Worship Team Manual Bidford Baptist Church @

Worship Team Manual - theBarn Bidford · 2 Worship Team Manual. healthy, the broken become whole, and new Christians become fully devoted followers of Jesus. • The church we see

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Page 1: Worship Team Manual - theBarn Bidford · 2 Worship Team Manual. healthy, the broken become whole, and new Christians become fully devoted followers of Jesus. • The church we see


Bidford Baptist Church @

Page 2: Worship Team Manual - theBarn Bidford · 2 Worship Team Manual. healthy, the broken become whole, and new Christians become fully devoted followers of Jesus. • The church we see

Mission StatementBidford Baptist Church exists …“To see God’s kingdom come – Where the King is honoured,His people are prepared (empowered, equipped andmobilised) and His purposes are advanced (the gospel ispreached, the lost are found, the sick healed, captives setfree and the broken made whole).”

Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and hisrighteousness, and all these things will be given to you aswell.

Vision StatementThe church we see is alive: vibrant, welcoming, joyful and fun; our services arebright, positive and celebratory.

The church we see is Spirit-filled: passionate in worship,•where His presence is tangible, where the gifts of theHoly Spirit are in operation, where those in need receivepersonal ministry, and where services are not religiousrituals but encounters with God.

The church we see is growing: attractive to seekers,•welcoming to guests, reaching out to the ostracised andthe hurting, has multiple arms extending into ourcommunities, and then challenges people to respond tothe gospel such that confessions of salvation, baptismsand changed lives are the norm.

The church we see is transformational: where broken•lives, relationships and families are restored; where deadreligion is replaced by dynamic relationship, unbelief byfaith, hopelessness by joy, where sick people become

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healthy, the broken become whole, and new Christiansbecome fully devoted followers of Jesus.

The church we see is a family: we started as a family and•will continue to be a family. Our program will includelarge, weekly, communal meetings, but also smallgatherings in people’s homes, where authenticfriendship, honesty, trust, mutual support andaccountability are cultivated.

The church we see is equipping: maturing people in•their faith, encouraging them in their gifts, developingthem in their leadership, and releasing them to beeverything they can be for the Lord.

Worship Team Mission StatementThe Worship Team’s role is to:

Cultivate a spirit of praise, joy and thanksgiving in the1church.

Lead the body of the church into the presence of the2Lord in worship.

Set an example in a lifestyle of worship.3

Encourage, instruct and inspire the body of the church4in their faith.

Above all, to glorify the Lord of Glory in music, word and5action.

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Page 4: Worship Team Manual - theBarn Bidford · 2 Worship Team Manual. healthy, the broken become whole, and new Christians become fully devoted followers of Jesus. • The church we see

Worship Team’s GoalHow do we know we’ve ‘won?’‘When the members of the congregation have connectedwith God.’

What does that mean?They’ve taken their eyes off self and onto God.•

They’ve laid down their burdens, distractions, moods.•

They’re ready to receive from the Lord.•

What does that look like?Physically engaging in the songs: Clapping, toe tapping,•hands raised, on their knees at the altar.

Their faces show that ‘they’ve got it.’•

We can feel the draw rather than resistance.•

How do we do it?Practise thoroughly to perform with excellence.•

Seeking to draw attention to the Lord, not our talents.•

Honour the presence of God and the anointing of the•Holy Spirit.

Exhortation, example and encouragement.•

Live a lifestyle of worship.•

“Turn your eyes upon JesusLook full on His wonderful faceAnd the things of earth will grow strangely dimIn the light of His glory and grace”

(Written by Helen Lemmel Public Domain)

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Ministry Guidelines 1. Dress Codea) As worship leaders we are responsible to set an example.

Choice of dress should always be appropriate, tidy andmodest for both men and women. i.e. There should be noflesh showing that shouldn’t be. We are there to be anasset in drawing people into God’s presence, not a dis-traction!

b) On Sunday morning band members should ‘dress up’ –meaning business formal / casual; trousers or skirts areequally acceptable for the ladies. For other services aslightly more relaxed dress code is acceptable, but pleaseremember that you are representing the King of kings.

