¡mp viMtr vttDi; s_i'nt>TïAV APRIL 27. 187&-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE FOUR CENTS. Vo1 x\xviii...N0-n,'>7«>. ÍNQTON. ., -, muís. THE tai.mt. * T\' .... ... ,..». TaiBUNa'8 sonn M:n i!.;' ""',,, Northern claiaia :nn.,.n.t f.AS.Ï-fa- in.'cl-Y::,, ..,.,,....," M udmil- tlll'.I oY.r ¦ bUliOfl of «lie innomit i.- to U B«JB?Dt OB til«' uMtai .¡.i Rirer. Th.- McLin coofeaBioB la ri ..tI.,1 ir. betaf ol "Baa »"<.'."¦" ti':'" *»¦ ,r,;n¡,«-«l. Co,,,:.-nt» l»y Mr. flu-rii.aii. Mr. .,.,-, Mi. Dunne*, ami oilt.-i-, are given 'Xbcre la a ..iJority m the Honae , t!.(. Wood Tariff Hill. New-Yoik bavktraaare leaUtaoBY boten Hi. Hwiosf* c.m: " ."' ¦¦¦i"---«>- Hg, i u.i - ORIOA CARD. 4 ,-, .i.V.. .. u u*i rnu M THAI ni-- - «TEAK A UBI -' o'ldi.xi- 01 Pi li¬ li .i i: 11 -.iv. u i<> m»", rataoni «,«, m oros, »pril «W |!" Florida eard, from (;i. ( .;.»;«. have traen tivT- been ¡i tramp aftor ,...' | :.:ilf tin-«H" t tnal the ,, ,, ,,t II .'¦: i aad Uttlt'fleld, in the ;,,,.-, r>, didlotl Witit'l. ¡mil is BO» accepted I :i»i.i. .ti« -t«. nrtli :i- mix li lnii-iliiKC as «.;,. «4, twaaarifl aritan ¦ ,,., m f. «liai in W.i 'Tiin-ioiiovcrth't-, busi- .).,.¡i,t!iu-iit. Tisera la aoaielhlug saii*':i'T'Tv ifl B BjeoaaBA sensation, area if oins j.,li!...l..pi»-'i i.irsi.i'olit i'v it. Ratwbeaafter all the lab .- tic Bwantain halaga forth onlv a moase, tlmsi-win. In:v,- mtilieivd tovv.ti.es- Hi«- op '.'ition l...-l:ir«MM i'lm nt in tin ir «!i»:(l'¡:' intiment. eVOO ll tii.ii hi.ii-.es nn-! farm. Iiav" baea Baved from the «jaaas t>«l earthqi Half the I,'«-iin«>li' uns in CoiiRrrf« have n«>: read Mi-I.üi'scoife.-Mdi; and half th«' Democrat» arc BlBTBaBa «eel the con-tant B-glta«ion of this ti<ui- M. ,-> .-.n«- mi -»* «-.. which waa settled more than a ico, aad waaeaeaujal to !.«' allowed i«> remain ta, -liai! «ii-i-n«. ihe i«ni>l«' wiüi their party aad m lengthen tin' liVjnii'ii. an.« in the Fall campaign. J'.ii«-«' .-in.I «|ii««-t ¡«r«« «iiat tin' eoaatry bot» need», ti aa iii'-n s.iy, tiki the paart* that doeemoal t«> bring them nl»«'iit, ami Bceaei vc them, will I»«' in«'-t popu¬ lar. I'lAllY «lIKIiMAN".- OPINION. M..st 1'ijhii«- nnii whose «pinion« are worth any¬ thing have Kiviii so little thought to the Florida matter that tiny liavc little or iiothim; <>l Interest t.. »ay. s.-ciT'far.v flheiiiiBii. aim has jnst returned fmiii riiila«lelpliia, s.ii.I in < <>i!V«-i.»a!MM this evening that ho did not l«.r one lnoiin-i.t hti.evo tho extraordinary aJlegatiea con¬ tained in Mrl.in's con i«--»-i.»i» that the rrc.»i«l«Tit knew anytliiniri-f Irregnlaritieaio Florida, BTWafJi have sanctioned or countena:;c'd. « ven indirectly, anything of the kind. I-'iirtli« ::cr<-. be (Lui not credit ti 8 that Minister '. knew aiiytiiini-of these aUeajed misdoings, be being ti mau of singularly upright and chivalrous charac¬ ter. 11«-said 111 hh : «as entirely out of the qUCS- li'ill. The Secr.-tary st.i.«-1 that be did not know p r- ily anything alM.ut the llnrida election, nor lid ltikiinv. Mii.in, luit ti«-«hd not sea how these nil« gat ¡on«., or any action up. »ti at inv« atigation >.l lliem. could alter the ele-toral count «t its reaalta. Mr. Mii.in, ahile a nient'ier of the I.-tiirniiiir 1'.'.ml, was one «,f ilir.-.-<|ii.:!ir.«-d judgea deciding n allers under tlitir juri-alr tion under oath. M«-Liu rvm.ercil akin»; oath that it WHJasI and true, and according to the fact». In this li. it.-;.'Ii 1: 'in lined, and the I.: lie gave l.is (h-ci-ion he 1" aine fillntns ufficio. McUa'a a»»" i.'te» tun adhiere to the justice of lin ir decision, and m. «tit« :ii.-iit <>f his, Btrorn tOOT Tlli.rivi»". liini«- tlian a year afterward aivalidala <-r «vea challenge his calm and il«'.il» ra!«-«tin al act, any n, ore than tlie Sni»r« tin In.iit aaajJi iiinl«. a (l(<-i«i«i!i which it had rendered in a «as«- once aayfore it : that decision would make the law in thai eaae, although the court might pre¬ vi 'it trota 1" omina a preoetlenl by reversing auch «I .:» n ¡n tome »uiis«-«iii.-]i! case. He bell«v«-«l, li«.»rever, that tin- l.u»ine»» »»as merely deaigned to a i ¦« i by the Democracy aa campaign amniuni- tl.'T. Mr. IIbmbbbiaipieaaed himaelf rerj strongly upon the aabjaat of the rre-i«lentialelection in the Bouth. Almut Lou d he knew. He asa ni.it f. i tin r«-with his ov.ti «.<« J, and thi-yvvi-t,- raoogfa to maki' the hlonil ln.il. in Fioiiiia 11n f- had doubt- lesa Baea brickery apoa tht Detaectatic aide, bat in I.oiiiniui:a tint«' had Lei n iownnght l'¬ ai ami blaodahed Bad tyranny. He had no doubt hau thai Usara had baea a deliberate plan, well matured, and thoroughly ar- ried out to balMaae the Cotton state» for Tilden. In MlaaBaatasaj the B»«groea were kept from the p"ll» i'v t«iTT.ri-in. In Alahataa it was the same, and » in re ; and if either Louialaua, Soatb Carolina «¦: Fhiida had been «¡irri«-il I.y the Demócrata, lie »«.«I it wi.iihi have been a crying National crime aa*l «aatra-ge. He for one believed that m .il th«- Cotton Mai. s thi-i.- hud illv been a char, hop- aud uiKii.tiliti-d ¡»ui.licaii majority. wiiAi an. coBoaa tiubbb. Mr. Oasbjer saht that aa ReBahltaaati with »bom he hail tafk.-il all ached any e»|n-ci'il iini»oi tan«.«- t«> the alhirati'Ui» of Mil.in and other»; god they coii«.¡i!erc«l tin-ru BB mere factors in the result d«- -...¡!.y ih. ih-iin« rat».- that of puttini: forward Mr. Tilden, with as inmii «han««: of mh <. »- a.» possii.i.., as their n«-xt eaodidate» He iiiiiLr>t«'«>il that Mr. Ti.V.en".« agent Bad gone down to gat these a!li«!avits and that the wh aa tiniiir had bean arranged by ins (rienda H«- «lid in«: see how Micll notion cotlhl he taki :i would lîat.ir.- the ;:»-..-t of atlails, ev.-n if tin- alli-.-ations a«-n- pi«.ved to be brae and ware not met by charges mter-fraad from theotheraide. After lb« ai 'h«-1;,. « i«»j.ii( T»n,i:ii---.i*;i .¦¦». ¡i House bad conuu«d . . -I ili«. return«», and be could nor i now I'vii if «uch t.ti nttiini'l wer«' mailei how tin y »NMildaaaka a reckunnt» «>r how liiin-r lion»- could doao. aad tlm.« practically pasa Judguieut ujiol t!.-«- c niit ..f tin- other. Ii«-«li i aot tin-.k the Kepub- li.ans v.niild take any action in tlie piyiBilaoa. Pttllü's ill LATI0X8 WIIII I'lNNT-, Oaaaanal it. P. Batter baa given toareanrter of Tin Sntional «faBtaNieaa hi- vei.-ion of the int. :\ \-, In-tw« en IntiiM-ll and Mr. Dennis, who liirurcs iti the lii'iiil.i Maaetf8BB«aafln and atlidavit». II«- la j.n r.nit-d assaying: i imi»t ii.x-iiu«- t«. aapaarptabtg as to tbeefr«-.-t th.-.« ent« »-n.n*. m ..-, Im,. I a., a .iem|,(I ,,f ih. .Iinln im V « ...limit'."- viieic n,..»,,. aiaivara, if presented to tue House, «»n. be refarred.aad n.en i .hull bave lo m - Jinigu.ent upon Un m. it would he a strange tbing for « '>i>iiii«.ii «i|H,n » Bubieet wiiii-h mii-li't 1.1 h Defore iilin judfeiaHy lu advance ..t it» subuilaaion l«i bias. 1 will say soiiielliliig, however, tboal the Ml i .¡Mili lu Mr. Deunta'a statement to n,c u,,uui etarrea* iKitiil« lit whlcll ha» reference to lie. I «I«, iiiT aii'.vv lietiier Mr. Daaattbaa !>«.«.« c«>tr«-«t!v |»'r..<l at n«>t. hut llii» what «iccurre.l between h in sad m- right here in soy nftl.-e. Mr. Iivtini» wi.« intr«»- «i,i,, «i ta ate hp a pataaaal irieu.i. ¡imi »aid to me thai b" kuew ivoiui'tlii, g alroul tlie Plortda election, ami that Ih« Brew that there hail been liaml« r.. initte.i l.t the nil. nitmi. nf jmiII und return boeha, Republican rotea to make a uajoiilj/ ha Baresbadbeea mille«!. He also read lOBteeertaln paacr» paB-aaBj-oag to prova that. I said " if thai ' 1 see bow lia) es can Hold hi« ulllei« ont tlil» la a matter which Ih-Iiih.-» to <.-,,i;. »»el « oiigie»« »lone Klii'iiiil deal witb it." Be »lis- Ini..; ni.-.l mi« that the-»- matters liuil iierii uitalc lu.»»n t«» Mr. Kave« either through «iiivriimr Bores or BBaaaBif (1 thlukbe »aid by l»olh), mid Mr. Mint» baa giVBB him letter« rn-ounneiidlii«; hi« appoiutmeut to «Knie loMilun. II« »tateii that he liud held api-oliituiouts uinler Haye« upuu tbe »treii.-!li t'T th.*i-n-viiiiiuj. nilatlii'i«. I »al«i !o hiui In snhatain .-, ti' »i if »cell a mailer were l«i l»e pnaaauad In Congrega .u< ir aetton w«»uld niidnuhutlly be taken as the gravity sr tu«-«-«.wpiitiut wuuld«lfciuaud. Mr. Deuni« then told a-etliatbe wuulü swu go to Flurida tu p.'rt«xt these The ,,fIt i uwird of the matter, and all I aa-ie heard furlhur, U what I have learned t^;'f.h tb" ¦"."»P«-^»* Mr. Uennl» dMlrr4 me to jreat the uiattcr contld« ntlally. and I have done so. He f*s choaeu to g.. into tbe ucwapapers, and I sun- Pjae that release« me from ttio obligation of secrecy at« baa «%lao given me sow«) dlxacUoa» aa in where l eaa obtain rafonaattoa of ¡in improper ass fnudi m Lttntslans by tae MacVeacb < osonilaslon, am) bave caused some tnvestteatlon to be Btatle into tb h uter. tbe roaolia of »»inch, for the present, i BoMas .1. i lui! is all I bave to say. OBI ni mi Wii.-.i losa an AiiviAiriiin. Selkirk, the late»! ituess in tin- Florida case, will know m in Washington. H«- is believed t.. I tin- saino man who got Into trouble hen- a f- BMBiths ago by falsel*/ representing that 1 .- a 11 ii ml Ur. YV. K. Rogers, tl President's private secret, .ry, and aras a 1 to contrac! debts on his a. conn s.ll. r!. has nfricd to Mr. Duitiit 11, ot MJBBdSOt sntl the latter said to-day that hu had eossaltt with hi» fri.'mis as to whether it wonld bs well f. bim to make -t statement apon the Boor of il lloosein answer to «Selkirk's sllegation that h (Dnnnell) had supported him with money in Florid His friends advised him thai it wan quite ni necessary. While Mi. Dnnnell was in Florid with the ttommit.ee seal down there by the Hone Belkirk introiluoed himself to him privately Bl t; Contiáaotal II.,til. Jacksonville, alleging thai 1 bad been .- nt down there by Attoraiy-Oeneral la -.i ml sgenl to work in the laterestoof Have Im! Mr. Tuft had tailed to send him.ney, and I «ranted aa sdvnnceor n loan. Reina reqaeati-tli show his appointment, be said the United Mat. Marshal hail taken bianaperafrom bim. Mr. I'm m ¡I replied thai he had no means with him aa ron Id in.; secede t., lis request. He had i. \. lcciivcd any letter frew Selkirk or writtea to Bim. KepreseatatiTe Biabes sa i. I to-day that be tu» MeLm's statemenl to Itonresentative Thornborg t «in with it aa be pleased, sad be was willing i shook] be published, Mr. Btsbce is s Republican an Hi.' Bitting member from the Second District « I i.iriiia. »» hose m at is coatt »ted by .less,- J. l ¡uli (Dem.). He -ay» that nothing in HcLin'i Dennis's statements can a tied biaelection; that bol parties admit I rands la tho Archer District, bat tha In has min h the larger part of the legal rote. COLD COMFORT FOB EWDfG. Xl.W-Ydl'.K BABKKB8 gXPBBSS It) HIM I unit KM PflATIC BKLUCf IN lui- B0CCBB8 ut ills' »It nox. IBT Tt.i i.'.r»i :i Ti the Tiuiit ra*B»l WABHnroTox, Ai»iil 28..Mr. George 8. Coe, Mi Joseph Beligmaa, and Mr» Frederick I». Taapea baakera of New-York City, were at themeetiago the Banking and Carrem y Committee this morniBi and wereezamiBed al length by General Ewingarx his associates in n gard i" the possibility and adi ii al ilitj of tin- resamptioB of speck payments on th 1st «.f next January. Hr. Coe, who was ti:>t examined,differed will ill« Becretary of lb« Treasnry in some of bl opinions. H" said be tboagbl that th« opera I tioiu ..f tho h>snmption Act win produce a speed; ami filial retirement of the tegal^eadeiB, and ihn tin -i cretary'i planol reissuing them can notto an; great « stoat be carried <,nt. Gold and silver, h said, in all aiics df tbe »»orld !i:t\«- been tl» recognised representatives of value, and th. people have only accented the paper issue«: by the Governmenl as a representative o value because the law has compelled them to d. s., ; when this law is no longer operative no tbeoriei of the financiers will serve to over-balance the life long habits of tbe people ia regard to gold and sil ver : the actual ( nrreney of the future » .11 be in largo degree tbe National baak notes, [hefounda tion of these National bank notes is, he said,tin bonds «>i th.- Government which, after the 1st*o January, will ba payable, principal and internet, li coin. Propi rty is real value, and coin, be said, al though only a renresentative «,f property \nln«- is in consequence <-f the confidence which coin, s ol tbi world's navarying experience, s n al value to all in- t- ¡its and purposes! non any representative of valai in property or coin will circuíalo freelj among tb< people, and that formol nprem-iitnti.-e which i- mosl convelí'. ni| tu bandle v>i)l naturally be tit* actual circulstins medium. Mr. Coe saticipated no disaster la coasetinenee f>\ ths carrying out ol the I". nmption Aci, ConA dence in the ability ol the Government to meel al it« obligations is, be thonght, general, and there i- no reason to apprehi nd any over* helmiuf ire for the redemption .if legal-tenders which arc; and »»ill be scattered over th« country. The amoanl to be redeemed, b< s:ud, la aliout 9300,000,000, and to Bseet il the (Secretary will have at his comraand about 1150,000,000 <d coin bj tbe 1-t "I January. Tin aim nut he eonsidi red ample f.'i tbe purpose, and illnstrated tbe manu« r in which he thought 111. coin paid ont of the treasury -»¡11 find ¡ta way hack, and be ready for reissue before tbi original store is ex banstetf. tie s.nd a small amount of money in tins way often sert t- to pas s tai ge. smonnl ..i debts. Mr. « -oe »» ss illy of the opinion that resumption on tbe 1 st iry is «1, »irable and feasible. ¡i.Ta'.'iin and Mr.tSeligmandid not raake any formal statement«, aa they said the whole grnitml had been covered by Mr. Coe, with whom the) agreed. They, however,submitted toan extended of questions bj membcraof tbe eomniittc« relative to therecent contracl and the probable operations ol the Bosumption Act. A general press dispatch says thai tbe associâtes of tbe Syndicate have made s formal requeal foi ih. -*.,,( h m»,(m in >.i ligner cent bonda, »»huh. under the contract, they are sutberized to receive in the month of May. The bonds will he issued an rapidly sa practicable, making $15,000,000 thusfai taken hj th 8j ndicate. 