december 2015 december 2015 december 2015 december 2015 A Service of Lessons & Carols for Advent A Service of Lessons & Carols for Advent A Service of Lessons & Carols for Advent A Service of Lessons & Carols for Advent Sunday, December 13, 10:00 AM, Sanctuary “Waing for God’s Promise Fulfilled” Chancel Choir, Woodfords Ringers, and Liturgical Dance Pre-Service Music by the Woodfords Family Christmas Orchestra. Blue Christmas Service Blue Christmas Service Blue Christmas Service Blue Christmas Service Sunday, December 6, 5:00 PM, Chapel This special worship acknowledges that there is pain in people’s lives and offers a reassurance that they are not alone, and that they, too, can experience God’s love, which is at the heart of the season. You are welcome here! Advent & Christmas Advent & Christmas Advent & Christmas Advent & Christmas Worship Worship Worship Worship Christmas Worship Services Christmas Worship Services Christmas Worship Services Christmas Worship Services Christmas Sunday Worship, Dec 20th, 10:00am Christmas Eve Worship, Thursday, Dec 24th 5:00pm-All Family Worship & Pageant 8:30pm-Christmas music &carol singing, with Woodfords Ringers, Chancel Choir, & Organ 9:00pm-Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols

You are welcome here! - Woodfords Congregational …30pm-Christmas music &carol singing, with ... ake Ad"ent *reaths' There is a sign up sheet in the ... We overjoyed to report that

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december 2015december 2015december 2015december 2015

A Service of Lessons & Carols for AdventA Service of Lessons & Carols for AdventA Service of Lessons & Carols for AdventA Service of Lessons & Carols for Advent Sunday, December 13, 10:00 AM, Sanctuary

“Wai�ng for God’s Promise Fulfilled”

Chancel Choir, Woodfords Ringers, and Liturgical Dance

Pre-Service Music by the Woodfords Family Christmas Orchestra.

Blue Christmas Serv ice Blue Christmas Serv ice Blue Christmas Serv ice Blue Christmas Serv ice Sunday, December 6, 5:00 PM, Chapel

This special worship acknowledges that

there is pain in people’s lives and offers a

reassurance that they are not alone, and

that they, too, can experience God’s love,

which is at the heart of the season.

You are welcome here ! Advent & Christmas Advent & Christmas Advent & Christmas Advent & Christmas


Christmas Worship ServicesChristmas Worship ServicesChristmas Worship ServicesChristmas Worship Services

Christmas Sunday Worship, Dec 20th, 10:00am

Christmas Eve Worship, Thursday, Dec 24th

5:00pm-All Family Worship & Pageant

8:30pm-Christmas music &carol singing, with

Woodfords Ringers, Chancel Choir, & Organ

9:00pm-Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols

2 The Woodfords Beacon

H a p p y D e c e m b e r B i r t h d a y To . . .

Gladys Stokinger .......... 4th

Alison Grey .................. 4th

Samantha Wilson ......... 5th

Helen Ashley ................ 8th

Hannah Smith-Erb ........ 8th

Ka�e Campbell ............. 9th

Lucy Twaddel ............... 9th

Nelson Toner ............... 11th

Kevin McKee ................ 12th

Caleb Shields ................ 12th

Carl Anderson .............. 15th

Barbara Congdon ......... 15th

Bonnie Paris ................. 16th

Karen Philbrook ........... 16th

Ed Hodges .................... 17th

Mary Moriarty.............. 17th

Beth Rovnak ................. 17th

Elizabeth McGlinn ......... 18th

Mary Rokosz ................. 18th

Priscilla Greene ............. 19th

Bruce McAfee ............... 19th

Ginnie Toner ................. 19th

Jean Wriggins ............... 20th

Sarah Wriggins .............. 20th

Meredith McKeeman .... 23rd

Dorianne Ross ............... 24th

Fiona Johnson ............... 24th

Dorothy Ingalls ............. 27th

Wayne Johnson ............ 29th

Harle Watson ................ 29th

Fran Paris ...................... 30th

Sable Strout .................. 30th

Happy December Anniversary To... Cynthia & Waldo Harwood .... 12/16/2006

Joan Dinsmore & George Bouchard 12/17/1995

Congratula4ons on Your Bap4sm

The congrega�on sends its blessings to Cara Elise Baker, and

her parents, Joseph and Candace Baker, and her great aunt

and uncle, Rev. James and Paula Fletcher, upon the occasion

of her bap�sm by Rev. James at Woodfords Church on November 8th.

