Year 8 Religious Studies Ark Globe Academy Remote Learning Spring Term Pack 1

Year 8 RS Remote Learning Spring Pack 1 8 RS Remote Learning... · Sessi on Title Work to be completed Resource provided Outcome On-Line Support 1 An introductio n to Islam 1. Do

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  • Year 8 Religious Studies

    Ark Globe Academy Remote Learning

    Spring Term Pack 1

  • Sessi

    on Title Work to be

    completed Resource provided

    Outcome On-Line Support

    1 An introduction to Islam

    1. Do now:

    2. Comprehension Task

    3. Extended writing Task

    4. Plenary-Use forms link

    Learning pack

    Answer questions in full sentences For the extended writing, write your opinion giving reasons for your answer. Write a paragraph of about 6 sentences


    2 Who is Muhammad?

    1. Do now:

    2. Comprehension Task

    3. Extended writing Task

    4. Plenary-Use forms link

    Learning pack

    Answer questions in full sentences For the extended writing, write your opinion giving reasons for your answer. Write a paragraph of about 6 sentences



  • Knowledge organiser

  • Session 1: An introduction to Islam

    Do Now:

    Which continent has the highest population of Muslims? Name 3 countries where Islam is the dominant religion. Tasks: Read the text and answer the questions

  • Key information Answer these questions

    Islam is the second largest religion in the world with over 1 billion followers. There are around 2 million Muslims in Britain, around 2.7% of the population. The word 'Islam' in Arabic means submission to the will of God. Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe there is one true God Allah (the Arabic word for God)

    What does Islam mean? What is the main belief in Islam?

    Muslims believe that Islam was founded over 1400 years ago in Makkah, Arabia through a man called Muhammad. Muhammad is so revered, as the founder, that it is usual for Muslims to say 'peace be upon him' whenever they mention his name.

    Muhammad is believed by Muslims to be the last prophet sent by God (Allah) According to Muslims, God sent prophets to mankind to teach them how to live according to His law. Jesus (Isa), Moses (Musa) and Abraham (Ibrahim) are other respected prophets.

    Where and when did Islam start?

    What do Muslims believe about Muhammad?

    The Muslim holy book is called the Qur'an. Muslims believe this to be the word of Allah as given by Allah to Muhammad. They also have the Sunnah, which Muslims believe to be the practical example of how to live given by the Prophet Muhammad.

    What do Muslims believe about the Quran?

    Muslims follow the five basic Pillars of Islam. They are an important part of Muslim life:

    These pillars are:

    the declaration of faith (Shahada)

    praying five times a day (Salat)

    giving money to charity (Zakah)

    fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm)

    a pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in a lifetime(Hajj)

    What is salat?

    What is sawm?

    What do Muslims call their five important principles?

    Muslims worship in a building called a Mosque. On Friday at noon, the most important of the weekly services is held. When Muslims pray, they must always face Makkah.

    Why is the mosque important?

    The symbol used by Muslims is the star and crescent moon. Many of the first Muslims were people who lived in parts of the world that were deserts. Finding your way around a desert is important; desert people used the stars to guide them. The moon shines and

    Why does the crescent and star mean for Muslims?

  • Extended Writing: Explain how Islam is different/ similar to another religion we have studied? Use at least 3 examples to support your response.

    You may use this writing frame:








    Plenary: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=dBTLADSljUaCn2NuzjLCTHeoEqI6F-ZAjRchnxDaQrlURE9QUzZNVkRWU0o4SElZRjlVR0lZSk40NC4u

    shows the way at night so Muslims think that their religion shows them how to live just like the moon and stars guide them in the desert.

    Islam is similar to _____/_____. This is because….( Refer to a similarity and develop your point) Another similarity is that both ……..(Develop your point) However, there are differences between the two religions. Whereas, Islam ….(pick a point and develop it) Another difference is that ….(Develop another point)


  • Session 2: Who is Prophet Muhammad?


  • Answer the following questions on Muhammad’s early life:

    What happened to his parents? _________________________________________________________________________________

    When and where was he born? _______________________________________________________

    What are the special events/experiences during his life? Describe 2


  • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Extended Writing:












  • Plenary: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=dBTLADSljUaCn2NuzjLCTHeoEqI6F-ZAjRchnxDaQrlUMlZER1ZWT0QwVk5KMUZGOVRUWFQwUU41Vi4u
