Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

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Page 1: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Page 2: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Your Sex Style NumberA Guide by Numerologist.com Welcome to our Numerology Sex Style Guide!

Hello and Congratulations! We are SO delighted that you are taking the leap into the unique world of Numerology… with a somewhat saucy twist!

You are about to discover your Sex Style Number – the sexy side of the most oh-so-powerful number within your personal numerology chart: The Life Path. Chances are, you’ve heard of this number before, but did you know that this numerological frequency reveals a great deal about your own unique sex style? With this guide, we’re going to unlock your likes and dislikes, your needs and desires, plus those primal, passionate urges that you’ve only fantasized about until now!

Our intention is for you to finally understand the inner workings of your sexual psyche… so you can create deeper intimacy in your relationships and unlock your sensual side! Through the following pages, you will learn our simple, fool-proof method for decoding your numerology sex style, and reveal exactly what it means for you between the sheets! But the magic doesn’t stop there... Once you have decoded your own Sex Style Number, you’ll be able to do the same for the other people in your life. That means that you’ll have the tools to quickly interpret the sex style of your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, or any potential partner, simply by knowing their date of birth!

Are you ready?

Let’s dive in…

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Page 3: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

A Brief Introduction to Numerology Numerology is an ancient art. It spans cultures all across the world, yet it’s been kept secret from ordinary folk for thousands of years. Until now. In this time of global awakening, the magic inherent in numbers is finding its way back into the daily awareness of many, many people.

You picked up this guide for a reason. It is very likely that the power and Spirit of Numerology has an important message for you.

Unlike what you were taught in school, numbers are sacred, powerful and conscious. They contain exquisite energy, archetypes, symbolism, and myth. Yet they’re pure, carrying no ego or emotion. This is why they form the languages of science and geometry.

Whether you realize it or not, the energetic frequencies of numbers weave their way through every single experience you have. From the spiraling pine cones that fall in autumn to the planets that spin above your head. From the power it takes to get an idea off the ground, to the gentleness required to rock a baby to sleep.

All matter, energy, and intent carry a particular numerical frequency. It’s this which connects life together. Numbers are the matrix, through which the breath of Spirit flows through our Universe.

On a more intimate level, every single human contains specific energetic patterns. This too can be expressed through numbers. Your personal Numerology chart is constructed from basic information about you. Information as simple as your name and date of birth... but its deceptive simplicity can garner surprisingly accurate information! For this reason, Numerology is a tool of discovery. It provides a blueprint for understanding. It allows people to realize who they really are, and unlock the work their souls are calling them to do in the world.

This guide will speak of only one of the core numbers in your Numerology chart. Yet it’s the most intrinsic and embodied number of them all: The Life Path number.

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Page 4: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

What is the Life Path Number? For many people, discovering their Life Path Number is like coming home. It’s a bright beacon amidst the chaos. It’s an accurate indicator of the direction your life will take when you are most aligned with your truth. But in reality, most of us don’t even know what our truth looks like! We wander around, trying things out, falling in and out of work, relationships and phases of life that we may enjoy, but we lack any clear direction.

The Life Path Number changes all that.

The Life Path Number provides one of the clearest and most explicit ways to self-orient. To find your own, personal bearing, and trust it. Because when you actually have the information that the Life Path offers, it becomes clear which are your opportunities, and which are not. So before long, your Life Path Number becomes your blueprint to your unique and incredible life.

Calculating your Life Path Number The Life Path Number is so beautiful in its simplicity. It is contained within the numerical frequency that you chose, at the moment of your birth. Your birthday!

To calculate your Life Path Number, you simply reduce the sum of your entire date of birth to a single digit. You start by individually reducing your month of birth, your day of birth, and your year of birth, each to a single digit, and then you add those 3 numbers together.

Finally, you reduce this to a single digit (unless you get a master number 11 or 22, but more on that in a moment).

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Page 5: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Life Path Number Calculation Here’s an example:

Someone born December 17, 1987 will have a Life Path of 9.

