C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K FRIDAY 14 February | 2014 | 13 Rabi-Al-Thani 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 45 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa) Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K http://www.zabarwantimes.com No malls constructed against provision of law: Jora NC bartered power resources; now beating chest: PDP See More On Page 06 See More On Page 10 See More On Page 11 Never relied on beauty tips See More On Page 06 Denied news of separation with Sania Rather presents coalition Govt’s 6th consecutive budget Budget Session 2014 WEATHER TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM MINIMUM SUNSET ON(FRIDAY) SUNRISE ON (SATURDAY) 07:17 AM 06:14PM -4.0 0 C 11.0 0 C FORECAST FOR NEXT 24 HRS: FORECAST OF SRINAGAR: Light Rain/Snow would occur at a few places over the state. Partly cloudy sky. Maximum &Minimum temperatures will be around 09°C & -04°C respectively. Inside story On Edit Page Stray dog menace- A grave problem See More On Pg 09 See More On Pg 11 Shooting stone kills minor Kashmir valley is confronted with many problems including the erratic pow- er and water supply besides other day to day problems which make the life of common people a hell in this chilly winter. In addition to the big problems there are smaller problems which have made the life risky particularly that of children, women and old people. For ex- ample the menace of stray dogs in the city of Srinagar as well as in other towns and villages is assuming the shape of one of the most dangerous problems. The stray dogs have increased many fold, so have increased the number of the people mostly children and wom- en who have been bitten by the stray Omar greets people on Guru Ravi Dass Birthday Jammu, Feb 13 (KNS): Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah has greeted people on birth anniversary of Guru Ravi Dass Ji wishing them well being and prosperity. In a felicitation message, the Chief Min- ister said that the best homage to Guru Ji would be to create a society free from evils and making justice and equality rule the roost. Omar also prayed for the peace and progress of the State and the Country. (KNS) PDP opposed return of power projects from NHPC: NC Except for a routine exercise, budget has nothing to offer: AMM Jammu, Feb 13: e Minister for Finance and Ladakh Affairs, Mr. Abdul Rahim Rather today presented an innovative, tax free and pro-people Budget in the Jammu and Kash- mir Legislative Assembly. e budget reflecting policies and pro- grammes of the coalition government, aims at to give right direction to the state’s econom- ic growth and development within the avail- able resources. In his 115 minutes long Budget speech, Mr. Rather said that despite limited financial re- sources and multiple problems confronting the State, every possible effort has been made to provide succor to various sections of the society including trade, industry, tourism, farming community and other stake holders. He said this is the 2nd time in the legislative history of the state that six consecutive bud- gets were presented in a row by a government under a single leader. e Budget shows a total expenditure of Rs. 43543 crore with a capital component of Rs. 10595 crore. e Budget shows own estimat- ed tax revenue of Rs. 7496 crore and share of central taxes upto Rs. 5191 crore and central non-plan grant of Rs. 2096 crore. See Rather On Page 11.. Jammu, Feb 13 (KNS): e Awami Mutahida Mahaz (AMM) has said that the budget 2014-2015 presented by the government in Legislative Assembly today reflects rosy figures and is devoid of any relief for the common man. According to a joint statement issued by Mohammad You- suf Tarigami and Hakim Mohammad Yasin, the two senior leaders of AMM have said that the budget has nothing sig- nificant to offer and instead has furthered desperation and disappointment for different sections of society be it the un- employed educated youth, people associated with business, agriculture, horticulture, handicraſts, causal labourers, daily wagers, ASHAs, contractuals, SPOs, old aged and handi- capped, Nambardars and Chowkidars. ere is no mention of budgetary provisions for newly created administrative. “e AMM is dismayed over the response to the grave unemployment crisis in the state as the present budget lacks comprehensive plan to address the unemployment crisis in the state. It was expected from the present budget to miti- gate the sufferings of the educated youth who are craving for jobs and most of them being at the verge of age bar. Handicraſts sector which is considered as traditional source of employment, is shrinking and the people associated with the business are sure to be dismayed as their aspirations have not been reflected.” e two leaders said that the budget is also silent about the delayed payment of wages to the casual labourers working in different departments for years together. Similarly, the budget has not mentioned anything about See AMM On Page 11.. No roadmap to address unemployment, price rise Srinagar, Feb 13: Stating that the only thing good about the budget presented by National Conference led coalition gov- ernment before the assembly today is that it is the last one from the NC, opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) urs- day termed it ‘another clerical statement of accounts’. Talking to KNS, PDP chief spokesman Naeem Akhtar while slamming the gov- ernment over presenting the budget that according to him is ‘anti-people’ stated that the budget is meant See PDP On Page 11.. Good thing about budget is that it is NC’s last one: PDP New Delhi, Feb 13: e President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee opened the 45th Conference of Governors at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi today (February 13, 2014). e Conference is being at- tended by Twenty-six Governors and three Lt. Governors. e agenda for the two-day Con- ference of Governors includes external and internal security en- vironment, development issues in Scheduled Areas and North East- ern region, improving the quality of higher education and making di- saster management more effective. In his opening address at the Con- ference, the President said the Role of Governors is as a bridge between States and Centre. Governors have to ensure that State Governments act according to the Constitution while safeguarding the interests of the state. is is the unique respon- sibility of a Governor as they repre- sent the Centre in the State and the State at the Centre. e President called upon Governors to remain alert and ensure that the coming general election to the 16th Lok Sabha is peaceful and conducive to free expression of the will of the people. e President See PresidentOn Page 11.. President inaugurates 45th Conference of Governors Asks Governors to represent the centre in the states Srinagar, Feb 13: Two Hizbul Mujahideen militants were killed in an encounter with a joint team of army and police in Shopian district of south Kashmir on ursday. Reports reaching GNS said that acting on specific inputs about the presence of mili- tants, army’s 44 RR and SOG laid a cordon around Ga- gloora village in Pinjora area of Shopian district this aſter- noon. When the joint team 2 Hizb militants killed in Shopian encounter 9 persons injured in clashes, 3 shifted to SKIMS Soura started combing operations, the militants hiding in a res- idential house opened indis- criminate fire upon the search team. “e joint team returned the fire triggering off fierce encounter. In the ensuing gun-battle that continued for over an hour, two HM mili- tants were killed,” reports said. e slain militants have been identified as Abid Ahmad Rather son of Ghulam Mohd of Vehail Shopian, and Irshad Ahmad of Zainpora, Shopian. However, sources said that one more militant identified as Waseem Ahmad of Pehlipora, Shopian was also present in the village when the encoun- ter raged. His fate remains unknown. e death of the militants sparked off violent protests in the area. Scores of people shouting See Encounter On Page 11.. New Delhi, Feb 13: Cracking the whip, Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar on ursday suspended 18 MPs from Andhra Pradesh for rest of the session aſter unprece- dented pandemonium broke out in the House over the Telangana issue. Kumar announced the deci- sion soon aſter the House met at 2 PM aſter being adjourned in the wake of the ruckus created at noon by pepper spraying and fisticuffs among members opposing and sup- porting Telangana. She named the members and said they had been suspend- ed under Rule 374 A which says that a member can "be suspended from the service of the House for a period not exceeding the remainder of the session" for disregarding "the authority of the Chair or abusing the rules of the House by persistently See LS On Page 11.. 18 Andhra MPs suspended from LS Jammu, Feb 13: Demanding immediate release of the youth arrested in past few days in Kashmir, People Democratic Party President Mehbooba Muſti today condemned the intolerance shown by the state government. According to a PDP statement issued to KNS, while intervening during question hour, she said Kashmir has been virtually converted into a prison where only Govt and its apologists enjoy freedom of and that there is genuine sense of alienation among the people as teenagers are arrest- ed under draconian laws and the place has been virtually handed over to police and security forces. Bandipore police has arrested several boys and one of them is booked under PSA and two among them has been sent to juvenile detention centre because their age is below 13 years. PSA was slapped on Arif Hussain wani on Jan 31 and he is in Udhampur Hospital in serious condition. Mehbooba said imprisonment of teenag- ers, who should have been in school is the real poster of present government's performance. Mehbooba said there is sense of anger in Kashmir and even liberal section of the Indian society that Afzal Guru had been wronged by picking him out of the death roll from 28th number to fit into the po- litical strategy of the ruling party. She said subsequent relief by the Supreme Court granted to the convicts whose execution has been commuted has further deep- ened the feeling of anger and discrimina- tion among the people. "Instead of trying to empathize with the public sentiment, the state govt let loose its might on mourners who wanted to ex- press sympathy with Guru’s family who were jdenied even the See Mehbooba On Page 11.. Kashmir converted into prison, only Govt, its apologists enjoy freedom: Mehbooba Srinagar, Feb 13 (KNS): e court of principal and session judge Srinagar ursday convicted Riyaz Ahmad Nath- of carrying out an attempt to murder while throwing acid on a girl on January 3, last year e court will however decide the quantum of punishment on Friday. According to the KNS court cor- respondent, principal and session judge Srinagar Mohammad Shafi Khan aſter hearing the prayers of both the sides, held accused Riyaz Ahmad Nath convicted of carrying out acid attack on the victim. “e acid attack has disfigured the face of the victim and the same is a pun- ishable offence under section 307 of RPC.” e details informed further that the court also retreated the Supreme court judgment that the sale of the deadly acids must be made under the proper guidelines in the market till the formation of the formal or- ders. e court also issued directions to the district administration so that the sale of the acids be brought un- der the issued guidelines. In the acid attack case the state was represented by advocate AA Teli and the accused was defended by Ad- vocate Mushtaq Ahmad Dar. Per- tinently, a woman suffered serious burns in an acid attack on Januray 3,2013 in uptown city. e incident took place when the 30-year-old victim (name withheld), a teacher at a private tuition centre in Barzulla locality, was on her way to the centre, where she has been teaching for over a year. A youth intercepted her and sprinkled acid over her face. e woman suffered serious burn injuries on face and arm in the attack. She was instantly removed to SMHS Hospital. Police had arrested the accused identified as Reyaz Ahmad Nath, son of Ghulam See AcidOn Page 11.. Srinagar Acid attack case Man convicted for attempt to murder Srinagar, Feb 13, CNS: Kashmiri highly acclaimed cricketer Parvez Rasool, who was sold out at Rs 95 lakhs in the Indian Premier League Auction to Sun Risers Hyderabad ursday said that he is very thankful to Al- mighty Allah for His blessings upon him. “I have no regrets that I did not get chance to represent India. ese are the decisions taken by management and I welcome such decisions at every level. Cricket is my passion and I am hopeful that this season, I will per- form well in Indian Premier League,” Parvez Rasool told Srinagar based news gathering See Sunrisers On Page 11.. Sunrisers shell out Rs 95 Lakhs for Parvez Rasool Thanks to Almighty for His blessings Ganderbal, Feb 13: A minor girl died while two others sustained injuries when a shooting stone struck their residential house in Kangan area of Central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district. Police said that a stone rolled down from hill and struck the residential house of Muhammad Din Khatana son of Suliman Khatana resident of Kuchpathri Ganiwan near Power Dam-Kangan. Six years old Iqra daughter of Mo- hammad-Din Khatana died on spot while her sister and mother sustained injuries. Both the injured were shiſted to Hospital for treatment. (CNS) Srinagar, Feb 13: National Confer- ence legislators, Ali Mohammad Dar, Ghulam Qadir Pardesi, Dr. B. A. Veeri, Showkat Hussain Ganai, Ab- dul Majid Bhat on ursday strongly condemned the act of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) legislators saying that they were surprised for the ‘change of PDP’s stand and their double speak’ on return of power projects from NHPC to Jammu and Kashmir. In a statement issued to KNS, the NC legislators strongly ‘condemned the change of position of PDP and said that it is another indication of the party having entered into an implicate agreement with See NC On Page 11..

