Worship Habitation Refuge. Bronze and Ir

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7/25/2019 Worship Habitation Refuge. Bronze and Ir

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 Tibor-Tamás Daróczi • Adrian Ursuţiu




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Patrimonium Archaeologicum Transylvanicum



 Volume 8

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 Volume I Text

 Tibor-Tamás Daróczi • Adrian Ursuţiu

 with contributions by Szilárd Sándor Gál and Imola Kelemen




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Front cover:DEM of the lower Feneş valley, © Tibor-Tamás DARÓCZI

 Type setting: Tibor-Tamás DARÓCZI, Francisc BAJA

Drawings: Tibor-Tamás DARÓCZI, Dana BULZAN, Narcisa ŞUGAR 

Corrections:Imola KELEMEN, Patricia TODORAN



© Tibor-Tamás Daróczi, Adrian Ursuţiu, 2015

First published 2015


Editura Mega | www.edituramega.ro e-mail: [email protected]

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României DARÓCZI, TIBOR-TAMÁS 

 Worship, habitation, refuge : bronze and iron age sites ofthe lower Feneş Valley  / Tibor-Tamás Daróczi, Adrian Ursuţiu ;

 with contributions by Szilárd Sándor Gál andImola Kelemen. - Cluj-Napoca : Mega, 2015

2 vol.ISBN 978-606-543-613-8

 Vol. 1 : Text. - ISBN 978-606-543-614-5

I. Ursuţiu, AdrianII. Gál, Szilárd Sándor (colab.)

III. Kelemen, Imola (colab.)

902(498 Valea Feneşului)

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Contents IPreface III Acknowledgements IV  Abbreviations  V  Journal and series abbreviations  VIList of tables IXList of gures IXList of plates XIIntroduction 1

Chronology  2 Early Bronze Age (EBA) 3 Middle Bronze Age (MBA) 4Late Bronze Age (LBA) 6

Environmental changes in the upper Someşul Mic basin during the later Holocene 9Geomorphology  9Geology and lithology  9

Hydrology  10Flora 10Climate 11

Stolna – Podurile Domneşti  13 The site 13

Research history  14 The features 14 The nds 26

Pottery  27Terracotta  87

 Metals  88Bronze  88Iron  89

Lithics  90Bone  91

Possible incineration burials  91Human remains (by Szilárd Sándor Gál) 91 Animal remains (by Imola Kelemen) 92

Glass  93Catalogue of features and nds 94

Stolna – Băştioara  233 The site 233

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Research history  233 The features 234 The nds 234

Pottery  235Terracotta  252Lithics  252Bone  252

Catalogue of features and nds 253Stolna – Şesurile Rele  269

 The site 269Research history  270

 The features 270 The nds 271

Pottery  271

Catalogue of features and nds285

Luna de Sus – Râpa Dracului  297 The site 297

Research history  297 The features 298 The nds 298

Pottery  298Catalogue of features and nds 309

Comparative analysis of the pottery from the sites of the lower Feneş valley 317 Appendix 1 – Ascending list of inventory numbers and associated features 335

 Appendix 2 – List of geological abbreviations 351 Appendix 3 – Seriation of features from the sites of the lower Feneş valley  353 Appendix 4 – Seriation of pottery shapes from the sites of the lower Feneş valley  361 Appendix 5 – Seriation of pottery decorations from the sites of the lower Feneş valley  371Bibliography 379

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 The present work represents something of a milestone in TransylvanianBronze Age studies. Although the sites presented here were only investigated

as a prelude to the building of the Transylvanian motorway west of Cluj, theybeneted from a high quality of recording in the eld, which has made this studypossible. But the study goes much further than anything previously undertakenin its analysis of the nds – principally pottery – from the four sites involved.Not only are the nds charted in unprecedented detail, they are also subjectedto a typological and chronological analysis which will serve as a major referencepoint for all future investigations in west Transylvania – and beyond – for manyyears to come.

 The authors, one of whom was not actually involved in the originalexcavations, have done the archaeological world in Transylvania an immenseservice by this thorough and painstaking study. One might have thought thatthese sites were nothing out of the ordinary, with the exception of a few moreunusual nds like the pyraunoi. Nothing could be further from the truth. This work shows that even apparently “routine” sites can provide a huge amountof information when treated with care and respect. The authors are to becongratulated on a job well done, and a publication that will set the standard forthe future.

  Anthony Harding 

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 A cknowledgements

First of all, we would like to thank the editors of the Patrimonium Archaeologicum Transylvanicumseries, for supporting the publication of the excavations and materials, also for their endurance and helpthroughout the documentation and writing of the present volume. Furthermore, we are grateful to theInstitute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca of the Romanian Academy for the providedinstitutional framework and auspices under which the research was carried out and successfully nalised.

 We would like to thank Ioan Stanciu, Aurel Rustoiu and Florin Gogâltan for the archaeological,eld survey during which the sites published in this volume were identied. The present work would nothave been possible without the valuable eldwork carried out by the members of the above mentioned

institute, Adrian Ursuţiu, Sorin Cociş, Vitalie Bârcă, Aurel Rustoiu and Călin Cosma. Moreover, we arein debt for the excellent excavation and documentation of the archaeological features and well-organisedcollection of the archaeological nds to Alexandru Clinci, Alexandra Cociş, Gelu Copos, Daniela Culic,Kinga Emöke Csécs, Dan Deac, Szabolcs Ferencz, Szilárd Sándor Gál, Alexandra Găvan, Luciana Irimuş,Korneliu Cumurciuc, Sorin Nica, József-Gábor Nagy, Cătălin Popa, Roxana Elena Stăncescu, MalvinkaUrák, Petru Ureche, without whom the present volume could not be published.

 The help offered in the form of the anthropological analysis by Szilárd Sándor Gál, the archaeo-zoological analysis by Imola Kelemen, the compositional analysis of some of the metal nds by GheorghinaOlariu and the useful comments on the geological aspects of some of the nds by Mircea Todoran areowed special thanks, as they elucidated important aspects of the activities, which took place at the sites.Furthermore, we would like to thank Patricia Todoran for the help offered with the digitalisation of maps, Tibor Bader, Mihai Rotea, Rita Németh, József-Gábor Nagy and Attila Nándor Hágó for useful comments

on the nds and general discussions on the material culture of the LBA. Lastly, we would like to thank AurelRustoiu for the help with the literature related to the La Tène period.Deep recognition and appreciation is due to the reviewers of the present volume, Pusztainé

Fischl Klára and Nikolaus G. O. Boroffka, who took the time and effort to provide the authors with usefulsuggestions and corrections, which further improved the quality of the analysis and publication. Further, wedeeply appreciate the time taken by Anthony Harding to read the nal draft of the manuscript and providethe preface.

 We are thankful to Dana Bulzan and Narcisa Şugar for drawing a part of the nds, Adriana Bulbucfor the restoration of the ceramic vessels, and are grateful for the corrections and suggestions on earlierdrafts of the text to Imola Kelemen and Patricia Todoran.

Finally, we would like to thank the staff and many colleagues who facilitated the access to literatureat the Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca of the Romanian Academy, the

Libraries of Ancient History and Art History, Geology, and Plant Physiology of the Babeş-Bolyai University,Cluj-Napoca.

