XII EDITION OF THE TRAINERS OF TRAINERS COURSE IN THE …gefcrew.org/Campam/ToT/ToT2016CourseReport.pdf · 2017-10-19 · xii edition of the trainers of trainers course in the management

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By Martha C. Prada T., PhD

Reef Check Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, October 31, 2016

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Table of Contents

1. Background ......................................................................................................................... 2 2. Coordination team .............................................................................................................. 3 3. Instructors ........................................................................................................................... 3 4. Participants ......................................................................................................................... 3 5. Course planning .................................................................................................................. 4 6. Course Implementation ...................................................................................................... 4 7. Course press communication ............................................................................................. 9 8. Follow-up Phase.................................................................................................................. 9 9. Course Evaluation ............................................................................................................. 10

List of Figures Figure 1. Group pictures of the XII edition of the ToT............................................................ 5 Figure 2. Photograph collection of several aspects regarding the implementation of the XII edition of the ToT course. ...................................................................................................... 7 Figure 3. Example of the course participation certificate ...................................................... 9

List of Tables Table 1. List of selected instructors/ invited speakers in the 2016 ToT course .................... 3 Table 2. Written responses received from the course general evaluation. ........................ 12 Table 3. Written responses received from the course logistic evaluation .......................... 13

Appendices Appendix 1. Course agenda ................................................................................................. 15 Appendix 2. Instructor’s professional profiles ..................................................................... 20 Appendix 3. Course participants .......................................................................................... 24 Appendix 4. Course photographic collection ....................................................................... 29 Appendix 5. Course press releases ....................................................................................... 33 Appendix 6. Alumni acknowledgement letter ...................................................................... 39

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FINAL REPORT 1. Background Under the leadership of the United Nations Environment Programme-Caribbean Environment Programme (UNEP-CEP), the Spanish version of the XII edition of the Trainers of Trainers (ToT) in the Management of Marine Protected Areas in the Caribbean was successfully conducted in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, with 24 participants from eight countries and 11 instructors/ speakers. The 2016 course is an outcome of the project entitled “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean through Ecosystem Based Management” funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Environment Programme of its Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGCS). Additional financial support was obtained from UNEP office in Haiti, The Dominican Hotel Association and Reef Check Dominican Republic. The aim of the project is to build on the success of the Caribbean Challenge Initiative and other conservation activities to scale up interventions within a more holistic approach through the application of the Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) and marine spatial planning tools, such as the Decision Support System (DSS). As a consequence, participants of the ToT course learned and applied scientific information, field work trips, exchange of experiences, and a series of management tools useful to incorporate the ecosystem complexity and the connectivity concepts across the socio-economic and bio-ecological networking. The ToT course is a special programme developed by UNEP-CEP that strengthens its Caribbean Marine Protected Area Managers Network and Forum (CaMPAM) since 1998, when a course manual was initially produced. The manual, updated in 2000 and 2010, is available in English, Spanish and French. In this opportunity the modules concerning the Caribbean context, research and monitoring, communication, MPA management and participative planning available in the manual were complemented with concepts of ecosystem services, economic valuation, blue carbon, sustainable finance and ecotourism and the introduction of a DSS topics. The focus in Ecosystem Based Management of the 2016 ToT course followed guidelines provided in the Spanish version of the UNEP EBM manual (EBM manual). The overall agenda of the 2016 ToT course is presented in Appendix 1. The heterogeneous group of MPA managers completed the two weeks training phase and currently are working on finalizing the follow-up activity phase that will be conducted in Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Belize, Panama, Colombia and Venezuela. The success of the 2016 edition of the ToT overcame difficulties generated by development of the tropical storm/hurricane Matthew which acted as unexpected factor, and ended in having an even more united group.

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2. Coordination Team The XII edition of the ToT course was coordinated jointly by Dr. Martha Prada and Dr. Georgina Bustamante, the CaMPAM coordinator. Dr. Ruben Torres, Reef Check DR Executive Director was responsible for all logistic aspects including travel, accommodation, field works, and the classroom conditions, among other aspects. M. Sc. Alessandra Vanzella-Khouri, the UNEP-CEP SPAW Program Officer, acted as the contacting point and the overall course supervisor.

3. Instructors The coordination team selected a Total of 10 highly qualified instructors, and one special guest, as presented in Table 1. A professional profile of the course instructors/speakers are presented in Appendix 2.

Table 1. List of selected instructors/ invited speakers in the 2016 ToT course No. Title / Name Agenda Module: Class topics

1 Dr. Georgina Bustamante CaMPAM, SPAW Protocol 2 Dr. Martha Prada Module 1: Tropical coastal and marine ecosystems and

Caribbean context; Ecosystem connectivity. Module 2: Ecosystem services. Module 6. EBM manual introduction, Seaflower MPA study case

3 Dr. Michelle Scharer Module 2: Ecosystem threats, including climate change, contamination, over-exploitation among others. Module 3: Research and monitoring including bio-physical and socio-economic aspects. Module 6: GIS tools for MPA planning.

4 Communication specialist Elena Crespo Module 4. MPA communication strategies. 5 Dr. Ruben Torres Module 3: Coral monitoring methods.

Module 6: La Caleta MPA case study. 6 Dr. Jeffrey Wielgus Module 2: Economic ecosystem valuation

Module 6: Blue carbon. 7 Oceanographer Ramón de León Module 5. MPA management 8 Tourism specialist Lucia Prinz Module 6: Sustainable MPA finances and ecotourism business. 9 M. Sc. Jeannette Mateo Module 4. Fishing management in Dominican Republic.

10 Edoardo Scepi Module 6. Introduction of decision support system PROGES tool

11 Marco Falcetta Module 6. Introduction of decision support system PROGES tool

4. Participants A Total of 35 people from 13 different countries submitted applications for the ToT course in response to the call for nominations circulated through the CaMPAM list and the UNEP focal points, on May 31, 2016. An application consisted of four documents: 1) a completed form describing the participant involvement in the MPA management and previous trainings received;

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2) A short CV; 3) A letter of institutional support; and 4) An expression of personal interest in the course. The coordinating team evaluated these applications following five criteria: 1) Applicant experience and responsibilities relative to MPA management; 2) Personal and institutional commitment to learn and conduct in-country training activities; 3) Verification of the country compromise with the SPAW Protocol of the Cartagena Convention; 4) Ability to understand and communicate in Spanish; and 5) Representativeness of the Caribbean region. This process conducted to the selection of 24 persons from eight countries: 10 from Dominican Republic, three from Cuba and Colombia, two from Panama, Puerto Rico and Haiti, and one from Venezuela and Belize. Haiti representatives got institutional and financial support from UNEP-Haiti and one of the local participants received partial support from the Dominican Hotel Association. The complete list of the course participants including institutional support and contacting information is presented in Appendix 3.

5. Course Planning The course was originally scheduled for August 29 to September 9, 2016, and re-scheduled for September 26 to October 7, 2016 in order to solve personal and institutional conflicts expressed by some people in the coordinating team and instructors, and after verify the new dates was convenient for all participants. After a thorough assessment of different options across the Dominican Republic north coast, conducted by Dr. Ruben Torres, the Sunscape Puerto Plata resort was selected as the venue for the training activity. This was an excellent choice because the hotel provided comfortable class-room, accommodation and good meals and coffee breaks. The use of all-inclusive resort proved important in facilitating participant’s integration and enhancing communication needed in the learning process. In addition, this hotel was closed to several protected areas including: Parque Submarino Sosua, PN Submarino Montecristi, Cayos Siete Hermanos, PN Morro, Santuario Mamíferos marinos Estero Hondo, Monumento Natural Laguna Cabarete y Goleta, RVS El Gran Estero de Nagua, and RVS Ría Maimón. In preparation for the 2016 ToT course, every participant prepared and sent via email two short presentations, one with personal information and another with their associated MPA. They received an information sheet about Puerto Plata and the course design, including logistic information and organizers contact information. Majority of them purchase a special travel insurance to cover eventualities. Participants kept constant communication with the course coordination team during the planning phase.

6. Course Implementation The 2016 XII edition ToT course was imparted in Spanish and attended by 24 MPA managers and stakeholders working collaboratively with the MPA local authority from the eight countries mentioned above (Figure 1, Appendix 3).

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Figure 1. Group pictures of the XII edition of the ToT Fulfilling regional compromises on the strengthening capacities and abilities of MPA managers, the 2016 ToT focused on the understanding and application of the EBM and the DSS tools by providing scientific information, promoting exchanges of experiences, highlighting the importance of communication strategies, learning and analyzing from case studies, videos, field trips, interviews, among other strategies; thus incorporated the concepts of ecosystem complexity and connectivity at different context. In general, the course agenda was comprised of seven main modules, described below:

• Module 1: The Caribbean coastal and marine environment: introduced information on basic oceanography dynamics, focusing in the Caribbean Sea. Included links to several web pages that provide data, models, predictions, etc. The presentation was prepared by Dr. Prada and contains 42 slides and given as an individual exercise with questions and comments in plenary. In addition, a second class to talk about ecosystem connectivity was given by Dr. Prada using a 16 slides presentation and illustrating 10 particular study cases.