Zabarwan Times E Paper English 14 February

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Rather presents coalition Govt’s 6th consecutive budget

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Page 1: Zabarwan Times E Paper English 14 February





FRIDAY 14 February | 2014 | 13 Rabi-Al-Thani 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 45 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa)Pen For JusticeLargely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&Khttp://www.zabarwantimes.com

No malls constructedagainst provision of law: Jora

NC bartered power resources; now beating chest: PDP

See More On Page 06

See More On Page 10

See More On Page 11 Never relied on beauty tips

See More On Page 06

Denied news of separation with Sania

Rather presents coalition Govt’s 6th consecutive budget

Budget Session 2014



06:14PM -4.0 0C 11.0 0C



Light Rain/Snow would occur at a few places over the state.

Partly cloudy sky. Maximum &Minimum temperatures will be around 09°C & -04°C respectively.

Inside story

On Edit PageStray dog menace- A

grave problem

See More On Pg 09

See More On Pg 11

Shooting stone kills minor

Kashmir valley is confronted with many problems including the erratic pow-er and water supply besides other day to day problems which make the life of common people a hell in this chilly winter. In addition to the big problems there are smaller problems which have made the life risky particularly that of children, women and old people. For ex-ample the menace of stray dogs in the city of Srinagar as well as in other towns and villages is assuming the shape of one of the most dangerous problems. The stray dogs have increased many fold, so have increased the number of the people mostly children and wom-en who have been bitten by the stray

Omar greets people on Guru Ravi Dass Birthday

Jammu, Feb 13 (KNS): Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah has greeted people on birth anniversary of Guru Ravi Dass Ji wishing them well being and prosperity.In a felicitation message, the Chief Min-ister said that the best homage to Guru Ji would be to create a society free from evils and making justice and equality rule the roost. Omar also prayed for the peace and progress of the State and the Country. (KNS)

PDP opposed return of power projects from


Except for a routine exercise, budget has

nothing to offer: AMM

Jammu, Feb 13: The Minister for Finance and Ladakh Affairs, Mr. Abdul Rahim Rather today presented an innovative, tax free and pro-people Budget in the Jammu and Kash-mir Legislative Assembly. The budget reflecting policies and pro-grammes of the coalition government, aims at to give right direction to the state’s econom-ic growth and development within the avail-

able resources. In his 115 minutes long Budget speech, Mr. Rather said that despite limited financial re-sources and multiple problems confronting the State, every possible effort has been made to provide succor to various sections of the society including trade, industry, tourism, farming community and other stake holders. He said this is the 2nd time in the legislative

history of the state that six consecutive bud-gets were presented in a row by a government under a single leader. The Budget shows a total expenditure of Rs. 43543 crore with a capital component of Rs. 10595 crore. The Budget shows own estimat-ed tax revenue of Rs. 7496 crore and share of central taxes upto Rs. 5191 crore and central non-plan grant of Rs. 2096 crore.

See Rather On Page 11..

Jammu, Feb 13 (KNS): The Awami Mutahida Mahaz (AMM) has said that the budget 2014-2015 presented by the government in Legislative Assembly today reflects rosy figures and is devoid of any relief for the common man.According to a joint statement issued by Mohammad You-suf Tarigami and Hakim Mohammad Yasin, the two senior leaders of AMM have said that the budget has nothing sig-nificant to offer and instead has furthered desperation and disappointment for different sections of society be it the un-employed educated youth, people associated with business, agriculture, horticulture, handicrafts, causal labourers, daily wagers, ASHAs, contractuals, SPOs, old aged and handi-capped, Nambardars and Chowkidars. There is no mention of budgetary provisions for newly created administrative. “The AMM is dismayed over the response to the grave unemployment crisis in the state as the present budget lacks comprehensive plan to address the unemployment crisis in the state. It was expected from the present budget to miti-gate the sufferings of the educated youth who are craving for jobs and most of them being at the verge of age bar. Handicrafts sector which is considered as traditional source of employment, is shrinking and the people associated with the business are sure to be dismayed as their aspirations have not been reflected.”The two leaders said that the budget is also silent about the delayed payment of wages to the casual labourers working in different departments for years together. Similarly, the budget has not mentioned anything about

See AMM On Page 11..

No roadmap to address unemployment, price rise

Srinagar, Feb 13: Stating that the only thing good about the budget presented by National Conference led coalition gov-ernment before the assembly today is that it is the last one from the NC, opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Thurs-day termed it ‘another clerical statement of accounts’.Talking to KNS, PDP chief spokesman Naeem Akhtar while slamming the gov-ernment over presenting the budget that according to him is ‘anti-people’ stated that the budget is meant

See PDP On Page 11..

Good thing about budget is that it is NC’s last one: PDP

New Delhi, Feb 13: The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee opened the 45th Conference of Governors at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi today (February 13, 2014). The Conference is being at-tended by Twenty-six Governors and three Lt. Governors. The agenda for the two-day Con-ference of Governors includes external and internal security en-vironment, development issues in Scheduled Areas and North East-ern region, improving the quality of higher education and making di-saster management more effective. In his opening address at the Con-ference, the President said the Role of Governors is as a bridge between States and Centre. Governors have to ensure that State Governments act according to the Constitution while safeguarding the interests of the state. This is the unique respon-

sibility of a Governor as they repre-sent the Centre in the State and the State at the Centre. The President called upon Governors to remain alert and ensure that the coming

general election to the 16th Lok Sabha is peaceful and conducive to free expression of the will of the people. The President

See PresidentOn Page 11..

President inaugurates 45th Conference of Governors

Asks Governors to represent the centre in the states

Srinagar, Feb 13: Two Hizbul Mujahideen militants were killed in an encounter with a joint team of army and police in Shopian district of south Kashmir on Thursday.Reports reaching GNS said that acting on specific inputs about the presence of mili-tants, army’s 44 RR and SOG laid a cordon around Ga-gloora village in Pinjora area of Shopian district this after-noon. When the joint team

2 Hizb militants killed in Shopian encounter

9 persons injured in clashes, 3 shifted to SKIMS Soura

started combing operations, the militants hiding in a res-idential house opened indis-criminate fire upon the search team.“The joint team returned the fire triggering off fierce encounter. In the ensuing gun-battle that continued for over an hour, two HM mili-tants were killed,” reports said.The slain militants have been identified as Abid Ahmad Rather son of Ghulam Mohd

of Vehail Shopian, and Irshad Ahmad of Zainpora, Shopian.However, sources said that one more militant identified as Waseem Ahmad of Pehlipora, Shopian was also present in the village when the encoun-ter raged. His fate remains unknown.The death of the militants sparked off violent protests in the area. Scores of people shouting

See Encounter On Page 11..

New Delhi, Feb 13: Cracking the whip, Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar on Thursday suspended 18 MPs from Andhra Pradesh for rest of the session after unprece-dented pandemonium broke out in the House over the Telangana issue. Kumar announced the deci-sion soon after the House met at 2 PM after being adjourned in the wake of the ruckus created at noon by pepper spraying and fisticuffs among members opposing and sup-porting Telangana. She named the members and said they had been suspend-ed under Rule 374 A which says that a member can "be suspended from the service of the House for a period not exceeding the remainder of the session" for disregarding "the authority of the Chair or abusing the rules of the House by persistently

See LS On Page 11..

18 Andhra MPs suspended

from LS

Jammu, Feb 13: Demanding immediate release of the youth arrested in past few days in Kashmir, People Democratic Party President Mehbooba Mufti today condemned the intolerance shown by the state government.According to a PDP statement issued to KNS, while intervening during question hour, she said Kashmir has been virtually converted into a prison where only Govt and its apologists enjoy freedom of and that there is genuine sense of alienation among the people as teenagers are arrest-ed under draconian laws and the place has been virtually handed over to police and security forces.Bandipore police has arrested several boys and one of them is booked under PSA and two among them has been sent to juvenile detention centre because their age is below 13 years. PSA was slapped on Arif Hussain wani on Jan 31 and he is in Udhampur Hospital in serious condition. Mehbooba said imprisonment of teenag-ers, who should have been in school is the real poster of present government's performance. Mehbooba said there is sense of anger in Kashmir and even liberal section of the Indian society that Afzal Guru had been

wronged by picking him out of the death roll from 28th number to fit into the po-litical strategy of the ruling party. She said subsequent relief by the Supreme Court granted to the convicts whose execution has been commuted has further deep-ened the feeling of anger and discrimina-tion among the people."Instead of trying to empathize with the public sentiment, the state govt let loose its might on mourners who wanted to ex-press sympathy with Guru’s family who were jdenied even the

See Mehbooba On Page 11..

Kashmir converted into prison, only Govt, its apologists enjoy

freedom: Mehbooba

Srinagar, Feb 13 (KNS): The court of principal and session judge Srinagar Thursday convicted Riyaz Ahmad Nath- of carrying out an attempt to murder while throwing acid on a girl on January 3, last yearThe court will however decide the quantum of punishment on Friday. According to the KNS court cor-respondent, principal and session judge Srinagar Mohammad Shafi Khan after hearing the prayers of both the sides, held accused Riyaz Ahmad Nath convicted of carrying out acid attack on the victim. “The acid attack has disfigured the face of the victim and the same is a pun-ishable offence under section 307 of RPC.” The details informed further that the court also retreated the Supreme court judgment that the sale of the deadly acids must be made under the proper guidelines in the market till the formation of the formal or-ders.

The court also issued directions to the district administration so that the sale of the acids be brought un-der the issued guidelines.In the acid attack case the state was represented by advocate AA Teli and the accused was defended by Ad-vocate Mushtaq Ahmad Dar. Per-tinently, a woman suffered serious burns in an acid attack on Januray 3,2013 in uptown city.The incident took place when the 30-year-old victim (name withheld), a teacher at a private tuition centre in Barzulla locality, was on her way to the centre, where she has been teaching for over a year. A youth intercepted her and sprinkled acid over her face. The woman suffered serious burn injuries on face and arm in the attack. She was instantly removed to SMHS Hospital.Police had arrested the accused identified as Reyaz Ahmad Nath, son of Ghulam

See AcidOn Page 11..

Srinagar Acid attack case

Man convicted for attempt to murder

Srinagar, Feb 13, CNS: Kashmiri highly acclaimed cricketer Parvez Rasool, who was sold out at Rs 95 lakhs in the Indian Premier League Auction to Sun Risers Hyderabad Thursday said that he is very thankful to Al-mighty Allah for His blessings upon him. “I have no regrets that I did not get chance to represent India. These are the decisions taken by management and I welcome such decisions at every level. Cricket is my passion and I am hopeful that this season, I will per-form well in Indian Premier League,” Parvez Rasool told Srinagar based news gathering

See Sunrisers On Page 11..

Sunrisers shell out Rs 95 Lakhs

for Parvez Rasool

Thanks to Almighty for His


Ganderbal, Feb 13: A minor girl died while two others sustained injuries when a shooting stone struck their residential house in Kangan area of Central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district. Police said that a stone rolled down from hill and struck the residential house of Muhammad Din Khatana son of Suliman Khatana resident of Kuchpathri Ganiwan near Power Dam-Kangan.Six years old Iqra daughter of Mo-hammad-Din Khatana died on spot while her sister and mother sustained injuries. Both the injured were shifted to Hospital for treatment. (CNS)

Srinagar, Feb 13: National Confer-ence legislators, Ali Mohammad Dar, Ghulam Qadir Pardesi, Dr. B. A. Veeri, Showkat Hussain Ganai, Ab-dul Majid Bhat on Thursday strongly condemned the act of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) legislators saying that they were surprised for the ‘change of PDP’s stand and their double speak’ on return of power projects from NHPC to Jammu and Kashmir.In a statement issued to KNS, the NC legislators strongly ‘condemned the change of position of PDP and said that it is another indication of the party having entered into an implicate agreement with

See NC On Page 11..

