Read this and other texts at www.advaita.com.br – Teachings of Advaita Vedanta, Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Nisargadatta Maharaj e Mooji – Yearn for Liberation! Firstly, there must be a desire for God, a love for Him, or a desire for liberation. Without that, nothing is possible. In my own case, the experience I had had when I was eight awakened such a great desire for God within me that I spent a quarter of a century in an obsessive search for Him. This desire for God or realisation is like an inner flame. One must kindle it and then fan it until it becomes a raging fire which consumes all one’s other desires and interests. A single thought or a desire other than the thought ‘I want God’ or ‘I want Self- realisation’ is enough to prevent that realisation from taking place. If these thoughts arise, it means that the fire is not burning intensely enough.

Yearn for Liberation - Papaji

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Papaji teachings extracted from Lucknow Satsangs. Brasil, Mooji, Iluminação, Mestre, meditação, meditar, despertar, sabedoria, sentido, vida, sábio, inquirição, auto-inquirição, Ramana Maharshi, Bhagavan, Papaji, Poonja, Poonjaji, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Advaita Vedanta, ego, Vedas, Upanishads, prática, sadhana, Shankara, Shiva, Tiruvannamalai, Arunachala, satsang, satsangs, Verdade, silêncio, yoga, ioga, caminho, Bhagavad Gita, jnana, jnani, atma, mente, felicidade, bem-aventurança, ananda, sat, chit, moksha, mukti, vichara, vazio, vacuidade, Buda, espaço, nirvana, Truth, Love, amor, Guru, ajuda, atração, lei, Krishnamurti, swami, iluminado

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Read this and other texts at www.advaita.com.br

– Teachings of Advaita Vedanta, Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Nisargadatta Maharaj e Mooji –

Yearn for Liberation!

Firstly, there must be a desire for God, a love for Him, or a desire for

liberation. Without that, nothing is possible. In my own case, the experience I

had had when I was eight awakened such a great desire for God within me that I

spent a quarter of a century in an obsessive search for Him. This desire for God

or realisation is like an inner flame. One must kindle it and then fan it until it

becomes a raging fire which consumes all one’s other desires and interests. A

single thought or a desire other than the thought ‘I want God’ or ‘I want Self-

realisation’ is enough to prevent that realisation from taking place. If these

thoughts arise, it means that the fire is not burning intensely enough.