'IHK WATERIMG MAW OF THE SOUTH. a MISSISSIPPI MAX'S BXTOBT Will« 11 PBOVKS "llir. Till 111 M '-" I 11,1 111 - I-1 |i ¡: A 1111.IK IN TOOfjÜW, ii n pbovks anyrnixo. lav ikii..ii»iii im'. raiaoBs.1 Washikotox, April 20..Tbe Democrats bavi been greatly disturbed by Tub Tumi m'- recent pobhcatioBs In n gard to South« rn claims, aa repre seated by bills and petitions ; so mach so thai tin", have undertaken f.i offset llmin with a list of North* ein claims, printed m Tin Ueeorà tins morning as part of a speech delivered by Mr. Metier, of Mis* ilss'.ppi, at the evening sessioa of the House on \\ edaeadsy last. A mor.- ridb ulona and dlahont st eompibttion »» as never printed. It foots up 91,500,222,039 13, 01 thi total,91,800.000,000, or more than B2pt rcent, luelnded m one It« m covered by a bill lutrodneed Mr. Phillip«, of Kansas, " to provide for tbe n- »<» of and sstim it« for s hip eanal.witb si.¦ awles and l.oit,mi. from deep tide*water neai tbe month of th" Mississippi, t.. St. I..iiii», aritfa I.ran. boa t.. Pitta* burg. Chicago, st. Paul anil Omaha.'' It la true that a bill of this kindhaa ¡> .. introduced: bnf tbe only appropriation proposed m it la one of 930,000, or ao mu- li thereof as may be nrrnsnsij ti> pay toi the survey the BtOPBSOll 1«tutes. Another Item, whieh he puto down at B157t300,<* (mm», beovered by a hill introduced h»- Mr, Brown, of Indiana, " orgBBiriag the National Railway Com* jiany of th«- l'nii«-(l states, for the purpose of eon* htiucting a «ioiiiih-track. eheap tr. ¡(,'iit railway from Now-Voik to Chicago, si. Louis ami Cooncil Bluffs." A lull bearing this title ¡» m,»v pending before tin- eosaniitteesoi tbe Baaats ami th«- House¡ but it dues not propose th,- granting ol a single dol¬ lar, cither in cash, lands, or iiedil of the United Htatra. it aathorima ths company t., seü «tOTfOOO,- 000 worth of stock, and to i-sue Brat BBOtifBfe 1.B* :>t the rat.- of 112,000 a mile for tlio road which is, to V-constructed, and tlie mti-rcst on th.-c baadflIBtM bo i-aid at ÜU Treasury DspBI tiiient, but not until th«: funds out of »\ hi.h it is to he paid, and ¡t siillicnm additional sum to cover extra elsti- cal laimr regalias] u sesmoetioa »»ith tho work, have been nipplicd hy the com¡ialiy. A third item of |tl0,000y00P ih bMBd in a hill ii- tending the time to construct and completo the Notiht-ra Pacific Koad, although Unit bill d(M«s not propose to grant tho value Sf a single dollar, eithr r in cash, credit, or lands, to that company, whuh wus not grunted hy tho original act. ¿Subtracting these tb.ee large items from Mr Money's sum total of if 1,500.000,000, lesves little more than 952,000,000 to cover all the remaining items in bis table; and iu this sum are suck items as the foiiowiag ; " Sam «Scott's Liverpool live, ¦0,072,000].ih" l'a.iiic Malla serera] Unes, !Í;L'0,*J7(i.lMl(i;'' "lo provide for tho payment of cJaima for Indian dsavejdatioaa (iMladiaf those ii Texas as well »sin the North). 91,000,000 r" "To improve the ehaaaal of the Mississippi Rivet (the most of which, if ths expenditure should be Blade, would be used saath of .Mason aadDixota's Lin» 12,020,000." Bedde tin -.. sfr. Money has included file cost of the liirht-lionse system of the BsstoTB coast, by which Boutbern hues of vessels are bene* lit d as well as !ln -.¦ ol the N'orlh ; the ii-ual rivet ami harbor impr,.vein, ills : expenses of the l'nited Mat". Courts j all .'«unis asked fur for thecoastrno- t'.oii oi public buildings, etc., eta. After having insulted the Intelligence of ths House by the introduction of s table of thin char¬ acter, Mr. Money »roe» on to ay : This »inn in so -tupi-minus ih it h bewilders ths cent* i'i. in Dilon. 'I he mind rannot rntertaln si mic tune tlie lilel i,f even II tlinlisHlnl (III. 1, Ii! .i...|,els. lint »» lien * r.-:i< li Iiiinilre.l nf lliniis.iiiii-, millions, liilli'li. .1- Itl Bl 'li.iti-, billions, iin- iuipi'i --inn is nf vague raatn - siiiio'»-. . . fin»» ¡a in» mortgaged, fanni and Bouiea «voulu tbU relieve I How many seeoaats it would i>a'- iiii.e. Row many .people It would »ave froui mi-ill. (>.. litlcliien, lotlfe Si llllS I Ho»»' eollleiiilUil, V Inaiguiflrant appeara the mm aaked for by tbe aonti comnared wltb that demand«'«! bi Ibe North. Bventlie id ', v.-. inoxartD«-M«i( Tua Nbw-Yobb Tarants ... dupllottloni of toils, brine« the Bssregate »mount i«ki .1 for by lies.,m n :o ,,iii» -i h. 0 '.'...<'. MIIMonsl in.!.do really appeal! îhl.cui. e.s ;¦. .;..:.!. of million«; and I mil i.'sliaine.l of tlie wretched povrrtv nfiiie BcHtthrrii ni. ¦:, 1.1 n¡i!irn>, uiti.ms «viieii i view ibe tuaaplflt-ent an I tiliiiiics.lien.es of OUT l.ii'i.e mtliireil DelgnOote Ol Ntlli. «iiir ana-, enin- util »»I'll tlicin Is Bl Pal I..ÍIH. ,i to (he purple sad gold clltterlui; ii'iiin'.s of tbe Pendan monarcn s mere iklrmtsh lln« to the grand smj. I in » »im ah ..f the " Boutbern maw." u bal have tin»-in »iv .,f iin- Northern maw I Tbe am in the other as Ibe lint i ddv In Ibe brook t.. tbe Mn.-i- stimn nf tbe Norway coast, 'iin» Northern maw is owniv* oiiiiis and inaattaMe. The millions ol sera ot publie land, the million« o pnblu mouey, bave not app« ud, lull n:i!» In li, il ils appetite. .!u«t befare Congress adjourued to-day, Mr. Phil- iips. of Kansas, ailed the attention of the House to Mr. Money's speech. He said that be waa aware thai Democrats could do remarkable things m Mimissippi, especialli in tbe way ol arithmetical election times ; but he i-ciiict'ly thOUgfal t In V \\ »l «. I eqnal t<> this. l*be Democrats were not anxtoa to hear Mr. rin'.lips's « Milaiialii.n, and did BVt rytbing In their power to prevent bim from speakiag; but be persisted, and hhallj showed bow insubstantial s ba»;» tin h waa lor tin- analysis of hills presented by Northern Bien, by showing the real chars» ter «,f tbe bill introduced by hiin-elf, »» Inch bas !>. SB explained above. He said thai it was i"i a survey t.i the Mis* sir-sipp. River, and ho»» Mr. MoBey eonld nial.e oat of tbu$H),000 sppropristirtn oneol |1,300,000.000 wsasomething be could nut anderstand. N In- alo-- to comprehend how it happened to be « Insaed in a liai of Northern claims »»Inn it »»as f,.r ih«-impr,.vein-ni «>f tbe Hbtsiaaippi River south ol Bt. Louis, ami when nearly every dollai of il waa to be expended in the Boutbern Stab When Mr. Phillips reached this point ths Demo* i r its began t>> get very excited, ami insisted thai be was not speakiag to a question of privilege. Mr. I'liii. v, of Ohio, thought it an outrage for a gentle, man to raw to a question of privilege and tbei advantage of the opportunity t" make s compari¬ son between figures published in s Dem« s|. «, h ami tbe I.el- i : Mr. I'hilli not It tin- Democrats of] until be had reminded th< ¦.¦ »i hu were taunt ins him, ih .t ih. » nuithl .1 lo f-.ii'. 1 thai th.- Sin ih hail 1 d *¦"..».,IHKI. IBMIto supprees tbe ¦¦ i.'¦. im-u. and thai uioal oi the money »».«> exp« ndetl in tbe ¡Southern r Win iir a |.\i, ... 1 | .1 cam'asa .-i rea uoi'SK. -in.*»- ntai ihebb 1- A l>i. ll-il. MA. ml. IIV AUAINS1 Ills I.KIII Ml I lar Ttii...iurn ro mi. raiai si 1 rVasmxa roîc, Api il 26.- v ran f.il 1 sat us- .,f the II..'.-.. ou tbe Wood T.mil Hill bas beca prepared. I' turns oui as follow N Ifainp- Itho 1 i< m '. Nell v..1». IS .\i m .in I'. I...-1 l\4liU Mm» ¡nuil. 4 Noitli Hrnllii» s jriillu« a l.e.I»-l.l '.' Alabama. h Mil I..'iii-l.ii..i . M Kentucky 10 Fur th, I:.it. 8 :i . 7 36 1'J / I Auimit ..is H I !. I ill,Ml» Ill O ..1. In 3 ei. ia....... 4 II 1 s .... i 1 8 7 California... i 1 lirra.Ui. 1 »». -. ». i'.i.it.. :i ratle ... 1 1 1 133 In tbis canvass the Rpenker is counted voting, and there i-n thcLonisii gation. The Biajority against tbe bill is then twenty-one; ami nnlees Mr. Wood conclude« thai discretion is tbe better part of valoi and poatp ik action ..n th.- measure until tin- uextrs «ion, th« enacting clause »¦. til undonblrdly be stricken out. ? THE l'A IM . V, LOLI8IA5A. .1. mili -o\ wilts m un. OPIXIOB iiiAi iinur 1 «S M>V» III. A Bl ol.". 1M/ ITIOB. si ni snail n i" im. lüii.i'M. 1 WasniBOTOM, April 20. !!. IVaiAiagtM Pssf ol iin- morningpnbliahei an interview with ex-tSov* m.u .1. Madison Wells, ..i I.<.iii--i.iii.-i, from which tin foUowiag extracts ar.- taki n " \'.i.» is It ibst there la mi much political iin|*>tt met 1 !.. Ml-' ( lilt« I.|l |" ii.-. .m-. M\,i.w of tie other Pvdrral sp|««iinl «IIr, el I', alnl llicl.lelil.il.» .I'« eti ,1 u II 'i tl,e « ¦¦ iI. |«ll'« oltli'c ai«- In h irii.,,.i.». ¡m ti-. ,i|.¡...mili.1 nt nt IIr. Park- .,;<!! tin- ( i.llci t..|»lil|i »-...ni,I tlfaOraunlX«. !>"' Iiuiiii.i- iiii.n- relational exlellng between Um presenI im un i., m ." "On Ibe patronal*.- oft Federal offlerr« VOII OUI lu tue hop« m leii.i.illilalliiK tl.e l;.|.ii til lean j a, » .. ir . i: .;. - îi'i.-i- i.f us v. ii.i m., trilling '<> eontrlhiite 10 i-mi l.arliri.'Htc to the r.ir.min.m..11 of tas pallV I" \ iu then bave a hope of again placing Ibe Rrpuli I Ira 11 p. it» in powi r la that -1 .i- 1" "I have, n-ne» nu.-Hi,1 tiio policy of the l*reil«lenl .rill 11 nil m plaetns the Kepulillcaii -,,-irfv uiam .1 better usais than ii bai|becu »In« lia organisation iat 1868." " \ il aie then. I take It, a «varm lUpporttU «if the Bonitaern pollcj. ot lb* Adrulolntr iti,,., t" '. I .mi. ami -.va» from tbe beslnning." " y«iu oelieve that Psckerd »»a. eit*cted Oeveraot, do you m.11" .¦Nis.i know Paeksrd wss elected Qovemorof Ibe SI ,1, ." ..Hi.', iin ».m luvii.v i 1.111 ¦ 111 Bbandonius him l'' " i'.iia'i-e it given n-;, ace awl pulsa itopto tie holi isle 1,nt-'hei im. i,r the Bepubllcaai "f Ibe Mtatr. »¦. Iiicli eoBld in .1 If ai 1..It il <»in l.lull r tl.e militai.) 11.1 ..» 11,1 li »1 e li ill iiliiiei Ih, ill II. ¡.I -I ratio li ni rtlOl K' II...;.- Kith 01 ;.. cuín. I prOStM*rit] iiinl Ibe It » :.l if tin iinla-lili s of Hie-1;,le, «»hull arc pnrmiuoiinl in in ni t n, 10 all pnli ili ilruaale foi nuprt-oiar y." " Waal iio « on know alioui <;. orse I., hmiih 1 " " I I. nm» In in 11» an ai l\e IMllltll l.in, larirely room el-il »«nil, m- in i»',|i.i|,. |,:,.--, muí in in» raparle*' .t netrs- paper atan he bas eouirlbui«*d ruueh uia srd tnalntalnias lln I'lValll/alioii nt lile l¡. ¡.II ¦|i|c.in pail) III.Nol IB .ii-lein Louiaiuua, « i.t re he 1, »id, a." .. Win in i.,, ciiiiiieiiii ,1 iiy n,e Senat« I" .. l do not know. Hi« immediate friend«, however, ire c.iiiii.i.iii ttt.it be »»ill oe." " 1.n«. 111.11, Ih, i.' li,1. 11. en a u'li al ilcal of tlllli aheUt your ii'i\i;ii,' sui,i,niicii ultimatumi lo the Pr« onl ¦ lililí t tint ii nt, xiiiisiin -1.min cteil »» nil the Preildru- tiai tiiii.t. If yoa are willlug, I would like loasaryaa su» Botuetblns sbo ii 1h.1i" '. I have BOthtng t" eon. cal il|i(,li that lUbJect. I have notblag tiiicciii'.1, and eonaequently can olvulse Both* lag. um »vliai han BSSB siml BpoB the siiliject all Íctica." ^ WA8HINÜTON NOTES. 1 isauxovoa, PrMay, AprUSC, 1878. The i.i 11 ereattaat ths Territory el OfclshasM »»as today sgitttufl upon by the BaassOoauatttsssa 'i- itrtartsa 'He re livable ; I IBS POOCS RsSIII »almn SWlBI t" BS BttSmpted reselle of lml ¦-«¦ tine» Iiy the < itizenn «if BaXlei th«- ImiX'» «Aere rti.li n II i.lu the Poaoss Ths fhjBSlo rwasilttos na larritortss tsdaj isaaaMd i-» bsTSstlgattoaat tadfaui Territory mailers. U.Dell, editor of the Part Bmlth Kern Eré. teetlaed tBatfertf- trteii »cars he has nlvucateil the e-ta!.llsliiueiit .,f a lei ntoriiii goverameal fur the Indian Territory, lie »mil as i-i .!>.« i « .1 i:..' memorials piupoiiiiii,' to n.- BJtpreeilens of 11.11 ii the col ireil men living lu the ( íhoctBW alii (III, ku-aw (Olinll) III f.nor nf Ihe til I it..rial gOVem- ineiit project, on it« i.unit ot their nil. is. .1 bad tu aiment Iiy the l,i.l,.n:s. ( m i-roiia-e-.aiuiii.itii.il he inlmitteil I bltt flu- Colored PCOpIS hu.l let taessselvss asked for IBs préparation or presentation of thoss memorials Mr. it. M. Uortgea, u assssawrsCta. ('leek N,lilt,11, 1111,1 IllilK,'Me'.Ih.'IH. a (reck, ill-., t' 11 tle.l. Thr luttei »a il lliut Ills peuple lire lltiiililliinllsl y appossd to a territorial form of Rovcrnmeut, or to any divlslou of their lamia In arvi-rulty. rOHNKLI. AT HI MAKATtXiA KEdATTA. Ituaca, N. V., April 20..An enthusiastic me. iin» ot Cornell Unlventty undercraduaUa wai Id tbli evening, and It waa unanituouily Un nie 1 to aend u Freshmsu crew to meet Harvard at Saratoga tbi« gaas> taex. ANXIOUS BANK DKI^ITOIIS. EFFF.t T8 OP THE RECENT srsi'FA'slONS. A IHN at THBOBBMAM BATIBOB lt.VNK.IIIi: oii:- CBBB PI I.I.Y PL'IPVHID TO MI'.EI IT -Molli: WITBDBAWAU AT nil. DBY DOCE PBBtBBlM MEMs IV NT VY-.H'.l:<l Y. Tin- .(.