 The authors

Cluj-Napoca July 2015

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 A bbreviations

 ■ - lengths of square sides

 ▼ - a.s.l. elevation

  ↓ - relative depth

  ▌ - lengths of rectangular sides

a.s.l. - above sea level

 AC - activity cluster

 AsC - activity sub-cluster

B - Băştioara

BA  - Bronze AgeCx - feature

DEM - digital elevation model

EBA  - Early Bronze Age

EIA  - Early Iron Age

H - height

IA  - Iron Age

L - length

LBA  - Late Bronze Age

MAT - mean annual temperature

MBA  - Middle Bronze Age

MTC - temperature of coldest month

MTW - temperature of warmest month

NISP - Number of Identied Specimens

Ø - diameter

Øb - base diameter

Ør - rim diameter

Øt - top diameter

PD - Podurile Domneşti

RD - Râpa Dracului

SR  - Şesurile Rele

St - exploratory trenchTh - thickness

Tr - trench

W -  width

WIL -  wide indentation line 

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 Journal and Series A bbreviations

 AB S.N. -  Analele Banatului. Seria Nouă, Timişoara

 ActaArchCarp -  Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, Kraków 

 ActaArchHung -  Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Budapest

 ActaMN  Acta Musei Napocensis, Cluj-Napoca

 ActaMP -  Acta Musei Porolissensis, Zalău

 ActaM-P, Abs. Ser. -  Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, Szeged

 ActaTS -  Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis, Sibiu

 AH: S.N. -  Archaeologia Hungarica: Seria Nova, Budapest

 AJA  -  American Journal of Archaeology. The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America,New York 

 Alba Regia -  Alba Regia. Annales Musei Stephani Regis, Székesfehérvár

 Aluta -  Aluta, Sfântu Gheorghe

 AmAnthrop -  American Anthropologist. Journal of the American Anthropological Association, Malden

 AnatRec -  The Anatomical Record. Ofcial organ of the American Association of Anatomists, New York 

 Angustia -  Angustia. Arheologie, Istorie, Etnograe, Sfântu Gheorghe

 Antiquitas -  Antiquitas: Reihe 3, Abhandlungen zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, zur klassischen undprovinzial-römischen Archäologie, Bonn

 Antiquity -  Antiquity. A Quarterly Review of World Archaeology, York 

 Apulum -  Apulum. Acta Mvsei Apvlensis, Alba Iulia Archaeolingua: S.M. -  Archaeolingua: Series Minor, Budapest

 Archaeometry -  Archaeometry, Oxford

 ArchAustr: Beiheft -  Archaeologia Austriaca: Beiheft. Beiträge zur Paläanthropologie, Ur- und FrühgeschichteÖsterreichs, Wien

 Археологія -  Археологія, Kiev 

 ArchÉrt -  Archaeologiai Értesítő. А Magyar Régészeti, Művészettörténeti és Éremtani Társulat Tudományos Folyóirata, Budapest

 ArchSlov: Mon. -  Archaeologica Slovaca: Monographiae. Communicationes Instituti Archaeologici Nitriensis Academiae Scientiarum Slovacae, Nitra

 ArhMold -  Arheologia Moldovei, Iaşi

 ArhSom S3 -  Arhiva Someşană. Revistă de Istorie şi Cultură. Seria a 3-a, NăsăudBalcanica - Balcanica. Annuaire de l‘Institut des Etudes Balkaniques, Beograd

BAM - Brvkenthal Acta Mvsei, Sibiu

BAR: IS - British Archaeological Reports: International Series, Oxford

BAR: SS - British Archaeological Reports: Supplementary Series, Oxford

BB - Bibliotheca Brukenthal, Sibiu

BCŞS - Buletinul Cercurilor Ştiinţice Studenţeşti, Alba Iulia

BeitUFGArchMittmKultr - Beiträge zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie des Mittelmeer-Kulturraumes, Bonn

BHAB Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Banatica, Timişoara

BibArh - Biblioteca de Arheologie, Bucureşti

BibMarm - Bibliotheca Marmatia, Baia Mare

BibThrac - Bibliotheca Thracologica, BucureştiBIS: PI - Balkanološki Institut Sanu: Posebna Izdanja, Beograd

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BMA  - Bibliotheca Mvsei Apvlensis, Alba Iulia

BMAntiq - Bibliotheca Memoriae Antiquitatis, Piatra Neamţ

BMB - Biblioteca Muzeului Bistriţa, Bistriţa

BMB: ser. Hist. - Biblioteca Muzeului Bistriţa: Seria Historica, Bistriţa

BMM: SA  - Bibliotheca Musei Marisiensis: Seria Archaeologica, Târgu Mureş

BMNatAnt - Biblioteca Muzeului Naţional de Antichităţi, BucureştiBMP - Bibliotheca Mvsei Porolissensis, Zalău

BMS - Bibliotheca Mvsei Sabesiensis, Sebeş

BS - Bibliotheca Septemcastrensis, Sibiu

BSA  -  The Annual of the British School at Athens, London/Athína

BTMM - Budapest Történelmi Múzeum Műhely, Budapest

BUA  - Bibliotheca Universitatis Apulensis, Alba Iulia

Bull. Soc. préhist. fr. - Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, Paris

CCDJ - Cultură şi Civilizaţie la Dunărea de Jos, Călăraşi

CentEuGeo - Central European Geology, Budapest

CFI - Ceramic Forum International. Berichte der deutschen keramischen Gesellschaft, Baden-

BadenColHist - Colectia Historia, Timişoara

CommArchHung - Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae, Budapest

Crisia - Crisia, Oradea

CsSzMÉ -  A Csíki Székely Múzeum Évkönyve, Miercurea-Ciuc

Dacia N.S. - Dacia. Revue d’archéologie et d’historie ancienne. Nouvelle Série, Bucureşti

DDMÉ -  A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve. Annales Musei Debreceniensis de Friderico Dérinominati, Debrecen

DolgCluj - Dolgozatok az Erdélyi Nemzeti Múzeum Érem- és Régiségtárából, Cluj-Napoca

EphemNap - Ephemeris Napocensis, Cluj-Napoca

EJA  -  Journal of European Archaeology (1993-1997)/European Journal of Archaeology (1998- ).

 Journal of the European Association of Archaeologists, Aldershot/LeedsERK  - Erdővidéki Régészeti Közlemények. A Dobó-Valál Egyesület Kiadványa, Baraolt

FAH - Fontes Archaeologici Hungariae, Budapest

FilIst - File de Istorie. Culegere de Studii, Articole şi Comunicări, Bistriţa

FolArch - Folia Archaeologica. A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum (Történelmi Múzeumának) Évkönyve/ Annales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, Budapest

Germania - Germania. Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Darmstadt

HOMÉ -  A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyvei, Miskolc

Homo - Homo. Journal of Comparative Human Biology; ofcial organ of the Australasian Societyfor Human Biology, Amsterdam/Jena

Int J Osteoarchaeol-

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, ChichesterIntArch - Internationale Archäologie, Rahden/Westf.

IntArch: Stud. Hon. - Internationale Archäologie: Studia Honoraria, Rahden/Westf.