We wish the Baker family all the very best

as they raise Cara in the Chris�an faith.

The Woodfords Beacon 3

Our Church Family Mourns

The congrega�on is saddened by the news of the death of Ruth

Thompson on November 5th. Ruth had been a member of

Woodfords Church since 1990.

The congrega�on is sadden by the news of the death of Dorothy

Balabas on November 16th. Dorothy had been a member of

Woodfords Church since 1995 .

May their souls rest in peace.

Advent Silence:

Advent Contempla4ve Prayer Let every heart prepare him room”

Beginning on the First Sunday in Advent November 29, and con�nuing

every Sunday in Advent through December 20, from 9:15am to 9:45am,

you are invited to share silence with others in the Parlor as we enter the

Christmas season together. We will be opening our hearts to Christ’s

birth within us by “preparing him room”, prac�cing God’s first language,

silence. All are welcome. For more informa�on contact

Mary Zachary-Lang, Director of Spiritual


The 18th Annual Celebra4on

of the Winter Sols4ce

Saturday, December 19th at 8:00 am;

Gilsland Farm, Route 1, Falmouth

Join us as we embrace the coming of winter –and take pause in the

serenity and beauty of the outside world. Prayers, songs, readings and a

walking medita�on are all part of this morning’s gathering. We’ll be

across from the pond, near the rock. Symbols of light and winter for the

altar and breakfast treats are welcome. FMI contact Ellen Smith-Erb at

829-6748 or [email protected].

4 The Woodfords Beacon

From Rev. Carolyn…

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

because he has anointed me to

bring good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim release to

the cap�ves and recovery of sight to the blind,

to let the oppressed go free.”

Christmas Draws Nigh

The leaves have fallen, frost covers the ground most mornings, snow has

already fallen in parts of our beloved state and all about us are the signs

that Christmas ‘draws nigh’ once again. Christmas: the ul�mate reminder

that, as Chris�ans, we’re called to lives that center on the tangible offer

of radical hospitality and welcome. We remember that Abraham, one of the ancient patriarchs of our faith,

in welcoming 3 strangers was really welcoming God; we remember that

when Mary and Joseph were not welcomed by the average ci�zens of

Bethlehem; lowly shepherds and pagan magi did welcome them. And, of

course, we remember Jesus’ words: “Come, inherit the kingdom

prepared for you from the founda�on of the world; for I was hungry and

you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I

was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me

clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you

visited me.” We, too, are called again and again to see all of God’s children as worthy

of such radical hospitality and welcome. In case you’re looking for

opportuni�es to do so, here are some simple and tangible ways we have

to welcome the stranger and honor our call to care for the marginalized

as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Immanuel once again.

• Replace some of the usual ‘giI exchanges’ by contribu�ng to one of

the many non-profit organiza�ons that con�nue to care for the

marginalized and ‘strangers’ in this community and beyond: The Long

Creek Youth Center, Project Feed, Habitat for Humanity, Heifer

Interna�onal, Hope House (which provides housing for asylum seekers

here in Portland) – these are just a few examples.

• Plan to join us in January as we con�nue to discern the ways in which

racism con�nues to destroy the fabric of our local, na�onal and global

THE SERRV SHOP at Woodfords Erin RiNer and Iris Walter invite you to kick off your Christmas

shopping by star�ng where your purchases mean so much more! The SERRV website says it best: We believe ar�sans and farmers around

the world should have the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and

support their families through fair payments and respec)ul rela�onships.

