Fahmi Rahmadiputra Hanggodo Wicaksono GREY

Youngspike 2010 1

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Young Spikes Indonesia 2010 Top10 Finalist

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Page 1: Youngspike 2010 1

Fahmi RahmadiputraHanggodo WicaksonoGREY

Page 2: Youngspike 2010 1

Executive Summary

There are a huge number of children with autism in Indonesia who doesn’t get proper treatment because they require a huge

amount of fund, approximately 5 million rupiah/month.

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We all want a better world right?

Yayasan Autisma Indonesia is an NGO that was founded on 1997 by a few concerned practicion with Autism cause.

How can we acquire such fund for a properautistic treatment?

 By targeting CEO of a company and leading those to allocate their CSR

budget for autistic treatment.

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In what way we can attract CEO’s attention in joining our program?

CEO have credo and belief as they run their business: Vision, dreams, motivation, ambitions, goals and effort.

Coming from these insights, CEO will see big a opportunity from what Michael Anthony did, an autistic kid with great musical talent.

In Anthony there’s a fiery passion and great effort reflected inside whom the CEO sees him like a “real CEO” spirit.

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How exactly can we pull this out right?

By Creating:

A Musical Donation Program Designed to Help for betterAutism Treatment


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 Series of musical donation program of classical piano concert that will be held by Michael Anthony in a unique way (digital

medium), an autistic kid that has special talent in music.The purpose of this program is to show that each and every gifted

autistic kid has big potential to grow.

This program allows each CEO to adopt one autistic kid for their treatment. Each adopted kid will be symbolize with one piano note

from a set of 15 notes.

To strengthen the LOVE NOTES FROM ANTHONY campaignwe use different kind of medium that touch the CEO

• Touch the love • Hear the love• Keep the love • See the love

• Spread the love

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The direct mail that we send to CEOs is shaped like a piano when opened. Inside we can see that there’s a missing piano toots. In the upper blank side there we can find this missing piece of toots with a headline that directs it to intact the toots to its rightful place. Behind the missing toots intact, there’s also an info that leads directly to the micro site www.lovenotefromanthony.com and also about autistic boy that will be helped if we donate to them.

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The www.lovenotesfromanthony.com micro site contains info about the biography of talented Michael Anthony and his autistic friends that will be helped if we donate to them. Below it, if we push the play button, we will see Michael Anthony comes into the theatre hall and play the piano tunes. The song that’s been played will suddenly stop to a point where the missing notes that hasn’t been donated. From there, will show up a question from the last note that says:Do you want to keep the tunes goes on? Donate 5 million rupiah / month, and become their foster parent! In this micro site, we can monitor the status about how the donation notes has come so far, who’s been donating,and how many kids / notes left and the logo of the donator company to complete the song.

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A newsletter that inform the donator about the progress development of autistic child that’s been given proper treatment by donator. This is given periodically every month, to update the donatorand give them a personal touch between foster parents and the child. To view other kids progresswe put facebook page link on the bottom of the news letter

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A facebook page that has almost similar functions with the newsletter that inform the donator about the progress development of autistic child that’s been given proper treatment by donator (but photos only). The differences in here is that we can see almost all the autistic child that joins the “Love note from Anthony” program, even if we’re not their foster parents. This was designed also to spread exposure about the program more widely.

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In the end of one “love notes from Anthony” campaign period, for the first time Michael Anthony will play with his piano live and full orchestra. This event will be like the actualization of what we usually see in the web. This was held as an appreciation to all the donator and also a moment for them to meet with the autistic foster kids. For the donator this was a chance for networking and also a free publication to media about what their company has done with their CSR program.