Page 2: Zabarwan Times E Paper English 14 February

11 Srinagar, Friday 13 February 2014 Zabarwan Times

From the front page











Owner , Printer & Publisher: Suhail Malik Editor -in-Chief: Shahana Malik RNI NO. JKBII/2011/39764, Email: [email protected] Publised at Govt. Quarters , M-13 Magarmal Bagh Srinagar-190001 J&K, Printed at:- Sangarmal Offset Press Humhama Sheikhpora Tele/Fax: 2478370 Cell No. 09999964750, 9796 787844

Government of Jammu & Kashmir

Office of the Chief Horticulture Officer, SrinagarChairman District Level Committee for Recruitment to the Class-IV Posts in Horticulture Department in District Srinagar. Subject : Final short list of candidates for Class IV posts – Interview thereof.

NOTIFICATION NO: CHO/SGR/01 of 2014 Dated: 10-02-2014 The candidates who had applied for the post of class IV vide this office advertisement Notice No:- CHO Srinagar’s No. Estt/01 of 2013 dated 26-06-2013 and addendum No. Estt/1609-16 dated. 27-09-2013, were shortlisted vide notification No.CHO/Sgr/Estt/2003-2012 dated 28-11-2013 for information of all concerned and invited objections / claims of the candidates upto 2-12-2013 After the scrutiny of various representations /objections received from the eligible candidates, consequently the final shortlist of the candidates for class IV posts (Horticulture Deptt.)District Srinagar and the interview there of, is hereby notified for the information of all concerned as per the details shown in Annexure “A” and “B” to this notificationVenue of Interview: Office of the Chief Horticulture Officer, Lalmandi, Srinagar.Date& time of Interview: 19th, 20th & 21st February 2014 at 11 am.1. All these short listed candidates shall have to produce all original relevant certificates /valid category certificates (in case of reserved category candidates) at the time of interview, along with one set of Photostat copies attested by a Gazetted Officer failing which they may forfeit their candidature.2. Any candidate found guilty of impersonating submitting fabricated / tampered documents/certificates or making false, incorrect or suppressing material information shall render him/her liable for crimi-nal prosecution under law.3. No separate call letter shall be issued to the short listed candidates. Any candidate who fail to appear for interview/ viva voce on the scheduled date and time shall forfeit his/her right to selection and no further chance shall be provided to any candidate by the selection committee.4. Mere figuring of name in the short list does not entitle the candidate to appear in the interview as it shall be subject to the scrutiny of all the testimonials of the short listed candidates.5. In case of any deficiency with reference to eligibility etc. proved at the time of interview, the candidate shall not be considered for selection and will be treated as disqualified.6. No TA /DA shall be paid for participation in the interview.7. Each candidate is required to submit an affidavit attested by the notary “that the information and documents submitted by me are genuine and nothing has been fudged, fabricated, suppressed or hidden and in case it is otherwise, I shall be liable for cancellation of the candidature and forfeiture of the claims whatsoever”.

Annexure “A”

Government of Jammu & Kashmir Office of the Chief Horticulture Officer, Srinagar

Chairman District Level Committee for Recruitment to the Class-IV Posts in Horticulture Department in District Srinagar.

Subject : Final short list of candidates for Class IV posts – Interview thereof.

NOTIFICATION NO: CHO/SGR/01 of 2014 Dated: 10-02-2014 The candidates who had applied for the post of class IV vide this office advertisement Notice No:- CHO Srinagar’s No. Estt/01 of 2013 dated 26-06-2013 and addendum No. Estt/1609-16 dated. 27-09-2013, were shortlisted vide notification No.CHO/Sgr/Estt/2003-2012 dated 28-11-2013 for information of all concerned and invited objections / claims of the candidates upto 2-12-2013 After the scrutiny of various representations /objections received from the eligible candidates, consequently the final shortlist of the candidates for class IV posts (Horticulture Deptt.)District Srinagar and the interview there of, is hereby notified for the information of all concerned as per the details shown in Annexure “A” and “B” to this notification Venue of Interview: Office of the Chief Horticulture Officer, Lalmandi, Srinagar. Date& time of Interview: 19th, 20th & 21st February 2014 at 11 am.

1. All these short listed candidates shall have to produce all original relevant certificates /valid category certificates (in case of reserved category candidates) at the time of interview, along with one set of Photostat copies attested by a Gazetted Officer failing which they may forfeit their candidature.

2. Any candidate found guilty of impersonating submitting fabricated / tampered documents/certificates or making false, incorrect or suppressing material information shall render him/her liable for criminal prosecution under law.

3. No separate call letter shall be issued to the short listed candidates. Any candidate who fail to appear for interview/ viva voce on the scheduled date and time shall forfeit his/her right to selection and no further chance shall be provided to any candidate by the selection committee.

4. Mere figuring of name in the short list does not entitle the candidate to appear in the interview as it shall be subject to the scrutiny of all the testimonials of the short listed candidates.

5. In case of any deficiency with reference to eligibility etc. proved at the time of interview, the candidate shall not be considered for selection and will be treated as disqualified.

6. No TA /DA shall be paid for participation in the interview. 7. Each candidate is required to submit an affidavit attested by the notary “that the information and

documents submitted by me are genuine and nothing has been fudged, fabricated, suppressed or hidden and in case it is otherwise, I shall be liable for cancellation of the candidature and forfeiture of the claims whatsoever”.

Annexure “A”

Gardener ( Open Merit) S.No Name of the candidate with parentage Residence Category Date of


1 Aiman Fayaz Mir S/o Fayaz Ahmad Mir Khankah New Zainakadal Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

2 Shahla Anwar S/o Mohd Anwar Barbarshah Bund Near SP Collage Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 3 Azra Hanief D/o. Mohammad Hanief Dar Kursoo Rajbagh OM 19-02-2014

4 Sajad Bashir Dar S/o. Bashir Ahmad Dar Gasoo Hazratbal Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 5 Zubair Farooq Bisati S/o. Farooq Ahmad Bisati Haftchinar Bakshi Stadium Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

6 Reyhana Noor D/o. Noor Mohammad Sofi Habak Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 7 Shadab Anwar S/o Mohd Anwar Barbar Shah, Near S.P Collage Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

8 Owais Hamid Bhat S/o Abdul Hamid Bhat 655/2E Housing Colony Bimina Srinagr OM 19-02-2014 9 Bilal Ahmed Mir S/o Sh Ab. Majid Mir Khushipora, Abban Shah, HMT, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

10 Bisma Jan D/O Deen Mohd Bhat Bemina Bilal Colony Sector 2c H.No.445 Sgr OM 19-02-2014 11 Danish Saleem S/o. Mohd.Saleem Shiekh kralyar, Rainawari OM 19-02-2014

12 Wafa Bari D/O Rafiq Ahmad Butt Kounsar Colony Rawalpora Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 13 Zohiba Nazir D/o Sh Nazir Ahmad Bhat Danpora, Brain , Nishat, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

14 Mansoor Ahmad Bhat S/o. Abdul Rehman Bhat Maloora Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 15 Abdul Majid Bhat S/o. Abdul Rehman Bhat Gurupora Rainawari Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

16 Mehraj-u-din S/o. Nazir Ahmad Sofi Habak Naseembagh Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 17 Irfan Ahmad Mir S/o. Mohammad Ramzan Mir Newtheed Harwan Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

18 Asooda Nabi D/o. Ghulam Nabi Akhoon Nowpora Nawakadal Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 19 Hashim Din Ganie S/o. Ghulam Nabi Ganie Vethpora, Pandrethan Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

20 Sabira Mukhtar D/o.Mukhtar Ahmad Wani Shivpora,Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 21 Amir Gulzar S/o Gulzar Ahmad Sheikh Nigeen Bagh Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

22 Umer Rashid S/o Late Abdul Rashid Dar Aram Wani Zero Bridge Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 23 Mushtaq-ul-Mehraj S/o Sh Mehraj-ul-Din Dar Khawajabagh, Tailbal, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

24 Tasleema Jan D/o. Bashir Ahmad Bhat Kathmaidan Zadibal Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 25 Nazim Hussain S/o. Shair Ali Wani Zadibal, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

26 Mohd Shahid Bhat S/o Khalid Abdul Salam Bhat Burzahama, Hazratbal, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 27 Bisma Mushtaq S/o. Mushtaq Ahmad Handoo Umarabad HMT Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

28 Nusrat Rashid D/o Late Abdul Rashid Dar Zero Bridge Rajbagh OM 19-02-2014 29 Sayar Ahmad Reshi S/o GH Mohd Reshi Syedpora Harwan Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

30 Irfan Ahmad Dar S/o. Abdul Samad Dar Nowpora,Cheshmashahi Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 31 Taqveem-ul-Hussain S/o. Rafiq-ud-din Khan Gowkadal Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

32 Bilal Ahmad Wani S/o. Wali Mohd.Wani Shahfaisal colony upper Soura Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 33 Mansoor LateefS/o Sh. Mohd Lateef Bhat Nayak Bagh, Nowgam, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

34 Shujat Ali Khan S/o. Maqsood Ali Khan Hawal, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 35 Aaqib Rasool Beigh S/o.Ghulam Rasool Beigh Chekimethan, Baghimehtab Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

36 Mudasir Rashid Ganie S/o.Abdul Rashid Ganie Diyarwani Batamaloo Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 37 Aaqib -u-Nabi S/o.Ghulam Nabi Bhat Tailba Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

38 Danish Samiullah S/o. Abdul Rahman Tantray Kohai Nidan Rainwari Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 39 Sheikh Monis Ahmed S/o Sh. Sheikh Inayat-u-llah Raj Bagh, Kursoo, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

40 Mohammad Younis Mir S/o. Farooq Ahmad Mir Gasoo Hazratbal Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 41 Tanveer Rasool S/o sh Gh. Rasool Hafiz Humza Mohalla, Omer Colony,Lal Bazar, Sgr OM 19-02-2014

42 Shabir Ahmad Kalwal S/o. Nazir Ahmad Kalwal Kalwal Mohalla Rainawari Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 43 Imitiyaz Ahmad Dar S/o.Ghulam Mohammad Dar Danamar Sangam Iddgah Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

44 Mubarik Hussain Dar S/o.Mohammad Akbar Dar Khushalsar Zadibal Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 45 Mohammad Sami S/o. Bashir Ahmad Rawalpora, Old Airport Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

46 Mehran Ahmad Bhat S/o Sh Bashir Ahmad Bhat Mir Mohalla, Gulab Bagh, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 47 Bashir Ahmad Rather S/o. Abdul Gani Rather Khwajabagh Tailbal, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

48 Irshad Dar S/o. Ghualm Mohammad Dar Lachmanpora Batamallo Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 49 Mohd Saik Bhat S/oSh Mushtaq Ah Bhat Zaindar Mohalla, Habba Kadal, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

50 Muzaffar Ahmad Shigen S/o.Mohd.Yousuf Shigen Firdousabad, Batmaloo, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 51 Mohammad Ashraf Shiekh S/o.Abdul Gani Shiekh Brein, Nishat Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

52 Nadia Mushtaq D/o.Mushtaq Ahmad Handoo Umarabad HMT Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 53 Imtiyaz Ahmad Kathoo S/o.Bashir Ahmad Kathoo Tailbal, Khawaja Bagh, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

54 Umar S/o. Ghulam Ahmad. Sofi Chanpora Natipora Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 55 Istiyaq Ali Sheikh S/o Gh Rasool Sheikh Khusipora HMT Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

56 Ab. Aamir Aslam S/o Sh.Mohd. Aslam Najar Qalamdanpora, Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 57 Rizwan Ali Malla S/o. Ghulam Mohi-u-din Malla Khushalsar Zadibal Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

58 Umar Rasool S/o. Ghulam Rasool Beigh Firdous Colony Ali Masjid Iddgah Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 59 Lateef Ahmad Teli S/o. Mohammad Akbar Teli Chanmohalla Chandpora, Harwan Srinagar OM 19-02-2014