• We start by reducing the month of birth to a single digit. December is the 12th month of the year. So, 1+2= 3

• We then reduce the day of birth, the 17th, to a single digit. So, 1+7=8• Next, we reduce the year of birth, 1987, to a single digit. So, 1+9+8+7=25,

and 2+5=7• Last, we add these 3 numbers together and reduce to a single digit to

find the Life Path Number. So, 3+8+7=18, and 1+8=7 In this example, the Life Path Number is 9.

The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no need to carry on reducing. Stop your calculation there. 11 and 22 are Master Numbers and they have unique meanings that require stand-alone readings.

Here’s an example:

Someone born on May 10, 1985 will have a Life Path Number of 11. • May is the 5th month of the year and does not need to be reduced

further.• Then we reduce the day of birth, the 10th, to a single digit. So, 1+0=1• Next, we reduce the year of birth, 1985, to a single digit. So, 1+9+8+5=23,

and 2+3=5• Last, we add these 3 numbers together to find the Life Path Number.

So, 5+1+5=11, we do not reduce further.

In this example, the Life Path Number is an 11. What’s your Life Path Number? Take a moment to calculate it now.

Your Month of Birth (Reduced) =Your Date of Birth (Reduced) =Your Year of Birth (Reduced) = Month + Day + Year (Reduced) = ← Your Life Path Number Yay! Now that you have calculated your Life Path Number, you’re ready for the juicy bit! Read on to discover exactly what this numerical frequency has to do with your personal sex style!

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Page 6: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Sex Style of the Life Path 1 If you were born into the vibration of the Life Path 1, you are on a personal journey into new territory. Your highest path will take you into realms of new discovery, pushing you ever forward. You are supposed to take the lead in life… You’re someone who’s confident, independent and creative, in, and out of the bedroom! You likely have a super-high sex drive. For this reason, maintaining a vibrant and active sex life is one of your top priorities in life. In fact, it’s likely that sex is intrinsically tied to your sense of self-power in other areas of your life. So, when sex starts waning, well, so do you. You love learning new techniques, ever perfecting and mastering your sex skill set. But creativity also has a place!

It’s important for you to feel like you’re growing and developing sexually. Rolling on and off just won’t cut it for you, Life Path 1! You’re someone who’s actually designed to reach new heights of pleasure and discover new roads to get there. In intimate relationships, you tend to prefer to take the lead, and don’t shy away from taking risks. And whilst you do need to be with someone who can keep up with your tempo (a mismatched libido isn’t going to work out well) you also need to know you’re number 1. In fact, you can be a total “rock star” in bed, and it’s likely that the aspect of performance really appeals to you.

So, whilst you take serious pleasure in pleasing your partner, you also need to be adored… from every angle! Focus: To tap into self-confidence. Challenges

If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 1 vibration, a lack of self-esteem may manifest. This often results in you choosing partners who aren’t your equal. And yes, this may feel comfortable. And you DO thrive on a bit of cheerleading from your significant other. But you must find the balance between healthy support, affirmation, and co-dependence.

Keeping the flow of sexual energy between you balanced is mutually beneficial.

At times, your sexual style can tend to focus on you and your performance, rather than on the emotional connection. A great remedy to this is to deepen into intimacy and to let your vulnerability show once in a while.

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Page 7: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Sex Style of the Life Path 2 If you were born into this number’s vibration, you’re on a personal journey to connect to people. Your highest path will take you into new realms of partnership, cooperation, and intimacy. You are the bridge between people. You’re someone who’s loving, giving and devoted, in, and out of the bedroom! You are able to intuitively connect with your partner, instinctively feeling their desires and needs. In fact, at times you can merge with your partner so intensely that your needs and theirs become the same thing. It’s likely this has led to some transcendental sexual encounters for you, Life Path 2!

You are affectionate, romantic and attentive.

Sex for you is emotional. So, unless you feel a deep connection with your partner, the earth just ain’t going to move. But this isn’t to say you don’t have a wild streak! But it’s vital that you’ve had enough time and intimacy to develop a deep, trust in your lover before you can fully let go.

