Year One Progress Report June 2014

Year One Progress Report - London, Ontario › residents › Seniors › Age-Friendly › ... · 2014-08-20 · Gardening Program – Develop a gardening program to match older adults

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Page 1: Year One Progress Report - London, Ontario › residents › Seniors › Age-Friendly › ... · 2014-08-20 · Gardening Program – Develop a gardening program to match older adults

Year One Progress Report

June 2014

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Our Vision of an Age Friendly London

A diverse, vibrant, caring and healthy community, which empowers all individuals

to age well and have opportunities to achieve their full potential.

Learn more about the Age Friendly London Network? Join one of our eight working groups? Become a member of the Network?

www.london.ca/agefriendly email: [email protected]

Phone (519) 661-2500 ext 7208

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Age Friendly London Network Our First Year (2013-2014)

It has been an exciting first year for the Age Friendly London Network (AFLN). We now have 165 members, including representatives from 80 organizations, agencies and businesses working to implement the Age Friendly London Three Year Action Plan. This Action Plan is a road map for London’s future as an Age Friendly City and includes 37 strategies to make our vision a reality.

“A diverse, vibrant, caring and healthy community, which empowers all individuals to age well and have opportunities to achieve their full potential.”

Working groups were established and are implementing strategies in these areas:

1. Outdoor Spaces & Buildings

2. Transportation

3. Housing

4. Social Participation

5. Respect & Social Inclusion

6. Civic Participation & Employment

7. Communication & Information

8. Community Support & Health Services

“I’m glad to be part of this Network, and am excited to play a role in making London more Age

Friendly. It’s been very gratifying to see the amount of work the Network members have been

putting into their respective projects. We are all aging, and what we are doing here will ensure that

we can all be young at heart and more fully participate in everything London has to offer.”

Tyson Cragg Network Member

London’s older adult population is growing at

twice the rate of the overall population. By

2035, 1 in 3 Londoners will be over the age of


Over 670 Londoners completed the first Age

Friendly Survey administered by

Western University, School of Health


The Social Participation Working Group was

awarded an RBC Foundation

Collaborative Community Project


The eight Working Groups held over 60

meetings and volunteered over

5,000 hours this year.

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Our First Year ...Continued This Progress Report summarizes the work that the Network has completed in our first year. We are confident that the initiatives we have started and the partnerships we have created will continue to grow and flourish into our second year and beyond. A few of the strategies we worked on include:

Improved the age friendliness of our parks by installing benches, signs, mileage markers;

Increased opportunities for safe and active transportation by advocating for more bike paths, lanes and updated crosswalks;

Consulted on the Homeless Prevention and Housing Plan from an Age Friendly perspective;

Developed new tools to help older adults of all abilities participate in recreation programs;

Encouraged older adults to volunteer in their community;

Identified a “go-to-place” for information for older adults to get connected and find information;

Created a comprehensive list of home care supports; and,

Shared results of the Age Friendly survey.

“Having the Western

Students involved in helping

us to achieve some of our

strategies has been vital not

only for the time and

commitment they have

dedicated to the project but

for the benefit of that

intergenerational interaction

that has occurred!.

Connecting students and

seniors helps to bridge that

generation gap and gives all

a better understanding of the


Bev Farrell

Network Member

“I am a volunteer with the

Network and I can say

unequivocally, that working

with such a committed,

focused group has been a

fascinating exercise-- from

the original plotting out of

strategic goals; the

backstory research; to the

amazing speed with which

decisions are made and

carried out. I can't say in my

working life I've seen

anything quite like it. I'm

hoping others with the same

clarity of vision and

enthusiasm will join us to

keep the momentum going--

who knows what we can all

achieve working together?!”

Charlotte Broadfoot

Network Member

We are proud to be a part of ongoing efforts to improve the quality of life for all Londoners. We hope that you enjoy reading about our work. If you are inspired, there are many ways in which you can get involved!

We hold three Age Friendly London Network meetings a year.

Our upcoming Network meetings are Nov 5, 2014 and April 8, 2015.

“One piece with the working

group is the diversity of the

group. At least half the groups

are seniors so they do

represent the voices of older

adults. The group also

understands the complexity of

situations many are

experiencing and really wish

to make the system as easy

and accessible as possible.

They also highlight the hunger

for information.”

Patrick Fleming

Network Member

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The Network

Many individual Londoners are active members of the Network and its Working

Groups. As well, many community partners support the implementation of the

Three Year Action Plan.