2. Service Preparationa) Come to every service ‘prayed up.’ Be ready to enter

straight into His presence. Listen to worship music in thecar on the way; do not let the ‘devil’s traffic demons’ upsetyou!

b) Respect the meet time because if you’re late everyone isaffected. Constant lateness may lead to you being askedto step down from the team for a while. Be ready tosound check on time so we can practise and pray on timeand be ready on the stage by start time. It is our responsi-bility to start the service on time.

c) Make sure that your instrument is tuned, strings replaced,etc. and that your voice is properly warmed up (that’swhat the worship CD in your car is for!)

d) Every musician and singer should keep their own up-to-date music file. You will be notified of songs for each serv-ice in advance by email so you can be prepared.

e) If for any reason you are unable to make a particular serv-ice, please could you find and arrange a suitable replace-

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ment, and let the worship leader know in as much time isas possible.

f) Worship schedules will be emailed approximately everysix weeks. If there are services you cannot make, pleaselet the Worship Leader know in advance, as we draw tothe end of the previous rota.

3. Accountabilitya) Lines of submission run like this: The worship leader is re-

sponsible to the pastor / service leader. The musiciansand singers submit to the worship leader.

b) The worship leader will choose songs prior to the service,but we must all be prepared to adapt as the Holy Spiritleads.

c) The Worship Team should be prepared to flow with thepastor / service leader, to support him / her, particularlyduring response times. Follow the lead of the worshipleader, but be open and prepared to step out boldly as theHoly Spirit directs.

4. Service Logisticsa) We will meet at 9.15 on Sunday mornings, ready to pray,

sound check and practice. The aim is to be off the stageby about 10.00 and then ready to start on time. For otherservices and events the worship leader will let you knowthe equivalent times.

b) Singers and musicians should sit towards the front, at theedge of a row, on their side of the platform. Whenever theteam is called forward, they should be able to do soquickly and discreetly – the aim is to be hardly noticed.Under no circumstances should anyone be walkingacross in front of the pulpit.

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5. Making a Band that Worksa) Listening to others: It is not a matter of how much noise I

can make and how good I am. Blend in and allow spacefor others.

b) Tight rhythm: Follow the lead rhythm instrument care-fully, whether it be drums, guitar or keyboard. Keep it tightand remember that congregations, as a rule, need to betaught how to clap!

c) Backing Vocals 101:

Learn how each lead vocalist sings their particular•songs. Copy their length of notes, phrasing, dynamics(loud and soft), etc. Your job is to exactly mirror theway they sing. In quality vocal arrangements, it is asthough you can only hear one voice, because thesingers are glued together so tightly.

Harmonies: Harmonies follow the notes of the•melody line. Learn that melody line and practise,practise. We discuss who is singing what for eacharrangement. Only sing a harmony line if you havebeen authorised to do so and we have practised it,otherwise there is a danger it becomes a free-for-all.Listen to good vocal arrangements on CD, and learnwhere and when to sing them.

Learn to use your voice appropriately. Don’t try•things you cannot pull off (i.e. high notes, fill-in lines,etc.) What you do not sing is just as important aswhat you do sing.

Vibrato: A backing singer should not put vibrato in•their voice. It is virtually impossible to match thevibrato of the lead singer, and failure to do so will, bydefinition, create a clash. Learn how to sing withoutit; control is possible.

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Set your monitor mix with the lead vocalist up loud•and clear so you can follow it closely and add in anyother vocalist with whom you are trying to blend (i.e.other harmonies).

d) More is less: Good music is generally not fancy, elaborateand complicated, but simple and structured. If there is agap, only one person should be filling it, whether musi-cian or singer. Having said that, gaps in themselves aregood things. As a vocalist make sure that what you aresinging allows the lead singer space to do what they needto do.

e) Good communication: Follow the leader, look for handsignals, remember arrangements, introductions and end-ings from practice ... if necessary make notes.

6. The Psalmistsa) As in Old Testament times, music leaders are required to

lead the way, bear the standard, and set an example tothe people. We should smile, encourage, lead and drawout. Connect with the people, but make sure you are par-ticipating in worship not just ‘looking pretty.’ If you do notenter in, neither will they.

b) When David played his harp the Spirit of God moved. Weplay sensitive background music to create an atmosphereof worship, stir up the corporate anointing and supportthe minister. The true psalmist is still playing during min-istry at the end of the service and probably when every-one else has gone home!

c) At the end of the service, the worship leader will go for-ward first as the minister prays. The rest of the musiciansand singers should be attentive to the leader’s signal tocome forward. We may or may not be required to assistwith ministry time or to sing a closing song.