You’re a loyal, giving, and willing sexual partner, Life Path 2! You are the master or mistress of giving pleasure. But because balance and harmony are your number one aim, you can really struggle to fully receive. So learn to spend dedicated time to exploring your desires, fantasies and pleasure centres... if you don’t know what you want, how will anybody else!? Because unless your needs are met in sex, you’ll never reach the intimacy that you crave. You’ll derive ultimate satisfaction when you learn how to articulate what you want sexually, and then how to receive it. Focus: To love and be loved in return. Challenges

If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 2 vibration, you can lose yourself in sexual relationships. Understand that sex is about personal discovery, as much as it’s about intimate connection. Without this, over time, dissatisfaction will likely emerge because you don’t know “who you are” and neither does your partner.

It’s also common for Life Path 2s to withdraw emotionally and sexually when hurt. But actually facing the source of your pain is what will ultimately heal it.

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Page 8: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Sex Style of the Life Path 3 If you were born into this number’s vibration, you’re on a personal journey to express your truth. Your highest path will take you towards other people who need to see, hear, and be enlivened by the visions of your heart. You’re someone who’s upbeat, witty, and communicative... in, and out of the bedroom! As a lover, you’re dynamic, passionate, and creative. So sex for you is a foray into the wildest sensual and emotional pleasure you can find! You’re someone who will “go there”. If there’s an opportunity for exploration, you’ll willingly take the plunge. Literally! Imagination is also one of your greatest tools. So it’s likely that you’ve taken a partner or two by surprise in your sexual past…

Your lovemaking tends to be playful, and there’s nothing that’s out of bounds! If there’s anyone who might be up for role-play, or something just a little bit deviant, it’s you, Life Path 3! But at your core, you want nothing more than to please your partner. For you, sex is about creating an experience together. So you need to feel your desire (and effort) is reciprocated. You need to be heard, treasured and acknowledged, for the effort you bring to the bedroom, and the vulnerability you always share.

This numerical frequency gives you an exceptional sexual allure (you’re a natural charmer!) Plus, you have an acute ability to “read” and satisfy your partner.... lucky them!

Focus: For your creativity and vulnerability to be “heard” and met.


If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 3 vibration, your main obstacle manifests as miscommunication. (This means all kinds of communication – not only verbal). You can “sext” your partner all day long, readying for a lusty interlude, yet if they say or do one “wrong” thing, all bets are off. Forget it! Your Path is all about learning to effectively express your truth. So it’s important you learn to do this with tact and care. (And avoid slipping into ‘roles’ you’re expected to fill). Being with a partner who listens to you with heart, is also vital for your own sexual development… and theirs!

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Page 9: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

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Sex Style of the Life Path 4

If you were born into this number’s vibration, you’re on a personal journey to build the foundations we all need to root into this life. Your highest path will encourage you to be practical. You’re someone who’s solid, loyal, and accessible… in and out of the bedroom! Between the sheets, you tend toward tactile yet “practical” techniques. Yours is a very “earthy” vibe. Because you’re a very physically sexual person, you want and need a good amount of sex in your life to feel balanced. In other words, your lover needs a libido as high as yours!

As a no-nonsense lover, you’re confident (or you should be!) and have a real knack of making your lovers feel safe and secure. This really helps them to loosen up and feel relaxed in your very capable hands (wink!)

You can be masterful with techniques, developing and perfecting the exact positions that turn you on. You know what you want, and are not afraid to get it – you, Life Path 4, are someone who knows the ropes!

You may struggle with spontaneity or stepping out of that comfort zone. So being with a lover who’s a little bit more experimental than you (and allowing them to take the lead once in a while!) could be a great way to open your eyes to trying new things and exploring new experiences.

Alternatively, you could be happy and fulfilled with a partner who loves nothing more than a sense of routine. A predictable, yet satisfying sexual protocol may suit you both down to the ground.

Focus To feel safe and secure.