Lots of new merchandise, including ornaments and holiday décor, is

arriving. Be sure to include the SERRV shop in your Christmas shopping!

The Woodfords Beacon 5

It’s the Annual Christmas Pageant

and there are parts for everyone! Our early (5:00 PM) Christmas Eve service will be a

retelling of the Christmas story. It’s a very simple

pageant with a very compelling and poignant

message. People of all ages are needed and invited to

par�cipate – from babies to seniors! If you would like

to take part in our annual Pageant (it’s true- there are parts for everyone-

or you can help us stage’ manage!) . A single, brief rehearsal will take

place right a�er worship on Sunday, December 20th. Ques�ons? See

Rev. Carolyn!

communi�es. Be part of conversa�ons that can begin to move us beyond

division and towards a true welcome of all people. Discussions will

resume aIer worship on Sunday, January 10. • Support our young people’s service and mission endeavors: sign up to

bring your children to our Youth Group baby-siTng evening which will be

held on Friday, December 4, 5-9 PM. We’ll provide a simple meal (pizza!),

snacks, games, craI projects, appropriate Christmas movies and plenty of

adult supervision. The cost will be $20 for the first child in a family, $10

for each addi�onal child in the same family. Funds collected will be used for mission and service projects: our young

people are excited about exploring local service opportuni�es and

planning a mission trip for the spring/summer of 2016; they, too, are

seeking concrete ways to welcome the stranger with both their hearts

and their hands.

6 The Woodfords Beacon


before Christmas (this year it begins November 29.

Advent means 'coming' in La�n; this is the ’coming’

of Jesus into the world as an infant and into our lives.

Chris�ans use the four Sundays and weeks of Advent

to prepare and remember the real meaning of Christmas.

“God never gives someone a gi4 they are not capable of

receiving. If he gives us the gi4 of Christmas, it is because we

all have the ability to understand and receive it.”

~Pope Francis

Special Advent and Christmas Music

Advent III December 13: Advent Lessons and Carols


featuring the Chancel Choir, Woodfords Ringers, and

Liturgical Dance, with Pre-Service Music provided by the

Woodfords Family Christmas Orchestra

Advent IV December 20:

9:45 Carol Sing with the Woodfords Family Christmas Orchestra

10:00 Anthems by Children’s Choir and Chancel Choir

There’s s4ll 4me to join the December Instrumental Ensemble!

We have parts for brass players, strings, and

woodwinds. Players of All skill levels are welcome—6th

Grade through Adult. Invite a friend and/or a neighbor to

join us in this new adventure at Woodfords Church.

The ensemble will provide pre-service music on the 3rd

Sunday of Advent, Dec. 13 and both before and during

worship on the 4th Sunday of Advent, Dec 20. • Rehearsals: Last one is Sunday, December 6th aIer worship at 11:30

am in the Music Room.

• Music can be picked-up from Paul Schnell aIer worship. He’ll be in

the front of the sanctuary around the piano!

The Woodfords Beacon 7

Announcing a Special Concert

Woodfords Church and the Boy Singers of Maine are jointly sponsoring a

concert featuring the Yale Glee Club from New Haven, Connec�cut.

Under the ar�s�c direc�on of Dr. Jeff Douma, the Yale Glee Club will be

performing their mid-winter tour of choral music in our Woodford's

Sanctuary. The Program is scheduled for Saturday, January 16 at 7:00 pm.

Please note: the Music and Worship team will be needing help in providing

dinner for the 70 guests musicians and their chaperones before the

concert. More details will be provided as they become available. Thank

you in advance for your help!

Advent Event and Potluck: November 29, the 1st Sunday in Advent.

Join us in Memorial Hall following worship for a potluck

(leIover turkey dishes are always welcomed!) and we’ll

make Advent wreaths. There is a sign up sheet in the

Cloister so you can indicate what you plan to bring to

share and whether you plan to stay to make a wreath.

