WP3 - Proceedings Consortium Meeting, Graz (27. – 28.10.2010) Peter Wintersteller Iris Pein

WP3 - Proceedings Consortium Meeting, Graz (27. – 28.10.2010) Peter Wintersteller Iris Pein

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Page 1: WP3 - Proceedings Consortium Meeting, Graz (27. – 28.10.2010) Peter Wintersteller Iris Pein

WP3 - Proceedings

Consortium Meeting, Graz (27. – 28.10.2010)

Peter Wintersteller

Iris Pein

Page 2: WP3 - Proceedings Consortium Meeting, Graz (27. – 28.10.2010) Peter Wintersteller Iris Pein

T.3.1.1. – SWOT Analysis

• The aim was to provide a tool for the partners to analyse strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the local implementations

• Has to be distributed to 5 stakeholders and 2 observers-> have there any observers / stakeholders been defined?

• Nearly finalised• Missing input from

– Klagenfurt including combinations of S-T and W-O

– ISOE regarding the structure and text

– Final revised SWOT from Reggio Emilia

Page 3: WP3 - Proceedings Consortium Meeting, Graz (27. – 28.10.2010) Peter Wintersteller Iris Pein

T.3.1.2. Show Cases

• Target: – Collect and write Show Cases– 20 new Good practice examples

(Show Cases) and 50 old show Cases from CEUS

• Outcome– Put on the REZIPE website– depicted in a map– (automatically) Linked to Show Case

Database of ELTIS.org (disseminated, translated after their quality check)

Page 4: WP3 - Proceedings Consortium Meeting, Graz (27. – 28.10.2010) Peter Wintersteller Iris Pein

T.3.1.2. Show Cases

• Why? Good practise examples for followers

• Important tool regarding implementations for pilots and follower cities to show what is possible.

• What did others do? Why and how did they make their implementations.

• Showcasing recent examples of zero emission technologies being used in vehicles, charging stations and other corresponding technologies

• Create ideas, give examples and answer questions

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T.3.1.2. Show Cases

How to write a Show Case:

1. Define the scope – where, what type of case

2. Consult search engines, news, blogs for new cases

3. Check if the Case already exists

4. Search and gather detailed information

5. Write the Case – focus on who – what – why and what happened?

6. Review Case (quality check)

7. Put it in a summary document

8. Put it on the website

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T.3.1.3. Societal Acceptance (ISOE)

• Aim: exploit societal acceptance, driving factors and hindrances of the implementations in interviews and focus groups

• Aim: 3-4 focus group discussions or interviews• Deadline: June 2011• Main questions:

– How is zero emission mobility perceived among prospective users in the REZIPE partner cities

– Expectations of trial vehicles, support schemes, purchase promotion

• Status: One focus group in Linz with applicants for an administration collective purchase for electric 2-wheelers

• Plan: 2 more focus groups and some in-depth interviews during winter and spring 2010/2011

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T.3.2.1. Planning guidelines for the implementation

• Aim: collection of useful information allowing a successful implementation

• Schemes estimating demand market (user potential) and customer requirements– Investigation of Market potential – Checklist/ catalogue of (real) requirements

• Decision support for procurement (vehicle technology)– Different vehicle characteristics for different purposes

• Individual transport in urban areas• Cargo transport in urban areas

– Catalogue of technical requirements and proposal for solutions

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Task 3.2.1 Planning guidelines for implementation

• Infrastructure measurements– Charging and battery changing stations– Road infrastructure measurements, if any– Parking facilities (park & charge, private and public)

• Marketing strategies– How to promote your E-mobility service– How to gain further earnings

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Task 3.2.1 Planning guidelines for implementation

• Knowledge and available experiences – Good practise examples– Expert knowledge

• Successful strategies for the future– Standardised/ compatible battery and charging technology– Business models for providers, power suppliers,

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T.3.2.2. Implementation Directory

• Describe implementations (public and internal parts)• 1 page per pilot region• Template provided by FGM• Pilot regions are asked for feedback and input• Will also be included on website – OK?

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T.3.4.1. Transferability Report

• Provide a picture what may be achieved by full roll out of zero emission from renewable energy platform– Describes the possibilities and preconditions for a bigger roll out

of renewable energy for zero emission mobility in the CEUS– Summarises the main enabling factors– Provide a complete picture how a joint approach may build

momentum in CEUS– Should be usable in all CEUS countries

• Due in February 2011

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T.3.4.1. Transferability Report

• Definition of details within the next weeks – first meeting on Friday (ISOE & FGM)– Content– Target Group

• Partners will be asked for input (acc. to budget):– ISOE, Prometni, Elaphe, Bolzano

– Reggio Emilia and Klagenfurt for little input

• Meeting costs 100 € for Elaphe foreseen?

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T.3.4.2. Transferability Criteria

• Criteria for a bigger roll out of renewable energy for zero emission mobility in CEUS

• Concrete criteria are defined due to experiences with demonstrators amending the transferability report– Local setting public utilities (city owned, private)

– Weather (temperature, sun), air quality problems

– Topography (hills)

– Transport system characteristics/problems (also commercial transport)

– Other local assets like producers..