If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 4 vibration, you may find an inability to settle and put down roots. In sex, this can manifest as serial bed-hopping (especially in your early years). But this is likely hiding a fear of emotional connection. So instead, sex becomes a tool of escape and a purely physical act. Expressing your emotions (though likely difficult, at first) will help to remedy this.

Another danger with the Life Path 4, is falling into a sexual rut. Being open to exploring your partner’s desires and fantasies will help avoid this...

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Page 10: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

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Sex Style of the Life Path 5If you were born into this number’s vibration, you’re on a personal journey to explore the world and expand your senses. Your highest path will take you on constant quests of discovery, to come back and share with the rest of us!

You’re fearless, adventurous, and very versatile, in and out of the bedroom! If there’s anyone built for a rich and spontaneous sex life, it’s you, Life Path 5! You want to explore it all, feel it all, and revel in the sensual nature of your mind, body, and soul. There are no limits where you’re concerned, and you’re willing to try it all! You’re flexible (physically and erotically!) getting turned on as much by your partner’s pleasure as your own.

You’re that person who always seems to attract the sexiest, most erotic encounters. It’s likely you’ve already had more than your share of lovers and sexual trysts. You’re likely dripping in more sexual allure than you realize... But you tend to avoid committing to partners and sex styles that aren’t always instantly gratifying. And this can mean you miss out on hidden treasures. When the going gets tough (or somebody, or something else appeals) you tend to abandon ship pretty quick.

But practice makes perfect, Life Path 5! And sometimes going to those edgy places could lead you to the elusive gold. This Life Path has the potential to develop into an exceptionally skilled and desirable lover, and other people know it! Just be sure you use your sexual energy wisely.

Focus: To experience every morsel of sensual pleasure the world has to offer.


If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 5 vibration, obstacles manifest as over-indulgence, excess, and escape. You can tend to use sex to avoid facing up to other areas of your life that need attention. This can mean that you’re more interested in physical gratification than a true emotional connection with a partner. Or alternatively, your sense of freedom may reverse. This can lead to an overriding fear around your sexual expression. You may end up restricting this whole part of your life, and instead, deny yourself the sexual freedom that you crave.

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Page 11: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Sex Style of the Life Path 6If you were born into this number’s vibration, you’re on a personal journey to create safe spaces for the people close to you. Your highest path will lead you through kinship and caring for people and the world.

You are someone who’s responsible, family-oriented, and magnetic! In the bedroom, you’re the “cosmic parent” and have a beautiful, caring, spiritual, sexual expression.

You have high standards for yourself and your partner... Which can translate into exquisite mastery of romantic love. You pay attention to the details. The perfect choice of music, placement of candles, the right bottle of wine, all matter to you. Setting the scene, creating the atmosphere and of course, choosing the lingerie that’s guaranteed to turn you both on the most, is all part of foreplay. And whilst you may have an initial shyness or reserve, once the heat is on, you’re all in. Sex toys and other creative and playful sexual methods aren’t out of the picture...

When you’re really in your element, honing your sexual magnetism, you can be a (male or female) Casanova! You’re also someone who’s physically attractive, only adding to your sex appeal! Plus, your awareness of your partner’s pleasure and satisfaction only adds to this. But overall, you crave a deep sense of connection with yourself and your partner.

Focus To find your soul mate.


If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 6 vibration, the obstacle that often emerges is perfectionism. You may get turned off, or even shamed by the messy, wild and edgier sides of sex. But actually releasing your search of perfection around love and sex, is what will bring you true sexual freedom! You can also tend to default to controlling and judgmental behavior. This places a wedge between you and your partner and preventing a satisfying sex life.

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Page 12: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Sex Style of the Life Path 7If you were born into this number’s vibration, you’re on a personal journey to find the deepest truth in life. Your highest path will need you to hone your skills of perception, opinion, experience, and intuition.

