Autonomous nonprofit educational organization «Fizteh-Lyceum» named after P.L. Kapitsa (ANEO «Fizteh-Lyceum») XIX science-practical conference “Start to innovations” Research work How to use drones in education and in everyday life Authors of work: Egorova Maria Supervisors: Kutelev K.A. DOLGOPRUDNY, 2020

XIX science-practical conference Start to innovations´...Autonomous nonprofit educational organization «Fizteh-Lyceum» named after P.L. Kapitsa (ANEO «Fizteh-Lyceum») XIX science-practical

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Page 1: XIX science-practical conference Start to innovations´...Autonomous nonprofit educational organization «Fizteh-Lyceum» named after P.L. Kapitsa (ANEO «Fizteh-Lyceum») XIX science-practical

Autonomous nonprofit educational organization

«Fizteh-Lyceum» named after P.L. Kapitsa

(ANEO «Fizteh-Lyceum»)

XIX science-practical conference “Start to innovations”

Research work

How to use drones in education and in everyday life

Authors of work:

Egorova Maria


Kutelev K.A.


Page 2: XIX science-practical conference Start to innovations´...Autonomous nonprofit educational organization «Fizteh-Lyceum» named after P.L. Kapitsa (ANEO «Fizteh-Lyceum») XIX science-practical



The relevance........................................................................................................................................ 3

Analogies .............................................................................................................................................. 4

How does it work? ............................................................................................................................... 7

Steps of making the project ................................................................................................................. 7

The process ........................................................................................................................................... 8

Ordering and combining the drone................................................................................................. 8

The launch........................................................................................................................................ 9

3D-modeling .................................................................................................................................. 10

My personal contribution ................................................................................................................... 13

The results ........................................................................................................................................... 13

Application ......................................................................................................................................... 14

Literature ............................................................................................................................................. 15

Page 3: XIX science-practical conference Start to innovations´...Autonomous nonprofit educational organization «Fizteh-Lyceum» named after P.L. Kapitsa (ANEO «Fizteh-Lyceum») XIX science-practical


The relevance

We can’t imagine school class without the blackboard, chalk and the rag, can we? Every teacher

faces the necessity of erasing irrelevant text and writing new. In our school this problem is more

popular, because we use the blackboard during the whole lesson, and teachers have to wash it

several times, getting out of the theme and waiting for it to get dried.

Pic. 1. The example of the blackboard in university. It will take a lot of time to clean it.

Once while my mathematics teacher was washing the blackboard again, he said: “So when the

drone, which cleans the blackboard instead of me, will be invented?”. This idea seemed

interesting for me to discover. The invention of such a device would save some time of the

lesson and make teacher’s life easier.

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It is difficult to imagine a drone in a school class. Don’t we have more compact device to clean

the blackboard? Maybe the decision exists already?

The discovery of Russian analogies showed few results.

[1] – this article says about pupils from Tumen, who have already invented such a project.

Unfortunately, there is no photo or more information about it.

[2] – this time Ivanovo pupils worked on the project.

There were a lot of advertisements of robot cleaners (to clean the carpet and windows).

Windows’ washers seem to be similar to my project. Let’s discover how they work.

Eldorado shop says that the robot uses vacuum pump. [3] Can it clean the blackboard? To

answer this question, first we need to find out how the vacuum pump works.

A vacuum pump is a device that removes gas molecules from a sealed volume in order to leave

behind a partial vacuum. [4]

Creating a vacuum in a system requires moving all molecules of gas out of the system.

Molecules will only move if there is a difference in pressure between two regions. The region

that has the smaller number of molecules will be the low pressure region and the area with more

molecules will be considered the high pressure. A device that can induce pressure difference

between two regions of space is considered a pump. In a certain system, the pump that creates a

vacuum is considered a vacuum pump.

There are two types of vacuum pumps, one being a transfer pump and the other being a trapping

pump. The transfer pump, which is also called a kinetic pump since the gas is being pushed that

the gas is transferred from the inlet of the pump to the outlet. This is often done by a

mechanically moving part of the pump that often rotates, accelerating the molecules of the gas

and making the region of low pressure. When the level of vacuum is reached the tank is isolated

by a high vacuum valve. Any exchange of gas between the container and the pump is stopped by

the valve.

A trapping pump, also known as a capture pump, is usually located in the container that is being

evacuated. The pump removes the gas molecules by sorption or condensation on the internal

surface. If the gas molecules come in contact with the refrigerated surface of the pump, the gas

will be condensed and removed as a liquid.

Vacuum pumps can be damaged over time and basic maintenance is needed to keep the

equipment up and running. Vacuum pump repair is offered throughout the country and a number

of different companies may operate in your area. Reviews on many of these companies can be

found on different websites throughout the web. [5]

I am not sure that vacuum pump works with some surface except glass so I still choose drone to

clean the blackboard. This device can be also used in washing windows of high-rise buildings.

