Student Ambassador Profile 2021 What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT: I really enjoy the open space on the college grounds that is available to the students. The classes are really interesting too. What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme? My plan is to use my degree to help others in need and also apply for a masters degree. What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme? -Enjoy the time you have here. -Make friends. -Study hard Yago Augusto Barbosa Vendramim DK781 Bachelor of Science in Bioscience 2nd Year

Yago Augusto - DkIT

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Page 1: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

I really enjoy the open space on the college

grounds that is available to the students. The

classes are really interesting too.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

My plan is to use my degree to help others in

need and also apply for a masters degree.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

-Enjoy the time you have here.

-Make friends.

-Study hard

Yago Augusto Barbosa Vendramim


Bachelor of Science in Bioscience

2nd Year

Page 2: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose to study Bioscience because I have

always been interested in science and biology.

This course can lead to many options and I

would like to further my knowledge and skills

in the course.

Describe a typical day at college:

Because of Covid-19 and lockdown, our all

lectures, tutorials, and labs were delivered

online. But this did not stop us enjoying our

classes, tutorials, labs and meeting our

classmates and enjoying the friendly


What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I plan on doing the level 8 course

biopharmaceutical science or environmental

bioscience. As a bioscience course leads to

many options I'm opened to new possibilities.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Attend all lectures and tutorials.

Work hard.

Have fun and enjoy the new experience.

Kornelia Milotic


Bachelor of Science in Bioscience

2nd Year

Page 3: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I have always enjoyed science, especially

biology and this programme would help me to

develop my knowledge.

Describe a typical day at college:

As all of our classes are online this year due to

the pandemic, a typical day would be

attending classes, taking part in practical labs,

lectures and tutorials.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

No clubs at the moment, but hope to join Badminton in September.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

I enjoy the new experience of college life as

well as making new friends, I also like

interacting with other students and teachers

in general.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

My plan after completing this course, is to do

an add on year in Biopharmaceutical science.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Make friends with your classmates.

Attend all lectures and tutorials.

Enjoy the experience, have fun and be


Rodo Osman


Bachelor of Science in Bioscience

2nd Year

Page 4: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose my programme of study at DkIT

because of all the positive feedback I received

from previous students. DkIT really has a good

reputation. Another reason is, during the

open day everybody was extremely helpful

and accommodating and I knew that was the

sort of environment I would love to study in.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

I am not involved in any, with the current circumstances everything is virtual. However, when things get back to normal, I know I would find something to get involved in as there is a great choice of activities to partake in.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

With the current situation, we didn't get the

chance to experience the full student

experience of college. Everything is virtual,

but even so I have made so many friends.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

There are no plans I guess, not as yet. But it

will be something in the pharmaceutical


What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

1. Attendance is vital! Yes, you can catch up

on notes etc., but it is essential to attend

lectures and practicals, as that is how the

information will sink in.

Daina Lekerauskaite


Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Science

Page 5: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

2. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you are

unsure about something. Communicate with

your lecturers, it is important to flag any

problems you have with particular topics at

the beginning.

3. Don't forget to relax and breathe. College

life is not just about studying, it is also

important to make friends and enjoy yourself.

Page 6: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose to study Pharmaceutical Science as I

was always interested in human Anatomy and

physiology. Coming to understand how

pharmaceutical science affects the quality of

life in the production of drugs and medical

equipment. I also have a great interest in the

numerous branches and opportunities that

comes with the pharmaceutical science


Describe a typical day at college:

I cannot describe a day at college because of

the learning conditions experienced this year.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

As a first-year student who started at the peak

of the pandemic, unfortunately I was not able

to experience any part of DkIT as everything

was online.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I hope to continue to get my degree and

license to become a full-time pharmacist,

impacting the medical world as much as is

humanly and scientifically possible.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Firstly, I would advise them that it can be

difficult, but with hard work, motivation, and

dedication with your studying and attending

lectures, it is 100% possible.

Muna Yahya


Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Science

2nd Year

Page 7: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

As a child, I was fascinated by animals and

enjoyed feeding them. As I grew older, my

parents gave me a German shepherd dog

named Beauty. I adored her, and she adored

me as well. When Beauty was around 2 years

old,my mom decided to breed her because

everyone who came to my house wanted to

buy one of her puppies, and she did pretty

well during the gestation period. She had

some complications during labour, and I

couldn't find a veterinarian in my

neighborhood because it was the weekend.

Beauty was in labour for about two days, and I

was with her the whole time. I couldn't sleep

and I couldn't bear the pain she was in. She

lost a lot of body fluid and died in my arms.

This traumatic experience broke me down for

weeks. What I learnt from this experience

was, I could identify how clients who lost

their pets felt, and that made me decide that I

will not only love animals emotionally, but

that I will complete all the work necessary to

acquire all the skills I need to save them while

they are in discomfort. This is why I am

studying veterinary nursing.

Describe a typical day at college:

Well, I haven't had much time to be in college

this past year, but meeting my colleagues

during our week of farm experience in

Ballyhaise was a lot of fun. I was also able to

see some of Ireland's country side, which I

thoroughly enjoyed.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

Oluwatimilehin Ayomide


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

2nd Year

Page 8: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

None at the moment.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

The small class groups and teaching style at

DkIT is what I love the most because, with this

approach, students are given the opportunity

to get more hands-on practical experience

over the course of their program, and

lecturers are able to guide each student.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

After finishing my current course, I want to

continue my studies in the veterinary

profession at DkIT.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to the new

students who will be attending DkIT. Adapting

to college life can be intimidating, but I want

you to know that you are not alone. DkIT has

a lot of student assistant services in place, so I

would strongly advise that you explore those

provisions that are already in place. I would

also recommend that you talk with your

lecturers, they are wonderful people and are

always happy to help you through your

queries, they are just a mail away. Finally,

have fun .