( nt sü-jiiü-ioiis of tli«- Sixpenny and Tciitouia Savings Ba&kfl lia". «¦ .caused anxiety BBlOng Kast Sido depositors, ¡nul tlii-n«, ¡ire " iti:i> m at the (.crinan .'nid DlJ Dock" Hunks. The office» Of both BTC clieeil'iil and rnnfhiont, ¦nid (lcclarc that they an- fully prepiired to meet all demanda. The Superintendent of the Danklug Dcpartim lit na\s that tin- alarm is Bensdeaa, and there is no reason for it. Savings bnnka at Railway, Plarnfleld and Huilson City, X..]., arc in the hands of Mast<ira in Cbaoi < .. « EAGER TO GET THEIR MONET. CrOWDB or IT'!-, -'loi!* a; hie ORRMAM A D DRY D.'CIv SAYINGS »INKS. IHA-sITllMi BTATEUI S AN1» lorn:« llt-'M 0PPICBB8.TBB ITIkiNIA AND THE BIXPI \NY. The -n-|>-n-i'.n of tlie Tentoniii BoYingB r : m.- elees afear n." rallara i f th" Btxpeaoy, in« eaaaad aastet? among the laaa of IBm r. | -nie, which waa rather laereaaed lhaa » 11 i '/estcrday, faa "ran" an the Dr* Docl Baviaga Baah oa Taaraday aeon caused inn- «*.iii« -- ntn »jog tin,- m lag virii.tt.» vim had i.,«'li'-y n.til Ib th «.'Pa ni s ivtaga¿Baak at Poturteenth »t. ami l'o'irtii ave. a large BBtabei nf depotltora »v> nt there ¦i. afternoon to eloae tbelr a^-eeaata Yeaierday BtOTBIBg vvlicn tin- tcitik opened ll« door «ni!«- hm '.i «I la aerara iba Brat placea m tin line. Ifany gathered la rreapa on the snfarwatta, and had an animated dlseatahia f-.i'iuit tlm «ufety af tasto ininii-v. Tin« gave the street nnunii-ni.il apoenr in-, aad nit'ti.1 .-e.-r.-s of people to the j»':.«.«. who bad ne lauréat abatever m the bank but yet served to «well tl.« number prevent. The crowd ¦ruaorderly, a nntuber ol peraona who eanetodraa their money taa altb wbal rradiaeaa otbera wen paid, and departed without carrying oui their intouUoa. Al 3o'clock the door» wer« i-l led.andll su found that above 3.V) depositors had drawn taoaey. rbemajortt] ..i bese <. in« il« .1 their accnanla. U. P, Amibor, treasurer, »awl thai tbe little eidta m. ni on tin- pi' v mu di« mail'the officer» prep.t f ¦!. ll,.'.¦ inn." Moil ««i tu«- |H-.,;,|.. \»h.. e-ineeili-d their Be- counts, be «aid, belimged lo the Eual Bide, aad lived m the vl< laity "f the rentonlu an«! Dry Dock Bauka Bol ¦¦ int.I «l«i ¦«-it in th .-lank-. There were tea not <;«r- Biaas. I in- i»ank, be «!¦ «I ir, ,i. ». ¡» able i> meei Ibe run. I: tue " :. Iblnk th« | wool Icerl .tt.lv bave laki -..i» m .!¦.-¦' "fine slxij days'art. The baal .. n .n «..-i.i.ii- t wen M nara, ami n «. -n-r.n,i, -t ».-v.-r.o run» iiefore without nonirtnga notice of »i\t» .i »- Hi« followingla i>i.-«."iiii-.iiinii.il atatement, «bow¬ ing the condition Ol tin- bal I, ".i Jit limn y 1, 1-7- lit -/. « iio.uad mi so tyl . sarplaa . 3 . .81 j»--i 113,3 '- 10000 '1 ¦-. 7. ' 4,IS|..".ih. ni 4.m(l li, -. 10 .-">¦>. o 1' «?" in» .ni . .. .¦¦" ...- rteraih -t. l<. :.. :... ..''.>: i . Todl i t officer« nn Phil ¡« Rlaalng r, i i- -t, nt Willy I. HI J., oh «VtmUlllllll K- ¦.. ihier. ¦ "M no m I in mi: DBY I «a K. Dry i' inkcoul uui terday, tbe aainber of appilcaats luen Iba ,i p. e were atore than 1,000 persoualotb« borbond of tba heaa In t'.«- aftut loon. All of tb-Mdld r-ti moue) ll ,».,» ihu igbl l»y tin oltlei ...» in. » . o >¦.. !.. | Hit «nt. Ill« total Wu« li ... tl v i .1 eonillllon of t;., i. ink daj »¦ ¦¦ | i-n o v nu n -i.iii .1 f n- «nt |. i.» a! -:«.io >>. .', nti'l the an nnt due depodlora î«,«.. a», o.-o. it, ..»-.:- ¡'»r \-.lu« «. 11,480 ..( Nt-wTTirk - -..»J ' » ............ 421 I'.l ,i.lil III :. ' . "in mi l-.'.l«"' IM» 4. 1 lío. V. .*t, I.' -o < . . III.I '». n '.'. i.ii.iai.i «hi X I W I.«I .'..71.1: Olli ... IHM ,". II. T . .-..:¦ ......¡.1.5.BI «iü ...... ¦.'.':.i i.' i".-. ¦. .'.n from i i n iba ... lit of a panic, and ... ra wen iban m .. -. m Jai : i, »i-i v i .ni», ItOJIi .¿I» ai ..im.in; Hi v.-. » in t n >»"!. , "i 1 -77 ii. The a: ana ce m ni ti u fui, watchful, and i.'l Id ', i ii iliiii.NlA. \t tin Teutoala Baut, tgalrtwen .|ui.-i yesterday, Mi. II..1,n, ¡i,- -. .:.». and ExauilnerBl Joan wi re ,it l nothing a aa done, as tbey ware wattlag te receive tbe news«! the appointment ot are« i».-r. «mi» -. a i-'T -'.:.- u-.it in i- .1 ao...nn lae.loor. Tue depositors lot« ml I" hohl a n. Hug Ib b !. B duj «. -i i..-it..t it. ii at aevrral other hanks an unusual 'uuioiini ..,- in,-'i« » «a» withdrawn i>> depoaiti ra i-,. rii« .:. .. i, ml . i' o-, n:..»» u di hied ii.. o port. -.. m a m '"i" ned. BIXPEBB1 I'll OBITOBB .i one hundred depoaltors at Ihe »iipennylav« ingsBank met laalevenlug al tin- Uernsaala Assembly i: n.» !;. *".ii.'.i,i: flrere lopted tii.it s eommltt« a be |,, nt« T i" .:r.. .1 to <'ongres ui icing tin- pa«-utgc .'¦ a !¦»»» bj which puntal sai inga bank», under tbe tmmediate direction ..f the o, m ral (i. ¦« m. ni.ii. (through il hi Bruit-era of II.uuilll«-« apiwluted ai a former n , I .in' o |. .fi .1 Hi,it tiny till li"i :i lili.il'le I.ta ,1 un) Kitl-f..< na » Information either Horn i-x-l'midcni -. ,: :,¦ o i '-r, lie latter having in el. out] an ¡ii- n, i,i,ii.- »tai« im ..i about paying lo peí acullá luly. ¦o I'l.'liii.i.I» NEW-JEHMEY RAV1N08 DANKR. K.MI',llll!A«-MI\|« «>l is-l I 11 lli.N« IN BABWAY, IT vlN'i III D AND IH BaOB CITY. Appiii'itioii was iiiade to ("h.iiii'cHor lîiinyon byes bo tor Stone, counsel of th« Babwa) Savings lu* itltutlon, in Rahway, B. I., on J'hui «taj evealag, far u i.ni.T cm» «n ti.« tmabtesa ander hit sopervtsbm, aa iii.ivi.ii.i for by anaetottba late U abantare, rae pi ll« Bon lets forth I haI lb« re a i dna t«. depotltora on Jan» i-,7, 870« ,i -!. ami «m January l. 1-7-, n-.-.-'.'i la, and thai between the latter d ind Ipril I ; he m linn ii» of delioiltora re no i-.m-lnit liât, a! miv u. |-,,«,-,l .,! it» ,i..i:i,i-iji.il li.it.it» a! par BUK_. tin depoaltors, aad it was exiiected that there would i»- .1 III. ll.|.,,.-!,... -, B ii »» .1.', « tu the «..-nt an toon at praeiMable. Appeattedto ih«> «pcuiwo were ocbedulea exhibiting the condition uf lliebaukon January 1, l-TV. ..ml.laii- iiiiry I, 1«7«. ami BUM OO April 1.1-7-. lliela»t slut«- in, nt tboa » tba folloa lag P..,ii.l.« nnt BMlgaaM.fM7,82B 13 I....I. -I..I, *'¦:-." ut) H../I- ..».».,! <>m. t.-i) I..1» . 11.1.78 'Ml itaiiwar OaaligktOuupaayat «k . I3,i>8u oo itaiiwa» »»at r I»,ml». . 1-«.'-'.». ..U ltaitway water l«.i..l» Bahway lapt-ovemaal i««iii!« I«. ill» nil !.. .l4l.-l.ll«. ..oiitul the teal i-alalu and luán« un «.-olían-ral» nearly *3(»,T>00, Ma«ler in cbtuccry Williams, of l-lainlleld, who wa« npixilnted by Chancellor Bnnyon to examine tbe condi¬ tion of Ihe Dime Bavlug» Iu*tltiltl"ti of I'lnlt.tlii.l. which suspended some time ag», bu» uimle bis report lie statea that the uii.ni » are lu u much better cuudlllon thau gin« rally iiippoai-d. The total claim« of the «lepoaltora are t- i'.»,-.;.,, and tbe a»*.et« applicable to nay theclalm* aro *--kJ,JJJ, leaving an ostluialcd dt.tli.icu«.> ut 18,471), or S'^o per rent of tbe amount due tin [matters. Ciianceilor Kmiyon lia« ordered tho pay tarnt sf cent of ths ileposttorh' claims on the DtSSS Ha« It ink of Hudson City, N.J.. nut of the fund- BS« imiiiis of tag reestver. Tas seder <>f tas < han. ma;., i"... i v,'. flatisflsj sad bátanla* ths pay da', ?- n.OVmi'NCK BATrXGfl HANKS. Peovtdbbce, k. I., April 26..The clian:.-.,' BaVtBga Hank, IBS SMOBd Int.-! Hi elt)*, to-ilay commenced to SUfeCC the ¦.!,. peot is.iii reqabiag initiée af ihe withdrawal of il'i" Tin- statssssat of th.- uuatfss sfesws s sarptn .Tit.Hi."i;m t.,s(!(Ni,i,(»i,,»-er (ill llahllitirs. (i ,»,-i-..i.r Eandt, upon tas sppllestloa sf ti.<> oatoeri ..t tbe Pnai Bavli rs Bsnk, baa appointed a oornnkarli a n. officers of that Institution. A temporary injum will probably bs ssketL Till: PRESIDENTS VISIT. INSPECTIONS AM) RECEPTlOSe. mi:. itaTRsPs Ki'.'it rnaocon reg lfadixo ha i .m rrokig »--schools visrrgD »y bjbs. batí BKCgPTIOXa »I INDItPEBOBNCB II.vi.:. AM. m .»ni 'iv or i iv. ai; i s. Philadelphia, April 26.*.The Pr. .¦¦ Ati.'iin» «;. aaral Dm si sad Barehard Hay« ..-i l.iii.l by iiieiiiliers of the Industrial I. the Continental Hotel nt í»::il» e'eloek ibis bk leg, .m s toar af Inspection of tin- imíust establishments. Tbeflrsl pace rislted was lbs : win Locoatotlvs works. Tas sssssbsrs ..f tas t ii-ci»,.i ths rtaltors, sad eseerted tkssa thro the bugs < siahiisliaieiit. l-'rom hire tas | »vu« iiiiveii to tiie Haebuie T. ..i Works William Betters A; c...; tbeaee to|Whltaey' Wheel KaaafBetory, sad sfterward tas 11 inspected the extenstrs earpet mills <»r Met bobeon, at tbe Falls of tbe BebuylkUl; tbe ip A llsors's paper null; tbenee to ths Bl] Mills of Herat Patterson at M.tiiavimk, i tbs Amené sn Palp Werks at lbs fame pi Tas people «if kfsaayaah tinned out in ns sad tbe t..«.. n bore s t.<»!.«!;«>. sppearaaes. Bunting t displayed in créai itrofttalon. Bastaessgenerally appea toi s|.|. n-itit. the f.u-iorv bel Is wero rune, «ad eve «.. here the Presiden! «.-ut be waa greeted »»ith im ..t Uní-i i-ie. Potter's Oil Cloth Workawere next visit and fr«,:.i there the pan» proceeded to Dbi on'i - Work«, where ;.dation was irrved, A sheet itl r.n -i,-, \. - c,. n shown t«i tbe Preeldent,wbJcb, in th' >p -».i m n ut«-.. was returned In tbe ibapeof s t i-auttfnlly nobbed, having In that tint»* pas through the beads of twenty-fotir workmen, will be s -it to Washington u a memento ilic Pi ¦'. at'- visit. Tns trip ««as eoadai to Crump's - hip» aril, ¡«ml a ttiir hoi lie taken l lier, Win made down the river t-. the Waluat Stiwet wbi landlu* P '"ht ia tun«'for the oiililic i,'ce|,tiiin lio. ¡.eii.it ne" Hall. Mr. llaves made a few ineeei dortns the trip, out they were mers Bctaowtodgmei ni tbe i.i ..in. s.-cs shown htm. nit i PTtOB «r iM»ii-;:\!irsrr. BAU. Tb« President, Barehard Bayes ami Governor Ha raait.reachedIndepeadeaee Hall at .",:il p. m. 'l President waa received by George A. Smith, rs.|., pn ii. i.t ..f tbe Beb it Cuiiiic i, and then the public recent. which la-tel till 8:45 o'elaes*. pie passed tbroagb tbe ball and eat into t -i. i.ir« rapidly, »nd ibtwk tbe Prealdenl by tbe hand Hi » |:..'.I. Vine lln- teei'iiti.ia WB8 iU IWOSTesS, I of the Holdters'Orpbsns'Institute of the Nor «I'll lltlllie 1er I'lieliili. Cllllllrell airil ell. II' 1 V. re vu-wetl ny tu«* President After tbli tn-. eadetsbad «irili m Ihe aunare. All.r l.'i.iiu' Iiide|i<"nli nee Hall tin- Presidí lit >. |s|f George W. Chllda, at The Ledger building*. ¡: :.!..¦:! flff ¦! minutes, during which be took i look I'li-s» ('...un of the eatablisbmeat. Tbe Pre n i -turned t-, ibe Contiw ntal Hotel. HBS. II «V! 1811" ¡m M HOOLS. Mr-, naves, Mrs. Bhei man. and t ti.- other hules (>f t party, i«fi tbs hotel at in o/tdotek, nadar t snldanos of Mats MeHenry, of tbs fadkrs' Oo visiting Irai tbs (.iris' Konaal Bebo il. n- i.i l nii. s were entertained «viiii r. citations, sm luir. etc. The Northern Home foi Friendless Cbiltlr .. is next On tbe iirogramme. II. ri the children, to t nu m lier «.f "(x», ».ere assembled, and when t ladies appeared they started up a hymn, i chorus i«.:- rendered with t'.ne «¡lui, each cbl a smiiii bag. Mr«. Hayea and part»- ne tho Women's Hospital, Fbaaee tney driven m the educational Home, where I boj of tiie home, pruttlly nniformed, war.- drat un la frenl raj tbs boUdisg t.. re« i-.iiniit I, ».I«. a 1»ii hi-»ear old impil, adva ring toward Mrs. Haves, handed lu r s ». iiiiii- (.1.iliill:-' a history of the BoMUÑ nf the State, Inscribed: - l'r .i.i. i t.. Nils. Rutherford I!. Haves, hi Ibe boys the !..i:,e.ii.ii Home, ..n ihe rasión ofb< r vlsll ;::-tiititit.'i. 1'ii'ia'. April ¡Id, I-T-." In presenting tl bonk th« l»d n.mi.¦ an address» which ha-t been writt« for him. TUc building Mas then Inapected, and in tl rluipel (tiie init'.is sans several hymns. »- the pari a - about to leave, a little hoy teareelj tbn .i.i. stepped up in Mi-, Hayes aad in sented lier with liai..;-, me bon«iuet, almost a- bis Ulms«If. Mrs Haves,, ithasmlleof gratification, bei ovei and Ui--.il ibe child aid thanked bim. TbcBrboi of Design for Wotueo was next visited, and Mrs Jauu c:...-n'.ri' made an apptortrlatc address. Tbe I conducted through tue iuatltntion, where the) had s opportunity of. :.-. » in« the young »v..men p^nuiu : ,:ei stiel . -, .s " . i as ol inspecting i|«eclmeu lof tliei wors. The put» tiiei; proceeded to the renldence of Mi ll.i.ri c. Gibson, .v... 1,012 WaU.i.t-t., where tbe dined, MBS. BATBSrS l«I. I I'll.i\. The reeepttaa tu Mr.». line, at tho Aeadsai ol um Art., is-algbt, glvea by tbe ls.iiie.-t o Philadelphia, i,.e stteadod by tbtMsaada, ami th im..' s, i.:.l|.|ify in, v ill. il. Tac tle.d dccor.i Uous wero Isa. Mrc Hsyes srrtvad ibortl; after s «Veloek, seeompanied by Mra. Hallowell, Mn secretary Hhermau, Miss l'latt, and mrmbera of tbe li dies' n i. ¡.linn eommlttee t.f srraugi mi ata Bhe si on» look ihe position aaalsned her. under a canopy ol il,.»v. is below which was peadaal a i»iiirait of Pr»-» I'h lit Hans. Most ef the people In |. ( . Hi simply bowed Otbere, however, were per« '¦ice i, and Mrs. nay es shook bands witn all "h. desired it» A pleaalns incident of tbe rvenlns » p..--.-iiti.iii.il oi a little .-ii. whom Mra. Hayea tool lu bei arma and blew I. Presldrnl Havel audAttornej Gen ,i l'"«eiis. with Mess,-. « mi,;., Drex« I, and sieêi hihi (...'..ii.or ii.iittaiifi an.i militan itsif, srrive, at IhSO, ami ware warmly welcomed, lln pn-..ill.' introduced some of those who wen itratigera. and then paaaed mt.. Ihe southern .'.iiier»- wherchi held a levee from that time aatll Dearly mid night. ______________ Till. CONFEDERATE ¡HAU. KBMOBtAL I'\Y IN THB BOLTS.A COKFttOgBATI MtiBCMBBI tt MAt'iN. «i.\. -ni i i:s..