60 Samreena Rafiq D/o. Mohammad Rafiq Dar Khushalsar Zadibal Srinagar OM 19-02-2014 61 Amjad Hussain Batoo S/o.Nisar Ahmad Batoo Khushalsar Zadibal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

62 Shabir Ahmad Wani S/o. Ghulam Ahmad Wani Baddi Wudar Kreshbal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

63 Umar Rashid S/o.Abdul Rashid Ganie Diyarwani Batamaloo Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

64 Zahoor Ahmad Mir S/o.Mohammad Yousuf Mir Shalimar Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 65 Suhail Ahmad Wani S/o. Ghulam Ahmad Wani Sidiqabad Batamaloo Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

66 Rohi Banoo D/o. Nisar Ahmad Batoo Khushalsar Zadibal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 67 Ashiq Husain Wani S/o Bashir Ahmad Wani Zawoora Panthachowk Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

68 Mohd.Muzaffar Dandroo S/o.Mohd.Maqbool Dandroo Eidgah, Ganderpora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 69 Aasim Altaf Khan S/o Altaf Ahmad Khan Eidgah Ganderpora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

70 Ahsan-ul-Haq Amin S/o. Mohd.Amin Dar Nowgam Bonipora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 71 Waseem Ahmad Shiekh S/o.Abdul Razak Shiekh Batamaloo Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

72 Afaq Hilal Hamdani S/o Hilal Ahmad Hamdani Madh Bagh Nowshera Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 73 Irshad Ahmad Haroon S/o. Mohd.Yousuf Haroon Akilmir Khanyar Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

74 Nazia Nazir D/o. Nazir Ahmad Sofi Habak Naseembagh Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 75 Imran Hussain Bala S/o. Bashri Ahmad Bala Rakh-i-Arth, Bemina Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

76 Javid Ahmad Parray S/o. Ghulam Mohammad Parray Bhagat Barzulla Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 77 Zareena Bhat D/o.Ghulam Mohi-u-din Bhat Shalabagh Zadibal OM 20-02-2014

78 Amir Mushtaq Bhat S/o. Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat Mughal Mohalla chattabal OM 20-02-2014 79 Aamir Hussain Dar S/o. Nasir Hussain Dar Khushalsar Zadibal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

80 Ubaid Yousuf Teli S/o. Mohammad Yousuf Teli Umarhair Buchpora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 81 Neelofar Jan D/o. Muzaffar Ali Kathmaidan Zadibal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

82 Tanveer Ahmad Dar S/o.Abdul Samad Dar Nowpora,Cheshmashahi Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 83 Imtiyaz Ahmad S/o. Ghulam Nabi Kumar Riyazteng Khanyar Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

84 Mohd Tasleem Dar S/o Mohd Shaban Dar Ikhrajpora, Jawahar Nagar Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 85 Shahnaz Rafiq Reshi S/o Rafiq Ahmad Reshi Govt, Housing Colony Chanpora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

86 Syed Ishrat Jan D/o.Syed Mohd.Syed Molvi Stop Lalbazar Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 87 Mohammad Waseem Khuroo S/o.Bashir Ahmad Khuroo Dagpora Soura Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

88 Afreena Rafiq D/o. Mohammad Rafiq Dar Khushalsar Zadibal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 89 Mehraj-u-din S/o. Ghulam Ahmad Rather Dara Harwan Srinagar OM/RBA 20-02-2014

90 Sayima Rafiq D/o. Rafiq Ahmad Ganie Firdousabad, Batmaloo, Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 91 Tahir Maqbool Bhat S/o. Mohd.Maqbool Bhat Khwajabagh Tailbal, Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

92 Abid Hamid S/o. Abdul Hamid Bhat Newtheed Harwan Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 93 Asif Sultan Bhat S/o Mohd Sultan Baht Zawoora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

94 Shabir Ahmad Mir S/o Khursheed Ahmad Mir Brain Nishat Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 95 Murtaza Ali S/o. Mohd.Maqbool Mir Kakerpora, Pratapgarh Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

96 Danish Mehraj S/o. Mehraj-u-din Puttoo Nowpora, Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 97 Feroz Ahmad Reshi S/o. Ghulam Mohammad Reshi Brain Nishat Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

98 Zulfikar Ali Wani S/o.Ghulam Hassan Wani Patlipora Payeen Chattabal, Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 99 Younis Ahmad Magray S/o.Ghulam Nabi Magray Soiteng Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

100 Asia Jan D/o.Abdul Samad Dar Nowpora,Cheshmashahi Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 101 Javid Ahmad Bhat S/o. Abdul Rashid Bhat Habak Naseembagh Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

102 Mohammad Hussain Akhoon S/o. Mohd Qasim Akhoon JKPC Colony Badamwari Hawal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 103 Ovais Aslam S/o Mohd Aslam Bhat New Theed Harwan Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

104 Naseema Banoo D/o Sh Mohd Jabar Sofi Gulshan Bagh, Bota Kadal, Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 105 Suhail Ahmad Rather S/o.Ghulam Mohd.Rather Dara Harwan Srinagar OM/RBA 20-02-2014

106 Nasir Mohammad S/o Ghulam Mohd Bhat New Theed ,Harwan , Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

Gardener ( RBA) S.No Name of the candidate with parentage Residence Category Date of


1 Javeed Ahmad Dar S/o. Abdul Rashid Dar Chekidara, Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

2 Fayaz Ahmad Bhat S/o. Abdul Rehman Bhat Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014 3 Sajad Ahmad Bhat S/o.Mohammad Ramzan Bhat Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

4 Asif Ahmad Sofi S/o. Abdul Rehman Sofi Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014 5 Mehraj-u-din Ganie S/o.Ghulam Qadir Ganie Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

6 Aabid Ahmad Malik S/o. Bashir Ahmad Malik Chekidara,Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014 7 Aashiq Hussain Khutto S/o.Ghulam Hassan Khutto Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

63 Umar Rashid S/o.Abdul Rashid Ganie Diyarwani Batamaloo Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

64 Zahoor Ahmad Mir S/o.Mohammad Yousuf Mir Shalimar Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 65 Suhail Ahmad Wani S/o. Ghulam Ahmad Wani Sidiqabad Batamaloo Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

66 Rohi Banoo D/o. Nisar Ahmad Batoo Khushalsar Zadibal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 67 Ashiq Husain Wani S/o Bashir Ahmad Wani Zawoora Panthachowk Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

68 Mohd.Muzaffar Dandroo S/o.Mohd.Maqbool Dandroo Eidgah, Ganderpora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 69 Aasim Altaf Khan S/o Altaf Ahmad Khan Eidgah Ganderpora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

70 Ahsan-ul-Haq Amin S/o. Mohd.Amin Dar Nowgam Bonipora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 71 Waseem Ahmad Shiekh S/o.Abdul Razak Shiekh Batamaloo Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

72 Afaq Hilal Hamdani S/o Hilal Ahmad Hamdani Madh Bagh Nowshera Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 73 Irshad Ahmad Haroon S/o. Mohd.Yousuf Haroon Akilmir Khanyar Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

74 Nazia Nazir D/o. Nazir Ahmad Sofi Habak Naseembagh Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 75 Imran Hussain Bala S/o. Bashri Ahmad Bala Rakh-i-Arth, Bemina Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

76 Javid Ahmad Parray S/o. Ghulam Mohammad Parray Bhagat Barzulla Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 77 Zareena Bhat D/o.Ghulam Mohi-u-din Bhat Shalabagh Zadibal OM 20-02-2014

78 Amir Mushtaq Bhat S/o. Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat Mughal Mohalla chattabal OM 20-02-2014 79 Aamir Hussain Dar S/o. Nasir Hussain Dar Khushalsar Zadibal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

80 Ubaid Yousuf Teli S/o. Mohammad Yousuf Teli Umarhair Buchpora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 81 Neelofar Jan D/o. Muzaffar Ali Kathmaidan Zadibal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

82 Tanveer Ahmad Dar S/o.Abdul Samad Dar Nowpora,Cheshmashahi Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 83 Imtiyaz Ahmad S/o. Ghulam Nabi Kumar Riyazteng Khanyar Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

84 Mohd Tasleem Dar S/o Mohd Shaban Dar Ikhrajpora, Jawahar Nagar Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 85 Shahnaz Rafiq Reshi S/o Rafiq Ahmad Reshi Govt, Housing Colony Chanpora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

86 Syed Ishrat Jan D/o.Syed Mohd.Syed Molvi Stop Lalbazar Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 87 Mohammad Waseem Khuroo S/o.Bashir Ahmad Khuroo Dagpora Soura Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

88 Afreena Rafiq D/o. Mohammad Rafiq Dar Khushalsar Zadibal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 89 Mehraj-u-din S/o. Ghulam Ahmad Rather Dara Harwan Srinagar OM/RBA 20-02-2014

90 Sayima Rafiq D/o. Rafiq Ahmad Ganie Firdousabad, Batmaloo, Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 91 Tahir Maqbool Bhat S/o. Mohd.Maqbool Bhat Khwajabagh Tailbal, Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

92 Abid Hamid S/o. Abdul Hamid Bhat Newtheed Harwan Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 93 Asif Sultan Bhat S/o Mohd Sultan Baht Zawoora Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

94 Shabir Ahmad Mir S/o Khursheed Ahmad Mir Brain Nishat Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 95 Murtaza Ali S/o. Mohd.Maqbool Mir Kakerpora, Pratapgarh Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

96 Danish Mehraj S/o. Mehraj-u-din Puttoo Nowpora, Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 97 Feroz Ahmad Reshi S/o. Ghulam Mohammad Reshi Brain Nishat Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

98 Zulfikar Ali Wani S/o.Ghulam Hassan Wani Patlipora Payeen Chattabal, Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 99 Younis Ahmad Magray S/o.Ghulam Nabi Magray Soiteng Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

100 Asia Jan D/o.Abdul Samad Dar Nowpora,Cheshmashahi Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 101 Javid Ahmad Bhat S/o. Abdul Rashid Bhat Habak Naseembagh Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

102 Mohammad Hussain Akhoon S/o. Mohd Qasim Akhoon JKPC Colony Badamwari Hawal Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 103 Ovais Aslam S/o Mohd Aslam Bhat New Theed Harwan Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

104 Naseema Banoo D/o Sh Mohd Jabar Sofi Gulshan Bagh, Bota Kadal, Srinagar OM 20-02-2014 105 Suhail Ahmad Rather S/o.Ghulam Mohd.Rather Dara Harwan Srinagar OM/RBA 20-02-2014

106 Nasir Mohammad S/o Ghulam Mohd Bhat New Theed ,Harwan , Srinagar OM 20-02-2014

Gardener ( RBA) S.No Name of the candidate with parentage Residence Category Date of


1 Javeed Ahmad Dar S/o. Abdul Rashid Dar Chekidara, Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

2 Fayaz Ahmad Bhat S/o. Abdul Rehman Bhat Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014 3 Sajad Ahmad Bhat S/o.Mohammad Ramzan Bhat Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

4 Asif Ahmad Sofi S/o. Abdul Rehman Sofi Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014 5 Mehraj-u-din Ganie S/o.Ghulam Qadir Ganie Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

6 Aabid Ahmad Malik S/o. Bashir Ahmad Malik Chekidara,Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014 7 Aashiq Hussain Khutto S/o.Ghulam Hassan Khutto Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

8 Firdous Ahmad Mir S/o. Feroz Ahmad Mir Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014 9 Mehraj-u-din Mir S/o. Feroz Ahmad Mir Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

10 Maqsood Ahmad Dar S/o. Bashir Ahmad Dar Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014 11 Abid Ahmad Ganie S/o.Ghulam Ahmad Ganie Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

12 Jehangir Ahmad Dar S/o. Bashir Ahmad Dar Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014 13 Zahoor Ahmad Chopan S/o.Ali Mohd. Chopan Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014

