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Now that winter is finally over and spring has arrived, lets get our children out in the fresh air and having some exercise and fun.The benefits of getting children playing outdoors are many, for both your child and yourself. If your child is difficult to look after and keep safein the park or at an outdoor activity area, then start small and just stay in the garden.I know for many, taking their child to an outdoor area where they can run and run .. and run (usually away from you!!!) is incredibly daunting and really impractical. I remember when Emily was younger, she would just keep running-Robert and I would take turns to run with her, to keep her safe. So, if you feel safe in the garden stay in the garden.Being outside and able to run and jump, will get the heart pumping, the body moving and use up the endless energy that our children tend to have. If your child is not that keen on play equipment and seems to just run up and down GREAT! Never rush your child to use garden climbing frames, swings or slides. I know you have spent lots of money buying them and you will be keen for your child to benefit from playing on them, but if you rush or push your child into using them, you will worry, scare and overstimulate them, before they are ready.Being in a confined space is sometimes difficult for our children. They get stressed, they hit out, they thrash about and things get damaged in the home, which can causea great deal ofupset.Getting them out into the garden where there is so much more space, is a really good idea. So, youve decided to open the door and adventure outside with your child what do you do next?START SMALLIt really doesnt matter what you do with your child outside. What matters is that you are helping them to be in the fresh air and being active with you and connected to you.The first time you and your child go outside, just be an observer. Stand back and watch whatthey do, what they look at and how they behave.JOIN YOUR CHILDWhatever your child does outside, try to join them. If they are running up and down run with them. If they are staring at a plant in the corner go and look at the plant with them. If they just go and sit on a bench go and sit with them.SHOW THEM HOW TO HAVE FUNOnce your child is relaxed in the garden, you can start to show them how to have fun. This means you really getting involved and active yourself. If you want your child to use the trampoline, you have to be the leader and really sell it tothem.Show them how much fun it is to swing -let them see you doing it. Emily was about 6 before she would sit on a swing,8 before she allowed it to move and about 9 before she would let me push her.

CELEBRATE THEIR SUCCESSESEverything that your child does CELEBRATE, CELEBRATE, CELEBRATE!!!Cheer, laugh, shout make it obvious, to your child that you think they are amazing. You may have to tailor the amount of noise you make, if your child struggles with auditory stimulus overload, but even when you are whispering, you can look really excited!!!SHARING SPACE WITH OTHER CHILDRENA garden is usually a wonderful space for your childtoget used to having other children and adults around. They do not have to interact or play with them, if they dont want to, but just being close to them is a stepping stone to that end. RELAXING CORNER OF THE GARDENCreate a relaxing corner in the garden, for your child to go to when they are feeling overstimulated and need time out. It could just be some garden cushions, a drink, a toy they love to play with, or you could invest in a paddling pool filled with ball pit balls! Whatever works for your child is perfect.OUTSIDE THE GARDENWhen you do venture out of the garden, take something with you that your child loves to play with. It could be as simple as a football or their scooter! In the garden, you are able to control the environment and the people that are in it, but outside this is not possible. People may stare or make unkind comments, as your beautiful child runs up anddownthe perimeter fence of the childrens play area at the park. They may look disapprovingly, as your child shouts and jumps up and down BUT SO WHAT!!! Smile and carry on having fun with your child.

COMING HOME FROM THE PARK!Sometimes, this can be really tricky. If your child is having a great time, they may not want to leave. Definitely, give your child lots of notice of when you intend to head off home, but alsotell your child about some wonderful thing you will do when you get there. It could be to watch their favourite dvd or eat their favourite lunch. It really doesnt matter, as long as your child is motivated to go home. Enjoy the summer and have fun!Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can,Danny KayeTake care.THE AUTISM NANNYwww.theautismnanny.co.uk