Year 3 Home Learning pack Week Beginning 30.11.20

Year 3 Home Learning pack Week Beginning 30.11

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Page 1: Year 3 Home Learning pack Week Beginning 30.11

Year 3

Home Learning pack

Week Beginning 30.11.20

Page 2: Year 3 Home Learning pack Week Beginning 30.11

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Reading Reading Reading

Spellings Spellings Spellings Spellings Spellings

Punctuation and Grammar

English English English English

Times tables Times tables Times tables Times tables Times tables

Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths

Geography Geography Mindfulness Mindfulness

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Reading Reading comprehension

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Choose the best word or group of words to fit each section of the passage and put a ring around your choice.

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Read the text and answer the following questions in full sentences:

1. Why must you land on the island at Smuggler’s Cove?

2.How do you think Dead Man’s Hollow got its name?

3.How can you recognise the Dragon’s Cave?

4.How would you feel waiting for a ‘clear day’ on top of a volcano which could erupt?

5.What do you think ‘hack your way’ through the forest means?

6.Why must you ‘beware of the creatures of the wood’?

7.What do you think the author means by ‘your dream’?

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Create your own instructions and map to find buried treasure.

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SpellingsThis week the spellings all end with the suffixes –er and -ing.

The best way to practice spelling is to do

look, cover, write check

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Spellings Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday











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Punctuation and grammar

This week we will learn how to use prepositions.

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English This week in English we will be writing the middle of the story.

- What is the middle of a story and what needs to be included?

- Exploring the model text.- Planning our own middle of a story.- Using the model text to write our own story middle.

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What is the aim of a story middle?

The character encounters a problem.

Lesson 1

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Lesson 2

Text mark the model text with these features:

❑Where are they now?❑What problem do they encounter?❑ Feelings ❑ Expanded noun phrases❑Adverbs

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Fintan Fedora middle

Before long, Fintan and Gribley’s private plane journey had ended. Fintan had only offered to fly

the plane three times. When they arrived at the rainforest, Fintan was shocked at how big it really

was. After sobbing uncontrollably for a while, Fintan decided that he needed to try and find the

chocoplum so he needed to be brave. He grunted and he muttered as he struggled through the

damp slippery forest. The large green trees blocked any sunlight or heat from getting through. Fintan


After what felt like forever, Fintan finally stopped and looked up curiously.

“There!” he shouted excitedly.

Gribley copied Fintan and looked up high in the trees. There sat the juicy brown chocoplum.

Immediately, Fintan began throwing sticks and stones and everything he could find to try and knock

it down. It was no use. The chocoplum was too high up in the trees.

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Lesson 3:

Use the Fintan Fedora example to plan your own story.

Remember to use the features of the toolkit to help you.

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Scary dark rainforestDeep dangerous forestGiant green plantsShadows and cold windEnormous towering treesSloppy slippery mud.


Describe the new place which your character goes. Don’t forget to use expanded noun phrases.

REMEMBER to include how they got there!

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Soft juicy chocoplum is too high upEmergent layer of rainforestCan’t reach itTries throwing stones at it


Outline the problem which your character encounters

Be detailed and clear so that your story is easy to follow.

DistruaghtUpsetSulkingStomping his feet


How does your character feel about the problem?

They could:SulkBe rational and try to find a solutionKick off and be aggressiveCry

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Innovating is using the model text structure and sentences to make our writing clear and well structured.

Use your plan to change the highlighted words/phrases only.

You must make sure that your sentences still make sense.

Change all: Fintan to your characters name and all Gribley to your characters sidekick’s name.

Think about where they are and what problem your characters face.

Lesson 4:

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Fintan Fedora middle

Before long, Fintan and Gribley’s private plane journey had ended. Fintan had only offered to fly

the plane three times. When they arrived at the rainforest, Fintan was shocked at how big it really

was. After sobbing uncontrollably for a while, Fintan decided that he needed to try and find the

chocoplum so he needed to be brave. He grunted and he muttered as he struggled through the

damp slippery forest. The large green trees blocked any sunlight or heat from getting through. Fintan


After what felt like forever, Fintan finally stopped and looked up curiously.

“There!” he shouted excitedly.

Gribley copied Fintan and looked up high in the trees. There sat the juicy brown chocoplum.

Immediately, Fintan began throwing sticks and stones and everything he could find to try and knock

it down. It was no use. The chocoplum was too high up in the trees.

