You already know: Nouns Pronouns Adjectives Subjects Predicates You will learn: Action verbs Direct Objects Linking verbs Subject Complements If you need to refresh your memory about these topics please visit the class web site for links to the lessons on these topics ERBS: Action and Linkin To navigate through the lesson you can either use the icon in the bottom right corner to go to the Table of Content page or you can use the icon, which is also in the bottom right corner, to navigate to the next slide. If you need a vocabulary refresher click on . TC TC

You already know: Nouns Pronouns Adjectives Subjects Predicates

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VERBS: Action and Linking. You already know: Nouns Pronouns Adjectives Subjects Predicates. You will learn: Action verbs Direct Objects Linking verbs Subject Complements. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Action and Linking Verbs

VERBS: Table of ContentGetting StartedIntroduction to Verb TypesAction VerbsDirect ObjectsLinking VerbsSubject ComplementsI have finished.ACTION VERBSLINKING VERBSdancehavebreakfixloverunplaycreateselectdevelopholdjumpAction verbs show the ACTIONS of the subject.Linking verbs LINK the subject to a word that either describes it or renames it.BOTHgrowisfeelappeartastesoundsmellremainprovewill beseemswerewasareambecomebeenAction, Linking, and Undecided

TCACTION VERBSAction verbs describe the ACTION of the subject. These verbs are what you DOHe the rock.June an apple.She Jen.It the glass.Ben Michael.jumpedselectedsawhuggedbrokeAsk yourself the questions:

What did he do?What did June do?What did Ben do?What did she do?What did it do?TCDIRECT OBJECTSDirect Objects are the OBJECTS involved in the ACTIONThey answer the questions WHO or WHAT.He jumped the .June selected an .She hugged .It broke the .Ben saw .rockappleMichaelJenglassHe jumped WHAT? June selected WHAT? Ben saw WHO? She hugged WHO? It broke WHAT? TCASK THE QUESTIONSThebearclimbedtree.theACTION VERBS: GIVE IT A TRYClick on the word that is the ACTION of the subject.Then watch the orange box to find out if you are correct.Climbed is an action.TRY AGAINSheeatsseafood.Eats is an action.TRY AGAINandJohnnyscatteredtoys.theScattered is an action.TRY AGAINThegirlsscreamedhome.andScreamed is an actionTRY AGAINChicagothedyesgreenriverDyes is an action.TRY AGAINBillranRan is an action.forMarch 17th.TCThebearclimbedtree.theDIRECT OBJECTS: GIVE IT A TRYClick on the word that is the OBJECT affected by the action.REMEMBER to ask the question WHO or WHAT.Then watch the orange box to find out if you are correct.Tree is the D.O.TRY AGAINSheeatsseafood.Seafood is the D.O.TRY AGAINandJohnnyscatteredtoys.theToys is the D.O.TRY AGAINThegirlsscreamedhome.andTRY AGAINChicagothedyesgreenriverRiver is the D.O.TRY AGAINHome is the D.O.BillranforMarch 17th.TCHe smart.June a teacher.She a junior.It a butterfly after several months.Ben and James friends.iswasarewill bebecameLINKING VERBSLinking verbs LINK the subject to either a word that describes it or renames it. These verbs DONT show action. TCTheballisblue.brightGIVE IT A TRY: LINKING VERBSClick on the word that is the linking verb. You will hear an applause if your correct or a bomb if you need to try again.Mrs. Smithwill benext month.fortyBarry BondsbecameaThedogseemstired.veryLaurenhas beenfor three years.a diverbaseball player.TCPeterMother was aThe flower will beIt became a to dance.Newts and geckos arecool.writer.lizards.beautiful.Predicate AdjectiveisPredicate NounPredicate AdjectivePredicate NounGIVE IT A TRYDecided whether the word in blue is a predicate adjective or a predicate nounPredicate AdjectivePredicate NounPredicate AdjectivePredicate NounPredicate AdjectivePredicate NounritualTCTCWhat should you do now?You could go back to the Table of Content to review a confusing topic.You can go on to the UNDECIDED VERBS lesson to learn tips on telling the difference between verbs that can be both action and linking verbsYou can move on to your VERBS FOUR LEVEL, which will test your knowledge of the topics learnedCongratulationsYou have completed the opening lesson on Action and Linking Verbs. EXITSTART OVER