• Module 2: Tropical coastal and marine ecosystem services (production, support,

regulation and cultural services): A class was prepared by Dr. Prada as a group exercise with discussions and comments done in plenary. Participants analyzed five ecosystems: coral reefs, sea-grasses, mangroves, beaches and soft sediments. A 46 slide presentation

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was prepared for additional information. This module included two other classes: 1) Ecosystem uses and impacts prepared by Dr. Scharer based on 34 slide presentation; and 2) Introduction to the ecosystem services following a 16 slides presentation provided by the five ecosystems considered by Dr. Prada. Another class about ecosystem services economic evaluation was offered by Dr. Wielgus. The last two classes were given using Skype conference tools.

• Module 3: Role of research and monitoring in the evaluation and functioning of the MPAs: The module was given mostly by Dr. Scharer with the objective of recognize the importance of scientific studies to evaluate the MPA functioning, the objectives and indicators for design and implement various monitoring programs and how to obtain human, technical and financial support. For this class she used a 34 slides presentation on monitoring included bio-physical and socio-economic aspects. Dr. Torres complemented the class with an interesting talk about coral reefs status, tendencies and health condition in the Caribbean, focusing on the Dominican Republic case. He prepared a 28 slides presentation.

• Module 4: Communication techniques among actors and communities: This module was developed by the communication specialist Elena Crespo, aimed to promote the management, education and technical and financial support in MPAs. She prepared a 35 slides presentation as the basis for introduce and analyze the following aspects: communication versus opinions, types of communication, communicating environmental issues, communication at the local, national and international context, analysis of Web pages, and importance of evaluation. This class was highly interactive, with class exercises, analysis of videos, interviews and preparation of press reports. To complete this module, M. Sc. Jeannette Mateo. From CODOPESCA, introduced participants to the context of the fishery management and challenges in Dominican Republic, using a 50 slides presentation.

• Module 5. Comprehensive approach of the MPA management: A module given by the oceanographer Ramón de León allowing for the analysis of the MPA different aspects involved in the sustainable management such as: planning, management, evaluation, and adaptive management circle. Every aspect considered day to day challenges regarding personnel, administration, fundraising among others, illustrated with several examples and study cases. The carrying capacity of the MPAs was presented in a special context utilizing 51-slide presentation.

• Module 6. The role of tourism, sustainable MPA financing strategies, and alternative livelihoods: This module was developed by the international expert Lucia Prinz, who conducted group exercises to learn from the following aspects: Feasibility plans, business plans, site evaluation, and several estimations and projections on prices and costs. Four presentations with a total of 80 slides were prepared for these classes. Participants took advantages of an Excel sheet with formulas that can be used in the future to conduct similar analysis from different MPAs.

• Module 7. The participative planning and involvement of MPA stakeholders utilizing ecosystem approach: This was a comprehensive module that introduced participants to several topics such as: a) The use of cartography and GIS tools (presentation by Dr. Scharer of 28 slides); b) EBM manual (presentation by Dr. Prada about the UNEP EBM manual

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using a 20 slides presentation); c) Blue carbon concept (Online presentation by Dr. Wielgus and 9 slides presentation); d) study cases of EBM implementation by Dr. Prada (Seaflower) and Dr. Torres (La Caleta). The module was completed with the introduction of the Decision Support System (DSS) given by Mr. Scepi and Mr. Falcetta.

Figure 2 illustrates several aspects of these training activities. For detailed information of the course agenda see Appendix 1, and a photographic summary on Appendix 3. To reinforce classroom lectures, two field trips were organized. The first one was conducted in the Punta Rucia area and aimed to analyze the services and performance of coral reef, seagrass and mangrove ecosystems. Organized in three working groups, participants were asked to identify bio-physical and socio-economic indicators that would help MPA managers to evaluate the MPA performance. For each selected indicator, they will determine a monitoring objective, a standard criteria (baseline), and potential management actions. In the selection of indicators, they should consider level of concern and degree of managers/visitors control as important criteria. A special meeting with local fishers and a visit to the Santuario de Mamíferos Marinos de Estero Hondo were also organized. Results from this field trip were presented and analyzed during half a day on the following working day. The second field trip was done to the Monumento Natural Saltos de la Damajagua or commonly known as the 27 Charcos. In this field trip, students enjoyed the swimming and learn from the evolution of the communitarian tourism business that resulted in the co-management agreement of this protected area with the tour guides association, currently administrated by Roberto Gonzalez. This project is a model in Latin-American not only because it success in maintaining a positive tendency of national and international visitors, but also because of the growing income and employment, which in turn funds community project and strengthen the local culture and pride.

Figure 2. Photograph collection of several aspects regarding the implementation of the XII edition of the ToT course.

On top of the above described modules, the course allowed for exchange of information about participants MPAs, in particular including the following:

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• Belize: The national marine protected area system. • Panamá: Parque Nacional Natural Golfo de Chiriquí, Parque Nacional Coiba and the fishing

activities in the Pacific Ocean. • Colombia: Seaflower Marine Protected Area, Distrito Manejo Integrado (DMI) Golfo de

Cispatá y Tinajones, and Distrito Regional de Manejo Integrado Ensenada de Rionegro y Parque Natural Regional Humedal rio León Suriquí.

• Venezuela: The coastal and marine system of protected areas. • Cuba: Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes, Parque Nacional Cayos de San Felipe, and the

National protected area system. • Puerto Rico: Guardianes de María Langa and Refugio de Vida Silvestre de Boquerón. • Dominican Republic: Area Protegida Punta Cana, Refugio Vida Silvestre Ría Maimón,

Monumento Natural Isla Santa Catalina, Parque Submarino Montecristi, Refugio de Vida Silvestre Gran Estero, Santuario de Mamíferos Marinos Estero Hondo, Parque Ecológico de Nigua, Santuario Marino Sosa, Parque Nacional Hispaniola

• Haiti: Creation of a national MPA system and preliminary analysis and initiatives. As part of the exchange of information, students analyzed and presented some of the functioning management agreements, such as the following:

1. In Punta Cana: between Fundación Grupo Punta Cana (FEPC) and CODOPESCA, (August, 2010) and the Cooperative Agreement between Punta Cana Resorts, surrounding communities and CODOPESCA, (September, 2011) to agree in the use of better and sustainable fishing practices.

2. DMI Golfo de Cispatá y Tinajones: Agreement with community groups for the sustainable use of mangrove wood within an especial area following a management plan, and in operation during last 14 years.

3. Progressive Co-management Agreement in Parque La Caleta to conduct sustainable fishing, and capture of lion fish, among other actions.

4. Agreement between MARENA and the Association of Fishermen of Ría Maimón to improve fishing organization, regulation, and monitoring of landings. It is annually re-assessed or cancelled in case of not compliance.

5. Monumento Natural Saltos de la Damajagua Agreement for the distribution of funds to conduct development of community projects applying considering carrying capacity considerations, and in operation since 2005.

6. Agreement in Salt Water Cay Marine Reserve with fishing cooperatives inside no-take areas for the use of lobster “casitas” and participation in monitoring during fishing seasons.

At the end of the classes, participants were able to get PDF copies of the complete set of presentations for every class given during this course along with a collection of relevant articles, web pages, videos and other educational resources utilized and referenced in the course, which included, among them were: 7 thematic fact sheets (English and Spanish), 4 manuals, 65 technical, a list of 49 references, a list of systematic variables for the DSS analysis, and 17 videos. Instructors received their participation certificates (Figure 3) and students will do it once the follow-up activity is completed. However, all received a letter indicating their presence on the training activity.

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Figure 3. Example of the course participation certificate

7. Course Press Communication Progress on the development of the course were reported by 5 messages published on the CaMPAM-list, which currently is reaching more than 1,000 subscribers (Appendix 5). A press release was also published at El Nuevo Diario, on October 24, 2016 (Marine protected areas personnel participate in training in Puerto Plata).

8. Follow-up Phase The course follow-up phase will multiply the effect of the participants learning with the implementation of 7 in-country training activities in the next months, organized by the graduates. The collective discussions both, within each country group and with all 24 students at the last day class, improved participants original proposals, as well as their creativity and group-working skills. The following held back home in the next months: 1. Training workshop to be held in the Ciénaga de Zapata Biosphere Reserve, Cuba: To share with Cuban MPA staff nation-wide the knowledge acquired, particularly on coral reef monitoring, while learning about ecosystem functioning and connectivity and the application of ecosystem-based approach in the marine area management.