Carol Singing at Park Danforth!

Tuesday, December 8, 5:00pm. We’ll gather first in Memorial Hall and for�fy ourselves

with a supper of grilled cheese sandwiches and hot

chocolate and then head off by 6:30pm to sing carols at

Park Danforth on Stevens Ave. Come and join us. It is

lots of fun and a nice way to share Christmas joy!

Monday, Dec 14, 7:30pm

Woodfords Church

Sanctuary This is the annual food drive to benefit Project Feed. $5 admission,

students are free. Please bring a dona�on to Project Feed.

Handel’s Messiah Sing-Along

8 The Woodfords Beacon

The Casco Bay Crop Walk We overjoyed to report that the final treasurer's report

for the October 18th CROP Hunger Walk indicates that we

are just a liNle short of our $10,000.00 goal. The final tally

is $9,019.35. Woodford's folk can be justly proud of the

fact that our church was by far the largest contributor in

every category including: largest on-line contribu�ons,

largest cash contribu�ons and most number of persons

contribu�ng at least $100.00. However, it should be noted

that a very hard- working inter-church commiNee made

this hunger walk a success. And most importantly, a very

significant contribu�on has been made to one of the

world's most efficient chari�es, Church World

Service. With these giIs, our world-wide ecumenical

ministries to those who hunger has been given a

wonderful boost. And, by-the-way, 25% of the proceeds

from the CROP Walk will stay in the Portland area to

combat hunger right at our doorstep. Congratula�ons and

thank you for your generous response!

Rev. James Fletcher, CROP Walk Treasurer

Photos courtesy

of Bob Cuzner

The Woodfords Beacon 9

GiBs for Long Creek Youth Center For the past few years, members and friends of

Woodfords have generously donated giIs for the

young men and women at Long Creek Youth Center, a

juvenile deten�on facility in South Portland. This

resource serves all of the youth in the en�re state.

Currently, about 100 youth (including 12-15 girls) from ages 13-21 are at

Long Creek. Most will not be with their families this holiday season, so

please consider purchasing an item (or two!) found on the giI tags on the

tree in the Cloister, so all of these young people can have at least a few

special items this Christmas. These items also send a strong message of

support and affirma�on, which goes a long way on the road to recovery

and change. To provide a giI, take a giI tag from the tree and return the item under

the tree by Sunday, December 13. If you return items during the week,

please drop them off at the church office and do not leave them under

the tree. Some tags have specific instruc�ons so be sure to buy only what

is specified. GiIs should be unwrapped and placed in a giI bag. Long Creek also needs help year round. The youth there are much more

than the mistakes they have made, and volunteers are needed to help

residents develop the skills they need to be responsible and contribu�ng

members of their communi�es. Individual volunteers provide the giI of

�me to mentor, tutor, play music and sports, or provide spiritual

direc�on. Long Creek has a special need for individuals to provide

programming on Friday and Saturday nights. Please consider giving to

Long Creek Youth Center - now and throughout the year. For more

informa�on about volunteer opportuni�es, contact Melanie Cardus or

Stephanie NeNo at Long Creek. 822-2605. Thanks, Brent

Oops! I Missed the Downeast Holiday Fair Sale ! If you happened to have missed the Downeast Holiday Fair (perhaps you

were visi�ng another planet that day?) you have a second chance to buy

some great items– perhaps finish/start your Christmas shopping? Visit the

Cloister on Sunday, December 6th for the AIer Fair Sale!

10 The Woodfords Beacon


With the oversight of ScoN

MacLeod, our building

manager, the front of

Woodfords Church looks great

thanks to the religh�ng of our

steeple, and is structurally

sound thanks to our new

columns! The firms of M.R.

