Yuketsu’s Assassin Guide

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  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    Yuketsus PvP Assassin Guide

    "sin or not to sin" - a light novel by yu-kreygasm-ketsu

    Who am I ?



    erms ! eys

    Class #yno$sis

    #killtree- ! Ability Analysis















    &asic 4echanics

    Advanced 4echanics


    &lade 4aster



    (orce 4aster

    ung (u 4aster

    Assassin&lade 5ancer

    Additional i$s



    7o8 to su$$ort

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    Who am I ?

    4y name is .obert9 born )::) ;Germany 8ith Counter

    #trike )> and Warcra@t6 my nerd li@e began &ack then i 8atched Giga 3B9 a tv

    channel that sho8ed $ro@essional level Warcra@t + - i 8as hy$notied ater on I$icked u$ Call o@ 5uty I loved Call o@ 5uty , Pro 4od and that 8as the time 8here

    the com$etitive mindset starting gro8ing on me I $layed many scrimsDmatches via


    &eing better9 @aster9 smarter than your enemy - thats 8hat it 8as and is about

    #u$eriority9 obtained by skill Ive $layed multi$le 44Es - started 8ith (ly((9 then

    some random asian 44E i @orgot the name o@9 later on World o@ Warcra@t and Guild

    Wars * I hit *+== .ating in #eason > 8ith .ogue ;me *=)J

    4y highest rating in Al$haDC& 8as )>:>

    I then started 8riting this guide ;time bet8een C& and aunch< and got su$$orted

    by amaing $eo$le like 3oidkIng9 Arro8 ;no8 3irus

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide



    +==)*=)> - )+M+K - introduced Changelog to sho8 changes9 making it easier to stay u$ to date+==)*=)> - )JM** - u$dated #ummoner &uild ! matchu$ section9 u$dated credits ! ho8 to su$$ort

    =)=**=)> u$dated (orce 4aster matchu$ section

    =>=**=)> 4A##I30 overhaul o@ entire guide u$ until matchu$s ;content9 @ormatting< - continuing tomorro8N

    =O=**=)> 4assive overhaul $art * - I made it until (4 ;i mean i sto$$ed right be@ore (4< - more tomorro8N

    =OD=K=**=)> (inished the u$dateN ;also minor s$elling corrections=**=)> $dating the guide @or the .ising Waters PatchN

    )O=**=)> $dated all builds @or all matchu$s ;74) to 74J (ully u$dated @or .ising Waters PatchN

    *>=+*=)> $dating the guide @or #ilver@rost 4ountains Patch

    )+=,*=)> 4isc $dates

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide



    Welcome to my Arena PvP Assassin Guide @or &lade ! #oul ;.egionM Horth America

    ! 0uro$e

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    erms ! eys


    &4 &lade 4aster

    5es 5estroyer

    #um #ummoner

    (4 (orce 4aster

    (4 ung (u 4aster

    #in Assassin

    &5D&4 &lade 5ancer ;oldM yn &lade 4asters

    cd and EHY 8hen used @rom gra$$les? Please

    Notes:Can be i@ramed and chased T very obvious 8here you 8ill land Ada$ton your o$$onent and kee$ in mind that you can save ) skill$oint against


    class other than 5es9 (m9 #um9 &d

    Body Swap


  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    Notes:CAH be blocked 0nemy cant turn camera a@ter usage9 standard combo here

    is %A&' L %)' he short disableB cannot be trinketed 3iable o$ener in arena out o@

    Glide D 4idair9 as 8ell as great against s$inning classes because it goes through s$in

    I@ its on cooldo8n9 it 8ont sho8 in the cooldo8n barB - kee$ track o@ itN ;)K secm range9 meaning =-Km is a deadone Cant be trinketed

    &estDeasiest use is a@ter the stun @rom #8i@tste$ Core tool in our dae lock combo


    Blink Step

    -D- Gain stealth a@ter use9 $utting you on the o$$osite side o@ your


  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    Notes: Is very easily countered ! $unished9 because easy to read9 use care@ully Can

    only used 8hen s$rintingDgliding

    G+ard Break

    -D- one o@ the * $ierces de@enseB abilities a #in has

    Notes: Great @or any classes than can blockDcounter9 can be used in and out o@


    eart Sta#

    =D, our other J=S to our main ani cancel combo

    )D, this $oint allo8s to remain stealthed 8hen used 7eart #tab

    *D, allo8s instant-animation against certain CC ty$es

    +D, this $oint unlocks 3enom Pierce

    ,D, reduces Chi cost @rom + to * - vital [C]