2. Training workshop on improvement of integrated planning in Morrocoy National Park, Venezuela: Due to the impact of uncontrolled tourism and population increase, there is a need to improve the participatory planning and carry out restoration measures. A broad spectrum of stakeholders will learn on the principles of ecosystem-based management and build together guidelines to progressively incorporate new information, better monitoring and more effective communication strategies, among other actions.

3. Developing a manual for the park rangers under the Department of Natural Resources (DRNA), Puerto Rico: This activity will address the lack of understanding of ecosystem functioning and services, and assist on the identification of protected species. The manual will be used in

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training workshops and educational materials will be produced in response to the needs identified in the DRNA strategic plan.

4. Development of a training and communication strategy in three Caribbean marine managed areas in Colombia (Distritos de Manejo Integrado de Cispatá y Tinajones, Ensenada de Rionegro, bajos aledaños y ciénagas, and Seaflower): The strategy will have two phases, one within each area (participant sites) and another one at the national level through the SIRAP (Subsistema de Areas Marinas Protegidas) platform. Concepts and methods of evaluating ecosystem services in marine managed areas will be disseminated, community participation increased, and conservation actions supported by stakeholders.

5. Training workshop on MPA management and monitoring in the Caribbean coast of Panama: Training for 5 MPA staff on ecosystem services and monitoring protocols to evaluate the MPA performance. Lessons learned and success achieved in the Pacific coast will be shared with Caribbean MPA personnel.

6. Training workshop for park rangers in Belize: The activities will focus on the improvement of rangers and local stakeholders’ communication and knowledge on ecosystem function and services, including the development of a calendar of training activities. Usually, educational activities respond to particular projects so there is a need for a structured training program for all marine reserves. The proposal includes an exchange between Belize and Colombia-San Andres Archipelago to learn about the SIRAP platform and other educational tools.

7) Training workshops to promote sound fishing practices within MPAs in Dominican Republic: Dominican participants will work together in the preparation of a workshop, that it will be later presented to the fishing communities and other stakeholders from 8 MPA (Punta Cana, Monumento Natural Laguna Cabarete y Goleta, Monumento Natural Isla Catalina, Refugio de Vida Silvestre Gran Estero, Refugio de Vida Silvestre Ría Maimón, Parque Nacional La Hispaniola, Parque Sub Marino de Montecristi, and Parque Ecológico de Nigua). This workshop will sensitize local MPA user on ecosystem services and the importance of the sustainable fishing and promote discussion on ecosystem threats in general.

9. Course Evaluation In the written and oral evaluations, participants expressed their gratitude for this training opportunity and stated that they are willing to share their experiences with work companions and other collaborator in the Caribbean region. To re-assure this gratitude they also sent a letter to UNEP, so it can be shared with all of the course partners (Appendix 6). In particular, the following were student’s opinions when evaluating this course:

• The course objectives were clear, the agenda was fully developed and the learning process exceeded participant’s expectations.

• All the instructors were highly knowledgeable, utilized well-structured classes with good presentations and audio-visual aids, promoted class interactivity and answered questions /doubts, keeping students interested all the time.

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• The first phase of the course contributed to the establishment of new friendships and generated new ideas for future working collaborations, which will be utilized in the course second phase.

• It helped to better understand the local situation and problems and illustrated ways to better respond as MPA managers’ challenges in particular when dealing with fishermen, tourists, and the general public.

• The field trips were essential in the learning process and broaden student’s perspectives and potential solution for their own challenges.

• The coordination was excellent and maintained a good communication pre and post course.

• Online classes, sometimes suffered because of bad internet connectivity, particularly during those days under the hurricane Matthew influences, but this did not interrupt the classes completely.

In addition, participants make the following recommendations to be considered in future ToT courses:

• Provide students the class documentation in advance, so they can have more time to review and analyze the classes’ contents.

• The course was very intensive, and there were not enough time to process the great amount of information provided.

• Promote mechanisms where students can discuss topics with high interest after classes. • Avoid to having classes after field trips. • Ask the hotel not to use plastic containers for serving coffee breaks.

For detailed aspects of the course evaluation see Tables 2 and 3.

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Table 2. Written responses received from the course general evaluation.




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2 I have received enough electronic communication and information about the training before the course started. 15 3


3 I did have enough time to structure the requested presentations and prepare a good participation. 14 4


4 I clearly understood which the course objectives were. 16 2


5 The course accomplished the proposed objectives. 16 2


6 The course materials (presentations, references, audio-visual aids, etc) were helpful in my learning process. 14 4


7 The course was logic and well structured. 15 2 1


8 I had the opportunity to participate in the discussion and class exercises. 16 2


9 I had enough time to learn the classes contents. 15 3


10 In general, I am satisfied with the classes given by the instructor Michelle Scharer. 17 1


11 In general, I am satisfied with the classes given by the instructor Martha Prada. 17 1


12 In general, I am satisfied with the classes given by the instructor Jeffrey Wielgus. 9 8 1


13 In general, I am satisfied with the classes given by the instructor Elena Crespo. 15 2 1


14 In general, I am satisfied with the classes given by the instructor Ramón de León. 14 4


15 In general, I am satisfied with the classes given by the instructor Lucia Prinz. 16 2


16 In general, I am satisfied with the classes given by the Proges instructors. 6 8 3 1


17 In general, I am satisfied with the classes given by the instructor Rubén Torres 17 1


18 In general, I am satisfied with the conference given by Jeannette Mateo 12 4 1 1


19 My knowledge /abilities improved as a result of this course. 17 1


20 The knowledge / abilities acquired in this course have direct applications with my day to day work. 16 2


21 The course help me to strength my professional skills and abilities, and to be better prepared and to respond to other opportunities / challenges I confront as manager, scientist, or MPA stakeholder. 17 1


23 In general, I was satisfied with the course content. 17 1


24 I benefited with the interactions with the course instructors. 16 2


25 I benefited with the interactions with the course participants. 15 3


26 The online tools utilized in the course were effective in my learning process / developing professional skills. 11 5 1 1


27 I am interested in share the knowledge / acquired abilities with other people at a regional level, through Exchange of experiences programs. 15 3


28 I am interested in strengthen my knowledge, skills and abilities by participating in training programs, professional development or exchanges programs. 15 3


29 There are some persons / organizations that participated in this course which I like to keep in contact to continue my learning process (ie: instructors, students). 17 1


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Table 3. Written responses received from the course logistic evaluation




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1 The classroom was comfortable and audiovisuals aids appropriated. 10 8


2 The hotel rooms were comfortable and clean. 15 3


3 The meals, coffee breaks and beverages options were enough and good. 18


4 The field work were well organized. 14 4


5 The logistics for air transportation and ground mobilizations were well organized and Responded to the course needs. 16 1 1


On the other hand, instructor’s considerations and recommendations can be summarized as follow:

• Prepare initial and final evaluations to measure student´s learning process and better determine the degree of the course achievements.

• Be able to include additional time in the course agenda to conduct more practical lessons both in the classroom and during field trips.

• There is a compromise in selecting students with similar background and experience versus a more heterogeneous group that can share their knowledge and skills, the coordination team need in somehow take these factors at the time of the participant’s selection process.

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Appendix 1. Course agenda Appendix 2. Instructor’s professional profiles Appendix 3. Course participants Appendix 4. Course photographic collection Appendix 5. Course press releases Appendix 6. Alumni acknowledgement letter

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Appendix 1. Course agenda



Parque Nacional Submarino Montecristi y Puerto Plata 26 de septiembre a 7 de octubre del 2016

El Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente del Caribe (PNUMA/PAC) presentan el programa de la XII edición del Curso Regional de Capacitación de Capacitadores en la Gestión de Áreas Marinas Protegidas del Caribe. El curso es parte integral de las actividades de la Red y Foro de (CaMPAM) del PNUMA-PAC en apoyo al g del Convenio de Cartagena y se desarrolla en cumplimiento de compromisos regionales que buscan desarrollar habilidades que fortalezcan el conocimiento, análisis, intercambio, comunicación que hacen parte de la gestión de las áreas marinas protegidas del Caribe. En esta edición, el curso integra en sus diferentes módulos la aplicación de herramientas de la gestión ecosistémica, incorporando la complejidad de los ecosistemas y la conectividad de sus redes socio-económicas del Gran Caribe. En este contexto, la gestión ecosistémica busca resaltar el valor de la diversidad biológica y los ecosistemas para la economía y las sociedades, así como el coste de su degradación y pérdida, reconociendo que son una matriz de muchos elementos que interactúan entre sí en varias escalas. Es así como las herramientas de la gestión ecosistémica se construyen en base a las cuatro dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible: ambientales, económicas, sociales e institucionales, las cuales están interconectadas y generan los servicios ecosistémicos. Durante dos semanas de trabajo presencial, el curso se desarrolla en noreste de la República Dominicana, ciudad de Puerto Plata y en inmediaciones del Parque Submarino Montecristi, en idioma español, y tendrá amplia representatividad regional. Su realización ha sido posible gracias al apoyo financiero de la Dirección General para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Gobierno de Italia, así como el apoyo logístico de instituciones de gobierno y privado nacional e internacional, como el Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales y la organización Reef Check República Dominicana. Se presenta el programa a desarrollar, el cual se continúa con actividades de seguimiento que los participantes realizarán en sus países de origen y que igualmente serán auspiciadas en los países Partes al Protocolo SPAW y recibirán apoyo financiero del PNUMA/PAC. Tanto los contenidos, los ejercicios de clase, las salidas de campo y las actividades de seguimiento ofrecen varias oportunidades para entender y aplicar las herramientas de la Gestión ecosistémica en el Caribe. Se ha planificado a mitad de la mañana y de la tarde un receso para café y al medio día se tendrá un receso para el almuerzo. Como medida precautoria, se recomienda que los participantes adquieran un seguro que cubra eventualidades de salud que cada participante considere pertinente.