14 Mudasir Rashid S/o Ab. Rashid Reshi Dara, Harwan Srinagar RBA 20-02-2014 15 Shahnawaz Ahmad Ganie S/o.Ghulam Mohd. Ganie Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014

16 Naseer Ahmad Ganie S/o. Mohd. Rafiq Ganie Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 17 Nisar Ahmad Khutto S/o. Mohd Ramzan Khutto Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 18 Abdul Hamid Ganie S/o. Bashir Ahmad Ganie Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 19 Mehraj din kuthoo S/o. Gh.Nabi Kuthoo Dara, Harwan Srinagar. RBA 21-02-2014

20 Zahoor Ahmad Bhat S/o. Mohd Maqbool Bhat Dara, Sriangar RBA 21-02-2014 21 Momina Akhtar D/o. Ghulam Rasool Rather Dara Harwan Srinagar19-02-2014 RBA 21-02-2014 22 Parvaiz Ahmad Khan S/o.Bashir Ahmad Khan Nagbal Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 23 Mehraj-u-din Bhat S/o. Ghulam Nabi Bhat Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014

24 Javeed Ahmad Dar S/o.Abdul Rehman Dar cheki Dara Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 25 Arif Qadir Rather S/o. Ghulam Qadir Rather Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 26 Shanaza Akhtar D/o. Ghulam Rasool Rather Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 27 Showket Ahmad Bhat S/o Late Gh Nabi Bhat Check Dara, Harwan, Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014

28 Sajad Ahmad Rather S/o. Mohd.Maqbool Rather Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 29 Rouf Ahmad Rather S/o. Bashir Ahmad Rather Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 30 Ajaz Ahmad Bhat S/o. Abdul Rehman Bhat Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 31 Manzoor Ahmad Mughal S/o.Mohd.Shafi Mughal Nagbal Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014

32 Showkat Ahmad Khan S/o.Ghulam Ahmad Khan Chekidara, Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 33 Bashir Ahmad Kathoo S/o. Mohd Ramzan Kathoo Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 34 Javeed Ahmad Bhat S/o. Khazir Mohammad Bhat Chekidara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014 35 Mohd.Imran S/o. Ghulam Hassan Chekidara, Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014

36 Asif Ismail Kuthoo S/o. Mohammad Ismail Kuthoo Dara, Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014

Gardener ( SC) S.No Name of the candidate with parentage Residence Category Date of


1 Rooky Manndi S/o. Hans Raj Deoli, Biswah Jammu sc 21-02-2014

2 Vevak Kumar S/o. Puranchand Ward No.3 Indira Colony Kathua sc 21-02-2014 3 Bintu Kumar S/o. Subhash Chander Village Nagrota District Kathua sc 21-02-2014 4 Kamal Kumar S/o. Lt.Sain Dass Paloura Moh Khajuria Jammu sc 21-02-2014 5 Ajay Kumar S/o. Subhash Chander Village Nagrota District Kathua sc 21-02-2014

6 Sunil Kumar S/o. Rattan Chand V.P.O Chan Rerian Kathua sc 21-02-2014 7 Rakesh Kumar S/o. Ajit Raj R.S.pora Jammu sc 21-02-2014 8 Yash Paul S/o. Bachan Lal Qutub Nizam R.S Pora sc 21-02-2014 9 Jaipal S/o.Shanker Dass Village Swankha Samba sc 21-02-2014

10 Parbinder Kumar S/o Late Jagdish Raj R.S.Pors Jammu sc 21-02-2014 11 Gagan Kumar S/o.Ram Rattan Jathali, BPO Prem Nagar Doda sc 21-02-2014 12 Sanjeet Kumar S/o. Tej Ram Jodhpur Doda sc 21-02-2014 13 Krishan Lal S/o Girhari Lal VPO Chak Bana Jammu sc 21-02-2014

14 Rajesh Kumar S/o. Tarsem Lal Mirpur Ram Kathua sc 21-02-2014 15 Shashi Kumar S/o.Satpal Jabowal Bisnah, Jammu sc 21-02-2014

Gardener ( ST) S.No Name of the candidate with parentage Residence Category Date of

interview 1 Ajaz Ahmad Luchi S/o. Abdul Rashid Luchi Nagbal Dara Harwan Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 2 Mohammad Munshi S/o. Kalam Din Sangri Khanmoh Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 3 Tabasum Gogar Goryal D/o. Habibullah Gogra Goryal Balgarden Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 4 Raja Naseem S/o. Mohd.Ishaq Luchi Nagbal Dara Harwan Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 5 Mushtaq Ahmad Famda S/o.Lt.Shams-u-din Famda Mulnar Harwan Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 6 Imtiyaz Ahmad Khatana S/o.Habibullah Khatana Dard Khowar Dara Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 7 Mohammad Younis Famda S/o. Abdul Latief Famda Mulnar Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 8 Gh. Hassan Wani S/o. Lassa wani A/P Bagh Jogi Lanker, Rainawari, Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 9 Mohammad Hanief Famda S/o.Sayian Famda Faquir Gojree Dara Srinagar ST 21-02-2014

10 Shoib Mohd.Luchi S/o. Abdul Rashid Luchi Nagbal Dara Harwan Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 11 Mohd Iqbal Khatana S/o Gh Mohd Khatana Check Dara, Fiqir Gujree Harwan, Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 12 Amir Younis Khan S/o Mohammad Younis Khan Nagabal Dara Harwan Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 13 Mohd.Aslam Kathana S/o. Umar-u-din Kathana Faqir Gojree Dara Srinagar ST 21-02-2014 14 Mohd.Rafiq Khan Bajran Gojar S/oAb Rashid Khan Gojar Bajran Cheki Dara Drardkhowra Srinagar ST 21-02-2014

Annexure “B” Orderly ( Open Merit)

S.No Name of the candidate with parentage Residence Category Date of interview

1 Isfa Yaseen D/o Mohd Yaseen Mir Mir Masjid Khanyar OM 21-02-2014

2 Owais Hamid Baht S/o Abdul Hanid Bhat 655/2E Housing Colony Bimina Srinagr OM 21-02-2014 3 Bilal Ahmad Mir S/o.Abdul Majeed Mir Khushipora Abanshah HMT Srinagar OM 21-02-2014 4 Zuhaiba Nazir D/o.Nazir Ahmad Bhat Danpora Brein Nishat OM 21-02-2014 5 Mushtaq-ul-Mehraj S/o. Mehraj-u-din Dar Khawajabagh Tailbal OM 21-02-2014

Orderly ( RBA) S.No Name of the candidate with parentage Residence Category Date of


1 Ashiq Jeelani Rather S/o.Ghulam Qadir Rather Dara Harwan Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014

2 Naseer Ahmad Malik s/O Bashir Ahmad Malik Checki Dara Srinagar RBA 21-02-2014

Orderly ( SC) S.No Name of the candidate with parentage Residence Category Date of


1 Rakash Kumar S/o Gharu Ram Katli Gala Bana Jammu sc 21-02-2014

2 Amandeep S/o Sh Janak Raj Jindlehar pochohala Jammu sc 21-02-2014 3 Prinka Hans S/o Tara Chand Check nathal Kathua sc 21-02-2014 4 Gagan Kumar S/o Ram Rattan Drownki Doda sc 21-02-2014 5 Sunil Kumar S/o Sh Kashmiri Lal Badhori Tapyal Samba sc 21-02-2014

Chief Horticulture Officer, Srinagar. (Chairman DLC for Requirement to Class IV Post)

No:- CHO/Sgr/Estt/2598-2604 Dated:-10-02-2014 Copy to the:- 1. Director Horticulture Kashmir for favour of information. 2. District Development Commissioner, Srinagar for favour of information. 3. Horticulture Information and Publication Officer, Srinagar for information and with the request

to get the notice Published in leading local dailies of Kashmir and Jammu. 4-5 Director Radio Kashmir/Director Doordarshan Kashmir for information, with the request to

broadcast/telecast the notice in Rozgar Samachar Bulletin. 6. District Information Officer, Srinagar for information with the request to host the notification in

the official website of Srinagar District. 7. Notice Board.

No:- CHO/Sgr/Estt/2598-2604Dated:-10-02-2014 Sd/-Chief Horticulture Officer, Srinagar.

(Chairman DLC for Requirement to Class IV Post)DIPK:13679

The Budget expects the revenue expenditure to touch Rs. 32948 crore. Rather said that the next years size of annual plan would be of order of Rs. 11300 crore with a PMRP component of Rs. 600 crore. Rather said that the Government has improved the tax and VAT remittance in the State resulting in more revenue to the Government. He said VAT remittance in the State during last five years has increased from Rs. 1836 crore to estimated Rs. 4800 crore for the current fiscal which shows a cumulative in-crease of 161%. He said the total revenues (Tax and Non-Tax) have increased significantly from Rs. 2683 crore in 2008-09 to Rs. 6700 crore for the current year with an annual increase of 30%. He said the nontax revenue which stood at Rs. 837 crore during 2008-09 has increased to Rs. 2160 crore during last year. Saying that tax revenue in the State has witnessed 33% increase during the span of last five years of the present coalition Gov-ernment, Rather said the tax revenue which was just Rs. 2600 crore in 2009 is expected to increase to Rs. 7500 crore during the next fiscal.Speaking at a jam packed about one hours long press confer-ence, soon after delivering his Budget speech in the Legislative Assembly today, Mr. Rather said this steep increase in tax rev-enue, without levying new taxes has been possible due to the better tax management and plugging of loopholes in tax collec-tion system, adding that he has been convening periodic review meetings of the department under his charge regularly to assess performance and ensure better budget management and fiscal discipline.Mr. Rather said the performance of the State, on account of tax collection and budget management, has been lauded by every relevant forums at the national level including Planning Com-mission of India (PC), Finance Commission, Union Finance Ministry and the State’s Principal Accountant General. “Even the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India has in unambiguous terms patted the State for its internal resources mobilization initiatives”, Mr. Rather added.He said it has been the coalition government’s endeavour during last five years not to levy any tax burden on the people not, withstanding economic inflation at the national level. He said that due to effective implementation of Fiscal Responsi-bility & Budget Management Act (FRBM), the State has been able to be within the ambit of targets assigned by the Planning Commission adding that the State was well ahead to centre in minimizing its fiscal deficit as per the assigned targets in this regard. He said economic growth rate of the State is also better as compared to National figure, adding that the Empowered Committee of the State Finance Ministers has appreciated the State for bringing improvements in Budget management and fiscal discipline.

for the rulers of the state who have spent more than 300 crore on the air fleet.He stated further that the common masses of Kashmir have been historically suffering under NC regime and the same will continue till the change arrives at large. “The people of the state have only one reason to welcome this budget- it is the last bud-get of NC government.”Akhtar further told KNS that the Budget is “without any mean-ingful intervention and as usual for NC to maintain status quo and begging bowl syndrome.” “The only thing expected from it is that it would provide salaries to employees and luxuries to rulers of the state who have been spending Crores for their comforts.” (KNS)

the marketing facilities and infrastructure for horticulture pro-duce. Nothing has been earmarked with regard to establishment of cold storage chains across the state for better marketing of horticulture produce. Subsidization of fertilizers, pesticides and farm equipment, reducing the interest on farm loans, enhanc-ing allocations for irrigation sector have been totally ignored.“The government has once again shown its in-sensitiveness towards the basic issues confronting the common man and consequently the budget does not carry any mention of food security, universalization of public distribution system, solving unemployment and making social security schemes people ori-ented. A major chunk of population has been left out of PDS as the state was getting food grains as per 2001 census, they said adding that it would have been in the interest of the common man to provide subsidy under state share on the food grains and other daily needs.”They added that there is no mention of any initiative to reg-ularize the daily wagers working in various departments for many years. “The budget is silent about enhancement of hon-orarium in favour of the anganwadi workers and helpers out of state share and improving their working conditions alongwith ASHAs who were rendering services tirelessly.” (KNS)

said Governors must also ensure that the pluralistic character of our nation is not tarnished in any manner. The President said during his address to the Governors and Lt. Governors through video-conferencing on July 25, 2013, a suggestion emerged that Groups of Governors should be con-stituted to deliberate upon issues such as the Role of Gover-nors as a bridge between States and Centre; Areas under Sixth Schedule of the Constitution, North Eastern Council and relat-ed issues; Areas under the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution, Role of Governors as Chancellors of educational institutions in improving the quality of higher education and Disaster Man-agement. The groups of Governors have submitted reports with invaluable suggestions. These suggestions would serve as useful input for policy makers.

slogans hurled stones on the forces. The forces lobbed teargas shells triggering off clashes resulting in injuries to nine persons including a photo journalist Sajad AHmad.All the injured persons have been immediately shifted to dis-trict hospital Shopian for treatment, however, the three injured persons who have received serious pellet gun injuries shifted to SKIMS Soura for specialized treatment, sources said.The doctors who attended the injured persons at Shopian hos-pital confirmed to GNS that they have received at least 6 injured persons out of them 3 identified as Umar Ahmad, Tariq Ahmad and Mohd Ashraf have been referred to SKIMS Soura as they have received grave pellet gun injuries.

and wilfully obstructing business"."They may forthwith withdraw from the precincts of the House," Kumar said. Those suspended include L Rajagopal, expelled Congress member who had earlier sprayed pepper gas from a canister in the House, causing chaos.

most elementary facility and their right to meet the executed prisoner even on last time", said Mehbooba.