IntdiscContrArch - Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology, New York/London

IPH - Inventaria Praehistorica Hungariae, Budapest

 JBiogeogr -  Journal of Biogeography, Oxford

 JLS -  Journal of Lithic Studies, Edinburgh

KözlCluj - Közlemények az Erdélyi Nemzeti Múzeum, Érem- és Régiségtárából, Cluj-Napoca

MAGW - Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, Wien

MAInstUngAk: Beiheft - Mitteilungen des Archäologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften:Beiheft, Budapest

Marisia - Marisia. Studii şi Materiale, Târgu MureşMarmatia - Marmatia, Baia Mare

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MN - Magyar Néprajz, Budapest

MCA  - Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice, Bucureşti

MFMÉ -  A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve, Szeged

MFMÉ: StudArch -  A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyvei: Studia Archaeologica, Szeged

MonAkadHD - Monographien/Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften; InternationaleInterakademische Kommission für die Erforschung der Vorgeschichte des Balkans,Heidelberg 

MonArch - Monumenta Archaeologica, Beograd

MSzTERT - Monográák a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Régészeti Tanszékéről, Szeged

NDA  - New Directions in Archaeology, Cambridge

NyJAMÉ -  A Nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum Évkönyve, Nyíregyháza

OJA  - Oxford Journal of Archaeology, Oxford


- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Amsterdam

PAS - Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa, Berlin

PAT - Patrimonium Archaeologicum Transylvanicum, Cluj-Napoca

PBF - Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Münster

PM - Prehistory Monographs, Philadelphia

PZ - Prähistorische Zeitschrift, Berlin

QuatScieRev  - Quaternary Science Reviews. The International Multidisciplinary Research and Review Journal, Amsterdam

RBpA  - Regensburger Beiträge zur prähistorischen Archäologie, Regensburg 

RégFüz - Régészeti Füzetek, Budapest

RevBist - Revista Bistriţei, Bistriţa

RJA  - Romanian Journal of Archaeology, Bucureşti

SapKönyv  - Sapientia Könyvek, Cluj-Napoca

Sargetia - Sargetia. Acta Mvsei Devensis, Deva

Sargetia S.N.-

Sargetia Seria Nouă. Acta Musei Devensis, DevaSBA  - Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, Saarbrücken

SCIV(A) - Studii şi Cercetări de Istorie Veche (şi Arheologie), Bucureşti

SlovArch - Slovenská Archeológia, Nitra

StudComEtno-Ist - Studii şi Comunicări de Etnograe-Istorie (1975-1985), Tibiscum. Studii şi Comunicări deEtnograe-Istorie (1986-), Caransebeş

StudComSM - Studii şi Comunicări Satu Mare, Satu Mare

StudComSB - Studii şi Comunicări Sibiu (1956-1958, 1967)/Studii şi Comunicări Sibiu. Arheologie-Istorie(1965, 1969-1981), Sibiu

SZAKGSMR  - Schriften des Zentrums für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des Schwarzmeerraumes,Berlin

SympThrac - Sympozia Thracologica, Bucureşti

TechBeitArch -  Technische Beiträge zur Archäologie, Mainz/Bonn

Terra Sebus -  Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis, Sebeş

The Holocene -  The Holocene. A Major Interdisciplinary Journal Focusing on Recent EnvironmentalChange, London

ThesAntiqTrans: Praehist. -  Thesaurus Antiquitatum Transsilvanicarum – Praehistorica, Cluj-Napoca

ThrDac -  Thraco-Dacica, Bucureşti

Tisicum -  Tisicum. A Jász-Nagykun- Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyvei (1993-), Szolnok 

TMOM -  Travaux de la Maison de l‘Orient et de la Méditerranée, Lyon

TransRev  -  Transylvanian Review, Cluj-Napoca

UpA  - Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, Bonn

 VAH -  Varia Archaeologica Hungarica, Budapest

 VorFor -  Vorgeschichtliche Forschungen, Berlin

WPZ -  Wiener Prähistorische Zeitschrift, Wien

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List of


Table 1 - Climate and humidity changes in the Holocene in Transylvania

Table 2 - Compositional analysis of metallic nds from featrues CxPD 005, CxPD 122B, CxPD205 and CxPD 221

Table 3 - Macroscopic analysis of incineration

Table 4 -  The weight of the bones indicates the age of the individual

Table 5 - Species and amounts of animal bones

Table 6 -  Amounts and types of determined bone fragments from cattle

List of Figures

Figure A  - ‘Eye’-bead (inv. no. 3921)

Figure 1 - Chronological relation of ne wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 2 - Chronological relation of semi-ne wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti Figure 3 - Chronological relation of coarse wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 4 - Chronological relation of slipped wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 5 - Relations of jar shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 6 - Relations of amphora shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 7 - Relations of pot shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 8 - Relations of jug/juglet shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 9 - Relations of bowl shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 10 - Relations of bowl shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 11 - Relations of dish shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 12 - Relations of cup shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 13 - Relations of tumbler shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 14 - Relations of strainer-lid shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 15 - Relations of lid shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 16 - Relations of incense burner shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 17 - Relations of pyraunos shapes and wares at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 18 - Positions of grooved decorations at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 19 - Positions of incised decorations at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 20 - Positions of incised decorations at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 21 - Positions of excised decorations at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 22 - Positions of stamped decorations at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 23 - Positions of stitched decorations at the site of Podurile Domneşti Figure 24 - Positions of impressed decorations at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 25 - Positions of embossed (knob) decorations at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

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Figure 26 - Positions of embossed (knob) decorations at the site of Podurile Domneşti 

Figure 27 - Chronological relation of ne wares at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 28 - Chronological relation of semi-ne wares at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 29 - Chronological relation of slipped wares at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 30 - Relations of jar shapes and wares at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 31 - Relations of amphora shapes and wares at the site of Băştioara Figure 32 - Relations of jug/juglet shapes and wares at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 33 - Relations of bowl shapes and wares at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 34 - Relations of dish shapes and wares at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 35 - Positions of grooved decorations at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 36 - Positions of incised decorations at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 37 - Positions of impressed decorations at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 38 - Positions of embossed decorations at the site of Băştioara 

Figure 39 - Chronological relation of ne wares at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 40 - Chronological relation of semi-ne wares at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 41 - Chronological relation of semi-ne wares at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 42 - Relations of jar shapes and wares at the site of Şesurile ReleFigure 43 - Relations of amphora shapes and wares at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 44 - Relations of jug/juglet shapes and wares at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 45 - Relations of bowl shapes and wares at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 46 - Relations of dish shapes and wares at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 47 - Positions of grooved decorations at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 48 - Positions of incised decorations at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 49 - Positions of excised decorations at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 50 - Positions of stamped decorations at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 51 - Positions of stitched decorations at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 52 - Positions of impressed decorations at the site of Şesurile ReleFigure 53 - Positions of embossed decorations at the site of Şesurile Rele

Figure 54 - Chronological relation of semi-ne wares at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 55 - Chronological relation of slipped wares at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 56 - Relations of jar shapes and wares at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 57 - Relations of amphora shapes and wares at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 58 - Relations of jug/juglet shapes and wares at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 59 - Relations of bowl shapes and wares at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 60 - Relations of dish shapes and wares at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 61 - Positions of grooved decorations at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 62 - Positions of grooved decorations at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 63 - Positions of grooved decorations at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 64 - Positions of grooved decorations at the site of Râpa Dracului 