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Programa de Curso de Capacitación a Capacitadores en la Gestión de Áreas Marinas del


XII edición, Puerto Plata, República Dominicana. No. Día y hora Tópico, descripción Responsables

0 Domingo 25 de septiembre

Recogida en aeropuerto y traslado al hotel Dr. Rubén Torres

1 Lunes 26 de septiembre 10:00- 12:30

• Bienvenida y detalles de logística

• Breve presentación de los participantes: cargo,

profesión y experiencia en la planificación y gestión de áreas marinas, AMP a la que está vinculado(a) (máximo 5 minutos por persona).

Dra. Martha Prada Dr. Rubén Torres Los participantes


Módulo 1: Características ecológicas del ambiente costero y marino del Gran Caribe Presentaciones, análisis y ejercicios sobre:

• Ecosistemas costero/marinos (arrecifes coralinos, pastos marinos, manglares y playas), aspectos fisicoquímicos, biodiversidad, hábitats, capacidad de carga y procesos ecológicos.

• Conectividad de poblaciones marinas a escalas ecosistémicas y eco-regionales (ejemplos con peces, corales, langostas, tortugas, entre otros).

Dra. Martha Prada

2 Martes 27 de septiembre 8:30-12:30

Módulo 2. Los servicios ecosistémicos (producción, hábitat, regulación, información/culturales) Presentaciones y ejercicios aplicados a los siguientes aspectos: • Servicios positivos de procesos de producción,

hábitat, regulación e información cultural. • Introducción y análisis de estudios de caso valoración

económica de ecosistemas marinos en el Caribe. • Aspectos negativos de uso de recursos de la pesca en

los ecosistemas marinos (captura de juveniles y/o desovadores, artes destructivas, sobrepesca de especies clave).

• Aspectos negativos del turismo en los ecosistemas marinos (límites permisibles de uso, no aplicación de capacidad de carga, construcciones sobre dunas).

• Efectos de la contaminación en los ecosistemas marinos (fertilización excesiva, erosión y tala en la cuenca, alteración hidrológica, minería inadecuada, desechos marinos, etc.).

• Efectos potenciales del cambio climático en los

Dra. Martha Prada Dr. Jeffrey Wielgus Dra. Michelle Scharer

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ecosistemas marinos (calentamiento, nivel del mar acidificación, etc).

14:00-18:00 Módulo 3. La investigación y el monitoreo para evaluar

el funcionamiento de las áreas protegidas. • Métodos, resultados e innovaciones tecnológicas de

la investigación y monitoreo biofísicos de ecosistemas y especies clave o indicadoras (corales, manglares, playas, peces arrecifales, recursos de la pesca, especies protegidas).

• La Red Mundial de Monitoreo de Arrecifes Coralinos en el Caribe (GCRMN), y otros protocolos.

• Elaboración de fichas sobre el estado de los arrecifes coralinos de un área o región (Healthy Reefs).

• Métodos, resultados de la investigación y monitoreo socio-económicos de comunidades costeras (SocMon).

• La búsqueda proactiva de apoyo de investigación y monitoreo con agencias de gobierno, centros académicos, ONGs conservacionistas, pescadores y buceadores voluntarios.

Dra. Michelle Scharer Dr. Rubén Torres

3 Miércoles 28 de septiembre 8:30-12:30

Módulo 4: Técnicas de comunicación entre actores y comunidades para promoción de la gestión, educación y apoyo técnico y financiero en las áreas marinas protegidas. • Producción de mensajes y contenidos, protocolos de

comunicación y verificación de la información (notas de prensa, boletines, documentos técnicos, producción de cápsulas de video, etc).

• Canales de comunicación, uso de las redes sociales y otros canales de divulgación (periódicos y revistas impresas y digitales, Facebook, YouTube, la Red CaMPAM).

• Casos de análisis: ejemplos de los participantes, redes regionales.

• Creación y mantenimiento de una página web para el área protegida.

Elena Crespo

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14:00-16:00 16:15-17:00 17:00-18:00

Continuación Módulo 4. Técnicas de comunicación entre actores y comunidades • Campañas especiales de protección y gestión

ambiental y obtención de recursos. • Aspectos claves de la ordenación pesquera, logros,

retos, integración con políticas de conservación y lecciones aprendidas.

Elena Crespo Msc. Jeannette Mateo CODOPESCA

4 Jueves 29 de septiembre 8:30-18:00

Módulo 5. Aspectos integrales de la gestión de áreas marinas protegidas • Zonificación y tipos de zonas (multiusos, uso único) • Legislación y regulaciones especificas • Control y vigilancia (recursos materiales y humanos,

participación comunitaria • Relación con agencias de gobierno, actividades

diarias, manejo de las finanzas • Monitoreo y evaluación • Ajustes a la gestión ecosistémica.

Ramón de León

5 Viernes 30 de septiembre 8:30-12:30

Módulo 6. Planificación y gestión participativa de las áreas protegidas, con enfoque ecosistémico • El uso de los sistemas de información geográfica y la

cartografía para la planificación y creación materiales informativo.

• Conceptos de Carbón azul • Introducción a los conceptos de gestión ecosistémica

de áreas marinas y herramientas para su uso. Introducción al manual de EBM.

Dra. Michelle Scharer Dr. Jeffrey Wielgus Dra. Martha Prada

Viernes 30 de septiembre 14:00-18:00

• Evaluación de casos de estudio de AMP del Caribe. • Casos específicos del Parque Submarino La Caleta:

características naturales y socioeconómicas, investigación, divulgación y gestión participativa.

• Exploración inicial de actividades de seguimiento para los participantes.

Dra. Martha Prada Dr. Rubén Torres Participantes

6 Sábado 1 de octubre 8:30-17:30

Salida de campo a Punta Rucia, Parque Submarino Montecristi Observaciones, toma de datos y análisis de ecosistemas marinos, comunidades costeras, problemática local y uso potencial de herramientas de la gestión ecosistémica. Incluye salida en lancha, buceo libre, exploración manglares.

Dr. Rubén Torres Dra. Martha Prada Dra. Michelle Scharer Ramón de León

7 Domingo 2 de octubre

Día libre

8 Lunes 3 de octubre

• El Programa de capacitación de CaMPAM.

Dra. Georgina Bustamante

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Análisis de salida de campo • Análisis de datos de ecosistemas y de otros aspectos

socio-económicos del AMP.

Dra. Martha Prada


• Presentación de las AMPs donde trabajan los participantes.


9 Martes 4 de octubre 14:00-18:00

Módulo 7. Financiación sostenible, diversificación de recursos; alternativas económicas de turismo de naturaleza y actividades asociadas, planes de negocios. • Como armar un negocio, foco en aspectos de turismo

sostenible y sus fuentes de financiación. • El turismo de naturaleza. • Planes de negocio de negocios turísticos.