\ n.w ;- «i\ nu; ..nu:. IS «n un: W" Mt. M\((ix. (ia., AfUil lit....MeiiKiii.il Day was celebrated with great eeressony. The rsarncr stoao ot the Ciuifederati- MuDUiiiiMit was laid Iiy tbs Msaonte Oraad Ladgs of Georgia, a i, iter fruin JeCeraon Dai is »»as read by .1. f.. Baalstrary, ot Macoa, aad aa oratloB was deltrered by A. H. Gsl* quitt. Governor ot Georgia. Tbs 2d Oaorgls Battalws sad other military, ai <i twenty civic orgaaisattou wars In iiiiue- itiii. The la;«,est STOWd ever MOI on Mcn.nrial Day was pressât Jefferson Davia, in his letter in re¬ al i.use tona invitation to deliver an iililn »s, saya : l."i uni an» of the ran Ivets bnpugn tin Ir faith by offer- Ins the penitential plea thai they believed tin» »»«-ie in-iii. . Let posterity han, by tin- monument that >'¦" ibntmemorale im-ii who died In ¦ deteusive wai itii.ii tin', «ltd not- is ha» i, in i, 11» atated.eubmll to the m 'iitr.iuieiit of armi tbe queailoni al Is-u. tion« in«,i» iii«: Inalienable rights Htherlted and beul in trust for poeterlly.bul strove for the btste wver* iii» «vbtrh their fathers left them, and which it »us n.eir f m», it possible, lo u.m-mi; i.i their rhlldren. Let th.- ni.....un, nt leaeh that berotsm derives il luatrefroai the Juatll .' ni th.- cause ni MblCb It is ili»)ila» cl, and let it mar!, tbe difference between a war waged for tas rob* bet-like pui pose ol coiHjueet, and one to repel InvaalOB, to defend a people'! hearths and nltai -, and t,, maintain iii.u lawa and llbertlea. Buch was lbs war m »»huh our heroes fell, aad theirs la tbe erewa which iparklee with the sema ot ifotrtotlsm »nd rtghteouauesa, with u flor) umillumed by any motive of sgaTsudlxemeal or in- tent to lntli -t rum on otbere. We preeeat them t., posier* as rxamplea to be followed, and \.sit securely f«>r tho verdict of mankind when knowledge «hall have dispelled misrepresentatlcmanddtslniloa. It not sa* reasonable to hope thai mature reflection snd a closer study of the political ulittory of tbe tfnloa mny .vet re- stiire tin-1 in-lit- prostrated i.y the paastona developed in our long and bloody war j lf,Bowever,ttsboahl bs other¬ wise. Then from our heroes' gr¡t»es .sluül rouie In mournful tones, tic answer tit : " And, if our « lilldrell intlst oliey, Th« « must but. thinking on our dav. 'T »«m ie«« debase them it, tabiult." Soars fiiithtuiiy, jit nit-,is Davis. Gevernor Colgaltt's sddrsss »vus bssral, sound, psttt- (.tic. and eioipll III. ATi-tNT.«. <;.(., April 26..Memorial l>a» was eenerally obeerred here, 'The itorea were all closed. Ituena and soldiers repaired tu ibe cemeterj, where mi arattoa »» as «ii-liveretl. iifu-r »vhich IBS gravas were BfSStatSd with tlowers and evcinrcens. TLLEdKAl'IltC UOTËM. l'liHi! «Ni\ Mc, April 2d.-The National r.n.eii- hark j.iirtv, of Maine, will holil Its ¡state Couventlou at Lewi«, tun, June 6. lUitTFoitii. Conn., April 2»!..Me.sur«. IVutccost «nil Mi-lihiti« tSSBSd their fsli-.rs st Mltlilletowii last iiluht, after roiilluil.,1111 lliictillKi» for flvn »eck«, four huucu al yer- sun« have enr.illnl tht-uitelvt » rouverts. l'itiviiiKN« K, It. I., April 20.-.In tho Supreme tnirl. Itialar. P»lrirk «¡i.rmlry irinvnl a vertlirt of i.t.oOU in.in Hi« New-York, l'un i.lente »uil 11..«i.ni lu ilmail Oiui- p».., ,or mjune« received by lalilug turi/ugU a ¡nigS lunltr- aviua tsfSaa ENGLAND SHOWING ANXIETY THE AI>MI\l«li»\\TIOV REBI'KED. rxASi aatPBBasBB that k\<;l.«,nd will bath" to ACT OS' lll.U OWB ArCol'XT.A I'BKI.I'.ll.VAIiY !C( !. IN'DIMi I'AVOB. In Imi.'Jük' ohi.étions are nfaanj against tho ".. rlike policy of tho (ioveruineut. It is argued thai A'.itria will atajea* aloof and profit by tin» misfortnnea either lin-.-ia or Kngland. Tho eon-ei vative defeat at Tamworth is re¬ garded Bl a rehiiko t«> the Ailmiuistiution. is k: tied at St. IYtershtirg that Lord Balistory íocojítii/.t'« the opportuneness of an ezehftBge «if views prior to the meeting ¦it :. Congress, '¡'he Rn-siai! Cahiiiel is of the ¦ame opinion. Groat entlnrsii'siii is mani¬ fested in the. Eaat Indien on account of the appi-oni-lini;,' iranyfir of troops to Malta. BAST INDI' \ ¡J.iMM'8 ABOUT TO «Ulla I\!.(i*'V»M IN INDIA.VOI.LN I ELIIISO (iol.NTi oat, Bombay, iTi-iay, April 20. is<<?. Troopaare arriving hare dairy fop c'ttharl»ati«»n. í ii«. ;ii>f «ii-iiiehiiient will «aarefor tfaltaaa laafj L"' .-till the second 011 May 1. They will not stop at Aden. Fifteen hipa and twelve aceaaaan haYa haaa ii for the ooaTejraaee <»f the exjx'dition, which will be conrojred by a man-of-war. QtBaa enthusiasm is BMnifea^edthiaagaBBtt India, and the native troopa are volonttieriag for servie«. i CRITICAL TIME AT HAND, mi BBITI8B PKoiT.u BSBiiBBB Buaan coming to ill.VI», Wl III AISTIHA. I.OMION, i-iiday, April '.'«I, l«7fl. Tba r.oudon lH-wspa-xTS to-day take a «lii- «.".::...-:' » a...-.- "'. the aaaaaa af the political negotia¬ te a-. The«. inn totee ta Aaaarhvâ étalageas. atnni«ie in ..ait m hopefat altéamete fee what »i.o may progl in tlie cabualUea and anaakaoaaa-s of 11 .* aamataa« ;.n'-. "It istia .-,.»< »BpJWBa haily .Yete» «ays, "nil 'ii:.- Au.-tri «'*. ( tTH-thi: lliterfiTiTKC ill tho Bet Ooverinu nt lias lung ago ma.lo military prepan tleaaoa tba abaratare of Boat la und iu-r- z-. -..ii..,;.: iil.ei)..itiou Ci war between Kni'land and ..mi Will watch ill development, get what It can an.: «gratúlate Itaatf aa having «lone »«> without, lighting. It will he glad if v,;-hi lp Its design, but will give aa no th.»nk«." The Vienna correspondent of The. Daily Ynr.« »ay«, "in harmony with thi« statement, that not it ,.»t.m«hag tint vnrinua denial«, I' i«. inmiiiain, «I liiat tin- Aii.-tiii-iltis.iaii iti.otiatluli«) at M. l'.ter»l>urg are pr«.c..-«ling favorably, and that the chief nl.je.Tioua of Aastrta agalaat taw peace of San stefanu have met wi:h «in.- naialiBifatlaa ** HIE KNT.IISII (»nJI-CTIONi«. a special diapateh treat Baa11b to The natty .Vca-i latowa sonic I,-lit nti the Kiigl'.-h «il.j« i-tloiia to the Ger¬ man lorn. 1.í itivi1.iti-.il ta tbe («»uiire«». The «¡¡«patch taya 1 "'ihu i-iop<>»e«l form,tint r.ritish (.ov.minent ipceastea an assumption that th«: treatiei of IBM ninl lsTl are already Btottlfli .1 t.» Ibe r««ii!t* af th<- war. England n-.- -. 1: tl.e contrary. that the lie« « ssity of »¡u.. r»«-ning or amending those treaties fat not ta Be at> »um« «i in Bdvanoa in a way which might prejiulico tho uegottatbuia." Di-iuisr nn-: i:i:vi. B0-0BCBOP TSOVWLÊ, Tho fit, ttnlatahan eeritapaaaUal of The Daily .v«*ice telegrapba as toUowai "it l«evident that tl-.«- paaaaal ti!'-ai.«i.iiT'.iy átate af thing* batanea Baaaaa aad Kng* land is daw mon- t<) ptaUaga of BBaatraat and -«-¡ilnusy tl'.ui to any oth.-r «an.««-, liitoitiiiniteiy, Iba BaajaBaa- n.m» do nut .,.¡v.,ii,«.- aa «pn.iiiy aa tbaaraaaaaaaaa," KNiiLVND l'ol'NriXG THE OOOT. The ha.Pli: edil »nal ni tbit morning's Times, refi-rrlng to tba »i-i' ni in the «ii.-pateh from ¡,« .«t. Padaralsarg umiiaptsidi bi that laetrta is ¿aid to be advancing to ward a adulloa oa tba kaata af Uta Staat PBaata taking satiable campaaaaakta fat the Bteaaaaed ir.tlueu.ee ot Buaaba, Bays : "TBeaolafloaef tabfatg aadtabta eaaapaa -a-¦ ins, of course, that Turkey should i><- further d< »! oil« «l to saBafy tbe territorial needs of 11» Betanken« Thus in- i.attie that may to-motrow h.- fought over «>iio crippled P«.wer, may the «lav after be fought over three. England may fight oa what tl fa Is U) last tea.,yet,after spending more than we can apare <>í oar traaoare and i»i.I. we in.iv tind eutaeivee BlUaga dlieb overwatob others walk <|i:i.'tly to tin-«omiiinti goal «»I their a.-iir.«- tK.iiH. Bun pe. «.f oworse, now smile« j.« »t» u«. ehears aa .n, .1:1.1 prepares in our eyes tbe laureiwroath which la to reward our ilr»t «neceases. It would he more !. taw purpoae n we were uol hit alone t.» vindicate tbetreattea and »¿¡ii tba LiaUleaoct Barope." the nniii-ii PBOPLB i>i-s.\ti«hk.u. Hi 111 I lag to ill« «i« «ti'iii for a unTiiU-r of i'ailiaiiifnt. at i n,iv\-,.ith, aa \Y..1ii«-»i1.tv last, when th«- Liberal candidatearaa ebaaaa by tavBtatatttp atar hMCaa> tervatlve eoaapetlter. IBs fhaca aaya ¡ "Tamiaaaaa»aahta verdict agates! th" Oaaaatralna aatMaaiata aaaaat be ex- plalaed away." fits Tiutt»adds 1 "lite iiutiit«. Hut Ibera la sum« growing Impatience ol tba ob|eefieaw -. «'r wrongly, tbe British Oovernnteat is ipnoeed t" n«- raising i«» the Congreas, lin- lUatiaetkM between the two formula.tbe one, to which Bngbtaat objected, suggesttag iiiut tbe Powers sbatdd u.««i t<> r iii»i,i,-i the changea to !««¦ Introduoed Into tbetraarjwa of l-".li an«! 1«71 111 run». -«¡i««-iiee of i,..:it eVCUtS ¡ :itl«l t».,. other, »»him H b)thought will he more aeeaptabfa^ that tbo Powers meet to consider tbe trratara ol l-'a» ami 1«', l In relation to tlie Treatj of Baa bfefaoo.eeeena too shadowy t«> be graaped bj nndlptoaiatlc 111111.1.«,. Kl »su llol'i - KBOI IBD WILL (BtABfl Nai...IN'«¡. Ihe Jmirnalîle St. ¡'rUribonry. in it» i--n>- tn-.l.iy, cay* : ..We hop«- that ti;<- tafwUlgenee pabBabad by some 1.,,11.1'xi asp ipera rtspacttag ük- atata af Ha natBMaa» thin.« relatée m a pbaaa aow i;«»t. At paaaaal H at Ba> pro'iai.ii- that Baglaad win reaew bar appaattiaa in a matter of phraseology, li recoawtUatioB 1.« alniaiaty «a-».:.-«l. let the Cabinets aim a. w-iia; \- calculate I to draw ib« m c-los ; i ... ther, not bring forward Irtltathtg pn'|i...itioi.». There it now bo doubt Kusala accept« tba broadest poaalble batla for tin programme ol Ibe I mi- ¦.-n ss. Thai ^iic » nol dream of «i.-'iinit.L sny km.I af discussion laproved bj Priuci Gortacbakofl'» cb«ctBar. M,,m ,t tin ( agréas me« t :t a 111 be able !u deal a Itfa all the «pi.-- ti, 11« r.-.ii<-ii i.v events in tbe Last, it a m ap- pears thai Lord Hallabury r«-«-ni;iiiz.'s tbe nppnrtaaa n. ».a «nexehangi of view«, prvvtoua i>» th.-în.eiii.g.if the Congrcaa, regarding the pomibtllti ni an and rstai Ing lielng reached) uinl the .«t. reti-i»i.tir^<':.l>ii.. t »! urea m tina opiatos." PBH ATK.eiaV.' KEAliED. a scare eaaeed by ihaBasalaB dateMrataaaa of priva- teartng la repeated aa aavtag a depreaaiag laBaaawa ou British tblpptag «atereata aa the (.miinrnt. live gtaniarú say«: "At Aatarerp. Btateeaaat, Baarisarg, nti.i Breaaea, iiisnihanis. in eaa » a haaa vayaga «>f any Itatajtb la aasMpaaai, are n-fiiHing taaatntbjai tin-ir aaaÉB nn «hips lying tin- Itnt:«h flat-'. Tl:«- it it., at «gabl <'f tho relations between Partead .-«ii«i Bassla aaa rarasasltaai Liverpool Balling-ship Mutaal lid-unitty Aisorlshaai t.. eater Into prolTiuary ai taDgenieats for Iba e.«iai»i.«h- inelil of a »pi-iial ,i-.»«n ,..!lo:,, tu pn.» nli-.1 film! f.»r the piviniatiit losses incurred bi Ita uocmhere tbrosutb too or destruettoa of their iwaseb) by at is af war." TIIK IHS-lAN YI8R vn.VNi.ONED. Tin-Hii«.»iau authnnti« » hive «teciited to abandon tho Intention of aaaatlag » anaberaf aaaaata aast men to anead wersfetp iu th t;r.-«-k Og^treawa «.f OaBaiaatíataata en Sun.lay m \i It itemed that the Giaud Duka Bleholat a ill leav aaa Btafaaa HIE HOBAMMBDAB m:\OIT. \'..*».i uni Tilih l'a«ha.» will have t'oi:.»t.'iiiliiiople to- inorr..»» im Un aeaaa <>t Ha maniroftlaai ta taw Hii.Hlapo ii-o.iiit.iliis, 111 the capacity ol Tu:!.i»!i c«imii.'l»*touera. The laaaigaata art well -»tii« «r« .1. aad are Btavtdad » tu ÜB abtunlallee of iilliuiilliltloli. They o< ciii.y iii!|>t.-iii:i- bleposltlona. a il.-iutaünn of the ttnaaaiBaaa rahabiV tanta of Boumeba waited upon Mr. Layard, tba liniisb v:,, 1 »ador, t.-.lav, i int i>. gged him t<> telegraph tu his Uovernmeal to arg» European InterventloB to pal aa and to the an«», m«..« c"iniiiiite«i by theBaJgartaaa Till". I'Koi'o-KD Kls-IAN LOAN. A special illxpateh to The lime* fiolii Iterlili B8P8 "A number u! (¡eiman ¡»anker«, who were lu.lu.«-,! lo m,-et u-!.. c.iii»idei the practicability of flouting another Baaafaa loan, bava aawadaMtaaty refused to rjagaaji m the vv.iik." ______^______^_. riUMKS AMD 1 A«i .Yl.i'lts-IJY Tri.EiihAPII. Il.vKiiisii! no, l'i'iin., April 30».A. ('. i'nuipton, w be a as »trmk sa IBM head with a «tone by William M-, i.t.-n on April :>. in f.!« City, «In a at the hoapital here to «lay. Mad¬ den aad tw-uoihiT« are uu.l« r am si. BaLITMOBB, Mil., April 2(1..Law ;-.'iu¦«. Ca«ey, age thirty, « Bbsr« su the Qaaptwasr Wait«-T.W«acka, fefl «tat ¦Eafl X«.. 1«), uuar iini.lt..¦!!.., I hi» in.lining, ami »a. nittaiiUy kill, «I. Tin-dec« a»«-,1 »».i-l:i,in UM tat 11. B. 8. <iLol(E«iEi!. Mas».. April "J«;.. i lie-chootiei Ocean Baagar,arrrrad hereio-dar. r«B«rtathai reatacaay «m.ruiag cai.tuiu lieorge (¡.niiig. inn«t**r uf li.«- »e«»>«:. «ooiinilii-il mi. in!. I.» nh.ot.iigbiiuheh tbiuiigti the body wita a »liot-guu. lii.iiiiiDEM, IVnn., April '-'«!..A ticht-rojm iier- fniiin-r, ahila walking backward«« a i<.j.«-at cataaainhia. thia rrml-g mltrrl in» Iwlag and f«-n fifty fw-.t to the gj-.m-Mi ainl«u«.i«lii«d a f«a« lure«»! ou«, leg »ud receivtit Inuiual in¬ jurien lirut will «-call latally. Nkwihkypoht. Mas«., April 26..Frainlulcnt BOB«1« "ii tin- Newb'irypoit Hnrac lUllioad to the anni'int .,f to 000 ka»eeeaaatoDght The director« are makliiK su in. vi-»tig>tloii. The bond« were lMUt-d under tbe form, r treas¬ urer, Mr. Blnney. NKW-Bausswica:, N. J., April 26..Frank Stewart» who ti"*«! d.ur »tint« at l,i« iiTi-ini I, .ti« A»hin«ire, all of wtiu-B took effect, plrailisl ituiliy of atrocluiia a«sault, an«! waa «bi« in,.ruing «enU-Dcist to four year«'luiunaoDnioui in >':«> Stale PtTsun. Aahmore has r«*cov ercd.