Figure 65 - Distribution of burnished and slipped wares from the sites of the lower Feneş valley 

Figure 66 - Distribution of ne and graphite wares from the sites of the lower Feneş valley 

Figure 67 - Distribution of semi-ne wares from the sites of the lower Feneş valley 

Figure 68 - Distribution of coarse and slipped wares from the sites of the lower Feneş valley 

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Plate 30 - Plans and sections of CxPD 128 – CxPD 135Plate 31 - Plans and sections of CxPD 136 – CxPD 139Plate 32 - Plans and sections of CxPD 140 – CxPD 146Plate 33 - Plans and sections of CxPD 147 – CxPD 152Plate 34 - Plans and sections of CxPD 153 – CxPD 156

Plate 35 - Plans and sections of CxPD 157 – CxPD 159Plate 36 - Plans and sections of CxPD 160 – CxPD 163Plate 37 - Plans and sections of CxPD 164 – CxPD 170Plate 38 - Plans and sections of CxPD 171 – CxPD 175Plate 39 - Plans and sections of CxPD 176 – CxPD 179Plate 40 - Plans and sections of CxPD 180 – CxPD 184Plate 41 - Plans and sections of CxPD 185 – CxPD 189Plate 42 - Plans and sections of CxPD 190 – CxPD 195Plate 43 - Plans and sections of CxPD 196 – CxPD 199Plate 44 - Plans and section of CxPD 200Plate 45 - Plans and sections of CxPD 201, CxPD 202, CxPD 204 – CxPD 207

Plate 46 - Plans and sections of CxPD 208 – CxPD 210Plate 47 - Plans and sections of CxPD 211 and CxPD 213Plate 48 - Plans and sections of CxPD 214 – CxPD 217Plate 49 - Plans and sections of CxPD 218 – CxPD 220Plate 50 - Plans and sections of CxPD 221 and CxPD 222Plate 51 - Plans and sections of CxPD 223 – CxPD 226Plate 52 -  Views of CsPD 005, CsPD 007, CsPD 009, CsPD 011, CsPD 014, CsPD 021, CsPD 026

Plate 53 -  Views of CxPD 003 – CxPD 007 and CxPD 009Plate 54 -  Views of CxPD 010 – CxPD 013Plate 55 -  Views of CxPD 014 – CxPD 017

Plate 56 -  Views of CxPD 018 – CxPD 021Plate 57 -  Views of CxPD 021 – CxPD 025Plate 58 -  Views of CxPD 025 – CxPD 028A-BPlate 59 -  Views of CxPD 028B – CxPD 032Plate 60 -  Views of CxPD 032 – CxPD 037Plate 61 -  Views of CxPD 038 – CxPD 041Plate 62 -  Views of CxPD 041 – CxPD 045Plate 63 -  Views of CxPD 045 – CxPD 048Plate 64 -  Views of CxPD 049 – CxPD 052Plate 65 -  Views of CxPD 052 – CxPD 057Plate 66 -  Views of CxPD 057 – CxPD 061

Plate 67 -  Views of CxPD 061 – CxPD 064Plate 68 -  Views of CxPD 065 – CxPD 070Plate 69 -  Views of CxPD 071 – CxPD 075Plate 70 -  Views of CxPD 076 – CxPD 078 and CxPD 100Plate 71 -  Views of CxPD 078 – CxPD 082Plate 72 -  Views of CxPD 083 – CxPD 086Plate 73 -  Views of CxPD 086 – CxPD 090Plate 74 -  Views of CxPD 091 – CxPD 094Plate 75 -  Views of CxPD 095 – CxPD 099Plate 76 -  Views of CxPD 101 – CxPD 105Plate 77 -

 Views of CxPD 105 –

CxPD 109Plate 78 -  Views of CxPD 108 – CxPD 111Plate 79 -  Views of CxPD 111 – CxPD 115

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Plate 80 -  Views of CxPD 115 – CxPD 119Plate 81 -  Views of CxPD 119 – CxPD 123Plate 82 -  Views of CxPD 123 – CxPD 127Plate 83 -  Views of CxPD 128 – CxPD 131Plate 84 -  Views of CxPD 132 – CxPD 136

Plate 85 -  Views of CxPD 136 – CxPD 139Plate 86 -  Views of CxPD 140 – CxPD 143Plate 87 -  Views of CxPD 143 – CxPD 146Plate 88 -  Views of CxPD 147 – CxPD 150Plate 89 -  Views of CxPD 151 – CxPD 154Plate 90 -  Views of CxPD 155 – CxPD 158Plate 91 -  Views of CxPD 158 – CxPD 161Plate 92 -  Views of CxPD 162 – CxPD 165Plate 93 -  Views of CxPD 166 – CxPD 170Plate 94 -  Views of CxPD 170 – CxPD 173Plate 95 -  Views of CxPD 174 – CxPD 177

Plate 96 -  Views of CxPD 177 – CxPD 180Plate 97 -  Views of CxPD 181 – CxPD 184Plate 98 -  Views of CxPD 185 – CxPD 189Plate 99 -  Views of CxPD 188 – CxPD 193Plate 100 -  Views of CxPD 193 – CxPD 197Plate 101 -  Views of CxPD 198 – CxPD 202Plate 102 -  Views of CxPD 202 – CxPD 208Plate 103 -  Views of CxPD 208 – CxPD 211Plate 104 -  Views of CxPD 213 – CxPD 215Plate 105 -  Views of CxPD 216 – CxPD 219

Plate 106 -  Views of CxPD 219 – CxPD 222Plate 107 -  Views of CxPD 223 – CxPD 226Plate 108 - Finds from CsPD 001

Plate 109 - Finds from CsPD 001

Plate 110 - Finds from CsPD 004

Plate 111 - Finds from CsPD 004

Plate 112 - Finds from CsPD 005

Plate 113 - Finds from CsPD 006 and CsPD 007

Plate 114 - Finds from CsPD 008

Plate 115 - Finds from CsPD 009

Plate 116 - Finds from CsPD 009, CsPD 012 – CsPD 014

Plate 117 - Finds from CsPD 016, CsPD 020 and CsPD 021Plate 118 - Finds from CsPD 022 – CsPD 024

Plate 119 - Finds from CsPD 026

Plate 120 - Finds from CxPD 001Plate 121 - Finds from CxPD 003Plate 122 - Finds from CxPD 004 and CxPD 005Plate 123 - Finds from CxPD 006Plate 124 - Finds from CxPD 006Plate 125 - Finds from CxPD 007 – CxPD 011Plate 126 - Finds from CxPD 013 – CxPD 015Plate 127 - Finds from

CxPD 016,CxPD 017

 andCxPD 020Plate 128 - Finds from CxPD 021, CxPD 023, CxPD 025 and CxPD 031

Plate 129 - Finds from CxPD 032

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Plate 130 - Finds from CxPD 033, CxPD 036, CxPD 037, CxPD 039, CxPD 043, CxPD 044 and CxPD 046Plate 131 - Finds from CxPD 048, CxPD 052, CxPD 055, CxPD 059 and CxPD 060Plate 132 - Finds from CxPD 061Plate 133 - Finds from CxPD 062Plate 134 - Finds from CxPD 062