Page 9: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I have always loved animals and since primary

school I knew I wanted to work with them. In

the future I hope to work in animal

sanctuaries around the world and in Ireland.

Describe a typical day at college:

During my first year and in my first semester,

my practical classes I could attend, but for my

second semester they were online and writing

about being in my bedroom isn't fun to read.

In my first semester my first practical class

started at 9.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

The new friends I have made. I made these

friends on day one. Also every lecturer in DkIT

is very helpful and friendly, which makes

college life better.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Travel around the world and work in different

vetanerian clinics and to finally end up in an

animal sanctuary.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Relax you are ok, as a member of staff is

always available if you need help they gladly

will help.

Try and make friends, even one because its

always good to have a buddy system and have

someone to chat to throughout the day.

Look over your notes the night before if you

have a practical or read notes the night before

Jessica Browne


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

Page 10: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

your next lecture it is very helpful as some

lectures are long.

Page 11: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I sought to pursue a career that would be

more suited to my lifestyle and the road I

want to take in life.

Describe a typical day at college:

Arrive to class at 9am. Have a 10 min break on

the hour in between classes. Lunch break

from 12noon – 1pm. Back to class until the

day is over. I then get a coffee and go for a

short walk to relax before going to the library.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

Mens senior hurling.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

Ease of movement around campus and

facilities available.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Emigrate to Australia or New Zealand and

work in a large or mixed clinic.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

1. Do not panic in the first 2 weeks, everyone

is in the same boat.

2. Communicate with your 'buddies' in 3rd

year with any queries.

3. Try and open your eyes to the opprotunities

available on the campus and take advantage

of them.

Sean Butler


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

2nd Year

Page 12: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

When reading about the course material, I

thought it was very well suited to me and I

knew I would enjoy it

Describe a typical day at college:

Online lectures.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

I'm part of the DkIT ladies gaelic team

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

There was always a great atmosphere

whenever we were on campus

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I'd love to work in a mixed/ large animal

practice and work abroad for a while

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Don't hold back, start up a conversation with


Ask any questions if you need to.

Give yourself time every week to relax and

tune out from work.

Rachel Callan


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

2nd Year

Page 13: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I’ve always had a love of animals and I’ve

grown up with them all of my life. I’ve just

always known I wanted to help animals in

some way, and combined with my love of

biology I felt this was the best fit

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I would love to specialise in exotic nursing

once I fully qualify after college. I have

thought about possibly moving abroad and

working in a clinic etc. in that country.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Keep an open mind.

Don’t be afraid to express yourself.

Step out of your comfort zone and participate

in everything you can/want, don’t be afraid to


Jade Campbell


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

Page 14: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose to do Veterinary Nursing because I

have always had a great interest in animals. I

like a challenge and you never know what

you’re going to get with animals so that’s why

I thought Veterinary Nursing would be a good

study, to keep life interesting. I knew I wanted

to work in the animal field, so that is what

drove me to choosing Veterinary Nursing.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

Due to Covid, I haven’t really got to be part of any clubs or societies. I have signed up to the Camogie and Gaelic football clubs.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I hope to continue on to do the level 8 in

advanced Veterinary Nursing.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Keep on top of the work that’s given, have an

open mind and try to get as much experience

in placement as possible.

Aisling Cowman


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

2nd Year

Page 15: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

There has never been any doubt in my mind

about the profession I have chosen. I applied

to DkIT as they are one of the few colleges in

Ireland that offer a veterinary nursing degree.

Describe a typical day at college:

A typical day at college would be:

Morning- meet with friends and go to the

coffee Dock for coffee, then head to morning

classes. There are usually 2 or 3 morning

classes before lunch.

Afternoon-There are many places to get lunch

on campus, but the coffee Dock is fun.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:


What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

I love the atmosphere, as well as the fact that

there is always someone around to help when

you need it.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I plan to get straight into working in a

veterinary clinic. I would like to work in the

clinic that I was doing work placement at, as I

get on well with all of the staff and I love the


What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Shannon Dunne


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

3rd Year

Page 16: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Study anatomy and physiology well, then

there shouldn't be a problem with the course.

While you may feel like everything is moving

at lightening speed, you're retaining more

than you know.

Enjoy the course, remember why you wanted

to be a veterinary nurse, its a hard job but

we're here for a reason!

Page 17: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

As a mature student going back to education, I

new that veterinary nursing was something I

was passionate about and after attending the

open day at DkIT, I knew this was the course

for me. Speaking to members of the industry

that completed the course and employed

graduates, really gave me the confidence that

this course was highly regarded in the


What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

Unfortunately, this year due to covid there has been limited access to all clubs and societies. However, I have a keen interest in a majority of sports.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

Student life this year has been a new

experience due to the restrictions. However,

the moral among class goups has been

uplifting in these times. Whatsapp groups and

zoom calls have made a big impact on our

ability to interact with our class.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Embrace the college experience, enjoy what

your doing and get involved in as much as you


Jessica Finnegan


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

2nd Year

Page 18: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I have always had a passion for animals since I

was very young and have had many different

pets over the years. Even as a young child, I

knew that I wanted to work in the veterinary

field, and as I got older I discovered veterinary

nursing which seemed like the perfect job for

me. After completing work experience at 16 in

a local vet practice, I was told the best place

to study was DkIT as the course is so academic

and graduates are highly regarded.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

As of right now, I think I would love to

specialise in small animals after I have

completed the course. However, I do have a

love for horses so I haven't totally made up

my mind yet and may end up at a mixed or

even large animal practice instead.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Take every opportunity that is given to you,

try to keep on top of all your work, and

communicate with your classmates and

lecturers as it is a very content-heavy course

and so it can be helpful to have extra support.