Mehbooba said it has been the practice of the present govt to use curfew and curbs as the substitute to democratic method of engaging with alienated people,listen to their feelings and re-spond with understanding and compassion. She said govt has lost the argument on human rights violation and has lost mor-al courage to engage with our own people on decent and civi-lized live. “It has tried to inflict a peace of graveyard on Kash-mir through draconian laws, arrests, police cases, persecution, chilly grenades and pellet guns which has stopped evolution of a democratic culture in the state”, she said. (KNS)

Rasool Nath of Lone Mohalla, Chanapora. Police registered an FIR (2/2013) at Police Station Saddar and has booked Nath under various sections of RPC including 307 (attempt to mur-der), 325 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt), 341 (wrongful restraint), and 354 (Assault or criminal force on woman with

intent to outrage her modesty). (KNS)

agency CNS adding that cricket is his passion and he wants to live up to the expectations of people of Kashmir who love and admire him. The modest cricketer said he believes in the mantra that play the game and play it well. “I am sure and hopeful that as compared to last year, this season, I will get chance to play my cricket and I will give my best to my team Sun Risers Hyder-abad which is led by India’s top cricketer Shikar Dhawan,” Rasool said adding that he discovered his passion for cricket when he was very young. “I have big plans for myself and I am working hard to achieve it,” he said. Thanking God, his parents and people of Kashmir for supporting and admiring him, Parvez Rasool told CNS that he will not let down his admirers and will perform to his ability. “I

am satisfied the way I performed in Ranji Trophy and in other tournaments. I will work hard and come up with excellent performances in coming IPL tournament,” he said. The Valley cricketer said that he plays the sport with great enthusiasm, passion and dignity.

the BJP at the cost of interest of people of state.’In reply to a question by Devender Singh Rana in Legislative Council today, the members belonging to all political spec-trum in a unanimous voice sought that resolution should go to the government from the house for taking power projects back from NHPC in consonance with the recommendation of C. Ranga Rajan Committee report, but according to NC legisla-tors the PDP senior leader and spokespersons Nayeem Akhtar along with other members of party opposite the resolution and created pandemonium in the House.

Omar greets people on Guru Ravi

Dass BirthdayJammu, Feb 13 (KNS): Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah has greeted people on birth anni-versary of Guru Ravi Dass Ji wishing them well being and prosperity.In a felicitation message, the Chief Minister said that the best homage to Guru Ji would be to create a society free from evils and making justice and equality rule the roost. Omar also prayed for the peace and progress of the State and the Country. (KNS)

NC bartered power resourc-es; now beating

chest: PDP‘Mr Rana should bring a proper motion to debate issue in House’Srinagar, Feb 13 (KNS): After sensing defeat in the forth-coming polls in the state, Na-tional Conference is trying to beat chest about the return of power projects, said Naeem Akhter, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chief spokes-man and MLC, while seeking a proper motion from NC MLC Devinder Rana on return of power projects to the state.In a statement issued to KNS, Akhter said that about the resolution that NC MLC Devinder Rana wanted to have in the council, PDP wanted the same be debated and that the member (Rana) should follow the procedure of the house and ‘must not treat the council as the exten-sion of NC office’.“It was NC that handed over 12 feasible power projects to NHPC that it all started with Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah giving away Salal project to NHPC in 1978,” Akhter said while quoting his speech made in the Legislative Council on Thursday. “Over three power projects have been given by Omar Abdullah and seven by Farooq Abdullah when he was heading the state.” He said that a resolution must be brought in with the proper procedure so that it could be debated on the floor of the house. (KNS)

Saaznawaz is no more

Srinagar, Feb 13 (KNS): The renowned Sufiana musician Ustad Ghulam Mohammad Saaznawaz passed away on Thursday afternoon. The deceased was a recipient of Sangeet Natak Academy Award.Many social and political organizations have expressed deep shock and grief over his demise. As the news of his demise came, a condolence meeting was held at the cul-tural academy central office here, where rich tribute was paid to the departed musician.Secretary, Cultural Acade-my has expressed profound grief and sorrow on the demise of Ustad Ghulam Mohammad Saaznawaz. In his condolence massage, the Secretary said the demise of the maestro is a great loss to music in general and Kashmiri sufiana music in particular. He said the late instrumentalist had pop-ularized Kashmir music in a major way and his contribu-tion would be remembered for a long time.The Secretary recalled Saaznawaz’s association with the academy and said he had been a member of the academy’s general council. He belonged to the famous Saaznawaz Gharana of Kashmir which has a long and rich tradition in sufiana music.

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No regular appointment of non-gazetted, Class-IV em-ployees made by CUJ: LoneMinister for Higher Education, Mr. Mohammad Akbar Lone

today informed the House that no regular appointment of non-gazetted and Class-IV categories has been made by Central University Jammu (CUJ), adding that engage-ment of 23 non-gazetted and Class-IV employees has been made on deputation and contract basis, besides 89 such employees including 48 security personnel were engaged through out sourcing by the University.

Replying to a question by Mr. S.S. Slathia, the Higher Education Minister said that 28 local candidates both in Non-gazetted and Class-IV category were engaged by the University on deputation/ contract basis and through out-sourced, adding that there is no separate quota for the local youth for employment in the University.

Centre sanctions 7 Sub Health Centers in Khansahib

constituency: Sham LalMinister for PHE, Irrigation & Flood Control, Mr Sham Lal

Sharma today informed the House that Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has sanctioned 7 new Sub- Health Centres in Khansahib constituency, adding that establish-ment of new Primary Health Centre at Shogpora has been taken up with Planning & Development Department for ap-proval.

Replying to a question by Hakim Mohammad Yasin in the House, the Minister informed that these new Sub Health Cen-tres sanctioned by the Centre would be opened in Hariwani, Sharoo,Arizal, Dachan, Klashipora, Hardwail and Talpora of Khanshaib constituency. He said as per the standing norms, the villages Zagoo and Kharyan do not qualify for establish-ment of Primary Health Centres.

The Minister also informed the House that con-struction work of 266 PHC and NTPHC buildings has been taken up in the State during last 5 years under State and Cen-tre Plans.

No malls constructed against provision of law: Jora

The Minister for Urban Development and Urban Local Bodies, Mr. Nawang Rigzin Jora while replying to a question by Mr. Jugal Kishore said that no mall has been construct-ed against any provision of law; however, matter related to one mall constructed at Katra is presently sub-Judice.

The Minister informed the House that permission for opening cinema hall at Katra was granted in 1980-81 and in the year 1987, permission was granted for hotel at the adjoining land of cinema hall, thereafter in 2010-11 the owner of these buildings applied for PVR permission with District Administration and on the other hand took the case to the Tribunal and the case is sub-Judice as on date.

He further said that two permissions for construction of malls with cinema halls have been given by JMC, besides per-mission for construction of a mall with provision of cinema has been given by the Municipal Council Kathua. He said the building permission case for construction of a mall with cin-ema hall has been granted by JDA recently.

Mr. Naresh Gupta also raised supplementary on the ques-


Establishing Muslim Madrasa Board in State on anvil: Peerzada

JAMMU, FEBRUARY 13- The creation of Madrasa Board in every state is a national policy and its formation in the State is under active consideration of the Government on which J&K State Wakf Council is actively working.

This information was given by the Minister for Haj, Auqaf and Floriculture, Peerzada Mohammad Sayeed while replying to a question by Dr. Bashir Ahmad Veeri in the Legislative Coun-cil today.Peerzada said that the Wakf Board is maintaining the specified Wakfs and Wakf properties shown in the J&K, Board for Specified Wakf and Specified Wakf properties Act 2004. He said that the organization has already some educational insti-tutions including Madrasas, which are financed by Wakf Board, where basic Quranic education is provided to the students.

The Minister further informed that a Committee has already been constituted which would visit UP and Bihar State and sub-mit a comprehensive and detailed proposal for establishment of Muslim Madrasa Board in the State on the pattern of Madrasa Boards of these States.Mr. Jehangir Husssain Mir, Khalid Najeeb Suhrawardy, Mr. Ghulam Qadir Pardesi, Dr. Shehnaz Ganai and Sheikh Ghulam Rasool raised supplementaries on the question.

2nd Phase of RGGVY soon: Vikar

The 2nd phase of Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yo-jana (RGGVY) would be started very soon to cater to the leftover un-electrified villages in the state including those of Doda.

The information was given by the Minister of State for Power, Mr. Vikar Rasool while replying to a question by Mr. Khalid Na-jeeb Suharwardy in the Legislative Council today.

The Minister further informed the House that the DPR for augmentation of the power grid at Khellani and Receiving Sta-tion Doda will be prepared and augmented accordingly.

Dr. B. A. Veeri raised supple-mentary on the question.

While replying to another question raised by Mr. Ghulam Nabi Monga, the Minister on behalf of the Minister for R&B in-formed the House that the expected date of completion of the 4-lane road from Parimpora Srinagar to Narbal is 2017 and is being developed from National Highway double-lane (NHDL) specifications to National Highway 4-Lane (NHFL), the take-off point being Parimpora (Km 6.75 to 14.20 Km).

The Minister further informed the House that the project BEACON has approached Ministry for Roads, Transport and Highways, GOI for conveying in principal approval for conduct-ing feasibility study and preparation of DPR for construction of flyover on Srinagar-Baramulla-Uri (NH-1) at HMT crossing Shalteng, the approval of which is awaited.

Mr. Viqar further informed the House that the National Highway Srinagar-Baramulla-Uri (NH-1) from Km 14.20 to Km 101 has been developed by Project BEACON to National High-way Double Lane specifications expect for a stretch of 1.69 Kms, which is expected to be completed by 2015.

Mr. G. Q. Perdesi and Mr. Nayeem Akhter raised supplemen-taries on the question.

Replying to a question by Devender Singh Rana regard-ing handing over of Dulhasti HEP to the State Government as recommended by Rangarajan Committee, Mr. Vikar Rasool in-formed that a Cabinet Sub-Committee was constituted vide Government order No. 638-GAD of 2011 dated 01-06-2011 based on Cabinet decision No.114/13/2011 dated 26/05/2011 to look into various issues arising from the terms and conditions of the entrustment of hydroelectric projects to the NHPC.