Plate 135 - Finds from CxPD 062Plate 136 - Finds from CxPD 062Plate 137 - Finds from CxPD 063 and CxPD 076Plate 138 - Finds from CxPD 078 and CxPD 082Plate 139 - Finds from CxPD 083 and CxPD 085Plate 140 - Finds from CxPD 087 and CxPD 088Plate 141 - Finds from CxPD 090Plate 142 - Finds from CxPD 090, CxPD 093, CxPD 095, CxPD 099 and CxPD 100Plate 143 - Finds from CxPD 101Plate 144 - Finds from CxPD 105 – CxPD 108Plate 145 - Finds from CxPD 109

Plate 146 - Finds from CxPD 109Plate 147 - Finds from CxPD 109Plate 148 - Finds from CxPD 109Plate 149 - Finds from CxPD 109Plate 150 - Finds from CxPD 109Plate 151 - Finds from CxPD 109Plate 152 - Finds from CxPD 109Plate 153 - Finds from CxPD 110Plate 154 - Finds from CxPD 110Plate 155 - Finds from CxPD 112 and CxPD 115

Plate 156 - Finds from CxPD 116Plate 157 - Finds from CxPD 116Plate 158 - Finds from CxPD 119 and CxPD 120Plate 159 - Finds from CxPD 122A  and CxPD 122BPlate 160 - Finds from CxPD 122B and CxPD 123Plate 161 - Finds from CxPD 124Plate 162 - Finds from CxPD 124Plate 163 - Finds from CxPD 124Plate 164 - Finds from CxPD 124Plate 165 - Finds from CxPD 125 – CxPD 127Plate 166 - Finds from CxPD 129, CxPD 131, CxPD 134 and CxPD 136

Plate 167 - Finds from CxPD 137 and CxPD 138Plate 168 - Finds from CxPD 140, CxPD 143 and CxPD 146Plate 169 - Finds from CxPD 146 and CxPD 147Plate 170 - Finds from CxPD 151, CxPD 154 and CxPD 155A Plate 171 - Finds from CxPD 156, CxPD 157 and CxPD 159Plate 172 - Finds from CxPD 160Plate 173 - Finds from CxPD 161, CxPD 163 – CxPD 166Plate 174 - Finds from CxPD 168, CxPD 169 and CxPD 171Plate 175 - Finds from CxPD 172, CxPD 174 – CxPD 176Plate 176 - Finds from CxPD 177, CxPD 179 – CxPD 181Plate 177 - Finds from

CxPD 182Plate 178 - Finds from CxPD 182Plate 179 - Finds from CxPD 182

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Plate 180 - Finds from CxPD 182Plate 181 - Finds from CxPD 182Plate 182 - Finds from CxPD 182Plate 183 - Finds from CxPD 185, CxPD 186, CxPD 189 and CxPD 192Plate 184 - Finds from CxPD 194 – CxPD 197

Plate 185 - Finds from CxPD 200 and CxPD 204Plate 186 - Finds from CxPD 205, CxPD 207 and CxPD 208Plate 187 - Finds from CxPD 209 – CxPD 211, CxPD 213, CxPD 214, CxPD 217 – CxPD 220Plate 188 - Finds from CxPD 221Plate 189 - Finds from CxPD 221Plate 190 - Finds from CxPD 223 – CxPD 226Plate 191 - Finds from PassimPDPlate 192 - Finds from PassimPDPlate 193 - Finds from PassimPDPlate 194 - Finds from StPD I – StPD III

Plate 195 -  Topographic map of Stolna – Băştioara  site

Plate 196 - Plans and sections of CxB 001 – CxB 007 and CxB 009Plate 197 -  Views of CxB 001 – CxB 003Plate 198 -  Views of CxB 004 – CxB 006Plate 199 -  Views of CxB 007 and CxB 009Plate 200 - Finds from CxB 001Plate 201 - Finds from CxB 003Plate 202 - Finds from CxB 003Plate 203 - Finds from CxB 003Plate 204 - Finds from CxB 003Plate 205 - Finds from CxB 003

Plate 206 - Finds from CxB 003Plate 207 - Finds from CxB 003Plate 208 - Finds from CxB 003Plate 209 - Finds from CxB 003Plate 210 - Finds from CxB 003Plate 211 - Finds from CxB 004Plate 212 - Finds from CxB 005 and CxB 006Plate 213 - Finds from CxB 008Plate 214 - Finds from CxB 009Plate 215 - Finds from CxB 009Plate 216 -  Topographic map of Stolna – Şesurile Rele  site

Plate 217 - Plans and sections of CxSR 001 – CxSR 007Plate 218 - Plans and sections of CxSR 008 and CxSR 009Plate 219 - Plans and sections of CxSR 010 – CxSR 019Plate 220 - Plans and sections of CxSR 020 – CxSR 029Plate 221 - Plans and sections of CxSR 030 – CxSR 036Plate 222 - Plan and section of CxSR 037Plate 223 - Plans and sections of CxSR 038 – CxSR 048Plate 224 - Plans and sections of CxSR 049 – CxSR 056Plate 225 -  Views of CxSR 001 – CxSR 003Plate 226 -  Views of CxSR 004 – CxSR 006Plate 227 -

 Views of CxSR 007 –

CxSR 009Plate 228 -  Views of CxSR 008 – CxSR 009Plate 229 -  Views of CxSR 010 – CxSR 013

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Plate 230 -  Views of CxSR 014 – CxSR 017Plate 231 -  Views of CxSR 018 – CxSR 021Plate232 -  Views of CxSR 022 – CxSR 024, CxSR 026 and CxSR 027Plate 233 -  Views of CxSR 028 – CxSR 031Plate 234 -  Views of CxSR 032 – CxSR 035

Plate 235 -  Views of CxSR 036 – CxSR 038Plate 236 -  Views of CxSR 039 – CxSR 042Plate 237 -  Views of CxSR 043 – CxSR 046Plate 238 -  Views of CxSR 047 – CxSR 050Plate 239 -  Views of CxSR 051 – CxSR 054Plate 240 -  Views of CxSR 054 – CxSR 056Plate 241 - Finds from CxSR 031Plate 242 - Finds from CxSR 037Plate 243 - Finds from CxSR 037Plate 244 - Finds from CxSR 037Plate 245 - Finds from CxSR 037

Plate 246 - Finds from CxSR 037Plate 247 - Finds from CxSR 037Plate 248 - Finds from CxSR 050, CxSR 054 and CxSR 055Plate 249 -  Topographic map of Luna de Sus – Râpa Dracului  site

Plate 250 -  Western section of TrRD 001 and eastern section of TrRD 002Plate 251 - Plan of palisade, sections of PrRD 001 and PrRD 002Plate 252 - Plans and sections of CxRD 001 and CxRD 002Plate 253 -  Views of RD site

Plate 254 -  Views of CxRD 001 and CxRD 002Plate 255 -  Views of palisade, PrRD 001 and PrRD 002

Plate 256 -  Views of TrRD 001Plate 257 - Finds from PassimRDPlate 258 - Finds from PassimRDPlate 259 - Finds from PassimRDPlate 260 - Finds from PassimRDPlate 261 - Finds from PassimRDType plate 1 -  Jars