Faye Freeburn


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

2nd Year

Page 19: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

It is one of the best programmes for

veterinary nursing out there. It has been

recommended to me by many people such as

veterinary nurses, and veterinary surgeons, all

singing the praises of the programme. From

what I have experienced so far, going on

placement and talking to new colleagues is

that everyone loves DkIT students.

The programme is incredibly hands-on and

focuses a lot on practical skills, which in the

medical field is very much needed. Meaning

once we graduate we already know what

we're about.

I chose DkIT because of what it offers and how

accessible staff are to everyone. Not being a

native Irish and a mature student, it can be

daunting to go back to college and DkIT is

making the transition very smooth and havent

treated me differently from the get-go.

Describe a typical day at college:

Once again, due to COVID,I have not

experienced a typical day at college. But what

I can say, is when we did had the odd practical

classes on campus, we got there early in the

morning, and it was usually a lab, so my

classmates and I while respecting the

timetable met for a coffee to chat.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

Had signed up for archery, but with covid, it was cancelled.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

Marianne Gagnon


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

2nd Year

Page 20: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Unfortunately, due to covid I haven't really

gotten to enjoy the campus much. But I can

say that with the sheer amount of different

sports club and societies that exist within

DkIT, it would definitely be a good time. I also

enjoyed getting to meet new people/culture.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I have many ideas on what I wish to do once I

have graduated. I used to want to solely focus

on emergency and critical care, and maybe

even down the line open up my own

emergency clinic. There is a serious lack of

emergency clinics in Dublin.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Number one, get a lot of notebooks, you will

need them and trust me you will fill them up.

Number two, take it one piece at a time.

Something I learned the hard way, which is

you cannot know everything right away.

Number three, do not be afraid to ask

questions! Lecturers aren't there to catch you

out, they are there to help you learn. Be an

empty cup and fill it up with all the knowledge

they give you.

Page 21: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I've always been interested in medicine but I

didn't want to work in the human medicine

field. I always wanted to be a veterinarian,

however, I realised that the work of a

veterinary nurse would suit me better. I chose

DkIT because I've heard good feedback on the

course and the degree given by DkIT is

accredited in the UK and in the EU, which

gives me plenty of future career possibilities.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

I don't belong to any society at the moment but before the pandemic started I was in the equestrian society.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I plan to work in my field straight away full-

time for a year or so and then maybe come

back and do the 4th add-on year.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

1. Start looking for practices that would take

you for work placement as soon as possible.

2. Do some reading on animal behaviour in

your own time, particularly how to read

canine and feline body language, so that you

can recognise signs of stress easily.

3. Read notes before and after each lecture.

It'll make the material easier to understand

during the lecture and then easier to study for

the exams.

Joanna Turos


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing

2nd Year

Page 22: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

When I finish the course I plan to work in

Ireland as a registered nurse. I’m not yet sure

what type of ward I’d like to work on, but

completing clinical placement will help me to

make my decision.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

The first piece of advice I’d give is to be

confident! Don’t be shy, get stuck into clubs

and societies and talk to people and make


The next piece of advice I’d give is to have a

planner to keep track of any exam dates and

assignment due dates.

And the final piece of advice is to ask for help

if you need it! There are so many people and

resources available to help.

Kiara Kelly


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in General Nursing

2nd Year

Page 23: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose DkIT because of the good reputation

that the institute holds. People that I know

have studied here and they did not have a bad

word to say.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I might complete additional midwifery

qualification and plan to do my masters

degree and hopefully PhD later on as well.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Work on your time management- leave the

least important thing until last.

Start to work on your assignments as soon as

you have the topic.

Be organised!!!

Laura Klavina


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in General Nursing

2nd Year

Page 24: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I was a family carer for many years, then

became a professional one, it seemed a logical

step to try further a career from it.

Describe a typical day at college:

Pre COVID... Coffee! Then classes, chats,

lunch, classes, friendly lecturers and more


During COVID... Rolling out of bed and turning

on a laptop! Then coffee! Actually not that

much different except there's no traffic! I

really enjoyed anatomy.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

Fencing, Mature Student Society, Kickboxing

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

The class sizes aren't too big, lecturers are

friendly and helpful, and there's lots of

student support if a person needed it.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I'm not sure, have many ideas, possibly do a

Masters or PhD at some point, maybe whilst


What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Don't be afraid to try new things, ask for help

if you need it and once you are comfortable

referencing, things won't be difficult.

Reece Ó Brien


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in General Nursing

4th Year

Page 25: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I choose my General Nursing degree at DkIT

because of the opportunities provided and the

experience that I have gained from clinical

placement being carried out within the RCSI

hospital group. The course layout provides a

perfect balance of college learning and

placement allocated time to allow everyone

to get a good flavour for the course.

Describe a typical day at college:

Pre - Covid times, a typical day on campus

would be 9-5 lectures in the Muirhevna

building. Everyone in the course would meet

before 9 at the canteen area and have a costa

and breakfast and also meet at different areas

all around campus for lunch.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

DkIT Sport - Camogie

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

The student body at DkIT are very outgoing.

From providing great academic tutorials to

extra on campus activities organised by the

student council. DkIT gives lots of

opportunities to meet new people and

become orientated to the college and make

your college life enjoyable.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Once I graduate I plan on working at home for

6-12 months to gain experience as a new

graduate and then hope to travel to abroad

Erin Rowan


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in General Nursing

3rd Year

Page 26: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

for a few years.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

When I started DkIT in 2018, I moved up to

Louth from Kerry on my own not knowing

anybody. Now, I wouldn't change accepting

my DkIT offer for the world. The first piece of

advice I would give is, don’t be afraid to move

out of your comfort zone and to make new

friends in your course. Any college course can

be challenging, especially Nursing and trying

to balance college work with placement. I

would say it is so important to involve

yourself in college clubs, sports and societies

as not only a form of social interaction but self

care. Lastly, on starting the college course 4

years seems like a long time but it really does

fly so make the most of it.