The Minister said that the Committee submitted its report to the Government and the Cabinet accepted the recommenda-tions of the Committee. J&K SPDC was authorized to work out the present cost of the project on the basis of internationally ac-cepted norms prevailing in the industry which could form the basis for further negotiations with Government of India and NHPC. The J&K SPDC is in process of finalizing the cost of the projects.

Shopping Complex in New Colony Sopore in offing: Dr

ManoharMinister of State for Cooperative Dr. Manohar Lal Sharma,

replying to a question by Mr. Muhammad Muzaffar Parray, in-formed the House that the Cooperative Department is contem-plating to construct a shopping complex comprising 47 shops in New Colony Sopore on the Cooperative land.

The Minister informed that the Society, since its incep-tion, has land available measuring 72 kanals, 13 Marlas. He said a godown has been constructed there with an estimated cost of Rs. 117.70 lakh for storage purposes, however, presently it has been decided to rent out the said building for generating income for society.

The Minister informed that now the position has changed and there is no need for stocking of fertilizers. There-fore, it was decided that the building would be rented out for generating income to the Society. The building has been rented out, after publishing the offers in Kashmir Uzma (two times), Greater Kashmir and in Sheharbeen programme of Radio Kash-mir for ensuring transparency. The building has been rented out on an annual rent of Rs. 3 lakh with increase of 6 percent after every three years.

45 road projects taken up in Jammu district: Wani

Minister for R&B, Mr. Abdul Majid Wani today informed the House that 45 road projects involving total cost of Rs. 93.41 crore have been crore taken up for execution during last two years under NABARD, CRF and PMGSY schemes in Jammu District.

Replying to a question by Mrs. Indu Pawar in the House, the R&B Minister informed that 14 road projects were taken up for execution at total estimated cost of Rs. 31.37 crore in Jammu District under NABARD and against those works Rs. 8.47 crore were expended upto the end of last fiscal while as Rs. 2.45 crore were released on these projects during current fiscal.

The Minister informed that under CRF the con-struction work of four lanning of Satwari, Kunjwani phase II has been sanctioned at an estimated cost of Rs. 13.37 crore and against which Rs. 12.15 crore stand released dur-ing current fiscal.

The Minister said that construction work of 30 road projects under PMGSY involving total cost of Rs. 48.67 crore has been taken up in Jammu district during last two years. He said Rs. 15.88 crore have been expended on the execution of these road projects till last December.

The Minister said that construction work on bridge Ladore to Halqa Bridge was taken up at an estimated cost of Rs. 62 lakh and Rs. 2 lakh were released last fiscal for the construction of the said bridge.

Mr. Ashwani Sharma, Mr. Jugal Kishore, Mr. Ashok Khajuria, Syed Basharat Bukahri, Mr. Yashpal Kundal, Mr. Aijaz Ahmed Jan, Prof. Gharu Ram and Mr. Jagdish Raj Sapolia raised supplementaries and demanded time bound completion of road projects, besides taking up of new ones under different schemes in their constituencies.

The establishment of a new business partnership could re-quire a lot of paperwork today, Libra. It might be really tedious trying to make sense of all the jargon involved, but it’s impor-tant to you, so you’re likely to be more persistent than usual. Someone more familiar with these matters could explain the ins and outs to you. This is likely to be a very fortunate develop-ment for you, so don’t lose heart. Hang in there!

Legal documents that concern your business may need to be executed today, Scorpio. There might be a lot of paper to wade through, not to mention jargon that appears indecipherable. Don’t get too impatient, however, as this is important. Instead, find someone more familiar with this sort of thing and get him or her to explain it all to you. Then, assuming it’s agreeable, take care of it and move on. The results should be well worth it!

Today you might consider making an investment of time, energy, and perhaps a little money in a creative project of some kind, Sagit-tarius. This could also involve modern technology in some way. You could have several colleagues who want to work with you on this, and therefore the entire enterprise could be very exciting. Be sure not to lose sight of the practical details involved or you might never get it off the ground.

Visitors might come to your home today to discuss business of some kind, Capricorn, perhaps job related, perhaps about an enterprise you’re developing on your own. If you aren’t care-ful, however, you could get caught up in conversations that are more social than practical and thus lose sight of the reasons you got together. Stay focused on the matter at hand and you could be pleasantly surprised at the results.

A rush of excess ambition could cause you to channel a lot of your physical and mental energy into whatever work you’re do-ing right now, Aquarius. This might involve writing, teaching, or speaking in some way. As a result of your zeal, your body could be exhausted but your mind spinning like a top, even though the thoughts coming up may be scattered. It might be best to pace yourself now more than you’re inclined to. Stay focused!

An upcoming visit from someone close may have you working overtime in order to fix up your house, Pisces. Therefore, you could be tempted to go crazy buying dec-orative items. This is fine up to a point, but be careful! Some of the stuff that looks good in the store might not look quite the same once you get it home. Your guest is more interested in seeing you.

A goal related to business or finance that is very impor-tant to you could require you to pay a lot of attention to pa-perwork today, Virgo. You’re likely to spend most of the day on it since a deadline may be involved. Take care, however, that you don’t get so caught up in a quest for perfection that you stress yourself out. Sometimes obsessive attention can sabotage the very aim you’re working toward. Stay focused and pace yourself.

Working at home might be the answer for you today, Aries. You could be physically and mentally worn out from working too hard, but you still have important tasks to complete. You may operate better on your own territory right now, without having to fight traffic or parking problems. You tend to be very consci-entious where work is concerned, sometimes to your own detri-ment. Don’t do this today; otherwise you might burn yourself out.

News you may receive about your place of business or the people you work for might bring up some doubts about your future in this organization, Taurus. You might feel that you aren’t getting anywhere. You might be considering the possibility of changing jobs or even careers. Someone may put forth a type of opportunity that you’ve never considered before. Think about it, but don’t decide for a few days.

Paperwork involving money might seem a bit overwhelming today, Gemini, and you might ask a friend for advice or assistance. This person probably knows what it’s all about, so listen even though you might not understand much of what he or she says! Financial benefits could be in the wind. You may be entertaining outrageous fantasies of what you’re going to buy with it all. Dream all you want, but be practical when the windfall comes!

Some rather tedious and boring paperwork you have to han-dle for your business might be a pain in the neck now, Cancer, but it should bring a lot of benefits to you later. Therefore, you’ll want to exercise your usual conscientiousness in order to assure that it gets completed. Your diligence and dedication should attract the attention of those in authority, so expect advancement in some way. Onward and upward!

Books, lectures, and other sources of information regard-ing spiritual, metaphysical, or religious matters could have your mind spinning, Leo. What you read or hear is likely to be fasci-nating, but you might be too overwhelmed to make sense of it right now. Don’t feel that you have to get it all together today. Do something else, let it all stew, and tomorrow its meaning could all appear to you in a rush.

Construction work of 32326

school buildings completed, work on 26274 apace

under SSA, RMSAJAMMU, FEBRUARY 13- Minister

for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Mir Saifullah on behalf of Deputy Chief Minister today in-formed the House that Ministry of Human Resource Development has sanctioned 19 model schools for educationally backward blocks of the State in phase-I on fixed cost of Rs. 3.62 lakh.

Replying to a question by Mr. Abdul Rehman Veeri in the House, the Minister informed that construc-tion work of these schools was as-signed to JKPCC and the concerned Corporation prepared estimates for load bearing structure at the rate of Rs. 534.80 lakh for Jammu, Rs. 647.07

lakh for Kashmir and Rs. 898.48 lakh for Ladkah Divisions.

The Minister said that construction work of these model schools could not be started as the executing agencies had quoted much higher rate than the fixed ceiling cost of MHRD. He said, however, on the advice of MHRD fresh estimates have been formulated by JKPCC and submitted to the MHRD for release of balance funds.

The Minister informed that simultaneously a proposal has been submitted to Planning and Develop-ment Department for accord of ap-proval to start these works with the assurance for the provision of bal-ance funding in a phased manner.

The Minister also informed that against the target of construc-tion of 58704 school buildings in the State under SSA, 32222 school build-ings have been completed and work on 25914 are under progress at vari-ous stages. He said against the target of construction of 526 high school buildings under RMSA, 104 school buildings have been completed and work on 360 high school buildings

are apace at different stages. The Minister said that

J&KBOSE is involved in curriculum development and preparation of syl-labus which includes review/revision of series of text books with the help of experts from School Education Department. He said to safeguard the interests of students to dislodge ambiguity; the BOSE has introduced certain measures for curbing menace of copying, strengthening of grading system at secondary level besides strengthening of continuous and comprehensive evaluation scheme.

The Minister said that 68% schools have shown cent percent results and most of the schools have shown good performance in Kashmir division adding that out of 1102 schools only 37 High and higher secondary schools have shown poor performance. He said the teaching staff of those schools who show poor performance are being penalized by stopping an-nual increments, adding that SIEs and DIETs are being advised to adopt such schools to improve the levels of learning for their efficiency.

JAMMU, FEBRUARY 13: Minister for Fisheries and Cooperatives Dr. Mano-har Lal Sharma in presence of Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture, Mr. Raman Bhalla today laid foundation stone for up-gradation of Fish Marketing Division Narwal into a Modern Hygienic Whole Sale-cum-Retail Fish Market.

Involving a cost of Rs 3 crore, the up-graded project will serve as a strong link betweenthe fish producers and con-sumers with assured economic activity besides playing a crucial role in the de-velopment of fisheries in the state.

While the market has already func-tional units including office buildings, cold store buildings, ice plants, pump house, the up-gradation would include construction of 10whole sale shops, 4retail units, with a waste management plant, water harvesting plant, one meet-ing hall and one ice flakes store. The market will also have a parking capacity of 50 vehicles for loading and unloading of fish stock at one time

Speaking on the occasion, the Min-isters said that the second phase of the project including Installation of modern machinery at cold store and ice plant, besides procurement of refrigerated

vans and establishment of cold chains involving more Rs 10 crore would be taken up in due course of time.

They said that the start of a mod-ern hygienic whole sale cum retail fish market would facilitate supply of fish in fresh and hygienic condition to the consumers and also benefit various stakeholders like fish farmers, fishermen community, besides wholesalers, retail vendors and others associated with the fisheries trade.Dr Manohar appreciated the efforts of the department in bridging the gap between the various stakehold-ers associated with the fisheries trade.

The Minister for Housing, Horti-culture and Culture Mr. Raman Bhalla stressed upon the department to act as facilitator and maintain the hygiene and prices of the fish for the benefit of all the stakeholders. He hoped that the depart-ment will complete this project in a time bound manner to facilitate the fish farm-ers.The Ministers directed the execut-ing agencyto ensure completion of this project within a stipulated time frame for early benefits to the fishermen com-munity and fish farmers.

Senior officers of the department of Fisheries, Horticulture, Horticulture

Marketing and Processing and Coopera-tives were also present on the occasion.

Meanwhile the Department of Fisheries also organised one day training programme on Fish Culture and Man-agement for the fish farmers and fisher-men of Jammu division.

The programme organized under RKVY was chaired by Minister for Fish-eries and Cooperatives Dr. ManoharLal Sharma and Minister for Housing, Hor-ticulture and Culture Sh. Raman Bhalla.

The Ministers interacted with the fish farmers and fisher folk and high-lighted the importance of blue revolu-tion (fish production) in augmenting economy of the state, besides providing employment to the rural masses.Direc-tor Fisheries R.K.Dogra briefed the gath-ering about the increasing fish farming activities in the state. The farmers were made aware about the importance and benefits of fish culture with emphasis on water quality and disease management in fish ponds. The lectures on innovative techniques for enhancing the fish pro-duction were delivered by Assistant Di-rector FisheriesSh. Joginder Lal, Project Officer RFFDA, Jammu Sh. Sanjesh Gupta and Extension Officer, Jammu R.K.Moza.