Lucia Prinz


Miércoles 5 – octubre 8:30-18:00 Jueves 6 de octubre 8:30-12:30

• Desarrollo de los productos turísticos. • Importancia del mercadeo de los productos. Opciones

de financiación en línea. • Salida de campo a 27 charcos. • Otras alternativas económicas para los pobladores


Lucia Prinz

12 Jueves 6 de octubre 14:00-18:00

Diseño de una herramienta para la Republica Dominicana: • Conceptos sistema participativo de decisión • Obtención de información para escenarios

delimitación y zonificación. • Participación de actores • Análisis espacial de la información y generación de

escenarios • Toma de decisión

Edoardo Scepi Marco Falcetta

12 Viernes 7 de octubre 8:30-16:00

Actividades de seguimiento del curso • Presentación y análisis de propuestas de actividades

de capacitación en cada país Evaluación del curso (oral y escrita) Entrega de certificados y clausura

Dra. Martha Prada y Georgina Bustamante PNUMA -PAC/SPAW y MARENA

13 Sábado 8 de octubre

Regreso al país de origen Dr. Rubén Torres

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Appendix 2. Instructor’s professional profiles

Nombre Institución Perfil Profesional

Georgina Bustamante


Dr. Bustamante is a marine protected area expert and an independent consultant. For more than four decades, she has been a pioneer on protection of marine biodiversity, as demonstrated with its work in The Nature Conservancy and in recent years as coordinator for UNEP/PAC regional network of Marine Protected Areas in the Caribbean Networking and Forum (CaMPAM) and several regional projects. Therefore, has extensive experience in conducting training activities (all previous Training of Trainers courses), organizing and supervising the implementation of pilot projects, providing technical assistance to government staff and private and community organizations. In her professional career, she has published scientific papers on reef fish ecology and fisheries. It also a co-author of multiple regional work on conservation in Latin America and one of the most recognized people working with actors in the Greater Caribbean. In 2016, she was awarded with the prestigious Fred Packard Award.

Martha C. Prada

Independent consultante

Dra. Prada is an independent marine biologist and consultant, who has developed most of her over 20 years of experience in the Archipelago of San Andrés and Providence where was key in the process of establishment of the Seaflower MPA, and the advancement of management queen conch (Strombus gigas) and spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) sustainable fishery, along with other scientific studies with fish and mangrove fisheries. In addition, she has worked on international projects in Panama, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Grenada as a marine biologist, ecologist, fishing, oceanographer and biologist planner and consultant for environmental impact studies. She has taught in the Master of Oceanography Admiral Padilla Naval Academy in Cartagena, Colombia, and has participated as an instructor in environmental education courses, geographical information systems, and different aspects of the management of marine protected areas in Colombia and other Caribbean countries. At present, she support UNEP/PAC with several activities and assessments.

Michelle Scharer

Independent consultante

Dr. Scharer has developed her professional career with over 15 years of experience working for several NGOs oriented turtle conservation, marine protected areas, fisheries management, community work in the management of marine protected areas. In recent years, her work is focused on the study of fish spawning aggregations using acoustic techniques, and study and restoration of threatened species including corals. In her extensive experience she has produced educational videos, led biophysical processes and social monitoring of marine protected areas in the south-west of Puerto Rico, thematic applications developed using GIS tools, among many other activities. It is an excellent diver and underwater photographer. He has over 20 scientific publications.

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Jeffrey Wilegus

Independent consultant

Dr. Wielgus is an expert on ecology and economy of human impacts on marine ecosystems. He has worked as an instructor in Management with Ecosystem Approach to the United Nations. His works include economic valuation economic valuation of marine and coastal ecosystems of the Dominican Republic, the development and implementation of bio-economic for the design of marine protected areas models and bio-economic models for the extraction of fishery resources. His recent activities are related to socio-economic analysis of alternative energy projects and economic valuation of urban ecosystems. Today is World Bank consultant.

Rubén Torres

Reef Check Dominican Republic

Dr. Torres completed his graduate studies at the University of Miami, after graduating as a biologist at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. He is an environmental consultant and an active dive instructor with more than three thousand certified open water dives throughout the coast of the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean. For more than two decades he has been the regional coordinator for Reef Check International, and is founder and President of Reef Check Dominican Republic. In addition, Dr. Torres is the director and president of Torres Environmental Consultant (TEC UNLIMITED), member of the Committee on the lionfish, the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) and the Global Network of Coral Reef Monitoring (GCRMN). He has supported UNEP/CaMPAM activities as event organizer and mentor. His experience in managing regional projects in the Greater Caribbean is extensive and includes for example trans-boundary coral reefs studies, sustainable fisheries, alternative livelihoods for fishermen activities, and has been tireless working in developing partnerships with the private sector including the tourism industry, in support for the establishment and management of marine protected areas in the region.

Elena Crespo

Caribbean Porter Novelli

A journalist and specialized lawyer Intellectual Property and Information and Communication Technologies lawyer. Master in International Relations from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). She also graduated in Dominican Republic Dominican-Haitian relations, and currently is studying Political Science at the National University of Distance Education (UNED) Spain. She is an expert in Digital Economy E-business by the UCM, and has worked in various media in Spain and the Dominican Republic and in Corporate Communication in projects with Santander, Telefónica and MIT. She was awarded with the National Tourism Award in 2015. Works for prestigious communications agency Porter Novelli Caribbean. Collaborates for the newspaper El País and Forbes Magazine Spain.

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Jeannette Mateo

Consejo Dominicano de la Pesca

Biologist from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, and Master in Science in biological oceanography from the University of Puerto Rico, and studied aquaculture (PISIE-Italy - ICDF-Taiwan) and international relations of Latin American FLACSO. She has over 20 years of experience working in fisheries management, biodiversity studies, design and implementation of management plans for at least four protected areas, and community development projects in Guatemala, Panama and the Dominican Republic. She has been the director of the Fishery Resources of the Dominican Council for Fisheries (CODOPESCA), where is responsible for the design of annual action plans, coordinates and oversees 9 units fisheries management with nearly 100 fisheries officers and enumerators, and coordinates the aquaculture information system among others. Her office is the focal point for the European Union such as ICRAFD, ISEC and ACP Fish II, which monitors its development remains the agreed standards. Since 2006, she is part of the Faculty of Biology (Zoology) UASD and participate in summer courses at the Technological University of Santiago, Ibero-American University and Frederick Dickinson University in the Dominican Republic. She has been the TNC marine specialist organization in the Dominican Republic, offers advice to the CITES Management Authority and is a member of the regional organization OSPESCA.

Ramón de León

Consultor independiente

Oceanographer, born in Uruguay who lives in the Caribbean since 1997. It was the director of Bonaire National Marine Park (2004-2015), responsible for handling issues including park staff, preparation and implementation of budgets, monitoring of compliance laws, plans design and coordination of research and monitoring, education and extension and maintenance of the park. This park is a pioneer in the concept of "dive tag" as a means of financing sustainable management and conservation of protected areas. In his long career in conservation and management, he has specialized in designs AMP, skills development, systems sustainable financing for protected areas, bio-physical monitoring and socio-economic assessment of management effectiveness, management of fisheries resources, tourism sustainable and adaptation to climate change. He is a leader with great knowledge in MPA stakeholder participation, discussion process facilitator, conflict resolution, promoting alternative livelihoods and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources. Among his achievements in the management of MPAs are the design, implementation and certification of required training courses for all guides and tourism service providers, comprehensive legislation NRM (ordinances nature conservation and management Bonaire National Marine park and other conservation laws).

María Lucía Prinz

Solimar International

She is a Guatemaltan/Austrian with degree in ecotourism from Universidad del Valle, Guatemala. She has over 15 years of experience in the development of community eco-tourism businesses, providing technical assistance to community business in Central America, South America, Africa and Asia. Her consultancies have been developed in the field of generating business plans, product development, operations, staff training, marketing and feasibility studies mainly for communitarian business, and resulting in the application of a methodology that focuses on training staff and MYPMES (micro and small business) and optimization of administrative processes and sales strategies to increase their competitiveness. She has also worked in the development of strategic plans for national parks to improve tourism and public use in protected areas seen as a strategy linking tourism with conservation, in order to provide employment opportunities and communicate the importance of conserving and use natural resources in a sustainable manner. She has implemented projects in Guatemala, Honduras, Granada and the Dominican Republic with governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Dr. Falcetta earned his doctorate in modeling complex systems at the

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Marco Falcetta

Planning and Development Consulting

University La Sapienza of Rome, Italy, and a master's degree in mechanical engineering from the same university. He has over 20 years of professional experience, working in the development of international and multicultural projects where he has applied his theoretical knowledge and use his skills in information technology including designing databases and computer programs. Examples of these projects have covered issues on: design management programs for multiple users, strategic policy analysis and development planning and sustainability in rural environments, formulating plans for waste management, and design and implementation of analysis computerized data for decision-making system linking geo-spatial information, and tabulation databases. These projects have been developed in Italy, Egypt, Albania, Yemen, Israel, Vanuatu, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Lebanon, Palestine, South Africa, France, Ecuador, Brazil and Peru among others. Since 2015 it has begun work in the Dominican Republic. He speaks Italian, English and Spanish.