xviiiN0-n,'>7«>. ENGLANDSHOWINGANXIETY ÍNQTON ......Pttllü's ill LATI0X8 WIIII I'lNNT-, Oaaaanal it. P. Batter baa given toareanrter of Tin Sntional «faBtaNieaa hi- vei.-ion of

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Page 1: xviiiN0-n,'>7«>. ENGLANDSHOWINGANXIETY ÍNQTON ......Pttllü's ill LATI0X8 WIIII I'lNNT-, Oaaaanal it. P. Batter baa given toareanrter of Tin Sntional «faBtaNieaa hi- vei.-ion of


viMtr vttDi; s_i'nt>TïAV APRIL 27. 187&-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE FOUR CENTS.Vo1 x\xviii...N0-n,'>7«>.

ÍNQTON.., -, muís. THE tai.mt.* T\' .... ... ,..». TaiBUNa'8 sonn M:n

i!.;' ""',,, Northern claiaia :nn.,.n.tf.AS.Ï-fa- in.'cl-Y::,,

..,.,,....," M udmil- tlll'.I oY.r ¦

bUliOfl of «lie innomit i.- to U B«JB?Dt OB til«'

uMtai .¡.i Rirer. Th.- McLin coofeaBioB la

ri ..tI.,1 ir. betaf ol "Baa »"<.'."¦" ti':'" *»¦

,r,;n¡,«-«l. Co,,,:.-nt» l»y Mr. flu-rii.aii. Mr.

.,.,-, Mi. Dunne*, ami oilt.-i-, are given'Xbcre la a ..iJority m the Honae

, t!.(. Wood Tariff Hill. New-Yoikbavktraaare leaUtaoBY boten Hi. Hwiosf*c.m: " ."' ¦¦¦i"---«>-

Hg, i u.i - ORIOA CARD.4 ,-, .i.V.. .. u u*i rnu M THAI ni-- -

«TEAK A UBI -' o'ldi.xi- 01 Pi li¬

li.i i: 11 -.iv. u i<> m»", rataoni

«,«, m oros, »pril «W |!" Florida eard, from(;i. (

.;.»;«. have traentivT- been ¡i tramp aftor

,...' | :.:ilf tin-«H" t tnal the,, ,, ,,t II .'¦: i aad Uttlt'fleld, in the

;,,,.-, r>, didlotl Witit'l. ¡mil is BO» acceptedI :i»i.i. .ti« -t«.nrtli :i- mix li lnii-iliiKC as

«.;,. «4, twaaarifl aritan ¦

,,., m f. «liai in W.i 'Tiin-ioiiovcrth't-, busi-.).,.¡i,t!iu-iit. Tisera la aoaielhlug

saii*':i'T'Tv ifl B BjeoaaBA sensation, area if oins

j.,li!...l..pi»-'i i.irsi.i'olit i'v it. Ratwbeaafter allthe lab .- tic Bwantain halaga forth onlv a moase,

tlmsi-win. In:v,- mtilieivd tovv.ti.es- Hi«- op '.'ition

l...-l:ir«MM i'lm nt in tin ir «!i»:(l'¡:' intiment. eVOO lltii.ii hi.ii-.es nn-! farm. Iiav" baea Baved from the«jaaas t>«l earthqi

Half the I,'«-iin«>li' uns in CoiiRrrf« have n«>: readMi-I.üi'scoife.-Mdi; and half th«' Democrat» arc

BlBTBaBa «eel the con-tant B-glta«ion of this ti<ui-

M. ,-> .-.n«- mi -»* «-.. which waa settled more than a

ico, aad waaeaeaujal to !.«' allowed i«> remainta, -liai! «ii-i-n«. ihe i«ni>l«' wiüi their party aadm lengthen tin' liVjnii'ii. an.« in the Fall campaign.J'.ii«-«' .-in.I «|ii««-t ¡«r«« «iiat tin' eoaatry bot» need»,ti aa iii'-n s.iy, tiki the paart* that doeemoal t«> bringthem nl»«'iit, ami Bceaei vc them, will I»«' in«'-t popu¬lar.

I'lAllY «lIKIiMAN".- OPINION.M..st 1'ijhii«- nnii whose «pinion« are worth any¬

thing have Kiviii so little thought to the Floridamatter that tiny liavc little or iiothim; <>l Interestt.. »ay. s.-ciT'far.v flheiiiiBii. aim has jnst returnedfmiii riiila«lelpliia, s.ii.I in < <>i!V«-i.»a!MM thisevening that ho did not l«.r one lnoiin-i.t

hti.evo tho extraordinary aJlegatiea con¬

tained in Mrl.in's con i«--»-i.»i» that therrc.»i«l«Tit knew anytliiniri-f Irregnlaritieaio Florida,BTWafJi have sanctioned or countena:;c'd. « ven

indirectly, anything of the kind. I-'iirtli« ::cr<-. be(Lui not credit ti 8 that Minister '.

knew aiiytiiini-of these aUeajed misdoings, be beingti mau of singularly upright and chivalrous charac¬ter. 11«-said 111 hh : «as entirely out of the qUCS-li'ill.The Secr.-tary st.i.«-1 that be did not know p r-

ily anything alM.ut the llnrida election, nor

lid ltikiinv. Mii.in, luit ti«-«hd not sea how thesenil« gat ¡on«., or any action up. »ti at inv« atigation >.llliem. could alter the ele-toral count «t its reaalta.Mr. Mii.in, ahile a nient'ier of the I.-tiirniiiir1'.'.ml, was one «,f ilir.-.-<|ii.:!ir.«-d judgea decidingn allers under tlitir juri-alr tion under oath. M«-Liurvm.ercil akin»; oath that it WHJasIand true, and according to the fact». In thisli. it.-;.'Ii1: 'in lined, and the I.:

lie gave l.is (h-ci-ion he 1" aine fillntns ufficio.McUa'a a»»" i.'te» tun adhiere to the justice oflin ir decision, and m. «tit« :ii.-iit <>f his, Btrorn tOOTTlli.rivi»". liini«- tlian a year afterward "¦

aivalidala <-r «vea challenge his calm andil«'.il» ra!«-«tin al act, any n,ore than tlie Sni»r« tin

In.iit aaajJi iiinl«. a (l(<-i«i«i!i which it had renderedin a «as«- once aayfore it : that decision would makethe law in thai eaae, although the court might pre¬vi 'it trota 1" omina a preoetlenl by reversing auch«I .:» n ¡n tome »uiis«-«iii.-]i! case. He bell«v«-«l,li«.»rever, that tin- l.u»ine»» »»as merely deaigned toa i ¦« i by the Democracy aa campaign amniuni-tl.'T.Mr. IIbmbbbiaipieaaed himaelf rerj strongly upon

the aabjaat of the rre-i«lentialelection in the Bouth.Almut Lou d he knew. He asa ni.it f. i -«

tin r«-with his ov.ti «.<« J, and thi-yvvi-t,- raoogfa tomaki' the hlonil ln.il. in Fioiiiia 11n f- had doubt-lesa Baea brickery apoa tht Detaectatic aide, batin I.oiiiniui:a tint«' had Lei n iownnght l'¬

ai ami blaodahed Bad tyranny. Hehad no doubt hau thai Usara had baea adeliberate plan, well matured, and thoroughly ar-

ried out to balMaae the Cotton state» for Tilden.In MlaaBaatasaj the B»«groea were kept from the p"ll»i'v t«iTT.ri-in. In Alahataa it was the same, and

» in re ; and if either Louialaua, Soatb Carolina«¦: Fhiida had been «¡irri«-il I.y the Demócrata, lie

»«.«I it wi.iihi have been a crying Nationalcrime aa*l «aatra-ge. He for one believed that m .ilth«- Cotton Mai. s thi-i.- hud i« illv been a char,hop- aud uiKii.tiliti-d U« ¡»ui.licaii majority.

wiiAi an. coBoaa tiubbb.Mr. Oasbjer saht that aa ReBahltaaati with »bom

he hail tafk.-il all ached any e»|n-ci'il iini»oi tan«.«- t«>the alhirati'Ui» of Mil.in and other»; god theycoii«.¡i!erc«l tin-ru BB mere factors in the result d«--...¡!.y ih. ih-iin« rat».- that of puttini: forwardMr. Tilden, with as inmii «han««: of mh <. »-

a.» possii.i.., as their n«-xt eaodidate»He iiiiiLr>t«'«>il that Mr. Ti.V.en".« agentBad gone down to gat these a!li«!avits and that thewh aa tiniiir had bean arranged by ins (rienda H«-«lid in«: see how Micll notion cotlhl he taki :i n» wouldlîat.ir.- the ;:»-..-t of atlails, ev.-n if tin- alli-.-ationsa«-n- pi«.ved to be brae and ware not met by chargesmter-fraad from theotheraide. After lb«ai 'h«-1;,. « i«»j.ii( T»n,i:ii---.i*;i .¦¦». ¡i House bad conuu«d

. . -I ili«. return«», and be could nor i nowI'vii if «uch t.ti nttiini'l wer«' mailei how tin y»NMildaaaka a reckunnt» «>r how liiin-r lion»- coulddoao. aad tlm.« practically pasa Judguieut ujiol t!.-«-c niit ..f tin- other. Ii«-«li i aot tin-.k the Kepub-li.ans v.niild take any action in tlie piyiBilaoa.

Pttllü's ill LATI0X8 WIIII I'lNNT-,Oaaaanal it. P. Batter baa given toareanrter of

Tin Sntional «faBtaNieaa hi- vei.-ion of the int. :\ \-,

In-tw« en IntiiM-ll and Mr. Dennis, who liirurcs iti thelii'iiil.i Maaetf8BB«aafln and atlidavit». II«- la i« j.nr.nit-d assaying:

i imi»t ii.x-iiu«- t«. aapaarptabtg as to tbeefr«-.-t th.-.«ent« »-n.n*. m ..-, Im,. I a., a .iem|,(I ,,f ih. .Iinln im V« ...limit'."- viieic n,..»,,. aiaivara, if presented to tueHouse, «»n. be refarred.aad n.en i .hull bave lo m -

Jinigu.ent upon Un m. it would he a strange tbing for «'>i>iiii«.ii «i|H,n » Bubieet wiiii-h mii-li't1.1 h Defore iilin judfeiaHy lu advance ..t it» subuilaaionl«i bias. 1 will say soiiielliliig, however, tboal the Ml i.¡Mili lu Mr. Deunta'a statement to n,c u,,uui etarrea*iKitiil« lit whlcll ha» reference to lie.

I «I«, iiiT aii'.vv v» lietiier Mr. Daaattbaa !>«.«.« c«>tr«-«t!vi« |»'r..<l at n«>t. hut llii» i» what «iccurre.l between h insad m- right here in soy nftl.-e. Mr. Iivtini» wi.« intr«»-«i,i,, «i ta ate hp a pataaaal irieu.i. ¡imi »aid to me thaib" kuew ivoiui'tlii, g alroul tlie Plortda election,ami that Ih« Brew that there hail been liaml«r.. initte.i l.t the nil. nitmi. nf jmiII und return boeha,

Republican rotea to make a uajoiilj/ha Baresbadbeea mille«!. He also read lOBteeertalnpaacr» paB-aaBj-oag to prova that. I said " if thai

' 1 see bow lia) es can Hold hi« ulllei«ont tlil» la a matter which Ih-Iiih.-» to <.-,,i;.»»el « oiigie»« »lone Klii'iiiil deal witb it." Be»lis- Ini..; ni.-.l mi« that the-»- matters liuil iierii uitalclu.»»n t«» Mr. Kave« either through «iiivriimr Bores orBBaaaBif (1 thlukbe »aid by l»olh), mid Mr. Mint» baagiVBB him letter« rn-ounneiidlii«; hi« appoiutmeut to«Knie loMilun. II« »tateii that he liud held

api-oliituiouts uinler Haye« upuu tbe »treii.-!lit'T th.*i-n-viiiiiuj. nilatlii'i«. I »al«i !o hiui In snhatain .-,ti' »i if »cell a mailer were l«i l»e pnaaauad In Congrega.u< ir aetton w«»uld niidnuhutlly be taken as the gravitysr tu«-«-«.wpiitiut wuuld«lfciuaud. Mr. Deuni« then tolda-etliatbe wuulü swu go to Flurida tu p.'rt«xt theseThe ,,fIt i uwird of the matter, and all Iaa-ie heard furlhur, U what I have learnedt^;'f.h tb" ¦"."»P«-^»* Mr. Uennl» dMlrr4 me tojreat the uiattcr contld« ntlally. and I have done so. Hef*s choaeu to g.. into tbe ucwapapers, and I sun-Pjae that release« me from ttio obligation of secrecyat« baa «%lao given me sow«) dlxacUoa» aa

in where l eaa obtain rafonaattoa of ¡in improper assfnudi m Lttntslans by tae MacVeacb < osonilaslon, am)bave caused some tnvestteatlon to be Btatle into tbh uter. tbe roaolia of »»inch, for the present, i BoMas

.1. i lui! is all I bave to say.OBI ni mi Wii.-.i losa an AiiviAiriiin.

Selkirk, the late»! \» ituess in tin- Florida case,

will know m in Washington. H«- is believed t.. Itin- saino man who got Into trouble hen- a f-BMBiths ago by falsel*/ representing that 1.¦ .- a 11 iiml oí Ur. YV. K. Rogers, tlPresident's private secret,.ry, and aras a

1 to contrac! debts on his a. conn

s.ll. r!. has nfricd to Mr. Duitiit 11, ot MJBBdSOtsntl the latter said to-day that hu had eossalttwith hi» fri.'mis as to whether it wonld bs well f.bim to make -t statement apon the Boor of illloosein answer to «Selkirk's sllegation that h(Dnnnell) had supported him with money in FloridHis friends advised him thai it wan quite ni

necessary. While Mi. Dnnnell was in Floridwith the ttommit.ee seal down there by the HoneBelkirk introiluoed himself to him privately Bl t;Contiáaotal II.,til. Jacksonville, alleging thai 1bad been .- nt down there by Attoraiy-Oeneral la

-.i ml sgenl to work in the laterestoof HaveIm! Mr. Tuft had tailed to send him.ney, and I«ranted aa sdvnnceor n loan. Reina reqaeati-tlishow his appointment, be said the United Mat.Marshal hail taken bianaperafrom bim. Mr. I'mm ¡I replied thai he had no means with him aaron Id in.; secede t., lis request. He had i. \.

lcciivcd any letter frew Selkirk or writtea to Bim.KepreseatatiTe Biabes sa i. I to-day that be tu»

MeLm's statemenl to Itonresentative Thornborg t

«in with it aa be pleased, sad be was willing i

shook] be published, Mr. Btsbce is s Republican an

Hi.' Bitting member from the Second District «

I i.iriiia. »» hose m at is coatt »ted by .less,- J. l ¡uli(Dem.). He -ay» that nothing in HcLin'iDennis's statements can a tied biaelection; that bolparties admit I rands la tho Archer District, bat thaIn has min h the larger part of the legal rote.


PflATIC BKLUCf IN lui- B0CCBB8 ut ills' »It

nox.IBT Tt.i i.'.r»i :i Ti the Tiuiit ra*B»l

WABHnroTox, Ai»iil 28..Mr. George 8. Coe, MiJoseph Beligmaa, and Mr» Frederick I». Taapeabaakera of New-York City, were at themeetiagothe Banking and Carrem y Committee this morniBiand wereezamiBed al length by General Ewingarxhis associates in n gard i" the possibility and adi iial ilitj of tin- resamptioB of speck payments on th

1st «.f next January.Hr. Coe, who was ti:>t examined,differed will

ill« Becretary of lb« Treasnry in some of blopinions. H" said be tboagbl that th« opera

I tioiu ..f tho h>snmption Act win produce a speed;ami filial retirement of the tegal^eadeiB, and ihntin -i cretary'i planol reissuing them can notto an;great «stoat be carried <,nt. Gold and silver, hsaid, in all aiics df tbe »»orld !i:t\«- been tl»recognised representatives of value, and th.

people have only accented the paper issue«:by the Governmenl as a representative o

value because the law has compelled them to d.s., ; when this law is no longer operative no tbeorieiof the financiers will serve to over-balance the lifelong habits of tbe people ia regard to gold and silver : the actual ( nrreney of the future » .11 be in

largo degree tbe National baak notes, [hefoundation of these National bank notes is, he said,tinbonds «>i th.- Government which, after the 1st*oJanuary, will ba payable, principal and internet, licoin. Propi rty is real value, and coin, be said, although only a renresentative «,f property \nln«- isin consequence <-f the confidence which coin, s ol tbiworld's navarying experience, s n al value to all in-t- ¡its and purposes! non any representative of valaiin property or coin will circuíalo freelj among tb<people, and that formol nprem-iitnti.-e which i-

mosl convelí'. ni| tu bandle v>i)l naturally be tit*actual circulstins medium.Mr. Coe saticipated no disaster la coasetinenee f>\

ths carrying out ol the I". nmption Aci, ConAdence in the ability ol the Government to meel alit« obligations is, be thonght, general, and there i-no reason to apprehi nd any over* helmiuf

ire for the redemption .if legal-tenderswhich arc; and »»ill be scattered over th«country. The amoanl to be redeemed, b<s:ud, la aliout 9300,000,000, and to Bseet ilthe (Secretary will have at his comraand about

1150,000,000 <d coin bj tbe 1-t "I January. Tinaim nut he eonsidi red ample f.'i tbe purpose, and h«illnstrated tbe manu« r in which he thought 111. coinpaid ont of the treasury -»¡11 find ¡ta way hack, andbe ready for reissue before tbi original store is exbanstetf.tie s.nd a small amount ofmoney in tins way often

sert t- to pas s tai ge. smonnl ..i debts. Mr. « -oe »» ss

illy of the opinion that resumption on tbe 1 st

iry is «1, »irable and feasible.¡i.Ta'.'iin and Mr.tSeligmandid not raake any

formal statement«, aa they said the whole grnitmlhad been covered by Mr. Coe, with whom the)agreed. They, however,submitted toan extended

of questions bj membcraof tbe eomniittc«relative to therecent contracl and the probableoperations ol the Bosumption Act.