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The Network

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Outdoor Spaces

& Buildings

Year One Highlights (2013 -14)

Age Friendly Parks Checklist project by Western University students

15 benches, directional signage and mileage markers installed along the Thames Valley Parkway; identified an Age Friendly bench design

33 parks adopted through Adopt-A-Park program

New Adopt-a-Street and Adopt-an-ESA programs launched

Clean and Green event grew from 4 to 60 days

3 public washrooms open year round in Springbank Park and 1 in Victoria Park

New Bike and Walk map shows public washroom locations

14 public and 4 private Community Gardens; installed raised beds in 2 gardens; provided input on Community Garden Strategy

Parks By-law includes rules on e-bike usage in parks and on pathways

Accessibility design standards for public facilities updated in 2014

Age Friendly Business best practices review completed

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Outdoor Spaces

& Buildings

Southwest Multi-purpose Recreation Facility Provide input on design process and older

adult program needs Age Friendly Business Establish a sub-working group to

investigate the creation of a London program

Age Friendly Parks Parks Checklist to be utilized by City of

London Prioritize parks for Age Friendly upgrades Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging

evaluating outdoor exercise equipment. Develop classes for usage and make recommendations on installations in London parks.

Develop a video on how to use the trails and pathways in London.

Develop a FAQ on City Parks Community Gardens Increase number of raised beds in Community Gardens Increase number of Community Gardens

What are we working on in Year 2?

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Year One Highlights (2013 -14)

Held successful Town Hall Meeting to engage transit users

Advocated for the installation of cross walk upgrades in neighbourhoods with many older adults and supported more bike parking around the city

Supported Municipal efforts to lobby Provincial government for improved roundabout safety

Advocated for the improvement of bike lanes and paths

Supported the improvement of pedestrian safety at crosswalks

Confirmed older adult representation on the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee (APTSAC)

Supported the implementation of a new car sharing program in London

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What are we working on in Year Two?

New Training Videos - Investigate the creation of new training videos for drivers on how to be safe and courteous when assisting older adults

New Communication Strategies – Investigate new opportunities including updating London Transit Commission’s Get on Board Program

Increasing language supports - Increasing language supports for people who want to use London Transit

Amenities at Bus Stops – Review existing system to improve amenities at bus stops (benches, shelters, information display etc.)

Public Transit – Investigate non-peak free or nominal fares for older adults and investigate ways to improve affordability of public transit

Bike Sharing – Investigate a bike sharing program


email: [email protected]

Phone (519) 661-2500 ext 7208

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Year One Highlights (2013-14)

Attended National Housing Day event to hear about 10 year Homeless Prevention & Housing Plan

Consulted on the Homeless Prevention and Housing Plan – provided input from an “Age Friendly” perspective

Investigated potential housing models and best practices and identified many housing opportunities

Consulted on the update of the Housing Directory for social and affordable housing

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What are we working on in Year 2?

Updating the Housing Directory – Continue to consult on Housing Directory, including definitions and information on accessible and subsidized housing

Communication Strategy - Develop a communication strategy for the new Housing Directory

Housing Choices – The group will continue to identify and advocate for the emerging market for Housing choices, including potentially recruiting students for housing projects research

Community Housing Strategy Review – Ensure older adults participate in review and updates

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Social Participation

Year One Highlights (2013 -14)

Developed a functionality index to help support older adult’s participation in recreation and fitness programs

Created a video encouraging social participation of older adults

Identified areas where group can support the Seniors Neighbourhood Advisory Councils (SNACs)

Expanded REXPO event to inform more older adults of recreation & leisure opportunities

Shared computer learning modules to help older adults learn to use technology

Identified barriers to participation for older adults, especially immigrant/newcomer seniors

Identified facilities that could serve as key places to get connected

Identified a number of “Doors Open” events for older adults in London

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Social Participation

What are we working on in Year Two?

Senior Neighbourhood Advisory Councils (SNACs) – look into opportunities to expand SNACs to other neighbourhoods

Recreation and Leisure - Expanding Leisure Education Awareness Program (LEAP) to other groups and locations

Access to Program Information - Improve access to information on subsidies for program participation

Cultural Programs - Develop senior-led cultural programming with those who have skills to share

Isolated Seniors - Determine program and service needs for isolated older adults

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Respect &

Social Inclusion

Year One Highlights (2013 -14)

Identified and reviewed best practices of intergenerational programs in London

Identified key contacts to develop

partnerships to implement intergenerational programming within the city

Created a video to encourage older

adults and young people to participate in intergenerational programs

Completed review of events and

awards that recognize senior accomplishments in the community

The Age Friendly Network is a

wonderful opportunity for

residents, service providers

and care givers to come

together to create grassroots

change in our city.