Brewer (columns) and Rick

Emery Electrical completed

the work in record �me and

once again Woodfords Church

is a beacon for our Woodfords

neighborhood. Thank you Jeff

Brewer, Rusty Brewer, Rick

Emery, and ScoN for jobs well


The Woodfords Beacon 11

The Grant Fund Ac4vi4es For Woodfords Church Seniors 65+

GRANT FUND YOGA - Thursdays, 10am-11am, Parlor

$3 a class or $20 for a 10-week session. You can ‘walk in’ during the

current session– fee is $3 per class. Please contact Jennie 774-8243.

LUNCH & LEARN, 11:30am-12:30pm, 2nd Flr Conf Rm

Please bring your own bag lunch; beverages & dessert are

provided. Please RSVP to Jennie 774-8243– if not enough folks

sign up we may need to cancel . December 4th- "Living Well as We Age" with Susan Doughty. Susan will

talk about the following in rela�on to senior health: relaxa�on

strategies, stretching/Yoga, exercise, food, supplements, posi�vity, and

social connec�ons as well as the importance of a robust spiritual life.


Sunday School Youth & Elders, Sunday,

December 6th, 11:30am-12:00pm, in the

Parlor. This is an intergenera�onal

ac�vity for the children and elders to get

to know one another beNer. We will pair Elders and Youth who do not

know each other well, to share a few minutes to get to know one

another beNer. Of course, we will serve Christmas goodies. Please do

not bring a giI to exchange. If you are interested in aNending, please

contact Jennie at 774-8243 or at [email protected].

People are welcome to just come that day but if you know for sure you

will be there, please RSVP so we have an idea of how many to plan for.

MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS- Friday, December 11th, $20 per

person, Space is limited! A boxed lunch will be handed

out in Memorial Hall at 12pm. The group will board the

bus in the Woodfords Parking Lot at 12:45 and head over

to Merrill Auditorium in �me to hear part of the Organ

Prelude. The ma�nee performance begins at 2pm, and the bus should

return to Woodfords around 4:15 pm. Sign up by November 29th by

calling Jennie at 774-8243. In the event of snow, if the show is s�ll on,

the trip will s�ll be on (�ckets are non-refundable). AIer November

30th, �ckets will be open to all members of Woodfords Church.

12 The Woodfords Beacon

The Woodfords Beacon 13

**Please remember to send in your payment within a week of signing up,

to reserve your �cket. **

BINGO SOCIAL! Wednesday, December 16,, 1:00pm, 2nd Flr

Conf Rm. Please come and join us for bingo and snacks! We

will play several games for fun prizes and will end with a

Grand Prize! Please RSVP to Jennie at 774-8243 by Monday,

December 14th

BOOK CLUB, Thursday, December 17, 1:30pm, Parlor

We will be discussing White Dog Fell from the Sky by Eleanore

Morris. Books have been purchased for current members.

Feel free to get the book on your own and join in the

discussion. If you are interested in joining book club, please

contact Jennie at 774-8243 or at

j�[email protected]

JANUARY LUNCHEON, Friday, January 8th, 11:30am, Memorial Hall

Please join us and your Grant Fund friends for great

entertainment, food and fellowship! The Lighthouse

Jubilees, the duo of Angie GuilleNe and Pat McLellan, will

return to Woodfords to perform their “oldies but goodies”

entertainment and sing-a-long. Mekong Bistro will

provide a buffet of Thai food (flavorful but not spicy). As

always, we will have delicious dessert! Please RSVP to Jennie at 774-8243

or at j�[email protected] by Monday, January 4th.

Let me not wrap, stack, box, bag, tie, tag, bundle, seal, keep Christmas. Christmas kept is liable to mold. Let me give Christmas away, unwrapped, by exuberant armfuls.