    Notes: his is basically 70 #in ability that de@ines our class 7igh damage9 $oisons9

    can be used in stealth Core tool @or animation canceling9 more about this in the

    sections belo8

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide



    +D, turns 7eart #tab into (irecracker - Ho [G]

    ,D, Fust Ho

    Notes: &ad He8 years eve is over

    %i$htnin$ Stride


    Notes:Ene o@ our hardest hitting abilities9 damage mainly de$ends ;scaling< on

    Poison #tacks ;8hich are consumed on success@ul hit< also a great mobility tool ;Can

    even dodge enemy abilities 8ith it - #hado8 5ash #tun @rom #ins ie

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    =D* the conventional sideste$D/ - $rocs stealth on resist [C]

    )D* increases Chi regeneration to >9 @rom ,9 8eak $oint

    *D* makes 7eart #tab )==S Crit on Proc

    Notes: Amaing ool to get another chance to restealth9 you can / charges

    Sidestep %eft

    *D* increases range to K49 great tool against ranged classes [O]

    Notes: .eally strong against all ranged classes9 considering all o@ them have 8ay tocc you that they can kite you Can be used as a ga$ closer I started using this as a

    de@ault tool



  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    =D+ sim$le9 nontarget dash - Km in camera direction

    )D+ +=S ms bu@@ @or >s a@ter use

    *D+ !* adds i@rames ! cleanses charge removal9 invaluableN [C]

    +D+ !* readies ightning #tride on resist ;does HE .0#0 cdNK>;)Os

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    Trinket:$on hitting an enemy 8ith the @lash the enemy 8ill be disabled ;same

    thing that ha$$ens 8hen you &ody s8a$ someone< @or about ) second I@ you

    success@ully manage to disable someone 8ith the @lash you can use that second to

    start o@@ a combo Ta# =< ! =< %1B is the combo here his is $ossible because

    #hado8sli$ is available u$on using your trinket

    his is ho8ever only recommended 8hen the o$$onent has no trinket because youcan get daed by the trinket and @urther on chased and as you dont have your

    trinket at this $oint9 it $uts you in a really bad s$ot

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    Cancel %ot+s !+ry

    he same 8ay you can cancel #8i@tste$ I@ you see your enemy using abilities into

    your animation9 $ress / @or a @ree re-stealth

    In #in mirrors its a kno8n techniVue to / the last animation o@ otus (ury- try toFust cancel yours by sto$$ing at +D,

    (+nishin$ Techs

    We have a cou$le o@ di@@erent abilities to $unish enemy echs

    +(+ #hado8 #lash is an amaing tool @or tech $unish - you have to s$end + though

    () o@ our 4ine tree is also a great tool

    #hado8 #te$ ! ime &omb are nice as 8ell9 but have to be thought about in


    Another9 more tricky one9 is your ea@ #hi@t a@ter a ech9 you $roc it via 5ecoy

    Generally s$eaking9 it is a better idea to use the other skills because it has the

    highest ram$ u$ time

    i!ra)in$ Trinkets

    In our conventional )==-= combo9 try to / a@ter the ku9 3olley9 Web9 4oths and

    In@iltrate 4ost rinkets are used here9 either be@ore the use o@ ightning .od or

    even be@ore that Another common rinket usage is ;considering your o$$onent

    kno8s you s$eced that< right a@ter your C #tun9 because it is our longest stun ! hasa longer cooldo8n than ightning .od9 but they $ay 8ith health @or it


  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    Pocket Combos

    SS =< ! =< .

    &ackste$ -U #hado8 #li$ -U kd #hado8 #lash

    SS =< ! =< C%s$eced C #tun'

    &ackste$ - #hado8 #li$ - otus ick

    Ta# =< Ta# =< *

    In stealthM #trike ;cancel stealth early< -U &ody s8a$ -U In@iltrate

    Note: I@ youre close enough you can 7eart #tab be@ore @ollo8ing 8ith ightning .od

    or #$inal a$

    I@ youre too @ar a8ay ;or Fust $re@er that over 7eart #tab< you can $ress 2 @or

    hro8ing 5agger "arnin$M sing 2 here disables you to use smokebomb @reely

    8hen youre going @or the @ull comboB ;e$lained belo8O)OJ

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide



    Keep in )ind that those aren7t the te?t#ook how to #eat Class 6 instr+ctions This is

    how < - D win a$ainst those classes #e creati'e and de'elop yo+r own tactic

    4ake sure to check out my Youube Channel- I am constantly u$loading videos o@ all

    matchu$s9 to demonstrate you ho8 I $lay against Class 2 8ith my buildsN

    Blade 1aster

    evel J= 74J


    Aggressive &4s 8ill try to instantly $entaslash you9 this is best avoided by running

    back8ards D side8ays9 Fum$ing and then gliding Putting do8n @lo8er 8hile gliding is

    a solid choice here9 risk is basically non eistent

    Ebviously + $oints into the instant-stealth smokebomb is amaing ! by @ar the

    sa@est I@ you @eel con@ident9 @eel @ree to use the glide L 4oths against them9

    disabling their de@enses9 giving you a @ree &ody #8a$

    Another o$ener you 8ill see @rom &4s is their $ull Its a thro8 and classi@ied as

    $roFectile - i@ you @eelB hes going to do it - either #mokebomb or ## it Wood &lock