Each committee has benefited

tremendously from the skills,

creativity and energy of the

community members who

have been dedicated to

bringing the Age Friendly

London strategies to life.

Network Member

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Respect &

Social Inclusion

What are we working on in Year Two?

Intergenerational Programs – create and expand intergenerational programs Gardening Program – Develop a gardening program to match older adults with students Family Education Sessions - Provide family education sessions on how to support aging family members Recognize Seniors’ Accomplishments – Increase profile of events that recognize seniors Mayor’s Honour List - Advocate for a senior’s category on the Mayor’s Honour List


email: [email protected]

Phone (519) 661-2500 ext 7208

Join Us!

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Civic Participation

& Employment

Year One Highlights (2013 -14)

Completed an inventory of existing resources in our community related to volunteerism and employment

Recruited members from key organizations representing both volunteerism and employment

Researched benefits and challenges to volunteerism

Created a video on “Benefits of Volunteering and How to Volunteer” to encourage older adults to volunteer in the community

Facilitated a report on barriers to volunteering to be addressed in Year 2

"London can be proud of its World Health

Organization (WHO) designation as an Age

Friendly City and I am delighted to share in the

delivery of strategies to ensure all Londoners have

an opportunity to contribute in a meaningful

way. In particular, our Group's creation of a key

video highlighting the benefits of volunteering

demonstrates how we can all play an active role

in enhancing our community's quality of life."

Maureen Spencer Golovchenko

Network Member

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Civic Participation

& Employment

What are we working on in Year Two?

Civic Matters – Encourage senior participation in municipal elections by asking for feedback

Training Opportunities – Identify training opportunities for older adults through member organizations

Help with Employment - Improve linkages of older adults to employment agencies & possibly host Job Fair

Resource Kit for Employers –Update resources that highlight the value of older adult workers

Turn a Hobby into a Business – Develop workshops to help older adults turn a hobby into a business or to create training and mentorship opportunities

Develop Tool Kit – Develop a tool kit of strategies to assist individuals to participate in volunteerism

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& Information

Year One Highlights (2013 -14)

Developed an “Age Friendly London” logo and guidelines for its use

Connected with Information London/ the South West Healthline /London Public Library/ Cherryhill Healthy Aging/Savvy Seniors/Seniors Helpline/ 2-1-1 to determine scope of available information

Identified the “go-to” place for seniors’ information

Consulted on publication of new Senior’s Scene, produced through the South West Healthline and Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)

Recommended changes to improve readability of new Spectrum catalogue

Began collaboration with other Age Friendly London Network (AFLN) Working Groups to assist with their information needs

Researched options for improved internal AFLN communication (HealthChat identified)

Identified need for AFLN awareness materials (bookmarks)

Planning ongoing efforts to connect with agencies, organizations and individuals through events such as REXPO/Creative Age Festival to promote AFLN

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& Information

What are we working on in Year Two?

Education Program – Develop an education program for older adults on where to go for information, in multiple languages

Access to Program Information-Work with organizations to improve access to program information

Age Friendly Designation for Service Providers – in partnership with Age friendly Business

Engage Local Media – Engage local television and radio to devote time for older adult programming and advertising. Engage local newspapers to provide advertising of Age Friendly activities and events.

“I have learned so much and

the network has been a

wonderful way to use my


Cathy Du Val Network Member

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Community Support

& Health Services

Year One Highlights (2013 -14)

Helped to amend the zoning by-law definition of “daycares” to include adult caregiving

Developed a broad working definition of caregiver & identified caregiver needs

Reviewed comprehensiveness of information available on the Caregiver Exchange

Investigated opportunities for respite care in London

Ongoing investigation of the operation of telephone check-in services for isolated older adults

Created comprehensive list of home care supports available

Ongoing efforts to provide better access to home support information to healthcare professionals

Ongoing investigation to develop a volunteer program for multi-lingual “system navigators”

Reviewed Senior Friendly Hospital Framework (ongoing)

Reviewed prevention and education opportunities related to health promotion through the Stepping Out Safely Partnership

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Community Support

& Health Services

What are we working on in Year 2?

Better Home & Health Supports – Advocate for better home and health supports for older adults Improve Access to Healthcare System – develop a mechanism for greater integration of older adult service providers in coordination with other working groups Referral Maps - Develop referral maps for older adult service providers Education Sessions- Implement and publicize education series on how to navigate the healthcare and community support systems

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Learn more about the Age Friendly London Network? Join one of our eight working groups? Become a member of the Network?

www.london.ca/agefriendly email: [email protected]

Phone (519) 661-2500 ext 7208

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an city is a people friendly city