A general press dispatch says thai tbe associâtesof tbe Syndicate have made s formal requeal foiih. -*.,,( h m»,(m in >.i ligner cent bonda, »»huh. underthe contract, they are sutberized to receive in themonth ofMay. The bonds will he issued an rapidlysa practicable, making $15,000,000 thusfai takenhj th 8j ndicate.


Till 111 M '-" I 11,1 111 - I-1 |i ¡: A 1111.IK IN TOOfjÜW,ii n pbovks anyrnixo.

lav ikii..ii»iii h» im'. raiaoBs.1Washikotox, April 20..Tbe Democrats bavi

been greatly disturbed by Tub Tumi m'- recentpobhcatioBs In n gard to South« rn claims, aa represeated by bills and petitions ; so mach so thai tin",have undertaken f.i offset llmin with a list of North*ein claims, printed m Tin Ueeorà tins morningas part of a speech delivered by Mr. Metier, of Mis*ilss'.ppi, at the evening sessioa of the House on\\ edaeadsy last.A mor.- ridb ulona and dlahont st eompibttion »» as

never printed. It footsup 91,500,222,039 13, 01thi total,91,800.000,000, or more than B2pt rcent,i» luelnded m one It« m covered by a bill lutrodneedh» Mr. Phillip«, of Kansas, " to provide for tbe n-

»<» of and sstim it« for s hip eanal.witb si.¦ awlesand l.oit,mi. from deep tide*water neai tbe month ofth" Mississippi, t.. St. I..iiii», aritfa I.ran. boa t.. Pitta*burg. Chicago, st. Paul anil Omaha.'' It latrue thata bill of this kindhaa ¡> .. introduced: bnf tbeonly appropriation proposed m it la one of 930,000,or ao mu- li thereof as may be nrrnsnsij ti> pay toithe survey oí the BtOPBSOll 1«tutes.

Another Item, whieh he puto down at B157t300,<*(mm», beovered by a hill introduced h»- Mr, Brown,of Indiana, " orgBBiriag the National Railway Com*jiany of th«- l'nii«-(l states, for the purpose of eon*htiucting a «ioiiiih-track. eheap tr. ¡(,'iit railwayfrom Now-Voik to Chicago, si. Louis ami CooncilBluffs." A lull bearing this title ¡» m,»v pendingbefore tin- eosaniitteesoi tbe Baaats ami th«- House¡but it dues not propose th,- granting ol a single dol¬lar, cither in cash, lands, or iiedil of the UnitedHtatra. it aathorima ths company t., seü «tOTfOOO,-000 worth of stock, and to i-sue Brat BBOtifBfe1.B* :>t the rat.- of 112,000 a mile for tlio roadwhich is, to V-constructed, and tlie mti-rcst on th.-cbaadflIBtM bo i-aid at ÜU Treasury DspBI tiiient,but not until th«: funds out of »\ hi.h it is to he paid,and ¡t siillicnm additional sum to cover extra elsti-cal laimr regalias] u sesmoetioa »»ith tho work,have been nipplicd hy the com¡ialiy.A third item of |tl0,000y00P ih bMBd in a hill ii-

tending the time to construct and completo theNotiht-ra Pacific Koad, although Unit bill d(M«s notpropose to grant tho value Sf a single dollar, eithr rin cash, credit, or lands, to that company, whuhwus not grunted hy tho original act.¿Subtracting these tb.ee large items from Mr

Money's sum total of if 1,500.000,000, lesves littlemore than 952,000,000 to cover all the remainingitems in bis table; and iu this sum are suck itemsas the foiiowiag ; " Sam «Scott's Liverpool live,

¦0,072,000].ih" l'a.iiic Malla serera] Unes,!Í;L'0,*J7(i.lMl(i;'' "lo provide for tho payment ofcJaima for Indian dsavejdatioaa (iMladiaf those ii

Texas as well »sin the North). 91,000,000 r" "Toimprove the ehaaaal of the Mississippi Rivet (themost of which, if ths expenditure should be Blade,would be used saath of .Mason aadDixota's Lin»12,020,000." Bedde tin -.. sfr. Money has includedfile cost of the liirht-lionse system of the BsstoTBcoast, by which Boutbern hues of vessels are bene*lit d as well as !ln -.¦ ol the N'orlh ; the ii-ual rivetami harbor impr,.vein, ills : expenses of the l'nitedMat". Courts j all .'«unis asked fur for thecoastrno-t'.oii oi public buildings, etc., eta.After having insulted the Intelligence of ths

House by the introduction of s table of thin char¬acter, Mr. Money »roe» on to ay :

This »inn in so -tupi-minus ih it h bewilders ths cent*i'i. in Dilon. 'I he mind rannot rntertaln si mic tune tlielilel i,f even II tlinlisHlnl (III. 1, Ii! .i...|,els. lint »» lien *r.-:i< li Iiiinilre.l nf lliniis.iiiii-, millions, liilli'li. .1- Itl Bl'li.iti-, billions, iin- iuipi'i --inn is nf vague raatn -

siiiio'»-. . . fin»» ¡a in» mortgaged, fanni and Bouiea«voulu tbU relieve I How many seeoaats it would i>a'-iiii.e. Row many .people It would »ave frouimi-ill. (>.. litlcliien, lotlfe Si llllS I Ho»»' eollleiiilUil, V

Inaiguiflrant appeara the mm aaked for by tbe aonticomnared wltb that demand«'«! bi Ibe North. Bventlieid ', v.-. inoxartD«-M«i( Tua Nbw-Yobb Tarants ...

dupllottloni of toils, brine« the Bssregate »mount i«ki .1

for by lies.,m n :o ,,iii» -i h. 0 '.'...<'. MIIMonsl in.!.do

really appeal! îhl.cui. e.s ;¦. .;..:.!. of million«; and Imil i.'sliaine.l of tlie wretched povrrtv nfiiie BcHtthrriini. ¦:, 1.1 n¡i!irn>, uiti.ms «viieii i view ibe tuaaplflt-ent an Itiliiiiics.lien.es of OUT l.ii'i.e mtliireil DelgnOote OlNtlli. «iiir ana-, enin- util »»I'll tlicin Is Bl Pal

I..ÍIH. ,i to (he purple sad gold clltterlui;ii'iiin'.s of tbe Pendan monarcn s mere iklrmtsh lln«to the grand smj. I in » »im ah ..f the " Boutbern maw."u bal have tin»-in »iv .,f iin- Northern maw I Tbe ami» in the other as Ibe lint i ddv In Ibe brook t.. tbe Mn.-i-stimn nf tbe Norway coast, 'iin» Northern maw is owniv*oiiiiis and inaattaMe. The millions ol sera ot publieland, the million« o pnblu mouey, bave not app« ud,lull n:i!» \» In li, il ils appetite.

.!u«t befare Congress adjourued to-day, Mr. Phil-iips. of Kansas, ailed the attention of the House toMr. Money's speech. He said that be waa awarethai Democrats could do remarkable things m

Mimissippi, especialli in tbe way ol arithmeticalelection times ; but he i-ciiict'ly thOUgfal t In V \\ »l «.

I eqnal t<> this. l*be Democrats were not anxtoa tohear Mr. rin'.lips's « Milaiialii.n, and did BVt rytbingIn their power to prevent bim from speakiag; butbepersisted, and hhallj showed bow insubstantial sba»;» tin h waa lor tin- analysis of hills presented byNorthern Bien, by showing the real chars» ter «,f tbebill introduced by hiin-elf, »» Inch bas !>. SB explainedabove. He said thai it was i"i a survey t.i the Mis*sir-sipp. River, and ho»» Mr. MoBey eonld nial.e oatof tbu$H),000 sppropristirtn oneol |1,300,000.000wsasomething be could nut anderstand. NIn- alo-- to comprehend how it happened to be« Insaed in a liai of Northern claims »»Inn it »»as f,.r

ih«-impr,.vein-ni «>f tbe Hbtsiaaippi River south olBt. Louis, ami when nearly every dollai of il waa tobe expended in the Boutbern StabWhen Mr. Phillips reached this point ths Demo*

i r its began t>> get very excited, ami insisted thai bewas not speakiag to a question of privilege. Mr.I'liii. v, of Ohio, thought it an outrage for a gentle,man to raw to a question of privilege and tbeiadvantage of the opportunity t" make s compari¬son between figures published in s Dem«s|. «, h ami tbe I.el- i : Mr. I'hillinot It tin- Democrats of] until be had remindedth< ¦.¦ »i hu were tauntins him, ih .t ih. » nuithl .1

lo f-.ii'. 1 thai th.- Sin ih hail 1 d *¦"..».,IHKI.IBMIto supprees tbe ¦¦ i.'¦. im-u. and thai uioaloi the money »».«> exp« ndetl in tbe ¡Southern r

Win iira |.\i, ... 1

| .1 cam'asa .-i rea uoi'SK. -in.*»- ntai ihebb 1-

A l>i. ll-il. MA.ml. IIV AUAINS1 Ills I.KIII

Ml I

lar Ttii...iurn ro mi. raiai si 1

rVasmxa roîc, Api il 26.- v ran f.il 1 sat us- .,f theII..'.-.. ou tbe Wood T.mil Hill bas beca prepared.I' turns oui as follow

N Ifainp-

Itho I« 1i< m '.

Nell v..1». IS.\i m .inI'. I...-1 l\4liU

Mm» ¡nuil. 4

Noitli Hrnllii» sjriillu« a

l.e.I»-l.l '.'Alabama. h

Mil '¦

I..'iii-l.ii..i. M

Kentucky 10

Fur th,I:.it.





/ I Auimit

..is HI !.

I ill,Ml» IllO..1. In 3

M» ei. ia....... 4II 1s

.... i 18

7California... i

.¦ 1

lirra.Ui. 1

»». -. ». i'.i.it.. :iN« ratle ... 1


133In tbis canvass the Rpenker is counted

voting, and there i-n thcLonisiigation. The Biajority against tbe bill is thentwenty-one; ami nnlees Mr. Wood conclude« thaidiscretion is tbe better part of valoi and poatp ik

action ..n th.- measure until tin- uextrs «ion, th«enacting clause »¦. til undonblrdly be stricken out.


THE l'A IM . V, LOLI8IA5A..1. mili -o\ wilts m un. OPIXIOB iiiAi iinur

1 «S M>V» III. A Bl ol.". 1M/ ITIOB.si ni snail n i" im. lüii.i'M. 1

WasniBOTOM, April 20. !!. IVaiAiagtM Pssf oliin- morningpnbliahei an interview with ex-tSov*m.u .1. Madison Wells, ..i I.<.iii--i.iii.-i, from which

tin foUowiag extracts ar.- taki n" \'.i.» is It ibst there la mi much political iin|*>tt met

1 !.. Ml-' ( lilt« I.|l |".¦ ii.-. .m-. M\,i.w of tie other Pvdrral sp|««iinl

«IIr, el I', alnl llicl.lelil.il.» .I'« eti ,1 u II 'i tl,e « ¦¦ i I. |«ll'«oltli'c ai«- In h irii.,,.i.». ¡m ti-. ,i|.¡...mili.1 nt nt IIr. Park-.,;<!! tin- ( i.llci t..|»lil|i »-...ni,I tlfaOraunlX«. !>"' Iiuiiii.i-iiii.n- relational exlellng between Um presenI im uni., m .""On Ibe patronal*.- oft Federal offlerr«

VOII OUI lu tue hop« m leii.i.illilalliiK tl.e l;.|.ii til lean j a, »

.. ir . i: .;. - îi'i.-i- i.f us v. ii.i m., trilling '<> eontrlhiite10 i-mi l.arliri.'Htc to the r.ir.min.m..11 of tas pallV I"

\ iu then bave a hope of again placing Ibe RrpuliI Ira 11 p. it» in powi r la that -1 .i- 1""I have, n-ne» nu.-Hi,1 tiio policy of the l*reil«lenl

.rill 11 nil m plaetns the Kepulillcaii -,,-irfv uiam .1

better usais than ii bai|becu »In« lia organisation iat1868."" \ il aie then. I take It, a «varm lUpporttU «if the

Bonitaern pollcj. ot lb* Adrulolntr iti,,., t"'. I .mi. ami -.va» from tbe beslnning."" y«iu oelieve that Psckerd »»a. eit*cted Oeveraot, do

you m.11".¦Nis.i know Paeksrd wss elected Qovemorof Ibe

SI ,1, ."..Hi.', iin ».m luvii.v i 1.111 ¦ 111 Bbandonius him l''" i'.iia'i-e it given n-;, ace awl pulsa itopto tieholi isle 1,nt-'hei im. i,r the Bepubllcaai "f Ibe Mtatr.

»¦. Iiicli eoBld in .1 If ai 1..It il <»in l.lull r tl.e militai.)11.1 ..» 11,1 li »1 e li ill iiliiiei Ih, ill II. ¡.I -I ratio li ni m» rtlOlK' II...;.- Kith 01 ;.. .¦ cuín. I prOStM*rit] iiinl Ibe It » I» :.lif tin iinla-lili s of Hie-1;,le, «»hull arc pnrmiuoiinl in

in ni t n, 10 all pnli ili ilruaale foi nuprt-oiary."" Waal iio « on know alioui <;. orse I., hmiih 1 "" I I. nm» In in 11» an ai l\e IMllltll l.in, larirely room el-il

»«nil, m- in i»',|i.i|,. |,:,.--, muí in in» raparle*' .t netrs-paper atan he bas eouirlbui«*d ruueh uia srd tnalntalniaslln I'lValll/alioii nt lile l¡. ¡.II ¦|i|c.in pail) III.Nol IB .ii-lein

Louiaiuua, « i.t re he 1, »id, a.".. Win in i.,, ciiiiiieiiii ,1 iiy n,e Senat« I".. l do not know. Hi« immediate friend«, however, ire

c.iiiii.i.iii ttt.it be »»ill oe."" 1.n«. 111.11, Ih, i.' li,1. 11. en a u'li al ilcal of tlllli aheUt

your ii'i\i;ii,' sui,i,niicii ultimatumi lo the Pr« onl¦ lililí t tint ii nt, xiiiisiin -1.min cteil »» nil the Preildru-tiai tiiii.t. If yoa are willlug, I would like loasaryaasu» Botuetblns sbo ii 1h.1i"

'. I have BOthtng t" eon. cal il|i(,li that lUbJect. I havenotblag tiiicciii'.1, and eonaequently can olvulse Both*lag. um »vliai han BSSB siml BpoB the siiliject l» allÍctica." ^

WA8HINÜTON NOTES.1 isauxovoa, PrMay, AprUSC, 1878.

The i.i 11 ereattaat ths Territory el OfclshasM »»as todaysgitttufl upon by the BaassOoauatttsssa 'i- itrtartsa'He re .» livable ; I IBS POOCS RsSIII »almn SWlBI t" BS

BttSmpted reselle of lml ¦-«¦ tine» e» Iiy the < itizenn «ifBaXlei th«- ImiX'» «Aere rti.li n II i.lu the PoaossThs fhjBSlo rwasilttos na larritortss tsdaj isaaaMd

i-» bsTSstlgattoaat tadfaui Territory mailers. U.Dell,editor of the Part Bmlth Kern Eré. teetlaed tBatfertf-trteii »cars he has nlvucateil the e-ta!.llsliiueiit .,f a lei

ntoriiii goverameal fur the Indian Territory, lie »mil asi-i .!>.« i « .1 i:..' memorials piupoiiiiii,' to n.- BJtpreeilens of

11.11 ii oí the col ireil men living lu the ( íhoctBW alii(III, ku-aw (Olinll) III f.nor nf Ihe til I it..rial gOVem-ineiit project, on it« i.unit ot their nil. is. .1 badtu aiment Iiy the l,i.l,.n:s. ( m i-roiia-e-.aiuiii.itii.ilhe inlmitteil I bltt flu- Colored PCOpIS hu.l let

taessselvss asked for IBs préparation or presentation ofthoss memorials Mr. it. M. Uortgea, u assssawrsCta.('leek N,lilt,11, 1111,1 IllilK,'Me'.Ih.'IH. a (reck, ill-., t' 11

tle.l. Thr luttei »a il lliut Ills peuple lire lltiiililliinllsl y

appossd to a territorial form of Rovcrnmeut, or to anydivlslou of their lamia In arvi-rulty.


Ituaca, N. V., April 20..An enthusiasticme. iin» ot Cornell Unlventty undercraduaUa wai h« Idtbli evening, and It waa unanituouily Un nie 1 to aend u

Freshmsu crew to meet Harvard at Saratoga tbi« gaas>taex.