JAMMU, FEBRUARY 13 – Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah has greeted people on birth anniversary of Guru Ravi Dass Ji wishing them well being and prosperity.

In a felicitation message, the Chief Minister said that the best homage to Guru Ji would be to create a society free from evils and making justice and equality rule the roost.

Omar also prayed for the peace and progress of the State and the Country. Meanwhile Mr. N. N. Vohra, Governor, has greeted the people on the auspicious occasion of Guru Ravi Dass Jayanti.

He said that Guru Ji’s teachings of peace, harmony, love and compassion have influenced millions of people and continue to inspire coming generations to work for a harmonious society based on equality and social justice.The Governor prayed for peace, progress and prosperity in the State.

Dr. Manohar presents Annual Financial State-ment for 2014-15 in LCJAMMU, FEBRUARY 13 Minister of State for Finance Dr. Mano-

har Lal Sharma presented the Annul Financial Statement for the year 2014-15 in the Legislative Council today.

The Minister also delivered the Budget speech after present-ing the Annul Financial Statement.

Subsequently, Dr. Manohar also presented Statement of Sup-plementary Expenditure for the year 2013-14.

Guv, Omar greets people on Guru Ravi

Dass Birthday

Bhalla, Dr Manohar lay foundation of modern Fish Market

MHRD sanctions construction of 19 Model Schools: Mir Saifullah

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Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Friday 14 February 2014

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

Stray dog menace- A

grave problem She Taxi- Offers a Safe Journey for Women

She Taxi, the 24X7 taxi service operated by women for women travellers, will be launched soon at Kochi city, after the suc-cessful implementation of the project in Thi-ruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala.

The service initiated by the Gender Park which func-tions under the Department of Social Justice, Gov-ernment of Kerala has been designed to ensure a safe and reliable mode of transport for women as well as to encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment among women. The ‘24x7 She Taxi Service’ has an advanced safety enabled technology that would make travel-ling much safer and secure. Travellers can book the cab via online or mobile on a 24X7 basis. The trav-eller can dial a specific service number to book the taxi, which will be unique for the entire state. The traveler will receive a Unique Identification Code along with a 24x7 She Taxi service number. This will allow the traveler to verify the cab number be-fore boarding the cab. The cab service will pick the traveler from the designated boarding point and drop at the specified destination. The traveller will have the option to make payment via cash, debit card or credit card. In order to avoid any disputes on the travel fare, an electronic payment system will be introduced. Various other features such as refreshment mini bar and entertainment facilities including music, play stations are also provided in the cabs.The cab, designed and integrated with Global Posi-tioning system(GPS) will enable to monitor and track the activities of the traveller as well as the driver and will facilitate immediate aid in case of any emergency situation. The cabs are also programmed to de-mobi-lize the cab based on the directions from the ‘24x7 Emergency Call Centre’ to ensure a higher degree of pro-active safety element especially during un-foreseen circumstances. Safe Bus, Safe Me, Safe Me Mobile and Safe City Response Ecosystem are the major safety offering technologies used in She Taxi service. The Safe bus technology used to control the speed, sudden break, and sudden turn and to ensure engine safety condition to improve the driving be-havior. Safe Me is a personal emergency alert service to the She Taxi drivers and the passengers inside the cab. Safe Me Mobile is a mobile based emergency alert application for She Taxi drivers outside the car.

A control room had been set up to track and moni-tor the operations of the cab on a constant basis. All alerts will be received and vehicles will be proactively monitored from this control room. The support of public safety officers is also available.She Taxi is a project that enhances women en-trepreneurship, self employment and financial security of women. The Kerala State Women’s Development Corporation, another associate of the project, will give financial support for the entrepreneurs. KSWDC will provide loans for the entrepreneurs at a lower interest rate to pur-chase the vehicle. Gender Park is the owner of She Taxi service and they manage overall monitoring and coordination. Gender Park will identify the beneficiaries, select and extend fund support to them. Gender Park will organize promotional and branding activities of the project, awareness and training programmes to the entrepreneurs.Gender Park is an autonomous institution pro-

moted by the Government of Kerala to resolve gender inequity in development. Gender Park acts as a convergence centre for Women Studies, Research Activities, Entrepreneurship Initiatives, Documentation, Library, Education, Health and Support, Business and Trade, Productive Sectors, etc. It has been created to tackle the problems and issues of women and to ensure better social securi-ty in all aspects of their well-being. At Gender Park, various activities of women are pooled into a com-mon platform irrespective of social, political or eco-nomic divisions.She Taxi Service is expected to solve the travelling problem of women in late hours up to an extent. It will support the women travellers from working cat-egory and the tourists visiting Kerala. The security and living standard of women will project the de-velopment level of a State. Hence She Taxi, a public sector initiative for women empowerment will be the start of a new epoch.

Kashmir valley is confront-ed with many problems including the erratic pow-

er and water supply besides other day to day problems which make the life of common people a hell in this chilly winter. In addition to the big problems there are small-er problems which have made the life risky particularly that of children, women and old people. For example the menace of stray dogs in the city of Srinagar as well as in other towns and villages is assuming the shape of one of the most dangerous problems. The stray dogs have increased many fold, so have increased the num-ber of the people mostly children and women who have been bit-ten by the stray dogs. Some of the children have even been killed in the dog attacks. It is really shock-ing that the hands of authorities have been tied by so called NGOs who are up in arms when any step is initiated by Municipal Cor-porations against huge number of stray dogs. These NGOs have no sympathy for humans whom these dogs make their prey ev-ery day but for the sake of money and name these NGOs do not al-low any action of the concerned authorities which could help to get rid of these stray dogs. There is no doubt that every human or animal has right to live but when one’s life becomes endangered by the presence of other, some steps have to be taken to protect the life of the specie which is victim of the attacks. The Srinagar Municipal Corporation had made arrange-ments to catch stray dogs and put them at dog house arranged for them so that the citizens are pro-tected from them. But the insuf-ficient space and staff has created hindrances in this project also and the result is that every day we are hearing the news of one per-son or the other been attacked by the stray dogs. Recently a small child was dragged out of his house by dogs in absence of his parents and killed, thus ending a precious life. The government has to think about the increasing dog menace and chalk out a strategy which can neutralize the dogs without providing any opportunity to so called NGOs to make hue and cry. If this is not done it will be-come impossible for children, women and old people even to venture out of their houses as the strength of stray dogs has risen to thousands in the city itself, not the question of other towns and villages.

Aejaz Iqbal

From the moment a baby opens its eyes to this world, its body must adapt to a new life. Every factor to facilitate this adaptation has been put into effect during

and after the pregnancy. The clearest ex-ample of this is the stage of the formation of mother's milk.The formation of the milk is provided by the mother's hormones. The production of milk is connected basically to a hormone called "prolactin" produced by the ante-rior pituitary gland in the brain. During pregnancy, the progesterone and the oes-trogen hormones produced by the placen-ta prevent prolactin from being activated and producing milk. But the placenta is discharged after birth causing the level of progesterone and oestrogen in the blood to fall; after this, prolactin comes into action and contributes to the formation of milk. Because of this communication among the hormones, such a valuable nu-trient as mother's milk is prepared exactly at the moment when the baby needs it. This is indeed a momentous exchange of information. While the placenta is in the body, it performs vital tasks but at the right time it must be ejected. This brings with it a very important development for human life. In the stages of human creation all the things that take place complement one an-other. Certainly, these are clear proofs that every human being has been constructed by a supreme power.And these stages continue after the baby has come into the world. The production of milk by the mother increases according to the baby's need for nourishment. In the first days, up to 50 g. is produced; in the sixth month, the production may be as high as one litre. Those scientists who have tried to find the formula for mother's milk

have been unsuccessful after long investi-gations because there is no standard type of mother's milk. In every mother's body, milk is produced according to the needs of her own baby, and this milk nourishes the baby in a way that no other extrane-ous nourishment can. Research has shown that the antibodies, hormones, vitamins and minerals in mother's milk are deter-mined by the needs of the baby.The use of nutrient material other than mother's milk does not completely meet the needs of the baby. For example, no other nutrient material contains the an-tibodies required for the baby's immune system. Cow's milk is considered to be the classic nutrient material for babies. When we compare it with mother's milk, we can better understand the superiority of the latter. In cow's milk there is a higher amount of casein than in human milk. Ca-sein is a protein found in coagulated (sour) milk. This material breaks down into larg-er pieces in the stomach making digestion difficult. For this reason, cow's milk is harder to digest than mother's milk. The fact that little of this material is found in mother's milk makes the baby's digestion easier.These two kinds of milk are also different with regard to the composition of amino acids. Due to this difference in composi-tion, the total number of amino acids pres-ent in the plasma of a baby fed with cow's milk is greater; the level of some amino acids is too high while the level of others is too low. This has negative effects on the nervous system and, because of the higher protein content, places an extra burden on the kidneys. Another factor that makes mother's milk different is its sugar content. In mother's milk and cow's milk there is the same kind of sugar-lactose. But the amount of lactose in human milk (L / 7g) is different from

that in cow's milk (L / 4.8g). Besides, the large coagulated particles of cow's milk pass much more slowly through the small intestine. For this reason, high amounts of fluid and lactose, which are very import-ant, are absorbed in the first section of the small intestine. Coagulated particles of mother's milk (unlike those of cow's milk) pass through the small intestine easily, and lactose and fluid reach the large intestine. In this way, a healthy intestinal structure develops. The second advantage of the great quantity of lactose found in human milk is that it ensures the synthesis of a material called "cerebroside", which plays an important role in the construction of the essential structures of the nervous sys-tem.Despite the fact that the fat level in moth-er's milk and cow's milk is almost the same, the quality of those fats is different. The linoleic acid in mother's milk is the only fatty acid required in the nourish-ment of the baby.Another factor that distinguishes mother's milk is the amount and proportion of the salt and minerals it contains. For example, in cow's milk the amount of calcium and phosphorus is high; but the ratio of cal-cium to phosphorus in cow's milk makes it difficult to digest properly. Phosphorus can combine with calcium in the digestive tract and actually prevent the absorption of calcium. Therefore, if a baby is given cow's milk in the first days of its life, the way can be opened to certain abnormali-ties due to a drop of the level of calcium in the blood. 1Apart from this, human milk is 50% iron. Because cow's milk contains a much lower proportion of this mineral, babies fed on cow's milk can develop anaemia linked to iron deficiency.Richness in vitamins is another factor that makes mother's milk indispensable for

the baby. From the point of view of the vitamins they contain, mother's milk and cow's milk are quite different. Despite the fact that the level of vitamin A is the same, the level of vitamins E, C and K is higher in mother's milk. The amount of vitamin D in mother's milk is sufficient for the baby's needs.A baby coming into the world from the protected, bacteria-free womb of its moth-er must fight against several bacteria in the external world. One of the most important features of mother's milk is that it protects the baby from infections. The protec-tive cells (antibodies) that pass from the mother's milk to the baby cause the baby to start fighting against bacteria it had never known before, as if it had actually been informed. The antibodies contained in great quantities in the form of mother's milk called "colostrum", which is secreted in the first few days after birth, perform an especially protective function.This protection that mother's milk pro-vides for the baby (protection from slight infections to very serious ones), is vitally important for the first few months, and its benefits increase in proportion to the peri-od of breast feeding.The benefits to the baby of mother's milk become more evident every passing day. One of the things scientists have discov-ered about mother's milk is that it is highly beneficial for a baby up to two years of age. The importance of this recent discovery was revealed to us 14 centuries ago:We have instructed man concerning his parents. Bearing him caused his mother great debility and the period of his wean-ing was two years: "Give thanks to Me and to your parents. I am your final destina-tion." (Qur'an, 31: 14)

Aejaz Iqbal (Microbiologist)Nadihal Bandipora

[email protected]

Mother's Milk