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7. Gifts of the Holy Spirita) Everyone leads: It is the responsibility of the entire Worship

Team to lead the congregation in worship. Be prepared tostep forward to encourage, inspire and instruct. There is aprepared framework, but leave space for the Holy Spirit.

b) Everyone listens: He wants to use you. Be sensitive, beprepared, be still and be bold!

c) Everyone respects: Do not grieve the Holy Ghost. Ourconduct on the platform should always be befitting of thepresence of the Lord. We set an example to the people. Beparticularly sensitive during ministry time: do not chat,walk about, etc.

8. Sound Teama) Sound board operators are a very important part of our

team. They are there to serve us, but must be treated withthe utmost respect. Their job is hard – please do not betoo demanding. A smile and rehearsed signal is betterthan a bad attitude.

b) Monitor mixes are always tricky to get right. Rememberthat the louder you are, the louder everyone else willneed to be to hear themselves. So, if possible we try tokeep stage noise at a minimum. Work with the soundteam to get your mix right, thinking carefully who reallyneeds to be in your mix (you may, of course, be sharing).But do make sure you can hear the lead vocal / instru-ment clearly.

c) The sound team should lead the sound check in liaison withthe worship leader. So, let them lead that process and takedirection from them, rather than the other way round.

d) The sound team are responsible for the overall front ofhouse mix, so you can leave that in their hands. Remem-ber what you can hear from your monitor mix is differentto what the congregation can hear.

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9. Qualifications for the Worship Team a) Faithfulness: You are dependable, prompt, well-presented

and professional.

b) Support the vision: Both of the church and the WorshipTeam.

c) Worshipper: If you do not worship the Lord in private, youwill not be able to do so in public.

d) Musicianship: A good musical ear is crucial, because mostmusic will be from chord charts rather than sheet music.

e) Rhythm: If you have no sense of rhythm you will find itimpossible to play within a band context.

f) Experience: We are here to develop musicians at a varietyof levels and to help you reach your God-given potential.A competent level of musicianship is clearly necessary forpublic performance, but it is our intent to teach, instructand develop musicians and singers of all levels of techni-cal ability and experience.

10. The Integrity of a Worship Leadera) As we stand at the front, in the presence of the Living

God, we cannot afford to be hypocritical or false in anyway.

b) If your heart attitude is not right before God, for whateverreason, stand down, whether it be for a single service oran agreed period of time. We will respect your decisionand endeavour to support, pastor and encourage you.

c) If you wish to take a time-out from the team, feel free. It iseasy to be burnt out, and there are times when you mayfeel the need to worship in the congregation for a whilefor refreshing, ministry and refocusing.

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11. Service Worship Leadera) Prepare thoroughly: As the leader you must be better pre-

pared that your team.

b) Get a vision for the service: A song list is birthed, notdrawn up in a rotational or random manner. Ask themwhat they’re preaching on or what the likely response willbe and try to flow with that.

c) Lead positively: People can only follow you if you areleading.

d) Please produce song-lists for the audio-visual team andmake sure they have the words in advance for any newsongs. Similarly, please let your team know the songs asearly as possible so they have time to assemble theirmusic. Remember that we are servant-leaders and assuch our aim is to make it as easy as possible for them todo their individual jobs well.

e) Flow with the pastor / minister throughout the service. Beprepared for any request they might have. That’s why it’scrucial to have a good music folder with you. You maywell wish to take that back to your seat during the mes-sage so you can pull out an appropriate response songsas they arise.

f) Be prepared for songs for ministry and a song to close theservice if required. It is always worth having more songsprepared than you think you’ll need.

12. After the Servicea) We play and sing until the service is over and / or the Holy

Spirit is done!

b) Then we leave the stage tidy (please file lyric / chordcharts) and mingle. When the last note is played our workis not yet done. As a platform minister, you are a role-model for the people: they look up to you, so befriend

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them and serve them.

c) Don’t forget to thank the sound team who support youfaithfully and to make you sound good!

13. During the Weeka) Pray: For the church, the pastor, the Worship Team, the

worship leader and get into His presence.

b) Worship: Saturate yourself with contemporary Christianmusic. Listen to worship CDs and new music as much asyou can.

c) Practice: Technical / vocal work and learn new songs /arrangements in advance. It’s always good to listen tooriginal versions so you can imitate the riffs, solos andharmonies the experts have produced.

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