Tin- r« .(.( nt sü-jiiü-ioiis of tli«- Sixpenny andTciitouia Savings Ba&kfl lia". «¦ .causedanxiety BBlOng Kast Sido depositors,¡nul tlii-n«, ¡ire " iti:i> m at the (.crinan.'nid DlJ Dock" Hunks. The office»Of both BTC clieeil'iil and rnnfhiont,¦nid (lcclarc that they an- fully prepiired tomeet all demanda. The Superintendent ofthe Danklug Dcpartim lit na\s that tin- alarmis Bensdeaa, and there is no reason for it.Savings bnnka at Railway, Plarnfleld andHuilson City, X..]., arc in the hands of Mast<irain Cbaoi < .. «




The -n-|>-n-i'.n of tlie Tentoniii BoYingBr : o« m.- elees afear n." rallara i f

th" Btxpeaoy, in« eaaaad aastet? among thelaaa of IBm r. | -nie, which waa rather

laereaaed lhaa » 11 i '/estcrday, faa "ran" anthe Dr* Docl Baviaga Baah oa Taaraday aeon causedinn- «*.iii« -- ntn »jog tin,- m lag virii.tt.» vim had i.,«'li'-yn.til Ib th «.'Pa ni s ivtaga¿Baak at Poturteenth »t.

ami l'o'irtii ave. a large BBtabei nf depotltora »v> nt there¦i. afternoon to eloae tbelr a^-eeaata Yeaierday

BtOTBIBg vvlicn tin- tcitik opened ll« door y« «ni!«- hm '.i «I

la aerara iba Brat placea m tin line. Ifany gathered larreapa on the snfarwatta, and had an animated dlseatahiaf-.i'iuit tlm «ufety af tasto ininii-v. Tin« gave the streetnnunii-ni.il apoenr in-, aad nit'ti.1 .-e.-r.-s of peopleto the j»':.«.«. who bad ne lauréat abatever m the bankbut yet served to «well tl.« number prevent. The crowd¦ruaorderly, a nntuber ol peraona who eanetodraatheir money taa altb wbal rradiaeaa otbera wen paid,and departed without carrying oui their intouUoa. Al3o'clock the door» wer« i-l led.andll su found thatabove 3.V) depositors had drawn taoaey. rbemajortt]..i bese <. in« il« .1 their accnanla.U. P, Amibor, treasurer, »awl thai tbe little eidta

m. ni on tin- pi' v mu di« mail'the officer» prep.t f ¦!.

ll,.'.¦ inn." Moil ««i tu«- |H-.,;,|.. \»h.. e-ineeili-d their Be-counts, be «aid, belimged lo the Eual Bide, aad lived mthe vl< laity "f the rentonlu an«! Dry Dock Bauka Bol ¦¦

int.I «l«i ¦«-it in th .-lank-. There were tea not <;«r-Biaas. I in- i»ank, be «!¦ «I ir, ,i. ». ¡» able i> meei Ibe run.I: tue " :. Iblnk th« | wool Icerl .tt.lv bavelaki -..i» m .!¦.-¦' "fine slxij days'art. The baal

.. n .n «..-i.i.ii- twenM nara, ami n «. -n-r.n,i, -t».-v.-r.o run» iiefore without nonirtnga notice of »i\t».i »- Hi« followingla i>i.-«."iiii-.iiinii.il atatement, «bow¬ing the condition Ol tin- bal I, ".i Jit limn y 1, 1-7-

lit-/. « iio.uad mi so

tyl .

sarplaa .

3 . .81j»--i

113,3 '- 10000 '1 ¦-. 7.' 4,IS|..".ih. ni 4.m(l i»

li, -. 10 .-">¦>. o 1' «?" in».ni.


...- rteraih -t. l<.:..

:... ..''.>: i


Todli t officer« nn Phil ¡« Rlaalng r,

i i- -t, nt WillyI. HI J., oh «VtmUlllllll

K- ¦.. ihier.¦ "M no m I in mi: DBY I «a K.

Dry i' inkcoul uui

terday, tbe aainber of appilcaats luen Iba,i p. e were atore than 1,000 persoualotb«borbond of tba heaa In t'.«- aftut loon. All of tb-Mdld

r-ti moue) ll ,».,» ihu igbl l»y tin oltlei :«


A« in. » . ;¦ o >¦.. !.. | Hit «nt. Ill« total Wu« li ...tl

v i .1 eonillllon of t;., i. inkdaj »¦ ¦¦ | i-n o v nu n -i.iii .1 f n- «nt |. i.» a! -:«.io >>. .',nti'l the an nnt due depodlora î«,«.. a»,o.-o. it, ..»-.:-

¡'»r \-.lu« «. 11,480..( Nt-wTTirk -

-..»J' » ............ 421

I'.l ,i.lil III

:.' . "in mi

l-.'.l«"' IM»

4. 1 lío.V. .*t, I.' -o < . . III.I '». n

'.'. i.ii.iai.i «hi

X I W I.« I .'..71.1:Olli ... IHM ,".

II. T . .-..:¦ ...... ¡.1.5.BI «iü

...... ¦.'.':.i i.'i".-. ¦.

.'.n fromi i n iba

... lit of a panic, and i«... ra wen ,¦ iban

m .. -. m Jai : i, »i-i v

i.ni», ItOJIi .¿I» ai ..im.in; Hi v.-. »

in t n >»"!. , "i 1 -77 v» a»

ii. The a:anacem ni ti u fui, watchful, and

i.'l Id ', i ii iliiii.NlA.\t tin Teutoala Baut, tgalrtwen .|ui.-i yesterday,

Mi. II..1,n, ¡i,- -. .:.». and ExauilnerBl Joan wi re ,it

l nothing a aa done, as tbey ware wattlag tereceive tbe news«! the appointment ot are« i».-r. «mi»

-. a i-'T -'.:.- u-.it in i- .1 ao...nn lae.loor. Tue depositorslot« ml I" hohl a n. Hug Ib b !. B duj «.

-i i..-it..t it. ii at aevrral other hanks an unusual'uuioiini ..,- in,-'i« » «a» withdrawn i>> depoaiti ra ,¦

i-,. rii« .:. .. i, ml . i' o-, n:..»» u di hiedii.. o port. -.. m a m '"i" ned.

BIXPEBB1 I'll OBITOBB.i one hundred depoaltors at Ihe »iipennylav«

ingsBank met laalevenlug al tin- Uernsaala Assemblyi: n.» !;. *".ii.'.i,i: flrere .« lopted tii.it s eommltt« a be

|,, nt« T i" .:r.. .1 to <'ongres ui icingtin- pa«-utgc .'¦ a !¦»»» bj which puntal saiinga bank», under tbe tmmediate direction ..f theo, m ral (i. ¦« m. ni.ii. (through il hi

Bruit-era of II.uuilll«-« apiwluted ai a formern , I .in' o |. .fi .1 Hi,it tiny till li"i :i lili.il'le I.ta ,1

un) Kitl-f..< na » Information either Horn i-x-l'midcni-. ,: :,¦ o i '-r, lie latter having in el. out] an ¡ii-

n, i,i,ii.- »tai« im ..i about paying lo peí acullá luly.¦o

I'l.'liii.i.I» NEW-JEHMEY RAV1N08 DANKR.K.MI',llll!A«-MI\|« «>l is-l I 11 lli.N« IN BABWAY,


Appiii'itioii was iiiade to ("h.iiii'cHor lîiinyonbyes bo tor Stone, counsel of th« Babwa) Savings lu*itltutlon, in Rahway, B. I., on J'hui «taj evealag, far ui.ni.T n» cm» «n ti.« tmabtesa ander hit sopervtsbm, aa

iii.ivi.ii.i for by anaetottba late U abantare, rae pi ll«Bon lets forth IhaI lb« re a i dna t«. depotltora on Jan»

i-,7, 870« ,i -!. ami «m January l. 1-7-,n-.-.-'.'i la, and thai between the latter d ind Ipril

I ; he m linn ii» of delioiltora W« re no i-.m-lnit liât, a!

miv u. |-,,«,-,l .,! it» ,i..i:i,i-iji.il li.it.it» a! par BUK_.tin depoaltors, aad it was exiiected that there would i»-

.1 III. ll.|.,,.-!,... -, B ii »» .1.', «

tu the «..-nt an toon at praeiMable.Appeattedto ih«> «pcuiwo were ocbedulea exhibiting

the condition uf lliebaukon January 1, l-TV. ..ml.laii-iiiiry I, 1«7«. ami BUM OO April 1.1-7-. lliela»t slut«-in, nt tboa » tba folloa lagP..,ii.l.« nnt BMlgaaM.fM7,82B 13I....I. -I..I, *'¦:-." ut)H../I- ..».».,! <>m. t.-i) I..1» . 11.1.78 'Mlitaiiwar OaaligktOuupaayat «k . I3,i>8u ooitaiiwa» »»at r I»,ml». . 1-«.'-'.». ..Ultaitway water l«.i..l»Bahway lapt-ovemaal i««iii!«I«. ill» nil !.. .l4l.-l.ll«.

..oiitul the teal i-alalu and luán« un «.-olían-ral» nearly*3(»,T>00,Ma«ler in cbtuccry Williams, of l-lainlleld, who wa«

npixilnted by Chancellor Bnnyon to examine tbe condi¬tion of Ihe Dime Bavlug» Iu*tltiltl"ti of I'lnlt.tlii.l. whichsuspended some time ag», bu» uimle bis report liestatea that the uii.ni » are lu u much better cuudlllon thaugin« rally iiippoai-d. The total claim« of the «lepoaltoraare t- i'.»,-.;.,, and tbe a»*.et« applicable to nay theclalm*aro *--kJ,JJJ, leaving an ostluialcd dt.tli.icu«.> ut

18,471), or S'^o per rent of tbe amount due tin[matters.Ciianceilor Kmiyon lia« ordered tho pay tarnt sf -¦

cent of ths ileposttorh' claims on the DtSSS Ha«

It ink of Hudson City, N.J.. nut of the fund- BS«imiiiis of tag reestver. Tas seder <>f tas < han.ma;., i"... i v,'. flatisflsj sad bátanla* ths pay da',


Peovtdbbce, k. I., April 26..Theclian:.-.,' BaVtBga Hank, IBS SMOBd Int.-! Hi

elt)*, to-ilay commenced to SUfeCC the ¦.!,.

peot is.iii reqabiag initiée af ihe withdrawal of il'i"Tin- statssssat of th.- uuatfss sfesws s sarptn.Tit.Hi."i;m t.,s(!(Ni,i,(»i,,»-er (ill llahllitirs. (i ,»,-i-..i.r

Eandt, upon tas sppllestloa sf ti.<> oatoeri ..t tbe PnaiBavli rs Bsnk, baa appointed a oornnkarli an. officers of that Institution. A temporary injumwill probably bs ssketL


INSPECTIONS AM) RECEPTlOSe.mi:. itaTRsPs Ki'.'it rnaocon reg lfadixo ha

i .m rrokig »--schools visrrgD »y bjbs. batíBKCgPTIOXa »I INDItPEBOBNCB II.vi.:. AM.

m .»ni 'iv or i iv. ai; i s.

Philadelphia, April 26.*.The Pr. .¦¦

Ati.'iin» «;. aaral Dm si sad Barehard Hay« ..-i

l.iii.l by iiieiiiliers of the Industrial I.the Continental Hotel nt í»::il» e'eloek ibis bk

leg, .m s toar af Inspection of tin- imíustestablishments. Tbeflrsl pace rislted was lbs :

win Locoatotlvs works. Tas sssssbsrs ..f tas t

ii-ci»,.i ths rtaltors, sad eseerted tkssa throthe bugs < siahiisliaieiit. l-'rom hire tas |»vu« iiiiveii to tiie Haebuie T. ..i WorksWilliam Betters A; c...; tbeaee to|Whltaey'Wheel KaaafBetory, sad sfterward tas 11inspected the extenstrs earpet mills <»r Metbobeon, at tbe Falls of tbe BebuylkUl; tbe

ip A llsors's paper null; tbenee to ths Bl]Mills of C« Herat Patterson at M.tiiavimk, i

tbs Amenésn Palp Werks at lbs fame piTas people «if kfsaayaah tinned out in ns

sad tbe t..«.. n bore s t.<»!.«!;«>. sppearaaes. Bunting t

displayed in créai itrofttalon. Bastaessgenerally appeatoi s|.|. n-itit. the f.u-iorv bel Is wero rune, «ad eve«.. here the Presiden! «.-ut be waa greeted »»ith im ..tUní-i i-ie. Potter's Oil Cloth Workawere next visitand fr«,:.i there the pan» proceeded to Dbi on'i -

Work«, where ;.dation was irrved, A sheet itl r.n

-i,-, \. - c,. n shown t«i tbe Preeldent,wbJcb, in th' >p-».i m n ut«-.. was returned In tbe ibapeof s t

i-auttfnlly nobbed, having In that tint»* pasthrough the beads of twenty-fotir workmen,will be s -it to Washington u a mementoilic Pi ¦'. at'- visit. Tns trip ««as eoadaito Crump's - hip» aril, ¡«ml a ttiir hoi lie taken l lier,Win made down the river t-. the Waluat Stiwet wbilandlu* P '"ht ia tun«'for the oiililic i,'ce|,tiiinlio. ¡.eii.it ne" Hall. Mr. llaves made a few ineeeidortns the trip, out they were mers Bctaowtodgmeini tbe i.i ..in. s.-cs shown htm.

nit i PTtOB «r iM»ii-;:\!irsrr. BAU.Tb« President, Barehard Bayes ami Governor Ha

raait.reachedIndepeadeaee Hall at .",:il p. m. 'l

President waa received by George A. Smith, rs.|., pnii. i.t ..f tbe Beb it Cuiiiic i, and then the public recent.

which la-tel till 8:45 o'elaes*.pie passed tbroagb tbe ball and eat into t

-i. i.ir« rapidly, »nd ibtwk tbe Prealdenl by tbe handHi » |:..'.I. Vine lln- teei'iiti.ia WB8 iU IWOSTesS, I

of the Holdters'Orpbsns'Institute of the Nor«I'll lltlllie 1er I'lieliili. -» Cllllllrell airil ell. II' 1 V. re

vu-wetl ny tu«* President After tbli tn-. eadetsbad«irili m Ihe aunare.

All.r l.'i.iiu' Iiide|i<"nli nee Hall tin- Presidí lit >. |s|fGeorge W. Chllda, at The Ledger building*. ¡::.!..¦:! flff ¦! minutes, during which be took i look

I'li-s» ('...un of the eatablisbmeat. Tbe Pren i -turned t-, ibe Contiw ntal Hotel.HBS. II «V! 1811" ¡m M HOOLS.

Mr-, naves, Mrs. Bhei man. and t ti.- other hules (>f t

party, i«fi tbs hotel at in o/tdotek, nadar t

snldanos of Mats MeHenry, of tbs fadkrs' Oovisiting Irai tbs (.iris' Konaal Bebo

il. n- i.i l nii. s were entertained «viiii r. citations, sm

luir. etc. The Northern Home foi Friendless Cbiltlr.. is next On tbe iirogramme. II. ri the children, to tnum lier «.f "(x», ».ere assembled, and when t

ladies appeared they started up a hymn, ichorus i«.:- rendered with t'.ne «¡lui, each cbl

a smiiii bag. Mr«. Hayea and part»- netho Women's Hospital, Fbaaee tney w«

driven m the educational Home, where Iboj of tiie home, pruttlly nniformed, war.- dratun la frenl raj tbs boUdisg t.. re«

i-.iiniit I, ».I«. a 1»ii hi-»ear old impil, advaring toward Mrs. Haves, handed lu r s ».

iiiiii- (.1.iliill:-' a history of the BoMUÑnf the State, Inscribed: - l'r

.i.i. i t.. Nils. Rutherford I!. Haves, hi Ibe boysthe !..i:,e.ii.ii Home, ..n ihe o« rasión ofb< r vlsll;::-tiititit.'i. 1'ii'ia'. April ¡Id, I-T-." In presenting tlbonk th« l»d n.mi.¦ an address» which ha-t been writt«for him. TUc building Mas then Inapected, and in tlrluipel (tiie init'.is sans several hymns. »- the paria - about to leave, a little hoy teareelj tbn

.i.i. stepped up in Mi-, Hayes aad insented lier with liai..;-, me bon«iuet, almost a- bisUlms«If. Mrs Haves,, ithasmlleof gratification, beiovei and Ui--.il ibe child aid thanked bim. TbcBrboiof Design for Wotueo was next visited, and Mrs Jauuc:...-n'.ri' made an apptortrlatc address. Tbe Iconducted through tue iuatltntion, where the) had sopportunity of. :.-. » in« the young »v..men p^nuiu: ,:ei stiel . -, .s " . i as ol inspecting i|«eclmeu lof tlieiwors. The put» tiiei; proceeded to the renldence of Mill.i.ri c. Gibson, .v... 1,012 WaU.i.t-t., where tbedined,

MBS. BATBSrS l«I. I I'll.i\.

The reeepttaa tu Mr.». line, at tho Aeadsaiol um Art., is-algbt, glvea by tbe ls.iiie.-t o

Philadelphia, i,.e stteadod by tbtMsaada, ami thim..' s, i.:.l|.|ify in, v ill. il. Tac tle.d dccor.i

Uous wero Isa. Mrc Hsyes srrtvad ibortl;after s «Veloek, seeompanied by Mra. Hallowell, Mnsecretary Hhermau, Miss l'latt, and mrmbera of tbe lidies' n i. ¡.linn eommlttee t.f srraugi mi ata Bhe si on»look ihe position aaalsned her. under a canopy ol il,.»v. is

below which was peadaal a i»iiirait of Pr»-»I'h lit Hans. Most ef the people In |. (. Hi

simply bowed Otbere, however, were per«'¦ice i, and Mrs. nayes shook bands witn all "h.

desired it» A pleaalns incident of tbe rvenlns »

p..--.-iiti.iii.il oi a little .-ii. whom Mra. Hayea toollu bei arma and blew I. Presldrnl Havel audAttornejGen ,i l'"«eiis. with Mess,-. « mi,;., Drex« I, and sieêihihi (...'..ii.or ii.iittaiifi an.i militan itsif, srrive,at IhSO, ami ware warmly welcomed, llnpn-..ill.' introduced some of those who wenitratigera. and then paaaed mt.. Ihe southern .'.iiier»-wherchi held a levee from that time aatll Dearly midnight. ______________


KBMOBtAL I'\Y IN THB BOLTS.A COKFttOgBATIMtiBCMBBI tt MAt'iN. «i.\. -ni i i:s..\ n.w ;-

«i\ nu; ..nu:. IS «n un: W" Mt.