Page 27: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I always had an interest in nursing so I

decided to do Intellectual Disability Nursing at

DkIT as I felt that it would give me the

opportunity to work with people who have

various disabilities and I wanted to learn more

about the various complex needs that an

individual can have. I was interested in doing

this course as I believed that this course in

particular leads to a very rewarding job in the

future as and Intellectual Disability Nurse.

Describe a typical day at college:

For me, most of my online classes start at 9am

or sometimes 10am. They usually consist of

PowerPoint presentations. Our breaks are

either 1 hour long which gives us time to take

a break from our laptops. Classes end at 4/5

the lecturers do give us breaks.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

Ladies Rugby Club and African Society

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

This year has been different due to majority of

our classes being delivered online. But when

we had classes in the college in our smaller

groups I enjoyed getting to know the people

in my course and the lecturers better.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Hopefully when I finish I would love to

complete a master's degree in something

nursing related but I’m not exactly sure yet.

Oreoluwa Olateju


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Intellectual Disability


2nd Year

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Student Ambassador Profile 2021

But I plan to work in the disability services to

build up my experience

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Always ask for help if you’re finding anything

difficult or need someone to talk too.

Join sports/societies gives you an opportunity

to meet new people.

Enjoy yourself the best way you can and be


Page 29: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

It was always something that interested me

and to be able to gain the knowledge and add

that into my career I think is hugely beneficial.

Describe a typical day at college:

College is different this year to say the least

but it's still enjoyable navigating the new

classrooms on- line etc. It was a challenge to

begin with but we have arrived with not too

many hiccups along the way. Hopefully in

September we will see some changes.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

The chance to gain a degree eventually, being

a mature student is a privilege and I have

enjoyed meeting lot's of different people.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Get organised, especially if you are a mature

student like me and combining part-time work

with studies.

Join whatever groups you can to expand on


Just enjoy the journey it's a great opportunity.

Jacqueline Bellew


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

2nd Year

Page 30: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I've always been interested in mental health

nursing. I had my children at a young age and I

dedicated my life to raring them the best I

can, they are now at a good age and it is my

chance to make my dream come true.

Describe a typical day at college:

Due to Covid-19 we completed our first year online. At first, I didn't think I would be able to cope with online classes but the tutors where amazing and so supportive, the teaching was exceptional and I am so happy that I survived my first year haha. I haven't met everyone in my class yet but we have built up an excellent relationship through WhatsApp. The tutors are so helpful and relaxed, we are like one big happy family.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

I enjoy meeting new people and all the

opportunities that have opened up for me

since starting at DkIT.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I would love to work in an acute unit or an

addiction clinic but I don't mind what area I

work in as I love all aspects of mental health


What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Don't be afraid to ask questions and take

every oppertunity that you are given and most

importantly to enjoy and have fun.

Olivia Cashell


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

2nd Year

Page 31: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I thought I would be suited to the role of a

nurse and absolutely loving it so far.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

Hurling club

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

Close Community aspect, and the craic!

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Possibly apply for a master's, then work

abroad for a year or two.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Join loads of clubs, it is the best way to make

friends and make the most of college life.

Attend all the social events if that’s your


Sean Conway


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

3rd Year

Page 32: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I’ve always wanted to do something where I

could help people, I feel that it’s very

rewarding being there for someone when they

need it the most. I have a very warm and

comforting personality so it was a good fit in

my opinion.

Describe a typical day at college:

Go in, sit at costa for 10-15 mins before class,

maybe grab a coffee. Then you have 4 classes

then it’s lunch so go to snackbox and grab a

bbq chicken wrap and talk for a while then

back in for the last 3 classes and then home..

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

The community of DkIT and being involved

within DkIT. The sense of belonging is

probably what I most enjoy about student life

at DkIT.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I hope to go on to do a master’s degree in CBT

and progress from there. My big plans are to

travel the world and because of my degree

this is possible. It opens you up to a world of

opportunities all you have to do is take them.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Don’t take it too seriously, enjoy your time

here and embrace it.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions or look for

help, everyone looks after eachother here

Clyde Corentin


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

2nd Year

Page 33: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Gerry’s not as scary as he wants you to


Page 34: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

Caring for people has always been a passion

of mine. I never wanted the office work or 9-5

job. I worked in a Nursing Home as a carer

before I started in DkIT. I loved being on my

feet and loved having a million jobs to do. I

loved coming home feeling rewarded and

knowing I made some peoples day easier.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I hope to secure a full time post as a

registered Staff Nurse in Ireland or abroad.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Learn to drive.

Get to like coffee.

Know how to reference.

Niamh Donnelly


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

2nd Year

Page 35: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

Nursing kind of runs in my family and a lot of

my good friends are nurses too. Mental health

nursing really appealed to me. I think the

majority of us at some stage in our lives will

go through tough times and being a mental

health nurse you have the opportunity to

have a positive impact on someone's life.

Describe a typical day at college:

Again a typical day online will be different to a

typical day when were back on campus. But

my day usually consisted of making the long

journey from my bed to the laptop and

logging in. Certain days are longer then others

but they all fly.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

None this year due to the fact college was online but I might join some next term depending if were back to normal.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

Obviously 2020 was a tough year to be a

student. Having to adapt to online learning

and to a certain degree missed out on college

life but I really enjoyed the year regardless. It

was brilliant waking up every morning and

learning something new.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I will probably do a bit of travelling after I get

my degree.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Luke Finnegan


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

2nd Year

Page 36: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

1. Engage in the lectures. I know everyone

learns differently but I found asking questions

and really trying to get a grasp on what I was

learning really benefited me.

2. Look after yourself. Its easy to get stressed

out especially during exams so go for a walk,

run, take a deep breath or chat to someone

whatever you need to do.

