Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings, Weve made it! Its summer time, yeah!! Im a little excited, if you cant tell. Truth is, its been a real blessing to be able to get outside into Gods beautiful creation for walks during the Stay at Homeperiod here in Minnesota. Taking those daily walks has been good for our dogs, good for seeing several of you (from a distance) and, good for getting in some exercise. Theres just something about being out in Gods good creation that rejuvenates the soul and refreshes the mind. Maybe its all of that nice, fresh, clean air! Maybe you like to work in your garden? Perhaps you like to go hiking or camping? Then again, maybe you spend time up north at your family cabin? Wherever you go this summer, I will suggest two things for your use during your devotional time. Psalm 8 and Hymn #879 in the ELW. Psalm 8 begins and concludes by declaring, O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!Then the psalmist goes on to describe Gods beautiful creation and the part we play in caring for that creation. Read the whole of Psalm 8 when you get the chance this summer. Take a glance also at the classic hymn, For the Beauty of the Earth.The first verse says, For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies: Christ, our God, to thee we raise this our sacrifice of praise.(ELW #879) Spending some time outside, watching nature emerge in all of its glory, is good medicine for all of us. Enjoy this time of year outside being- just being- with your God. God bless and keep you all safe, Pastor Christopher Culuris Pastors Message Pastors Office Hours Due to COVID-19, Pastor Chris has been working from home. Please call him there 507-824-2410 if you wish to speak with him.Contact us Church office 507- 824-2457 [email protected] Pastor Christopher Culuris Parsonage: 507-824-2410 [email protected] Wanamingo Lutheran Church JUNE 2020 Worship 9:00am See page 3 for details

Worship 9:00am Pastor s Message - Wanamingo Lutheran Church 2020 news.pdf · 2020-05-31 · New Business: We further discussed what a return to worship would look like. We can likely

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Page 1: Worship 9:00am Pastor s Message - Wanamingo Lutheran Church 2020 news.pdf · 2020-05-31 · New Business: We further discussed what a return to worship would look like. We can likely

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings,

We’ve made it! It’s summer time, yeah!! I’m a little excited, if you can’t tell. Truth is, it’s been a real blessing to be able to get outside into God’s beautiful creation for walks during the “Stay at Home” period here in Minnesota. Taking those daily walks has been good for our dogs, good for seeing several of you (from a distance) and, good for getting in some exercise. There’s just something about being out in God’s good creation that rejuvenates the soul and refreshes the mind. Maybe it’s all of that nice, fresh, clean air!

Maybe you like to work in your garden? Perhaps you like to go hiking or camping? Then again, maybe you spend time up north at your family cabin? Wherever you go this summer, I will suggest two things for your use during your devotional time. Psalm 8 and Hymn #879 in the ELW. Psalm 8 begins and concludes by declaring, “O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” Then the psalmist goes on to describe God’s beautiful creation and the part we play in caring for that creation. Read the whole of Psalm 8 when you get the chance this summer.

Take a glance also at the classic hymn, “For the Beauty of the Earth.” The first verse says, “For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies: Christ, our God, to thee we raise this our sacrifice of praise.” (ELW #879) Spending some time outside, watching nature emerge in all of its glory, is good medicine for all of us. Enjoy this time of year outside being- just being- with your God.

God bless and keep you all safe,

Pastor Christopher Culuris

Pastor’s Message

Pastor’s Office Hours

Due to COVID-19, Pastor Chris has been working

from home. Please call him there 507-824-2410 if you wish to speak with him.”

Contact us

Church office

507- 824-2457

[email protected]

Pastor Christopher Culuris

Parsonage: 507-824-2410

[email protected]
















Worship 9:00am

See page 3 for details

Page 2: Worship 9:00am Pastor s Message - Wanamingo Lutheran Church 2020 news.pdf · 2020-05-31 · New Business: We further discussed what a return to worship would look like. We can likely

May 14, 2020 (via Zoom)

Present: Pastor Chris Culuris, Matt Thoreson, Karissa Wood, Sue Flotterud, Jean Rugg, Mike Parrett, Tricia Bauer

Absent: Teresa Gullickson

Pastor’s Report: Presented by Pastor Chris via e-mail

Secretary’s Report: Presented by Karissa Wood via e-mail motion to approve by Mike, 2nd by Sue

Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Jean Rugg via e-mail motion to approve by Sue, 2nd by Tricia

Music Fund: 110.00

Memorial Fund: 7,385.11

Building Fund: 5,305.66

Mission Investment Fund: 47,967.68

Old Business:

Gary Windhorst will take over lawn mowing duties this year. Thank you Gary for your help. In Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we will continue to follow guidelines set by the

Minnesota Department of Health as to when services can resume. We discussed possible social distancing measures that we can implement for services if needed.