Type plate 2 -  Jars

Type plate 3 -  Jars

Type plate 4 -  Amphorae

Type plate 5 -  Amphorae

Type plate 6 - PotsType plate 7 -  Jugs and juglets

Type plate 8 -  Jugs and juglets

Type plate 9 - Bowls

Type plate 10 - Bowls

Type plate 11 - Bowls

Type plate 12 - Deep dishes

Type plate 13 - Deep dishes

Type plate 14 - Lobed dishes

Type plate 15 - Dishes, shallow dishes, cups and tumblers

Type plate 16-

 Wagon model, funnel, strainers, strainer-lids and lidsType plate 17 - Incense burners and pyraunoi

Type plate 18 - Grooved decorations

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Type plate 19 - Grooved decorations

Type plate 20 - Grooved and incised decorations

Type plate 21 - Incised decorations

Type plate 22 - Incised decorations

Type plate 23 - Incised decorations

Type plate 24 - Incised and excised decorationsType plate 25 - Stamped decorations

Type plate 26 - Stitched decorations

Type plate 27 - Impressed decorations

Type plate 28 - Impressed and embossed (knob) decorations

Type plate 29 - Embossed (band) decorations

Type plate 30 - Embossed (band) decorations

Type plate 31 - Codes for positions of decorations

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 Tibor-Tamás Daróczi • Adrian Ursuţiu




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 Volume 8


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 Volume IIPlates

 Tibor-Tamás Daróczi • Adrian Ursuţiu

 with contributions by Szilárd Sándor Gál and Imola Kelemen





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Front cover:DEM of the lower Feneş valley, © Tibor-Tamás DARÓCZI

 Type setting: Tibor-Tamás DARÓCZI, Francisc BAJA

Drawings: Tibor-Tamás DARÓCZI, Dana BULZAN, Narcisa ŞUGAR 

Corrections:Imola KELEMEN, Patricia TODORAN

Reviewers:Klára PUSZTAINÉ FISCHL, Nikolaus G. O. BOROFFKA

© Tibor-Tamás Daróczi, Adrian Ursuţiu, 2015

First published 2015


Editura Mega | www.edituramega.ro e-mail: [email protected]



Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României DARÓCZI, TIBOR-TAMÁS 

 Worship, habitation, refuge : bronze and iron age sites ofthe lower Feneş Valley  / Tibor-Tamás Daróczi, Adrian Ursuţiu; with contributions by Szilárd Sándor Gáland Imola Kelemen. - Cluj-Napoca : Mega, 2015

2 vol.ISBN 978-606-543-613-8

 Vol. 2 : Plates. - ISBN 978-606-543-615-2

I. Ursuţiu, AdrianII. Gál, Szilárd Sándor (colab.)III. Kelemen, Imola (colab.)

902(498 Valea Feneşului) 

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 Type plate 1


jar 2 (B) jar 3 (RD) jar 4 (RD)

jar 9 (B) jar 11 (B)

jar 1 (B)

jar 10 (B)

jar 14 (B)

jar 13 (B)jar 12 (B)

jar 15 (PD, B)jar 16 (PD)

jar 18 (PD, B)

jar 19 (PD, B)

jar 17 (PD, B)

jar 22 (PD)

jar 20 (PD)jar 21 (PD)

jar 5 (RD) jar 6 (RD) jar 8 (PD)

jar 7 (PD, B, RD)


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jar 27 (PD, SR)

jar 31 (PD)jar 32 (PD) jar 33 (PD, SR)

jar 34 (PD)

jar 35 (PD, SR)jar 36 (PD, B)

jar 37 (PD)

jar 38 (PD)

 Type plate 2


jar 40 (PD)jar 39 (PD) jar 41 (PD)

jar 23 (PD)

jar 30 (PD, SR)

jar 28 (PD, SR)jar 29 (PD)

jar 24 (PD)

jar 25 (PD) jar 26 (PD)


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jar 52 (PD)

jar 51 (PD)

jar 53 (PD)

jar 54 (PD) jar 55 (PD)

jar 56 (PD, B)

jar 60 (PD)

jar 57 (PD)

jar 61 (PD)

jar 58 (PD) jar 59 (PD)

jar 50 (PD)

jar 48 (PD)jar 49 (PD)

jar 46 (PD) jar 47 (PD)

jar 45 (PD)jar 43 (PD) jar 44 (PD, SR)jar 42 (PD)

 Type plate 3



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amphora 1 (B) amphora 4 (RD)amphora 2 (RD) amphora 3 (RD)

amphora 5 (PD, SR, RD) amphora 6 (B) amphora 7 (B)

amphora 8 (B) amphora 9 (B) amphora 10 (B)

amphora 11 (PD, B) amphora 12 (PD) amphora 13 (PD)

amphora 14 (PD)amphora 15 (PD)

amphora 16 (PD, SR)

 Type plate 4



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amphora 17 (PD)

amphora 18 (PD)

amphora 19 (PD)

amphora 20 (PD) amphora 21 (PD)

amphora 22 (PD)amphora 23 (PD) amphora 24 (PD)

amphora 25 (PD)

amphora 34 (PD)amphora 33 (PD)

amphora 32 (PD)

amphora 31 (PD)amphora 30 (PD)amphora 29 (PD)

amphora 28 (PD)amphora 27 (PD)amphora 26 (PD)

 Type plate 5



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 pot 1 (PD) pot 2 (PD)

 pot 3 (PD) pot 4 (PD)

 pot 5 (PD) pot 6 (PD)

 pot 7 (PD)

 pot 8 (PD)

 Type plate 6



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jug 3 (RD) jug 4 (RD)

jug 5 (RD)

jug 2 (RD)jug 1 (RD)

jug 7 (PD, B, RD)

jug 6 (PD, B, RD)

jug 8 (B)

jug 10 (B)

jug 11 (B)

jug 12 (B)

jug 9 (B) jug 13 (PD, B)

jug 19 (PD)jug 20 (PD)

jug 21 (PD)

jug 23 (PD)

 Type plate 7

 Jugs and juglets

jug 22 (PD, SR)

jug 18 (SR)

jug 14 (PD, B) jug 15 (PD, B)

jug 16 (PD, B)

jug 17 (PD, B)


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jug 25 (PD)  jug 26 (PD, SR) jug 27 (PD) jug 28 (PD) jug 29 (PD)

jug 30 (PD) jug 31 (PD) jug 32 (PD) jug 33 (PD) jug 34 (PD)

jug 35 (PD)

jug 36 (PD)

jug 37 (PD)

jug 38 (PD) jug 39 (PD)

jug 40 (PD) jug 42 (PD)jug 44 (PD, RD)

jug 41 (PD)jug 43 (PD)

jug 45 (PD)

jug 46 (PD) jug 47 (RD)jug 49 (PD)jug 48 (PD)

jug 50 (PD)

jug 58 (PD)jug 57 (B)jug 56 (PD)

jug 53 (PD)jug 52 (PD)jug 51 (B)

jug 54 (PD)

jug 55 (PD)