3. Cliché but enjoy it. It really is a fantastic

course not only do you learn how to take care

of people but I reckon its a course that

promotes personal growth. So, make the most

of it.

Page 37: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I’ve always had an interest in mental health

and how it affects society. I thought it would

be great to study a course that involves me

learning more about my mental health while

also helping others with theirs. Nowadays, the

rate of mental health deterioration amongst

the population especially young people, is at

an alarming rate. This course enables me to

have the skills to be part of the process of

change to help people with mental health


What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

I’m part of the Philosophy society currently but I will definitely join one or two more societies this year.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

The small classes allow for us students to be

active participants in our learning as we have

a closer relationship with our lecturers and

colleagues. This just makes the overall

learning process easier.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

After completion of this course I see myself

being a mental health nurse for a few years

and progressing to a different field of study

such as Occupational Therapy.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Study as you go along, time flies and you

won’t even notice.

Ife Folikwe


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

2nd Year

Page 38: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Never leave assignments until the night

before they are due.

Never be afraid to ask any questions. In fact

ask as much as possible.

Page 39: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I work in a healthcare setting and know a few

nurses who have studied at DkIT. I find these

individuals to be amazing at the job. I was also

advised if I was to go to college to study

nursing that DkIT was the place to do it.

Describe a typical day at college:

I have just completed my first year in DkIT.

Due to covid19 my class did not get to spend

much time on campus. So, a typical day for me

was getting my son to school having breakfast

and joining my online classes for the day.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

None at the minutes unfortunately but I am a class rep.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

I love the conversations between myself and

the class and lecturers. I really enjoy the

mental health recovery module.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I plan to be the best nurse that I can be. I

want to help people in their recovery. I cannot

state where I would like to work yet as DkIT

provides a number of different placements

and I would like to see a few more before I

make a definite decision.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Go to your classes and ask lots of questions

there are no stupid questions.

Michelle Galligan


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

Page 40: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Start your assignments as soon as you get


Read over all your notes and study them well

after each day it will benefit you when exam

times come.

Page 41: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I always knew that I wanted to help people

and that I was interested in mental health and

everything about it. So, when I attended an

open day for DkIT, it only further encouraged

my desire to pursue a career in Mental Health

Nursing. The people I encountered seemed so

welcoming and I was reassured by all the

support that DkIT had to offer.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

The people. When I started at DkIT everyone

was so lovely and friendly, both fellow

students and lecturers alike. It really helped in

allowing me to adjust to the new environment

and grow as a person and as a student nurse.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Whenever I saw myself working in a mental

health service, I always pictured myself

working within the Children and Adolescences

Mental Health Sevice (CAMHS). So hopefully,

once I've obtained my Nursing degree, I will

find a job working as a CAMHS nurse.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Firstly, if you're not currently driving I would

highly recommend sorting that out as soon as

possible. Speaking from experience, being

able to drive while doing this course will make

things much easier for you, especially with

placements. Secondly, don't be afraid to put

yourself out there, you will meet amazing

people during your time here but you'll meet

Eimear Gray


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

3rd Year

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Student Ambassador Profile 2021

them faster when you take the first step. Then

finally, don't stress yourself out over nothing.

It's easier said than done but whether you're

in college or out in placement, there will

always be someone around who will offer

help and support if need it. So, if you don't

know what to do, just ask.

Page 43: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose to study mental health nursing in DkIT

because my mum studied it here a couple

years back and she really enjoyed her time

studying at DkIT, which made me interested in

applying for the mental health nursing course

in DkIT. From an early age I wanted to be a


Describe a typical day at college:

Due to Covid most of my time in college was

spent doing online classes which consisted of

waking up in the morning for online classes on

Moodle/Zoom and Microsoft teams, and then

trying to find something interesting to do

during breaks such as watching Netflix or

going for walks.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

I am currently not part of any sport or society but I plan on joining some in the future.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

Talking to my classmates and my lecturers.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

My plan for the future is to hopefully further

my education in nursing and do some post

graduate courses in other nursing courses so I

can be qualified for different types of nursing.

I also plan on working hard and just seeing

how life turns out for me.

Alexia Igbinoba


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

Page 44: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Three pieces of advice I’d give to new

students joining DkIT is to

1. Be yourself.

2. Don’t be shy - talk to you’re classmates.

3. Never be afraid to ask your lecturers and

classmates for help with anything.

Page 45: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose Mental Health Nursing at DkIT because

I feel very strongly about the topic of mental

health and the stigma around it. As someone

who has seen people struggle with their

mental health, and struggling with my own at

times, I want to be able to make a positive

impact and help other people realise that your

mental health is not something to be ashamed

of. I chose DkIT as I knew the class groups

would be small and I hoped it would give me

the chance to really learn and engage in

classes. Although 1st year was completely

online because of COVID, it hasn’t had a

negative impact on my learning. I couldn’t be

happier with my course.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I am very open minded as to what type of

setting I want to go into in my nursing career.

I know as I go out on more placements, there

will be so many more opportunities for me to

find the area of nursing I truly belong in. I

hope to travel for a year or two.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Never be afraid of asking questions, even if

you think they’re stupid ones. I guarantee

someone else wants to know the answer too.

Be open minded about every experience,

good and bad. It’s the only way you will come

out of it a stronger person.

Just be yourself and enjoy each opportunity

you get.

Abbie Kearns


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

2nd Year

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Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose to study Mental Health Nursing

because my granny was also a psychiatric

nurse. I am from Kildare and felt like I needed

to meet new people and live away from home

and Dundalk sounded like the best place for

me. I love how our classes are not as big as

other colleges as we really do get proper one

on one time with our lecturers and everyone

gets to know each other properly. I believe it

is best to learn in a calm environment and

DkIT definitely give off a calm surrounding on


Describe a typical day at college:

A typical day of college before covid came to

join us:

-Get to college before 9am. Meet friends,

have a coffee.