You’re someone who is mysterious, analytical, and a deep thinker. In the bedroom, you’re often unpredictable and super-sexy. You like to go deep, and for your lover, sex can feel like a quest to reach into the depths of your soul! For you, sex is an exploration and a journey of self-discovery. Since this is a Path on which you’re seeking knowledge, your approach to sex can tend to begin on more “mind-based” level. You excel at researching. You’ll likely work to gather tidbits of information about your love interest, on what they want and need, before jumping in the sack. You want it to get it right. Not because you fear getting it “wrong”, but because you don’t want to miss out on anything you could learn from. But letting loose, trusting your body and your own inner urges is where you’ll truly learn what sex is all about.

As you mature and find a level of trust within yourself and with a partner, there’s no limit to the depths of your sexual allure. Deep sexual satisfaction is yours for the taking. Practices such as tantra may appeal, and deepening into erotica and role play, as ways to explore the depth of your sexual psyche.

Focus To trust your partner and yourself.


If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 7 vibration, obstacles can manifest in confusion around what you truly want. This can result in you giving mixed messages to your lover, further compounding the problem. Deepening into what drives you sexually can be a way in. As is trusting your partner to awaken your natural passion and curiosity.

Realize that the Life Path 7 is the spiritual seeker, so these people can find themselves alone for certain phases of time in their lives. But this is almost always through choice.

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Page 13: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Sex Style of the Life Path 8If you were born into this number’s vibration, you’re on a personal journey to grow into your power and become an authority in the world. Your highest path will ask you to perfect your relationship with money and learn how to use your wealth to serve the world.

You are someone who’s powerful, opinionated, and successful, in and out of the bedroom! You’re most often “large and in charge”, ahem. As a Life Path 8, sex correlates closely with power and this is something your path needs you to learn all about. How to develop it, assert it, and reap the benefits. But it’s always a balance. Since control and authority are also cornerstones for the Life Path 8, those elements can play out in the bedroom. Your sex style will likely flit from being dominating to submissive. So, it’s important to have a partner who’s up to the job of holding both! Because you need to walk the extremes of both of these edges, it’s likely that roleplay will feature in the bedroom. You can be a risk-taker and be open to the kinkier side of sexual experience. You’re highly dynamic and sexually driven. This is likely clear from the people who meet you, on a day-to-day level! But as a lover, you’ll spare no expense in treating your love interest with an intense level of desire and appreciation. As a natural leader, you also have a deep sense of balance between give and take. Alternatively, you could also be more of the “pillar of the community” type. Perhaps a more conservative relationship with your sexuality is your jam.

Either way, you’re a powerhouse in the bedroom! Focus: To experience the flow of power and sexual energy.


If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 8 vibration, you may default into treating relationships as businesses rather than softening into emotional connections. You might choose sexual relationships based on gaining status or furthering your status in the world.

On the other hand, some Life Path 8s can struggle with self-empowerment, and this is reflected in their sex lives.

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Page 14: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Sex Style of the Life Path 9If you were born into this number’s vibration, you’re on a personal journey to embody the wisdom you have gathered over many lifetimes walking this Earth. Your highest path will ask you to surrender everything that doesn’t fuel your vision of the New Earth.

You are someone who’s compassionate, giving, and creative. In the bedroom, there isn’t anyone more innately romantic than the Life Path 9. Your goal is to overwhelm your partner with pleasure and it’s their sexual satisfaction that turns you on the most. In fact, sitting back and watching the heat rise in your mate is your idea of heaven! Charismatic and often enigmatic, you’re the classic Prince or Princess Charming. But you’re not shy. You’ll rarely turn away from the opportunity to try something new and can be devilishly unpredictable at times! Whether it’s using sex toys, watching erotic videos together, or going to a nudist beach—you’re down for anything that will broaden your sexual horizons, and more! Because you want to know exactly what your partner wants, you’re not afraid to actually come out and ask. Communication is a forte, and this means that sexual satisfaction is always on offer. But even though you’re a giver and will almost always postpone your own satisfaction for your partners benefit, ultimately you do make sure your needs are also met.