 Type plate 8

 Jugs and juglets


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bowl 1 (B) bowl 2 (B) bowl 3 (RD)

bowl 5 (RD) bowl 7 (RD)bowl 6 (RD)bowl 4 (RD) bowl 8 (B)

bowl 13 (B, RD)

bowl 10 (B)bowl 9 (B)

bowl 14 (B)

bowl 15 (B)

bowl 11 (B)

bowl 12 (B)

bowl 16 (PD, B)

bowl 17 (PD, B) bowl 18 (PD)

bowl 24 (SR)

bowl 20 (PD)bowl 19 (SR)

bowl 22 (PD, SR)bowl 21 (SR)

bowl 23 (SR) bowl 26 (SR)

bowl 27 (PD)

bowl 25 (PD)

bowl 28 (PD) bowl 29 (PD)

 Type plate 9


bowl 30 (PD)


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bowl 34 (PD, SR)

bowl 35 (PD) bowl 36 (PD, SR, RD)

bowl 41 (PD)

bowl 38 (PD, SR)bowl 37 (PD, SR)

bowl 39 (PD, B) bowl 40 (PD, SR)bowl 42 (PD)

bowl 44 (PD) bowl 45 (PD, B) bowl 46 (PD, SR)

bowl 47 (PD) bowl 49 (PD) bowl 51 (PD)

bowl 50 (PD)bowl 48 (PD) bowl 52 (PD) bowl 54 (PD)

bowl 55 (PD)bowl 53 (PD)

bowl 56 (PD)

bowl 43 (PD, SR)

bowl 58 (PD)

bowl 59 (PD)

bowl 57 (PD)

bowl 60 (PD)

bowl 61 (PD) bowl 62 (PD)bowl 64 (PD)

bowl 63 (PD)

 Type plate 10


bowl 33 (PD)bowl 32 (PD)bowl 31 (PD)


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bowl 90 (B)bowl 92 (PD)bowl 91 (PD)

bowl 93 (PD)

bowl 97 (B)bowl 96 (PD)bowl 94 (PD) bowl 95 (PD)

bowl 89 (PD)

bowl 83 (PD)

deep bowl 88 (PD)

bowl 86 (PD)

bowl 85 (PD) bowl 87 (PD, RD)

bowl 81 (PD)bowl 80 (PD)

bowl 84 (PD)

bowl 82 (PD)

bowl 79 (PD)

bowl 76 (PD)

bowl 78 (PD)bowl 77 (PD)

bowl 75 (PD)bowl 72 (PD)

bowl 69 (PD)

bowl 71 (PD) bowl 73 (PD)

bowl 70 (PD)bowl 68 (PD)bowl 66 (PD)

bowl 65 (PD) bowl 67 (PD)

bowl 74 (PD)

 Type plate 11



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deep dish 1 (RD)deep dish 2 (RD)

deep dish 3 (RD)

deep dish 4 (RD)deep dish 5 (RD)

deep dish 7 (B)

deep dish 10 (B)

deep dish 6 (B)

deep dish 9 (B)

deep dish 11 (PD)

deep dish 8 (B)

deep dish 12 (PD)

deep dish 14 (PD, SR)

deep dish 16 (SR)deep dish 15 (PD)

deep dish 13 (PD)

deep dish 18 (SR)

deep dish 17 (PD)

 Type plate 12

Deep dishes

deep dish 19 (PD) deep dish 20 (PD)


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deep dish 22 (PD, SR)

deep dish 21 (PD)

deep dish 24 (PD)

deep dish 25 (PD, SR) deep dish 26 (PD)

deep dish 38 (PD)deep dish 36 (B) deep dish 37 (PD)

deep dish 23 (PD, SR)

deep dish 28 (PD)

deep dish 29 (PD)

deep dish 27 (PD)

deep dish 35 (PD)

deep dish 34 (PD)

deep dish 33 (PD)

deep dish 30 (PD)

deep dish 31 (PD) deep dish 32 (PD)

 Type plate 13

Deep dishes


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lobed dish 11 (PD)lobed dish 10 (PD)

lobed dish 9 (PD, SR)lobed dish 8 (PD)

lobed dish 6 (PD)lobed dish 7 (PD, B, SR)

lobed dish 1 (B) lobed dish 2 (SR)

lobed dish 3 (PD) lobed dish 4 (PD, SR)

lobed dish 5 (PD)

 Type plate 14

Lobed dishes


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tumbler 1 (PD) tumbler 3 (PD) tumbler 4 (PD)tumbler 2 (PD) tumbler 5 (PD)

cup 9 (PD)

cup 3 (PD)

cup 8 (PD)cup 7 (PD)cup 6 (PD)cup 5 (PD)

cup 4 (PD)cup 1 (PD) cup 2 (PD, B)

shallow dish 3 (PD)shallow dish 2 (PD)shallow dish 1 (PD, B)

dish 3 (PD)

dish 5 (PD) dish 6 (B)

dish 4 (B)

dish 1 (PD)

dish 2 (PD)

 Type plate 15

Dishes, shallow dishes, cups and tumblers


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lid 1 (PD)

lid 2 (PD)

lid 3 (PD)lid 4 (PD)

lid 5 (PD)

lid 6 (PD)

lid 8 (PD)

lid 7 (PD)

lid 9 (PD)

strainer-lid 1 (PD) strainer-lid 2 (PD)

strainer-lid 3 (SR) strainer-lid 4 (RD)

strainer 2 (SR)

strainer 1 (PD)

funnel 1 (PD) wagon model 1 (PD)

 Type plate 16

 Wagon model, funnel, strainers, strainer-lids and lids


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 pyraunos 3 (PD)

 pyraunos 1 (PD)

 pyraunos 2 (PD)

incense burner 3 (PD)

incense burner 2 (PD)

incense burner 1 (PD)

incense burner 4 (PD, B)

 Type plate 17

Incense burners and pyraunoi


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 Type plate 18

Grooved decorations

narrow flute 6 (SR)

narrow flute 12 (SR)

narrow flute 13 (SR)

narrow flute 15 (SR)

narrow flute 1 (PD) narrow flute 2 (PD)

narrow flute 8 (PD)

narrow flute 9 (PD, SR, RD)

narrow flute 10 (PD)

narrow flute 11 (PD)

narrow flute 5 (PD)

narrow flute 3 (PD)

narrow flute 7 (PD)

narrow flute 4 (PD)

narrow flute 14 (PD)

flute 1 (PD)

flute 2 (PD)

flute 3 (PD) flute 4 (PD) flute 5 (B) f lute 6 (PD)

flute 7 (B)

flute 8 (B)

flute 9 (PD, B, SR)

flute 10 (PD, B)

flute 11 (PD)

flute 12 (PD)

flute 13 (SR)


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 Type plate 19

Grooved decorations

flute 17 (PD, RD)

flute 14 (PD)

flute 16 (PD)

flute 15 (PD)

flute 18 (B)

flute 19 (PD)

flute 20 (PD)

flute 21 (PD)

flute 22 (PD)

flute 23 (PD)

flute 24 (PD)

flute 25 (SR)

flute 26 (PD)

flute 27 (PD) flute 28 (SR)


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 Type plate 20

Grooved and incised decorations

flute 29 (PD)

flute 30 (PD)

flute 31 (PD)

flute 32 (PD)

broom 2 (PD, SR)broom 1 (PD)

broom 3 (PD) broom 4 (PD, B)

broom 5 (PD, B) comb 1 (PD)

incised line 1 (PD, B, SR, RD)

incised line 2 (PD)

incised line 3 (PD)

incised line 4 (PD)

incisedline 5 (PD)

incisedline 6 (PD, B)

incisedline 7 (PD)

incised line 8 (B)