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Pic. 2. An example of such a high-rise building

Let’s return to comparing with analogies. English Google showed more results. Cleaning robots

are invented in two variants:

Pic. 3. «Stripe» Pic. 4. Autonomous robot

Variant from picture 3 is uncomfortable in some places when it is needed to clean the other


Variant 4 seems to be more universal. Robot holds on 17 magnets. Can we make better? Yes. All

those versions require the participation of human to turn it on or replace. And only quadcopter is

able to see the whole picture distantly and determine what text is more useless.

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I analyzed different methods to clean the window.

* - it’s about distance that human’s hand can’t reach

** - the price of “Drone assembling kit”





Hobot 188 15 990 YES NO

Redmond RV-

RW001S 11 990 YES NO

Human 600/window YES/NO YES

Page 7: XIX science-practical conference Start to innovations´...Autonomous nonprofit educational organization «Fizteh-Lyceum» named after P.L. Kapitsa (ANEO «Fizteh-Lyceum») XIX science-practical


How does it work?

Drone is put on the “base” – start position, where it monitors the level of text newness on the

blackboard. When free space is smaller than some percent, drone cleans the oldest text using

autopilot and some algorithm of determining newness of the text. What can it be? There are

some variants using Raspberry Pi and PiCamera with machine vision:

Tracking the teacher’s displacements

Arrangement, that teachers uses strictly consistent trajectories.

Special marks (like colorful magnets).

More relevant algorithm in our school: the text of the lesson is previously uploaded in

drone. Drone compares texts (in it and on the blackboard), so it can determine less


So I choose the last variant.

Steps of making the project

As I have little experience of using all necessary instruments, it is a going to be a big challenge:


The choice of the first drone, not very difficult to combine and use

The combining

Setting communication between drone and its remote control

Learning to pilot the drone

Learning to work in 3D-modeling space Fusion 360

Modeling a holder for sponge with an ability of changing its form; then

combining it with drone and working with weight balance (see “Engineering


Программная часть

Learning to write autopilot

Discovering neural networks, learning to write them

Дрон от Aerones OUT OF


My device 13 000** YES YES

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The process

Ordering and combining the drone

There are some similar kits to make a vehicle. I chose one of them. [6]

Pic. 5. The equipment

Pic. 6. Joystick panel

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Pic. 7. The process of joysticks’ calibration

The launch

I had some problems with launching the drone. I found out that reason is wrongly matched

propellers. After fixing this problem, the quadcopter could take off.

Pic. 8. Explaining picture

Later I found out the battery was out of order. It was caused by deformation by screws. Picture

10 shows how forces were acting on the battery.

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й аккумулятор. Наклейка разодрана плотно прилегавшими винтами.

Pic. 10. Force F was caused by strap, which was holding the battery.

Pic. 11. New battery with distance between it and screws.


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I chose Fusion 360 to work in. For the first experiments construction of the holder is very

simple: straight tube (placed far of dangerous propellers) and the other part for sponge. We can

change this part for different types of cleaners.

Pic. 12. Sponges used in the first version

Pic. 13. Part 1: the tube

Pic. 13. Part 2

The main physical question here is how to save balance of the drone with such a holder. So

engineering analytics was held in mode Simulation (Static Stress).

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Pic. 14. The result

Now we see how forces influence the balance of the drone. Its gyroscope should cope with it or I

will model some balancing suspension.

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My personal contribution

To sum up, here is a list of skills that I have got during the work on my project:

Understand the UAV terminology

Correctly fix propellers and battery on the drone

Connect drone with its remote control

Calibrate joysticks

Pilot the quadcopter

Work in mode «Design» in Fusion 360

Work in mode «Render» in Fusion 360

Work in mode «Simulation» in Fusion 360

Print on 3D-printer using slicer (Cura)

The results

Though the chosen project turned up more difficult than I thought, I reached a lot of aims and

showed a little physics in robotics. I am going to work on the other aims and get more amusing


When the “school” application is ready, I will think about how to teach the drone to wash

windows. Now it seems more realistic to me than the first idea of cleaning blackboards.

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The first version of the drone without electronics

The last version of the quadcopter

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[1] http://nsn.fm/hots/v-tyumeni-podrostki-sozdali-robot-moyushchiy-shkolnye-








[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_pump

[5] http://www.arizonapneumatic.com/vacuum-pumps.html



https://www.pointcad.ru/ - about Fusion 360

https://alpicon.ru/uslugi/mojka_okon - price of window cleaning by industrial



okon-neboskrebov-video.html - quadcopter Aerones principal of operations

https://3deshnik.ru/blogs/akdzg/obzor-osnovnyh-nastroek-slajsera-cura - about 3D-