New Business:

We further discussed what a return to worship would look like. We can likely return when groups of 50 or less are allowed. We will move the first half of summer services to Trinity to better allow for social distancing. The services will be recorded and posted online for those who would feel more comfortable continuing to stay home.

Being that Wanamingo has cancelled 4th of July activities other than fireworks, we will cancel the silent auction this year.

Motion to Adjourn by Karissa, 2nd by Tricia

Respectfully Submitted by Karissa Wood

Page 2



April Finances

Income - Offering $4869.00

Monthly expenses $3424.97

Page 3: Worship 9:00am Pastor s Message - Wanamingo Lutheran Church 2020 news.pdf · 2020-05-31 · New Business: We further discussed what a return to worship would look like. We can likely

Summer Worship

June 7 & 21

July 5 & 19

August 16 & 30

September 6

@ Riverside Park

For services at Riverside Park *Ushers will be stationed to help guide worshipers to where they need to go


• Wear masks to worship

• Practice good social distancing and

• Remain home if you are not feeling well

• We will not shake hands

• Members may choose to either sit in lawn chairs or golf carts with members of their household on the grass or, they may remain in their cars

• We ask that children remain with their family during the Children’s Sermon

*Please see enclosed letter for further details

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Page 4

Please Note:

Stay Connected

All activities are tentative at this point. More information will be provided as it becomes available by email, website and


If we do not currently have your email address and you'd like it entered in Wanamingo Lutheran's database, please email

[email protected] or call the church office at


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our area nursing homes are not allowing visitors. Therefore, Pastor Chris will be postponing his usual monthly visits to our members in nursing homes and our home bound members. We are making this decision out of a sense of caution and a deep care for the well being of our elderly members. Pastor Chris will continue to respond to all emergencies and

will check in with our elderly members over the phone when needed and possible. He will resume visits when the situation stabilizes.

Thanks to Gary Windhorst,

who will be taking over the mowing

this year!

Page 5: Worship 9:00am Pastor s Message - Wanamingo Lutheran Church 2020 news.pdf · 2020-05-31 · New Business: We further discussed what a return to worship would look like. We can likely

May 13, 2020

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.

Live in harmony with one another.

Romans 12:15-16

To the Pastors, Deacons, Leaders and Congregations of Minnesota,

Since we learned of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Minnesota on March 6, through the first stay at home order and its extensions to the moment of our writing today, we have lived in a rapidly changing reality. It has been over two months of transition and exploration, of creativity and innovation, of uncertainty and grief. Circumstances continue to evolve.

We are, as of this writing, still living under Governor Walz’s extended stay at home order. We know even as the current order expires, as is expected on May 18, things will not simply go back to the way they were.

We give thanks for you and all the ways you have remained flexible and faithful, striving to serve your congrega-tions and ministry sites in the midst of this ever-changing reality. We acknowledge that innovation and experimen-tation will continue and that faithful responses may be as varied as the contexts we serve. We know there are mul-tiple precautions to take as new challenges arise. The logistics of gathering when it is safe and wise to do so, the special concerns around singing and communion distribution, the reality that there will be those who desire to par-ticipate that cannot, these are only some of the myriad pieces we consider.

We the six bishops of the ELCA in Minnesota share particular values as we live and lead together - with you in this pandemic reality. We continue to engage with and listen to state and local officials. We look to scientists and epide-miologists to guide our decision making. We keep ever before us a commitment to the wellbeing of our neighbors, those in our congregations, communities and beyond. We remain focused on our shared vocation of proclaiming the gospel.