-Begin lectures at 9am up until the morning

break, have the chats with friends and catch

up on any work that is needed for the next


What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

In Second year I took part in the dance society and we did some classes online but hopefully we can go back to abit of normality in September 2021.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

I enjoy living up in Dundalk with 4 other girls who are in my course. In first year I loved going out and socialising and I really loved going to lectures with my friends as I enjoy my

Olivia Kraus


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

2nd Year

Page 47: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

course. But obviously covid has come in between our student life but hopefully things will start to improve in the next academic year.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

When I graduate I hope to complete post grad

courses in order to keep my education up to

high standards. I hope to get involved with

different mental health organisations and

using my degree I would love to make a

change to the mental health facilities in


What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

I would tell all new mental health nursing

students that, yes this course is tough

mentally and physically but there are so many

ways you can make it easier for yourself and

you can make a difference in so many

people’s lives and to me that really is the main

thing. This career is very rewarding and

anyone should be proud to be in this


Page 48: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

It's an interesting field of study with many

options after it. Along with the fact that it's a

guaranteed job on the other side of it so, it

will make career progression easier.

Describe a typical day at college:

Long days and lots of theory, but a good crew

of people to do it with and it's a lot of fun so

makes it easier.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

Socialising and the opportunity to meet

people from all walks of life.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Work for a couple of years and then make an

informed decision into where I would like to

progress to, whether it be research

management or teaching.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Take every opportunity to meet people and

have fun as your college years are finite.

Get stuck into the course work early and it

becomes easy to keep up the for the rest of

the programme.

Darren McEneaney


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing

2nd Year

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Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I had a baby when I was young, and the

thought always stuck with me after the kind

care I received . When I had my second child 2

years ago it really stood out to me how much I

really did want this career path. So I applied

as a mature student and got a place. The year

before I completed a HCA course in liberties

college so I could get an idea of college hours,

assignments and home life balance.

Describe a typical day at college:

9am-4pm, it is very manageable and coffee

breaks and lunch throughout.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

Cappagh GAA club, I also continued with irish dancing, doing adult classes 1 night per week.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

This was a hard year, to get a true picture of

student life. But meeting the class group and

making life long friends.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Hopefully get a full time job as a midwife, I

would like to focus on the area of


Niamh Downey


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Midwifery

2nd Year

Page 50: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Have a calender and write in deadlines for

class work, assignments etc so it's easy to


Use the facilities available such as library and

student hub.

Not to leave any work to last minute, stay on

top of assignments and make notes as you go.

Page 51: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I’ve always wanted to study Midwifery. It’s

something that’s been in me since a young

age. It’s a beautiful career, and each day of

learning makes me fall in love with Midwifery

even more. I chose DkIT specifically, as the

class sizes are smaller which I find more

beneficial in the sense that the classes are

more personal and interactive when there’s a

smaller group.

Describe a typical day at college:

My first year at DkIT was solely, online

learning. However, prior to studying

midwifery, I did start another course within

DkIT, and a typical day went as follows;

Obviously lectures make up the majority of

your day. On breaks we would either go back

to Starbucks or Costa for chats and discuss our


What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

None at the moment. But I hope to change that in the near future.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

I love that DkIT is such a close knit

community. The smaller classes result in

closer relationships with lecturers, and closer

friendships with those in your class which I

love. Aside from education, there’s always

something happening on and off campus too.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Chelsea Farrell


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Midwifery

2nd Year

Page 52: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

My aim initially is to travel abroad and

experience midwifery practices in other

countries. I can’t wait to open my eyes to the

wider world, and to experience being a

midwife in other countries. I’d also love to

work within the area of home births.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

1. Initially the course content will be daunting,

but don’t stress, you will surprise yourself

with how much you know just from listening.

And by the end of first year, I promise you will

know everything you initially thought you’d

never remember.

2. Don’t worry about making friends, or stress

about lecturers. You will create an amazing

bond with everyone in your class, and your

lecturers from day one. There is absolutely

nothing to stress about. Everyone is there for,

and supports one another.

3. Enjoy every moment from day one as a

student midwife in DkIT. Even on tough days,

you will learn so much. Have confidence in

yourself from the very beginning.

Page 53: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I heard so many good comments about DkIT

and the lecturers and they were all right!

There isn't a day where I regret going to DkIT.

Honestly, I am loving college life and

placements! I have always loved the idea of

working in a hospital and as I got older, I

found the idea of pregnancies so fascinating, I

needed to learn more. After my first year I

know for a fact that this is the career for me. I

cant emphasis how rewarding and exciting it


What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I would like to become a community midwife

or set up my own small clinic for postnatal

women, perhaps become a lecturer one day!

There are so many options with this

wonderful career.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Enjoy yourselves, take everything one step at

a time and don't stress :)

Magdalena Soltys


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Midwifery

2nd Year

Page 54: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose this programme mainly due to my

interest in health and fitness. I am also hoping

to study physiotherapy in the future and this

course offers a progression route into

physiotherapy. The equipment available for

practicals such as the ergometer bikes are of

high quality, which has also attracted me to

choose this programme.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

The small class groups help to get to know

fellow students in your class. It also can be

helpful in getting to know your lecturers and

to be able to ask questions in class.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I am hoping to study for either a Bachelor's or

Master's in physiotherapy after I have

completed my course.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Make sure to keep on top of course content,

especially modules such as Biochemistry.

Initially, the course content may seem easy,

but the pace at which the content is covered

increases over time.

Make sure to come in during induction week

as it is a great opportunity to meet your

fellow classmates and lecturers.

Make sure to use the DkIT Sport facility. The

facility has a great range of equipment which

Joel Binu


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health and Physical Activity

3rd Year

Page 55: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

you can make use of to exercise and also

practise any exercises taught in Exercise and

Health Studies.