Edoardo Scepi

Biologist from the Sapienza University, Rome, Italy and studies on the impact of climate change on tropical forests in Brunei, Darussalam, English and chemistry. He has good knowledge in database management, GIS, and specialized programs in the interpretation of remote active products and passive sensors. Between 2005 and 2015, he has worked in Yemen, Brunei Durassalam, Mozambique, South Africa, Albania, Lebanon and Papua New Guinea. In these projects he has participated in field work, development of thematic maps, consultant databases, GIS implementation and management online. Several GIS applications have addressed aspects of conflict resolution, management of botanical gardens, trees censuses, Synergistic analysis for decision-making, among others. He has begun to develop the model for decision-making in the planning of protected areas in the Dominican Republic in 2015. He speaks Italian, English and Spanish.

Alessandra Vanzella-Khouri

She is a marine biologist and a master from the Florida International University. She has developed her professional career working with the United Nations Program for Environment (UNEP), in Nairobi and its Regional Coordinating Unit for the Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP) in Jamaica. As a program officer, she is leading the Secretariat of the SPAW Protocol of the Cartagena Convention. In her more than 25 years of professional experience, she has written, developed, and supervised hundreds of regional projects aimed at the conservation of biodiversity in the Greater Caribbean, is one of the founders of the Caribbean Marine Protected Areas Network and Forum (CaMPAM), established as a tool to strengthen marine conservation, seeking solutions to the impacts of overfishing, reduce conflicts and promote alternative sustainable livelihood of coastal communities. Under her leadership the program of CaMPAM mentors, a database of Caribbean MPAs has been also created. She has been instrumental in promoting training and small grants program such as the Training of Trainers course, which is already making its 12th edition.

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Appendix 3. Course participants No. País Nombre Institución - AMP

1 Panamá

Ángel Vega

Univ. de Panamá/Centro Regional Universitario de Veraguas Profesor PN Montijo, PN Coib (507)65973385

2 Panamá Carlos Saldaña

Mi Ambiente / Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre PN Marino Golfo de Chiriquí Jefe de parque [email protected] (507)7708038

3 Haití Hugue Surfin

Dirección departamental Agrícola del Sur Responsable pesca y acuacultura [email protected] (509)31519677

4 Haití Jean ElieThys

Programa de los Naciones Unidas por el Medio Ambiente Haiti Varias nivel nacional Responsable pesca y acuacultura [email protected] (509)31702373

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5 Belice Inés García

Varias nivel nacional Departamento de Pesquerías Oficial pesca [email protected] (501)2244552

6 Colombia Ingrid Rodríguez

Johnny Cay Regional Park CORALINA Administradora [email protected] (57)3162465705

7 Colombia

Jenyfer Mona Sanabria

DMI Cispatá, la Balsa y Tinajones Fundación Omacha Coordinador sede Caribe [email protected] (57)3213436897

8 Colombia Elizabeth Ortiz

DMI Ensenada de Rionegro, bajos aledaños y ciénagas del Salado y Marimonda, Necocli, y PNR humedales de los rios Leon Suriqui. Corpo-Uraba [email protected] (57)3128952414

9 Puerto Rico

José Vargas

Reserva Guánica-Cayo María Langa HJR Reefscaping Profesional de campo [email protected] 1(787)3147617

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10 Puerto Rico

Luis Rodríguez

Refugio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de Boquerón Departamento de Recursos Naturales Biólogo II [email protected] 1(787)3963293

11 Cuba Julieth González

Varias nivel nacional Centro Nacional de Áreas Protegidas de Cuba Especialista AMP [email protected] (53)76395088

12 Cuba Roberto Varela

PNN Guanahacabibes Centro Nacional de Áreas Protegidas de Cuba Especialista principal [email protected] (53)48750366

13 Cuba Zaimiuri Hernández

PN Cayos de San Felipe Empresa Nacional Para la Protección de la Flora y Fauna Administradora [email protected] (53)48794169

14 Venezuela Someira Zambrano

Varias nivel nacional INPARQUES Directora estudios básicos [email protected] (58)4242569996

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15 Rep. Dom.

Susanne Leib

Zona marina costera Punta Cana Fundación Grupo Punta Cana Coordinador proyectos costeros y marinos [email protected] 1(809)9599221 x1805

16 Rep. Dom.

Manuel Rodríguez

Parque Submarino Sosua Mi Ambiente / Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre Técnico en recursos costeros y marinos [email protected] 1(829)2858867

17 Rep. Dom.

Tony Peña

PN La Hispaniola Mi Ambiente / Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre Administrador [email protected] 1(829)2984979

18 Rep. Dom. Darío Flores

PN Submarino Montecristi Mi Ambiente / Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre Técnico evaluaciones ecológicas costeras [email protected] 1(809)5674300 x 6383

19 Rep. Dom. Johny Acevedo

PN Submarino Montecristi, Cayos Siete Hermanos, PN Morro, Santuario Mamíferos Marinos Estero Hondo. Mi Ambiente / Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre Administrador [email protected] 1(809)4527545

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20 Rep. Dom.

Ana Montán

Parque Ecológico de Nigua Mi Ambiente / Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre Administradora [email protected] 1(809)5676300 x 7173

21 Rep. Dom. José Luis González

Monumento Natural Laguna Cabarete y Goleta Mi Ambiente / Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre Administrador [email protected] 1(829)9344275

22 Rep. Dom. Zoilo Espinal

RVS El Gran Estero de Nagua Mi Ambiente / Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre Administrador [email protected] 1(829)3833699

23 Rep. Dom. Danny Morales

MN Isla Catalina, La Romana Mi Ambiente / Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre Administrador [email protected] 1(809)5012871

24 Rep. Dom.

Andrés Santana

RVS. Ría Maimón Mi Ambiente / Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre Administrador [email protected] 1(809)8128840

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Appendix 4. Course photographic collection

Classroom arrangement and classes

Working group exercises

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Instructors close up

Online classes

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First field trip

Second field trip

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Work and integration after classes

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Appendix 5. Course press releases

The CaMPAM Network and Forum - A Social Network for Enhancing MPA Effectiveness in the Wider Caribbean through Communication and Capacity Building Tools

Caribbean Marine Protected Areas Managers forum

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 10:15:56 -0400

Estimados miembros de la red CaMPAM, CaMPAM comienza la 12ava edición del curso “Capacitación de capacitadores en la Gestión de AMP del Caribe” este lunes en Puerto Plata, República Dominicana. En respuesta a los miembros de la red CaMPAM interesados en nuestro programa de “Capacitación de capacitadores..”, adjunto el programa del próximo curso regional que tendrá lugar del 26 de septiembre al 7 de octubre en la República Dominicana. El informe del curso regional de 2015 (para los países de habla Inglés), celebrado en Granada (organizado por la UICN con la colaboración de CaMPAM) y de muchos otros cursos se puede encontrarse en la página web de CaMPAM. El contenido del curso ha evolucionado para abordar los temas de mayor demanda de los alumnos. Como resultado de la evaluación de los alumnos al final de cada curso (a través de cuestionario detallado y discusión oral) y la sugerencia de los instructores, las clases se han ido adaptado para hacer frente a algunas de las necesidades más apremiantes de conocimiento del personal de AMP. Por ejemplo, el módulo sobre las características biofísicas del medio marino tanto en la zona plataforma como a escala eco-regional, y el de las amenazas al medio ambiente por usos inadecuados, todavía están en alta demanda y se han fortalecido con información sobre los servicios ecológicos que ofrecen y el efecto de la influencia terrestre y marina en su capacidad de recuperación, así como el efecto de algunos eventos de ámbito regional (por ejemplo, las especies invasoras), y mundial originados por cambios planetarios en el medio ambiente marino. Otras áreas como las herramientas de comunicación, el uso de sistemas de soporte de decisiones para la gestión ecosistémica de la zona costera, lo último de la investigación y el monitoreo (en práctica por investigadores y personal de las AMP) y los mecanismos de financiación sostenible con los conceptos básicos de la planificación de negocios han tomado mayor protagonismo en el curso. A pesar de la limitación de tiempo de un curso de 13 días para hacer frente a todos los aspectos de la gestión del AMP, la participación de expertos del Caribe como instructores y profesores ha sido muy beneficiosa. CaMPAM es sensible a esto y reconoce el aumento de la riqueza de conocimientos y experiencia de los profesionales del Caribe en los últimos 15 años. Además, el creciente interés en las areas marinas protegidas por los gobiernos nacionales y la inversión en los últimos 5-8 años en la conservación marina por un flujo de fondos de organizaciones de financiación y cooperación internacionales (en particular del Banco Mundial, los sistemas de la ONU y los gobiernos de Europa y EE.UU. ) complementan en gran medida los esfuerzos de CaMPAM. Los esfuerzos que se iniciaron en el año 1998 por la Secretaría de SPAW del Convenio de Cartagena han sido emulado y ampliado por otros. Muy bien!! El PNUMA-PAC SPAW CAR y su CaMPAM son conscientes y felices de estos desarrollos, y que mantiene comprometido a mejorar su programa para servir mejor a la comunidad de la ciencia y la práctica de AMP a través de sus principales herramientas y esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos. Espero que este mensaje responda a algunas de sus peticiones y preguntas. Saludos, Georgina Bustamante, Ph.D.