Focus To satisfy your partner, and learn wisdom in the process


If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 9 vibration, the balance in partnerships can tip out of whack. The 9 is all about learning how to give and receive. Yet often the 9 can become an enabler in relationships, meaning you can be taken advantage of, or slip into unhelpful patterns. This results in tense or unhealthy sexual dynamics.

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Page 15: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

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Sex Style of the Life Path 11/2If you were born into this number’s vibration, your life is a spiritual journey.

Your mission is to be an inspirational presence in people’s lives and affect true and lasting change for the collective. Specifically, this affects how people connect with each other and the world. As a person, you’re loving, giving, and devoted. But in the bedroom, you have a level of assertion and the ability to take the lead that could surprise you! You’re the classic “I want you to want me” lover. You have a deep need for admiration and unabashed emotional connection. Yet this probably translates into the need for a variety of different sexual “identities”. For this reason, playing out your fantasies using toys, accessories and costumes could really help keep the flame alive. Plus, it will help you to delve deeper into your sexuality. The Master number 11/2 brings a need for deep relationship, yet the double 1’s bring a bit of a conflict to that desire. Whilst at times you may feel coy, and want simply to be held, at other time your inner dominatrix (or dominator) will want to emerge.

So let them ALL out! You’ll need a strong and forgiving partner, who’s able to hold space for the complexity of your sexual nature. But with the right person, you’ll be their sex muse extraordinaire!

Focus To have the space to express all facets of your sexuality


If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 11/2 vibration, you may manifest inner conflict. This will likely tip between wanting to settle down with “the one” and needing to traverse your own path.

You can sabotage sexual relationships by getting bored easily. Or alternatively, you may end up staying with the “wrong” person for far too long. Without someone who can hold and witness your sexual dynamism, unhealthy patterns may form.

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Page 16: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

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Sex Style of the Life Path 22/4If you were born into this number’s vibration, your life is a spiritual journey.

Your mission is to be an inspirational presence in people’s lives and affect true and lasting change for the collective. Specifically, you’re here to change how people act and embody their purpose in the world

You’re somebody who is devoted, giving, and practical. In the bedroom, you tend toward monogamy—or serial monogamy.

At your core, you need sex that’s predictable and satisfying. You’re usually not usually lured in by the promise of fads or kinky practices. In fact, your biggest turn-on is likely your partner having the house clean, a romantic meal ready and having a throw-down on a comfortable bed. But this isn’t to say that predictable equals boring.

You have the power to turn ordinary, everyday sex into a spiritual experience. Your “slow and steady” tendency in life can translate to the most electrifying sex for you and your partner! The Master number 22/4 brings just the right combination of technical mastery, and emotional closeness. This means you’re guaranteed to tune in on every level when it comes to your lover. Plus, the double 2 in this Master Number intensifies the need for depth in relationships.

A surface-level fumble just won’t cut it!

But the underlying frequency of the 4 still wants enough practicality and control to make sure your lovemaking is an art!

Focus: Practical mastery, plus emotional closeness.


If you’re not aligned with the Life Path 22/4 vibration, you may tend to choose your career or work over your relationships. Because this Master Number makes you such a powerhouse out in the world, the bedroom can take second place. And this translates as you keeping sexual encounters at arm’s length.

A remedy to this could be to actually schedule time in for intimacy. And when you’re in, go all in.

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Page 17: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

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Quick Reference Guide: Tips to Drive Your Partner Wild!If your lover is a Life Path 1 • This is a Life Path who likes to be in control. Let them take the lead …

or at least let them think they are!• The element of surprise is guaranteed to drive the Life Path 1 wild. Be

spontaneous. Turn on the heat when they’re least expecting it! Did we mention sex in public…?

• Keep them guessing with a constant supply of new positions, techniques, masks and costumes. The Life Path 1 likes to keep it fresh!

If your lover is a Life Path 2 • Emotional connection is what this sex kitten needs. Get vulnerable.