    8ill not 8ork9 because it $ierces de@ense

    Passive ! de@ensive &4s 8ill 8ait @or their $entaslash to be used in in di@@erent

    situation and 8ill Fust $lay the 8aiting game9 standing at the s$a8ning $oint or go

    back into a corner - Fust be $atient as 8ell

    &e care@ul on using &link #te$9 &lade 4asters have their 3 ;(lock o@ &lades< to

    knockback9 greatly $unishing you

    Heutral Game

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    Aggressive &4s 8ill al8ays try to stay in your @ace9 using &lock in bet8een9 trying to

    a$$ly as much $ressure as $ossible Its a good idea to use 4oths here Additionally9

    make sure your @lo8er has )==S u$time

    he other a$$roach is that they try to $lay it slo8 hey 8ait @or you to blo8 ##9

    &ody #8a$ and Woodblock &e $re$ared to get blocked 8hen trying to lea@ shi@t out

    o@ ## or Woodblock sing 4oths here is a great baiting mechanic @or their ##9 i@

    they let it Fust a@@ect them9 its your time to attack

    Another great counter is to sim$ly In@iltrate them @rom the @ront i@ you see them

    blocking9 @ollo8ed u$ by .& ;Guard &reak

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide



    evel J= 74J


    Charge E$ener can be avoided by gliding or s$amming /

    heir aerial o$ener 8ill almost al8ays be their thro8 that $ulls you in9 i@ you kno8

    your enemy ! their $lan you can use the #$ace U &ody s8a$ U #$ace trick to negate

    that You might still get $ulled9 being behind him he decoy bet8een gliding 8orks

    as 8ell9 avoiding incoming damage and stealthing As it sho8s you in my build I am

    running +(+ #mokebomb to avoid any $ossible harm done to me

    Heutral Game

    Eur neutral game is etremely strong against 5estroyers9 theirs is one o@ the

    8eakest in the game #mokebomb *(* or +(* can be used to i@rame their thro89 /

    s$am negates their Charge and &ody s8a$ is almost a sa@e bet against 5es9 unless

    you &ody s8a$ into a red s$in

    Your kd #hado8 #lash is also another chance @or you to counter their s$inning9 due

    to the @act that #$ins do not grant kd immunity I $ersonally dont like the current

    one9 because the range is very lo8 and a + $oints investment is Vuite huge


    heir battle $lan could beM 7igh aggression9 cornering usD$ushing us against 8allsa@ter a grab Persistence ;&lue &u@@< is also a solid choice against #ins Ice 4ine can

    counter that $lan $retty 8ell9 because it gives you time to breathe I $ersonally love

    to $lay thro8ing mine here ! $lay the +4inute 8aiting game

    ry $laying 8ith their $atience using @ull duration stealths near them ;not too close

    to get hit by #$ins9 not too @ar to still be able to initiate

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide


    Al8ays use (lo8er over rinket9 sim$ly because its a lo8er cooldo8n

    I@ he @orces you into a situation 8here your (lo8er ! ab is on cd - make sure to /

    his charges heir thro8 has a rather slo8 and $redictable animation to be

    countered by either ## or smokebombing it

    &e care@ul on $unish commitment - i@ your esca$es are on cd they might Fust $o$

    Persistence and blo8 you out o@ the 8ater

    Its very rare that 8ell use our rinket on Grab - 8hile they have us in a good

    $osition @or them ! 8ill most likely $ut is 8ith the back against the 8all 9 8ait @or

    dro$ combo and get one big stun cd 8ith your trinket or maybe even redDblue bu@@9

    counter all $iledriver attem$ts @rom grab ;animation has a big 8indu$ and itQs easy

    to time against9 donQt con@use it 8ith his grab s$in 8indu$= seconds cooldo8n

  • 7/26/2019 Yuketsus Assassin Guide



    evel J= 74J


    he aggressive a$$roach @rom the summoner here is to use their ( ;5oomn&loom