It is the good news of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, that anchors our hope. As we continue to discern how to enter this next phase of life, we are committed to working together. We know particularities will vary with the speci-ficities of context yet our shared values remain. As more detailed guidance is made available from the CDC and MN Department of Health we will continue to collaborate as we offer best practices in light of our shared values.

As we hold you in prayer, we give God thanks for your faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Bishop Jon Anderson

Southwestern MN Synod

Bishop Tom Aitken

Northeastern MN Synod

Bishop Regina Hassanally

Southeastern MN Synod

Bishop Patricia Lull

Saint Paul Area Synod

Bishop Ann Svennungsen

Minneapolis Area Synod

Bishop Bill Tesch

Northwestern MN Synod

Page 6: Worship 9:00am Pastor s Message - Wanamingo Lutheran Church 2020 news.pdf · 2020-05-31 · New Business: We further discussed what a return to worship would look like. We can likely

May 21, 2020

Dear Leaders and Congregations in Southeastern Minnesota,

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

The realities of COVID-19, Executive Orders, public health and the economy continue to shift and shape our daily lives. All of these pieces impact our life together and our worshipping communities.

In accordance with the governor’s current Executive Order, commonly referred to as Stay Safe MN , I am con-tinuing my recommendation of the ongoing suspension of in-person worship gatherings for gatherings of more than ten (with the exception of Parking Lot Worship services in which people remain in their vehicles). An outline of expected changes for guidance on gatherings from the state of Minnesota can be found here .

At this time the MN Department of Health encourages the use of Parking Lot Worship Services, and guidance specific to this type of service can be found here .

I know many of you are longing to return to your sanctuaries. It is my strong recommendation that you follow all related guidance on safely returning to indoor worship services from the MN Department of Health. This document will be helpful in your long-term planning regarding building use. Also refer to the CDC’s guid-ance on building cleaning. If you have not already, create a team of people who can think through the logis-tics of opening your building so you are ready to do so when it is safe.

While it seems we are still a way off from safely gathering in our buildings, outdoor worship services are a nearer possibility. If you have not already, create a team of people to think through, plan and execute how you might hold worship services outdoors. Keep in mind the use of masks , physical distancing, good hygiene, and staying home when sick are all practices that apply to outdoor services. Remember singing carries higher risks of transmission, and the current recommendation is to refrain from singing when gathered. Take special care as you consider distribution of Holy Communion bearing in mind the associated protocols of physical distancing.

For additional recommendations regarding building use and the specificities of worship services, refer to this document from the ELCA .

I know our inability to physically gather in large numbers is disappointing and unwelcome news for many of you. I too miss the gifts of gathering in our sanctuaries, and I trust the Spirit will continue to do something new.

I am committed to remaining in conversation with the governor’s office and the department of health as we

Page 7: Worship 9:00am Pastor s Message - Wanamingo Lutheran Church 2020 news.pdf · 2020-05-31 · New Business: We further discussed what a return to worship would look like. We can likely

work together to discern what is safe and wise in the midst of an ever-changing reality. I am committed to remaining in conversation with our rostered ministers and congregational leaders as we, too, work together to discern what is safe, wise and good for the church.

My recommendations come out of a deep love for this church, by which I mean you. You are the church and wherever we are, there the church is too. I am deeply grateful for the work of the Spirit among us. I have witnessed the grace and goodness of God pouring out in our congregations, and it is a gift to serve along-side you.

The context in which we live is evolving and our ability to gather in various capacities will continue to evolve. There are things for which we can rightly plan now and many things that lack a clear timeline. We are a people rooted in grace and the hope of Jesus Christ. These are things that do not change. I give thanks that the steadfast love of God endures forever. I give thanks for your leadership, your compassion and your courage. I give thanks that the Spirit is at work among us making all things new.

In Christ,

Bishop Regina Hassanally

Page 8: Worship 9:00am Pastor s Message - Wanamingo Lutheran Church 2020 news.pdf · 2020-05-31 · New Business: We further discussed what a return to worship would look like. We can likely

130 West 3rd Street

P.O.BOX 318

Wanamingo, MN 55983


The Monthly Newsletter of Wanamingo Lutheran

Wanamingo Lutheran Church

A welcoming community of Believers… Warmed by the Spirit, Loved by the Grace of God, Called by Jesus to Serve

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