WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15

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  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    Work Progress Report - 25.08.201

    S.No.Particuar Description

    ! "#aior $co%re# Pt. 'iite

    Introduction of MKS Industrial solutions

    Techno commercial Oer for Ring dryer Rev 00

    Techno Commercial oer for Evaporation lant modi!cation Rev 00

    Techno Commercial oer for Evaporation lant modi!cation Rev 0"

    Techno Commercial oer for Evaporation lant modi!cation Rev 0#

    $etails regarding "%0 T$ Ring $ryer as lant &uilding area' (tility )uilding area

    * Priiege +nustries iite

    Techno commercial oer for ring dryer Rev 00

    Techno commercial oer for ring dryer Rev 0"

    Techno commercial oer for ring dryer Rev 0#

    Techno commercial oer for ring dryer Rev0*

    En+uiry of Ring $ryer


    roposal for "00 T$ ,-.M$ Rev 00

    Technocommercial oer

    ro/ect Report for *00 T$ Starch lant

    Mass and energy )alance

    1ammer mill and I2 mill 3ith all accessories

    -lycerine plant process designing

    ai /arat Pa Process Priate'iite

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    , "cerine Pant

    -lycerine plant process data' 4$

    -lycerine plant 5ia)ility Report

    -lycerine plant &O6 meeting

    6uotation for -lycerine lant &O6

    Piccai $gro +nustries 'iite

    Techno commercial Oer for "%0 T$ Ring dryer Rev 00

    Evaporation lant visit

    En+uiry of Ring $ryer

    8 Sa%accaus Distier Pt 't

    Technocommercial oer Evaporation lant Rev00

    Technocommercial oer Evaporation lant Rev0"

    &rea7up ela)oration of evaporation plant

    Starc Pant

    ro/ect Report

    $esign and Engineering

    Milling En+uiry

    1 Nepa Pro3ect 4or SP &id su)mission

    18 $DS Spirit 80 T$ M$ plant ro/ect description

    1 $nan +nternationa technocommercial ofer for "#0 and 900K,$ evaporation plant

    20 "uson Poos Indroduction of $istillery plant

    21 '"6DP Pant En7uir ('uckno#) :nup :ggar3al

    2! Printer 4or ra#ing !nd out the Model Of 1' Epson'Canon for :"':#':* si;e

    2* $$R- /angaes %ase opan ,i+uid -lucose E

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    28 $soka Distier

    Oer for steam radiator >MOC = MS?

    Oer for steam radiator >MOC = SS*08?

    Oer for MS Supply 4an

    rocess $esign @ Engineering of RO lant

    RO lant layout along 3ith mechanical design )asis

    -eneral arrangement $ra3ings of RO lant

    Completion of :ll ro/ect data along 3ith dra3ings for RO lant

    5isit of RO plant ' :fter receiving con!rmation from $ilip or ra7esh or )oth

    2egotiation of RO plant rice 3ith arvind envisol @ -enesis

    $ra3ing of E+uipments

    &O6 of Electrical e+uipments


    Scre3 Conveyor for #T1 4luor

    Ring dryer oer' 99A 7g.hr feed )asis

    Ring $ryer' "B007g.hr feed )asis

    Ring $ryer oer for #B00 7g.hr feed )asis

    Techno commercial oer for #00 T$ ,-. 4ructose roductopn lant

    roposal for #*" K,$ Evaporation lant

    Supply of Electrical anel

    roposal of A%00 ,$ * eect evaporation plant >* = 80?

    Proposa 4or ,,5 'P; Roer Dru Drer

    Proposa 4or 1!!0 'P; Roer Dru Drer

    Proposa 4or *20 'P; Roer Dru Drer

    Proposa 4or 200 uotation 4or +ncine9 ?at /et coneor

    Oer for "9B K,$ >#0 hrs )asis? D,$ lant >3ith MEE' &atch Evaporator and $rum$ryer?

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    200 @PD 'i7ui "ucose Pant

    Proposa 4or Aeast uture @ank

    50 @PD 'i7ui "ucose an ?ructose Pant

    oBer 4or '@ Pannes

    !0 austic Recoer Pant Received Oer for caustic recovery plant

    !1 @aaga "roup :utomation Machine Rice plant

    !2 Noasep C$: conversation

    !! '"6DP pant

    Technical data sheet

    rocess $esign @ Engineering

    lant layout along 3ith mechanical design )asis

    -eneral arrangement $ra3ings

    Completion of :ll ro/ect data along 3ith dra3ings

    !* Eaporation pant

    "00K, >8 solid to 90 solid? 3ithout T5R

    "00K, >* solid to *% solid? 3ith T5R

    "00K, >0A solid to A solid? 3ithout T5R' 3ith forced circulation

    B0K, >0A solid to 8% solid? 3ithout T5R' 3ith forced circulation

    900K, >* solid to 90 solid? 3ithout T5R

    900K, >* solid to 90 solid? 3ith T5R

    35 ?ructose Prouction Pant

    lant Study @ economics

    Technical discussion

    ro/ect summary

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    Techno=commercial proposal

    ro!t.,oss evaluation report


    Material @ energy )alance

    4$' @ I$'

    Con!ne )ought items @ details

    Mechanical design )asis @ plant layout

    lant ,ayout

    -: dra3ings

    ! ain istier #00 K, >"0 solid to *0 solid? Evaporation plant

    !8 oit Petroceicas Pt. 't#00 K, >"0 solid to *0 solid? Evaporation plant

    ! Pioneer +nustries Patankot

    *00 K,$ >9B solid to *0 solid? B Eect Evaporation lant'

    #00 T$ Miling lant

    B000 MT Capacity Silo >9 2(M?