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 Type plate 21

Incised decorations

incised band 5 (PD)

incised band 2 (PD)

incised band 3 (PD)

incised band 4 (PD)

incised band 1 (PD)

incised band 6 (PD)

incised band 7 (PD)

incised band 8 (PD)

incised band 9 (PD)

incised band 10 (B)

incised band 12 (PD, B)

incised band 11 (B)

incised band 13 (PD, B)

incised band 14 (PD)

incised band 15 (PD)

incised band 16 (PD)

incised band 17 (RD)

incised band 18 (B)

incised band 19 (B, RD)

incised band 20 (PD)

incised band 21 (PD)

incised band 22 (PD)

incised band 23 (PD)

incised band 24 (B)

incised band 25 (B, RD)

incised band 26 (PD)

incised band 27 (PD)

incised band 28 (SR)


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 Type plate 22

Incised decorations

incised band 29 (PD)

incised band 31 (PD)

incised band 30 (PD)

incised band 32 (SR)

incised band 33 (PD)

incised band 34 (PD)

incised band 37 (PD)

incised band 35 (PD, SR)

incised band 36 (PD, B)

incised band 40 (PD)incised band 39 (PD)incised band 38 (PD)


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 Type plate 23

Incised decorations

   i  n  c

   i  s  e   d   b  a  n   d   4   3   (   P   D   )

incised band 44 (PD)   i  n  c

   i  s  e   d   b  a  n   d   4   1   (   P   D   )

   i  n  c

   i  s  e   d   b  a  n   d   4   2   (   P   D   )

incised band 45 (PD)

incised band 46 (PD)

incised band 47 (PD, B) incised band 48 (PD)


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incised band 49 (PD)

incised band 50 (PD)

incised band 51 (B)

incised band 52 (PD)

incised band 53 (B)

incised band 54 (PD)

incised band 55 (B)

 Type plate 24

Incised and excised decorations

excised band 1 (PD)

excised band 7 (PD)

excised band 2 (PD)

excised band 4 (PD)

excised band 3 (PD)

excised band 8 (SR)

excised band 5 (SR)

excised band 6 (SR)


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 Type plate 25

Stamped decorations

stamped band 1 (PD, SR)

stamped band 3 (PD)

stamped band 2 (PD)

stamped band 4 (PD, SR)

stamped band 5 (PD)

stamped band 12 (PD, SR)

stamped band 13 (PD) stamped band 14 (PD)

stamped band 7 (PD)

stamped band 8 (PD)stamped band 6 (PD)

stamped band 10 (PD)

stamped band 11 (PD)stamped band 9 (PD, SR)


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 Type plate 26

Stitched decorations

stitched band 5 (PD)

stitched band 1 (PD, SR)

stitched band 8 (PD)

stitched band 7 (PD)

stitched band 3 (PD)

stitched band 2 (PD, SR)

stitched band 4 (PD)

stitched band 6 (PD)

stitched band 12 (PD)

 WIL 10 (SR)


   I   L   8   (   P   D   )


   I   L   9   (   P   D   )


   I   L   7   (   P   D   )

stitched band 9 (PD, SR)

stitched band 10 (PD)

stitched band 11 (PD)

 WIL 6 (SR)

 WIL 5 (SR)

 WIL 4 (PD)

 WIL 3 (PD)

 WIL 2 (PD)

 WIL 1 (PD)


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 Type plate 27

Impressed decorations

impressed band 1 (PD)

impressed band 2 (PD, B, SR, RD)

impressed band 3 (PD)

impressed band 4 (PD)

impressed band 6 (PD, SR)

impressed band 7 (PD)

impressed band 8 (PD)

impressed band 9 (PD, SR)

impressed band 5 (PD)

impressed band 10 (PD, B, SR, RD)

impressed band 11 (B)

impressed band 12 (PD)

impressed band 13 (B)

impressed band 14 (B)

impressed band 15 (B)

impressed band 16 (PD)

impressed band 17 (PD, B, RD)

impressed band 19 (SR)

impressed band 18 (SR)

impressed band 20 (PD)

impressed band 21 (PD)

impressed band 22 (PD)

impressed band 23 (PD, B)

impressed band 24 (PD, B, SR)

impressed band 25 (B)

finger impression 1 (SR)

impressed band 29 (PD)

impressed band 28 (PD, B)

impressed band 27 (PD)

impressed band 26 (PD, B, RD)

finger impression 2 (PD)


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 Type plate 28

Impressed and embossed (knob) decorations

impressed band 30 (PD, SR)

impressed band 31 (PD)

impressed band 32 (PD)

impressed band 33 (B)

impressied band 34 (SR)

impressed band 35 (PD)

impressed band 36 (PD) impressed band 37 (PD)

knob 1 (PD)

knob 2 (PD)

knob 3 (PD, B)

knob 4 (PD, SR)

knob 5 (PD, B, RD)

knob 6 (PD, SR)

knob 7 (PD)

knob 8 (PD)

knob 9 (PD)

knob 10 (PD)

knob 11 (PD)

knob 12 (PD, SR)

knob 13 (PD)

knob 14 (PD, B, SR, RD)

knob 15 (PD)

knob 16 (PD)

knob 17 (PD, B)

knob 18 (PD)

knob 19 (PD)

knob 20 (PD, B, RD)

knob 21 (PD)

knob 22 (PD, RD)

knob 23 (PD)

knob 24 (PD)

knob 25 (PD)

knob 26 (PD)

knob 27 (PD, RD)

knob 28 (PD)

knob 29 (PD)

knob 30 (B)

knob 31 (B)

knob 32 (B)


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 Type plate 29

Embossed (band) decorations

embossed band 2 (PD, B, SR, RD)

embossed band 3 (PD)

embossed band 4 (PD, SR)

embossed band 1 (RD)

embossed band 5 (RD)

embossed band 6 (PD)

embossed band 7 (PD)

embossed band 8 (PD, B)

embossed band 10 (PD, B, SR, RD)

embossed band 12 (PD)

embossed band 13 (PD)

embossed band 14 (PD, B)

embossed band 9 (PD)

embossed band 15 (PD, SR)

embossed band 11 (PD)

  e  m   b  o

  s  s  e  d

    b  a  n

  d    1   6

    (      P    D    )

e  m  b   o  s  s  e  d     b   a  n  d     1    7      (    P    D   


embossed band 18 (PD)

  e  m   b  o  s  s  e   d   b  a  n   d   1   9   (   R   D   )

  e  m   b  o  s  s  e   d   b  a  n   d   2   0   (   P   D   )

embossed band 21 (B)

embossed band 22 (PD)

embossed band 23 (PD)

embossed band 24 (PD)

embossed band 25 (B)


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 Type plate 30

Embossed (band) decorations

embossed band 26 (PD)

embossed band 27 (PD, B, SR, RD)

embossed band 28 (PD)

embossed band 30 (PD)

embossed band 31 (B)

embossed band 29 (RD)

embossed band 35 (PD)

embossed band 32 (PD)

embossed band 33 (PD)

embossed band 34 (PD)


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 Type plate 31