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Times Tables This week we will be looking at our 3x tables.

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Lesson 1


Use the song to help you learn your 3 times table.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Colour in your 3 times table Lesson 2

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Lesson 3

Circle each number which is in the 3 times table.

Are they all there?

If not, find the missing numbers and add them in.

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Lesson 4

Solve the calculations and use the key to colour the elf correctly.

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Lesson 5

Use TT rock stars to help you become quicker at your 3 times


It has been set so that you only practice your 3s.

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MathsThis week we will looking multiplication and division.

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Lesson 1 Multiplication

Teaching https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/first-four-times-table/zvnhjhv

Watch the video and get moving with your 4 times tables!!!

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Practice Fill in the missing numbers of the 4x tables.

5 x 4 = 4

7 x 4 = 28

9 x 4 = 36

12 x 4 = 16

1 x 4 = 20

3 x 4 = 12

11 x 4 = 44

8 x 4 = 32

10 x 4 = 40

2 x 4 = 40

6 x 4 = 24

4 x 4 = 48

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Challenge Lesson 1

Jake is trying to find out the ages of different members of his family.

Use the clues to investigate the ages of Jake and his family members.

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Practice Lesson 2

Sort the balls into equal groups of 4

lots of =

True or false:34 = 4 x 8

Complete the statement:

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Practice Lesson 2

I have 4 boxes with 6 toys each in. How many toys do I have?

Match each description to the correct number.

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Lesson 3 Times tables

Investigating Can you use this template to create a game involving the 3 times tables?

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Practice Lesson 4

Match the equal statements below:

Which statement is the odd one out?

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Practice Lesson 4

Alice and Frank are discussing ways to complete the calculation below:

Who is correct? Convince me.

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Work the word problems using your 4x tables.

Apply Lesson 5

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Geography This week we are learning more about rainforests.

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Lesson 1Fair trade



Use the information to learn about

deforestation and answer the questions.

• Is deforestation right?• Do you agree that cutting down trees is

necessary?• What about people's jobs?• How could we avoid deforestation?

Unfortunately though, men are destroying the rainforests for profit. An area around the size of 36 football pitches of rainforest is cut

down every single minute of every day.


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The Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world, covering over five and a half a million square kilometres (1.4 billion acres).Over half of the Amazon rainforest is located in Brazil but it is also located in other South American countries including Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Bolivia, Suriname and French Guiana.

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Rainforests are often called the lungs of the planet for their role in absorbing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and producing oxygen, upon which all animals depend for survival. Rainforests also stabilize climate, house incredible amounts of plants and wildlife, and produce nourishing rainfall all around the planet.

It is home to around 2 and a half million different insect species as well as over 40000 plant species. 10% of the world’s known species live in the Amazon rainforest and 20% of the world’s bird species live in the Amazon rainforest. There are also a number of dangerous species living in the Amazon rainforest such as the cougar, jaguar and anaconda.

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Why do people cut down trees?

Forests are cleared all around the world for a number of reasons, including:• Harvesting of timber to produce wood and paper products

• Clearing land for farms, cash-crop plantations, and cattle ranching• Clearing land for urban development, including homes and roads

The benefits of trees.• Trees are necessary for our survival. Through photosynthesis, trees produce the gas we cannot do without; Oxygen. As we breathe in, we take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees take in that carbon dioxide and turn it back into oxygen.

• Trees support biodiversity. Rainforests are home to thousands upon thousands of different living organisms that rely on each other for survival. Think back to what we know about food chains.

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The real cost of deforestation.

• Species of animals become extinct as their ecosystem has become damaged and their homes have been destroyed.

• We have too much carbon dioxide, which is harmful to the earths atmosphere.

• Floods. The roots of trees absorb much of the water that falls. Without trees, the water has nowhere to go. This causes water to remain on the surface and flooding occurs. Due to floods, animals and humans homes become damaged leaving them homeless.

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Lesson 2Deforestation



Use the instructions to design a placard to

protest deforestation.

Unfortunately though, men are destroying the rainforests for profit. An area around the size of 36 football pitches of rainforest is cut

down every single minute of every day.


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Design a poster telling people about deforestation.You need to include:

▪ Facts about deforestation▪ Effects about deforestation▪ Warnings▪ Possible solutions / alternatives.▪ Pictures▪ Bright colours

Your aim is to get peoples


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