M\((ix. (ia., AfUil lit....MeiiKiii.il Day was

celebrated with great eeressony. The rsarncr stoao ot

the Ciuifederati- MuDUiiiiMit was laid Iiytbs Msaonte Oraad Ladgs of Georgia, ai, iter fruin JeCeraon Dai is »»as read by .1. f.. Baalstrary,ot Macoa, aad aa oratloB was deltrered by A. H. Gsl*quitt. Governor ot Georgia. Tbs 2d Oaorgls Battalwssad other military, ai <i twenty civic orgaaisattou wars

In iiiiue- itiii. The la;«,est STOWd ever MOI on Mcn.nrial

Day was pressât Jefferson Davia, in his letter in re¬

al i.use tona invitation to deliver an iililn »s, saya :

l."i uni an» of the ran Ivets bnpugn tin Ir faith by offer-Ins the penitential plea thai they believed tin» »»«-ie

in-iii. . Let posterity han, by tin- monumentthat >'¦" ibntmemorale im-ii who died In ¦ deteusivewai itii.ii tin', «ltd not- is ha» i, in i, 11» atated.eubmllto the m 'iitr.iuieiit of armi tbe queailoni al Is-u.tion« in«,i» iii«: Inalienable rights Htherlted and beul intrust for poeterlly.bul strove for the btste wver*iii» «vbtrh their fathers left them, and which it »us

n.eir fm», it possible, lo u.m-mi; i.i their rhlldren. Letth.- ni.....un, nt leaeh that berotsm derives il luatrefroaithe Juatll .' ni th.- cause ni MblCb It is ili»)ila» cl, and letit mar!, tbe difference between a war waged for tas rob*bet-like pui pose ol coiHjueet, and one to repel InvaalOB,to defend a people'! hearths and nltai -, and t,, maintainiii.u lawa and llbertlea. Buch was lbs war m »»huhour heroes fell, aad theirs la tbe erewa which iparkleewith the sema ot ifotrtotlsm »nd rtghteouauesa, with u

flor) umillumed by any motive of sgaTsudlxemeal or in-tent to lntli -t rum on otbere. We preeeat them t., posier*n« as rxamplea to be followed, and \.sit securely f«>r thoverdict of mankind when knowledge «hall havedispelled misrepresentatlcmanddtslniloa. It i« not sa*reasonable to hope thai mature reflection snd a closerstudy of the political ulittory of tbe tfnloa mny .vet re-

stiire tin-1 in-lit- prostrated i.y the paastona developed inour long and bloody war j lf,Bowever,ttsboahl bs other¬wise.

Then from our heroes' gr¡t»es .sluül rouieIn mournful tones, tic answer tit :

" And, if our « lilldrell intlst oliey,Th« « must but. thinking on our dav.'T »«m ie«« debase them it, tabiult."

Soars fiiithtuiiy, jit nit-,is Davis.Gevernor Colgaltt's sddrsss »vus bssral, sound, psttt-

(.tic. and eioipll III.ATi-tNT.«. <;.(., April 26..Memorial l>a» was eenerally

obeerred here, 'The itorea were all closed. Ituena andsoldiers repaired tu ibe cemeterj, where mi arattoa »» as«ii-liveretl. iifu-r »vhich IBS gravas were BfSStatSd withtlowers and evcinrcens.

TLLEdKAl'IltC UOTËM.l'liHi! «Ni\ Mc, April 2d.-The National r.n.eii-

hark j.iirtv, of Maine, will holil Its ¡state Couventlou at Lewi«,tun, June 6.lUitTFoitii. Conn., April 2»!..Me.sur«. IVutccost

«nil Mi-lihiti« tSSBSd their fsli-.rs st Mltlilletowii last iiluht,after roiilluil.,1111 lliictillKi» for flvn »eck«, four huucu al yer-sun« have enr.illnl tht-uitelvt » s« rouverts.

l'itiviiiKN« K, It. I., April 20.-.In tho Supremetnirl. Itialar. P»lrirk «¡i.rmlry irinvnl a vertlirt of i.t.oOU

in.in Hi« New-York, l'un i.lente »uil 11..«i.ni luilmail Oiui-

p».., ,or mjune« received by lalilug turi/ugU a ¡nigS lunltr-aviua tsfSaa


rxASi aatPBBasBB that k\<;l.«,nd will bath" toACT OS' lll.U OWB ArCol'XT.A I'BKI.I'.ll.VAIiY

!C( !. IN'DIMi I'AVOB.In Imi.'Jük' ohi.étions are nfaanj against tho

".. rlike policy of tho (ioveruineut. It is arguedthai A'.itria will atajea* aloof and profit by tin»misfortnnea OÍ either lin-.-ia or Kngland. Thoeon-ei vative defeat at Tamworth is re¬

garded Bl a rehiiko t«> the Ailmiuistiution.I¡ is k: tied at St. IYtershtirg thatLord Balistory íocojítii/.t'« the opportunenessof an ezehftBge «if views prior to the meeting¦it :. Congress, '¡'he Rn-siai! Cahiiiel is of the¦ame opinion. Groat entlnrsii'siii is mani¬fested in the. Eaat Indien on account of theappi-oni-lini;,' iranyfir of troops to Malta.


(iol.NTi oat,Bombay, iTi-iay, April 20. is<<?.

Troopaare arriving hare dairy fop c'ttharl»ati«»n.í ii«. ;ii>f «ii-iiiehiiient will «aarefor tfaltaaa laafjL"' .-till the second 011 May 1. They will not stop atAden. Fifteen hipa and twelve aceaaaan haYa haaa

ii for the ooaTejraaee <»f the exjx'dition,which will be conrojred by a man-of-war. QtBaaenthusiasm is BMnifea^edthiaagaBBtt India, and thenative troopa are volonttieriag for servie«.


ill.VI», Wl III AISTIHA.I.OMION, i-iiday, April '.'«I, l«7fl.

Tba r.oudon lH-wspa-xTS to-day take a «lii-«.".::...-:' » a...-.- "'. the aaaaaa af the political negotia¬te a-. The«. inn totee ta Aaaarhvâ étalageas. atnni«ie

in ..ait m hopefat altéamete fee what »i.o mayprogl in tlie cabualUea and anaakaoaaa-s of 11 .* aamataa«;.n'-. "It istia .-,.»< »BpJWBa haily .Yete» «ays, "nil

'ii:.- Au.-tri «'*. ( tTH-thi: lliterfiTiTKC ill thoBet Ooverinu nt lias lung ago ma.lo

military prepan tleaaoa tba abaratare of Boat la und iu-r-z-. -..ii..,;.: iil.ei)..itiou Ci war between Kni'land and

..mi Will watch ill development, get what It canan.: .¦ «gratúlate Itaatf aa having «lone »«> without,lighting. It will he glad if v,;-hi lp Its design, but will

give aa no th.»nk«." The Vienna correspondent of The.

Daily Ynr.« »ay«, "in harmony with thi« statement, thatnot v» it ,.»t.m«hag tint vnrinua denial«, I' i«. inmiiiain, «Iliiat tin- Aii.-tiii-iltis.iaii iti.otiatluli«) at M. l'.ter»l>urgare pr«.c..-«ling favorably, and that the chief nl.je.Tiouaof Aastrta agalaat taw peace of San stefanu have metwi:h «in.- naialiBifatlaa **

HIE KNT.IISII (»nJI-CTIONi«.a special diapateh treat Baa11b to The natty .Vca-i

latowa sonic I,-lit nti the Kiigl'.-h «il.j« i-tloiia to the Ger¬man lorn. 1.í itivi1.iti-.il ta tbe («»uiire«». The «¡¡«patchtaya 1 "'ihu i-iop<>»e«l form,tint r.ritish (.ov.minent

ipceastea an assumption that th«: treatiei of IBMninl lsTl are already Btottlfli .1 t.» Ibe r««ii!t* af th<- war.

England n-.- -. 1: tl.e contrary. that the lie« « ssity of»¡u.. r»«-ning or amending those treaties fat not ta Be at>»um« «i in Bdvanoa in a way which might prejiulico thouegottatbuia."

Di-iuisr nn-: i:i:vi. B0-0BCBOP TSOVWLÊ,Tho fit, ttnlatahan eeritapaaaUal of The Daily .v«*ice

telegrapba as toUowai "it l«evident that tl-.«- paaaaalti!'-ai.«i.iiT'.iy átate af thing* batanea Baaaaa aad Kng*land is daw mon- t<) ptaUaga of BBaatraat and -«-¡ilnusytl'.ui to any oth.-r «an.««-, liitoitiiiniteiy, Iba BaajaBaa-n.m» do nut .,.¡v.,ii,«.- aa «pn.iiiy aa tbaaraaaaaaaaa,"

KNiiLVND l'ol'NriXG THE OOOT.The ha.Pli: edil »nal ni tbit morning's Times, refi-rrlng

to tba »i-i' m« ni in the «ii.-pateh from ¡,« .«t. Padaralsargumiiaptsidi bi that laetrta is ¿aid to be advancing to

ward a adulloa oa tba kaata af Uta Staat PBaata takingsatiable campaaaaakta fat the Bteaaaaed ir.tlueu.ee otBuaaba, Bays : "TBeaolafloaef tabfatg aadtabta eaaapaa-a-¦ ins, of course, that Turkey should i><- furtherd< »! oil« «l to saBafy tbe territorial needs of 11» Betanken«Thus in- i.attie that may to-motrow h.- fought over «>iio

crippled P«.wer, may the «lav after be fought over three.England may fight oa what tl fa Is U) last tea.,yet,afterspending more than we can apare <>í oar traaoare andi»i.I. we in.iv tind eutaeivee BlUaga dlieb overwatobothers walk <|i:i.'tly to tin-«omiiinti goal «»I their a.-iir.«-tK.iiH. Bun pe. «.f oworse, now smile« j.« »t» u«. ehears aa.n, .1:1.1 prepares in our eyes tbe laureiwroath which lato reward our ilr»t «neceases. It would he more !. tawpurpoae n we were uol hit alone t.» vindicate tbetreatteaand »¿¡ii tba LiaUleaoct Barope."

the nniii-ii PBOPLB i>i-s.\ti«hk.u.Hi 111 I lag to ill« «i« «ti'iii for a unTiiU-r of i'ailiaiiifnt.

at i n,iv\-,.ith, aa \Y..1ii«-»i1.tv last, when th«- Liberalcandidatearaa ebaaaa by tavBtatatttp atar hMCaa>tervatlve eoaapetlter. IBs fhaca aaya ¡ "Tamiaaaaa»aahtaverdict agates! th" Oaaaatralna aatMaaiata aaaaat be ex-

plalaed away." fits Tiutt»adds 1 "lite iiutiit«. HutIbera la sum« growing Impatience ol tba ob|eefieaw

-. «'r wrongly, tbe British Oovernnteat isipnoeed t" n«- raising i«» the Congreas, lin- lUatiaetkM

between the two formula.tbe one, to which Bngbtaatobjected, suggesttag iiiut tbe Powers sbatdd u.««i t<>r iii»i,i,-i the changea to !««¦ Introduoed Into tbetraarjwaof l-".li an«! 1«71 111 run». -«¡i««-iiee of i,..:it eVCUtS ¡ :itl«lt».,. other, »»him H b)thought will he more aeeaptabfa^that tbo Powers meet to consider tbe trratara ol l-'a»ami 1«', l In relation to tlie Treatj of Baa bfefaoo.eeeenatoo shadowy t«> be graaped bj nndlptoaiatlc 111111.1.«,.

Kl »su llol'i - KBOI IBD WILL (BtABfl Nai...IN'«¡.Ihe Jmirnalîle St. ¡'rUribonry. in it» i--n>- tn-.l.iy, cay* :

..We hop«- that ti;<- tafwUlgenee pabBabad by some

1.,,11.1'xi n« asp ipera rtspacttag ük- atata af Ha natBMaa»thin.« relatée m a pbaaa aow i;«»t. At paaaaal H at Ba>pro'iai.ii- that Baglaad win reaew bar appaattiaa in a

matter of phraseology, li recoawtUatioB 1.« alniaiaty«a-».:.-«l. let the Cabinets aim a. w-iia; \- calculate I todraw ib« m c-los ; i ... ther, not bring forward Irtltathtgpn'|i...itioi.». There it now bo doubt Kusala accept« tbabroadest poaalble batla for tin programme ol Ibe I mi-

¦.-n ss. Thai ^iic d« » nol dream of «i.-'iinit.L sny km.I afdiscussion laproved bj Priuci Gortacbakofl'» cb«ctBar.M,,m ,t tin ( agréas me« t :t a 111 be able !u deal a Itfa allthe «pi.-- ti, 11« r.-.ii<-ii i.v events in tbe Last, it a m ap-pears thai Lord Hallabury r«-«-ni;iiiz.'s tbe nppnrtaaan. ».a «nexehangi of view«, prvvtoua i>» th.-în.eiii.g.ifthe Congrcaa, regarding the pomibtllti ni an and rstai I»Ing lielng reached) uinl the .«t. reti-i»i.tir^<':.l>ii.. t »! uream tina opiatos."

PBH ATK.eiaV.' KEAliED.a scare eaaeed by ihaBasalaB dateMrataaaa of priva-

teartng la repeated aa aavtag a depreaaiag laBaaawa ou

British tblpptag «atereata aa the (.miinrnt. livegtaniarú say«: "At Aatarerp. Btateeaaat, Baarisarg,nti.i Breaaea, iiisnihanis. in eaa » a haaa ,« vayaga «>f anyItatajtb la aasMpaaai, are n-fiiHing taaatntbjai tin-ir aaaÉBnn «hips lying tin- Itnt:«h flat-'. Tl:«- it it., at «gabl <'f tho

relations between Partead .-«ii«i Bassla aaa rarasasltaaiLiverpool Balling-ship Mutaal lid-unitty Aisorlshaait.. eater Into prolTiuary ai taDgenieats for Iba e.«iai»i.«h-inelil of a »pi-iial ,i-.»«n ,..!lo:,, tu pn.» nli-.1 film! f.»r thepiviniatiit losses incurred bi Ita uocmhere tbrosutb too

or destruettoa of their iwaseb) by at is af war."TIIK IHS-lAN YI8R vn.VNi.ONED.

Tin-Hii«.»iau authnnti« » hive «teciited to abandon thoIntention of aaaatlag » anaberaf aaaaata aast men to

anead wersfetp iu th t;r.-«-k Og^treawa «.f OaBaiaatíataataen Sun.lay m \i It 1» itemed that the Giaud DukaBleholat a ill leav aaa Btafaaa

HIE HOBAMMBDAB m:\OIT.\'..*».i uni Tilih l'a«ha.» will have t'oi:.»t.'iiiliiiople to-

inorr..»» im Un aeaaa <>t Ha maniroftlaai ta taw Hii.Hlapoii-o.iiit.iliis, 111 the capacity ol Tu:!.i»!i c«imii.'l»*touera.The laaaigaata art well -»tii« «r« .1. aad are Btavtdad » tu

ÜB abtunlallee of iilliuiilliltloli. They o< ciii.y iii!|>t.-iii:i-

bleposltlona. a il.-iutaünn of the ttnaaaiBaaa rahabiVtanta of Boumeba waited upon Mr. Layard, tba liniisbv:,, 1 »ador, t.-.lav, i int i>. gged him t<> telegraph tu hisUovernmeal to arg» European InterventloB to pal aa

and to the an«», m«..« c"iniiiiite«i by theBaJgartaaaTill". I'Koi'o-KD Kls-IAN LOAN.

A special illxpateh to The lime* fiolii Iterlili B8P8 "Anumber u! (¡eiman ¡»anker«, who were lu.lu.«-,! lo m,-et

h« u-!.. c.iii»idei the practicability of flouting anotherBaaafaa loan, bava aawadaMtaaty refused to rjagaaji mthe vv.iik."


riUMKS AMD 1 A«i .Yl.i'lts-IJY Tri.EiihAPII.Il.vKiiisii! no, l'i'iin., April 30».A. ('. i'nuipton,

w be a as »trmk sa IBM head with a «tone by William M-, i.t.-non April :>. in f.!« City, «In a at the hoapital here to «lay. Mad¬den aad tw-uoihiT« are uu.l« r am si.

BaLITMOBB, Mil., April 2(1..Law ;-.'iu¦«. Ca«ey,age thirty, « Bbsr« su theQaaptwasr Wait«-T.W«acka, fefl «tat¦Eafl X«.. 1«), uuar iini.lt..¦!!.., I hi» in.lining, ami »a. nittaiiUykill, «I. Tin-dec« a»«-,1 »».i-l:i,in UM tat 11. B. 8.<iLol(E«iEi!. Mas».. April "J«;.. i lie-chootiei Ocean

Baagar,arrrrad hereio-dar. r«B«rtathai reatacaay «m.ruiagcai.tuiu lieorge (¡.niiig. inn«t**r uf li.«- »e«»>«:. «ooiinilii-il mi.

in!. I.» nh.ot.iigbiiuheh tbiuiigti the body wita a »liot-guu.lii.iiiiiDEM, IVnn., April '-'«!..A ticht-rojm iier-

fniiin-r, ahila walking backward«« a i<.j.«-at cataaainhia. thiarrml-g mltrrl in» Iwlag and f«-n fifty fw-.t to the gj-.m-Miainl«u«.i«lii«d a f«a« lure«»! ou«, leg »ud receivtit Inuiual in¬

jurien lirut will «-call latally.Nkwihkypoht. Mas«., April 26..Frainlulcnt

BOB«1« "ii tin- Newb'irypoit Hnrac lUllioad to the anni'int .,fto 000 ka»eeeaaatoDght The director« are makliiK su in.

vi-»tig>tloii. The bond« were lMUt-d under tbe form, r treas¬urer, Mr. Blnney.NKW-Bausswica:, N. J., April 26..Frank Stewart»

who ti"*«! d.ur »tint« at l,i« iiTi-ini I, .ti« A»hin«ire, all of wtiu-Btook effect, plrailisl ituiliy of atrocluiia a«sault, an«! waa «bi«in,.ruing «enU-Dcist to four year«'luiunaoDnioui in >':«> StalePtTsun. Aahmore has r«*cov ercd.