    80 T$ ,-.M$ plant Technocomercial oer

    *0 Suk3it Starc #B0 K,.$ay Evaporation E

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    * Sata%i ECports Pt. 't9 Panipat 1,0

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    ( Design & Engineering)



    Oer Sent :s per MrSheshayya proposed pro/ect e5? as Mr -upta 3ill con!rm the date of his visit to Relia)le feed'&ehror' Ra/asthan

    Ge have to send revised techno commerical proposal for Ring $ryer has capacity #B0 T$ after recon!rmation from MrMahesh -upta instead of #"9 T$ >previously demanded?

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    !nding out 4$ and ME& for -lycerin' has )een hold

    (nder rogress' has )een hold

    meeting 3ill )e 3ith simon India on #F.0F.#0"8' completed

    Ravinder Singh >SR engineering? sent rate for commissioning and errection of plant

    sent' 3aiting for Response

    $iscussion has )een done 3ith their CEO and urchase 1ead

    Sent 3aiting for further response ro/ect has )een hold )y the client

    et to )e done ro/ect has )een hold )y the client

    En+uiry has )een sent to vendors'+uotation received

    ro/ect has )een hold )y MKS

    ro/ect description Report su)mitted' 3aiting for further response

    Technocommercial for "#0K,$ @ 900K,$ evaporation plant has )een su)mitted' 3aiting for further response

    Introduction sent to Mr -yan Ti3ari' 3aiting for further response

    Technocommercial oer for 80 Ton ,-.M$ lant has )een su)mitted' pro/ect has )een hold )y the Client

    1 and Canon techno=commercial received' $iscussion to )e there to purchase it

    Telephonic discussion to )e done 3ith Mr 1arsh -arg for Esta)lishment of ,-M$ plant' 3aiting for further response

    Telephonic discussion to )e done 3ith Mr 5i7rant -upta for Esta)lishment of ,-M$ plant

    Sent on "F."".#0"8' 3aiting for further response

    oer has )een made on #"="=#0"B' ro/ect has not )een given )y the client ro/ect terminated

    oer for tan7s has )een sent on ##="=#0"B' ro/ect has )een received' completed

    $ata has )een collected form Evaporation plant as 3e found pro)lems in process and process e+uipments 3e are3or7ing to solve the pro)lem ro/ect has )een hold

    Sent and discussion held 3ith Mr 5inod' :m)ala' for *00MT Starch plant' They 3ill call after studying pro/ect reportro/ect has )een hold )y the client

    $iscussion held on "#=""=#0"8' 3aiting for further response' $iscussion held 3ith their M$' Mr Ellis as per his commentshe 3ill he 3ill read all mail and 3ill respond'

    Mr Ellis 3anted to visit the running facility of ,- production' MKS has )een denied and further correspondance is going

    on 3ith the client >&angladesh?

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    Oer prepared and sent to client on "B.09.#0"B' oer to )e revised as per advice given )y :sho7a $istillery

    oer prepared and sent to client on "9.09.#0"B' 3aiting for further response

    oer prepared and sent to client on "9.09.#0"B' 3aiting for further response

    oer prepared and sent to client on "9.09.#0"B' 3aiting for further response

    Work 4or te sae is :6P9 tentatie Date 4or opetion is 156!62015

    Work 4or te sae is :6P9 tentatie Date 4or opetion is 2260!62015

    Work 4or te sae is :6P9 tentatie Date 4or opetion is 260!62015

    Work 4or te sae is :6P9 tentatie Date 4or opetion is 260!62015

    r. Saura% & r. San3a isite R Pant in anakpuriDei on 2.0!.15

    $ ra#ing #it /> o4 te e7uipents #ic #i %e 4a%ricate #itin prepare.

    Techno commercial oer has )een su)mitted' order has )een ful!lled' pro/ect received' completed

    oer sent on #%="#=#0"8' order has )een ful!lled' pro/ect received' completed

    oer has )een repared on "%="#=#0"8' 3aiting for further response

    oer sent on "0="#=#0"8' 3aiting for further response

    Oer prepared and sent to Sharma /i for further modi!cation Machinery @ e+uipment cost to )e !in email? sent to client on 0#.0A.#0"B' 3aiting for further response

    Oer prepared' sent to Kain on #.0A.#0"B' order con!rmed

    eeting one #it $rin an '+ #as signe9 ten $rin as enie ue to soe conitions9 no#searcing 4or ne# enor.

    Ber prepare9 sent to P.

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    Ber prepare9 capacit as %een reise an conerte into 50@PD'i7ui "ucose 6 ?ructose Pant

    Ber prepare an to %e sen

    Ber prepare9 sent to P.

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    3ill )e done after completion of ro/ect summary

    3ill )e done after completion of Techno=commercial proposal

    :s per receiving data from the euestionaire sent to r. D.

  • 7/25/2019 WPR-Design Engineering 10.09.15


    Credential prepared and sent to Mano/ Sharma >* hard copies?

    >uestionaire sen to r. Su%arao 4or te #ater paraeters #aiting 4ro te sae.

    oBer su%itte to r. ano3 ug an "aura "a%a9 #aiting 4urter response 4ro te cient.

    @ecnica iscussion as %een one #it r auan9 #aiting 4or 4urter response 4ro te cient.

    Water test reports as %een su%itte9 oBer to %e su%itte

    @ecno-coercia oBer prepare on %asis o4 gas %urner.

    En7uir sent to iip9genesis eniro.

    Ber sent to r. S.P."upta on 10.0.20159 e #ant te ne# oBer #it tu%es in SS!1, @+9 an running cost4or 100