Writing Different Text Types

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  • 7/26/2019 Writing Different Text Types


  • 7/26/2019 Writing Different Text Types


    1. +pening: /ddress your letter to ear the na!e or #ob title of the person you ha&e been ased to

    write to, then start a new line for the opening paragraph. /lthough it is a good idea to put dates and

    addresses on for!al letters, and to sign the! appropriately, these are not reuired in the exa!.

    2. aragraph 1: -ntrodu$tion 4 hy are you writing6 7i&e the general ai! and !ini!u! infor!ation

    only, e.g. I am writingto complain, apply, request, disagree, and an indi$ation of what you areresponding to e.g. a re$ent holiday or a letter in last wee8s newspaper". Example: Following last

    weeks story about immigration, I am writing to complain about te tone o! te article".

    3. aragraph 2: etails of the situation 4 7i&e pre&ious history of e&ent or your ba$ground or

    experien$e. ay what happened exactlyif you are !aing a $o!plaint, or fo$us dire$tly on the text

    you are arguing with. *his se$tion should in$lude spe$ifi$ data su$h as na!es, dates, fa$ts and


    %. aragraph 3: 9urther de&elop!ent 4 7i&e further support to your $lai! or reuest. u!!arise the

    $urrent situation and why you should be gi&en $onsideration e.g. other proble!s whi$h o$$urred

    with your holiday a$$o!!odation, how well you fulfil the #ob reuire!ents"

    5. 9inal paragraph: 9uture a$tion 4 ay what you wish to happen next e.g. that you loo forward to

    being $alled for inter&iew or expe$t to re$ei&e so!e $o!pensation as soon as possible. uggest,

    fir!ly but politely, what !ay happen if you do not re$ei&e a response to a $o!plaint."

    Endingsear ir, ear r ;rown,

  • 7/26/2019 Writing Different Text Types


    ! "#$%&'(

    / diary is a personal re$ord of things that ha&e happened to the writer. -t $an alsore$ord the writer=s thoughts or feelings.

    >ey features:

    4 rite in the first person =-=

    4 ate at the top

    4 Clear paragraphs with topi$ senten$es

    4 7i&e a $lear sense of the writer=s personality and explain their feelings and

    $hanging e!otions

  • 7/26/2019 Writing Different Text Types


    4 9o$us on ey !o!ents or in$idents in their world

    4 ro&ide a sense of ti!e and seuen$e use ti!e $onne$ti&es: finally, afterwards,

    earlier, later that day..."

    4 ?aried un$tuation

    4 ?aried enten$e types

    @+AB/L: ore fo$us on the external, ob#e$ti&e and fa$tual.


  • 7/26/2019 Writing Different Text Types


    4 ?aried pun$tuation for effe$t... /re you with !e6 - said are you with !e67oodF"4 Bange of senten$e lengths4 Bepetition is useful to !ae sure your listeners re!e!ber4 /naphori$ phrases - ha&e a drea!H. - ha&e a drea!"

    4 Bhetori$al uestions4 Bule of three

    , -&T%-/

    *rite an inter!ie in the same ay as a script. +se the exactphrases gi!en in the #ullet points. ou can add little extra romthe inter!ieer to ma&e the text seem real, #ut not too much.

    o -ut the spea&er in (-/T(0 01TT1"S

    o +se the frst person.

    o +se a ne line hene!er a di2erent person tal&s.o 0anguage should #e relaxed, ith a##re!iations $dont,


    0ample/3T1"4/1*1": an you descri#e hat happened to you duringthe earth5ua&e and hat you did immediately aterards6

  • 7/26/2019 Writing Different Text Types



    /3T1"4/1*1": / see. *hat are the needs o your people at the

    present time6

    5 WRITING A NEWSAER REORT!ARTI"LE*+ *-: tru$ture for u$$ess

    Gow to stru$ture a newspaper arti$le:

    1. / $at$hy headline that $aptures the !ain the!e of the story. *G- -LL B+;/;L< ;I 7-?I ;