Year 11 Parent Information Evening Planning for Year 12 2017 9 February 2016

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Year 11 Care Teachers Evans A Ms Sidaway Evans BMr Spiteri Dunlea AMr Warren Dunlea BMr Mecham Golding AMrs Murphy Golding BMrs Blaze McGarry AMr La Fitte McGarry BMs Sunderland

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Year 11 Parent Information Evening Planning for Year February 2016 College Prayer Dear Lord, Help us to live the Gospel values as exemplified by Irene McCormack. Assist us in recognising injustice and finding Irenes Courage to act in the face of it. Give us her vision and passion to serve those in need. Grant us her openness and serenity to treat each day as your gift to be celebrated and shared. May we use the words of the College motto Prayer, Service and Justice as the guiding light for our daily lives. Amen Irene McCormack Pray for us Year 11 Care Teachers Evans A Ms Sidaway Evans BMr Spiteri Dunlea AMr Warren Dunlea BMr Mecham Golding AMrs Murphy Golding BMrs Blaze McGarry AMr La Fitte McGarry BMs Sunderland 2016 Year 11 Events Retreat: 3 rd March Swanleigh Conference Centre River Cruise: 3 rd March Captain Cook Cruises Parent Teacher Interviews: 3 rd May Term 2 (after interim report) 27 th July Term 3 (after Semester One report) 27 th July Career Expo 1 August - Year 11 Curriculum Question and Answer Evening. Year 11 Exams: 30 th May 10 th June - Semester 1 4 th November 25 th November Semester 2 Reminders Punctuality: To Care Group To class Absenteeism: Communication Notes Seqta Reminders College Planner: Correct use Christian Service: Christian Service Journals Career Development Career Portfolio: Individual Pathway Plan IPP Term 1. Full details of your three currently preferred university courses or training provider courses, including apprenticeships. Copy of last school report and awards. Record of any work experience hours- includes volunteer work, part time job, school work experience. Career Events Career events and presentations will be advertised in daily notices and the newsletter. Engagement opportunities. If you need help with your pathway or portfolio, pleaseMs.Tonkin for an appointment. All about WACE What is WACE? Western Australian Certificate of Education To achieve WACE, students must complete the following: 1.Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Band 8 or OLNA Category 3 (Reading, Writing and Numeracy). 2.Complete 4 or more Year 12 ATAR courses or complete a Certificate II course or higher. 3.Complete an English course in Years 11 and Study one course from List A (Arts/Language/Social Science) and List B (Mathematics/Science/Technologies). WACE continued All courses are one year in length. A course is made up of two units. A student must achieve C grades in a minimum of 7 Year 11 and 12 courses including 3 C grades in Year 12 courses. What is OLNA? Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment. If students have not demonstrated their Literacy and Numeracy through NAPLAN (Band 8, Reading, Writing and Numeracy), they have opportunities to sit the assessment, once in Semester 1, and once in Semester 2. OLNA dates for Semester 1: March 2016 OLNA dates for Semester 2: September 2016 Should students not meet the OLNA requirements, they will need to enrol in a Foundations Course for Year 11 and 12 (or until literacy and numeracy levels are achieved). University Admission Requirements School Leavers Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Competence in English Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or Selection Rank Prerequisites Competence in English For all universities, a scaled score of 50 or more is required in: English; or EALD; or Literature. Concessions mechanisms are available case by case basis. All about courses Courses AIM: Select a course, commensurate with students abilities, that will allow them to access their preferred post school option. There are several courses that may be studied: 1.ATAR University Entry 2.Portfolio Entry less than 4 ATAR 3.General STP or Employment Refer to Student Handbook. Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) ATAR indicates a students rank position in the total Year 12 school leaving age population in WA. That is, an ATAR of means that a student has performed better than 75.35% of all the Year 12 school leaving age people in WA. The Tertiary Entrance Aggregate (TEA) is based on the sum of the best 4 scaled scores (plus LOTE bonus, if applicable). The ATAR is derived from the TEA. Post School Entry Considerations Ms Tonkin University Course Designed for direct entry into University at the end of Year 12. Students study 6 courses in Years 11 and 12 with the top 4 used as ATAR. WACE examinations are held in November of each year. The ATAR score is then used to determine entry into University Courses. Portfolio Course Students who study less than four ATAR courses. Students preferably select three ATAR courses including English ATAR. Intend to apply for a university program that has an alternative entry in place of an ATAR. General Course Designed for students who wish to access further training (e.g. apprenticeships), STP entry or employment. Students study general courses and at least 1 VET qualification (Certificate II minimum). Students career portfolio and aligned achievements contribute to applications. Universities in Perth Catholic University University of Notre Dame Alternate Universities Curtin University Edith Cowan University Murdoch University University of Western Australia Alternative Entry Curtin University Enabling course in Science, Engineering and Health The Aboriginal Bridging Course The Indigenous Tertiary Enabling Course UniReady Enabling Program StepUp Edith Cowan University UniPrep Portfolio Entry Notre Dame University Tertiary Enabling Program Foundation Program Murdoch University Entry Awards RISE OnTrack Media and Creative Portfolio Pathway The University of Western Australia UWay Broadway Fairway ATSI Pathways State Training Provider (STP) All State Training Provider courses have published entry requirements. The entry requirements are either: Communication; Communication and Mathematics; or Completion of a prerequisite course (for instance to complete the Certificate IV of Disability Work you need to complete the Certificate III of Disability Work). Important information It is important that in Year 11 you engage with the opportunities provided by the universities and training organisations. It is not possible to do everything in Year 12. Make the time in Year 11 to feel confident about your post school pathway. Remember, you have chosen your current subjects based on your preferred post school option. How can we assist our students? Study University Entrance: it is expected that they study at 3 hours per night, 5 times per week. Weekend study is also required. This should include assignments and on-going revision. As examinations approach, the focus of study would be expected to move to increasing proportions of revision. Study General Courses: it is expected to develop and maintain a homework study plan that balances skill review and academic study. Those students who are offsite 1 day per week in the workplace require effective planning and exceptional organisational skills. Students are reminded that training and post-school destinations are very competitive environments which require students to work consistently and diligently towards high levels of achievement. How can parents help? Provide all-round support 1.The best way to support your childs learning is to make home life as calm and pleasant as possible. 2. Encourage your child to take eat healthily and take regular exercise. 3. It's important to get a good night's sleep at least 8 hours. 4. Ensure students are at school on time. How can parents help? Encouragement Encourage your child to do well for his or her own sake. Make sure your child knows you're interested in their work and that you'll be proud of their success. Get students to school on time. Family holidays for school holidays only. Assist students so that part time work does not interfere with their studies. How can parents help? Assist with revision The secret to doing well at school lies in planning. You can help your child to create a clear revision plan and method of studying that will make them feel in control of their work. How parents can help? Tips for revision planning: 1.Work out a revision timetable for each subject. 2.Break revision time into small chunks - hour-long sessions with short breaks at the end of each session often work well. 4.Go through the Syllabus to assist your son/daughter with the revision process. 5. Time your son/daughters attempts at practice questions and papers. How to get more help? School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA)Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC)