youth named Abid in Sopore and extends solidarity with the bereaved family.Demanding a thorough and time-bound investigation to reveal the perpetrators of the crime so that they can be brought to the book, Mattu said that such tragedies are inconsolable and bring unimaginable pain and agony with them.Mattu said that National Conference demands that the police ascertains the circumstances that lead to this tragedy and ensures that justice is swift, effec-tive and visible. Mattu said that the Valley has seen enough blood-shed and such incidents are crimes against the spirit of humanity and the essence of life. (KNS)

NC condemns murder of youth in Sopore

North Korea Admits to ‘Serious’ Building CollapseSEOUL, South Korea — A 23-story apartment building that may have housed more than 90 families col-lapsed in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, last week, a South Korean government official said on Sunday, after the North report-ed a “serious” accident at a con-struction site.Earlier Sunday, the North’s official Korean Central News Agency re-ported that the accident occurred at an apartment construction site in the Pyongchon district of Pyong-yang on Tuesday, blaming “slop-py building” and “irresponsible supervision and control.” It said there were “human casualties” but did not give figures.But confirming the news to the South Korean news media on con-dition of anonymity, an official at the Ministry of Unification in Seoul said on Sunday that “a con-siderable number of people” may have died in the accident.The North Korean news agency said that the Pyongyang govern-ment had organized a major rescue operation. It also reported a parade of senior government and ruling Workers’ Party officials apologiz-ing to the bereaved families and district residents.The South Korean official said that the 23-story building was under construction but was believed to have already housed as many as 92 families. In the North, families of-ten move into an apartment build-ing even before it is completed, the official said.According to the North Korean

news agency, the rescue operation ended Saturday. On Sunday, the Rodong Sinmun, the main party newspaper, and other North Ko-rean news media carried photos showing senior officials bowing in apology before what appeared to be a crowd of district residents gath-ered in a construction site.Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, “sat up all night, feeling painful after being told about the accident,” the North Korean report quoted Kim Su-gil, a senior party secretary in Pyongyang, as saying.Under Kim Jong-un’s rule, North Korea has initiated a slew of building projects, including a ski resort, amusement parks and tall apartment buildings in Pyong-yang and elsewhere. Pyongyang is home to those most loyal to Mr. Kim’s government.His government emphasized speed in building projects, setting deadlines and exhorting soldiers and workers at the work sites to finish their tasks ahead of time.Although defectors from the North have reported frequent building accidents, it is rare for its government to report them. The South Korean news media speculated that the North’s swift reporting of the accident may indi-cate a high death toll. The last time North Korea admitted to a major accident was in 2004, when an ex-plosion at a train station in Ryong-chon, a city near the border with China, killed or injured hundreds of people.Compared with his reclusive late

father, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un has also been casting himself as a hands-on leader more perceptive about the people’s well-being. The North’s state-run news media often shows him meeting ordinary peo-ple and pointing out mistakes com-mitted by the local government and party officials.The report of the North Korean accident came as South Korea was struggling to overcome the trauma of the sinking of a ferry on April 16 that left 304 people dead or missing, the vast majority of them high school students. North Korea has recently cited the ferry disas-ter in its criticism of South Korea. The South Korean government of President Park Geun-hye has been under growing public pressure for failing to prevent the disaster and mishandling the rescue oper-ations.Thousands of people holding can-dles rallied in central Seoul on Saturday evening, some of them calling on Ms. Park to step down. The police blocked hundreds of them from marching on her presi-dential palace and detained 115 for questioning.“We won’t stay put!” read some of the signs held by antigovernment protesters, who said they could no longer trust Ms. Park’s govern-ment. Hundreds of students were trapped inside the ferry after the ship’s crew repeatedly urged them to stay put. The first coast guard of-ficials to arrive at the scene made little effort to reach inside the dan-gerously listing vessel.

Egypt court jails 163 Muslim Brotherhood supportersEgypt May 18:Days ahead of the presidential elections set May 26 and 27, Egyptian courts Sunday sentenced 163 supporters of toppled president Mohammed Morsi to 10 to 15 years in prison over violence that erupted last year, Xinhua reported Sunday.A court in Kafar Sheikh Delta prov-ince sentenced 126 Muslim Brother-hood supporters to 10 years in pris-on over violence that erupted last August in the province.The defendants were accused of storming police stations and incit-ing violence following the ouster of Morsi in July last year.Another court in the capital Cairo sentenced 37 supporters of Morsi to 15 years in

prison over storming a metro station in Giza province in December last year.They were also charged with obstructing the traffic, possession of weapons and attempt to kill a police officer, Xinhua quoted the official MENA news agency as saying.Se-curity forces used excessive force to disperse two major pro-Morsi sit-ins in mid-August last year in Cairo and Giza, leaving about 1,000 killed and thousands of others arrested.In response, furious supporters of the deposed president staged anti-po-lice rallies across the country that extended to storm police stations in dozens of provinces, including Kafar Sheikh.The Brotherhood group was blacklisted by the interim-govern-

ment last December as a "terrorist organization".In Sunday's trial, the charges also included members of the blacklisted Brotherhood.As judge Hassan Fareed of Kafar Sheikh Delta province read out the sentence, the defendants chanted "down with military rule," in refer-ence to the presidential candidate, former army chief Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who led the overthrow of Mosi.The sentences came after nearly 700 supporters of Muslim Brotherhood were sen-tenced to death last month, which sparked an international outcry and raised questions over the indepen-dence and justice of Egypt's judicia-ry system.

No report of progress as latest nuclear talks conclude

The fourth round of nu-clear talks between Iran and the 5+1 has ended in Vienna with no an-nouncement of the re-sult. While past sessions have ended with press conferences to announce a certain level of prog-ress, this time the talks ended without any state-ments from EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton or Iranian For-eign Minister Moham-mad Javad Zarif. Iranian national television has announced that the talks ended without any reso-lutions and with no date set for the next round.

Last night, the U.S. rep-resentative in the 5+1 delegation, Wendy Sher-man, assessed the prog-ress of the talks as slow.Top Iranian diplomat Abbas Araghchi said while the talks were seri-ous and positive, no spe-cific progress was made in drafting the final agreement. He assessed this as a natural outcome at this stage of the talks, when the parties leave behind the general dis-cussions and try to ham-mer out the final agree-ment.There have been no official reports regarding contentious issues.

tragedies,” he said.According to a statement issued to KNS, expressing solidarity with the bereaved family the Spokesman demanded a thorough probe into the matter so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice as soon as possible. (KNS)