Open up. Tell them a secret.• Kissing and caressing will get the Life Path 2 in the mood. But don’t

rush them.• Give your Life Path 2 lover positive affirmation, to let them feel safe

and secure. Then ask them what makes them hot… and give it to them!

If your lover is a Life Path 3 • Bring out the toys! Sex is all fun and games with this playful partner.• Communicate, communicate, communicate. Sexting, pillow talk or

dirty talk… let your silver tongue turn this lover on.• Loosen up! Be open to suggestions and try whatever offbeat idea

your lover comes up with.. you’ll be SO glad you did!

If your lover is a Life Path 4 • Get working on your stamina levels, wink!• Indulge in sensuality. This Life Path gets hot when the right physical

buttons are pressed, so explore their body like it’s a map of pleasure.• Try a blindfold. This will really help to amp-up the power of touch a

notch, or two.

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Page 18: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

If your lover is a Life Path 5 • Sex al fresco anyone? Head into nature with your Life Path 5 lover and

get wild!• Variety is a must. So have a range of positions, tricks, and techniques

up your sleeve.• Be super flexible (we’re talking all kinds of flexible!) This Life Path may

like to make some quick changes mid-session.

If your lover is a Life Path 6 • Set the scene. The Life Path 6 lover needs his or her environment

juuuust so, before any action is on the cards.• Adore them! These folks can tend to take care of everybody else in

ordinary life – in the bedroom, let them lie back and take it!• Explore role-playing. Freeing the Life Path 6 up mentally means they’ll

be able to explore their wild side!

If your lover is a Life Path 7 • Take them on a journey of discovery. Get kinky, get wild and get a

little bit weird…!• Show this lover something new. The Life Path 7 is a seeker of knowledge

so fuel their fire with the unexpected.• Tantra, anyone? First step, get yourself a copy of the Karma Sutra and

dive in.

If your lover is a Life Path 8

• Sexual dynamism is where it’s at with the Life Path 8 lover. They need to feel powerful… or powerless. Dip a toe into BDSM, see what you find…

• Invest in some expensive lingerie and silk sheets.. the finer things in life are a real turn on for the 8.

• Give them affirmation. This person likes (and needs) to know they’re the best you’ve ever had!

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Page 19: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

If your lover is a Life Path 9 • Express your pleasure! Groan, moan, cry, laugh… this Life Path loves to

know exactly how you’re feeling!• Give back. This lover is SO generous, it’s easy to forget the balance of

give and take.• Try the classic 69. This Life Path number will take it to another level…

trust us.

If your lover is a Life Path 11/2 • Let them take the lead in the bedroom… and then take it back when

they change their mind.• The Life Path 11/2 lover likes to explore the kinkier sides of sex… in a

safe space. So hold it for them.• (Check out tips for Life Path numbers 1 and 2)

If your lover is a Life Path 22/4 • Give the Life Path 22/4 lover what they’re used to in the bedroom.

Their sexual discovery comes from going deep, not spreading their interests too wide.

• Make yourself irresistible! Hot lingerie? Dirty talk? Whatever it is that gets them sweaty, use it to your advantage. Reel that baby in!

• (Check out tips for Life Path numbers 2 and 4)

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com Page 19

Page 20: Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist · In this example, the Life Path Number is 9. The Master Number Exception: If your final calculation totals 11 or 22, there’s no

Your Sex Style Number | A Guide By Numerologist.com

Pillow Talk It’s really important to remember that your personal sex style isn’t solely defined by your Life Path Number (and neither is your partners!) Your personal numerology profile includes a whole range of other numbers. So you may happen to have a Life Path 4, but you’re also guided by other vibrational influences. So the numbers 3 and 7 may show up in the bedroom for you too, as well as some others. It’s always a good idea to go a little deeper, and see what all the numbers in your chart have to tell you. In this way, you’ll gain a more complete picture of not only your sex style, but your life style! If you consider yourself open-minded, and you’re at all interested to find out more about the shockingly accurate truths your personal numerology chart reveals...

Click the button below to get your free personalized video numerology chart now.


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