Let me share, dance, live Christmas unpretentiously, merrily, responsibly...with overflowing hands, tireless steps and sparkling eyes. Christmas given away will stay fresh—even until it comes again. ~”Let Me Not Keep Christmas” by Linda Felver

14 The Woodfords Beacon

An Evening in Paris Due to popular demand, the Woodfords

Church Dinner Dance is returning. It will be

held on Saturday, April 9, 2016 and the

theme is An Evening in Paris. Just imagine

Memorial Hall being transformed into a

scene from Paris with all that Paris has to

offer. The �ckets will be $50 per

person. There will be live music, fine dining and a great deal of fun and

fes�ve fellowship! Do you have one or two people who are difficult to

buy Christmas or birthday presents for? Why not �ckets to this

wonderful, exci�ng evening? For more informa�on please contact one of

the people on the planning commiNee: Pip Hennessey, Laura Carten,

Lorraine Canterbury, Connie Smith, Judy Swicker, Robin Carter, Marge

Sampson, or Jean Koster.

It never

hurts to



12/6 Baruch 5:1-9 or Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 1:68-79; Philippians 1:3-11

Luke 3:1-6

12/13 Zephaniah 3:14-20; Isaiah 12:2-6; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:7-18

12/20 Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 1:46b-55 or Psalm 80:1-7; Hebrews 10:5-10;

Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)

12/25 Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14, (15-20);

12/27 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26; Psalm 148; Colossians 3:12-17; Luke 2:41-52

The Woodfords Beacon 15

The Portland String Quartet

Sunday, December 6, 2:00pm

This concert will include: the bird like violin melodies of the Haydn Op. 33,

No. 3, “The Birds” wriNen in 1781, the Ernest Bloch Quartet No. 2 in A

minor wriNen in 1946 and the Beethoven String Quartet Op. 132 wriNen

in 1828 and dedicated to Count Nicolai Galitzin. As always, �ckets are free

for the asking at the gate for Woodfords Church members.

MiIens, Gloves, Scarves, Hats Collec4on We are collec�ng miNens, gloves, scarves and hats through

the end of December, when we will give them to folks in

need to help keep them warm for the winter. If you have

any spares, please put them in the box under the Sanctuary tree.

Winter Storm Closings Stormy Sunday Mornings: Staff will make a decision

by 7:00 AM as to whether to cancel the worship

service. IF church is cancelled, it will be announced

on TV Channels 6, 8, & 13 . For all other events, generally when schools are

closed, events are cancelled, but we will try to constantly update the

church voice mail message. If your event is to be held in the evening, and

schools were open during the day, but the weather has worsened, we will

ATTEMPT to no�fy aNendees by email and will also try to get a message

on the voice mail.

16 The Woodfords Beacon

The Woodfords Beacon is published and edited by Sharon Stephenson,

Office Manager sstephensonodfordschurch.org; 774-8243 ext 103



are due

December 15

Date Usher

Team Head Deacons

12/6 1 Tom & Pip Hennessey

12/13 3 Judy Flaker & Bob Carten

12/20 4 Fren Seeley & Nelson Toner

12/24 Christmas Eve– SPECIAL

12/27 5 Janet Stewart & John England


Date Team

12/6 7

12/13 1

12/20 2

12/24 Volunteers

12/27 3



Elements Team 2 Communion Team:

O Christmas Tree! The congrega�on is very grateful for the

anonymous dona�on of our beau�ful Sanctuary

Christmas tree. The evergreen has evolved over

the centuries as a symbol of Christmas, expressing

hope, beauty and joy. Thank you for a giI we all

enjoy and which adds so much to our Advent and

Christmas worship experience

The Woodfords Beacon 17


My Name: ______________________________________

Contact Info:____________________________________

Please indicate whether name is to be listed:

A: in memory of

B: in honor of

C: in celebra�on of

Number of plants I wish to order: ______ x $11 per plant = ____________

Please enclose your payment for the numbers of plants you wish to order.

Name of person I wish to include in church bulle4n Listed


Christmas Memorial PoinsettiasChristmas Memorial PoinsettiasChristmas Memorial PoinsettiasChristmas Memorial Poinsettias It’s �me to place your orders for Christmas Memorial

PoinseTas. Remember your loved ones and help

decorate the Sanctuary with a beau�ful display of

poinseTas. The cost for the poinseTa is $11.00.

Please send your check to the church office by

Sunday, December 13th, along with this order form.