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Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I choose to study Agriculture Science as I

always had an interest in it. I felt that DkIT

had a good reputation for the Agriculture

course with a lot of hands on and practical

work available. I come from a farming

background and enjoy every minute of it. In

secondary school Ag Science was a subject I

loved and I knew I would like to continue

studying it in the future.

Describe a typical day at college:

With the new online learning things were

done differently. We were in college once a

week where we had lectures for two different

modules each day. This gave us a chance to

talk to lecturers and other students. These

lectures usually consisted of labs.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

In DkIT I am part of the women's Gaelic team and I am also part of the Ag society.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

This year has been different to other years,

with most of our lectures being delivered

online. However, we were on college campus

when most other colleges were not. This

allowed me to meet new friends from all over,

which I really enjoyed.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

There are so many options when it comes to

employment in the Ag sector with new jobs

becoming available every year. I am not quite

Ábagh Harten


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agriculture (2 award

options: Agriculture or Agri-Food Production)

2nd Year

Page 57: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

sure yet in terms of knowing exactly what I

would like to do but a job in the Department

of Ag or Advisory are two options I

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

1. It is important to come into college life

open minded, there are so many new and

exciting things in which students can try.

2. Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions,

especially in lectures as it is important to

know exactly what is going on.

3. Enjoy the college experience, be organised

and don't stress.

Page 58: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I took into consideration a lot of different

courses, but in the end, felt like DkIT was best

suited to me. In terms of my course, the

practical side of the level 8 agriculture degree

definitely helped me make my decision. The

opportunity to use my knowledge from

lectures and then execute them in outdoor

practicals every week definitely makes the

learning a lot easier. The facilities at the

college for sports also helped me decide it

was the right college for me.

Describe a typical day at college:

My college days as an agricultural student can

differ a lot from the average DkIT student as I

can either be in Ballyhaise agricultural college

or on campus in DkIT. In terms of days on

campus My day will usually start at 10am with

lectures until 4 or 5pm.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

Ladies Gaelic football.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

Meeting new people in both my course and in

sports clubs.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

I hope to go on to do a Masters in Education

or animal nutrition and use the knowledge

from my four years to start off my career in

the sector. I have a broad range of

opportunities to further my education once i

finish my four year degree.

Niamh Rice


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agriculture (2 award

options: Agriculture or Agri-Food Production)

2nd Year

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Student Ambassador Profile 2021

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

I would advise students to keep up to date

constantly with assignments and notes

because your exam time will be a whole lot

easier. I would encourage them to join

societies and clubs as there’s so many

opportunities to make new friends there. I

would also encourage students to interact

with lectures if they are having issues as most

are more the willing to help in any way they


Page 60: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose this programme as I am very

interested in science and it fits perfectly with

my career aims.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:


What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Go to all lectures.

Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Make friends.

Mateja Bircic


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science (2 Award options: Biopharmaceutical Science / Environmental Bioscience)

2nd Year

Page 61: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I choose this particular course as I've always

enjoyed Biology in school. This course seemed

to offer so much in its module content. The

endless possibilities involved with this degree

also encouraged me to study here at DkIT.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

What I've enjoyed most about college life

here at DkIT is the socialisation. Even with

being online the majority of the year, it was

very easy to get in touch with new students

and participate in online events.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

The best advice I could give to new incoming

students would be to just get involved. I know

it seems very daunting at first but you'll be so

happy that you got outside of your comfort

zone and tried something new, whether that

be a new club/society or just answering a

couple of questions in class. I'd definitely

recommend travelling in groups round the

college too, it's easy enough to get lost when

you are a new students. And lastly I'd just say

to have fun. College is about studying but it's

also about enjoying yourself too, make the

most out of your time here at DkIT.

Pauric Craven


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science (2 Award options: Biopharmaceutical Science / Environmental Bioscience)

2nd Year

Page 62: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I have a great interest in science and enjoyed

the fact that there is a choice of two award

options so that we can make a more definite


Describe a typical day at college:

My first year was spent online.

A typical day generally started with a lecture

or online lab at 9:00 am. Although nothing can

compare to doing labs on campus, the online

stimulations were a good substitute as they

allow for you to go through the experiments.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

1. Attend all labs, lectures and tutortials.

2. Don't leave assignments until the day they

are due.

3. Make an effort to get out of your comfort

zone and make new friends.

Leah Howell


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science (2 Award options: Biopharmaceutical Science / Environmental Bioscience)

2nd Year

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Student Ambassador Profile 2021

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Work hard and ask questions if you are

confused, or help others to understand the

work if you are not finding it too difficult. This

helps cooperation in your groups and allows

you to get to know the other people in your


Alex Kierans


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science (2 Award options: Biopharmaceutical Science / Environmental Bioscience)

Page 64: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose this programme to study in DkIT

because I have a genuine interest in science,

specifically Environmental Science. Moreover,

the modules available in the programme

would go perfectly with what I want on my

resume in the future when I have completed

this course. The module I am talking about is

Aquatic Sciences.

Furthermore, when researching the different

institutes in Ireland, I found out that DkIT

offers Industry focused Bachelor Degree and

Masters programmes which would come in

handy when I would need to go into the


Being fully aware of the risks I will come to

face when in the working industry, mainly

financially, I am still determined to do all that

I can in helping to better the environment.

With the rise of global warming,

environmental pollution and wild animals

losing their habitat and slowly going extinct, I

want to, at the very least, do what I can to

slowly prevent and hopefully improve this

situation in the world.

Describe a typical day at college:

Thanks to the pandemic, I haven't got a

chance to experience a busy on-campus day.

Even so, I did get the opportunity to wander

around when there were a few students in

classes. Speaking from that experience alone,

I can say that it is enjoyable and easy.