Caribbean Marine Protected Areas Managers forum

Wed, 28 Sep 2016 15:15:26 -0400

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CaMPAM XII regional course began Monday in Puerto Plata, north coast of the Dominican Republic. Twenty-four representatives from 8 countries (1 from Belize, 3 from Cuba, 3 from Colombia, 10 from Dominican Republic, 2 from Haiti, 2 from Panama, 1 from Venezuela, and 2 from Puerto Rico) are being trained on the basic topics that and more demanded subjects by the CaMPAM Network .... with the financial support of the Directorate for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy.

In the first 2 days, participants presented themselves, exchanged information on their life and work, and received a brief information about UNEP CEP and its SPAW protocol (which is the basis of CaMPAM and Training of Trainers program since 1999). Dr. Michelle Scharer lectured on ecosystem services and the effect of fishing and tourism thereon, environmental monitoring and its application on management, and other environmental information to understand how coastal ecosystems function and the effect of its misuse. Dr. Ruben Torres shared information on the spatial and inter-annual variability of reef health in various countries of the Caribbean which suggest a greater adverse effect of the overfishing vs. coral mortalities occurred by coral bleaching events after sustained temperature increases in the summer (for those who blame all evil to global climate change to evade local responsibility for any misuse of marine resources). He also reported on the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network in the Caribbean (GCRMN) and the coral reef score cards published for some countries. Remote communication tools allowed Drs. Martha Prada and Jeffry Wielgus to impart classes via Skype and interact with participants clearly and effectively. Their lectures on the connectivity of

the populations of several marine species in the Caribbean, and the evaluation of ecosystem services in some areas generated great interest and active exchange. Today began the class on another topic of great interest: communication tools and their use by MPAs and other environmental protection agencies. Notes about this will be posted in the coming days so do not forget to check our messages to find out. Visit http://cep.unep.org/meetings/2016-meetings/ToT-mpam-course/@@downloads for course documents. Greetings from Puerto Plata


Marine protected area managers from the Caribbean receive a master class on strategic communication.

October 3, 2016

The class was imparted during the CaMPAM Regional course that takes place in Dominican Republic covered such important issues as the definition of the basic elements of the communication process; keys online communication vehicles and its various channels; awareness campaigns and marketing; relations with the media; crisis management processes, and the need to quantify the results, among other topics. The class comprised interactive exercises and videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUgz7Nu59w0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md6L5oF_AVQ&list=PL9VZVTdwNuK_WAxr3KSnI45fkMWOlHc0A&index=19; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR2X6sqsAiY The instructor Elena Crespo, journalist and communications consultant in Caribbean Porter Novelli said: "Generally speaking, organizations communicate for two main reasons: to inform and convince. The issuer, in this case, expected the target audiences to react to your messages with an action or clear answer either support agreement, etc. So you must know the recipients very well and work with messages that reach them. The campaigns are useful when impact the population and promote behavior communication you must answer the question would be: What is the problem we want to solve? On the other hand, the course coordinator Georgina Bustamante stressed that "it is essential for marine protected areas to have a website or blog like Facebook where ecological and socio-economic characteristics of the area are disseminated, the management scheme with the regulations and other tools are posted, as well as the activities undertaken, including research surveys, and education and community outreach activities. All this information is useful to show the seriousness of the protected area and for providing a platform where the stakeholders can post their opinion". She added, "protected areas have to be marketed like any business, regardless of their non-profit nature and nature conservation objectives".

Stay tuned to future communications.

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Georgina Bustamante, Ph.D. Coordinator

La prensa dominicana destaca el curso CaMPAM que se realiza en Puerto plata

Octubre 3, 2017.

http://elnuevodiario.com.do/mobile/article.aspx?id=500473 Georgina Bustamante, Ph.D. Coordinator


Personal de las áreas marinas protegidas del Caribe recibe una clase magistral sobre comunicación estratégica

Octubre 4, 2017.

Esta clase del curso regional de CaMPAM en República Dominicana abarcó aspectos tan importantes como la definición de los elementos básicos del proceso de comunicación; las claves de la comunicación en línea y sus diferentes canales; las campañas de concientización y mercadeo; las relaciones con los medios de comunicación; el manejo de los procesos de crisis, y la necesidad de

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cuantificar los resultados, entre otros temas. La clase comprendió ejercicios interactivos y videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUgz7Nu59w0

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md6L5oF_AVQ&list=PL9VZVTdwNuK_WAxr3KSnI45fkMWOlHc0A&index=19; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR2X6sqsAiY

La instructora Elena Crespo, periodista y asesora en comunicación de Caribbean Porter Novelli manifestó: “En términos generales, las organizaciones se comunican por dos razones principales: informar y convencer. El emisor, en este caso, espera que los públicos objetivos reaccionen a sus mensajes con una acción o respuesta clara, ya sea de apoyo, de acuerdo, etc. Por eso se debe conocer muy bien al destinatario y trabajar con mensajes que le lleguen. Las campañas son útiles cuando impactan en la población y motivan cambios en su comportamiento. La comunicación efectiva puede ser también una herramienta de solución de problemas. Por lo tanto, antes de iniciar cualquier comunicación la pregunta que debe responder sería: ¿qué problema la comunicación queremos resolver?”

Por su parte, la coordinadora del curso Georgina Bustamante resaltó que “es esencial que las áreas marinas protegidas posean una página web o bitácora como Facebook donde se divulguen las características ecológicas y socioeconómicas del área, el esquema de gestión con los reglamentos de uso y otras herramientas, y las actividades que se realizan, comprendidas las de investigación y las educativas y de extensión comunitaria. Toda esa información es de utilidad para mostrar la seriedad de las labores que se realizan y ofrecer una plataforma para recibir la opinión del público interesado”. Y añadió: “las áreas protegidas tienen que mercadearse como cualquier negocio, no importa que sea uno no lucrativo y con objetivos de conservación de la naturaleza”.

Manténganse atentos a próximas comunicaciones.

Los participantes del curso regional de CaMPAM aprovechan el buen tiempo en la costa norte de Republica Dominicana para salir al mar y ampliar los conocimientos impartidos por expertos regionales sobre la caracterización de ecosistemas y sus necesidades de un una buena gestión de sus servicios.

Octubre 5, 2016

Los 24 representantes de los 8 países, acompañados y guiados por los expertos regionales los Drs. Rubén Torres de Rep. Dominicana y Michelle Scharer de Puerto Rico, Ramón de León de Bonaire, y su servidora, la coordinadora de CaMPAM, realizaron un ejercicio de campo para tomar datos submarinos de la calidad ambiental de manglares, arrecifes coralinos y pastos marinos del Parque Nacional Montecristi en la zona de Punta Rucia y Estero Hondo, observar sus negocios turísticos y participar de un conversatorio con los pescadores de la zona organizado por Reef Check Rep. Dominicana y Agrofrontera.

A l siguiente día, los 3 grupos presentaron sus observaciones y se suscitó un amplio debate sobre esos temas. Los participantes dominicanos discutieron como mejorar el trabajo con los

grupos de la comunidad para la gestión de las áreas, uno de los objetivos de este curso.

La Dra. Bustamante señaló a todos que “es vuestra responsabilidad atraer la atención de investigadores y los recursos de programas regionales para realizar trabajos de investigación y monitoreo en su área con rigor científico, a la vez que exigir el derecho de participar en los mismos y el retorno de los resultados. Pero no vale nada el esfuerzo si la información no se aprovecha, no se divulga públicamente y no se aplica a la gestión” y recomendó consultar las fichas informativas de las mejores prácticas para la gestión de áreas protegidas publicadas por el SPAW-RAC que poseen consejos útiles escritos en lenguaje coloquial.

Participants of CaMPAM regional course on MPA management sent a thank you letter to the UNEP-CEP SPAW program

October 18, 2016.

The XII edition of the Trainers of Trainers on the Management of Marine Protected Areas in the Caribbean held in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic successfully concluded on October 7, 2016. This UNEP-CEP course is one of the activities of the project entitled “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean through Ecosystem Based Management” funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate General for Development Cooperation along with other local partners.

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The 24 participants from eight countries expressed their gratitude for the great experience, the strengthening of their knowledge and the possibility to continue working through the local follow-up activity. As a result of this productive learning experience, the alumni took the initiative to write a letter to UNEP-CEP acknowledging the opportunity to participate and expressing that the knowledge acquired will be applied to the region’s effort to advance MPA management capacity and the increasing application of an ecosystem-based approach to marine and coastal management. See the letter attached to this message.