Celine Jia Xin Law


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science (2 Award options: Biopharmaceutical Science / Environmental Bioscience)

Page 65: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

I belong to the Volleyball Sports Society, DkIT Malaysian Sports Society, DkIT Anime Society.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

The thing I enjoy the most about my student

life is being able to broaden my horizons. For

example, I had the chance to meet and make

good friends with people from various cultural

backgrounds. Other than that, the helpful and

skilful lecturers I had just made it better.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

After completing this programme, I have

ambitions to help better the environment. It

may sound impossible and difficult to achieve,

but I still want to try my best to accomplish

what I had set out to do.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

I would advise them to be open in meeting

other students and focus on what they had set

out to achieve while in college. Students

should try not to get distracted when in the

process of trying to achieve their goals. Last

but not least, is to manage and spend their

time rationally.

Page 66: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I have always been interested in science. This

course has a wide variety of modules that

cover all areas of the science field and allows

students to have a choice of career paths with

specialisation in either environmental or

biopharmaceutical science.

Describe a typical day at college:

Online college for entire year.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Either complete an add on course to become

a secondary school science teacher, become a

pharmacist or complete a nursing degree.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Be open minded.

Complete assignments once they’re given.

Take notes in labs for future exams.

Naoise Stewart


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science (2 Award options: Biopharmaceutical Science / Environmental Bioscience)

Page 67: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

When I left school following my leaving

certificate, I was unsure of what I wanted to

do or study. I took the year out and worked

on my home farm where my love for farming

grew and I had spoken to past students who

had completed this course and loved their

time here. I was told the course is quite

practical, which suited me down to the

ground as I find that's how I learn best.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

At the moment I am still unsure of which

avenue in Agriculture I would like to take as

the industry is so broad. I am open to sectors

within the industry, but preferably I would like

have a fine balance of office work and being


What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

1) Put yourself out there and get to know

each person in your class.

2) If you are ever in bother, just talk to your

lecturer, they are there to help and generally

do what they can to help, be it extend

deadlines or point you in the right direction

for information.

3) Don't let assignments build up, particularly

when there is a few due in the same week

(something I'm still trying to learn).

Ciara Brady


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agriculture in Sustainable


3rd Year

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Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I completed some research on similar courses

but I heard great feed back from past students

which made up my mind.

Describe a typical day at college:

Usually we are in for 9 or 10 and then have

lectures throughout the day. We normally

have two breaks in the day and then finish up

around 3 or 4.

What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:


What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

How closely we interreact with the lecturers

and other students

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

Hopefully come out with a good degree and

then progress into the agri sector.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Give everything ago because it goes fast.

Use the gym its free.

Start projects early save yourself the stress.

Leo Campbell


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agriculture in Sustainable


3rd Year

Page 69: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I have a passion for agriculture since I was

very young. Growing up I was always on my

grandparents farm or helping out a neighbour.

I researched many courses after leaving

school and this course suited me perfectly as

it had such a wide variety of topics and

modules within it. I feel it is important to

make a stand that farming / Agriculture is a

diverse career and way of life for both males

or females.

Describe a typical day at college:

A typical day in the college would include

many different lecturers throughout the day.

Several breaks throughout the day, and some

of these classes may be labs which is usually

hands on. The day passes by very quickly, it

can be quite intense however, it helps with

the breaks included.

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

When I finish my course I would ideally love to

travel and work on large scale farms in

countries such as New Zealand, America or

Australia. If there are other opportunities

coming my way I will carefully chose what is

best for me.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

The first piece of advice I would give is, ask

questions if you are unsure about something,

no questions are “stupid”, lecturers would

rather help you than see you unsure or


Aoife Gregory


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agriculture in Sustainable


3rd Year

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Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Secondly, be yourself. You are completing the

course for you, so do it comfortably as


Finally, don’t forget to enjoy your time during

the course. It can get tough at times especially

around deadlines / exams but it is a brilliant

course and you should have fun during it.

Page 71: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I have a keen interest in agriculture which is

the driving force for joining this course. I also

choose this program at DkIT as I knew it

would offer me more of a practical

experience. I was interested in my course in

agriculture and food science as I felt it

allowed me to discover two very important

sectors in the Irish economy . The knowledge

and new practices that the course offers

would help me run my own family farm. I look

forward to learning more about how the food

and agriculture industry interlink.

Describe a typical day at college:

Firstly there are bus facilities that transport

student to DkIT from Ballyhaise college. I get

on this bus at 8:40 in the morning, I then

arrived in DkIT for labs. These labs give me a

good indicator of the food and agriculture


What Sports / Clubs and Societies do you belong to:

I’m a part of the Ag society and hope to be apart of the DkIT football and handball clubs once Covid restrictions are lifted.

What do you enjoy most about Student Life in DkIT:

From starting in DkIT, I have been open to

many opportunities to develop not only my

academic skills but also my social skills. I have

enjoyed the life of the college experience.

From traveling I have enjoyed interacting

with my fellow students and lecturers.

Ciaran Gunn


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agriculture in Agri-Food


2nd Year

Page 72: Yago Augusto - DkIT

Student Ambassador Profile 2021

What are your plans for the future when you have completed your programme?

My plans for the future are to gain a career in

the in the growing and expanding agricultural

sector. I would love to progress as a farm

managing role in the future. I would consider

a career in the food quality assurance too.

What three pieces of advice would you give to students coming to do your programme?

Three pieces of advice I would give to

incoming student is to firstly, don’t be afraid.

In the course at DkIT everyone will feel

included. Lecturers are always open to

questions no matter how big our small. It

seems that the agriculture community at DkIT

is a support unit for each other.

Secondly, I would suggest that students

experience the facilitates when the college

reopens. Joining societies can be a great way

to make new friends and interact with new

people with similar interested.

Lastly, I would encourage students to have fun

and enjoy their time at DkIT.