La XII edición del curso de Capacitación a Capacitadores en la Gestión de las Áreas Marinas Protegidas del Caribe realizado en Puerto Plata, República Dominicana concluyó con éxito este 7 de octubre de 2016. El curso es un resultado del proyecto titulado "La Biodiversidad para el Desarrollo Sostenible en el Caribe Mediante la Gestión Ecosistémica" del PNUMA/PAC. Este proyecto es co-financiado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores italiano, a través de la de la Dirección de Cooperación Internacional y su Programa para el Desarrollo de medio Ambiente, junto con otros socios locales. Los 24 participantes de ocho países expresaron su agradecimiento por la gran experiencia, el fortalecimiento de sus conocimientos y la posibilidad de continuar trabajando a través de las actividades de seguimiento del curso. Como resultado de este productivo proceso de aprendizaje, los exalumnos tomaron la iniciativa de escribir una carta al PNUMA/PAC agradeciendo la oportunidad brindada y reconociendo que todos los esfuerzos hechos se verán compensados con el avance de la gestión de AMPs en el Caribe y la creciente incorporación de las herramientas de Gestión Ecosistémica. Dicha carta se encuentra adjunta a este mensaje.

Participants of CaMPAM regional course assist each other in the preparation of proposals of The Training of Trainers local follow-local training activities supported by the SPAW Programme

October 20, 2016.

The local follow-up phase of the XII edition of the Trainers of Trainers on Marine Protected Areas Management in the Caribbean course will multiply the effect of the participants learning with the implementation of 7 in-country training activities in the next months, organized by the graduates. The collective discussions both, within each country group and with all 24 students at the last day class, improve the original proposals, as well as their creativity and group-working skills.

The following held back home in the next months:

1. Training workshop to be held in the Ciénaga de Zapata Biosphere Reserve, Cuba: To share with Cuban MPA staff nation-wide the knowledge acquired, particularly on coral reef monitoring, while learning about ecosystem functioning and connectivity and the application of ecosystem-based approach in the marine area management.

2. Training workshop on improvement of integrated planning in Morrocoy National Park, Venezuela: Due to the impact of uncontrolled tourism and population increase, there is a need to improve the participatory planning and carry out restoration measures. A broad spectrum of stakeholders will learn on the principles of ecosystem-based management and build together guidelines to progressively incorporate new information, better monitoring and more effective communication strategies, among other actions.

3. Developing a manual for the park rangers under the Department of Natural Resources (DRNA), Puerto Rico: This activity will address the lack of understanding of ecosystem functioning and services, and assist on the identification of protected species. The manual will be used in training workshops and educational materials will be produced in response to the needs identified in the DRNA strategic plan.

4. Development of a training and communication strategy in three Caribbean marine managed areas in Colombia (Distritos Manejo Integrados de Cispatá y Tinajones, Ensenada de Rionegro, bajos aledaños y ciénagas, and Seaflower): The strategy will have two phases, one within each area (participant sites) and another one at the national level through the SIRAP (Subsistema de Areas Marinas Protegidas) platform. Concepts and methods of evaluating ecosystem services in marine managed areas will be disseminated, community participation increased, and conservation actions supported by stakeholders.

5. Training workshop on MPA management and monitoring in the Caribbean coast of Panama: Training for 5 MPA staff on ecosystem services and monitoring protocols to evaluate the MPA performance. Lessons learned and success achieved in the Pacific coast will be shared with Caribbean MPA personnel.

6. Training workshop for park rangers in Belize: The activities will focus on the improvement of rangers and local stakeholders communication and knowledge on ecosystem function and services, including the development of a calendar of training activities. Usually, educational activities respond to particular projects so there is a need for a structured training

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program for all marine reserves. The proposal includes an exchange between Belize and Colombia-San Andres Archipelago to learn about the SIRAP platform and other educational tools.

7) Training workshops to promote sound fishing practices within MPAs in Dominican Republic: Dominican participants will work together in the preparation of a workshop, that it will be later presented to the fishing communities and other stakeholders from 8 MPA (Punta Cana, Monumento Natural laguna Cabarete y Goleta, Monumento Natural Isla Catalina, Refugio de Vida Silvestre Gran Estero, Refugio de Vida Silvestre Ría Maimón, Parque Nacional La Hispaniola, Parque Sub Marino de Montecristi, and Parque Ecológico de Nigua). This workshop will sensitize local MPA user on ecosystem services and the importance of the sustainable fishing and promote discussion on ecosystem threats in general. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx La fase de seguimiento contemplada en la XII edición del curso de Capacitación a Capacitadores en la Gestión de Áreas Marinas Protegidas del Caribe multiplicará el proceso de aprendizaje con la realización de actividades de seguimiento en 7 países. Las discusiones desarrolladas tanto al interior de los representantes por país como en plenaria con todos los 24 participantes realizadas el último día de clase, ha mejorado las propuestas iniciales y ha fortalecido su creatividad y habilidad para trabajar en grupo. Las siguientes son las actividades que los participantes desarrollarán a su regreso: 1. Taller de capacitación en la Reserva de la Biósfera Ciénaga de Zapata, Cuba: Para compartir con el personal del sistema

nacional de AMP de Cuba los conocimientos adquiridos, particularmente en lo relacionado con los protocolos de monitoreo en los arrecifes de coral, y los conceptos de funcionamiento de los ecosistemas, su conectividad, y la aplicación de gestión ecosistémica en la administración de las AMPs.

2. Taller de capacitación para el mejoramiento de la planificación integrada en el Parque Nacional Morrocoy, Venezuela:

Debido a los impactos del incremento descontrolado del turismo y del incremento poblacional existe la necesidad de mejorar la planificación participativa y de desarrollar acciones de recuperación. Una amplia gama de actores aprenderán los conceptos de la gestión ecosistémica y construirán conjuntamente directrices que permitan incorporar progresivamente nueva información y estrategias más eficaces de control y comunicación, entre otras acciones.

3. Desarrollo de un manual para guardaparques del Departamento de Recursos Naturales (DRNA), Puerto Rico: Esta actividad atenderá la falta de comprensión del funcionamiento y de los servicios de los ecosistemas, y facilitará la correcta identificación de las especies protegidas. El manual será utilizado en talleres de capacitación y se producirán materiales educativos en respuesta necesidades identificadas en el plan estratégico interna del DRNA.

4. Desarrollo de una estrategia de capacitación y comunicación en tres áreas marinas (Distritos Manejo Integrados de Cispatá y

Tinajones, Ensenada de Rionegro, bajos aledaños y ciénagas, and Seaflower), Colombia: La estrategia tendrá dos fases, una al interior de cada área (de los participantes) y la otra a nivel nacional a través de la Plataforma SIRAP (Sub-sistema Regional de Áreas Protegidas). Se diseminarán los conceptos y métodos para evaluar los servicios ecosistémicos, ampliando la participación comunitaria y el apoyo a las acciones de conservación.

5. Taller sobre gestión y monitoreo de AMPs en la costa norte de Panamá: Se capacitará al personal de 5 AMPs en los

conceptos de servicios ecosistémicos y protocolos de monitoreo para evaluar el desempeño de estas áreas protegidas. Lecciones aprendidas y los avances logrados en la sección del Pacífico serán compartidos con el personal de las AMPs de la sección del Caribe.

6. Taller para guardaparques en Belice: La actividad se concentrará en el mejoramiento de la comunicación entre los guardaparques y con actores locales y el conocimiento de las funciones y servicios ecosistémicos, incluyendo el desarrollo de un calendario de las actividades de capacitación. Por lo general, las actividades de educación responden a proyectos particulares y hay necesidad de estructurar un programa de capacitación para todas las reservas marinas. La propuesta incluye un intercambio entre a Belice y Colombia-Archipiélago de San Andrés para aprender sobre la plataforma SIRAP y otras actividades educativas.

7. Talleres regionales para promover prácticas de pesca sostenible en las áreas protegidas, República Dominicana: Los

participantes dominicanos trabajarán conjuntamente en la preparación de un taller que será posteriormente presentado a las comunidades de pescadores de 8 AMPs (Punta Cana, Monumento Natural laguna Cabarete y Goleta, Monumento Natural Isla Catalina, Refugio de Vida Silvestre Gran Estero, Refugio de Vida Silvestre Ría Maimón, Parque Nacional La Hispaniola, Parque Sub Marino de Montecristi, and Parque Ecológico de Nigua). Este taller sensibilizará actores locales de las AMPs en los conceptos de los servicios ecosistémicos y la importancia de la pesca sostenible, promoviendo la discusión de las amenazas de los ecosistemas en general.

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Appendix 6. Alumni acknowledgement letter